Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20170113 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20170113

today, of course, you can see them clearly. as flood waters receded today guerneville became a place for people to look around, get around, and stretch their legs. guerneville's homeless shelter is usually open only on winter nights for about 30 people but since the flooding began it has been a 24/7 emergency shelter as well. >> we have been running 50, 55, 60 during the day and still running 30, 40, 45 at night. >> reporter: flood evacuee david gould just barely got his rv towed out of his riverside lot as the water rose around it. he is using the shelter for a few days now. >> i'm coming for showers, services, and socialize a little bit. it breaks up the monotony each day, what's going on right now. >> reporter: mary came to check on her cat who is safe and well fed by james, the property manager, in her apartment above the miniature golf park. >> i had my bags packed and james was going bring it to me today but i they should water was going to go down. obviously not yet. >> reporter: today was the first day that david frye was able to get out. >> we were prepared. we had plenty of food and stuff. you just get prepared for it. >> reporter: frye says the rewards far outweigh the occasional flooding. >> clean air, a lot slower, traffic nothing like santa rosa or -- it's like night and day. love it. >> reporter: and the folks at the coffee bazaar, a place frequented by many locals, have done their level best to get this tourist friendly resort town's message out. >> we've been doing live facebook reports letting people know that we are open that the businesses are still running. >> reporter: message delivered. and the folks here say they would like to see you up here, too, asap. reporting live from gurnville, tom vacar, ktvu fox 2 news. >> tom thank you. all that rain has made northern california drought free, and jesse gary picks up that story from our bureau in san jose. jesse. >> reporter: frank, the year to date change in california is breathtaking. from parched beyond belief to rain, lots of rain, a rebound that has some people questioning the need for continued conservation. days of deluge has produced both destruction and a benefit. the drought that seemed never to leave could be headed for the proverbial door. >> it certainly is a very good occasions just in the last couple of weeks we have seen our reservoir levels increase. the snowpack is looking much better than a couple weeks ago. >> reporter: meteorologist allyson bridger shows the data behind the decision to say drought conditions are easing, as the bar moves over the map, you see the area of severe drought which had most of the state in its grip shrink to just southern california, all over the past 12 months. >> the more water we get that soaks into the ground, the better. i don't think you ever have enough of that water. the more snow we get, the better. >> reporter: but better doesn't mean problem solved. severe droughts still exist and conditions can change from year to year. >> california is a dry state. it is going to be dry again. it is going to be dry this summer. the next dry winter could be next winter. so the good habits that people have formed over the last four years should continue. >> reporter: martie grimes of the santa clara valley water district says much of the bay area's water supply comes from snowpack and reservoirs. he says santa clara county residents helped during drought conditions by cutting water usage 28%. >> i think we always should be cautious and aware of, you know, the fact that water is something we need to be careful with and preserve it as much as we can. >> i think it's great that we have rain. i'm thankful for the rain. but i still think that you should conserve. >> we have to do that forever. >> reporter: forever? >> i think so. you conserve water. >> reporter: why? >> i guess because i just don't like to waste things. >> reporter: the engrained knee jerk reaction to save could be california's salvation since professor bridger says today's success is overshadowed by the specter of global warming. >> if it was regular and repeatable, we would have figured it out. it isn't regular, it isn't repeatable, and there is the concern that the overall trend is going to be downward because of climate change. >> reporter: california governor jerry brown is the official who will make the determination about water restrictions. we talked to aids with the governor. they say he is going to wait until after the rainy season, look at the data, look at the snow parks and decides whether those restrictions will be lifted. live in our south bay bureau, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. since october we have experienced a lot of rain, from fall right into winter. meteorologist mark tamayo has a look at the rain totals. >> the numbers are adding up. and the snowpack is even more of a factor. last year was very nice. of course we had the el niƱo year. this year we are adding to it quite a bit. so these numbers are really making a big difference, especially over the past week or. so you can see santa rosa, over 29 inches of rain. this is going back to july 1st. in napa, 16 inches of rain. san francisco, oakland, concord, you can see