Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 5 20220811 : compare

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU FOX 2 News At 5 20220811

you've been injected with a sedative san francisco police and fire referred to the city attorney david chu. we have not been served yet with papers in that lawsuit. as soon as we do, we will review and we will respond. the lawsuit seeks unspecified damages and does not name any individual police officers or paramedics live in the newsroom. henry lee ktvu fox studios where you think you five union city police say they have arrested three people for a robbery and shooting that happened last week, investigators say. last wednesday afternoon, a man witnessed a woman being robbed of her jewelry in the area of 8th and 8th streets when he followed the getaway car to get a license plate. those robbers shot the victim in the leg. injuries were not life threatening. police later arrested two miners and one adult in oakland. the adult 29 year old ronald haze of hayward was booked on a series of charges including robbery and discharging a firearm at a vehicle. those two miners are facing robbery and attempted homicide charges. a federal judge today found walgreens liable for substantially contributing to the opioid epidemic intent for cisco. the judge found that walgreens did not stop suspicious orders or give their pharmacists enough time to look into whether they were dispensing drugs for illicit use. san francisco city attorney david shew said that as a result, the city was flooded with opioids while greens is the latest prescribed largest prescriber of prescription opioids in san francisco. we have seen how this heartbreaking epidemic has played out on our city streets, costing our city millions upon millions of dollars to abate. in recent years, walgreens has tried to shift the blame by saying that they are closing stores because of the conditions on our streets . it has been an ironic set of statements because they help to create those conditions. more than 700. people die each year in san francisco due to opioid overdoses. the next phase of the trial will determine much which excuse me will determine whether walgreens must pay the city to address the harms of the opioid crisis, walgreens spokesperson told the washington post. the company will appeal the ruling state lawmakers and bay area leaders are urging governor newsom to sign legislation legalizing supervised drug consumption sites. supporters say this move will address the crisis. of overdose deaths. while critics worry this will only encourage drug use. ktvu is christian captain. joining us now live from san francisco, where those pushing for those facilities say they would certainly make a difference. christian backers of the safe consumption site legislation say people are dying on the streets of san francisco and elsewhere that these safe consumption sites are a way to save lives. the drug crisis on the streets is clear. lawmakers passed senator scott wiener is legislation sb 57 earlier this month, which would allow supervised consumption sites to operate in san francisco, oakland and los angeles. treatment advocates say the site would save lives. we asked for the governor to allow us to care for people and treat people with dignity and bring them to health and care. and, most importantly, to prevent death, senator weiner says sites elsewhere have already proven to save lives. but they can also be an important way of reaching addicts who want to get clean. we know that these sites have a strong track record of connecting people to treatment. some people say. well we shouldn't do this site. we should do treatment. no, we should do. both state senate republicans have urged the governor to veto sb 57, saying it would create state sanctioned drug use facilities with no requirements for treatment and that it would distract from real long term solution. as to the drug crisis, including state funded and operated drug treatment programs in san francisco's police officers association released a statement saying they were skeptical that safe consumption sites would work in california. and we also reached out to the governor's office to discuss the supervised consumption legislation. his office said that the governor had not yet seen that bill at the governor's office does not comment on pending legislation. and we also heard from senator weiner's office that the legislation should have landed on the governor's desk sometime today that starts the clock. the governor will now have to make a decision on whether he's going to veto or sign this legislation. before the end of the month. we're live in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news, christian. we'll wait to see how the governor response on this important issue . thank you. san francisco is going to receive $23 million in federal funding for street safety improvements in the south of market neighborhood. this will be used along howard street between 11th and fourth street for the howard streetscape project. house speaker nancy pelosi says it will help transform what she calls a dangerous, congested artery into walkable and bike friendly street. the project includes a protected bike lane upgraded traffic signals and raised crosswalks. project construction is expected to begin in 2024. the search intensifies for 16 year old girl who vanished near lake tahoe. kylie rodney is believed to have been abducted from a party this past weekend. she texted her mother, saying she was headed home but never returned. foxes giovanni luigi joins us live from truckee tonight with the latest on the investigation, giovanni christina. we heard from law enforcement officers about two hours ago, and they told us that they really don't have any new leads. and there is no major developments in this case, but they have so many resources on the ground, trying to find what happens who are more than 50. fbi agents are here looking on the grounds you have people in the sky looking for possibly any signs of her car or any signs of where she might have gone through and you also have dive teams are searching lakes in this area as well. so she was last seen saturday morning. her phone last pinged at this campground at 2 33 and law enforcement officers say that she texted her mom saying that she would be coming home. however she never made it home and her car is still missing. so as of now, this is being investigated as an abduction. however police say that they don't really have any evidence to prove it isn't abduction quite yet, but they are still looking into more allegations and more tips right now. they have hundreds of tips that they're still going through. but they are concerned that they might not have enough into the are asking people to come forward and volunteers from around northern california and northern nevada are converging on this spot. just trying to find any signs of where she might have gone to we just want to do what we can to help local family and i think we all hope that if it were our sister or daughter or cousin or niece that the same people would turn out for us. and the plaster county sheriff's department did release some images. they said that she borrowed a hoodie evening and she was wearing a black tank top . however once again they are asking anyone with any sort of information become forward. they are concerned that people are withholding information out of fear that they might get in trouble for underage drinking at that party. however, they say that that's not their main concern. their main concern tonight is getting the 16 year old teenager kylie rodney, back home with her family here in truckee, is you want to leave? ktvu fox two news giovanni in that photo that was released from authorities. did they say where that image was taken, where she was last seen? so they didn't say where it was taken. but once again, that's just a small snippet of what they're looking into. so that's just kind of gives an idea of people what they should be looking for on the ground out here or in areas as well here in northern california region, truckee tonight, giovanni. thank you. republicans in washington or promising to ramp up oversight of the biden administration following the fbi search of former president trump's home in florida yesterday. the former president appeared this morning at a deposition with new york's attorney general in a separate civil investigation. mr trump refused to answer questions and invoked his fifth amendment right against self incrimination . the deposition comes just days after the fbi executed a search warrant in florida at his moral lago home. some republicans are calling this search politically motivated. democrats say that's not the case. everyone in this country should be concerned when the department of justice has been weaponized against american citizens. the person that was appointed to the fbi was a donald trump appointee. many of the judges that are looking at that or donald trump appointees. during that search, the fbi reportedly spent several hours looking through mr trump's private office. the search warrant focused on presidential records and evidence of classified information that was allegedly taken from the white house. more than 150. san jose police officers planning to leave the department in the next two years. what's behind these decisions? and what do they mean for public safety? well, that depends on who you ask also, containment growing on their wildfire burning up near the california oregon border after the break tonight, we're going to be speaking with a journalist in that area who has had an up close view of the mckinney fire. plus. oh my god. i was like what? what are you talking about? he said, yeah, we have our guide that's coming over to get to, um, to disconnect your power. and i was like that's unusual. jenny customers say they've been getting concerning phone calls from someone claiming to be with the utility coming up at 5 30 details on the smart meter scam and what you need to know. and a very of weather. another nice day, lots of sunshine, and it looks like a bit of a warming trend. as we head towards the weekend, we'll have the update coming up after the this claim is part of positioning during contract negotiations. ktvu agency gary is live at city hall tonight to get to the bottom of it, jesse and this is a convergence of politics, pay and perception all happening in an election year and how the allegations are handled on both sides could very well impact who next occupies the mayor's office. this department. is in crisis. we are experiencing our own emergency. calling 911 for help, and there is no extra help. that assessment wednesday from police officers association president sean pritchard. he points to a recently completed survey of 680 union san jose police officers, which shows 156 police officers plan to leave the department in the next 24 months. this on top of 206 that have parted ways since january of 2021. the reasons behind the departures ranged from retirements, two firings to health issues and deaths. pritchard says the city's attempts to recruit and retain new blood falls far short of the mark. the city leaders are creating a false sense of security. they are gambling with the security of the residents of our city and its further creating a dire situation in the city. the officers that represented by the police union are paid on average more than $189,000 a year. current san jose mayor sam liccardo says such pay has helped the city at 225 police officers over the past five years, he says, there's a 3% vacancy rate and that only 37 officers have resigned. the rest, have retired, moved to another agency or been terminated. cardo says the union is trying to leverage its power during contract negotiations, asking for an average 7% annual raise over two years, plus a $5000 signing bonus. this department mary, how did you cut it based on total pay? is the third highest department among the 17. big departments, we can no longer allow city officials to play with the numbers while the back and forth between the union and city plays out, it will likely fall to the next mayor to live with the fallout candidate cindy chavez, the most important things the next mayor will do is going to be stabilizing the city and making sure it's safe again. the city has continued to grow and their ranks have not. candidate matt mahan chose not to be interviewed for this story , but he did indicate that he would prefer to do a deep dive into the numbers before he decides what is best election day is still months off. we're live outside san jose city hall , jesse gary ktvu, fox two news. we'll head back to you, jesse. thank you. francisco district attorney's office says felony charges were officially filed today against the suspect accused of attacking a border. former city commissioner. these offices. former san francisco commissioner 70 year old greg chu was attacked violently on august 2nd. in the city south of market district. he suffered non life threatening injuries. 