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Because you cant get a signal out of gurnville because people are using their cellphones to talk. Not experiencing the same thing, but to see whats going on, we have to go aloft anyhow, so here we go to sky fox 2. As you can see in these aerial shots the Russian River is up to its old tricks where the lowest lying areas have been inundated by the most water in a long time. Here many folks have left, many had stayed and take a wait and see approach, hoping the roads will reseed giving them access to homes on higher ground. Yeah, something you definitely prepare for, but i think the scope of the storm is definitely something the people didnt plan for even in their planning even in their preplanning. The only reason why im chilling is im a threetime flood victim. Im just sitting there, doing nothing while everyone is moving. Nextdoor neighbor, everybody is gone but me. Looks like its deeper and doesnt look like it will reseed with the tide. When it went from low tide to high tide, you had access to your house, but it doesnt look like that this year. Do you think there are homes that were affected in 2014 that are affected now. Oh, for sure. The volume is at a higher level, so more things are compromised. Reporter noushgs live from sky fox noe from sky fox the, no shortage of kayaks and emergency vehicles are equipped for water several feet deep, thats the scene in gernville, tom vacar. Emergency crews were cleaning up the mud slides in the Santa Cruz Mountains. You can see northbound lanes remain closed. Now twoway traffic in the southbound lane making for a messy compute. A chp works to clean up the mess from this mud slide. Video from the california Highway Patrol shows what happened when 750 cubic yards of hillside slid onto highway 17. It crushed a news van sending a photographer to the hospital with minor injuries. It happened about 3 a. M. And at this hour crews with heavy machinery still working to try to make a dent in the debris. Its also raining steadily all day which isnt helping. They were able to remove the vehicle, but clearing the roadway could take hours. Now just a matter of cleaning this up, which is a huge dynamic. A bunch of loose mud, dirt, and gravel. We are looking at probably into tonight through the night and possibly into tomorrow morning. So plan your morning commute effectively tomorrow for these delays. Reporter again, we are talk some pretty serious delays here. We are down to one lane of traffic in each direction here on 17. And it is raining. Now, if you were thinking of taking detours through the area, i detours through the area crews are working about a dozen mud slides. So the other mountain roads arent a great option either. We will send it back to you guys. All right. Ann, thank you. Check in with chief meteorologist bill martin, tracking this next bout of rain. Really impressive rain totals out there. Thats the truth. The storm didnt deliver the 12 inches we expected. In some places it did, but still a vigorous storm. Some places had 2 inches and some places had 9 inches. Check out boulder creek. Here is the rain totals, you see disparities too. So what happened here was we kind of lucked out because had the rivers or had the rain continued on, giving us the 12 inches we were forecasting, there would have been a lot worse flooding especially napa river and smaller creeks. There is a flood advisory and warning for the central valley. You see that area now. Because there is more rain coming. Off in the pacific, more showers. They will pick up overnight and river levels continue to come back up. But pretty good news at least based on the forecast center, the Russian River, forecast looks like it will stay at or just below flood stage. Thats the plan. Earlier the forecast models thought it was going to get way up there a few feet. In gernville it is flooding. You can see right here. Thats where it is right now and flood stages 32, so 3 1 2 feet over flood stage and here Russian River 18. You see you do have a little above flood stage, but thats nothing like the 8, 10 feet that was possible. And the napa river calmed down quite a bit. Its down 20 feet and flood stage is 25. More rain coming. The river is going to come up again, but not expecting anything like we just saw. When i come back, we will go through all the watches and warnings and start you off with the morning commute. Speaking of commuting traffic is now moving again on northbound highway 1 after being shut down for 14 hours. It was first reported late last night near maria dell mar. Shut down all morning lanes, creating one of the worse morning commutes. Coastal highway that normally takes about 5 minutes took nearly 2 hours. Caltrans shut down one lane. The other lanes are expected to reopen. Factor of a crash that killed a man. It happened in a remote mart of marin county. The chp says the driver identified just a short time ago is 20yearold Jose Hernandez went off the road and