Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20161008 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 5pm 20161008

we are still a long ways away from hurricane matthew actually arriving here in savannah. right now it looks like it could be, could be a direct hit which savannah hasn't seen since 1898. >> this is still a really dangerous hurricane that the potential for storm surge, flooding, loss of life, and severe property damage continues to exist. >> reporter: places like savannah are boarded up and bracing for hurricane matthew as it continues to roar up the east coast causing flooding, downing trees, and knocking out power to hundreds of thousands. it has left a deadly wake in the caribbean, killing hundreds in haiti. when it began blasting florida it was downgraded to a category 3 store but still packing 120- mile-per-hour winds. by mitt afternoon mandatory evacuation's winds had dropped to 115 miles per hour. officials warned this storm is still a real threat. south carolina's governor warns the forecast for her state has gotten worse with major potentially deadly storm surges, flooding, and winds all predicted there. >> please evacuate. even if it's too a shelter. >> reporter: and while hundreds of thousands have fled coastal south carolina, some still are not heeding evacuation warnings. >> we have been watching it, but, yeah, i guess we're not too worried. not worried enough to leave. >> reporter: the big concern hear is storm surge. they are saying 12 feet. the height of the storm is supposed to hit during high tide. meteorologists say add an extra seven feet on to that. that is a tremendous amount of water and could have deadly repercussions. >> i was going to ask you, obviously we talked to you at four and the rain has certainly picked up. talk to me about has that just been within the last hour? >> reporter: yeah. probably even less than that. probably the last 20 minutes it's really kicked up. we were down there the last time we talked to, bay street, the lowest lying fleet in savannah. the reason we came up here is we saw some garbage cans and umbrellas flying around and they can become projectiles. we are up here elevated a little bit. a little while ago we saw what we thought was a transformer blowing out across the river. so the intensity picking up this evening. >> joel waldman, stay safe there. things are going to get worse before they get better. we will talk to you later this evening. thanks, joel. we want to head over to our chief meteorologist bill martin. bill, you heard joel mention the storm surge and that that really is a big concern, especially for those folks? >> it's the whole deal with this storm. the storm surge, because been working up the coast, still a category 2 hurricane. the gentleman in the report is 18 miles inland. by tybee island, those guys are going to be underwater if they get 8, 12-foot of storm surge. this storm is down to a category 2, but the eye wall has expanded. the storm surge a big deal. when the eye wall expands, you are creating more water to push onshore. you are creating a larger storm surge. maybe not higher, but a larger area of water impacted. and with that in mind you can expect to see plenty of storm surge in these areas. the forecast then as we head through time, 25 -- well, right now it's 25-mile-per-hour winds at daytona beach. gusting to 63 in jacksonville. this hurricane thus far has stayed offshore. we are talking about a ton of water moving out there. and this is where the system is now. it's a cat 2. 110 going north at 12. the other thing to note here is it's a category 2 in savannah tomorrow morning or late tonight here, and what i want to point out here, you see how the coastline turns like in? this current can now all of a sudden going into storm surge, winds and rain are now going to slam more perpendicular into the coast as they come out of the right quadrant, the heaviest rain, wind, storm surge. they are going to get the most direct hit from the storm. the headlines will come from savannah and south carolina. i don't think -- it's bad in florida, but savannah, north into south carolina towards hilton head. the storm surge right now anywhere from 10 to 12 feet. 9 feet kind of averaging along the coast. then you have got all the water, especially in south carolina, coming out of those hills. they have had major flooding issues for the last three months in the carolinas. they are going to see a lot of water out of that river at the high tide storm surge. tons of problems there, as well. the other side is all this water, this rain, we are talking about the concerns for the zika virus because in this area the mosquito colonies and where we will have standing water in many places. it's an ongoing story. this is a story that's not going away this weekend. this hurricane turning to a tropical storm will be around early next week off the central united states. when i come back we will talk about your forecast. >> thanks, bill. in haiti, the death toll from hurricane matthew has reached a staggering 842. many of the victims were killed by flying debris as winds of 145 miles per hour tore through the area on