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They head to halt the operations last night because of the Structural Integrity problem. It did not appear safe for firefighters to go back in there. They said that they will be resuming the search again tonight. They anticipate that they could potentially find more victims but not another with a huge number such as 36 and will be resume that. Pg e is turning the power off and it will affect ten customers. The District Attorney general joined the press conference and launched the criminal investigation yesterday. The investigator from her District Attorneys office is from the Real Estate Division and he specializes in the use of property and he will be leading the investigation. They have their own team out there working with atf and firefighters to go over the evidence. She says this is a potential crime scene. We are looking at two things. One is whether or not there is any criminal liability attached to this fire and secondly if there is criminal liability against whom . Now she says it is too early to speculate on the potential charges and who may be involved, if anyone. She says there is that possibility we could see charges that include manslaughter to murder. Just because there is so many people that have lost their likes. We are talking to fire investigators and they provided photos and they had to use infrared heat sensitive imagery above here. Just to ensure the safety of firefighters. They say they still see a lot of hot steel in there and it is very, very hot. So they are going to be working very meticulously and very methodically to ensure the safe removal of victims and to make sure all of the teams, at p and the das office are safe. All right, lee. Very difficult job ahead for everybody involved. Joining us now is the sheriff of Alameda County. Greg a he rn. The removal and Recovery Process is continuing. How are you going about this task . Difficult. A horrific scene if you can imagine dealing with the smell and debris that is caused by the roof collapsing to the second floor and the second floor collapsing to the first floor. So moving around that is very difficult and then when you move debris you come across the deceased body and it is a very horrific thing. An what we have done is quartered off areas inside the facility and made a collection zone at one point. That collection zone where the debris is brought down and inspectors review it to make sure there is nothing of evidentiary value and they get a collection and remove it bucket by bucket. You have about 75 of the area processed. What is left . There is two main areas in the facility that are of concern to us. One is a lull on 31st which is needs to stabilized before we can search in that area and thats where people were reported to be trying to get out of a window and at that time, some of the building collapsed. The other portion is where the stage was located on the back side of the wall. And that area is also where we believe the fire originated. So that is going more methodically than other spots because we want to make sure we collect every piece of evidence before it goes to the debris pile. How are you dealing with it collectively because it is an emotional told that your men and women are enduring. I am so proud of the men and women working here at this site. They have shown a lot of hard work and dedication in this horrifying scene. They have been removing 36 different bodies from this site. And they have done so each time, a very dignified way for the respect that they want to give to the victim and to the victims family. They are doing a very professional job and it is not easy and this will leave a score on them and something that they will never forget and nothing that they can do. You are used to going in and helping people out and get them out alike and this is horrible task that you have been given but i know collectively everybody here and around the country really have thoughts with you and the victims. We appreciate that community support. We have a lot of support here from our first responders. And the local people in the Community Coming out to show their love and respect for what we do. Knowing it is a difficult job. Thank you for your time and your work. As you mentioned the victims are a major part of the equation. 36 victims and counting so far. There are those two other areas that have not been process processed at this time. There could be more victims. An there are 36, 33 have been tentatively identified and 16th of those families have been notified. Tonight there will be a vigil, christian, where many hundreds of people are expected at lake merit. Christian. Reporter that vigil set to start here at lake merit later on. Remember those that died in this terrible tragic accident. Now a picture is starting to emerge of those people deeply missed. 30yearold sarah hogga and started to work at the urban Montessori School and the community was devastated to learn about her loss and say they have grief counseling available and have discussed the loss with her students. She was a very gentle, a very kind, a very child centered individual. Almost perfectly matched the profile of the urban montessori teacher and she will definitely be missed by her students. We are also learning more about donna kellogg. We talked to her family today. They are here in the bay area in oakland from salinas ta gather belongings and they tell People Magazine that kellogg was there to dance. She will be laid to rest close to her brother that she loss some years ago when he was 18 years old. We are learning more about a pair of musicians that died. Ben reynolds that went by the name of charlie prower and nicole sea crest. They performed in unique sounds. That was a sampling of those that we have