Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20170707 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20170707

destabilizing activities. >> russians need to know how serious president trump is about holding the line and protecting the united states. >> reporter: the president conceding russia interfered in the elections but not ruling out other bad actors were involved, even suggest president obama may have known about meddling in the 2016 election and did nothing to stop it. >> president trump has recognized that 25 years of diplomacy on north korea has failed. >> reporter: the strongest finger pointing was reserved for north korea with mr. trump making it known severe action is now being considered because of this week's long-range missile test by the rogue nation. >> we know for a fact that sanctions in the past have not worked. >> reporter: the question, what to do about pyongyang, certain to be a major focus of the summit with 20 world leaders on hand and a growing number of protesters upset about the meeting. north korea won't be the only item on the agenda. they're also expected to talk about trade, terrorism, and, of course, climate change, something president trump has disagreed with those other european leaders over. frank, julie. >> lauren blanchard in washington, thank you. governor brown is planning to host a global action summit next year in san francisco. he made that announcement to crowds in germany where president trump is attending the summit. >> yes, i know president trump is trying to get out of the paris agreement but he doesn't speak for the rest of america. we in california and a states all across america believe it is time to act. >> governor brown is attempting to take on a prominent role on the issue of climate change after president trump announced in may that the u.s. would withdraw from the paris climate agreement. that agreement included 200 countries, and many european leaders had urged the president not to back out. brown says next year's summit will bring together leaders of states, city, and businesses from around the world committed to curbing carbon emissions. in san jose over the winter heavy rain caused coyote creek to spill its banks and flood a neighborhood. thousands were forced to evacuate. there were a lot of questions about why it took so long for the city to issue evacuation orders. today a group of people filed claims against the city and county. ktvu's jesse gary has reaction to the legal action. >> they need to take the steps to be sure this doesn't happen again but they also need to address the claims and and take them seriously. >> reporter: flanked by haunting images victims gathered to put city, county, and district officials on notice. the first step before firing a barrage of legal action is being taken with the filing of damage claims. >> i think that this was preventible, and we have seen a lot of evidence that it was, and we need to hold the district and the city to account. >> reporter: a late february downpour became a fight for survival for over 500 south bay households. days of heavy rain and a release of water from anderson reservoir sent thousands of gallons into the coyote creek. the result, chest high flood waters swallowed three neighborhoods causing millions of dollars in damage. >> with us paying our taxes to prevent floods and the city not having a warning system in place, hopefully that will change. hopefully this will bring about change. >> reporter: claimants want restitution for the loss of property. one attorney sees a structured negotiation as an option. the chairman for the district e- mailed a response saying, quote, our hearts go out to everyone who was impact, and the district will give each claim due consideration. the county and city both responded similarly. >> the city received the claims yesterday, and our attorney's office is going to review those, and that's all we can say at this point. >> reporter: those gathered here hope reason will trump legal strategy. >> hopefully we will get some closure. we're on top of the problems rather than kicking them down the road. >> reporter: there are two more informational meetings for people interested in learning how they can file a claim. one is on the 15th of this month, the other the 22nd. the deadline for filing, august 18th, about six months after the fact. in the san jose newsroom, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. google is getting ready to make a donation to help those flood victims. the company plans to donate $100,000 through rebuilding together silicon valley. the money will pay for building supplies. the executive director says the donation from google is going to have a major impact. >> we have been working since the floods, and there's a lot of work still yet to be done for these homes to be safe and healthy. google is investing in the community and seeing the impact that we do to ensure that all of our residents have safe and healthy homes. rebuilding together has been making critical repairs for months, especially tin golden