tuesday. u.s. marines have arrived in haiti to assist survivors of the storm. as many as 60,000 people remain in shelters. here in the bay area, a san francisco-based charity called new story is already helping storm victims to rebuild. >> it only cost $6,000 to fund a home, and eight weeks later you get the video of the family moving from their tents into a beautiful new home. >> the devastation in haiti prompted the government to postpone a presidential election there, which was scheduled for sunday. stay with ktvu and throughout the night for the latest weather alerts from hurricane matthew. the race for the white house, and newly released audio and video of donald trump. on the tape obtained by the "washington post" the gop nominee grabs about groping and kissing women while using very graphic language. we will play a portion of that recording for you now. it's from 2005 and it was taken on a bus heading it the set of a soap opera. the other voice that you will hear on the tape besides trump is billy bush. he is the host of ac hollywood. >> i moved on her, actually. she was -- i moved on her and i failed. i admit it. i did try to [bleep]. she was married. nancy. and i moved on her very heavily. in fact, i took her out furniture shopping. she wanted to get some furniture. i said i will show you some nice furniture. i moved on her like a [bleep] and i couldn't get there and she was married. now she has the big phony [bleep]. >> she is the hottest [bleep]. in the burple? >> whoa! whoa! >> that's good. >> i am going to use some particular tax in tic-tacs. i am attracted to beautiful girls. you can do anything. grab them by the [bleep]. >> [ laughter ] >> you can do anything. >> all right. trump has issued a statement that reads, quote, this was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. bill clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course. not even close. i apologize if anyone was offended. >> let's start with that apology, if you call it that, bringing in bill clinton. is that going to fly? >> well, i think it's an acknowledgment that there is a debate sunday night. he already talked about he wanting to bring up his affair with monica lewinsky. like if we are going to go there in the debate about what i said here, then i intend to invoke your husband's memory in this, as well. i don't know that any of this is good for the body of politics or the other issues that a president has to deal with that we continuously get drug back into to this. i am talking about it on a news program instead of what he intend to do about terrorism. these are character issues. women are more than 50% of the voting electorate. i don't know that any women would think about the words that you did or didn't hear on the tape, that were blanked out, would think that that's okay. everybody would look at that in a way that is very disapproving. >> we are getting closer to the election. a month and a day or so. how bad do you think this is for donald trump at this particular stage of the game? >> i guess two answers. the first is i think we have all been wondering for a year now like what will be the tipping point, because there is a series. and i don't think there is anything he said here that's a pattern of behavior different than things he said in the past with the capacity to outrage people and also with women with whom he has a big deficit. hillary clinton polls 15% more in the electorate. >> at what point does the, not only does a voter shy away from him, but candidates, other republicans who have supported him publicly, if i walk up to one of them and say what do you think about trump? now it's their own political skin here, right? >> i said there were consequences. i think, by the way, this makes sunday night's debate all the more important because there are a number of people in washington, senators and congressional representatives. new hampshire senator is facing a very serious challenge from her democratic opponent. he is being held to account because she made a statement earlier in the campaign season saying she thought donald trump was a role model for children. that is being rolled out on television ads and the like with her challengers saying look at the judgment of this person for standing with trump. she has declined to endorse him. there are lots of people in her position who thought they had safe seats, that are at risk because of the closeness of trump. unless he does something to reverse this hemorrhaging sunday night, you can see those people flee, even if it means it cost them money from the rnc. the longer this happens, the more toxic it becomes for their re-election efforts. she is at risk. she might lose that seat. >> thank you. we will have lots more to talk about in the days to come. >> yeah. of course, we will be following sunday's town hall debate. it takes place there in st. louis and it will be moderated by cnn's anderson cooper as well as martha raddatz of abc. again, that is coming up on sunday at 6 in the evening and you can watch it right here on ktvu. authorities have released mugshots of six men charged in connection with a series of home invasions and burglaries in the east