lost. Bright, young talented creative people. Many say they represented the best that oakland and the bay area has to offer. That candlelight vigil set to start here at around lake merit at 8 00, guys. Okay. Christian, thank you. Everyone of those 36 people of course has a story and they have families, some have been notified. Others have not. A lot of information is being consumed on social media and a lot of tributes to those lost. Joining us now with more on that is Paul Chambers in the newsroom. Many social media pages created to honor the victims and the city has identified 33 of the 36 victims, all of their names is not officially released. We have a look at the victims missing and many identified them as dying in friday nights fire. According to his Facebook Page, Barrett Clark is an oakland resident that went to santa ana and worked as a sound engineer. Friends held a wake last night in San Francisco in his honor. A close friend saying barrett was there and did die in the fire. Another friend, dan owens, says goodbye to a dear friend that lost his house in the oakland fire. We will miss you Barrett Clark. We were blessed to have known you. Rest in peace my dear friend. You were one of a kind. Oakland resident jonathan birdbomb graduated from Oakland High School and worked as a dj according to a facebook there will be a candlelight vigil for the us c alummist. A Facebook Page says he graduated in 2008 and he was performing friday as a dj mixing light and video for electronic music. Michael danny was from massachusetts there will be a vigil held thursday night. It said danmeyers parents was able to five his body last night. Elanna cane is the friend of danmeyer. A post on facebook stated my heart is truly broken and i cant stop crying. Please pray for my close friend. Now three of the victims are outside of the United States. At this time their names are not released but we know they are from finland, guatemala and korea. Log onto kutv. Com. We have a slideshow there under top stories. Okay. Thank, paul. Now we are joined by johna watson with the Oakland Police department. One of the agencies tasked with processing the scene and right now we have a crane coming in and that will allow them to move some large areas of debris and gives us a sense of the logistics. Thats correct. We continue to work with all of the city services, the agency and the alameda fire department. It is imperative that the process continues. And because we gather as an organization in different divisions and need to keep moving forward with the investigation and a lot of the heavy equipment is moved in such as the crane and we understand it is in the neighborhood and we have reached out to groups and organizations that have been working. Imperative, the crane because it will help with a large scale of debris where human strength would not be able to access or lift. So it is paramount and we understand and thank the community for the patience this area has been significantly impacted and each day goes on, the impact grows larger and larger to the point that we have additional services. We want to keep the footprint as small as possible and effective as we can as we process this investigation. This may be well it is a criminal investigation. Some of this could be potential evidence. How are you working with Alameda County investigators in preserving evidence and processing evidence. The Alameda County District Attorneys office is the lead. The Oakland Police Department Works in unison with them. We are a Team Organization with our team city services. As we continue the investigation. We will see which direction it is going to go and what ends up as the result of the investigation but we collectively as a teamwork together. As a city, as a community, there are people that want answers. How could this happen . How important is it from the Oakland Police standpoint to come up with those answers during this investigation . This is a tragedy. And the tragedy is so large scale with significant impact. Families deserve answers rightfully so. A community deserves answers and the city is looking at what happened and how we can process this to make changes in the future, a positive impact for our city. We are very diverse in oakland and we have artists and we have a lot of different communities and the city collectively as a team is looking at that and right now we are very, very focused. Working together with our organization with the location and recovery of the victims. This search is not over. We want to be very sensitive on the impact to families and our community. We will continue this investigation and going to see what comes as a result and the Alameda County District Attorneys office is the lead and we are going to do everything we can as a city to support the Alameda County District Attorneys office. Thank you for everything and, of course, there are 36 and maybe more victims. At this point 75 of the building has been cleared. However, theres the possibility that there will be more victims as they continue the work. When we come back, we will talk about the criminal investigation going on. As we go to break. We remember some of the victims lost. Stay with us. This afternoon the District Attorney of Alameda County. Nancy omalley took part in a press conference outside the warehouse and announced a criminal investigation has been launched. No stone will be unturned. They will preserve all of the evidence coming out of the warehouse and they have already interviewed many people as part of this criminal investigation. They are not sure where it will go. She says charges, it is too early to talk about them but she did say if there are charges, it could run the gamut. The range of charges could be murder, all the way to Involuntary Manslaughter and