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Assessment process which is a formal process that we need to go through for reimbursement purposes. Also as streets open we will be and have been updating the website to inform the public as the streets open and we will have more details in a moment on this. When people are allowed to go back into their homes we have developed a checklist for them to use to make sure that everything is safe for them beyond the normal inspection process. We will be developing a debris removal plan that we will be sharing with the public and providing some assistance with this process. As far as donation information, we have a lot of request to donate and for the red cross they only need money and no goods or clothing. The Community Foundation we set up San Jose Flood Victims Relief Fund at www. Sanjosemayor. Org. I will be available for questions and we will let the assistant fire chief provide more detailed information. Good afternoon everyone and thank you so much for helping us to provide information as we work through this difficult situation with the community. From an operations perspective we are maintaining shelters for those who need housing through the night at both james Lake High School and Evergreen High School, this evening we will discontinue Evacuation Center services at Mayfair Community center and the sheriff Powell Community center, we are not expecting any additional evacuations and we have had very low traffic flow through the areas and no community needed at this time. Again we will maintain shelters at Evergreen High School and james Lake High School. We have worked with san jose water and we are assured that Drinking Water in all areas remain safe, there was no compromise to Drinking Water and you can reference San Jose Water Company who is pushing information to the community on the subject as well. We were extremely relieved to find that we were able to open the intersection at 101 and 280 as the water has receded and traffic continues through south san jose 101 it cochran and that was previously closed and now through san jose the freeway is open all the way through town. This evening we do expect temperatures to drop and it will be a new challenge for us, whether perspective. We will provide information on Warming Centers as they are opened up through the cold snap that we will be experiencing before the next rains come over the weekend. Finally we will add road information and we have been updating our road closure information throughout the event and have been able to clear many roads and that will be posted as well for your information, as dave sykes mentioned, we will be providing very detailed mapping on areas. You have been listening to officials in san jose given update on the situation after the massive flooding hit several neighborhoods there in the area. They were telling us that some of the roads that were affected yesterday have now been opened, they say that the Drinking Water is not contaminated and is safe at the investigation into how this happened continues. We have a team of reporters covering this situation, the flooding in the investigation into how this happened and if there couldve been more warning. We have jesse gary looking into what contributed to the flooding but we will begin with and ruben with more stories of those forced out. And . Reporter and ann . Reporter it is a waiting game in coyote creek must be determined to be safe before residents are allowed back in, thousands of people are affected in the mandatory evacuation zone, among them is rob who used to sit along coyote creek and now his home sits in it, his backyard is underwater and his shed is destroyed, his basement did not fare better and well authorities are warning people to stay away from the flood damaged areas, many are not and they came to inspect their homes, some driving through to get there. Residents tell us that it is hard to be patient when they do not know when or if they will be able to move back home. My concern is when they say safe, what is safe, say for them or for me . I do not know what will happen from here. The big part is where do you live with nothing . You have no bed or no couch or anything. This is all we have. We have seen city officials out here making the rounds talking to residents and also the San Jose Fire Department is setting up command post at the three hardest hit areas and the idea will be to offer residence onsite hope and information, heather . Back to you. Thanks so much, we can only imagine what so many people are going through. San jose officials have out a full investigation into the cause there was not much warning. Ktvu jesse gary has talked with the authorities and joins us live back. Jesse . Reporter the Water District says the Water District is one of 3. 