bay. police say these six men are gang members responsible for incidents in fremont, danville, and livermore. they are investigating whether the same men are tied to a shooting of a school board member in lorinda and similar incidents in dublin and other cities. the men who are 18 to 20 years old are the ones seen in this surveillance video of a frightening break-in in freemont in august. the residents weren't home at the time. one of the victims told ktvu the police did, quote, good work and that she is grateful the suspects have been arrested. the victim of a livermore home invasion told ktvu she is shaken to the core, but hopes that the men will be convicted. it all starts tonight. game one against the best team in baseball this year, the chicago cubs. up next, a preview of what to expect. the stars of the show are in the air and out on the water. today in the bay, fleet week excitement grows as we get closer to this weekend's airshow. and it's warming up again as we head towards the bay area weekend. a big difference from a week ago. temperatures back into the low 90s. the warmest day on the weekend and what to expect next week with a chance of a shower. honey, is the internet back yet? yes!! i need to let her know that i like this! i like, like, like, like... i haven't seen a movie based on a comic book in so long. i know. we're over here internet people! get high speed internet from at&t. with over 99% reliability. at an everyday price with no extra monthly fees. keep calm, you internet's on. you know what that is. >> it's time. >> giants-cubs. boy, okay, so the giants overcome the wildcard challenge, right? >> right. >> now it's a tough best of five series as i mentioned against the red hot cubs. >> yet they have been there before. >> they have. >> and we have been on that ride before. if this feels like a familiar road for the giants, you only need to have a memory of what happened two years ago this year the destination is chicago for a best of five series after a wildcard win on the road in new york. the cubs are favored and have home field advantage. tonight's giants starter johnny cueto met the cubs once this year on september 4 at wrigley field. he allowed one run on five hits through seven innings. that came turned into one of those bullpen failures for the giants. the cubs tied the game with a run in the ninth and one in the 13th off matt renee. the tenth giant pitcher of the day. in their three world series championships in five years, the giants made winning on the road a staple. it will have to be that way again to win a fourth. >> we had a travel day yesterday. it was a long travel day, too. coming from new york to here, you would think we were heading to europe waiting in traffic and waiting on airplanes. it was six or seven hours. but it's good to stay in the full of things. it is. i'll be honest. not take too much time off. not too much time to think about anything. we had to get here yesterday and play today. >> getting close to first pitcher. a cup of line-up tweaks. denard span and joe panik are not in the starting line-up. they will start with hernandez and tomlinson in place of panik. is it any surprise bruce bochy is pushing buttons? >> the cubs a fantastic team and they have the nation behind them. everybody wants this poor franchise this win a world series. i would think the giants have to win one of these two. >> yeah. if the giants split, and i like their chances with cueto on the mound tonight, then all of a sudden you have these cubs that are going to be hearing about the curse of the billly goat and the fact that they haven't won a world series championship since 1980 and all of those things. >> get steve bart man out here. >> exactly. until then they have the best record in baseball and they are the favored team. as the giants have proven in these sort series, they are built for these type of series and the cubs do not want them to feel like they have a chance to win it. >> thanks so much, joe. >> sure. all right, in the air and in the water, the stars of fleet week took over the bay today. sky fox caught the parade of ships sailing and the golden gate bridge. the blue angels took to the sky for the first of three airshows this week. one million spectators expected to come to san francisco this weekend for the annual celebration. >> ktvu's tara moriarty tells us all about the action packed day one. >> reporter: in a style completely american and wholly san francisco fleet week festivities kicked off with a parade of ships coming under the golden gate bridge. for san jose native corporal jacob aaron, it's a dream come true. >> when i was a kid i watched the blue angels. now i am a part of it, probably the coolest thing ever. >> i always get a thrill when i see navy ships. >> i always like seeing the sailors come into town and the marines. my grandpa was a marine. so it's always special. >> reporter: these marines trained for two and a half months to get to this point. the silent drill platoon. this rifle demonstration is to show the public what these men stand for. >> that the marine corps is still alive. the discipline is still there. the honor and the love of