34 year old derek year be of san francisco was arraigned today on a series of felonies, including assault, battery and elder abuse . no word yet if you're being entered a plea turning now to the mckinney fire still burning up near the california oregon. border crews have containment now up to 60% the wildfires burned more than 60,000 acres and destroyed 185 buildings in siskiyou county. j. martin is a journalist behind the website, siskiyou dot news and j has been covering this fire up close here ever since it first started. he joins us tonight to offer some more perspective on what that community is going through. we appreciate the time time. let's first start with the effort to get this fire under control. we hear containment is growing here . do you get the sense that that the crews who are working hard up? there are at a point where they might be able to stop this fire from growing in size. they have done a phenomenal job. uh, cal fire and u. s forest service . they have teamed up and they have really attacked this fire. um they have contents been contained for several days now. and they actually are starting to attack inward on the fire. and um, it's a their success in this direct approach is really, uh evidence. it's always remarkable to see see the work that they do i understand today for the first time, some evacuees were allowed to go back and see what kind of damage has been done to their homes and their properties. how much devastation are we seeing in these communities? we talk about the numbers and the number of buildings in the number of homes that have been damaged or destroyed. but what? what's the what's the true impact this is having on that community. the only thing left in a lot of places as chimneys. it's heartbreaking. it really is. and, uh. you don't realize it until you see it, but it's devastating. for the small community, small populations that are very tight knit to, um everything's gone. everything's gone. what happens next? how do you how do you see that community? as you say, obviously, a very tight knit community. a small community. how do you see that? the people in that area rallying around those who either lost loved ones in the fire or lost their homes to try to move forward. well we have a saying up here and we're siskiyou strong and, um, nothing knocks us down. it knocks us back, but we come back fighting. the community will rally. the towns around will rally. you know, it's a lot of grassroots. there's going to be fundraisers and potlucks and cleanups and, um there was a lot of civic organizations. it'll get behind the ones that didn't have insurance and help them out. and then, of course, there's the ones that do have better insurance. um but in a couple of years, it'll be better, stronger and hopefully a little more fireproof. hopefully so, um, let's talk about beyond the fire itself. i mean, just the impact that that this disaster is having up there. we saw incredible flash flooding up in the fire zone in the past couple of days, and that actually triggered a debris flow that killed off a whole lot of fish along the klamath river because the oxygen levels in the water just just plummeted and all the fish died. can you talk about how widespread the impact was here for the fish along the river? i have not been down to this part of the river. i let me take that back. i didn't go all the way down like stay down to happy camp, which is another 20 miles. but the croup tribe that monitors this and they're dissolved oxygen levels. zero after this, there was zero oxygen in the water, and that's what caused this. i was up the three main streams that flooded the humbug creek, vanessa's and today and yesterday i spent a bunch of time up. uh, walker creek and. it's absolutely amazing that after the fire came through and burned off the grass and the vegetation and then that heavy, three inches of rain and one hours what they're reporting , it literally stripped the mountain. it did. yeah i mean, so much so much damage so much devastation up in that area of wishing all the best to you and all your neighbors. j that's j. martin, a journalist with siskiyou dot news. appreciate your time and your perspective tonight. thank you. you too. thanks for inviting me. and what is, of course, the really concerning it's only august out there. we're still heading toward the peak of fire season, which typically september october, even november, so that's the time had to be prepared now, but even if can have the ramp up our preparation as we head toward at least the next few months, red flag fire warnings right now, as you can see up in extreme northern california once again. but the barry we're not talking about red flag fire warning for today . tomorrow there will be a little bit warmer for the inland spots, and that means that the warmest occasions could be in the lower nineties by about three or four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. but these are all just a minor changes headed our way for your thursday. here's the satellite and the radar. not much in the way of cloud cover out there. remember the thunderstorms out toward the sierra last week? it's pretty much a quiet pattern for today. so here's our current satellite. lots of clear skies. some low cloud cover will likely reform over the next few hours throughout the evening hours coast side, then pushing back into the bay current numbers out there. san francisco has cooled off to 69 some eighties for concord, walnut creek, san jose , a pleasant 79 degrees and also watching the winds. we check out some of the reports here, fairfield you could see sustained at about 21 miles an hour. let's show us fo westerly 25 a half moon bay wins at about 15 miles an hour so nothing too unusual with the winds with the winds around 15 and 25 miles an hour. you see a bit of a chop on the oakland estuary this afternoon. speaking of the water , we have king tides this week, primarily for the evening hours , you might notice something of the water really filling in over the next few hours. this high tide 7.1 from the 10 o'clock hours so we could see some minor flooding portions of the coast and right around the bay with that king tide. pretty much the same story into a thursday evening. here's a forecast model tomorrow morning showing you some of the clouds out there with partly cloudy skies england and then into the afternoon hours, the clouds will clear back to near the shore line. temperature is not moving around too much, but it could be a little bit warmer for your on thursday forecast and more warming as this guy wants to move in by the weekend, we'll have more on your forecast your weekend outlook coming up in a few minutes. we'll see you, then mark community mourning tonight after the death of an east bay middle school students, the sudden loss of the all star athlete and the outpouring of athlete and the outpouring of support for the wow, look at this selection! tile, wood, stone, laminate, vinyl... and this one is...perfect. at floor and decor, our everyday low pricing on high-quality products and on-trend styles, means you can really bring your room to life. discover floor and decor today! non-gaming tribes have been left in the dust. wealthy tribes with big casinos make billions, while small tribes struggle in poverty. prop 27 is a game changer. 27 taxes and regulates online sports betting to fund permanent solution to homelessness. while helping every tribe in california. so who's attacking prop 27? wealthy casino tribes who want all the money for themselves support small tribes, address homelessness. vote yes on 27. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. efficient. agile. and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. clayton mourning the loss of a youth football player who fell ill at practice and died two days later. the principle of diablo view middle school says his student will quote be sorely missed and never forgotten. ktvu tom baker has more tonight on how the student's death is impacting the community just one day before the school year begins. a very difficult day at diablo view middle school, the staff dealing with the death of one of their students youth football player brandon fahey sports star died on sunday, two days after falling seriously ill during a football practice at clayton valley charter high school was a great student. always had great grades, just, you know. honestly just a race, sunshine. he was, you know, friendly kid. he had lots of friends unified school district superintendent, dr adam clark, send a message to all parents in the district, urging them to talk to their children and take advantage of grief counselors that will be on hand. in his statement, he said the death of a friend and a loved one is tragic and a sudden tragedy like this one can have profound effect on surviving students and the community at large. which is absolutely the case here, clayton with just 11,000 people is a very small town. and when a child dies, everyone here is shocked by it, and everyone here suffers through it. and everybody here is trying to help the family. get through it. and because he was so active in all the you know various sports and whatnot. um almost pretty much everybody. knows him or knows of him and his family. so um, it's just been. it's been hard fund me account already set up in his honor to help his family deal with funeral and medical bills has already raised almost $90,000. so that's just tell you just how much um love there is for the family tomorrow, the first day of school schoolmates will wear blue in his owner. on monday, there were sports shirts and jerseys representing brandon's love of his teams. and his local favorite bay area teams. tom vacar ktvu, fox two news. concerning phone calls to p. j. any customers this smart meter scam proving costly to customers, and it's back to the books across the bay area. the major overhaul some students were treated to to oh ms. flores. you're the leader of many and pet wrangler, too. so becoming a student again might seem impossible. national university is here to support all of you. national university. supporting the whole you. seen this ad? nit's not paid fory. by california tribes. it's paid for by the out of state gambling corporations that wrote prop 27. it doesn't tell you 90% of the profits go to the out of state corporations. a tiny share goes to the homeless, and even less to tribes. and a big loophole says, costs to promote betting reduce money for the tribes, so they get less. hidden agendas. fine print. loopholes. prop 27. they didn't write it for the tribes or the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. thanks to chase, angie's not sweating this text since there's zero overdraft fees if she overdraws by $50 or less. and, kyle, well, he's keeping calm with another day to adjust his balance if he overdraws by more than $50. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. custom with threats to cut off your power. our investigative reporter brooks jarocz joining us now with more on what you need to know to protect yourself, brooks this after hearing from several scam victims, they tell me it started with a phone call in a demand to put down a deposit to have a new smart meter installed in their homes. when i asked pg and e about it, the utility said it will never ask for money over the phone. and in recent weeks, pg and e has gotten dozens of similar stories and complain. it's now being called the smart meter scam utility imposters are calling p genie customers and telling them their power will be disconnected and get this 10 to 20 minutes. they falsely say their utility meters need to be replaced for one of those new or upgraded smart meters and if the customer fails to immediately make that deposit service will just be cut off. scammers are also claiming to have sent notices about the smart meter upgrade in the days or weeks before they're even emailing bogus letters that look legitimate on pgd letterhead. they asked for $498 and say it will be refunded in the next two building cycles is really all aimed at confusing or worrying customers to ultimately, get your money. something wasn't quite right. and so then i hung up again and then someone else called me back on an 800 number and says i am the technician. i am coming to your house to disconnect your power. and so i said, well, i'm not there and you can't go around disconnecting people's power. many people in a panic let me just what do you need, and they would have given them the information. and boom. once they get it, you know, they move quickly on it. and they weren't gonna pg pg me doesn't refund any type of money. like i said, you will get a credit and they don't call you for anything. and if they do call the person on the line is a quick recordings to say that your power will be out from 2 to 4 something like that, and they get off the phone. some victims say the scammers trying to get them to zell funds or use a prepaid money card or even provide your credit card number. pg and e says it will never request a prepaid card or a money transfer and we spoke with the cyber security officials at png. andy and we asked what the utility is doing to protect customers and the common signs of scams. now that's going to come up all new tonight on the 10 o'clock news. but so far this year, alex there have been 7200 reports from pg and e customers have been targeted by these scammers. widespread scams going on here, you have to be so careful, brooks. q. thanks back to school season is here and students in san ramon valley unified school district celebrated the first day in a brand new building twin creeks elementary school in san ramon underwent a major overhaul inside and out with students rushing into brand new classrooms. the extra special kickoff signals a return to normalcy for students and staff. schools are a hub for the community, parents and staff and kids coming together and when covid hit, we had to separate. even when we were here. it wasn't the same this morning on this campus, twin creeks, people are connected, smiling, enjoying being with each other, and that's what makes learning happen. different pandemic precautions like masks and vaccines are recommended, but not mandated. the oakland police department has found the person responsible for posting a threatening message directed at students at oakland tech high school in a letter to the school community, oakland, tex. principal martel price said police determined the threat was a hoax and not credible. despite that there was additional security on campus today with the principal requesting in part that we ask everyone in all situations. please keep your eyes open. and if you see anything suspicious, or that makes you uncomfortable reported to the administration as soon as possible. counseling services are also available to students as well. the oakland unified school district says the police department is now working with the d a s office on this investigation. kids in the south bay or getting some brand new backpacks to start off the school year this morning, sacred heart community service in san jose kicked off its annual backpack giveaway. this year, the group plans to distribute backpacks to 3800 children. those backpacks are filled with school supplies that kids need based on supply list from the san jose unified school district for each grade level. give me like a calculator, pencils, rulers. some people don't have enough money to buy these things . and here they give them away, which is really helpful for us. registration for the backpack. giveaway is closed, and families must already have an appointment to receive a backpack and school supplies. families in marin county received some support today as well. students in low income households will return to school with help from the ritter center. that organization supplied kids with essential school supplies, backpacks and a $50 gift card for new school clothes center replaced known for improving the lives of people living in poverty in marin county, held that back to school give away 170 registered families will receive essential school supplies, a backpack and again that that gift card for clothes. you don't want to show up to school feeling like the other kids have more than you. that's it's not a good feeling. so at least this way. we're doing a little bit of something to help them. they've got a brand new backpack, a brand new water bottle, all the basic supplies that they're going to need, and they can be right on track with the rest of their peers. registration for this backpack giveaway is also closed . families must have already had an appointment to receive a backpack and school supplies. area students will be returning to the classroom over the next couple of weeks. here's a look now at some of the start dates for the larger bay area school districts tomorrow. it's back to school for palo alto elementary , san mateo, foster city, santa clara and dublin. west. contra costa unified students return next tuesday. and one day later, students in san francisco , san jose and fremont are back in class. then on august 23rd students in livermore returned to school. the santa clara evita is moving towards fixing its chronic shortage of bus drivers . today, 17 new bus drivers graduated from an intensive nine week program and are ready to hit the streets. the ta has recently upped its efforts to recruit drivers increasing the number of training classes offered to feel driver shortages , and the agency is chipping away at the shortage with 70 vacancies last november, reduced to just 40 vacancies now vice president kamala harris touched down here in the bay area just a short time ago, the white house press office announced. the vice president is here in town for a series of events over the next two days. tomorrow she's scheduled to hold a roundtable discussion with state lawmakers in san francisco. that conversation will focus on reproductive health care that on friday, she'll be in oakland for an event on the commercial space sector. then later, highlighting efforts to support students. another long line today outside zuckerberg, san francisco general hospital for monkey pox vaccinations. yesterday the city began distributing 10,000 doses it received from the federal government. the city has the capacity to vaccinate 3000 people a day at over 15 vaccination sites. the clinic is set to open at eight am tomorrow and every day through saturday. san francisco has reported just over 500 probable and confirmed cases of monkeypox plants are in the works to try to stretch the limited supply of monkey pox vaccine here in the u. s l leopoulos has more of the efforts to make a little go a long way. i'm glad that they're doing something now to get a lot of doses as the number of monkeypox infections continues to climb, the white house is ramping up its response to the outbreak, hoping to get ahead of the virus. on tuesday, the fda issued emergency use authorization to stretch the nation's limited supply of monkey pox vaccine by giving high risk individuals 18 and older. a fraction of the usual dose. it's safe, it's effective and it will significantly scaled the volume of vaccine doses available for communities across the country. meanwhile, the government has already distributed hundreds of thousands of vaccines with about 400,000 more vials ready to be sent to areas where people are showing signs of the disease and places with high risk populations. combating the monkeypox outbreak is unprecedented, and health officials advise people follow measures that prevent the spread. even if they are vaccinated, especially if they have only had a single dose. by avoiding close skin to skin contact, including intimate contact with somebody who has monkey packs because we don't yet know how well these vaccines work. they are also pushing for more testing. it's very important if you think you got it to go seek your medical healthcare provider and get tested, although only a handful of children have contracted monkeypox virus top of mind for parents as they send their kids back to school for the fall, but medical experts say the risk to children remains low schools and childcare settings appear to be very safe places to be. york iliopoulos fox news. we have some sad news to tell you about tonight. former ktvu anchor leslie griffith has died, according to a family member. griffith's career here at ktvu spent 22 years she was a seasoned field reporter and was then promoted to anchoring the 10 o'clock news alongside dennis richmond. her journalism skills reached beyond television news. she also reported for several print publications, including the san francisco chronicle. and the denver post. after leaving ktvu in 2006. griffith worked on making a documentary about the treatment of circus elephants. her family says she endured a long battle with lyme disease, and she survived by her two children, and two grandchildren. i just saw t nation. in july, but consumers continue to see rising prices on some goods. madeline rivera reports from washington. we received news that our economy had 0% inflation. in the month of july house putting a positive spin on the latest drop and inflation rate. the price of some things go up went up last month, the price of other things went down. by the same amount. consumer prices in july did not change for the month of june. the rates staying flat, thanks to a drop in gas prices, which fell 7.7% last month. however critics were quick to call out the president, saying prices are still up 8.5% over the last year , leaving americans feeling grim . i would dare the president to go to any supermarket in america today stand in the checkout line and smile at people say, aren't you happy? prices are going down. prices are one bright spot in july's report. but skeptics say there's a reason down because people are driving last . they're driving last one presumes because prices are so high and they're not sure they can afford it. the white house acknowledged. more work needs to be done as many wait to see whether inflation has peaked. some are bracing for a bumpy road ahead. i don't think that inflation problem is going to go away. ah of its own volition. and so i think we're likely to have some quite turbulent times ahead. the report will likely be welcomed by the federal reserve , which is indicated it will keep raising interest rates until inflation wanes in washington. mala rivera fox news , california attorney general, rob bonta is throwing his support behind the city of livermore's project to build in affordable housing complex. bottom filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit filed by the group save downtown livermore against the city. the ages offices supporting the city's request for dismissal. in the case, the city approved eden housings 130 units of affordable housing project last year. the group saved downtown livermore says that project reduces parking increases traffic and will not provide housing to police and firefighters that it says it was initially promised. job numbers are improving, but new data from the mortgage bankers association says home sales are slowing. the data shows demand for mortgage applications rose by 0.2% from last week, but homeowners are reworking their finances as refinance applications rose 4% according to forecasters with the mp, a affordability issues and economic uncertainty is what's pushing buyers to wait on new purchases. that's happening even as the labor department reports u. s employers have added 528,000 jobs in the last week of july, a strong increase despite fears of an economic slowdown. a new indictment in the thwarted assassination attempt of a former trump security advisor and the second murder for hire plot with the million dollar price tag. and he says he caught it all on camera . the husband pressing charges after he says his wife poured drano in his drink. and a barrier weather. lots of sunshine today. in fact, another mile to warm day here's our live camera, looking outside toward the oakland estuary. still in the clear and a little bit of a warm up as we head toward the weekend weekend for years, california's non-gaming tribes have been left in the dust. wealthy tribes with big casinos make billions, while small tribes struggle in poverty. prop 27 is a game changer. 