crashed into a creek. An investigation is underway about the cause of the crash, but Officials Say along with sether, speed and tire tread played a role. A toxicology report is scheduled for earlier this week. Only one lane is open and nacasio valley road. The marin county showed us this picture. No word on when it will be open. Chp said use Francis Drake boulevard or perhaps nevada boulevard if you are trying to get to or from marine. Lanes of 80 near donner lake are now open. Chp posted this on its facebook page, the eastbound lanes of 80 were also shut down in the same area due to some downed power lines. Crews had to bring in heavy equipment to clear the mud. And after shutting do you know over the week. Some tahoe ski resorts forced to close for another day. Several resorts updated their social media pages to give the skiers and snow borders the bad news, high avalanche danger and a risk of flooding in some of those areas as well. Donted forget you can dont forget you can download our free weather app for weather conditions and our team posting updates on twitter and instagram. Team looks for new leadership to turn around the struggling franchise. Coming up, the latest names with the team. Near flooding coming up. We will speak with a park official about when the park will reopen and road closures in the area. Stay tuned. New girl, huh . Yeah, im i couldnt help but notice you checking out my name your price tool. Yeah, this bad boy gives you Coverage Options based on your budget. Oh oh, not so fast, tadpole. You have to learn to swim first. Claire, heres your name your price tool. Oh, thanks, flo. Mmhmm. Jamie, dont forget to clean the fridge when youre done. She seems nice. She seems nice. [ door closes ] shes actually pretty nice. Oh. Yeah. Youthats why you drink ensure. Sidelined. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. All right. An update now on Yosemite Valley which was closed due to the recent storm. Park Officials Saying it will reopen for day use visitors tomorrow morning with campgrounds set to reopen later tomorrow evening. However, we must tell you several roads are still off limits. Yosemite valley saw flooding, though not as bad as years past, but the headline now, Yosemite Valley set to open tomorrow morning. Accused of killing five people at the Fort Lauderdale airport was in court for the first time. Motives still not clear, but complaints say santiago admitted to planning fridays attack. The man accused of going on a deadly shooting rampage at the Fort Lauderdale airport. An iraq war veteran is facing a range of charges, including committing an act of violence at an international airport. The fbi says he flew from alaska to florida to specifically carry out fridays shooting. His only checked bag for the flight containing a 9 millimeter semiautomatic handgun and two magazines. We focused after 911 of securing the airside of aviation to make sure people get on planes, but what we have not really focused on is the curbside. That is where they congregate, they wait for planes and get luggage. There is a vulnerable here. This startling activity, it shows the moment santa i cant go santiago opened fire. Five people kill and six others injured in the attack. Santiago who had a history of Mental Health issues was taken into custody after the shooting. I heard bop, pop, pop. Lady came out screaming and about five or six other people came out. Reporter the 26yearold could face lifem prisonment or Death Penalty if he is convicted on the federal charges. Well, meantime a wide scale man hunt is underway. So far no sign of the man who allegedly shot and killed a veteran Police Officer there this morning. Police have searched dozens of apartments and homes. They urged 41yearold markith lloyd. He is accused of shooting Debora Clayton outside of a walmart store. The off duty sergeant conflicted the shooter. A motorcycle deputy was also killed in a Traffic Accident following that shooting. Lloyd was wanted for questioning in the shooting death of his pregnant exgirlfriend last month. Dylann roof rested his case and as promised declined to call witnesses or enter a defense. He is representing himself in the sentencing phase to decide whether he should face the Death Penalty or life in prison. The prosecution rested its case after calling 25 witnesses including victims families and survivors after that 2015 massacre that killed nine people. He is charged with 33 hate crimes. They are expected to begin deliberating as early as tomorrow. Legal analyst, lets start with santiago, accused of the Tampa Airport shooting. His family says he was mentally ill. The fbi says he came into an office in Anchorage Alaska and saying he was hear, voices. They have illuded going for the Death Penalty, but given the track record do you think they will, given his potential Mental Illness. Well, thats a difficult question. Should they go for the Death Penalty . Probably. Will they get it. By the letter of the law. By the letter of