3 of capacity and they have been releasing water from the reservoir at the bottom of an outlet valve at the bottom of the hill. We will take a look at the video and this is not been enough. Due to the constant storms. Right now water is gushing down the spillway at 22,400 gallons per second. That water is flowing into coyote creek and has inundated several neighborhoods and several people are under and Evacuation Order. This is the only way to make sure that the dam does not fail due to pentup water pressure. The spillway only operates during this elevation and it flows over the spillway and then the water can be released to the valve at the base of the dam. There was no way to prevent it . There was no way. Reporter district chief operating officer, jim fiedler, says there is a plan to create a second release valve closer to the spillway that will allow the draining of about one third of the water in the reservoir in about three to five days but they have not Broken Ground on that construction and they will not for quite some time, we delve into why in the next hour, live in morgan hill, jesse gary, ktvu fox 2 news. Highway 101 is back open after major flooding caused problems. Why the flooding was causing closures among interstate 80 and the 286 junction, drivers had to use other free ways to get around and this caused a massive backup, the chp sergeant told alex savage that this spot is known for flooding but not like this. Every winter the pump houses go out and we get flooding but this is the worst ive seen and ive been here for 20 years and this is the worst flood i have seen on the freeway. Caltrans cruise pumped out the water and swept away mud and debris by 8 am and then the water had receded enough that chp opened some lanes in the entire freeway was open just before noon. A much needed break from all of the wet weather, we will talk about what is coming next. Coming up we talk about another chance for rain fall, a fairly good chance into saturday and nothing like we have experience in the past few days, outside right now you can see these clouds building up in parts of the bay area you probably thought it was a Beautiful Day with dry conditions but in the more north bay we had showers and strong thunderstorms develop and you can see this in portions of Sonoma County reporting some hail around the windsor area and that was a good thunderstorm and as you can see right now we have this mean action with the shower activity moving into Solano County and fairfield or American Canyon as well and a pretty good downpour. If you were to do a rainfall estimate you could see that it is coming up at about. 29 inches per hour so just over one quarter of an inch per hour. We will continue to move this map to the south or the scattered showers for portions of the bay area and marin. We have been hearing so much about coyote creek and Anderson Reservoir as well and coming close we take a look at the Reservoir Capacity and it has been going down so that has been a Good Development right now at 103 and it maxed out yesterday morning at the 106 . This does feed into coyote creek and heres the widers wider perspective, there is the creek winding north as it approaches san jose. Coming into one of these closer spots here towards edenvale and the National Weather service has a sensor here. This stage has been coming down as well. Right now just below flood stage and that is a Nice Development and the levels will continue to come down as the break continues into thursday and friday and a nice forecast coming up, we are talking about cold rainfall back in the weather outlook this weekend and we talk more about that in just a few minutes. Thanks so much, now we go to Alameda County where sheriffs deputy in Critical Condition after getting hit by a bus that was driven by a fellow deputy. The deputy driver was getting ready to pick up inmate this morning when he hit a coworker who was walking to the employee parking lot at the santa rita jail, ktvu has christina redone following developments. Reporter this is a hard time for the Alameda County sheriffs department, we are just learning that the deputy has been identified as mike foley, he has been with the Alameda County Sheriffs Office for eight years and came from Congress Police and worked with them for 30 years. You can imagine that the bus driver that hit him who is also a deputy is absolutely devastated, earlier this afternoon sky fox was overhead at the santa rita jail here in dublin and that is where the accident happened around 615 am this morning. We understand that the deputy was walking to work, he was here an hour early for his overtime shift and he was walking to the employee parking lot and a deputy bus driver hit him and stopped immediately to check if he was okay. We understand it still may have been dark outside and some bars on the windows or possibly even condensation on the windows couldve obscured his view. They had just started the bus so it was the start of his day and he was pulling out of his spot where they parked the bus and that is where he struck the deputy who was walking and this has been tough, we are a family and anything here with the deputy being hit or the deputy as the driver and it has been tough for everyone. Reporter the driver has 20 years of experience with the department and again he did stop the bus immediately to make sure that his coworker was okay, the deputy who was hit was conscious and talking on his way to the hospital that we understand that he was taken to another hospital outside of Alameda County and that is because we are told here the hospitals did not have the cat scan system working. We dont know if this is because there was a power outage or not. There was a report of a power outage, however the deputy was taken to another hospital outside of the county and he remains in Critical Condition. We also understand that the deputy son who is a College Student in los angeles had to get on emergency flight to be with his family so mike foleys family is at his bedside at this hour and the department is asking everyone for prayers right now is they are