corp is there. >> just to see what's going on, it's great. a great feeling. >> reporter: the usmc first division band wowed crowds this morning. and the highlight of fleet week for most the airshow. the stars of the show the blue angels, of course. >> it really moves me because my father was a lieutenant in world war ii in the navy, and so that has brought a flood of memories back to me. >> something that i am not gonna ever forget and i am going to be forever thankful for the experience. >> reporter: if you missed the platoon you can catch it tomorrow morning at union square at 10:00 along with the band. the airshow runs from noon to 4 p.m. saturday and sunday. of course, the tour of the ships goes through monday. in san francisco, tara moriarty, ktvu fox 2 news. >> look at tara in the city sleeveless, right? >> yeah. >> but when you saw those pictures, i mean, blue skies for the blue angels. fantastic. >> it really is. it couldn't be more of an october day. it is just classic fall right now. we have got temperatures -- we had temperatures in the city today in the low 80s with the sky behind me, the sunset is going to be stunning. no fog along the coast. a live camera shot. you are looking back at the federal buildings here. the twin buildings in oakland, right? you see these high clouds. not a harbinger of anything to come. more than just a beautiful sunset. the weekend is going to be outstanding. we are looking for temperatures throughout the weekend around the bay in the 80s. saturday will be the warmest day, tomorrow, but there is no fog to speak of. high pressure with a slight offshore flow. we see that north wind. that's considered offshore, even though it's not a classic northeasterly. you see a little bit of wind coming this way and that way. it would be blowing everything north like point reyes and bodega way. for san francisco it's a north kind of side shore wind. either way, it's warm. 84 fairfield. warmer today than yesterday. look at the difference. 6 degrees warmer. we have steadily been warming since we got into -- since we started monday. monday was that cool day with temperatures in the low 60s. overnight lows tonight, there they are. you see them getting down to the 40s, which is typical. nights are getting long. days are getting short. sun is setting early. in this high pressure center sets us up -- what i anticipate to be the warmest day of the week tomorrow. as we head into sunday, weakens a little bit and then as we head into monday and tuesday it weakens a lot, and the potential for rain later next week is pretty good. models are keeping it in, especially on thursday and friday. we will watch it. i suspect by the middle, end of next week the weather is going to be -- seem and feel a lot different. it's going to feel like early winter. that's the plan anyway. meantime, enjoy this weekend. you see the model trying to bring a little fog back to the development. it could do that. i think it's going to be minimal fog at the coast. i think it's going to be mostly sunny. look at the 90s. those are the reds throughout the bay area. oranges are 80s. your bay area saturday is going to be stunning. i love october anyway. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> but the bay area in october, it just doesn't get any better as long as -- if we can avoid the fire stuff, which we haven and are, this is just the best month of the year. >> i agree. thank you. for the 32nd time this year there has been another deadly crash involving a car and a pedestrian or a bicyclist in san jose. coming up next the plans that san jose has to reduce the number of accidents. and coming up at 6, accused of hoarding dozens of cats. and the nation's oldest park member honored again. the award that betty soskin received today. alla lot of it's a hoax.bal warminit's a hoax. it'll get cooler. it'll get warmer. it's called weather. we need some global warming! we need leaders who get it. so that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. i'm tom steyer. if you want to do something about climate change, you can. please. register and vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. sadly, san jose recorded another deadly ped-car crash. jesse gary is live for us in south san jose with more on that crash and efforts to improve safety on the roads. jesse. >> reporter: that's right. that initiative was called vision zero. we are standing in one of the spots that's targeted by vision zero. this is the capital expressway behind me. behind our camera position is the 87 freeway. this is one of 14 safety priority streets. areas identified as having high numbers of fatalities. improvements are planned here. as last night's crash shows, a loss of life can happen anywhere. accident markings stain the lane. police say 26-year-old resident taylor hildreth was driving under the influence late last night when he veered off the road. >> collided with a parked vehicle and then struck the victim that was on a bike. >> reporter: 55-year-old tomas baltera was pronounced dead at the scene. >> there is always issues with riding traffic. in general, i feel safe, but there are places that are dangerous. >> reporter: last year san jose officials identified 14 stretches of road in the city that have high numbers of fatal accidents involving pedestrians or bicyclists. the city implemented the swedish im spired vision zero with the goal of eliminating all traffic deaths. >> vision zero is not something that can be achieved overnight. it's going to take many years of focus. >> reporter: laurel wells says analysts are looking at ways to make improvements on 64 miles of roadway, mostly in south and east san jose. but vision zero likely means reengineering of traffic patterns, new pedestrian crossings, streetlights, additional signage, reduced speeds and educational programs. >> we are prioritizing our capital dollars where we can for improvements on those corridors. >> reporter: the aggregate number of fatal accidents between vehicles and pedestrians or bicyclists is lower. 37 all of last year with 32 so far this year. but colin haney with the bicycle coalition says it's too soon soon to tout success. >> i don't think that we will see marked improvement from these efforts in a year. >> reporter: of all the planned improvements, city, community, and police leaders say this illustrates one thing. don't get behind the wheel if you are impaired. police say taylor hildreth stayed at the scene and cooperated with the investigators. he has been booked into the main county jail for felony dui. bail set at $100,000. meanwhile, the victim's family has been notified of the loss. a hard day for them, police say. we are live in south san jose this afternoon, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. a scare for parents when a tree branch collapses on a kid's play area. the trees are inspected every day. we asked what happened to make this 40-foot branch collapse. also, we continue to keep an eye on the potentially dangerous hurricane that battered florida today. giving you a live look at the current conditions there in georgia. millions have been told to evacuate coastal communities from florida to the carolinas, including here in savannah, georgia. we are going to talk with our reporter live next. hurricane matthew is weakening, but still dangerous as it heads north from florida into georgia and south carolina. here is a look at the current path of the storm which is bringing winds up to 110 miles an hour and could dump 8 inches of rain or more along the atlantic coast. joel waldman is in savannah, georgia. joel, what's it like at this hour? >> reporter: well, ted, i was just with my crew. that rain is definitely has arrived. the winds, we're getting gusts periodically. you know, they are not knocking us other, but making us move a bit. so far it's been more of a rainmaker than a wind maker, if you will. keep in mind the eye is still a very good distance from us. this storm is moving exceptionally slowly. the main concern is storm surge. it's pretty important. the brunt of the storm is set to hit through the overnight hours. that's also when high tide sets in. so they're saying it could be upwards of a foot of storm surge. but then you have got to add the high tide factor, and that could be 7 feet or is 7 feet with the high tide. worst-case scenario, you get a food of storm storm surge, 7- foot of high tide, you are talking 19 feet of water. the savannah river is behind me. that will almost certainly overflow its banks. the river is on the delayed high tide from the actual atlantic ocean. nevertheless, it will be a tremendous. of water at the very least causing a lot of damage. at the worst, causing loss of life. >> you have the potential for that storm surge there. also them really concerned about winds knocking down trees and power outages. that's the reason why they were encouraging so many people to get out of the area, simply because they say that rescuers won't be able to get to these areas either in case you're in trouble? >> reporter: yeah, that's exactly it. we just saw a police van drive by. they are not going to be doing that much longer. first responders have to take care of themselves, as well. it's a dicey situation out here and everyone needs to heed the warnings. >> we will check back in with you throughout the evening. stay safe. in the bay area san leandro police say tips from tornados led to the raid and the arrest of three women at a suspected brothel. officers served a search warrant at the home on aloha drive yesterday. investigators say that inside they found $1,500 in cash, a jar of condoms, and lingerie. police say three women tried to run away and were arrested on suspicion of resisting arrest. investigators say seeking criminal charges in such cases is extremely difficult and that they say at this point no human trafficking-related charges have been filed. police though continue to work with the alameda district attorney's office. a 40-foot branch came crashing down to a play area in san jose this week. they took down the rest of that cedar tree as ktvu ann ruben explains. while no one was injured, plenty of parents and children were shaken up. >> reporter: yeah, officials say they do visual inspections of the trees here each day before the park opens and that this one was in good health. they