Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160819 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160819

donald trump's campaign chairman paul manafort announced he is resigning. his ties to ukrainian politics are a little too close for comfort. >> i don't think my father wanted to be distracted i whatever was being dealt with. >> reporter: mike pence made a last-minute trip to louisiana to visit those impacted by the devastating floods. while the gop nominee attempted to show a softer side, his democratic contender says the words ring hollow until he tells us which of his many divisive comments he regrets and changes his tune altogether. in the meantime she is facing backlash of her own after reports that the clinton foundation received money from other countries. the campaign responded today saying the foundation will stop accepting foreign and corporate donations if the former secretary of state wins in november. but some analysts say, by then it might be too little too lake. the majority of them do not trust her. -- too late. the majority of them don't trust her. this has really dogged her campaign. this rough exit is a clear admission of disturbing connections between donald trump's team and ukraine, according to clinton. >> joe joins us now with more political information. this is pretty her chattering. donald trump's campaign chairman paul manafort is now out of the campaign altogether. to i think it is good and bad. -- >> i think it does good and bad. at the end of the news cycle, to actually say he is leaving -- i don't have any insight on this. i think the fact that mr. manna fort had money owed to him -- paul manafort had money owed to him was a constant reminder of the trump campaign in vladimir putin. i think this was a big distraction and that's the real reason they wanted to get him out. >> donald trump is a businessman. in any business you have two campaign managers in the space of four months, how could this possibly look good for the trump campaign? >> if you do not like donald trump, you say this is an example of a campaign in the survey. if you are a busy no person that thinks of rational thinking. you just think, it wasn't working so try something new. depending on how you see donald trump, you are either happy with this or think it's another example of why he is going to lose. >> what do you think of steam then you and -- steve campion from b.a.r.t. art -- steve and then from breitbart taking this over? his head racist comments in the past some say. >> he also said two women, get over harassment issues. >>was this a good move? >> no, i don't think it is. he will have someone who doesn't suppress donald trump from saying what he thinks. that is what bannon believes is good political discourse. i think it's ultimately descriptive because he want someone who will reign in his impulse. he said he regrets some of the things that he said without specifying what they were. >> but there were no system -- no specifics. we don't know if he regrets of the things he said or what. >> it is newsworthy. this is another day that he has done something. we are talking about him and still not talking about hillary clinton, which in a way, if you are donald trump, that is a good thing. this is more positive than before. he is still getting free coverage and she has to pay for advertising. >> it's really up for debate whether it is positive coverage at this point. we do know that donald trump is making a big play for the african-american vote. many democrats are saying that is laughable. he has less than 2% of the african-american community in paul's. he comes out of this event in michigan and says, what do you have to lose. your crime rate and him -- and unemployment is high. any people say he is speaking down to the african-american community saying the entire community is a disaster. what do they have to lose? vote for him. do you think that will work? >> no, i don't. but i think this is something he should've tried earlier run. the fact that he has come into this now, is less than believable. also, the fact that you don't see a lot of people with color in his campaign working for him and helping him and all of the states is also troubling. there are certainly african- americans who are conservative. a lot of the social value positions align with the very religious. the statistics about unemployment and crime are accurate statements. you have to consider the messenger in this case. mr. trump, after primary season of being belligerent on a lot of things, has not really reached out to this community in a meaningful way. the fact that you don't see a lot of them standing behind him or even at the republican can patient. >> there were 16 or 17 of them out of how many thousand? we have to talk about donald trump in southern louisiana dealing with the flooding. some say that was very presidential looking. >> i agree. that's instance news coverage. it's going to be positive coverage. he should've done that rather than going to milwaukee right after a riot. this is something the incumbent would do, fly over the zone and make statements about damning up levees and things like that. >> thank you for joining us. i will send it back over to you. the naked donald trump statue has been removed from san francisco's castro district. the department of public works took it down this morning and is holding onto it for now. the group of artists says they left it there along with identical