until we know what the evidence shows us, there may be other charges if the evidence presents that. That is District Attorney Nancy Omalley talking about the investigation under way. One of the people brought out to the forefront because of this fire is the man that seemed to be in charge of the warehouse that was possibly renting out spaces to artists in this area and even had rvs parked inside. A man by the name of derrick ion. Henry lee joins us with more on mr. Ion and joins us from oakland. Henry. Yeah, ted. Take a look behind me. We are at the oakland marriott. Right here this minivan with the make shift rack that belongs to derrick iin and his wife. There is no shortage of people upset with him over issues with the warehouse where 36 people have died. Derrick ion is on probation for stealing an airstream trailer. He denied stealing it but she found it near the warehouse and placed him under citizens arrest. As part of a deal. Io nspent two days in jail and named in restraining orders by two men saying he attacked them as they tried to get equipment and this man says he got into an argument with ion. He says he suffered a bruised rib when ion slammed a door on his hand. A warehouseman says he beat him as he tried to on record a conversation between ion and lewis. I had my phone taken from me. Ion requested a restraining order against shelly mack that ktvu interviewed after fire. Mack says she rented an rv in the warehouse from ion and when she tried to leave he tried to to steal her stuff. She says she called cps about his children. So far ion has spoken out on social media. A post to Facebook Says confirmed, everything i worked so hard for is gone. We are at a hotel safe and sound. It is has awoke from a dream of hope to now no self worth. This is not the first fire at the warehouse. There was a fire at the same building in 2014. Investigators said it was arson. An old couch was used as kindling. We have been outside the hotel all day and ion has not seen. He has negotiated a deal with another network. People deserve better. Derrick if you are watching this, we want to hear from you. Henry lee, ktvu news. Okay. Henry, thank you. Michael cardoza joins us. This building was not zoned for for residential. Who is looking at criminal prosecution. The District Attorneys office is looking into any criminal prosecution. And then individually if you jump to the civil side, you are going to have lawyers that represent the family in wrongful death cases which then brings up was the building covered for insurance and will the Insurance Company be responsible for these deaths. Clearly nobody wanted this to happen by any stretch. There is no way that would factor in but culpably from a criminal standpoint, does negligence get to the level of Involuntary Manslaughter or lesser murder charges. They may rise to the level of the seconddegree murder when you look at this and you hear and i dont know for sure but i have heard that they have pallets that was a stairway up to the second floor. So you do that type of thing, you have got to think you know inherently if a fire does start, it is going to be tragic as it is for the people that were inside of this. It might rise to the level of murder and they could be going after the owner of the building. A promoter. They will be looking at whoever has put this on and who owned the building. What about insurance . We were talking earlier, the activity going on in the building was not supposed to be going on and was illegal. Does an Insurance Company have the right to fight that and say we are not paying out wrongful death claims on a case like this . A good analogy. The oakland fire down the road they took responsibility but they did it with certain amounts of money and the Insurance Company came down on them and in this case an Insurance Company says we insured a building that was supposed to be residential and was not supposed to have functions like this. We are not responsible. They are going to have good legal grounds to stand on. If they go to court i dont think the public will be upset because if the insurance was paid for a nonresidential, nonfunction building. You know Nancy Omalley, you have gone up against her office and have worked with her there. What do you think they will do in terms of an agency. They have come out and say there is no stone unturned, you expect a vigorous investigation . I expect a very, very vigorous investigation. And i would imagine that they would look to Involuntary Manslaughter, the negligence part of this. Criminal type negligence. Seconddegree murder might be a stretch but i will tell you they will look into it and seconddegree murder carries 15 to life. They will be looking at the owner and they will be looking at the promoter. Ill tell you what the sad thing is, ted. I talked to a lot of people in San Francisco and the Police Department in the city and they said you know, there are a lot of buildings in San Francisco like this. There is still a lot of buildings in Alameda County like this and the police cant do anything about it because it is private property. They cant go in. It is the Code Enforcement people that have to get in and take care of these types of buildings and there is so many of them. This will get their attention. All right. Michael cardoza. Thank you. You are welcome. You are right in terms of the buildings behind us. There is a lot of activity around the bay and part of that because of the housing situation and part because there are artists lofts where people have gotten together. I am sure in the aftermath of this, all of that will be looked into. When we come back, we will have more from oakland and stories from around the country and other things we are following including the weather. Lets check in with ken wayne at the