are calling this a freak accident. one they say they're lucky wasn't worse. the photos show the damage but don't quite convey the horror of what they saw wednesday. >> i heard this like firecracker and i thought this can't be a firecracker. there is no firecracker. i turn around and the whole tree cracked in half. >> reporter: they were at happy hallow park and zoo when a 40- foot long tree branch came crashing down landing on top of the kids' play area. karen said she started so cream. >> it was like a dream. you know, when you can't really move, no, no, no, no! because i saw the stroller smooshed under the branches. >> reporter: and while most people ran from the site, 9- year-old georgia ran in looking for people to rescue. >> i was thinking about is everybody okay? is anyone trapped under the play structure. i was grabbing stroller after stroller after stroller and i was wondering, what in the world happened? >> reporter: amazingly, the strollers were all empty and but for a few scratches, no one was hurt. officials with the san jose parks and rec department say this was pure luck. >> luckily, it hit another tree, which allowed the tree branch to kind of hold up and so people were able to move. >> reporter: so they can't help wonder what if. a similar incident in august left a woman paralyzed when a tree branch fell on her in san francisco's washington square park. >> i can't stop thinking about her because this could have been anyone. >> reporter: happy hollow is in the process of taking the old cedar tree down. the arborists who inspected it say it was in perfect health. >> officials say they already do daily inspections of the trees and that will continue. still it's not enough for the shearers. >> i know that the girls never ever ever want to go back there, which is a shame because it's a really happy, happy place. >> reporter: the affected section of the park should be inspected and reopen tomorrow morning. live in san jose, ann ruben, ktvu fox 2 news. tiger woods is back. he is set to compete in his first tournament in more than a year and it is next week in napa. coming up, the evidence of his popularity even though he hasn't won or played in a pretty long time. plus mh370 vanished without a trace two years ago. new evidence has washed ashore. we will have that coming up after the break. an east bay woman shot during an armed robbery is back home recovering. carol brown and her husband were loading groceries early last week when two men attacked them. brown, who is the vice president of the lorinda school board, fought to keep her purse and was shot. since the attack she has been overwhelmed by the support of the community. i want to read a little bit from a statement she released today. my sincere hope is that something good can emerge from this frightening incident and the tremendous good will i have been privileged to receive with ben fet others. police have made arrests in a series of armed robberies that may be related to this case. >> the california department of alcoholic beverage control suspended the reduction lounge's liquor license. they cannot serve or sell alcohol for 45 days. their license is also on probation for three years. it comes after a joint investigation by the avc and the walnut creek police department triggered by numerous complaints of fighting, public intoxication, and disturbing the base. the u.s. officially accused russia of carrying out cyber attacks that interrupted our elections. they are confident that the russian government was behind the hacking of political organizations in the u.s., although it's not mentioned by name in the statement, intelligence officials later confirmed they were referring to the democratic national committee. back in july you remember leaked dnc e-mails led to the resignation of debbie wasserman schultz. another piece of the missing malaysia airlines flight 370 has washed up on an island in the indian ocean. a piece of wing has been confirmed as belonging to the missing plane. it's similar to the piece found earlier this year. parts of the boeing 777 have been discovered on coastlines across the indian ocean. more than 200 people were on board the plane when it vanished in 2014. search teams are still looking for the missing black boxes and the main cabin. they are building housing for the homeless and someone broke in and stole thousands of dollars worth of appliances. >> it's a balance of good and evil. right now see how a north bay community is coming together to help out. it was destined to be a success. but now it's got a tiger in its tank. the return of tiger woods to the profession of golf. lots going around the bay. the weather couldn't be more perfect. big changes coming in the five- day. a chance of rain. let's get to your bay area saturday and sunday. see you after the break. the giants are the bay area's sports focus this week. next week it will also be centered on a main named tiger. tiger woods will be back at it on the pga tour. his long awaited return will be in napa at the silverado golf club. >> tom baker spent the day at the course and found out that woods is still a huge draw tore fans. >> reporter: silverado country club is getting ready for next week's safeway open. the first official tournament. 