the law and should they probably . Because dont we want to leave it up to the community to decide and not have a prosecutor decide things like that . So should they do it . I think they should in this particular case. What boedz well for the prosecution is he said, santiago, in Fort Lauderdale when he gave a statement, he says i planned it. That shows he is thinking. That shows he doesnt have a Mental Illness that is going to stop him from knowing right from wrong. And that is the bar, is it not, in any case where you are testing the fitness of a defendant, whether or not they knew, yes, they could have Mental Illness, did they know they were doing something wrong. The law gets fancy in explanations, but it comes down to did the defendant know right from wrong. And it really gets complicated in this sense. You look at, for example, the colorado case where the young man walked into the movie theater. James holmes, yes. If you remember, they wanted to see if he was competent to stand trial. That has nothing to do with sanity or insanity. In that case they say you can stand trial. You understand whats going on. Yes. But then he entered a not guilty plea by reason of instanty. Very, very did i feel to prove and the defense has to pruf it in most state prove it in most cases. Jerry lofner, he did say he was guilty, but with the federal government, this is going to be interesting, the other case we want to talk about quickly, dylann roof, this is a guy nobody likes. He claims he doesnt have mental deficiencies and they are going after the Death Penalty and do you think they will get it . Well, if anyone is going to get it, he has positioned himself so he might get it in that case, but the jurors will step back and have the benefit of watching him through both the guilt phase of the trial and penalty phase of the trial to make their own determination is he sane or is he insane . Is he mentally ill or not . Then you get to the point would a juror want to put to death a mentally ill person . Jurors have a difficult time with that. My guess is they will not put him to death, but i wouldnt bet a ranch on that one because he did such an awful thing and he has been not at all remorseful, so he may be walking himself into a Death Penalty. Thank you for your insight. You are welcome. Reporter we will take a break and we will be right back. A lot of people were disappointed when they couldnt go to yosemite. Thats because of the flet of flooding threat of flooding there. Remember 97 we had a similar event like this weekend where there was atmospheric river, very warm, a lot of snow melt and they closed the valley. They are closed up there right now. We are going to check with Jamie Richards with the park service. And jamie, you guys are still closed up there; correct . At this time we are still closed to the general public, we will be opening up tomorrow morning. Today park personnel starting to come back in the valley. We dropped the mandatory announcement asking all employees that were not essential to leave and go find shelter elsewhere, so all employees are welcome to come back to the valley, start to get ready for tomorrow. We are opening tomorrow morning at 8 a. M. But still going to be limited. Its going to take us 48 hours to get all services up and running. You guys had a lot of rainful right now we are looking at pictures from 1997, which was an amazing flood year, almost a record. Whats the river looking like now . Are the cabins okay . Whats the status. So the river peaked last morning or early this morning around 4 a. M. At 12. 68 feet at the river gate, meaning 6. 8 feet had risen. That led to approximately a 10year flood for Yosemite Valley, meaning a lot of our park infrastructure saw some impacts, but not major impacts. We did see pools of water. A lot of the infrastructure changed after 1997. We learned a lot from the 1997 flood and based on what we saw on this flood, where the pooling was is where we expected pooling to take place. Reporter so now we are going to open up yosemite tomorrow. We have more rain coming tomorrow. Its interesting, jamie. This is an atmospheric river, smaller scale atmospheric river, not as heavy as we saw yesterday and the day before, but a little cooler atmospheric river. That means snow levels lower. Concerns for the flood forecast, if people go, are they going to experience the valley or limitations on how they move around. We are closely watching information coming from noah, the National Wealth Weather Service to see how its coming through the valley and entire park. At this time we do not anticipate any closures as a result of that. There may be localized closures in the event of snow and ice and other hazards on the road. As far as flooding our projections are not showing that. We are always looking at the conditions and making the best decisions on the information we have available. Reporter real quick here, do you have any beavers down in the park, any aquatic animals in the river and