hoping that this deputy will pull through. Live in dublin, cristina rendon, ktvu fox 2 news. Such a tragic crash and a lot of people pulling for them heard thank you christina. The Federal Reserve is releasing details about a potential rate increase and we speak with a rate advisor on the potential effects. The last of the opponents of the Dakota Access pipeline pack up ahead of the deadline to leave the protest camp, we talk with the Oakland City Councilmember that you saw in that photo and he spent a week at the Standing Rock sioux reservation talking about the continuing fight in the latest action taken in opposition to the project, the 4 on 2 continues. Accuracy is much more important than distance. Watch. [lure drops into cup] kching fish like a pro at the Bass Pro Shops spring fishing classic with huge savings. Plus free seminars by local pro anglers this weekend. Some of the protesters at the Dakota Access pipeline but there tends on fire as the deadline to leave approach this afternoon, native american leaders say that some of the tent sites are sacred so they were ceremonially burned, the deadline has come and gone and while there are a handful of protesters there the bulk have left and gone to another site, there were a few arrest today and Officials Say they want protesters to clear because there is a risk of flooding in the area where they had set up camp. Just last night the Oakland City Council passed a resolution fighting against the Dakota Access pipeline, for more on that i am joined by Councilmember Rebecca kaplan, your reaction to what happened today . Its like there was a legitimate reason to get people out of the area because of potential flooding, do you agree with that or Something Else going on . I think we are going to have to use the whole array of tools at our disposal to show the opposition to the pipeline. If people camping on the side of construction is no longer the primary way of expressing disapproval will only reinforce the importance of other strategies like this, taking her money out of the pipeline project. You were there before and talk about what oakland did last night with the Council Approved unanimously, what was that . The Oakland City Council unanimously voted for my resolution for us to officially go on record pushing for died chessmen of our public money, specifically pension money which is invested through calpers into the dakota pipeline, this is money that came from the taxpayers of california for the Retirement Funds of the Public Workers like myself who works for the city of oakland and that represents 50 million of our money going into the pipeline that we oppose. How many are involved in the pipeline construction . You spent time there over the thanksgiving break, give us a sense of what the atmosphere was there because there were thousands of people there and now it has sort of dwindled, but they really seem to be a calling from around the world with people coming in. I was there for one week during which the crowd rose to 10,000 people. It was beautiful, there was solidarity and commitment, people were chopping wood and building medic tends and helping those that were injured by the rubber bullets and other police action. What is at the brought so many people out to the middle of nowhere . What i think is important is that we have a combination both of a threat to the planet, the threat to the water and also the threat to tribal treaty rights and after hundreds of years of Indigenous People in america things so mistreated and having land taken away and treaties violated, there is this feeling that enough is enough and we cannot stand idly by while native people are abused. What about the argument that this creates a 2000 jobs and in revenue for this area and other areas in the United States they could use the jobs and money . In fact pipelines create few jobs because the pipeline itself utilizes almost no workers. On the other hand, building solar rays and when meals and Sustainable Green Technology could create tens of thousands more jobs and this pipeline was originally proposed for a different neighborhood and when the different neighborhood that was majority white side no, the company rerouted it through native land and that is part of why this pipeline more than some others has received this level of outrage. And construction is slated to begin over the next few weeks and months, thanks for coming in rebecca kaplan. Thank you. We will take a quick break and the 4 on 2 returns in a few minutes, stay with us. The Federal Reserve could be close to making a move on Interest Rates with the potential height coming as soon as next month, this is according to the minutes that happened three weeks ago, Financial Advisor george mezzetti joins us now and these are words that were used, fairly soon, potentially, and a lot of chatter indicating that a hike could in fact be on the way. A lot of positive chatter so people know what may happen. Everyone is expecting a raise in march, it probably will not happen. If you go deep into the minutes and the federal speak it talks about headwind and that is inflation. The fed has clearly said we need inflation at 2 and we are at one point eight, it takes a while for it to get to 2 . At the march meeting coming up on the 14th and 15th we give it a 30 probability. We then worked on inflation increasing and then at june it will take up a little bit but it has to be 2 and maintain that so we give it a 50 probability. Then