wheel mobile-home park. jackson says the organization usually works on 360 homes a year but this year she says that number has skyrocketed. a man charged with murder in a hit-and-run crash in concord last friday that killed two young boys appeared before a judge today. but instead of a courtroom it all took place inside a hospital. ktvu crime reporter henry lee joins us now. henry, excuse me, my voice is going out, the man was arraigned from his hospital bed. >> reporter: yeah, julie. it is relatively rare but not unheard of, because the defendant was himself injured in the crash. the judge and court came to him. from his bed at highlands hospital in oakland, wilson was formally notified of the charges against him. two counts of murder, hit-and- run, and dui. a judge, prosecutor, defense attorney and bailiff came from contra costa county for the unusual hearing. ktvu spoke to the prosecutor after the brief hearing where cameras were not allowed. no family members were there. >> it went fine. pretty routine. it was a hospital arraignment. the arraignment was put over for two weeks. no plea was entered. >> reporter: wilson is accused of fleeing the scene after he crashed his car with a woman and her two sons inside. the children were killed. >> if you are a parent, you can only begin to imagine how tear i believe the loss is from both sides. just a horrible, horrible thing. >> reporter: the chp, which investigated the case, says wilson has three dui convictions and was again drunk and driving on a suspended license at the time of the deadly crash. and that factored into the d.a.'s decision to charge him with murder and not vehicular manslaughter. >> when somebody intentionally commits an act which they know is inherently dangerous to human life and they go ahead and do that act anyway and, in fact, some loss body dies, it's called implied malice. >> reporter: the boys' mother, who was hurt along with her son, says she hopes wilson will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> thank you for making sure that with these charges, when conviction time comes, there will be justice for my children. >> reporter: in two weeks the court could return to the hospital unless the man's medical condition improves. if that happens he will appear in a courtroom. julie. >> henry, he was injured in that crash, so that's why he was in the hospital, and also do you have any updates on the baby boy? >> reporter: the mother did not want to reveal too much. at one point he was taken off a respirator to breathe on his own but suffered seizures and is back in critical condition. >> what do we know about the suspect's injuries? >> reporter: we tried to ask the prosecutor. he cannot megs anything about that because of medical confidentiality rules. >> henry, thank you. a former security screener at san francisco international airport was sentenced to a year in federal prison today for agreeing to look the other way during a luggage inspection that she was caught at during an undercover sting. 29-year-old jessica scott was sentenced yesterday. her ex-husband was a security supervisor for a private company called covenant aviation security. he pleaded guilty last month to accepting a bribe as a public official. he is set to be sentenced in november. terrifying surveillance video from the los angeles area. it shows a man grabbing a woman and forcing her into a van. coming up next, hear from the person whose camera captured the kidnapping. and south bay trails partially shut down today because of this. if you look close there, yeah, that's a mountain lion. coming up next, where these mountain lions were spotted. and we are tracking some fire activity out there in the winters area. there is a pretty good size fire burning near vacaville. when we come back we are going to talk about some mandatory evacuations in the winters area. we will be talking about that fire news and the heat that is going to continue. we do have more now. we want to show you live pictures from the scene of that winters fire. it is burning in yolo county. right now it is 80 acres that have been blackened. we just learned now that authorities have issued mandatory evacuations. right now highway 128 is closed in that area. we will have more on that fire coming up. police in los angeles county are hoping home security video will help them capture a man who kidnapped a woman in broad daylight. it happened around noon yesterday in the san fernando valley. the neighbor who owns the camera says he is horrified by what he saw. >> it is scary because that could be anybody's daughter, sister, you know, and i just -- i'm glad that i was able to catch it. >> the suspect vehicle is believed to be a light blue chrysler minivan, possibly a town and country. police say they are still searching for both the man and woman. it appears the two know each other but at this time investigators still don't know a possible motive for the kidnapping. big cats are causing concern at a well-known park in the south bay. several hiking trails in san jose's park were closed