27 taxes and regulates online sports betting to fund permanent solution to homelessness. while helping every tribe in california. so who's attacking prop 27? wealthy casino tribes who want all the money for themselves support small tribes, address homelessness. vote yes on 27. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. efficient. agile. and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. unplug. to murder former trump national security adviser john bolton, and we're learning new details about that investigation . foxes lauren blanchard has more tonight from washington. a member of iran's islamic revolutionary guard, has been indicted for offering hundreds of thousands of dollars for the murder of john bolton, the former national security adviser under president trump. i will dedicate every available resource to identifying and disrupting these acts of terrorism, the justice department in newly unsealed documents says nearly a year ago , sharon poor safi offered $300,000 to a contact in the u. s. to eliminate bolton, providing the person who turned out to be an fbi informant with addresses and bolton's travel plans. it's believed the hit was in retaliation for the january 2020 strike that killed irgc commander qasem soleimani. the doj says they believe for safi was trying to organize the murder from tehran. this is an especially appalling example of the government of iran perpetrating agree gis acts of transnational violence, murder for hire plot revealed as negotiators are in talks to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal. the us left the agreement during the trump administration , bolton said he would do all he could to stop the us from reentering the deal writing iran's rulers are liars, terrorists and enemies of the united states. they're radical anti american objectives are unchanged. their commitments are worthless and their global threat is growing. fox has confirmed a second target in the murder for hire plot plan to offer $1 million for former secretary of state mike pompeo. in washington. lauren blanchard , fox news, orange county prosecutors are trying to decide if they'll charge an irvine dermatologist for allegedly poisoning her husband. he claims that on three separate occasions he caught her on surveillance video pouring drain out into his drinks. detectives say the husband, who was also a doctor, became suspicious after getting sick with unexplainable symptoms for more than a month. he gave the video to police detectives served a search warrant at the couple's home and arrested the wife. she's been released on $30,000 bond. her attorney calls the allegations false and says they're motivated by a recent filing for divorce area. congresswoman jackie speier was on hand today to talk about san mateo counties. implementation of the new 988 crisis lifeline that 988 number went live nationally on july 16th. the free helpline is open and staffed 24. hours a day, seven days a week. congresswoman spear says she hopes the new resource will help to bring down the increasing rates of suicide. we have seen an increase in the number of suicides among our military service members. um, that is dramatic. over the last five years, an increase of some 40% in alaska, where i traveled recently, we've seen a doubling of the number of suicides in alaska. other lawmakers on hand today called the 988 line a huge step forward in how our country responds to acute mental health issues. and the barrier weather pattern not changing too much of the past few days. the cloud cover in the morning. lots of sunshine in the afternoon hours, and it looks like a little bit of a warming trend. as we head towards the weekend, the major heat still not in our forecast. take a look at some of the highest from this afternoon. san francisco 71 a bunch of eighties up in the north bay mid to upper eighties out toward concord and fairfield and san jose for the second day in a row 82 degrees here is kind of the change, though, headed our way. minor warming inland as becoming closer, you can see conquered that 86 today a little bit of a warm up for thursday, holding steady into friday that warming will continue into the weekend that will lead to some low nineties, especially if we had a sunday and into monday of next week. here's a satellite. remember last week we had the thunderstorms over the sierra not the case for today. in fact , here in the bay area, we have a lot to clear skies as well as we check out some of the current wind reports out there. you can see a fairfield westerly at 21 miles an hour so that typical breezes developing for this afternoon sfo westerly at 25 miles an hour and half moon bay about 18 miles an hour. you can see that shop on the oakland estuary the water there, but clear skies looking out towards san francisco without we're heading into a nice wednesday evening. current numbers out there. santa rosa 78 conquered. still the mid eighties hayward 75 san jose has cooled off to 79 degrees. here's the plan tomorrow morning. this forecast model might be a little bit too aggressive with the with the cloud cover, but still some clouds coast side right around the bay and then partly cloudy skies for the rest of the region and then into the afternoon hours going to bump up the sunshine, but we could still have some patchy cloud cover near portions of the coastline, and there's the eventual temperature range from the low sixties to right around. 90 degrees, this big area of love pressure. we've been talking about this for nearly a week. it's just kind of been hanging out offshore and eventually wants to move up to the north. but it'll keep our temperatures and check for tomorrow but still a little bit warmer. this area of high pressure this wants to build in, especially by the weekend and that will lead to some warming primarily for the inland spots this weekend. we're still gonna have some fog and that onshore breeze that'll keep the beaches on the cool side and the lower sixties, so not a big time warm up in our forecast, and the beach is still kind of stuck in the sixties. in fact, that fog could be a little bit more organized with that pattern. developing this weekend, highest for tomorrow. san francisco 66 a bunch of eighties up in the north bay. and if you loan nineties sprinkled on the maps here toward fairfield and anti octa morrow afternoon, here's look ahead, your five day forecast and just some minimal change in the friday and then the overall trend. we're not begin to bump up those numbers and not for the coast. but for the inland spots will begin to see somewhere nineties for saturday, sunday monday and possibly tuesday of next week, so definitely warming up in the long range maps. micro plastic may have met its match. i'm marianne rafferty with a look at the robotic fish designed to remove the dangerous debris from ou in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. efficient. agile. and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. thanks to chase, angie's not sweating this text since there's zero overdraft fees if she overdraws by $50 or less. and, kyle, well, he's keeping calm with another day to adjust his balance if he overdraws by more than $50. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. and size. microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic debris packing deadly consequences for the world's oceans. and while real fish should not be eating the particles, researchers in china are developing robotic fish to absorb the toxic waste the porous structure of the microplastics attract harmful stuff senses such as heavy metals, which amplify their toxicity. the robot fish are controlled by light and can operate and shallow water with science. pissed aiming to have them removing microplastics below the surface of the oceans in the near future. and there's no time to waste data collected by the world wide fund for nature estimates there could be 50 times more micro plastic in the oceans by the end of the century, prompting scientists at the university of barcelona to train community members on how they can help save the planet. they are citizens that are training in whole, they have to collect. scientific samples. now hundreds of volunteers are taking part in the surfing for science project, attaching special nets to their paddle boards and kayaks so they can scoop up micro plastic before it is consumed by aquatic creatures. the majority of the injuries that we do see is obviously in gestation of plastics like this turtle recently rescued off the beach in sydney, australia. who veterinarians witnessed passing micro plastic through its bowels for six days, but humans are also exposed to microplastics. the world wide fund for nature estimates people eat as much as a credit cards worth of plastic each week. marianne rafferty fox news. this is ktvu fox two news at six. overworked hazardous conditions, staffing shortages and low morale the police officers union says it is making for a dangerous situation in the city of san jose. this department. is in crisis. we are experiencing our own emergency. calling 911 for help, and there is no extra help. and the union tonight, predicting that it will get worse if things do not change. good evening, everyone. i'm heather holmes alex savage. the san jose police union says an ongoing mass exodus of officers will end up hurting public safety by the city's mayor says that claim is part of positioning during contract negotiations. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary spent the day looking into these issues. this department. is in crisis. we are experiencing our own emergency. calling 911 for help, and there is no extra help. that assessment wednesday from police officers association president sean pritchard. he points to a recently completed survey of 680 union san jose police officers, which shows 156 police officers plan to leave the department in the next 24 months. this on top of 206 that have parted ways since january of 2021. the reasons behind the departures ranged from retirements, two firings to health issues and deaths. pritchard says the city's attempts to recruit and retain new blood falls far short of the mark. city leaders are creating a false sense of security. they are gambling with the security of the residents of our city and its further