we get into september and we will probably have a 90 probability. What does that mean for the average person at home . Not a lot, it means the fed is responsible for the control of money. If you see inflation going high they want to tighten money and make it more expensive. They want to move gradually, when they move gradually it affects short term Interest Rates for car loans and Interest Rates, you can feel it on the shortterm but the longerterm is not affected as much, it takes them about a quarter raise on a 30 year lending rate. What does the same not only about inflation but the overall job market . The overall job market is fairly strong, we had 76 months of increasing job growth, that is the longest string of months since the great depression. We have not created as many jobs as during the Clinton Administration or the reagan administration, but we are seeing consistent job growth with employment below 5 . What you think about President Trump and his infrastructures pending on improving infrastructure and proposed tax cuts, how does this play in . These ideas take a long time to matriculate into the economy and the stock market gets euphorias right away. When the president talks about tax cuts for business, that gets the stock market excited, when he talks about putting money into infrastructure gets the stock market excited also, thinking regulation, you see bank stock go away and these are promises, you have to see result and the results probably are not due until 2018. That is when we start to measure results and that makes the stock market more consistent and it also helps the gdp and the economy go up. Before i let you go are you surprised at all by this . We like the feds because they are cautious and data dependent. Why the market is euphoric they are cautious about this and they do not look at the market, they look at the jobs report and they look at inflation. They are letting everyone know that we are going to do it but not until we hit higher inflation. All right, thanks so much, we always appreciate your expertise when it comes to money matters. Over to you. A major discovery from nasa where Scientists Say they have found more earth size planets that could be suitable for supporting life. This star is known as trip east one and it is about 4 years away, astronomers in chile say they have determined that it is orbited by at least seven planets or more. Three of them are in the goldilocks zone where liquid water could exist at the surface. They say it is more evidence that earthlike planets are out there. What we really have is a major step forward towards answering one of these very Great Questions that are at the heart of so many of our philosophers and what we are thinking about when we are by ourselves. That basically is are we alone out there . Nasa will conduct further studies of the planet with a more powerful space tellico telescope launch next year. A bay area city leading the way on a potential impeachment for President Trump, we hear from a Richmond City councilmember about the city so and if he thinks it will make a difference. Federal officials getting involved in transgendered affairs, the changes that could be coming for transgender people using bathrooms and locker rooms. 2 of President Trumps top cabinet members have meetings tomorrow with the mexican cabinet as the new administration defends the crackdown, joe walton reports that the white house is also announcing new federal guidelines about which bathrooms transgendered students can use. Reporter the white house says it plans to revoke federal guidelines mandating Public Schools to allow transgendered students to use bathrooms and locker rooms matching their chosen gender identity. The decision not yet formally announce would be a reversal from a directive issued last year by the obama administration. The Trump Administration is expanding that the president believes it is an issue for the states to decide. Is a Firm Believer in state rights in certain issues like this are not best dealt at the federal level. Secretary of state, Rex Tillerson and homeland security, john kelly, now in guatemala troubles talk separately to meet with mexicos president on thursday, this is how the white house characterized diplomacy between the two nations. The relationship with mexico is phenomenal. Reporter a decidedly different tone for mexicos foreign minister who said the country will not accept new unilateral immigration proposals and will not hesitate to approach the un to defend immigrants. The foreign minister referring to the latest immigration overhaul by the Trump Administration which includes hiring 10,000 more ice agents and 5000 Additional Border patrol agents along with plans to begin construction on the border wall. We need the cooperation of our partners to the south, not just mexico but all the countries in the hemisphere. Reporter sources inside the white house told fox news that the president is expected to unveil his new travel executive order this friday, in washington, joe walton, fox news. In the past few moments the Trump Administration officially announced the decision on transgendered bathrooms living aleaving a battle looming. More coming up at 5 pm. The city of san leandro is officially declaring itself a sanctuary city, the Council Passed a resolution late last night that will keep police from collaborating with federal immigration agents. San francisco and san jose are longtime sanctuary