2016-17 pga season. tiger woods said he will compete in the safeway open after a 417 day hiatus. it will be the first test of woods' talents after two back surgeries in late 2015. >> the safeway open is going to be under the international golf spotlight. our ticket sales have more than doubled. >> reporter: the bay area news groups has been a sports writer for a quarter century. >> this would be just another stop on the tour. suddenly it's a stop and it has this extra wow factor to it. now, no matter what he does is news. there is all this excitement around it that pretty much transcends golf because he brings in a different kind of fan. >> reporter: they will find this tournament to be more of a festival. >> we have a completely different model. food, wine, music, and pga tour golf. >> reporter: if that's not enough, there are reports that on thursday and friday tiger will be playing with no less than phil mickelson. >> the winner of this tournament gets invited to the masters. wins over $1 million for first place and gets a number of fedex points. so it's a very important tournament. >> reporter: there was so much attention, the 40-year-old woods still has some years to break all the tournament- winning records if he can pull it together. >> if he misses the cut, it's the comeback fell short maybe, or if he makes the cut and contends, here he goes. the legend is ready to roll again. >> reporter: truth is the battered and beleaguered golf industry really needs a superstar to reignite interest in the sport, and woods is the player who, having done it many times in the past, just could do it again. tom vicar, ktvu fox 2 news. >> it is going to be cool to see him back out there, right? >> absolutely. what kind of weather? >> the weather is going to be outstanding. this whole weekend, the end of next week we get to friday, we have a chance of some showers out there. real rain. maybe even snow in the mountains. between now and then, next week, end of next week, we have some outstanding weather to talk about. it's been cool the early part of this week, sunday, monday, and then we have warmed up a little bit each day. today is pretty much -- probably tomorrow is the warmest day of the week. these are the highs. we will see more low 90s tomorrow. around the bay, did you see how the micro climate -- there is no microclimates really. it's 80 in pacifica and 86 in concord, 84 vallejo. this time of year when the winds are offshore and the high pressure builds in and the winds do their thing and the air sinks and warms, the microclimates go away. usually we are 50 at the coast. 98 inland. at the estuary you see the crews out there getting ready to finish off their workout. it's going to be a beautiful weekend. a lot going on. be safe out there, especially if you are going to the beaches. it's enticing. the ocean is cold. there is not much swell. it's always a little dangerous, especially ocean beach and pacifica with the rip currents. the winds are slightly offshore. they will be like that tomorrow. there might be a patchy fog in point reyes tomorrow. winds are generally light. i just saw an east wind down there in the livermore valley, a northeast wind coming out of livermore, which is just sort of an indication north of mountain view, sfo. variable winds. the high pressure builds in. the day warms tomorrow. as we head into the bay area weekend -- pardon me, the end of the weekend, temperatures trend down rapidly. peak on saturday. temperatures about the same. a little cooler on sunday. then monday, tuesday, they drop off and then a chance for showers. fleet week always fun. i got to see them -- you know, a lot of them on the bay bridge, saw them in the city the last couple of days. the weather is good for this. they blow the smoke. a lot of the airshows, the pilots put smoke out so you can trace their movements. if you notice that smoke just lingers out in the bay. just hanging out there. so the atmosphere very stable right now. there is not a lot of mixing. there is not a lot of wind out there to really change things up. just an observation. beautiful sunset in store tonight. hope you are out at kelly's cove perhaps, out at the beach, maybe have a fire going at vfw and enjoying the evening with a cold boy and getting ready for the evening ahead. >> cold boy. [ laughter ] all right. well, not a cold one, but how about some coffey? police and bay area residents took time out for national coffey with a cop day. i want to show you video from san francisco where officers met with people at ten different locations around the city. this is part of community policing week across the country. officers in berkeley and santa clara and other departments around the bay area also sat down with people in their communities and they had plenty of questions. >> i did have questions about my neighborhood, about littering and parking. i also learned about ammunition disposal. one of the women was asking about how to get rid of old ammunition, and the police department will take that and dispose of it for you. >> santa clara police