you have a big blowout like this, are you seeing any displacement of animals and natural habitat due to these high flows . Just curious because i love that place. I go there a lot. Wildlife are adaptive. Yosemite is a natural area. Flooding is a natural occurrence. It is an importance occurrence for the ecosystems. We are glad to have the water help sustain. That level, i have been up there when you guys let the fires go because its a snatch rabble thing, so i was curious how you treat flooding. Its natural. I like the way you guys roll that way, yosemite like it was a thousand years ago. We work to preserve and protect the best we can, to protect this ecosystem. Thanks a lot for your time. A lot of rain tomorrow, but not as heavy, about half as much. You know, we are looking at the storm systems. We are taking a look at the projections and getting ready for another storm system. Reporter okay. We will talk to you soon i hope. Thank you. Giant sequoia, big tree state park toppled. It was the pie year cabin tree, with a tunnel cut through its base, big Tree Association posted before and after foe coats on twitter. Wow, thats something when you think of a tree that large of a tree toppling during a storm. All right. Can you believe it 10 years ago apple released its very first iphone. Coming up, our tech expert weighs in on how apple changed the game. Disrespect seems like disrespect. Violence incites violence. And donald trump feuds with hollywood royalty and now the white house is weighing in. Thats coming up after the break. Woman college today. Career tomorrow at the peralta colleges. Sign up for classes today at one of our four colleges. Berkeley city college, college of alameda, Laney College and merritt college. Classes start january 23rd. We have so many ways for you to get ahead. Financial aid, thousands of classes to choose from, tutoring and so much more. College today. Career tomorrow. Sign up for classes right now at peralta dot edu. Like your future at the peralta colleges. The inauguration of donald trump now coming up on january 20th. Hoping to confirm as many cabinet appointments as possible before then. But if Lauren Blanchard says not too fast. First up attorney general pick republican senator Jeff Sessions whose nomination came under fire amidth racial insensitivity during his time as a prosecutor in alabama in the 1980s. I think every nomination will be at the highest level. Reporter Senate Majority leader mitch mcs he expects all nominees thoroughly questioned and confirmed. Im hopeful up to 6 and 7. National security came in place on day one. Reporter president elect has been pushink on a process with Chuck Schumer recalling how republicans objected to a similar move of democrats of president obamas nominees in 2009. We are not doing this for sport. Democrats feel very strongly that pushing for a thorough vetting process is the right thing to do. Reporter today officials announcing mr. S soninlaw will be a white house senior advisor, this raises questions over the legality of hiring family members in the face of strict nepotism laws, mr. Trump saying he will answer that and more at his First Press Conference this week since winning the presidency. We will talk about that on wednesday. Reporter before we hear from the incoming president , first president obama will give his fare well address tomorrow in chicago. Jumped on twitter this morning to fire back at merle streep who used a speech at the Golden Globes to criticize the president elect. When we use a position to bully others, we all lose. We need press to hold power to account, to hold on the carpet for every outrage. Reporter streep said it broke her heart for a candidate for office imitate a reporter. She called her a hillary flunky. And the white house weighed in. Reporter president obama will keep his pl beliefs to himself as he works to ensure a smooth transition. Joe biden to be at the Jp Morgan Health conference at the stshgs francis hotel. Weather delays kept in in laungs. Vice President Biden is expected to speak in San Francisco tonight before going to chicago for president obamas fare well address. Believe it or not, this is the 10th anniversary of the iphone. Steve jobs first introduced it to the world in 2007. He called it three products in one, a wide screen ipod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone and break through communications device. Since then more than 100 0000000 iphones have been sold. Certain a game changer, more about the legacy as our tech expert, ryan, the iphone made technology really available to everyone. Reporter yeah, the interesting thing aboe iphone is in 2007 it didnt do anything unique. It just did everything better. I had an motorola razor, and i could text and doing things with it. But not as eloquently as the iphone. It was dominated by blackberry and palm and nokia. And apple already had this huge success in doing a game change in the hand held music market where there were no more walk mans. It