cities, oakland, richmond, berkeley, emeryville and alameda have also approved similar measures. People who are really undocumented but not doing anything but being undocumented is truthful. They are paying into the tax and Social Security system and such. President trump has signed an executive order that would deny federal funding to sanctuary cities that protect Illegal Immigrants and that could amount to millions of dollars lost for those bay area cities. The city of richmond today became the first city in the country to pass a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Trump. In a unanimous decision the Richmond City council as the u. S. House of representatives to begin impeachment proceedings. The city council believes the president is violating a clause, a constitutional provision that requires president s not to accept gifts or make a profit from any foreign state, the city council says the president should have sold off business interest after assuming office. When we have someone who holds a government meeting in a hotel then we have a major problem and we have someone the speak against someone they dont like from the position as president we have a major problem. The vote is purely symbolic in the city council says they want to pass the resolution to make the voices are heard in the hope other cities will follow suit. Law enforcement officers pointing a finger in a deadly shooting of one of their own, Michael Fujita is accused of shooting and killing a Whittier Police officer on monday and wounding his partner. Mejia has a long criminal record and was most recently released from the la county jail on february 11th having served 10 days for a probation violation. Under California Bill Assembly 109 passed in 2011, lowlevel nonviolent offenders are frequently held in county jail rather than state prison. The whittier county prison criticized the Early Release program claiming that the shooter just started recently paroled and should not be on the street. Enough is enough, passing these propositions and creating laws that are raising crime and its not good for a community or our officers. Department of corrections data shows that thousands of corrected convicted murderers have been freed with governor jerry brown having the final say. The principle of a special Education School in the east bay is recovering after being stabbed by a student at school yesterday afternoon, this happened around 1 45 pm when Berkeley Police say 20yearold angel florez stabbed the principle of the via center with a knife and took off running. The school was put on lockdown in the principal was taken to the hospital where she was treated for nonlife threatening injuries. The chp spotted the suspect two miles away and he is being held without jail on suspicion of assent attempted murder and is expected to appear in court tomorrow. San Francisco Police are increasing security in their department, a new Security System will be rolled out for all internal computer activity and this includes hyperactivity and tools that will track all keystrokes on the mouse. This will recommend the policies and practices for an ongoing audit of Electronic Devices to check for inappropriate activity such as racist Text Messages that some officers had exchanged. Be sure to tune in tomorrow right here on the 4 on 2. We will sit down with the new san Francisco Police chief, william scott, we ask him about the new policy along with more on his first few weeks on the job. Again, the interview with the san Francisco Police chief coming up right here on the 4 on 2. We learn more about the bizarre fascination of the half brother of the north Korean Leader and the fallout by malaysian police. Greg paul cut is in london with more. Reporter police in malaysia are releasing more details about the killing of the half brother of the north Korean Leader, two women now in custody are trained to put this chemical on the mans face and it killed him in minutes. There were seven other north korean nationals including a high ranking diplomat of the embassy in malaysia. We strongly believe that four of them have left the country and we would request the north korean authorities to assist us in placing them. North korea is not likely to provide help as they rejected these findings and they called the two women innocent, two men are in custody as well including the north korean allegedly employed at a malaysian pharmaceutical company. [inaudiblelow volume] as the Investigation Continues the body remains in a Police Morgue under heavy guard and they repeatedly have called for remains to be released and they say no one has come forward to claim them. They came over to identify the deceased. The department did reporter the diplomatic fallout is continuing in the u. S. Is continuing to consider a relifting of north korea as a funder of terrorism. A new list of the best California High School shows 4 of the top five, right here in the bay area. Gone high school in palo alto is considered the Top High School in the state according to this list. Followed by Troy High School in fullerton and troy high in miramonte a high, saratoga high and palo alto high, this list is based on sat scores, student teacher ratio, and student parent reviews. If you take me too far i snap. What made the usually calm and collected coach snap, mark sits down with the warriors head coach and talk about this very angry reaction, the game we all remember, plus what his wife told him