the% of average around 134 to 156% of average. and then this is only early january. we still have a lot more rain to talk about. unfortunately it could be troublesome next week. san jose 113% of average. livermore 159% of average. and the bulk of the rainfall coming in the past few days. sierra snowpack this is the main driver with the water storage, at least the water supply in california, the northern sierra over 100%. central sierra 156%. the southern sierra 187%. typically they are on the lower side but they are actually pick up the most of the snow/watery equivalent in that snow which has really been changed up over the past few days. the key headline the storms over the past week or so are really having a huge impact on our water supply, and we have some more rainfall to talk about into next week. it could cause some more flooding. we'll talk more in a few minutes. >> to stay up to date with weather conditions in your area a reminder now you can download the free ktvu weather app. get up to the minute forecasts and a look at live radar. you will find it in our app store. firefighters have been busy inspecting buildings following the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland. we have learned the fire department found at least three properties needing repairs and ordered the tenants to leave. ktvu's henry lee joins us now live outside one of those locations tonight. henry. >> reporter: julie, i'm outside of the upholstery shop that was deemed unsafe by firefighters. now, a man linked business tells me they are addressing the fire department's concerns. ever since the ghost ship fire in oakland firefighters across the country have been stepping up safety inspections. within weeks of the fire the san francisco fire department issued notices to vacate at three properties after getting complaints about them. this apartment building near street in the south of market was one of them. we spoke to a homeless man who lives in a tent here. he says people have been squatting in the basement of the building. >> just a bunch of illegal people that was downstairs. it's illegal. it's undercode. and they had so much wires running through there that it's a fire hazard. >> reporter: a resident told us those people have moved out. >> is it safe or not safe? >> say. >> reporter: why? >> because the people in the basement, they move already. >> reporter: the owner here declined to comment. at this 10,000-square-foot upholstery warehouse a man associated with the business told me off-camera the fire department was concerned about things like extension cords and styrofoam being too close to the walls. i asked if ebels the building is now say. he told me it's safer than when they came by. the fire department told me all three properties have been cooperative in addressing safety issues including people living or working in unsafe conditions. the housing rights committee says some people are risking being displaced because they have nowhere else to go. >> people are living any way they can because the rents sore high, and people have no choice. so i think we do have to be concerned about how do we keep people in the city, in their places at the same time that we make sure that the places are safe. >> reporter: now, as these fire inspections continue, tenants rights advocates are hoping to find that line between safety and affordability. >> henry thank you. it's one of the most famous restaurants in san francisco. generations of people have enjoyed a stop at lefty o'doul's. coming up, why the restaurant is planning to move from its current location in union square. also, anger in san diego. the chargers announce they are packing up and moving north to los angeles. >> sorry, los angeles, i won't be attending those games up there. i represent san diego chargers. >> coming up next we talk to sports director mark ibanez about what this means for the future of the raiders in oakland. rex tillerson put exxon's interests before america's i'm not here to represent the us government's interest. instead, tillerson sided with putin. with billions in russian oil deals... he opposed us sanctions on russia... ...for war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution... ...putting profits ahead of our kid's health. tell your senators to reject rex tillerson. and protect american interests not corporate interests. can fill you with wonder. other. where a walk down main street, and the smile of a mouse can spark joy. where magic is spread with every touch, and always leaves you wanting even more. so make the time... to take your time because one day just isn't enough. here, there is magic for days. today the san diego chargers made it official announcing they are leaving their home of 56 years and heading to los angeles. the team will be known as the l.a. chargers. they are set to play in a 30,000-seat soccer stadium until they start sharing a new billion dollar stadium with l.a.'s other nfl team, the rams, in 2019. today the mayor of san diego called the news extremely frustrating. >> they are losing out on 56 years of dedication, of loyalty, of family. >> it's a real verification of how exciting los why this is the entertainment, creative, and sports capital of >> in november san diego voters rejected a measure to help pay for a new football stadium and convention center to replace aging qualcomm stadium. today angry fans threw jerseys into a pile for burning. >> we're going to be second fiddle up there. nobody is going to care about the charmers. i was at the raider game. 78% of it was raider fans. >> a lot of people don't agree with me but i don't blame the chargers. i blame the city of san diego. >> joining us is our sports director mark ibanez. 