ktvu studios in oakland. Following national headlines. Coming up, details of a meeting between president elect donald trump and former Vice President kyle gore. Cloudy and cool for the afternoon with temperatures continuing to fall for the bay area tuesday. I will have a look at what you can expect coming up. Al gore was meeting with president elect donald trump in new york. Reports of ivanka trump is looking to make Climate Change a key issue with her father in the white house. Al gore called it a productive session and sincere search for areas of common ground. I had a meeting beforehand with ivanka trump. The bulk of the time was with president elect donald trump. I found it extremely interesting conversation. And to be continued. Earlier the Transition Team announced that mr. Trump has chosen his former republican rival dr. Ben carson to become secretary of department and housing. He has a brilliant mind and strengthening community some say. Mr. Trump spoke by phone to the president of taiwan. The first such communication since 1979 the United States does not have official relations with taiwan since the government considers it to be part of china. He accused them of militarizing the southwest seas. An many say it could have an economic fallout. If this continues we will see measures. And we will see retaliation on the trade front. White House Press Secretary says the Obama Administration has been in touch with chinese officials to reiterate support for the one china policy which does not recognize taiwan as a sovereign nation. Outside our doors today. A cool down began and this is the trend as we get to tuesday and wednesday. Before we switch over to wet weather giving you a look here at San Francisco. The cloud cover rolled in and really has not left. Clouds just continuing to stream across the bay area. The winds are light and you can see the wind bars from the northwest. And again they have been fairly light and thankfully so with the clouds in place and the cooler temperatures, we dont need the wind. Here is a look at the system and the rain that will remain to the north at least for now. We will just continue with the partly to mostly cloudy skies. The temperatures coming down in the 50s. 53 in livermore and 54 as we go to the north bay, napa. 52 and 55 hayward and the south bay locations, 55 outside your door. San jose, here is a temperature change a few degrees down by 11 in santa rosa and down by five in concord. We dont have that sunshine out there. So definitely feels cooler. Tomorrow morning a chilly start, 34 degrees in santa rosa and 34 for concord and we go to redwood city. 39 and oakland starting out at 43. Mid to upper 40s around San Francisco, pacifica and for the south bay, 37 degrees and morgan hill tomorrow morning with partly cloudy skies. In the afternoon, temperatures will be even cooler than today. 54 for concord and 56 in oakland and 54 San Francisco and 56 in santa rosa with partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. Temperatures falling for wednesday. Then we turn our attention to rain in the forecast for the back end of the business week. I will have a look at what you can expect in the extended forecast. Our coverage of the oakland warehouse fire continues after the break. Coming up, we will speak with a forensic specialist to get insight in to what investigators are looking for. The youngest victim so far. 17 years old. The son of an Alameda Countys deputy. Welcome back to our continuing coverage of the oakland warehouse fire. Joining us from fire deputy chief darren white. The arduous task of processing this facility. About 75 of the way through. Give us a sense of what is next and what you are doing right now. Okay. Currently we discovered earlier last night there is an area on the front side of the building on the 31st avenue side of the building that we feel has got Structural Integrity issues and because of that we had to device a plan that would assure the personnel would operate safely in that environment. With that we got assistance from a local company to secure the parapit. That is where the compromised factor could fall in to on top of the debris pile as well as members working below it. We have a plan in place to shore it. So they will lower individuals into a basket and work from off of the crane to do so safely and it could take from 8 to 12 hours to do so. 36 victims so far and you know the lay of the land. What should people expect in terms of more potential victims. Will there be more. We are optimistic that there wont be more. Our search has not revealed anything visually. But there is substantial amount of debris and it will take more effort to systemically and methodically search the other. We are hopeful there wont be anymore victims. Are you confident to find the origin of the fire and possibly through interviews or forensic evidence the reason the fire started . Im very confident that we will locate the area of origin. As i stated in previous interviews if we are working on that side of the building to support through that area and try to point to not only the origin but the cause. With the help of the atf and our Investigation Unit and the task force, i think they will be able to find with certainty the origin and cause. Deputy white, thank you for your time and appreciate it and thank you for your continued efforts. Joining us now is fire investigator by the name of john dehon that will help us explore this further. First of all as a fire investigator what are you looking for amongst the debris and given what we have been told about inside the warehouse it is filled with debris. What are you looking for when you go in and what are you preserving . Thats exactly the nightmare of this kind of scene is that you as part of any investigation, you