when they got home. More breaks in the rainfall today, but still tracking down falls across parts of the bay area this afternoon. Coming up we are headed to a drying pattern and a system that could affect your weekend plans, we talk more about this coming up. Warriors head coach Steve Currier rarely loses his composure. When they lost against the Sacramento Kings everyone took notice. When you coach the best team in basketball things usually go pretty well. Recently they did use an unexpected game to sacramento and the whole time it did not feel like things were working right. I had a chance to talk to Steve Currier today about a myriad of suspects and it is so unlike him. This guy is cool, you have seen interviews with him and he does not care what you throw at him, he is unhinged and this would properly describe what happened. This is what steve had to say. And he smiling right here. Here is the explanation of this. The refs are not being partial to anyone, they have an impossible job and there will be nights when you feel like everything is going against you and then use that. This happened to me and it was probably do given my ability to go over the edge, my wife can tell you that. Reporter what was her reaction when you came home that night . She has a quote that she uses and it is beware the fury of a patient man, that is true, i am an extremely patient person but if you take me too far i snap, and really do, i lose it and i lost it that night and it was probably due for one of those. To feel like at some point before you reach the apologetic stage you were like that feels good, i needed to get that. I would open went and cracked open the beer and watch the last five minutes in the locker room. I have interviewed a lot of coaches and managers and this is very endearing, very few of them are that transparent, if you wouldve asked jim harbaugh why did you lose your temp . He wouldve yelled at you. And that is what sets him apart. All of these you suss years does years, dusty baker, and then bill walsh, his understanding of life, and this guy, steve kerr, he is only been here a couple of years but he is an amazing guy. Later we talked about politics and trayvon green in the full interview with steve young will run on this extended edition with steve kerr. The full interview at 11 pm on sunday night but we will show little snippets between now and then. I cant wait to see this but it will be exciting to see the warriors back in action. I got addicted to watching them every other night and they will play tomorrow. Then there is the allstar break, the onslaught and then the playoffs. Thanks mark. Lets go to another mark. We are having some breaks in parts of the bay area and then there are some popup strong under storms developing, this is the live, looking out toward San Francisco and you can see some clouds that are a factor in the forecast for this afternoon to talk about the thunderstorm, this is producing hail in napa and this is probably about an hour ago. You can see active weather across portions of the bay area and take a look at some of these sevenday totals, these numbers are really adding up, ben loman over 11 inches in kentfield overreporter . Santa rosa over 5 inches, San Francisco approaching four inches and 3. 38 is over the past seven days. The entire rainy season of 2014 and 2015 san jose only picked up 6. 35 inches, they picked up that much in just seven days versus one season a few years ago. That is impressive in the south bay. We talked about the changes with showers and thunderstorms in a heavy under Sherman Cloverdale and right now there is not as much coverage here with the bulk of the action moving into Solano County and we are also looking at lake county as well, they have plenty of flooding issues. Things are quieting down and you can see some of this developing over portions of oakland, we check the radar out and this is a cell developing in the past few minutes and this is between oakland and san leandro. This activity is pushing into the region and the south bay there is not as much action, san jose, morgan hill and gilmore the water level is receding. They dont need any more raindrops and it looks dry for right now. Chilly out there already down into the 40s for santa rosa in napa. San francisco 49 and san jose 54. Look at the oakland airport, that cost is that 35 miles per hour. Theres more wind reports as well coming out of the west and there is sfo at 32 miles per hour, pretty breezy across portions of the bay area and you will see some chop on the waters and club buildup producing scattered showers across portions of the region right now. And bundle up, the first thing tomorrow morning it will be chilly, cool spots that near 30 degrees for santa rosa and napa, send san jose and upper 30s. Partly cloudy skies for tomorrow morning and then it looks like this, nice. More sunshine for thursday afternoon. By 3 pm temperatures on track to reach the mid50s. The cool weather pattern sticks around for the next few days and we have a chance to dry out for thursday and into friday. Another system drops in from the north for saturday. With this the rain returns for portions of the region and especially by saturday afternoon. Snow levels could come down from 2500 feet. Overnight, at least tonight we hold onto this possibility of showers. Thursday maybe some showers to the west. Partly cloudy skies by the afternoon hours, friday looks like it will be dry and this forecast