56 years, and now the team has taken a hike. >> i don't blame a lot of the truly faithful chargers fans for being upset but at the same time they've had a number of chances to get a stadium approved. and by the same token i don't blame the voters down there for not wanting to spend public money to make sure one of these nfl owners has himself a brand- new stadium. you see from the both sides, and the fans, their ferocity in covering the chargers over the last few years has really been lacks. so it might have been time for a change. >> you look at from the owner's per specific and l.a. is really a sports capital of the world. >> no question. number two television market in the country. for the raiders what it means is one less option really for mark davis who has made it pretty clear he has been focusing on las vegas, and now it makes that even more crystal clear. mark davis obviously has some hurdles to get over with regard to that move, and it just remains to be seen what comes next. it would seem obvious that the next step is officially filing for approval, and then you have the vote in late march by the nfl owners, but i also want to point out his dad didn't care what the nfl voters voted when they nixed the move to los angeles in the first place so key go into litigation against the nfl. this is a long, long story, and we're just really at the very outset of the trail. >> they're playing in oakland for the next two years, right? >> yeah. >> they will be in oakland for the next two years. >> maybe even longer than that. >> it looked like it. mark davis has been on record as saying that wants to guarantee or at least promise the raider fans here in oakland a super bowl title, and he says that the next couple of years that will be here, and he hopes to get it done as some sort of a consolation prize. but take a look at some of the aspects that have to happen to get to las vegas in the first place. it remains to be seen. can he work out a deal with adelson? there's a current law that says you can't be involved as an nfl owner as a casino owner. so they've got get over that hurdle. so let's say it doesn't wind up with addle son. it is going to be one of those situations, where is he going to get the money? from wall street? he doesn't have to borrow collateral to get that done? then there's the relocation fee money that he's got to come up with. as we said, out the window today is any leverage with regard to l.a. >> oakland is in a tough spot. oakland is still paying off the repairs they made it to oakland coliseum to get the raiders back. let's just be honest, they wrecked the stadium, as far as i'm concerned. i went there as a little kid. i loved that stadium. i can't stand that stadium now. i get why al davis wants to leave. by the same to ken oakland still is paying millions of dollars and doesn't want to chip in too much for a new stadium. i get that as well. you just think what is going to happen here? >> you can't blame the city of oakland for not wanting to get involved with regard to public money. more public money going to build the new stadium. and mark davis thinks he can get that done, with the help of this huge billionaire casino mogul, and i'm wondering, right off the top, you have to wonder, this guy isn't just going give him $650 million for not to get a piece of that thing. and he has actually been quoted as saying i hope mark davis basically knows he would just be a tenant down here. >> at one point you would have thought no pro sports teams would ever be allowed in las vegas but now we have a new nhl team that is starting there that is certainly opening the door. in your heart of hearts do you ever see the nfl approving the raiders going to las vegas? >> well, we saw some of those quotes, most notably from robert kraft, the owner of the patriots, saying it sounds like a viable possibility. some respected analysts have said it's not a martie of if, it's a matter of when. but there is no question it's not going to happen next season. and there are just huge hurlings to get over. i'm sure some of those hurdles we haven't even brought up yet because they haven't come about. they haven't even picked a definite location yet in las vegas. >> that was always the question about the fan base in las vegas being so transient. >> the whole mystique of the raiders might go by the way side. i imagine fans for the first couple of years would go down there to visit las vegas. it sounds real glitzy. but that would get old, then you would have opposition fans coming in from all over the country, and would it kind of water down that fervence that raiders fans are known for. >> at least we have them for a couple more years. raiders could be in the super bowl next year. >> it's a long road until we're at the end of this story. a portion of ghway 37 in marin county remains closed at this hour because of flooding. today a dive team from the sheriff's department worked with the highway