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you've been injected with a sedative san francisco police and fire referred to the city attorney david chu. we have not been served yet with papers in that lawsuit. as soon as we do, we will review and we will respond. the lawsuit seeks unspecified damages and does not name any individual police officers or paramedics live in the newsroom. henry lee ktvu fox studios where you think you five union city police say they have arrested three people for a robbery and shooting that happened last week, investigators say. last wednesday afternoon, a man witnessed a woman being robbed of her jewelry in the area of 8th and 8th streets when he followed the getaway car to get a license plate. those robbers shot the victim in the leg. injuries were not life threatening. police later arrested two miners and one adult in oakland. the adult 29 year old ronald haze of hayward was booked on a series of charges including robbery and discharging a firearm at a vehicle. those two miners are facing robbery and attempted homicide charges. a federal judge today found walgreens liable for substantially contributing to the opioid epidemic intent for cisco. the judge found that walgreens did not stop suspicious orders or give their pharmacists enough time to look into whether they were dispensing drugs for illicit use. san francisco city attorney david shew said that as a result, the city was flooded with opioids while greens is the latest prescribed largest prescriber of prescription opioids in san francisco. we have seen how this heartbreaking epidemic has played out on our city streets, costing our city millions upon millions of dollars to abate. in recent years, walgreens has tried to shift the blame by saying that they are closing stores because of the conditions on our streets . it has been an ironic set of statements because they help to create those conditions. more than 700. people die each year in san francisco due to opioid overdoses. the next phase of the trial will determine much which excuse me will determine whether walgreens must pay the city to address the harms of the opioid crisis, walgreens spokesperson told the washington post. the company will appeal the ruling state lawmakers and bay area leaders are urging governor newsom to sign legislation legalizing supervised drug consumption sites. supporters say this move will address the crisis. of overdose deaths. while critics worry this will only encourage drug use. ktvu is christian captain. joining us now live from san francisco, where those pushing for those facilities say they would certainly make a difference. christian backers of the safe consumption site legislation say people are dying on the streets of san francisco and elsewhere that these safe consumption sites are a way to save lives. the drug crisis on the streets is clear. lawmakers passed senator scott wiener is legislation sb 57 earlier this month, which would allow supervised consumption sites to operate in san francisco, oakland and los angeles. treatment advocates say the site would save lives. we asked for the governor to allow us to care for people and treat people with dignity and bring them to health and care. and, most importantly, to prevent death, senator weiner says sites elsewhere have already proven to save lives. but they can also be an important way of reaching addicts who want to get clean. we know that these sites have a strong track record of connecting people to treatment. some people say. well we shouldn't do this site. we should do treatment. no, we should do. both state senate republicans have urged the governor to veto sb 57, saying it would create state sanctioned drug use facilities with no requirements for treatment and that it would distract from real long term solution. as to the drug crisis, including state funded and operated drug treatment programs in san francisco's police officers association released a statement saying they were skeptical that safe consumption sites would work in california. and we also reached out to the governor's office to discuss the supervised consumption legislation. his office said that the governor had not yet seen that bill at the governor's office does not comment on pending legislation. and we also heard from senator weiner's office that the legislation should have landed on the governor's desk sometime today that starts the clock. the governor will now have to make a decision on whether he's going to veto or sign this legislation. before the end of the month. we're live in san francisco, christien kafton ktvu fox two news, christian. we'll wait to see how the governor response on this important issue . thank you. san francisco is going to receive $23 million in federal funding for street safety improvements in the south of market neighborhood. this will be used along howard street between 11th and fourth street for the howard streetscape project. house speaker nancy pelosi says it will help transform what she calls a dangerous, congested artery into walkable and bike friendly street. the project includes a protected bike lane upgraded traffic signals and raised crosswalks. project construction is expected to begin in 2024. the search intensifies for 16 year old girl who vanished near lake tahoe. kylie rodney is believed to have been abducted from a party this past weekend. she texted her mother, saying she was headed home but never returned. foxes giovanni luigi joins us live from truckee tonight with the latest on the investigation, giovanni christina. we heard from law enforcement officers about two hours ago, and they told us that they really don't have any new leads. and there is no major developments in this case, but they have so many resources on the ground, trying to find what happens who are more than 50. fbi agents are here looking on the grounds you have people in the sky looking for possibly any signs of her car or any signs of where she might have gone through and you also have dive teams are searching lakes in this area as well. so she was last seen saturday morning. her phone last pinged at this campground at 2 33 and law enforcement officers say that she texted her mom saying that she would be coming home. however she never made it home and her car is still missing. so as of now, this is being investigated as an abduction. however police say that they don't really have any evidence to prove it isn't abduction quite yet, but they are still looking into more allegations and more tips right now. they have hundreds of tips that they're still going through. but they are concerned that they might not have enough into the are asking people to come forward and volunteers from around northern california and northern nevada are converging on this spot. just trying to find any signs of where she might have gone to we just want to do what we can to help local family and i think we all hope that if it were our sister or daughter or cousin or niece that the same people would turn out for us. and the plaster county sheriff's department did release some images. they said that she borrowed a hoodie evening and she was wearing a black tank top . however once again they are asking anyone with any sort of information become forward. they are concerned that people are withholding information out of fear that they might get in trouble for underage drinking at that party. however, they say that that's not their main concern. their main concern tonight is getting the 16 year old teenager kylie rodney, back home with her family here in truckee, is you want to leave? ktvu fox two news giovanni in that photo that was released from authorities. did they say where that image was taken, where she was last seen? so they didn't say where it was taken. but once again, that's just a small snippet of what they're looking into. so that's just kind of gives an idea of people what they should be looking for on the ground out here or in areas as well here in northern california region, truckee tonight, giovanni. thank you. republicans in washington or promising to ramp up oversight of the biden administration following the fbi search of former president trump's home in florida yesterday. the former president appeared this morning at a deposition with new york's attorney general in a separate civil investigation. mr trump refused to answer questions and invoked his fifth amendment right against self incrimination . the deposition comes just days after the fbi executed a search warrant in florida at his moral lago home. some republicans are calling this search politically motivated. democrats say that's not the case. everyone in this country should be concerned when the department of justice has been weaponized against american citizens. the person that was appointed to the fbi was a donald trump appointee. many of the judges that are looking at that or donald trump appointees. during that search, the fbi reportedly spent several hours looking through mr trump's private office. the search warrant focused on presidential records and evidence of classified information that was allegedly taken from the white house. more than 150. san jose police officers planning to leave the department in the next two years. what's behind these decisions? and what do they mean for public safety? well, that depends on who you ask also, containment growing on their wildfire burning up near the california oregon border after the break tonight, we're going to be speaking with a journalist in that area who has had an up close view of the mckinney fire. plus. oh my god. i was like what? what are you talking about? he said, yeah, we have our guide that's coming over to get to, um, to disconnect your power. and i was like that's unusual. jenny customers say they've been getting concerning phone calls from someone claiming to be with the utility coming up at 5 30 details on the smart meter scam and what you need to know. and a very of weather. another nice day, lots of sunshine, and it looks like a bit of a warming trend. as we head towards the weekend, we'll have the update coming up after the this claim is part of positioning during contract negotiations. ktvu agency gary is live at city hall tonight to get to the bottom of it, jesse and this is a convergence of politics, pay and perception all happening in an election year and how the allegations are handled on both sides could very well impact who next occupies the mayor's office. this department. is in crisis. we are experiencing our own emergency. calling 911 for help, and there is no extra help. that assessment wednesday from police officers association president sean pritchard. he points to a recently completed survey of 680 union san jose police officers, which shows 156 police officers plan to leave the department in the next 24 months. this on top of 206 that have parted ways since january of 2021. the reasons behind the departures ranged from retirements, two firings to health issues and deaths. pritchard says the city's attempts to recruit and retain new blood falls far short of the mark. the city leaders are creating a false sense of security. they are gambling with the security of the residents of our city and its further creating a dire situation in the city. the officers that represented by the police union are paid on average more than $189,000 a year. current san jose mayor sam liccardo says such pay has helped the city at 225 police officers over the past five years, he says, there's a 3% vacancy rate and that only 37 officers have resigned. the rest, have retired, moved to another agency or been terminated. cardo says the union is trying to leverage its power during contract negotiations, asking for an average 7% annual raise over two years, plus a $5000 signing bonus. this department mary, how did you cut it based on total pay? is the third highest department among the 17. big departments, we can no longer allow city officials to play with the numbers while the back and forth between the union and city plays out, it will likely fall to the next mayor to live with the fallout candidate cindy chavez, the most important things the next mayor will do is going to be stabilizing the city and making sure it's safe again. the city has continued to grow and their ranks have not. candidate matt mahan chose not to be interviewed for this story , but he did indicate that he would prefer to do a deep dive into the numbers before he decides what is best election day is still months off. we're live outside san jose city hall , jesse gary ktvu, fox two news. we'll head back to you, jesse. thank you. francisco district attorney's office says felony charges were officially filed today against the suspect accused of attacking a border. former city commissioner. these offices. former san francisco commissioner 70 year old greg chu was attacked violently on august 2nd. in the city south of market district. he suffered non life threatening injuries. 