model brings in rainfall saturday morning. Probably a better bet as we head into saturday afternoon. Temperatures for tomorrow after the cold start we are thinking lots of 50s and the skies becoming partly cloudy, this is a look ahead and the 5 day forecast, there is a rain cloud for saturday and the rainfall expectations could be a quarter of an inch to an inch so not a major flood producer, the chance of scattered showers and probably not a washout. What is good news could develop the on monday and an extended period of dry weather. We will be watching out for that and keeping our fingers crossed. Thanks mark. Coming up here next on the 4 on 2. A dangerous cliff rescue and watches firefighters bring the frightened dog to safety. Soak you and we are glad it is safe and sound, more of this when we come right back. San francisco firefighters were called to fort funston today for a dog rescue. Firefighters repelled down the cliff right above the beach and scooped up this dog. Look at him. Rescue crews were then able to pull them back up the hill and the wind was blowing fiercely. The dog looks to be on injured, no word on how he became stranded but he is a look okay. Today we learned the official day that was that apple park will be ready for employees to move in. This is in april and it will take about 6 months to move the 12,000 employees into this new campus. It features 2 point 8 million square feet and that is how large it is and it features the Worlds Largest panels of curved glass. Apple park will also feature a theater with thousands of seats. The theater will be named after steve jobs who wouldve turned 62 on friday. Wow. That will be impressive. Coming up, the battle over immigration and deportation continues, we look at the effect of crime by immigrants in the country illegally, that is when the 4 on 2 returns. We will be right back. With all the controversy surrounding immigration right now, were taking a look at the crimes committed by those in the country illegally. Many of those committing crimes had been deported multiple times. Reporter mugshots tell the story in briefs, bigger stories of an involving door of undocumented migrants. Mexican national Hector Gutierrez has been arrested and deported from the u. S. Seven times. Thats not a problem. Its an epidemic. Reporter for those on the the front line. Our primary mission, our primary goal has got to get the Illegal Immigrants out of the country and keep them out. Reporter doing so will be a balancing act for the new administration. An increase in deportations will have an economic consequence. Paul used to ship 80 truckloads of tomatoes a day, now just 20. He simply cant find americans to pick tomatoes for 150 a day. The americans arent working in the fields. Reporter increased deportations could decimate the food growing industry in florida, california where half the workers are undocumented immigrants. There will be a backlash against the the administration. Deported, came back. Reporter that means being able to separate, arrest, and deport people like maria. She was deported back to mexico once already, but the sheriff says she came back to restart her Meth Smuggling operation that netted her 70,000 a month. But that was not all. She was also receiving 900 a month in food stamps at the time of her arrest. Now she faces 27 years in u. S. Prison at the u. S. Taxpayers expense. Her colleague enacio delgado accused cocaine dealer deported to mexico in 2010 and then arrested again by the polk county Sheriffs Office with enough weapons, ar15 assault weapons, shotguns, handguns to outfit a platoons. These are violent systems who continue to beat the system Law Enforcement Officials Say even after being arrested. In jacksonville, florida Steve Harrigan fox news. Water levels are going down and flooded neighborhoods around coyote creek. Tonight, san jose says no more evacuations are likely and some of the thousands who already have been evacuated are now being allowed to go home. Good evening everyone, im Frank Somerville. Im julie haener. From sky fox today you can see hundreds of homes and apartments that are affected by the floodwaters. Earlier today 14,000 people were under mandatory evacuations. But those numbers should begin to change soon as some of those orders are being listed. 22,000 more people were under an evacuation advisory. The National Weather service says coyote creek requested at more than 13 1 2 feet yesterday the highest in more than 100 years. Right now its under 10 feet, which is just below flood stage. And here is a new look at Anderson Reservoir where water managers are continuing to dump water into coyote creek. The reservoir is over 100 capacity. The Santa Clara Valley Water District says it could take more than two months to get the reservoir back down to where it should be. It is not suppose to exceed 68 of capacity because of seismic concerns. In san jose the Evacuation Order includes the rock springs neighborhood, the east william street corridor, and three mobile home parks along oakland road. We have Team Coverage tonight, ktvu Frank Somerville is at one of the overnight shelters where people are pitching in to help. But we begin with ann rubin who is in a neighborhood that is still under water tonight, ann . Reporter yeah, cars in this area use today be completely submerged, but now they are submerged to show you the water is slowly receding, offering

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