patrol to tow abandoned cars submerged in water along the freeway. the closure affect the westernmost portion of highway 37 between 101 in novato and no word tonight on when it will reopen. >> alhambra valley road remains closed near pinole. there's a gap 30 feet deep. thousands of drivers use alhambra valley road on a daily basis. detours are in place. no word on when crews hope to have that roadway repaired. a. we did after break from the rainy weather today. it was actually clear enough to see the islands from the city. they are about 30 miles from the golden gate bridge and are only visible under really clear conditions. that is really something. you just don't see that every day. >> no, you don't. back over to mark with an update. we actually got some clearing today and more on the way. >> actually tomorrow and saturday looking pretty nice in the bay area. there's one weak system as we head into sunday but we are talking about a return, some real significant rainfall. fortunate thal could be into next week. as far as the totals, we were talking about that one last system. at least these numbers were not extreme. san rafael .62, livermore .22. this is kind of what would you expect. oakland .17. on the satellite right now you can still see we actually have some showers rotating around an area of low pressure so that was the case even throughout the afternoon hours. a few pop-up showers. even if we put the most recent image, you can see a little bit of activity, nothing too widespread or intee, but still closer to san mateo and also to the west of san francisco closer to the islands there. as far as current temperatures it's pretty chilly with snow levels coming down. we showed you our chopper picture showing mount hamilton with a good dusting at 4200 feet. current numbers showing you 45 in santa rosa, livermore mid- 40s as well. san jose 50. san francisco in the upper 40s. so a bit of a chill in the air. as far as overnight lows first thing tomorrow morning for your friday the coolest spots will be in the 30s for santa rosa and napa. livermore 35 degrees. here is the plan in san francisco. our skycast not showing much in the way of clouds throughout your friday morning but still temperatures on the cool side with an afternoon high right around 53 degrees. so it's cool because we have this coul pocket of air kind of dipping down into northern california. but this area of high pressure tries to rebuild for friday and into saturday. so some cold mornings. subfreezing temperatures for the coolest portions of the bay area, say for the inland valleys. fair skies for the afternoon hours. then into next week, tuesday the chance of some showers approaching the north bay. rainfall like ental wednesday, and this could be heavy rain, as that system since here, that storm track reestablishes itself. here's the forecast model. as you can see sunday morning, there's a chance of few sprinkles. that is a change to the weekend forecast as we head into sunday morning. not a big deal but definitely some clouds. tuesday the chance of some showers approaching the north bay especially by the evening hours. here is that rainfall into wednesday could. be heavy at times, then maybe some lingering rain into thursday. beyond this we could be talking about more rainfall as well. lake tahoe, some resorts were closed today, some were open. i think everybody is going to be reopening tomorrow with big smiles and deep powder. it's been a very productive, almost historic week for the sierra. temperatures friday low to mid- 50s out there. a look ahead, your five-day forecast with some fog first thing saturday. more clouds, maybe a sunday morning sprinkle. tuesday afternoon and evening the chance for a few showers, primarily up in the north bay. but if you were to add wednesday to that, more rain. actually saw an interesting quote from a meteorologist saying droughts usually end with floods, and that's our problem right now. >> it's just amazing when you think about pictures from five, six months smasmght of the reservoirs were so barron, and now they're overflowing. >> the russian river a week ago tuesday the river stage was seven feet. >> seven feet, really? >> yeah, and this week it's been up to 37 feet. >> wow, look how fast it comes down. >> what a difference, wow. >> it will take awhile to go away. >> right now i believe it's around 33 feet. >> mark, thank you. russia's relationship with the incoming trump administration was a major focus on capitol hill today. coming up what donald trump's pick for secretary of defense said about russia. the family of mentally ill man shot by police in san francisco speaks out. the press conference being held tonight and what they had to say. new at 6:00 ambitious expansion plans at amazon. how many new employees the company plans to hire across the nation. concerns about russia and its relationship to the incoming trump administration was the focus of hearings today for two of the president- elect's nominees. >> as joel waldman tells us trump's choices for defense secretary and head of the cia seemed to break with their would-be boss on russia's threat. >> reporter: the kansas congressman put on the spot about a public spat between president-elect trump and the intelligence community. a recently revealed intel report finding russia was responsible