took control with ipod. And then took over the iphone market. And jobs was essentially killing his own product with the iphone. He killed the ipod. And in fact , it had so many things stacked against it when it was first released. First it was 499 to 599. It was only available for at t stores for the first five years and no key board or stylist was a big detractor for them. But now its clearly the symbol of the Tech Industry and kind of changed our modern era as a whole. Think of all the different products that used to be in our cabinets and our vacation package our luggage, like point and shoot cameras, video cameras. It created a new mobile Payments Market for square and paypal. Gps, tom vacars and garmins we had. Social media, of course facebook was around, but nobody really used facebook every day like they do now with their iphone and certain donald trump uses twitter every day and i bet you he used a mobile device that was influenced by the iphone. Obviously it got the ball rolling, but as you mentioned its been sort of an evolution as well. Yeah. And even created its own economy. Back in the day if you wanted to app you had to get it from the manufacturer or some preinstalled thing on your phone. But in 2008 when they opened up the app store, they could create their own applications to sell to the world, it created a new economy. I just want to go back to something steve jobs said. He said what we want to do is make a leapfrog product that is way smarter than any device has ever been and way simpler to use. Do you think jobs did those things he set out to do. He absolutely has. What we have to be concerned about is what has tim cook got in his pocket. We talk about the iphone 8 and all indications it is a pretty great product, but not sort of the leaps and bounds that steve jobs has been getting us set up to believe. Its been 10 years and i would expect, i dont know, Virtual Reality on my iphone . I have no idea. Not a revolutionary, but somebody that talks about tech. So great for you to be on. Hard to believe 10 years since the first iphone. Great conversation, thanks for coming on new coach and general manager is underway in santa clara, more on the latest interview. And track those commutes for your tuesday. Made very clear last week 49ers in the market for a head coach and general manager. The team is wasting to time with applicants. Jason appelbaum here to tell us about it. It was a very busy week. They said they fired the head coach and nine candidates, and how do we know nine . Hey, we are talking to this guy and that guy. Very wide net has been cast. They had 16 on the docket originally it was down to 14 now. And todays coaching candidate, very, very interesting. Shawn mcvay, 30 years old and if hired, he would be the youngest coach in nfl history. He has been the washington coordinator, a job he took as 29yearold. Washington was third in offense, 330 yards per name. He is the grandson of 49ers executive john mcvay who won super bowls and inducted into the hall of fame, so mcvay interviewed today. Now, on saturday the 49ers interviewed patriots offensive coordinator josh mcdaniels. This guy has tom bradys highest endorsement and would make an outstanding head coach. He has a season and a half with the broncos in 2009 and 2010 he got off to a 60 start with denver and didnt do all that well. Struggling the next year before getting fired. The 49ers do know mcdaniel because they interviewed him a couple years ago before they went with tom. Here are the, in addition to mcvay and mcdaniels, shant hand and lynne, who is currently the Buffalo Bills interim coach and then Shawn Mcdermott whose the Carolina Panthers offensive coordinator. Now have interviewed five candidates including sit down with Carolina Panthers assistant manager, brandon bean. A lot of names, wide net. There is no timetable. I was asked if something is imminent. They said they need a coach and general manager, but dont know when its going to happen. Each comes with different characteristics, different traits, so sort of the hard to see what type of vision the 49ers are trying to fulfill with that long list of applicants. Wouldnt you want the gm first and then the coach. Thats what they are talking about, shouldnt you hire the general manager combfrt head coach, but the 49ers, we saw at a press conference a week ago, there is no particular order. They just all have to get along. To answer your question, no rhyme or season. Shawn mcvay, who is 30, some of them have ties to a storied past, like shant hand and mcvay, if you are looking for a scene, thats it. Something to be excited if you are a 49ers fan. Thanks. All right. What do we have to be excited about . Well, more rain. Yeah, we need it. We are going to get it. Starts tomorrow. Look at the live camera shot. This is up on twin peaks. This looks like it might be a cable of some short. Showers in the San Francisco area tonight and tomorrow morning and afternoon. Both commutes will be wet, nothing like we saw here when we saw significant 24hour rainfalls. We saw 5 and 6 inches of rain in the coastal hills. The wind advisory in effect. We will see gusts potentially more than yesterday. With that in mind. Higher elevations, wind gusts up to 60 miles an hour. That will knock over trees. Ground saturation, uch these trees loosened. Then more rain totals. Boulder creek 8 inches in the last 12 hours, but as little as 2. 