want to identify all of the fuel elements that can support a fire as it starts and as it spreads. And you like to start with some information prior to the fire. Videos, photographs, witness descriptions and in this case of course you have enormously complex pile of materials. Kind of randomly placed and all of which could constitute fire fuel and may have blocked the exit for some of the people present and so we are looking at a variety of factors just to identify the materials and document where they are and how badly damaged they are before they are moved and thats what makes this kind of scene such a nightmare is that you have two floors, basically and a roof collapsed and you are trying to be very delicate about moving the overburden of the roof elements and things like that and trying to figure out what did the scene look like beforehand . So in essence john as a forensic scientist you are trying to reconstruct the warehouse. Thats right. You do a physical reconstruction and you establish potential ignition sources and from Surveillance Video and witness and you formulate hypothesis and test all of them and these depend on the ignition source and the nature of the fuel and in this case you have tremendous variability of both. All right. John dehon the fire specialist. Appreciate your insight. The beginning of many days and weeks ahead. Not only to sift through the warehouse and to process all of the materials that are brought out. Well, earlier we mentioned that one of the 36 victims is a minor. A 17yearold boy from the city of entrance. Tara moriarty joins us now with more on the youngest victim of this horrific fire. Tara. Reporter drayvin was a member here at high school and a member of the pacific boy choir and wellknown here at the cam p pus as performing arts school in the vocal department and this particular campus has had grief counselors available all day and most of the students had the chance to sort of absorb the fact about drayvins death and has received the news simultaneously. They found that he was found not alive and the son of an Alameda County sheriff. Friends say that he was blessed with an amazing voice but more importantly, he was kind once you got past his shyness. He is someone that is so caring and loving and there is not a mean or hurtful thing that i can recall him saying. And that he was just so genuinely nice to everyone he met and i am so thankful for having him in my life. Friday and saturday the vocal department here at soto will be performing their holiday concert and one song that drayvin loved as a freshman and they will sing that and it will take on a significance for everyone at the school. Tara moriarty, ktvu news. We will have more from the scene of the oakland fire as we go to break. We continue to remember the victims. Stay with us. Welcome back to the four on two on our continuing coverage of the oakland fire. There are 36 victims and with everyone of them there is a story and family and friends. Which means there is a lot of need for healing. Joining me now is deborah providing counseling for people affected by the fire. Doing this as low or no costs. What is it that you are offering the community and specifically those impacted. Maybe someone that had a friend that perished or someone that needs help. Yes, we have been in the community for 25 years at the john kennedy Counseling Center and we are here to offer our support. Usually people just come to us and now we are reaching out and saying how can we help . How can we be here for the families and friends . How do you help someone at the initial stage when the shock is so real and the pain is so real . I think the first thing is offering support so thats what we are doing right now and secondly to just be with them. More people are concerned about what will happen next and how will i cope without this loved one and coping skills and just putting them in a safe space about what they are feeling. What have you heard from people . I have heard we were impacted, our community was impacted and what we heard is that it is first of all so shocking. This is a kind of trauma for people. So they dont know how to ask for help sometimes and i think that also having someone just next door to just say i dont know what to do. How can i talk about it. Who can i talk to and where is a safe place to do that. Thats what we are doing. And how do people get hold of you. Call the Oakland Center 550 3443444 and schedule an appointment right away. We have students ready to take calls and to begin to talk to people as soon as possible. Wonderful service you are providing. A needed service and deborah shepherd with the jfk Counseling Services here in oakland. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. We will take a quick break and we will be back with more coverage of the oakland warehouse fire. Stay with us. You are watching the four on two on ktvu fox news. Following headlines from across the country. A georgia man received his sentence for leaving his son in a hot car to die. The sentence of the court is life to serve in confinement without parole. 