for a cyber attack leading up to the u.s. election. >>'s pretty clear about what took place here, about russian involvement in efforts to hack information and to have an impact on american democracy. i'm very clear-eyed about what that report says. >> reporter: just yesterday mr. trump blasted the intelligence community for allegedly leaking a document with compromising information about the president- elect himself which mr. trump dismissed as fake news. >> the leak that occurred as well i consider to be intensely serious. >> reporter: retired general james "mad dog" mattis was asked about russia, specifically regarding nato, an alliance the president-elect repeatedly called obsolete. >> i would see us maintaining the strongest possible relationship with nato. >> reporter: the retired marine questioned about bans limiting the role of women and the lgbt community within the armed services. >> i have no plan to oppose women in any aspect of our military. >> reporter: meanwhile dr. ben carson up for hud secretary getting an earful from senator elizabeth warren who asked him to promise that not a single penny of taxpayer dollars goes towards any of mr. trump's businesses. a bitter property tee dispute and a san francisco institution caught in the middle. why lefty o'doul's may be leaving its location. president obama's big surprise for vice president joe biden today. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. a san pablo police command ser out on bail after being arrested this past saturday after a woman called police. officers responded to a home in roseville and found the victim with visible injuries to her face. they found dejesus driving nearby 15 minutes later and placed him under arrest. san pablo police say dejesus is no longer employed by the department. he also worked for the vallejo police department for 22 years. >> the university of california today announced the appointment of its first systemwide title ix coordinator who has been tapped for the newly created position. her appointment comes in the wake of a series of sex scandals. he is a civil rights attorney who has been working as a coordinator since 2015. in a statement, u.c. president janet napolitano spoke. one of the city's largest water delivery pipes burst on monday. that dpriefs the city of more than a million gallons of water a day. as a result the city is asking everyone to cut back on their water use by 30%. crews say they are working to repair the damaged pipeline but they still don't have a permanent fix. now to washington where president obama had a big surprise for the vice president today as they wrap up eight years in office together. >> i am pleased to award our nation's highest civilian honor, the presidential medal of freedom. >> joe biden was moved to tears by the unexpected honor president obama called his vp an extraordinary man with a big heart who has become a close personal friend. and biden returned the praise. >> i just hope that the asterisk in history that is attached to my name when they talk about this presidency is that i can say i was part of, part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country. [ applause ] >> biden is expected to focus on his cancer moon shot effort to eradicate the disease after leaving office. still to come here a potentially life saving device at a fraction of the cost the new alternative to the $600 epipen. new developments concerning the investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail serve. what the justice department announced it is doing now. over 1,000,000 californians have gotten something that's been out of reach for far too long: health insurance. how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates, and benefits. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. to get covered, you've got to get going. open enrollment ends january 31st. visit today. the u.s. senate early this morning took the first major step towards repeal the affordable care act. on a near party line vote the senate approved a budget resolution setting the groundwork for appealing president obama's signature healthcare reform law. the resolution gives republican leaders a way to prevent democrats from filibustering gop plans to gut the affordable care act. that means the senate will be able to pass a repeal bill with a simple majority instead of 60 votes. the only republican to vote against the measure was kentucky senator rand paul. he objected to approving a repeal without first knowing what the replacement will be and what it will cost. republicans have yet to decide on how to replace obamacare. >> that's going to take time. that's going to take a transition. we want to make sure. we want to put people's minds at ease that they are not going to lose their healthcare some february day. >> repeal and replace has only alliteration going for it. new developments concerning the investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail server as secretary of state. today the inspector general announced he plans to look into whether fbi director james comey properly followed the department's policies. democrats have blamed comey's handling of the investigation, especially the release of new information about the case just before the election as a reason for her loss to donald trump. the environmental protection