5 in San Francisco. So depending on where you were, hit and miss, if you got a bunch of rain, and some got very little like livermore. The snow melt, you are bleeding these places. We got a lot of rain, we do see flood concerns and talk about Russian River and napa river the next time i see you. The rain is trying to fall down. Right now the rain is going to be prefrontal stuff, which means rain, but not too intense. The intensity gets going into tomorrow. Matter of fact, here is the morning commute. Yeah, its raining, so you already know your morning commute is wet. Kind of on and off all day. Tries to break up a little bit, but watch the afternoon get going again. Goes pretty good late in the afternoon, so maybe a thunderstorm. Upshot is a break today helps a ton and then a break into wednesday and thursday, a few sprinkles, but the heavy stuff should end. Here we are tomorrow morning at 4 a. M. , morning commute, wet. Wet on the morning commute and boom, noontime and next wave, boom, 4 00 and then a little break after 8 00, 9 00 tomorrow night. And forecast, see wet weather continue. Snow levels will be lower, heather. And that will be good news for ski resorts and that will help the run off. Im not sure if you saw the trucky river in reno. I saw that. We didnt get the 12 ifrngs i thought we would get because we would do a different newscast. Just a short break, this break is huge. 24 hours is all you need. These creeks are pretty resilient, they know how to drin drain water off. California has the topography that knows what to do. All right. Frank joins us now at some of the headlines. Heartbreaking news. A father, mother, and son all fell into ice, some very cold water. Tonight we speak to the only survivor. My wife and son where with jesus, god. [indiscernible] more than i could ever imagined. Reporter just really hard to imagine what he is going through now. Again, we are going to hear more from him coming up tonight. That is indeed a heartbreaking conversation to have. Also a lot more problems related to the storm. Yeah, flooding is not the only problem the storm is causing. Sewage issues in another bay area city. All that coming up on 5 00. And coming up, we learn exactly how credit card fraudsters steal your information in just seconds. Why are you deleting these photos . Because my teeth are yellow. Why dont you use a whitening toothpaste . Im afraid its bad for my teeth. Try crest 3d white. Crest 3d White Diamond strong toothpaste and rinse. Gently whiten. And fortify weak spots. Use together for 2 times stronger enamel. Crest 3d white. Uber is helping the company that criticizes. Caring traffic patterns of certain routes. The data coops from its drivers and routes they drive. It will be on a free website called movement that will be open to anyone starting next month. Uber says the information would help city officials to make better decisions about road closures and other transit issues. Police have arrested six people in connection with the robbery of Kim Kardashian in parish. She said she was held at gunpoint while thieves stole 10 million in jewelry. They were able to track down the suspects through dna evidence at the scene. Your chance of being a victim of credit card fraud very, very high. A recent study shows 47 of the world credit card fraud happens here in the u. S. And how those thieves are able to steal the information in just seconds. Reporter everything the thieves need to p you off is in this cardboard box. A laptop computer, encoder, credit cards. And we are all targets every day. Every time you use your credit card, gas, coffee, lunch, purchasing something online. We have got a real case from the detectives at the Orlando Police department and we are going to use it to show exactly how its done. A waitress at the two jays on east colonial waits on a table of friends. A few days later each one notice charges on their account that they didnt make. They compared them and the only place they had been together at the same time was at the two jays. Detectives say the waitress stole the information and used a hand held skimmer to do it. About the size of maybe my thumb. Take it out being concealed. Run your credit card through it, put it back in her pocket. Reporter one swipe and it steals information. Run it through the skimmer, came back, processed your payment for the restaurant and then returned your card back to you. Reporter then the waitress metes up meets up with her guy and hands him the skimmer with credit card numbers. That brings it back to that box. He pulls out an