due to several mountain lion sightings. this video shows one mountain lion that was taken recently near one of those trails. you can see the mountain lion in the middle of the screen. the park's one-way road and south rim trail will be closed at least today and tomorrow. park rangers say they will reassess on saturday and could extend those closures. >> the department, after consultation with the department of fish and wildlife, decided to close the south rim trail and the one-way road and its connectors out of an abundance of caution because of mountain lion sightings. >> rangers have an important safety tip for anyone who encounters a mountain lion. stand tall, face the animal and try to look bigger by waving your arms around. a grass fire damaged a vineyard and destroyed a barn in south livermore this afternoon. there were no reports of any injuries. crews were able to keep those flames from spreading to some nearby homes. the fire was reported shortly before 2:00 near the intersection of east vineyard avenue and vallecitos road. in yolo county near the city of winters a grass fire has caused mandatory evacuations. it has also shut down a portion of highway 128. this is not our camera. just our luck it is not on the fire right now. hopefully it will pan out and we will see the flames. the fire has burned 250 acres. it is burning three miles southwest of winters and east of lake berryessa. at this point it is only 10% contained. again, we apologize, we don't have any control over this helicopter shot. we can only hope here that they will pan over to some of the flames. highway 128 is currently closed at pleasant valley road. no word on when that highway could reopen. there are 250 firefighters right now working on that fire. again, 250 acres burned, only 10% contained. here's some video of that fire that we shot a little bit earlier here. you get some sense of what's going on right there. let's bring in our chief meteorologist bill martin to talk more about the conditions. >> upper 90s, even some low 100s, so it's hot. 128, a lot of folks live out in that area on the pleasant hill road. that's a main road that runs up to lake berryessa. it runs up to the marina where people launch their boats. there's a lot of traffic there. the big fire we had was up on the hilltops, and it was moving from tree to tree. this fire, as you look at tape, it isn't live, this fire was more like you are seeing here. i didn't see any trees engaged in the fire at that time. sour seeing sort of a flash burn, which is dang rowrks absolutely, but when i start worrying is when i see trees starting to go up. so we will keep an eye on that. in the control room, if you guys get that shot back of the fire, let's take that, because that's what's happening now. any time you have evacuations in a fire this time of night you want to get to it. it is going to stay hot out there. temperatures are basically running in the 90s right now in the inland valleys and low 100s. across the country you do have a bit of inclement weather, rain from dallas all the way up to new hampshire, then some stuff in the rockies, and for us just dry. getting hot inland. not so much along the coast, but in these inland valleys, as we talked about last night, the heat is coming in through the central valley. that's why you see the purples. up in the valley, by chico, marysville. we're a little cooler because we have a bit of a sea breeze that will not turn off. it will stay on through the bay area evening and weekend. there's your live camera shot. good air quality. why do i know that? because we're at twin peaks and we can see campanilla. so high pressure building in, getting hotter. then on saturday temperatures are going to dip down just a little bit. and that will be the story. so the fire danger is no surprise. you will get fires when you get this kind of heat. we will have fires again tomorrow, too. so it's just a matter of firefighters being able to get on them. we reported three fires in the last hour, the biggest of which is the winters fire which we're trying to get you some live feed from right now. again, it's big, but they've got a crew on it. we saw air drops on it already. hopefully they are getting a handle on it. look at the heat. there's the real heat, and there's the real fire danger in those purple areas. that's in the very eastern valleys. but you see the cool bite around the area. so a nice looking day tomorrow. it is hot, it is nothing unusual, no red flag warnings. summertime in the bay area. it's dry, it's hot. here we go. do you guys have a live camera? >> just our luck, we don't have any control over the pilot. we can take it but we don't have any control. >> oh, yeah, i see, that's what's happening. in these areas there are a lot of big ranches, julie. a lot of horse people live out on pleasant hill road so they're going to have livestock they have to evacuate. >> what they say on the cal fire web site, mandatory evacuations near highway 121 -- highway 21, excuse me, and advisory evacuations for golden bear estates. they also