agency is now choosing car maker fiat chrysler of using software that allowed diesel emissions higher than governmental standards. the charges cover 100,000 cars and trucks. fiat chrysler are reportedly fight the accusations and argue that its cars meet environmental requirements. this follows volkswagen's cheating scandal. there's a new much cheaper alternative now to a potential life saving medical device. today cvs announced it plans to start selling a generic version of the epipen. some people are forced to use epipens for serious allergic reactions. the new version will include a two-pack for $110. milan on announced last year -- milan announced last year that it was increasing its price to $600 last year. some netflix customers have received e-mails appearing to be from netflix asking them to update their personal information. when you click on the message it takes to you a page where you are asked to enter your credit card information. netflix says it is a scam and that the company never requests personal information from its subscribers via e-mail. it is proof that even controlled avalanches at ski resorts can be dangerous. up next we talk to the man who took these pictures outside his house that was buried in an avalanche this week. and so much snow, so much rain over the past week here in northern california. nice to see a break setting up in our short-term forecast but next week could be a different story. we could have another energetic jet stream setting up and a return of heavy rain. we will update the five-day forecast coming up. the highway patrol in truckee is sharing dramatic video showing how it handled a tricky situation on interstate 80 this morning. the chp says this fed ex big rig jackknifed and lost its rear brakes at the top of a grade. getting a tow was going to take some time but the engine still had power so the chp says officers cleared the freeway so the big rig could slide down the highway to the nearest turnout. about 20 minutes later, the truck was off the road and the freeway was back open. near lake tahoe blizzard conditions forced officials to close the slopes. reporter max resnik talked to skiers and snowboarders. >> join us. >> reporter: after days of unrelenting snow things are looking up at boreal mountain resorts. >> i'm having a sick time. this is the best mountain in tahoe. >> reporter: the recipient of 110 i remembers of snow. >> i guess it's just mother nature agreeing with us. >> reporter: tanner cook is no ordinary 10-year-old. in addition to having mother nature's ears he's capable of back side 360s. >> just follow your dreams and keep your pin turns. >> reporter: a day on the slopes. this couple arrived early this morning after a drive from san jose. >> to me it feels great. honestly when you are a parent, when you have a 20-month-old, just to get away and get some of the snow done, it's awesome. i'll sit on the lift. it's still fun. >> reporter: that will carry over to an extended holiday weekend. >> it is going to turn into a postcard weekend where the hills are going to be painted white and i think people are going to be super excited to come up here for this holiday weekend. >> oh my god, i think this is help on earth. >> that was max resnik reporting. avalanche control is a priority in the sierra this weekend. and sometimes even controlled avalanches have the ability to do damage. >> we showed new picture. a truckee resident took this picture of his front door. it shows what happened after part of a controlled slide ended up right inside his home. fortunately no one was hurt but there was a lot of digging out to do. >> two days later this is what it looks like. here are new pictures that steven just sent us from outside. you can see just how much snow piled on top of his home and inside his garage. steven is on the phone now from his home in the sierra. steven, take us through what happened. were you at home when this happened? did you have any warning? could you actually hear the avalanche coming? >> well, yeah, we are warned. they have protocols. they give us a call. they let us know what's going on so we hunker down, and you hear the bombs as they get closer and closer, because they have to do many routes to get here. and so we usually know the bomb is right above us. so we heard that, and then the next thing, there's a delay, and it sounds like a huge hurricane outside. my youngest daughter said it sounded like an elephant. but we're lucky because we do get that phone call, but the people below us do not. and so we're hoping the county starts really looking at this situation and upgrade the protocols that we have up there. they need to modernize, because our neighbor what was out cleaning her propane tank, and she hadn't gotten the phone call, and luckily she realized the bomb went off, and she was able to run out of there just in time while her daughter watched the avalanche coming right at her. so close call there. so everyone was safe and sound, but we definitely need to look at even controlling these avalanches can get out of control, unless we modernize. >> we're looking at the pictures. the pictures are incredible. just the amount of snow you guys have had in the last couple of days. it sounds like you're familiar with this type of procedure they do with the avalanches, but have you ever