encoder. So i decide to be a credit card frard guy. I will log into my account. It comes with an easy to use software. Stick that software in my computer, download the software, which is windows based. Reporter now with another swipe the thief can feed the credit card stolen credit card numbers onto blank cards he bought online. Reporter he makes it look real, adding any name he wants to a hot card and starts racking up bogus charges on your account. Im ready to go. Reporter a ring leader has many people working for him feeding him card numbers. They are feeding by drugs, the whole thing is financial game. He has good taste, he goes to a fancy store where Surveillance Video caught him. He reencoded to purchase gucci shoes. Police arrest him. They have no idea how long he has been in business, but they know he bought more than shoes. They say most cases dont even end up on their desk. Maybe 10 end up working cases where we are looking for bad guys and tried to figure it out because its so common. Closing the account, reimbursing the money and the victim is off the hook. They are not so understanding if you let the bogus charges piling up. So the advice for the detectives, stay on top of everything. Check it all the time so you know whats going on. Dana jay, fox news. Good advice, something to think about. Coming up, the Investigation Continues in that truck bombing. And the Prime Minister is calling it a new front on the war or terror. We will have more on that when we return. Iraqi forces reached a milestone in their effort to retake the city of mozul from Islamic State militants. They reached the tigras river. Tens and thousands of Coalition Troops have been battling isis snipers and suicide bombers, but the iraqis now say the momentum is on their side and gain control over virtually all of the eastern half of the city. There has been a major security crackdown into jerusalem and throughout israel following yesterdays truck attack by a palestinian terrorist. Four were killed. Katie logan with the response from isrealis Prime Minister. Police are on high alert following a deadly terror attack. On sunday, palestinian man rammed the truck into a tourist area, wounding 17 people. Isreali Police Arrested nine people on monday in connection with the attack. And today, Security Forces are checking drivers and 13 parked cars throughout the city. In an effort to protect the public. We have heightened security in and around in jerusalem in order to make sure there wont be any further terrorist attacks. There will be hundreds of Police Officers in and around the different areas. Tensions are high in jerusalem after officials ordered the attacked neighborhood to be sealed off and conducted several raves. A deeply religious man who may have been unstable. He was a special person. He was always different from other people, he always had strange ideas. As the Investigation Continues, Prime Minister says this latest attack represents a new front in the war against terror. Hes considering additional security measures to prevent similar attacks in the future. We are under a new kind of attack, lone wolf attackers that are getting inspiration and deciding on the spot to perpetrate an attack. Isreali Security Forces are increasing the number of concrete security barriers along jerusalems roads, hoping to prevent a copy cat attack. News news. Mother nature packing a powerful punch from high winds and heavy rains to downed trees and mud slides. And flooding along the Russian River following the first major storm of 2017. Ktvu fox 2 news at 5 00 starts now. Good evening, everyone, im frank somerville. And im julie haener. The rain left behind flooded streets and mud slides to santa cruz. A huge mud and rock slide along highway 17 in the Santa Cruz Mountains injured the driver. And tonight, crews are still cleaning up the mess. And sky fox was over the Russian River in kernville two hours ago, where you can see the river over flowing into the streets and swamping cars. The river rose about 3 feet over flood stage this morning, and that put hundreds of homes at risk of flooding. We have Live Team Coverage tonight, chief meteorologist, bill martin, is tracking another storm heading our way that could cause more problems. Ann ruben is in the mountains with the latest on the mud slide that crews are still working to clear there. First, we go to tom vacar with more on the hundreds of homes near the Russian River that are at risk of being flooded. Tom. Frank, one of the things you have to unction, many of those homes are going to look like they are being flooded. Many have been raised up on stilts or on platforms. While water may gather around them, many of those homes will not be damaged. But, theres always the possibility that some of them will be. Now to get a better perspective, lets go back a couple hours ago and lets go aloft. As you can see in these sky fox photos, up to their old tricks where th

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