stickies -- statues in 4 different cities. the department of public works says they did not have a permit for this station. >> the donald trump statue represents someone "naked and afraid". we found him in the middle of castro and now we are taking him in to say that what makes america great is not hate but love and compassion. >> the other statues are in new york, seattle, cleveland and los angeles. they have all been taken down except for the one in los angeles. it was ordered removed but a local art gallery to get onto private property. >> the art collective that place though statues across the country, they explained the meaning behind this. it is to demean donald trump is a political candidate. >> we are not interested in people pointing at him and laughing and walking away. this isn't about making fun of donald trump and his large, naked body. there's more to it than that. it's awesome to see that that wasn't lost on a very large part of the populace. >> this spokesperson also told me they will not be voting for any candidate this year. they wouldn't go so far as to say whether hillary clinton's statue is coming out next. in east bay woman accused of cyber stalking kris jenner made her first court appearance. >> the defendant works as a nursing assistant. >> that is correct. christina bankston has been a banking assistant for several years and recently got a job in santa clara at kaiser. the fbi said instead of helping people heal, she has been cyber stalking kris jenner as well as her family and 2 of her assistance. according to the indictment, christina bankston called her using different devices in italy isis -- and aliases. she also claimed to have a sexed tape -- a sex tape of kris jenner. she allegedly impersonated kris jenner and sent texts to family members. while claiming to be kris jenner, call the sheriff department and said her sister had cut her wrists and another time claimed someone was coming to her home to commit a massacre. the police responded to these. christina bankston appeared in federal court today and she was released on $20,000 bond as long as she doesn't contact kris jenner, her family or the fbi agent who worked the case. christina bankston says she lives with her parents in the east bay. they have a computer but although it is password- protected, she has agreed not to use it. >> what about potential prosecution and penalties? >> the judge outlined a long list of possible penalties. quite often you do not get the maximum. if convicted, she probably won't get close to the maximum penalties at all. >> the jenners are in the news several times a month. they are not used to staying silent about any of this. what is the reaction? >> [ overlapping speakers ] i do watch the kardashian show. kris jenner has mentioned stalking. they are in the lights with cameras on all the time. it's not fun, they say, when someone is harassing you dozens of times a day. >> henry lee watches the kardashians. the scope of the damage from a massive fire burning in san bernardino county is coming into focus now. fire officials say 96 homes in 213 other buildings have been destroyed city blue cut fire started on tuesday. 37,000 acres have burned in the fire is 20% -- and the fire is 26% contained up from 22% as of yesterday. some residents have been allowed to return to their homes but many still remain evacuated. >> everything you work hard for could be gone in an instant. it was for so many people. i am just feeling very blessed. >> a lot of the motion for those victims. gusty winds and high temperatures continue to make it hard for hundreds of firefighters working that blaze. in berkeley, police are investigating the first homicide of the year, 2010-year- old -- 22-year-old alex goodwin who was shot near the intersection of mabel and burnett street. there is no word on a possible motive so far. police do not believe this was a random act. >> we don't believe that this individual, the victim was targeted indiscriminately. that is why we are saying there is no immediate threat to the community. >> police are still looking for any witnesses. if you have any information, give police a call. california became the first state in the nation to formally legalize the practice of lane splinters. this is when a motorcycle passes other vehicles by driving in between lanes. this practice was condoned a couple years ago but it was ruled that the chp did not have its own ability to create a policy. until now it had been in a legal gray area but today the bill was signed by governor brown. it now authorizes the chp to establish guidelines for lane splitting. a change of venue where requested in the trial of the man accused of killing sierra lamar. a recent poll cast oakland in a very poor light. where this city ranks among the most unfriendly cities in the world, coming up. look at the traffic at the top -- bay bridge toll plaza. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. in the city of oakland -- is the city of oakland getting a bad rap? it's now in the top five of the most unfriendly cities of the world. number 4 is tanzania, oakland is third, number 2 is [ indiscernible ] in newark new jersey is number 1. is oakland getting a bad rap? noel gallo, councilmember in oakland is joining us now. >> thank you for having me. >> does oakland deserve this? >> for every line of negativity i mentioned, there are 20 that are extremely positive. oakland is a beautiful city. we have great weather and attractive neighborhoods. we have friendly people. we are on the move. >> most of those cities have high rates of poverty and crime. but our crime rate is actually down. is this a mistake? >> the population is growing in oakland. our schools are doing better. our streets are getting a lot safer. we are on the move. you can judge it that by the number of businesses -- you can judge that now by the businesses that are in the area. there is google and nike as well as housing production that has risen dramatically. i have raised four children in oakland. we are in a different oakland today. i can honestly say that oakland, in the next 2 or 3 years, you will not recognize it. this is one of the most attractive locations that you could come to if you are considering coming to the bay area. we are surrounded by the best universities in the world. this is a great lace for family -- great place for families. >> 400,000 people, can they all really be rude? >> the majority of us are law abiding citizens. we call -- we care for our families and our city. some of us need an attitude adjustment certainly, but i will say that having grown up in the city, from when i was a teenager to today, it's a great difference. i am really optimistic. >> we have talked about many positive things in oakland. those of us in the barrio know how much it has changed and how much oakland has to offer. what is the future? tourism is actually up. is that the path we need to take? >> i think we will be in competition with san francisco. the housing market is super attractive. now, for once, i see retail store owners coming to oakland and competing for the space to do business. i am extremely optimistic. i think oakland is moving in the right direction and we are making good progress. >> you remember one of the most famous oakland errors, gertrude stein -- oakland residents, gertrude stein. will we turn it around and become one of the most friendly cities? >> the majority of people are friendly. where did the people go when san francisco burned? they went to oakland and never returned. there are many people -- businesses bringing their employees with them. you couldn't ask for a better location to invest in raise your family. >>oakland spokesperson, thank you so much for joining us on "the 4 on 2" . you may notice the smell of smoke coming north from the sopranos fire which is still burning and contributing -- soberanes fire which is still burning and contributing to this smoke. >> there are great views looking toward the fog which we typically expect in the bay area at this time of year. that is what you would expect for august. there's a different sky out east . this is trapping all of the pollutants but the smoke coming in from the fires burning to the south are a problem as well. you have heard about the sober on the fire as well as the blue cut fire. here is this satellite loop which shows a big flareup with the cedar fire. this is at about 9500 acres. that smoke is coming closer to the bay area. we had the smoke up above 3000 feet and we also now have it at the surface, troubled we do to the nearby zerona's fire -- nearby soberanes fire. standing by to answer a few questions we have dr. christina curry at the hospital. you guys have noticed a change in reports of calls to the hospital. >> we've had a large increase from patients who are having more symptoms from, to shortness of wrath. people are needing more prescriptions for their rescue inhalers. >>the cough is the main symptom and call -- and shortness of breath? >> for people that don't have an underlying lung disease, the coffin chest congestion may be the main symptom which could be transient. people that have situation such as copd may feel short of breath and notice more weezing for which they will need to use their inhalers more. >> if you are a totally healthy person, if you notice a change of air quality, you're saying to take it slowly and don't do strenuous exercise. >> it's not the best time to do your long run or bike ride. maybe go to the gym instead to stay indoors. if you have asthma or copd, you definitely need to decrease your exposure and exertion outdoors with that heavy pollution. >> you have people coming in making appointments, as their bodies are responding to the change in air for all ity -- air-quality. >> absolutely, i think the clinic might be full next week. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: we still have all of the fires burning. you can notice all of the hayes -- haze. we will update our weekend forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> it is quite hazy outside. college football is almost here. i know you are excited. >> i am excited. we will break down the cal bears opener down under coming up. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded suv of the century. good old fashion american football, the cal bears are getting ready to kick off their season. >> the kickoff is in australia and they will be facing hawaii. this is a unique opportunity. >> you might as well play again many time zones away. tomorrow the bears will usher in the college football season against hawaii. a week from tomorrow at noon, sydney time is actually a week from tonight. the new quarterback was front and center as he prepared to officially take the reins from the number 1 pick in the nfl draft. the system remains the same. you know how will scare a lot of points. how will they manage -- cal will scare -- score a lot of points. how will they manage the time on the airplane? >> hopefully we will be able to keep ourselves busy. >> i'm going to be on a lot of planes. i want to make sure that our bodies are sustain for the 15 hours. >> it will be a great experience . it should be a lot of fun for them, something may remember for the rest of their lives. it's a unique opportunity for those guys to bond. all the team things that take place, to have a good football team, should really be a good thing. >> the most important thing is winning the game. the winners -- the players echo that sentiment. a little spotlight and we will see how the bears do. >> he is not an ordinary replacement. he's a graduate replacement from texas tech. he has a lot of football under his belt. another player who is predicted to be a first-round jack -- draft pick which means he's a pretty good player. prosecutors and the defense in texas agreed at a condemned man in texas didn't kill anybody. however the clock is now taking down to his execution unless a last-minute commutation is granted. living in the bay area is insanely expensive. we will be exploring some up- and-coming areas that are a little bit more affordable. we have some more sobering data on how expensive bay area housing has become. the housing affordability index has just been released for the second quarter. here to talk about these staggering numbers is patrick who is going to go to some of these numbers with us. i want to start off with the median housing sale price. it keeps going up and up and up around the bay area. what sticks out to you when you look at these numbers? >> there are a number of interesting things going on. first of all, the prices are actually starting to stabilize within the city itself. outer areas, more affordable areas are continuing to be relatively frenzied. oakland actually has the highest appreciation rate of any city in the bay area over the last five years. it may be the highest appreciation rate in the country. >> is that because of people can only go so high in san francisco and are now fleeing and moving to, quote, unquote, affordable areas. >> that is certainly one of the dynamics. the median price is half that of san francisco also the fact that people want to the urban experience again, especially 20- year-old 1030-year-old. if they can't afford san francisco, oakland is their top choice in the bay area -- 20 and 30-year-olds. if they can't afford san francisco, oakland is their top choice in the bay area. >> when we look at the u.s. average being $1100 per month and this is the statistics for the bay area. --, how are people doing this? >> there are a lot of things going on in the bay area. there have been 600,000 new jobs in the bay area over the last few years and 100,000 in san francisco alone. some of these are extremely high paying. there has also been an incredible explosion in new wealth, probably trillions of dollars have been generated. you do have a lot of people with a lot of money looking for homes. unfortunately, a lot of people are not part of that dynamic and they are faced with a very harsh reality of ever rising home prices when their incomes aren't rising. >> that brings us to the last number. the percentage of people, when you look at the average salaries, that can actually supposedly afford to own a home in the city in which they live. this one is another amazing statistic. around the country it's a fair amount of people that can afford to own a home in their city, but not in san francisco, san mateo, santa clara, marin county, alameda, it is well below 50%. it's 20% in some areas. >> san francisco is at 13% and san mateo is 50%. we hit the lowest affordability percentages in 2006 and 2007, at the top of the subprime bubble. we have not gotten that low at this point, mostly because of the incredibly low interest rates which have been subsidizing the increasing -- increase in home prices. anyway you slice it, the bay area is one of the most, if not the most expensive housing market in the nation. to one of the most extensive places to live, certainly true. -- >> certainly one of the most expensive places to live. carla romero pulled over her bus one day on third street , last saturday morning when she was confronted by an angry driver. she accused the driver of attacking her after getting out of his car but now she faces charges of assaulting him. union officials want the agency to release video footage that may show who actually was the aggressor. >> the public has a right to see the tapes. there should be an -- open investigation. why have the tapes not been released. does? >> video has been turned over to the police and they are not commenting specifically on this case. students -- freshmen students moving into san jose state university campus are going to have to move into the old dorms, the old three-story residence hall known as the bricks. this will be their residence for a few months while the new dorms will be finished. that eventually will be turned down to make room for an aquatics and recreation center. >> the building is almost complete. we want to make sure all of the inspections have been passed. >> university is offering students new storage. it will hire professional movers to help the students move as well as giving them a $150 gift card to use on campus and a sweatshirt. we will break down what may be the final stages of the drama that played out with four members of the olympic swim team . new developments in the swimmer controversy in rio. ryan lochte took to instagram to apologize. he said, i want to apologize for not being more careful in candid on how i described to the events of that early morning situation. this afternoon olympic officials say they don't believe the incident will mark the history of these games. >> i think that the brazilian population will accept his apology. we want to put this matter to an end. >> the swimmers are back here in the united states. james feagin has reached an agreement that will avoid criminal prosecution. a texas education -- execution for a man who never committed murder, that's a lot to get to in this edition of the verdict. let's start with ryan lochte. they basically say he was lying. what are your thoughts? >> i think the man you just saw on the screen from brazil had it right from the get-go. he said, these are kids. they made a mistake. let's let it go. life goes on. i think that's what he said. he was absolutely right. ryan lochte apologizing was the perfect thing to do. >> it will obviously staying his reputation, probably forever at some level. it's not going to really staying u.s. swimming. >> if you remember michael phelps had a little bit of a problem a few years ago. that has faded into history. you compare those two. you may or may not like what they did here, but it was prankish and stupid and people that were intoxicated. it was people that were letting off a lot of steam. i agree with brazil. let it go. i like the compromise. it's a little expensive but it is done. >> jeffrey willis -- jeffery lee wood sat in a car while another man went inside a convenience store and killed a clerk. he did not kill them. he is now on death row. >> texas is a tough place. that would never happen in california. i have tried a special jury trial -- many jury trials and a special case. i don't see him being convicted of a death penalty based on this, he's a non-shooter. he was the driver of the car, from what i understand. the codefendant walks in and does the robbery. >> he goes into steel a safe and it ends up that the clerk dies. then the getaway driver is going to be executed. this is causing a huge public uproar. >> i will bet. i'm not in favor of the death penalty .1 i was the district attorney. i prosecuted at a time when there wasn't a death penalty. than when it came back, alameda county was kind enough to tell me, don't do it if you don't believe in doing it. i didn't do it because about a week before the voters voted it back in, i had tried a young man that killed three people and then the office rightfully so brought up the death penalty and someone who killed two people. and i said, wait a minute. this is not right. >> this guy didn't kill anybody. >> he didn't kill anybody. texas is different. john f. kennedy had it right when he said we are going into crazy country. sierra lamar, the case against her accused killer is going to trial very soon. antolin garcia-torres will be on trial. there are two rulings to be ruled on this week. the first is a change of venue. should be changed? >> no. >> why? >> the judge should say no one a change of venue and then they should select the jury. if the jurors raise their hand. the question is not have you heard about it. the question is, has what you heard affected your -- affected you so much that you already have your mind made up. most jurors will say i know a little but i don't know much. i can be fair. if enough say i can't be fair, then you can grant the change of venue. remember scott peterson. we were involved in that. >> it changed the venue, not very far but it was changed to san mateo. >> the last thing, i case with nobodies, dna is a big part of this. the defense says throw the dna out. is is a hail mary? >> -- is this a hail mary? >> what goes on in santa clara county is the district attorney's office has the crime lab. they run it. they've had problems before. one murder case i was on, they had a big problem with dna. i'm sure that's what the defense is looking at. this lab is had a lot of problems with dna. >> we will see what the judge says. marco cardoza -- michael cardoza, as always, thank you. is a live look at san francisco. look at the haze out there . look at these conditions. it's not looking good. >> reporter: that is right, a definite change in the overall weather pattern. the smoke coming in from the fires, drifting closer and are adding to the mix. we have the typical fog but also a lot of haze or the entire bay area, but especially the east bay and oakland. right now i am the medical center in oakland. we are on the 11th floor. there is no spare the air alert for tomorrow. we will still encounter haze tomorrow however. we have a southerly flow transporting all of the smoke closer to the bay area. let's take a look at the weather maps for you. we have the bay area air-quality , unhealthy for sensitive groups, moderate levels for the rest of the region. livermore 86 degrees, fairfield 84, santa rosa 74, san francisco 62 degrees. we do have low clouds and fog near the bay area coastline. we still have the fog hanging out in that area but clearer skies inland. as far as temperatures for your saturday, they are ranging from the low 60s on the coast to the low 90s well inland. most areas will be cooling-off a little bit as we head into the weekend. morning fog, skies becoming partly cloudy and then lingering clouds near parts of the shoreline into the afternoon