have five air tankers and two helicopters working on this fire. >> you can see the fire apparatus and the crew taking a stand, guarding those homes. >> the thing i look at, you see the green areas, those are oak trees. when you start seeing flames coming out of there, that to me is when it starts becoming very, very dangerous, because the trees are crowning. >> looks like they're making good progress. >> i don't see any flames right now, just white smoke. >> at the 4:00 we had the shots up and we did see them dropping fire retardant about an hour ago. so they've been hitting it pretty hard with big tanker planes. >> as i said they've got five air tankers and two helicopters and 250 firefighters. we will keep you posted. it is burning near winters. some mandatory evacuations underway. only 10% containment but i imagine that is going to be going up in the coming hours. earthquakes are a threat we have learned to live with here in the bay area but a new study shows our earthquake danger may have increased. how two fault lines may actually combine into one, and that means more powerful quakes are possible. new at 6:00, a new noise ordinance is going into effect in contra costa county targeting barking dogs and their owners. >> help improve neighbor relations as well. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer today and get up to $4,500 in allowances. guilty on all counts. that was the verdict late this afternoon by a jury in the jewelry mart double murder trial. >> 27-year-old barry white faced 16 felony counts including first-degree murder for the killings that left two store clerks dead and the owner critically injured. >> i think it was definitely a relief for the families of those victims who have been waiting for four years for justice in this case. and when the verdict was read it really wasn't much of a shock to anyone because the evidence in this case was so powerful. now, we watched as the families of the two people who were fatally shot walked out of the courtroom. they told us they were emotionally exhausted, especially after seeing graphic photos of their loved ones being gunned down. dozens of family members were here yesterday for closing arguments. 27-year-old barry white was also found guilty of trying to kill the store owner. white was also convicted of attempted murder of six police officers who responded to the scene that day on july 12th, 2013. we spoke to both the prosecuting and defense attorneys. >> he didn't have any mental defense. it was a fake mental defense. and thankfully the jury saw through that and did the right thing. not only on behalf of the civilian victim but also on behalf of the six soon francisco police officers -- the six san francisco police officers that almost died that day. >> barry was a young kid, and now his life has changed forever. so it is a tragedy all the way around. >> reporter: prosecutors say white went on a rampage because he felt the owner had shortchanged him on a necklace that he bought at the store. they say he waited for 20 minutes until customers left the store for his attack. the defense felt the charges should have been downgraded to manslaughter because of the defendant's ptsd. >> the charges for the acts were pretty simple because we had video film. >> reporter: we were sitting directly behind white so we didn't have much of a chance to see his face but he did appear to show very little emotion. he faces life in prison without the possibility of parole. in san francisco, tara moriarty, ktvu fox 2 news. more than 1,000 gallons of fuel siphoned from an underground tank overnight. coming up, the identifying characteristics of the van driven by the man and woman who authorities say stole that gas. uniforms, bats, balls, and gloves. but this isn't just any ordinary softball game. the mission that a team from richmond is on to help those who are locked up in san quentin. handballer 1: you know what i could go for? some scrambled eggs and pancakes. lilly: we got a craving! go, go, go!! crashing cravings in the crave van! jack's gonna crash your crave! jack: hey, guys. try my jumbo breakfast platter with sausage or bacon, plus 8 mini pancakes, eggs and a hash brown for just $2.99. handballer 2: $2.99? how 'bout we play you for it. handballers: oooooooh. jack vo: you crave it, we serve it. try my $2.99 jumbo breakfast platter. crave van! what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. the hayward fault is one of the major bay area fault lines that is most overdue to produce a major earthquake. >> now a study shows that fault is set to join up with another. >> reporter: the result of sonar and sensing confirms what scientists had only once guessed at. >> what we found was that the hayward fault actually continues beneath the bay and bends towards the rogers creek fault at the northern end of the basement we found that those two faults are actually directly connected. that means it's easier for an earthquake to rupture from either fault. the longer an earthquake fault is the larger an earthquake it can produce. >> reporter: by itself the hayward fault can produce a 6.7 to possibly as much as a magnitude 7 quake. but add in the rogers creek fault -- >> together the hayward and rogers creek fault if they went together could produce up to a magnitude 7.4. >> reporter: that's five times stronger than the loma prieta quake. >> it would be much more devastating than the loma prieta earthquake. so folks need to be prepared for these larger earthquakes. >> reporter: we now have technologies not available a decade ago that can help us better understand that these faults can team up for a major earthquake, even if they're not directly connected. >> it's worth taking a look at all of the faults that are closely spaced throughout the bay area. faults that are separated by a few kilometers and sometimes even longer distances can actually rupture together at once. even if they're not directly connected. >> reporter: these findings will help scientists better predict where the most severe shaking will be. but looking at this map where the purple indicates the most violent shaking, that area can only grow. tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. admissions data released today by the university of california shows how tough it is to win acceptance to the u.c. system. using uc berkeley as an example, the school received more than 100,000 applicants for this fall and offered admission to only 9,715 students. overall 210,000 students applied to the nine campuses, and uc offered admission in the fall to 106,000 freshmen and 24,000 transfer students. 69,000 are california residents, which is a slight decline from last year. the state senate today approved a new fee on real estate transactions to help generate hundreds of millions of dollars for affordable housing. the legislation would add a $75 fee to documents such as deads and notices with a cap of $225 per transaction. this bill is expected to generate between $200 million and $300 million per year for low-income housing. republicans oppose the measure. they say would it hurt middle- class homebuyers. novato police are looking for a man and woman who they believe siphoned more than 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel from a bus yard. but as rob roth found out, investigators appear to have some good leads thanks to a custodian who witnessed the theft. >> reporter: here in this bus yard on an off the beaten path part of novato police say a man and woman cut into a chain-link fence and siphoned 1250 gals loons of diesel from an underground storage tank before speeding off. the theft was observed by a quick thinking custodian working the night shift. he saw two people siphoning the fuel into storage tanks in this white van. in one, you can see a woman in the passenger seat. >> he came in thinking that it was possibly one of the drivers, noticed the truck there and that this line was coming out of the back of the truck. it's pretty unique because i have never seen a truck show up, and they obviously already had pumping equipment and some kind of storage apparatus in the back of it. >> reporter: police say the license plates may be stolen but one of the identifying features of the van are the words automatic ac seats three. >> they cut the locks, drive in there and start siphoning diesel. >> reporter: the school district says the 1250 gallons of diesel is about a three-day fall supply worth about $3,000. the diesel is used to power the district's fleet of school buses and some maintenance trucks. >> it is really disappointing that these people would steal from the school district and the students. but also happy that nobody was injured. >> reporter: the school district has no security cameras in the yard but they say that is likely to soon change. in novato, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. robots could soon be making home deliveries in concord. city leaders are set to vote next week on a test program that would bring so-called autonomous delivery technology to concord. a technology company called starship technologies would use its robots to deliver gross reese and other items to a customer's front door. those customers would even be able to track the robots on their smartphones. it is a milestone for the oroville spillway. what crews did today just months after it crumbled and caused a massive evacuation downstream. for some people this is just a game, but for the men here in san quentin it means a lot more than that. it is all about rehabilitation. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer today and get up to $4,500 in allowances. work to rebuild the oroville dam has reached a significant milestone. crews have turned the corner from demolition to construction. they have started to pour the first layers of cement that will serve as the foundation. almost the entire length of the old lower structure is now gone. many residents would faced emergency evacuation in february are hoping to get jobs on the project. >> it seems to me like there's just truck after truck going up there. they're working night and day, or were. >> you think they are doing a good job? >> yeah, i do. i'm actually trying to get a job up there right now. >> the entire $275 million project will stretch into next year. but project managers hope to replace the lower part of the main spillway and shore up the emergency spillway before the rainy season begins. vice president mike pence got a firsthand look at operations at the kennedy space center today. the vice president was recently named chairman of the revived national space council. one of its top priorities is turning kennedy space center into a multiuse facility where private companies can come together with government agencies, including spacex and boeing. >> the national space council intends to draw on the insights of scientists, innovators and business leaders in a whole new way. >> nasa's next big project is the orion space capsule with the goal of eventually sending humans to mars. spacex finally got its falcon rocket off the ground last night after two failed attempts. on sunday a software glitch in the rocket's guidance system canceled the launch. then on monday data from the rocket's computer didn't match the ground systems. after finally lifting off the rocket delivered a 7.5-ton satellite into orbit, but there wasn't enough fuel left over for spacex to carry out its usual landing of the booster rocket. the first stage fell into the atlantic. a judge in pennsylvania set a date for bill cosby's retrial. the judge who presided over the first trial told attorneys to be ready to start the second trial on november 6th. the legendary comedian went on trial last month on charges of aggravated assault. he was accused of drugging and sexually assaulting former temple university staffer andrea constand in 2004. the judge declared a mistrial after the jury was unable to come up with a unanimous verdict. right now we're in prison. we've got baseball uniforms object. we're not wearing blue. it's a blessing. >> forgetting where they are, if only for just a moment. coming up, how a group from richmond is using softball to make sure these inmates know they aren't forgotten. we've got a couple of fires we're tracking. we will look into the temperatures inland that are into the triple digits already. it is going to be hot again tomorrow inland. i will have the details coming up. ♪ what should i watch? show me sports. it's so fluffy! look at that fluffy unicorn! he's so fluffy i'm gonna die! your voice is awesome. the x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. it looks like it is just a softball game but the mission here is actually to give back to those that are locked up at san quentin prison. >> ktvu's paul chambers was there. >> all right, guys. >> reporter: sports can be a common denominator bridging gaps and bringing people together. >> they're a good ball team. >> reporter: for one team, it started like this. one side, the inmates of san quentin state prison. >> right now we're not in prison. we've got baseball uniforms on, we're not wearing blue, and it's a blessing. >> reporter: the other, the soulful sunday softball team. >> we want to come in and show the brothers some camaraderie. >> reporter: it is made up of former residents of richmond who want to make a difference. >> the softball game is a vehicle, a gateway to getting to what needs to really be done. when you come home to richmond, we will have services available to you. >> a lot of people here may be forgotten on the outside. when they get out i want to show them that they can make a change and do something positive. >> it's all about giving back. >> reporter: this is the second year the two teams have played each other. last year san quentin won 22-6. the game isn't just for those playing. it's also for the spectators on the yard. >> we're able to reconnect to our communities. a lot of us, when we commit these crimes, we become disconnected to our families and community. >> this is a blessing to show that you say we do matter. >> reporter: gary has been behind bars since 1998 serving time for first-degree murder. on this day he got an an unexpected surprise. his cousin was on the visiting team. >> i haven't seen him since 1999. we cried, shook hands, hugged, talked. >> reporter: the reality for some of these men, they may never see the other side of the wall. the freedom they once had is gone. punishment for decisions they made. >> i took the life of a close friend due to drinking, drugs, partying. >> we've taken from richmond so much. just crimes on top of crimes. and we have left a kind of negative legacy for the youth in richmond. >> i murdered an innocent man. >> reporter: joshua burton could spend the rest of his life behind bars for second- degree murder. like many i spoke with he says he is also sorry and shameful for the crime he committed. >> his son and daughter could venture off into the street to find a sense of belonging. i have learned the impact my crime had, not just on the person himself, but also on his family. >> reporter: their hope, to one day leave this all behind. but for now the game is