34 year old derek year be of san francisco was arraigned today on a series of felonies, including assault, battery and elder abuse . no word yet if you're being entered a plea turning now to the mckinney fire still burning up near the california oregon. border crews have containment now up to 60% the wildfires burned more than 60,000 acres and destroyed 185 buildings in siskiyou county. j. martin is a journalist behind the website, siskiyou dot news and j has been covering this fire up close here ever since it first started. he joins us tonight to offer some more perspective on what that community is going through. we appreciate the time time. let's first start with the effort to get this fire under control. we hear containment is growing here . do you get the sense that that the crews who are working hard up? there are at a point where they might be able to stop this fire from growing in size. they have done a phenomenal job. uh, cal fire and u. s forest service . they have teamed up and they have really attacked this fire. um they have contents been contained for several days now. and they actually are starting to attack inward on the fire. and um, it's a their success in this direct approach is really, uh evidence. it's always remarkable to see see the work that they do i understand today for the first time, some evacuees were allowed to go back and see what kind of damage has been done to their homes and their properties. how much devastation are we seeing in these communities? we talk about the numbers and the number of buildings in the number of homes that have been damaged or destroyed. but what? what's the what's the true impact this is having on that community. the only thing left in a lot of places as chimneys. it's heartbreaking. it really is. and, uh. you don't realize it until you see it, but it's devastating. for the small community, small populations that are very tight knit to, um everything's gone. everything's gone. what happens next? how do you how do you see that community? as you say, obviously, a very tight knit community. a small community. how do you see that? the people in that area rallying around those who either lost loved ones in the fire or lost their homes to try to move forward. well we have a saying up here and we're siskiyou strong and, um, nothing knocks us down. it knocks us back, but we come back fighting. the community will rally. the towns around will rally. you know, it's a lot of grassroots. there's going to be fundraisers and potlucks and cleanups and, um there was a lot of civic organizations. it'll get behind the ones that didn't have insurance and help them out. and then, of course, there's the ones that do have better insurance. um but in a couple of years, it'll be better, stronger and hopefully a little more fireproof. hopefully so, um, let's talk about beyond the fire itself. i mean, just the impact that that this disaster is having up there. we saw incredible flash flooding up in the fire zone in the past couple of days, and that actually triggered a debris flow that killed off a whole lot of fish along the klamath river because the oxygen levels in the water just just plummeted and all the fish died. can you talk about how widespread the impact was here for the fish along the river? i have not been down to this part of the river. i let me take that back. i didn't go all the way down like stay down to happy camp, which is another 20 miles. but the croup tribe that monitors this and they're dissolved oxygen levels. zero after this, there was zero oxygen in the water, and that's what caused this. i was up the three main streams that flooded the humbug creek, vanessa's and today and yesterday i spent a bunch of time up. uh, walker creek and. it's absolutely amazing that after the fire came through and burned off the grass and the vegetation and then that heavy, three inches of rain and one hours what they're reporting , it literally stripped the mountain. it did. yeah i mean, so much so much damage so much devastation up in that area of wishing all the best to you and all your neighbors. j that's j. martin, a journalist with siskiyou dot news. appreciate your time and your perspective tonight. thank you. you too. thanks for inviting me. and what is, of course, the really concerning it's only august out there. we're still heading toward the peak of fire season, which typically september october, even november, so that's the time had to be prepared now, but even if can have the ramp up our preparation as we head toward at least the next few months, red flag fire warnings right now, as you can see up in extreme northern california once again. but the barry we're not talking about red flag fire warning for today . tomorrow there will be a little bit warmer for the inland spots, and that means that the warmest occasions could be in the lower nineties by about three or four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. but these are all just a minor changes headed our way for your thursday. here's the satellite and the radar. not much in the way of cloud cover out there. remember the thunderstorms out toward the sierra last week? it's pretty much a quiet pattern for today. so here's our current satellite. lots of clear skies. some low cloud cover will likely reform over the next few hours throughout the evening hours coast side, then pushing back into the bay current numbers out there. san francisco has cooled off to 69 some eighties for concord, walnut creek, san jose , a pleasant 79 degrees and also watching the winds. we check out some of the reports here, fairfield you could see sustained at about 21 miles an hour. let's show us fo westerly 25 a half moon bay wins at about 15 miles an hour so nothing too unusual with the winds with the winds around 15 and 25 miles an hour. you see a bit of a chop on the oakland estuary this afternoon. speaking of the water , we have king tides this week, primarily for the evening hours , you might notice something of the water really filling in over the next few hours. this high tide 7.1 from the 10 o'clock hours so we could see some minor flooding portions of the coast and right around the bay with that king tide. pretty much the same story into a thursday evening. here's a forecast model tomorrow morning showing you some of the clouds out there with partly cloudy skies england and then into the afternoon hours, the clouds will clear back to near the shore line. temperature is not moving around too much, but it could be a little bit warmer for your on thursday forecast and more warming as this guy wants to move in by the weekend, we'll have more on your forecast your weekend outlook coming up in a few minutes. we'll see you, then mark community mourning tonight after the death of an east bay middle school students, the sudden loss of the all star athlete and the outpouring of athlete and the outpouring of support for the wow, look at this selection! tile, wood, stone, laminate, vinyl... and this one is...perfect. at floor and decor, our everyday low pricing on high-quality products and on-trend styles, means you can really bring your room to life. discover floor and decor today! non-gaming tribes have been left in the dust. wealthy tribes with big casinos make billions, while small tribes struggle in poverty. prop 27 is a game changer. 27 taxes and regulates online sports betting to fund permanent solution to homelessness. while helping every tribe in california. so who's attacking prop 27? wealthy casino tribes who want all the money for themselves support small tribes, address homelessness. vote yes on 27. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. efficient. agile. and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. clayton mourning the loss of a youth football player who fell ill at practice and died two days later. the principle of diablo view middle school says his student will quote be sorely missed and never forgotten. ktvu tom baker has more tonight on how the student's death is impacting the community just one day before the school year begins. a very difficult day at diablo view middle school, the staff dealing with the death of one of their students youth football player brandon fahey sports star died on sunday, two days after falling seriously ill during a football practice at clayton valley charter high school was a great student. always had great grades, just, you know. honestly just a race, sunshine. he was, you know, friendly kid. he had lots of friends unified school district superintendent, dr adam clark, send a message to all parents in the district, urging them to talk to their children and take advantage of grief counselors that will be on hand. in his statement, he said the death of a friend and a loved one is tragic and a sudden tragedy like this one can have profound effect on surviving students and the community at large. which is absolutely the case here, clayton with just 11,000 people is a very small town. and when a child dies, everyone here is shocked by it, and everyone here suffers through it. and everybody here is trying to help the family. get through it. and because he was so active in all the you know various sports and whatnot. um almost pretty much everybody. knows him or knows of him and his family. so um, it's just been. it's been hard fund me account already set up in his honor to help his family deal with funeral and medical bills has already raised almost $90,000. so that's just tell you just how much um love there is for the family tomorrow, the first day of school schoolmates will wear blue in his owner. on monday, there were sports shirts and jerseys representing brandon's love of his teams. and his local favorite bay area teams. tom vacar ktvu, fox two news. concerning phone calls to p. j. any customers this smart meter scam proving costly to customers, and it's back to the books across the bay area. the major overhaul some students were treated to to oh ms. flores. you're the leader of many and pet wrangler, too. so becoming a student again might seem impossible. national university is here to support all of you. national university. supporting the whole you. seen this ad? nit's not paid fory. by california tribes. it's paid for by the out of state gambling corporations that wrote prop 27. it doesn't tell you 90% of the profits go to the out of state corporations. a tiny share goes to the homeless, and even less to tribes. and a big loophole says, costs to promote betting reduce money for the tribes, so they get less. hidden agendas. fine print. loopholes. prop 27. they didn't write it for the tribes or the homeless. they wrote it for themselves. thanks to chase, angie's not sweating this text since there's zero overdraft fees if she overdraws by $50 or less. and, kyle, well, he's keeping calm with another day to adjust his balance if he overdraws by more than $50. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. custom with threats to cut off your power. our investigative reporter brooks jarocz joining us now with more on what you need to know to protect yourself, brooks this after hearing from several scam victims, they tell me it started with a phone call in a demand to put down a deposit to have a new smart meter installed in their homes. when i asked pg and e about it, the utility said it will never ask for money over the phone. and in recent weeks, pg and e has gotten dozens of similar stories and complain. it's now being called the smart meter scam utility imposters are calling p genie customers and telling them their power will be disconnected and get this 10 to 20 minutes. they falsely say their utility meters need to be replaced for one of those new or upgraded smart meters and if the customer fails to immediately make that deposit service will just be cut off. scammers are also claiming to have sent notices about the smart meter upgrade in the days or weeks before they're even emailing bogus letters that look legitimate on pgd letterhead. they asked for $498 and say it will be refunded in the next two building cycles is really all aimed at confusing or worrying customers to ultimately, get your money. something wasn't quite right. and so then i hung up again and then someone else called me back on an 800 number and says i am the technician. i am coming to your house to disconnect your power. and so i said, well, i'm not there and you can't go around disconnecting people's power. many people in a panic let me just what do you need, and they would have given them the information. and boom. once they get it, you know, they move quickly on it. and they weren't gonna pg pg me doesn't refund any type of money. like i said, you will get a credit and they don't call you for anything. and if they do call the person on the line is a quick recordings to say that your power will be out from 2 to 4 something like that, and they get off the phone. some victims say the scammers trying to get them to zell funds or use a prepaid money card or even provide your credit card number. pg and e says it will never request a prepaid card or a money transfer and we spoke with the cyber security officials at png. andy and we asked what the utility is doing to protect customers and the common signs of scams. now that's going to come up all new tonight on the 10 o'clock news. but so far this year, alex there have been 7200 reports from pg and e customers have been targeted by these scammers. widespread scams going on here, you have to be so careful, brooks. q. thanks back to school season is here and students in san ramon valley unified school district celebrated the first day in a brand new building twin creeks elementary school in san ramon underwent a major overhaul inside and out with students rushing into brand new classrooms. the extra special kickoff signals a return to normalcy for students and staff. schools are a hub for the community, parents and staff and kids coming together and when covid hit, we had to separate. even when we were here. it wasn't the same this morning on this campus, twin creeks, people are connected, smiling, enjoying being with each other, and that's what makes learning happen. different pandemic precautions like masks and vaccines are recommended, but not mandated. the oakland police department has found the person responsible for posting a threatening message directed at students at oakland tech high school in a letter to the school community, oakland, tex. principal martel price said police determined the threat was a hoax and not credible. despite that there was additional security on campus today with the principal requesting in part that we ask everyone in all situations. please keep your eyes open. and if you see anything suspicious, or that makes you uncomfortable reported to the administration as soon as possible. counseling services are also available to students as well. the oakland unified school district says the police department is now working with the d a s office on this investigation. kids in the south bay or getting some brand new backpacks to start off the school year this morning, sacred heart community service in san jose kicked off its annual backpack giveaway. this year, the group plans to distribute backpacks to 3800 children. those backpacks are filled with school supplies that kids need based on supply list from the san jose unified school district for each grade level. give me like a calculator, pencils, rulers. some people don't have enough money to buy these things . and here they give them away, which is really helpful for us. registration for the backpack. giveaway is closed, and families must already have an appointment to receive a backpack and school supplies. families in marin county received some support today as well. students in low income households will return to school with help from the ritter center. that organization supplied kids with essential school supplies, backpacks and a $50 gift card for new school clothes center replaced known for improving the lives of people living in poverty in marin county, held that back to school give away 170 registered families will receive essential school supplies, a backpack and again that that gift card for clothes. you don't want to show up to school feeling like the other kids have more than you. that's it's not a good feeling. so at least this way. we're doing a little bit of something to help them. they've got a brand new backpack, a brand new water bottle, all the basic supplies that they're going to need, and they can be right on track with the rest of their peers. registration for this backpack giveaway is also closed . families must have already had an appointment to receive a backpack and school supplies. area students will be returning to the classroom over the next couple of weeks. here's a look now at some of the start dates for the larger bay area school districts tomorrow. it's back to school for palo alto elementary , san mateo, foster city, santa clara and dublin. west. contra costa unified students return next tuesday. and one day later, students in san francisco , san jose and fremont are back in class. then on august 23rd students in livermore returned to school. the santa clara evita is moving towards fixing its chronic shortage of bus drivers . today, 17 new bus drivers graduated from an intensive nine week program and are ready to hit the streets. the ta has recently upped its efforts to recruit drivers increasing the number of training classes offered to feel driver shortages , and the agency is chipping away at the shortage with 70 vacancies last november, reduced to just 40 vacancies now vice president kamala harris touched down here in the bay area just a short time ago, the white house press office announced. the vice president is here in town for a series of events over the next two days. tomorrow she's scheduled to hold a roundtable discussion with state lawmakers in san francisco. that conversation will focus on reproductive health care that on friday, she'll be in oakland for an event on the commercial space sector. then later, highlighting efforts to support students. another long line today outside zuckerberg, san francisco general hospital for monkey pox vaccinations. yesterday the city began distributing 10,000 doses it received from the federal government. the city has the capacity to vaccinate 3000 people a day at over 15 vaccination sites. the clinic is set to open at eight am tomorrow and every day through saturday. san francisco has reported just over 500 probable and confirmed cases of monkeypox plants are in the works to try to stretch the limited supply of monkey pox vaccine here in the u. s l leopoulos has more of the efforts to make a little go a long way. i'm glad that they're doing something now to get a lot of doses as the number of monkeypox infections continues to climb, the white house is ramping up its response to the outbreak, hoping to get ahead of the virus. on tuesday, the fda issued emergency use authorization to stretch the nation's limited supply of monkey pox vaccine by giving high risk individuals 18 and older. a fraction of the usual dose. it's safe, it's effective and it will significantly scaled the volume of vaccine doses available for communities across the country. meanwhile, the government has already distributed hundreds of thousands of vaccines with about 400,000 more vials ready to be sent to areas where people are showing signs of the disease and places with high risk populations. combating the monkeypox outbreak is unprecedented, and health officials advise people follow measures that prevent the spread. even if they are vaccinated, especially if they have only had a single dose. by avoiding close skin to skin contact, including intimate contact with somebody who has monkey packs because we don't yet know how well these vaccines work. they are also pushing for more testing. it's very important if you think you got it to go seek your medical healthcare provider and get tested, although only a handful of children have contracted monkeypox virus top of mind for parents as they send their kids back to school for the fall, but medical experts say the risk to children remains low schools and childcare settings appear to be very safe places to be. york iliopoulos fox news. we have some sad news to tell you about tonight. former ktvu anchor leslie griffith has died, according to a family member. griffith's career here at ktvu spent 22 years she was a seasoned field reporter and was then promoted to anchoring the 10 o'clock news alongside dennis richmond. her journalism skills reached beyond television news. she also reported for several print publications, including the san francisco chronicle. and the denver post. after leaving ktvu in 2006. griffith worked on making a documentary about the treatment of circus elephants. her family says she endured a long battle with lyme disease, and she survived by her two children, and two grandchildren. i just saw t nation. in july, but consumers continue to see rising prices on some goods. madeline rivera reports from washington. we received news that our economy had 0% inflation. in the month of july house putting a positive spin on the latest drop and inflation rate. the price of some things go up went up last month, the price of other things went down. by the same amount. consumer prices in july did not change for the month of june. the rates staying flat, thanks to a drop in gas prices, which fell 7.7% last month. however critics were quick to call out the president, saying prices are still up 8.5% over the last year , leaving americans feeling grim . i would dare the president to go to any supermarket in america today stand in the checkout line and smile at people say, aren't you happy? prices are going down. prices are one bright spot in july's report. but skeptics say there's a reason down because people are driving last . they're driving last one presumes because prices are so high and they're not sure they can afford it. the white house acknowledged. more work needs to be done as many wait to see whether inflation has peaked. some are bracing for a bumpy road ahead. i don't think that inflation problem is going to go away. ah of its own volition. and so i think we're likely to have some quite turbulent times ahead. the report will likely be welcomed by the federal reserve , which is indicated it will keep raising interest rates until inflation wanes in washington. mala rivera fox news , california attorney general, rob bonta is throwing his support behind the city of livermore's project to build in affordable housing complex. bottom filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit filed by the group save downtown livermore against the city. the ages offices supporting the city's request for dismissal. in the case, the city approved eden housings 130 units of affordable housing project last year. the group saved downtown livermore says that project reduces parking increases traffic and will not provide housing to police and firefighters that it says it was initially promised. job numbers are improving, but new data from the mortgage bankers association says home sales are slowing. the data shows demand for mortgage applications rose by 0.2% from last week, but homeowners are reworking their finances as refinance applications rose 4% according to forecasters with the mp, a affordability issues and economic uncertainty is what's pushing buyers to wait on new purchases. that's happening even as the labor department reports u. s employers have added 528,000 jobs in the last week of july, a strong increase despite fears of an economic slowdown. a new indictment in the thwarted assassination attempt of a former trump security advisor and the second murder for hire plot with the million dollar price tag. and he says he caught it all on camera . the husband pressing charges after he says his wife poured drano in his drink. and a barrier weather. lots of sunshine today. in fact, another mile to warm day here's our live camera, looking outside toward the oakland estuary. still in the clear and a little bit of a warm up as we head toward the weekend weekend for years, california's non-gaming tribes have been left in the dust. wealthy tribes with big casinos make billions, while small tribes struggle in poverty. prop 27 is a game changer. 