had this type of thing happen even close where you had so much show barreling down top of your home? >> we have. in 2011 wade big series of storms as well. that's why, i don't know if there's a picture of my avalanche barrier. i had to take it upon myself to build this huge steel wall in front of the house. unfortunately i haven't had the chance to build the gate in front of the door as you can see. but building that really helped us, but in 2011 we weren't so lucky and we didn't hear the phone ring, and it actually took two cars off the side of the road. so we've seen it before, and we learn every time, and we get better and better each time we're faced with this beautiful snow, i have to say, except for all the chaos that ensues afterwards. >> steven, has anyone called and said, hey, sorry about that we'll come and help you clean it up? >> well, you know, the ski patrol is contracted by the county, and we work very closely. unfortunately they don't get the resources to do all the things they need to do but would they did for us is they have made at priority to open the road in front of our house first, and they take away as much snow as they possibly can, but then they have to go down and get rest of the road open, and we needed to get the fire trucks up here just so they could check everything out. so they have their hands full, and then my plow guy came up and he helped kind of dig out in front of the door, and that's how we got our little mouse hole out. i'm actually -- >> how bad is the damage some is there a lot of damage to your house? >> no, because we've learned what to do in these situations. i open my garage door just a little bit, and i put a door in the back so when the air blast comes, it went through the garage, add it only filled up t as in 2011 it filled the garage. >> a lot of work you have to do up there it looks like. just an amazing sight. it looks like you have your own personallic gloo. we're glad you are all okay. that's the good news. >> we're g. we're more fortunate thal than other people because we do control above our house and there's a lot of hang fire on areas that don't get it. we hope that everybody is super careful and we really want people to be very, very weary about going in the back country right now. it's very, very dangerous. >> steven, thanks so much for being with us on the phone. thanks for your great pictures. we've enjoyed looking at. that. >> thankfully you're okay. steven, thank you. let's talk more about the weather and in particular the snow. when you see those pictures, i thought that was really interesting saying you open the back door so that when it comes, the air that is pushing through goes right out the back door. >> not just his door in his home, you look at the roads getting in and out of there, it looks like you're just stuck in there. >> what i heard, it would take all day, yesterday, just to plow a few yards, 10 yards, 20 yards of snowfall. >> how important, and you talked about this earlier, but how important and why is the snowpack so important? >> we talk about the rainfall here in the bay area, and it gets stored, or some of it runs off as well. in the sierra the snowfall is holding water for us. it's kind of like a water bank. so when things melt we add to the water supply, the major reservoirs. in the springtime we add more to that water bank. it pays off for us in the future. that will be happening because the snowfall has really been increasing over the past seven days. you can see it's reflected in a lot of numbers. everybody should be open tomorrow and into the weekend with lots of smiles out there. fresh, deep powder. it is going to be one of those things where if you fall in the snow it might take a little effort to get up because it's so soft and so deep. they still have a winter storm warning in place interest the evening hours. as you can see right now on the radar, in fact, here is the radar and satellite still showing you the snow showers up in the mountains and closer to the bay area still a few pop-up showers, even into the evening hours, but for the most part it looks like things have dissipated over the past hour. it is cold. we're talking about the cold part of this weather pattern. right now we have some 40s in santa rosa at 45, fremont 48, san francisco in the upper 40s. we have been talking about the rivers. russian river at guerneville has been above flood stage the past couple of days. so as you can see we started out just above 10 feet, then cresting yesterday at 37.8 feet, then finally coming down, the most current stage, 32.8 feet. by tomorrow we will be below flood steak. in fact could be below flood stage possibly later on tonight. so a lot of water added to the system. you can see those river levels going up. for tomorrow morning partly cloudy skies, 46 degrees, fair skies into the afternoon hours. lots of sunshine out there but temperatures still on the cool side as the cool weather pattern sets up but it will be dry for friday and saturday. sunday the chance of a few sprinkles, primarily for the morning hours but then we're watching this return of the wet weather pattern. chance of a shower tuesday. could be talking heavy rain for wednesday and thursday. we're talking significant rainfall into next week. this is just an early look here. you see those numbers really