hours. was a look ahead at your five- day forecast. we will continue to cool off into sunday. that will be the coolest day of the weekend. those temperatures will van ramp up next week tuesday and into wednesday. back out here live -- temperatures will ramp up next week beginning on tuesday and into wednesday. back out here live you can see this haziness. all of these fires are burning to the south which are bringing smoke and haze. you can see that it's very easy for a big fire like that to transport the smoke to the bay area. that could be a factor again tomorrow. coming up next, it is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. it is under a travel warning now. ♪ ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ ♪keep on the sunny side ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ florida officials say a small area and miami beach is a new place where the zika viruses spreading. five cases had been identified believed to have been contracted in miami beach. bill keating has more. >> reporter: a popular area in miami beach includes world- famous south beach. this is the area of the latest cases of zika virus. it's believed all five cases were contracted within a 1.5 mile area that encompasses most of south beach. these new illnesses bring the number of locally transmitted cases to 36. >> two of these individuals live in miami-dade county. one person resides in new york. one person is a resident of texas. one person is a resident of taiwan. >> reporter: governor scott has asked for more help from the cdc. they have become a more aggressive miskito campaign in miami-dade county. they are working to control the spread of zika as they were able to clear it three -- cleaner three additional blocks in the when area. >> this is in addition to the 14 blocks we were already able to clear and when would. this is good news and shows a reference to aggressively combat mosquitoes and educate the public. >> reporter: the cdc is adding to the advisory that all pregnant women avoid the winwood area, warning all pregnant women to stay away from miami beach as well. bill keating, fox news. today is a big day for kanye west and all of the fence. look at this. just a few hours ago he opened 21 pop-up stores around the world including this one right here in san francisco. this is in the downtown area. the stores are expected to be open throughout the weekend. you still have time to get out there. he is expanding his pop-up store concept in cities like new york, los angeles and paris and new york event generated $2 million in sales of his customized items. >> he is on fire. the nba will be moving the 2017 all-star game from charlotte, north carolina to new orleans. last month the nba decided to move the all-star game because north carolina has to law limiting antidiscrimination protections for the lgbt community. new orleans and louisiana have been campaigning for the all- star game saying new orleans is known for its diversity and rich cultural heritage. >> coming up next, a living legend in san francisco. how the 90th birthday of tony bennet was celebrated. the fbi is asking for help identifying a bank robbery suspect they are calling the audi bandit. the crimes happened in burlington, livermore and [ name indiscernible ]. he has been seen driving often two different audis. one is a late-model silver all road and the other is [ indiscernible ] they both had dealer plates. a big party on [ null ] hill to celebrate tony bennet's 90th birthday, take a look. >> ♪ happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. >> there is a birthday cake in honor of the crooner. former mayor willie brown was there. for the man who left his heart in san francisco, a larger-than- life bronze statue was unveiled at the fairmont. >> [ sound of drums ] >> thank you for being so wonderful to me. i will never forget this day. thank you very, very much. >> wow! look at that. his first performance of "i left my heart in san francisco" was at the fairmont in 1961. he will sing that signature song tonight before the giants game at at&t park and has scheduled a charity concert tomorrow night. if you are planning a trip for labor day weekend, you're not alone. 15.6 million americans are expected to fly somewhere for the three-day weekend coming up in a couple of weeks. that's up 4% from last year. as for where everyone is headed, orbitz says sin city tops the list. >> las vegas takes the number 1 spot followed by los angeles, chicago, san diego in new york. travelers are really looking to go to the big cities with these festivities and events to cap off the big summer travel season. >> it's a little cheaper this year, airfares are down about 8% from last year at this time. that does it for us on "the 4 on 2". we now turn you over to fox news tonight at 5:00. you may have noticed the phase the -- the hazy skies and smoke today. >> we have more on that fog blanketing the bay area on the wildfires that are causing the haze and smoke. good evening everyone. i-10 julie haener. to and i am frank somerville. live look outside and you can see -- i julie haener. >> and i am frank somerville. >> let's look at this map from cal fire which shows several active fires burning throughout the state right now. spiders combined with wind patterns and are pushing smoke to the bay area. >> we have coverage this evening, meteorologist mark tamayo and [ name indiscernible ] >> you can tell something is out here. i may be more sensitive than most but my eyes have been watering all day in my sinuses have been bothering me. the back of my throat is scratchy. you can tell something is in the airport >> you can see over my left shoulder. the lingering haze is at scaring you view of the mountains. this is coming from the south and working