35 yearold ross harris was found guilty of murder in the death of 22 month old cooper harris. Prosecutors said the father deliberately left his son in his suv on a hot summer day in 2014 because he wanted to escape the responsibilities of family life. Investigators found evidence that harris was married was having affairs with several women. Protests in north dakota with celebrations to build the pipeline are going to have to be changed. We are celebrating a victory. That bill has been denied, that permit. The army course of engineers is turning down the request to build it. There have been protests at standing rock. They say it cuts across sacred american lands. I just am so thankful for all of you and i am proud of each and every one of you. If you think about it and if you realize what has happened over ten thousand people in the community have been here and organizers. U. S. Army corps of engineers announced not to grant an easement for the pipeline to cross under Missouri River reservoir in north dakota. Construction on the pipeline will be on hold as officials explore alternative routes for that pipeline. Time to bundle up. And then the rain jacket and the umbrella. Giving you a view from San Francisco across the bay where we are mostly cloudy at this hour and started with patchy fog and the clouds rolled in and with us the entire day. A beautiful shot. Mix of sun and clouds as we say hello to sunset. 52 degrees. Santa rosa and 62 San Francisco and 54 in oakland and 50s for livemor and san jose at 55. Storm tracker 2 showing you the cloud cover and the light wind that will continue for the evening hours. We will turn partly to mostly cloudy and in and out of the clouds for the next few days. While the rain remains to the north. We will have that streaming overhead tomorrow as well as wednesday and then the wet weather is expected to arrive. Here is a look at your futurecast model for you. We get into tomorrow morning, partly cloudy skies and a little bit of moisture here skirting the coast and it will remain to the north of us and not expecting any rain tomorrow. Wednesday things start to change and we start out with cloudy skies and look at what happens on wednesday. Rain in the forecast for the north bay. Moves in during the evening hours and thursday morning and it looks like thursday could be pretty much an all day wet day. Friday morning another chance at rain. The futurecast model showing you the next several days, an inch to two inches to friday. Temperatures tomorrow morning under partly cloudy skies and patchy frost and fog and cold one. 34 degrees to start your morkin santa rosa and 36 for napa. For the peninsula. 39. Temperatures are going to struggle. This afternoon in the mid to upper 50s and a few low 60s. Tomorrow we are looking at low to mid50s. 54 in napa and 56 for santa rosa and the inner east bay cool and topping out at 54. South bay locations, more of the same. 56 san jose and the stretch along the peninsula. 54 san mateo and 53 for pacifica and the high for you, 56 in oakland and 54 for San Francisco. The extended forecast shows you temperatures falling off for wednesday with the cloud cover in place and expecting the scattered showers to arrive by the afternoon. Starting in the north bay and moving across the bay in the evening hours. Thursday it looks like it will be a rainy day and friday at least the start of friday expected to be a rainy one and then tapering off to the scattered showers as we get to friday evening. Good news for folks. The bay area looks drive and we will have dry conditions on saturday and sunday looks iffy and we will track it there and i guess like we said make sure you have a jacket because it is cool. I see that 30 on a wednesday night. That is the interior valleys with frost. Yes. Definitely frost wednesday morning. Wednesday looks to be the coldest day. Thank you, rosemary. Coming up at five. Oakland inspectors did not follow up on some serious code violations. We take this very seriously and we want to get it right. Dozens of people are dead. I hope we are taking it seriously. Do you feel that this could have been avoided if your inspectors had done their jobs. The violations reported to this man before the warehouse burned. Could the deaths have been prevented. The man responsible coming up on ktvu news at five. Back to the four on two. We have just been told by the Alameda County Sheriffs Department that they dont believe there will be anymore victims found inside the warehouse. The processing continues. They are 75 of the way through the processing and at this point, again, they say they dont believe there will be anymore victims found that is fantastic news. That will do it for us and we will continue the coverage of the oakland fire with the ktvu news at five. Fox two news at five starts now. The death toll has climbed again. 36 people now confirmed dead following the oakland warehouse fire and tonight the Sheriffs Office continues the tough task of notifying families as the fire has turned into an international incident. Notifications have taken place throughout the region and throughout the state and we have three people from outside the United States. Good evening. Im ken wayne. Frank is off tonight. And im julie haener. As you just heard ted rollins reported new information in. The sheriff says we dont believe any additional bodies will be found in that warehouse. Here is the latest information on the oakland warehouse fire. Officials announced today 36 victims have been found. 33 of them have been identified and 16 families have been notified. The victims are from the u. S. , finland, korea and guatemala. The embassies have been notified. A 17yearold boy is among the dead. He was the son of Alameda County deputy. It started in the back of the building but the cause is not known. Pg e cut fire to the building and the surrounding area to make it safe for crews to use a large crane to continue the investigation. Here are some pictures of some of the victims positively identified. They range from a 17yearold teenager to men and women in their mid30s. One was a teacher and another a barista and many of them artists and musicians. Lee martinez is live at the scene. Apparently you have new details about the list of people still unaccounted for. That is right. There is this potential that they have to go back here and do another search even though you heard the Sheriffs Office says they

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