their outlet. >> your hometown is richmond but right now you're in san quentin. who are you pulling for? >> that's horrible. i'm having to support the richmond softball team because i have to go back to richmond. >> reporter: the inmates say the game is meaningful, and the time the visitors are willing to spend with them is precious. >> for these guys to come in here and show us support and play us, it shows us, hey, you guys are just like us. >> the fact that these people come in and spend time inside of prison when we want to be outside of prison is a blessing. >> reporter: at the end of the day the score was 22-15 with san quentin winning. it's not about winners or losers. it's about togetherness as both teams work together for the future. >> it's all good things you've been hearing around the yard. we want to the branch out to all cities. >> reporter: hard earned lessons for the next generation. >> make a better decision, because your whole life is ahead of you. >> i can go out there and i can connect with someone else that's going down the path that i'm going through and revert them from the mistakes i've made. >> dear heavenly father, we want to thank you once again. >> reporter: the game ends in prayer. the temporary independence they felt will soon be gone as the uniforms come off and the prison blue goes back on. back to our breaking news in yolo county. a grass fire has caused mandatory evacuations. it has also shut down a section of highway 128. the fire has burned 250 acres. it is burning three miles southwest of winters and east of lake berryessa. at this point it is only 10% contained. highway 128 is currently closed at pleasant valley road. no word on when the highway could reopen. 250 firefighters are battling the flames right now along with five air tankers. >> cal fire tweeted out this picture that shows a winters police car up against the dry grass with smoke billowing behind it. we want to go over to our chief meteorologist for more on the conditions the firefighters are facing up there. >> it's just real hot up in the valley. it is not a red flag warning day but we have had a few dry days, actually kind of mild. today really popped. the inland temperature is 99, humidity 24%. the winds are not that horrible. they're not as bad as they could be. they are blowing 5 to 8 miles per hour out of the west- southwest. so it is not bad, but you are seeing wind because that's a canyon area. so the heat is rising from the fire and pulling in cooler air from all areas. even coming in from vacaville down by the bay. so you are getting a lot of wind there. but the fire is generating its own climate. we watched it earlier. one of the things we felt good about, they're dropping fire retardant on this fire very early, like over an hour ago. big ones. as frank pointed out, wade number of aircraft support. as soon as we get something we'll let you know. 89 right now. 99 today in fairfield. there's the heat. that's about where the fire, north of there a little bit. 97 in antioch. where the fire is burning now, the one we are talking about, it's up in that area where we had the fire two years ago. i think it was the rag fire. i can't remember when they called it. open space meets urban. there's some housing, some urban, and a lot of ranches. we'll watch it. the heat is not building in from the west. it is building in from the east. so the heat is coming in this way. the inland valley, sacramento was 100. the purples, those are your 100s. the heat is spilling in this way, then it bumps into the onshore flow. this is right-now temperatures. we're going to end up with this pattern again tomorrow. right now it is three degrees warmer in oakland, not a lot of fog out there. a beautiful shot. good air quality. when you can see sutro tower, it's not a bad air day at all. the way this goes, the next couple of days we're going to see the fog on and off in the morning. temperatures got up there today. tomorrow they spike, then they cool off towards saturday only to come back up next week. monday, tuesday, wednesday, we'll be back around 104, 105, and we will be talking about fire. don't be alarmed if we say fire because you are going to get fires in this state, this time of year, this type of environment. you get up to 80, 90 degrees, you will get fires. you get cat a lickic converters getting hot, chains sparking fires. i have actually seen a broken bottle, the way it catches the subpoena, spark a fair. it's so dry out there. >> you were just saying last night that we're going to get warmer weather today and probably going to see fires. >> it's just like clockwork. you hope you don't but you know it will. >> i was driving behind someone today that threw out a cigarette. >> and there's a lot of trailers being pulled, and they connect those with chains, and they drag and cause sparks. for the first time an entire bay area county becomes a safe exchange place to sell things on-line. coming up next, how it was a tragedy that led to this county making it safe tore sell those items. new at 6:00, targeting barking