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160819 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160819

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donald trump's campaign chairman paul manafort announced he is resigning. his ties to ukrainian politics are a little too close for comfort. >> i don't think my father wanted to be distracted i whatever was being dealt with. >> reporter: mike pence made a last-minute trip to louisiana to visit those impacted by the devastating floods. while the gop nominee attempted to show a softer side, his democratic contender says the words ring hollow until he tells us which of his many divisive comments he regrets and changes his tune altogether. in the meantime she is facing backlash of her own after reports that the clinton foundation received money from other countries. the campaign responded today saying the foundation will stop accepting foreign and corporate donations if the former secretary of state wins in november. but some analysts say, by then it might be too little too lake. the majority of them do not trust her. -- too late. the majority of them don't trust her. this has really dogged her campaign. this rough exit is a clear admission of disturbing connections between donald trump's team and ukraine, according to clinton. >> joe joins us now with more political information. this is pretty her chattering. donald trump's campaign chairman paul manafort is now out of the campaign altogether. to i think it is good and bad. -- >> i think it does good and bad. at the end of the news cycle, to actually say he is leaving -- i don't have any insight on this. i think the fact that mr. manna fort had money owed to him -- paul manafort had money owed to him was a constant reminder of the trump campaign in vladimir putin. i think this was a big distraction and that's the real reason they wanted to get him out. >> donald trump is a businessman. in any business you have two campaign managers in the space of four months, how could this possibly look good for the trump campaign? >> if you do not like donald trump, you say this is an example of a campaign in the survey. if you are a busy no person that thinks of rational thinking. you just think, it wasn't working so try something new. depending on how you see donald trump, you are either happy with this or think it's another example of why he is going to lose. >> what do you think of steam then you and -- steve campion from b.a.r.t. art -- steve and then from breitbart taking this over? his head racist comments in the past some say. >> he also said two women, get over harassment issues. >>was this a good move? >> no, i don't think it is. he will have someone who doesn't suppress donald trump from saying what he thinks. that is what bannon believes is good political discourse. i think it's ultimately descriptive because he want someone who will reign in his impulse. he said he regrets some of the things that he said without specifying what they were. >> but there were no system -- no specifics. we don't know if he regrets of the things he said or what. >> it is newsworthy. this is another day that he has done something. we are talking about him and still not talking about hillary clinton, which in a way, if you are donald trump, that is a good thing. this is more positive than before. he is still getting free coverage and she has to pay for advertising. >> it's really up for debate whether it is positive coverage at this point. we do know that donald trump is making a big play for the african-american vote. many democrats are saying that is laughable. he has less than 2% of the african-american community in paul's. he comes out of this event in michigan and says, what do you have to lose. your crime rate and him -- and unemployment is high. any people say he is speaking down to the african-american community saying the entire community is a disaster. what do they have to lose? vote for him. do you think that will work? >> no, i don't. but i think this is something he should've tried earlier run. the fact that he has come into this now, is less than believable. also, the fact that you don't see a lot of people with color in his campaign working for him and helping him and all of the states is also troubling. there are certainly african- americans who are conservative. a lot of the social value positions align with the very religious. the statistics about unemployment and crime are accurate statements. you have to consider the messenger in this case. mr. trump, after primary season of being belligerent on a lot of things, has not really reached out to this community in a meaningful way. the fact that you don't see a lot of them standing behind him or even at the republican can patient. >> there were 16 or 17 of them out of how many thousand? we have to talk about donald trump in southern louisiana dealing with the flooding. some say that was very presidential looking. >> i agree. that's instance news coverage. it's going to be positive coverage. he should've done that rather than going to milwaukee right after a riot. this is something the incumbent would do, fly over the zone and