27 taxes and regulates online sports betting to fund permanent solution to homelessness. while helping every tribe in california. so who's attacking prop 27? wealthy casino tribes who want all the money for themselves support small tribes, address homelessness. vote yes on 27. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. efficient. agile. and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. unplug. to murder former trump national security adviser john bolton, and we're learning new details about that investigation . foxes lauren blanchard has more tonight from washington. a member of iran's islamic revolutionary guard, has been indicted for offering hundreds of thousands of dollars for the murder of john bolton, the former national security adviser under president trump. i will dedicate every available resource to identifying and disrupting these acts of terrorism, the justice department in newly unsealed documents says nearly a year ago , sharon poor safi offered $300,000 to a contact in the u. s. to eliminate bolton, providing the person who turned out to be an fbi informant with addresses and bolton's travel plans. it's believed the hit was in retaliation for the january 2020 strike that killed irgc commander qasem soleimani. the doj says they believe for safi was trying to organize the murder from tehran. this is an especially appalling example of the government of iran perpetrating agree gis acts of transnational violence, murder for hire plot revealed as negotiators are in talks to revive the 2015 iran nuclear deal. the us left the agreement during the trump administration , bolton said he would do all he could to stop the us from reentering the deal writing iran's rulers are liars, terrorists and enemies of the united states. they're radical anti american objectives are unchanged. their commitments are worthless and their global threat is growing. fox has confirmed a second target in the murder for hire plot plan to offer $1 million for former secretary of state mike pompeo. in washington. lauren blanchard , fox news, orange county prosecutors are trying to decide if they'll charge an irvine dermatologist for allegedly poisoning her husband. he claims that on three separate occasions he caught her on surveillance video pouring drain out into his drinks. detectives say the husband, who was also a doctor, became suspicious after getting sick with unexplainable symptoms for more than a month. he gave the video to police detectives served a search warrant at the couple's home and arrested the wife. she's been released on $30,000 bond. her attorney calls the allegations false and says they're motivated by a recent filing for divorce area. congresswoman jackie speier was on hand today to talk about san mateo counties. implementation of the new 988 crisis lifeline that 988 number went live nationally on july 16th. the free helpline is open and staffed 24. hours a day, seven days a week. congresswoman spear says she hopes the new resource will help to bring down the increasing rates of suicide. we have seen an increase in the number of suicides among our military service members. um, that is dramatic. over the last five years, an increase of some 40% in alaska, where i traveled recently, we've seen a doubling of the number of suicides in alaska. other lawmakers on hand today called the 988 line a huge step forward in how our country responds to acute mental health issues. and the barrier weather pattern not changing too much of the past few days. the cloud cover in the morning. lots of sunshine in the afternoon hours, and it looks like a little bit of a warming trend. as we head towards the weekend, the major heat still not in our forecast. take a look at some of the highest from this afternoon. san francisco 71 a bunch of eighties up in the north bay mid to upper eighties out toward concord and fairfield and san jose for the second day in a row 82 degrees here is kind of the change, though, headed our way. minor warming inland as becoming closer, you can see conquered that 86 today a little bit of a warm up for thursday, holding steady into friday that warming will continue into the weekend that will lead to some low nineties, especially if we had a sunday and into monday of next week. here's a satellite. remember last week we had the thunderstorms over the sierra not the case for today. in fact , here in the bay area, we have a lot to clear skies as well as we check out some of the current wind reports out there. you can see a fairfield westerly at 21 miles an hour so that typical breezes developing for this afternoon sfo westerly at 25 miles an hour and half moon bay about 18 miles an hour. you can see that shop on the oakland estuary the water there, but clear skies looking out towards san francisco without we're heading into a nice wednesday evening. current numbers out there. santa rosa 78 conquered. still the mid eighties hayward 75 san jose has cooled off to 79 degrees. here's the plan tomorrow morning. this forecast model might be a little bit too aggressive with the with the cloud cover, but still some clouds coast side right around the bay and then partly cloudy skies for the rest of the region and then into the afternoon hours going to bump up the sunshine, but we could still have some patchy cloud cover near portions of the coastline, and there's the eventual temperature range from the low sixties to right around. 90 degrees, this big area of love pressure. we've been talking about this for nearly a week. it's just kind of been hanging out offshore and eventually wants to move up to the north. but it'll keep our temperatures and check for tomorrow but still a little bit warmer. this area of high pressure this wants to build in, especially by the weekend and that will lead to some warming primarily for the inland spots this weekend. we're still gonna have some fog and that onshore breeze that'll keep the beaches on the cool side and the lower sixties, so not a big time warm up in our forecast, and the beach is still kind of stuck in the sixties. in fact, that fog could be a little bit more organized with that pattern. developing this weekend, highest for tomorrow. san francisco 66 a bunch of eighties up in the north bay. and if you loan nineties sprinkled on the maps here toward fairfield and anti octa morrow afternoon, here's look ahead, your five day forecast and just some minimal change in the friday and then the overall trend. we're not begin to bump up those numbers and not for the coast. but for the inland spots will begin to see somewhere nineties for saturday, sunday monday and possibly tuesday of next week, so definitely warming up in the long range maps. micro plastic may have met its match. i'm marianne rafferty with a look at the robotic fish designed to remove the dangerous debris from ou in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. efficient. agile. and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network. from the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. call and start saving today. comcast business. powering possibilities. thanks to chase, angie's not sweating this text since there's zero overdraft fees if she overdraws by $50 or less. and, kyle, well, he's keeping calm with another day to adjust his balance if he overdraws by more than $50. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. and size. microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic debris packing deadly consequences for the world's oceans. and while real fish should not be eating the particles, researchers in china are developing robotic fish to absorb the toxic waste the porous structure of the microplastics attract harmful stuff senses such as heavy metals, which amplify their toxicity. the robot fish are controlled by light and can operate and shallow water with science. pissed aiming to have them removing microplastics below the surface of the oceans in the near future. and there's no time to waste data collected by the world wide fund for nature estimates there could be 50 times more micro plastic in the oceans by the end of the century, prompting scientists at the university of barcelona to train community members on how they can help save the planet. they are citizens that are training in whole, they have to collect. scientific samples. now hundreds of volunteers are taking part in the surfing for science project, attaching special nets to their paddle boards and kayaks so they can scoop up micro plastic before it is consumed by aquatic creatures. the majority of the injuries that we do see is obviously in gestation of plastics like this turtle recently rescued off the beach in sydney, australia. who veterinarians witnessed passing micro plastic through its bowels for six days, but humans are also exposed to microplastics. the world wide fund for nature estimates people eat as much as a credit cards worth of plastic each week. marianne rafferty fox news. this is ktvu fox two news at six. overworked hazardous conditions, staffing shortages and low morale the police officers union says it is making for a dangerous situation in the city of san jose. this department. is in crisis. we are experiencing our own emergency. calling 911 for help, and there is no extra help. and the union tonight, predicting that it will get worse if things do not change. good evening, everyone. i'm heather holmes alex savage. the san jose police union says an ongoing mass exodus of officers will end up hurting public safety by the city's mayor says that claim is part of positioning during contract negotiations. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary spent the day looking into these issues. this department. is in crisis. we are experiencing our own emergency. calling 911 for help, and there is no extra help. that assessment wednesday from police officers association president sean pritchard. he points to a recently completed survey of 680 union san jose police officers, which shows 156 police officers plan to leave the department in the next 24 months. this on top of 206 that have parted ways since january of 2021. the reasons behind the departures ranged from retirements, two firings to health issues and deaths. pritchard says the city's attempts to recruit and retain new blood falls far short of the mark. city leaders are creating a false sense of security. they are gambling with the security of the residents of our city and its further

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