ramping up. this could cause some problems once again into next week with the renewed chance of flooding. unfortunately we don't want to see that weather pattern set up so close to this week but that could be happening. saturday increasing clouds. maybe a sprinkle first thing sunday morning. by sunday afternoon partly cloudy skies. temperatures out there now, lots of 50s, kind of brisk feeling. a look ahead, your five-day forecast into sunday, more clouds, chance of a shower by tuesday night and a better bet by wednesday into thursday. >> mark, thank you. their mission is to feed the homeless but they nearly lost their soup kitchen. today they won a big battle in san francisco and two big-name entrepreneurs stopped by to lend a hand. a mentally disabled man shot by police in san francisco. now the family is speak out. what they had to say, coming up at 6:00. also at 6:00, lingering questions about the election and the clinton e-mail scandal. why fbi director james comey is now under investigation. increase speed, full throttle! (over intercom) ann, are you coming in? negative! stay on target. what are you guys doing? artoo, thrusters! they're closing in! i'll guard the base. for every family that lives star wars, this is the place where star wars lives. where a galaxy far, far away... closer than ever before. move along. come join us...during season of the force. now at the disneyland resort. and right now you can save on premium rooms at a disneyland resort hotel. a group of nuns who run a soup kitchen that feeds the homeless won a big battle at city hall today. despite protests from some homeowners. as rob roth tells us the nuns got a lot of help from some well known businessmen. >> reporter: it's not often that two wealthy well-known entrepreneurs drop by a soup kitchen in san francisco's tenderloin, but tony robbins came to offer support for a small band of french nuns facing roadblocks in their mission to continue feeding the homeless. >> this project was just a project,love because these sisters are just so dedicated here. >> i think there's nothing more important today, especially today that we all do something, we all do something to take care of those less fortunate. >> reporter: last year t.k. tv u told you about -- last year ktvu told you about these nuns. the landlord was doubling the rent and this soup kitchen was being forced out. but tony robbins stepped in and bought the nuns a new space on the ground floor of a condominium complex on mission street near 16th. there was also financial help. >> i think it's better to have fresh food than people on the street trying to survive. >> reporter: but the condo owners do not want the soup kitchen. at least, not there. >> it's so overrun with everything you can think of that i can't walk my four-year- old granddaughter down the street. >> that particular edition of this social service is on a already very distressed block and it could be catastrophic. >> reporter: supporters say the soup kitchen will not add to the quality of life there. >> jesus said if you wish to be perfect go and sell all that you possess and give the money to the poor. >> reporter: the planning commission agreed with the nuns and voted to allow the soup kitchen. opponents of the plan can appeal but the nuns say if all goes well, they should have the soup kitchen up and running by the summer. in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. the clinton e-mail scandal is the focus of a new investigation. this time the u.s. justice department is looking at the fbi. good evening. i'm frank somerville. >> i'm julie haener. tonight a new investigation being launched inside the u.s. justice department. >> they will be looking at how the probe of hillary clinton's private e-mail server was handled including a controversial disclosure by the fbi director himself. fox news chief national correspondent ed henry is in washington where the story broke this afternoon. >> reporter: a new justice department investigation into hillary clinton's private e- mail. but this time the focus is on the fbi director, james comey. the inspector general said thursday they are launching a probe interest the actions of both the fbi and justice department officials leading into that contentious 2016 presidential election. >> hopefully they will follow the evidence where it leads. if they find any evidence. >> reporter: the investigation will focus on whether the fbi followed policy in its probe of secretary clinton's private e- mail server including whether the fbi director acted appropriately. >> i can tell you the fbi was not involved in the decision. anything the inspector general chooses to investigate is something that he or she will do based on their own view of the situation, based on their own knowledge of the facts. >> reporter: democrats have blasted comey's public announcement less than two weeks before the election saying the fbi was investigating a new batch of clinton e-mails. meantime the probe will examine allegations that justice department officials improperly supplied nonpublic information to clinton's campaign. >> i think for both sides there's probably an eagerness to get a little bit more to the bottom of what happens. there are folks on the republican side who are frustrat

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