dog and their owners. the new noise ordinance going into effect in contra costa county. i think this new process is going to get to the bottom of the issue. it is a program that is underway in several bay area cities but today an entire county is getting behind the idea. >> ktvu's rob malcolm has more on the safe zone, a place where people can meet to buy and sell things from on-line. >> reporter: the big reveal took place this morning. san mateo county now has a safe exchange zone for on-line buyers and sellers. the correctional center in redwood city now provides peace of mind for the public. concord and fremont have similar programs. >> calaveras county did it a couple of weeks ago. we live in a high-tech world, so this is a 21st problem, and now we're trying to figure out a 21st century solution. >> reporter: a county supervisor championed the idea after a resident in detail lea city tried to sell a playstation on-line and was shot to death in 2013 after he agreed to meet a buyer in san francisco. he quickly found a partner with the sheriff. >> what we want to do is prevent as many crimes as possible, because once they occur, besides the fact that someone is a victim, we have to expend a tremendous number of resources in order to complete those investigations. so this way we prevent crime, no one gets victimized. it's a great idea. >> reporter: the parking lot will have posted signs directing the public to designated safe zones. one for the buyer and seller, all within full view of high definition cameras and license plate readers. the correctional facility will be manned 24 hours and the police department is just across the street. the idea was also cost effective, taking only one month. >> the cost is nominal, because we didn't to have build in the cameras. the cameras were already existing. probably they had to paint the lines here. maybe the sign right there. so it's probably one of the most cost effective tools a county can utilize. i don't know what the exact cost is. i would be very surprised if it was over $1,000. >> reporter: it is not only a safe environment but will prevent crime before it occur, and some residents like the idea. >> it's a lot safer, definitely. a lot easier to -- because you don't have to deal with -- people are more afraid to do something on the street than in front of here. >> for safety, yes. but putting stuff on craigslist, it's a safe zone where people can feel safe. so yes, it is a great thing for the future. >> this safe exchange zone isn't only for on-line sales and transactions, but also for parents who may have tokes change their children and they're looking for a safe environment. in redwood city, rob malcolm, ktvu fox 2 news. thousands of protesters take to the streets of hamburg, germany, ahead of the g20 economic summit tomorrow. good evening. i'm frank somerville. >> i'm julie haener. german officials say 20,000 police officers have been activated this week to try to keep demonstratessors under control, this as dozens of world leaders gather for the g20 summit. today police in riot gear fired water cannons to try to disperse those protesters. they took action after some people in the crowd reportedly started throwing bottles at the officers. >> but much of the attention son two men, donald trump and vladimir putin who plan to sit down friday amid strained relations between washington and moscow. ktvu's heather holmes has more on this. >> reporter: president trump has wrapped up a very busy day in europe. he met with at the present times of poland and war saw and then traveled to germany. tomorrow the g20 begins with president trump delivering an historic speech, and later he will sit down for his first face-to-face meeting with his russian counterpart. >> putin was very nice to me. he said, donald trump is a genius. >> reporter: that was then candidate trump talking about russian president vladimir putin, but a lot has changed. >> do you have any doubt that russian interference is driven by putin himself? >> no doubt. >> reporter: there are now numerous federal investigations into russia's document meddling with last year's election. >> my guess is that president putin will walk unthat door with a very specific agenda in mind. >> reporter: aids have been briefing mr. trump on possible talking points, even a psychological profile of his counterpart. mr. putin is a former k.g.b. agent and spy. experts say mr. trump needs to stand firm and for the first

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Fremont , California , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Japan , Hamburg , Germany , Calaveras County , New Hampshire , Paris , France General , France , Oakland , Washington , Redwood City , Vacaville , Yolo County , San Francisco , Berkeley , Marysville , Texas , Pennsylvania , San Quentin , Dallas , San Mateo County , Poland , America , German , Russian , Russians , Julie Henry , Putin Fox , Jesse Gary , Julie Lauren Blanchard , Jessica Scott , Heather Holmes , Mars Spacex ,

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