say they were very happy with the turnout and enjoyed the interaction with the public. they also handed out custom made coffey cups to everyone who attended. they were bidding housing for the homeless -- building housing for the homeless and somebody decided to break in and steal appliances from the construction site. how one north bay community is helping out again. you know, she was -- i knew about her. i failed. i will admit it. i did try to [bleep] her. she was married. >> a controversial recording of donald trump leaked. coming up at six, the disturbing audio and how the hillary clinton campaign is reacting. and we continue to follow the latest developments the of hurricane matthew. the power is out for more than a million people. coming up at 6 we will have a live report from the storm zone. and they lied about it thatfor now they're lying about prop 56. if you don't use tobacco, you don't pay. smokers pay - their fair share of the 3 billion in health care costs all taxpayers are paying now. and there's one more thing: our kids. every state that's significantly raised tobacco taxes has reduced youth smoking. please. vote yes on 56. if we can save even a few lives, it's worth it. its mission is to help with housing the homeless, but someone broke into a construction site and stole thousands of dollars of items. as ktvu's rob roth found, however, the community in the north bay affected is stepping up to help. >> reporter: when word went out about the theft here at this housing for homeless families construction site in novato recently. >> give me the lock and deadbolt. yeah. pretty gnarly. >> reporter: donations from the community began pouring? >> it's a balance of good and evil. the good is winning. >> reporter: she is the executive director of home ward bound, a non-profit organization building these 14 hours for homeless families. it's a $6 million project. all of it raised through donations. she says the thieves made off with about $12,000 worth of brand new appliances from the community room. police have made no arrests. >> refrigerator. stove. microwave. they took dishwasher. they took the garbage disposal and a couple toilets. >> reporter: once the news broke, people began sending in money. so far about $6,000. >> people are coming around and saying, hey, look, we feel badly about the burglary. we want to help you out. >> home ward bound to me is a life saver. it's a complete 180 on my life. >> reporter: he used to live on this street. now he's learning to become a chef through home ward bound's culinary school. he can't imagine someone stealing from an organization trying to help the down and out. >> didn't really that kind of thing happening here. this place doesn't deserve it. >> reporter: home ward bound says it will replace what is stolen and has increased security. >> a lot of people have setbacks in their lives, and we can be resilient just like we hope our folks will be resilient. >> reporter: the thefts don't seem to be slowing the project down. the homes are still to be open by christmas. rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. grab them by the [bleep]. do anything. >> disturbing and sexually explicit comments caught on tape. shocking audio of donald trump talking about women. plus. >> hurricane matthew remains a very serious and dangerous threat. the time to leave the city is quickly coming to an end. this will be a dangerous storm. >> hurricane matthew battering the southeast coast. the latest on the location and strength of this storm. good evening. i am heather holmes in tonight for julie. >> i am ted rowlands in for frank. right now hurricane matthew remains about 30 miles offshore near the georgia-florida state line. it has weakened to a category 2 storm, but it is still a dangerous potentially life- threatening storm, packing winds of 110 miles per hour. >> by midnight the storm is suspected to reach savannah, georgia, and later the charleston, south carolina area. forecasters say it could dump up to 15 inches of rain. we have team coverage tonight. chief meteorologist bill martin is tracking the conditions. >> first, joel waldman is live in savannah, georgia with the very latest on the storm. joel. >> reporter: ted and heather, good evening out here. good afternoon to you still. i just got knocked a little bit by the wind. in has definitely been more of a rain event than a wind event up to now. i was just watching some local forecasts since the last time we talked. they are forecasting this storm to pass through here. the brunt of it in the overnight hours. we are talking like midnight to 3 a.m. or so, and then by noon tomorrow it could almost be a sunny someday here, which is hard to -- sunny day here, which is hard to reconcile given what we are experiencing right now. the meteorologists locally warning that the wind will continue to stay with us. nevertheless, right now the storm, hurricane matthew, is approaching. i was going to say fast approaching, but that would be a misnomer. it's moving pretty slowly. just going 8, 10 miles per hour which is why this has taken so long. this has been an active

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