make statements about damning up levees and things like that. >> thank you for joining us. i will send it back over to you. the naked donald trump statue has been removed from san francisco's castro district. the department of public works took it down this morning and is holding onto it for now. the group of artists says they left it there along with identical stickies -- statues in 4 different cities. the department of public works says they did not have a permit for this station. >> the donald trump statue represents someone "naked and afraid". we found him in the middle of castro and now we are taking him in to say that what makes america great is not hate but love and compassion. >> the other statues are in new york, seattle, cleveland and los angeles. they have all been taken down except for the one in los angeles. it was ordered removed but a local art gallery to get onto private property. >> the art collective that place though statues across the country, they explained the meaning behind this. it is to demean donald trump is a political candidate. >> we are not interested in people pointing at him and laughing and walking away. this isn't about making fun of donald trump and his large, naked body. there's more to it than that. it's awesome to see that that wasn't lost on a very large part of the populace. >> this spokesperson also told me they will not be voting for any candidate this year. they wouldn't go so far as to say whether hillary clinton's statue is coming out next. in east bay woman accused of cyber stalking kris jenner made her first court appearance. >> the defendant works as a nursing assistant. >> that is correct. christina bankston has been a banking assistant for several years and recently got a job in santa clara at kaiser. the fbi said instead of helping people heal, she has been cyber stalking kris jenner as well as her family and 2 of her assistance. according to the indictment, christina bankston called her using different devices in italy isis -- and aliases. she also claimed to have a sexed tape -- a sex tape of kris jenner. she allegedly impersonated kris jenner and sent texts to family members. while claiming to be kris jenner, call the sheriff department and said her sister had cut her wrists and another time claimed someone was coming to her home to commit a massacre. the police responded to these. christina bankston appeared in federal court today and she was released on $20,000 bond as long as she doesn't contact kris jenner, her family or the fbi agent who worked the case. christina bankston says she lives with her parents in the east bay. they have a computer but although it is password- protected, she has agreed not to use it. >> what about potential prosecution and penalties? >> the judge outlined a long list of possible penalties. quite often you do not get the maximum. if convicted, she probably won't get close to the maximum penalties at all. >> the jenners are in the news several times a month. they are not used to staying silent about any of this. what is the reaction? >> [ overlapping speakers ] i do watch the kardashian show. kris jenner has mentioned stalking. they are in the lights with cameras on all the time. it's not fun, they say, when someone is harassing you dozens of times a day. >> henry lee watches the kardashians. the scope of the damage from a massive fire burning in san bernardino county is coming into focus now. fire officials say 96 homes in 213 other buildings have been destroyed city blue cut fire started on tuesday. 37,000 acres have burned in the fire is 20% -- and the fire is 26% contained up from 22% as of yesterday. some residents have been allowed to return to their homes but many still remain evacuated. >> everything you work hard for could be gone in an instant. it was for so many people. i am just feeling very blessed. >> a lot of the motion for those victims. gusty winds and high temperatures continue to make it hard for hundreds of firefighters working that blaze. in berkeley, police are investigating the first homicide of the year, 2010-year- old -- 22-year-old alex goodwin who was shot near the intersection of mabel and burnett street. there is no word on a possible motive so far. police do not believe this was a random act. >> we don't believe that this individual, the victim was targeted indiscriminately. that is why we are saying there is no immediate threat to the community. >> police are still looking for any witnesses. if you have any information, give police a call. california became the first state in the nation to formally legalize the practice of lane splinters. this is when a motorcycle passes other vehicles by driving in between lanes. this practice was condoned a couple years ago but it was ruled that the chp did not have its own ability to create a policy. until now it had been in a legal gray area but today the bill was signed by governor brown. it now authorizes the chp to establish guidelines for lane splitting. a change of venue where requested in the trial of the man accused of killing sierra lamar. a recent poll cast oakland in a very poor light. where this city ranks among the most unfriendly cities in the world, coming up. look at the traffic at the top -- bay bridge toll plaza. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. in the city of oakland -- is the city of oakland getting a bad rap? it's now in the top five of the most unfriendly cities of the world. number 4 is tanzania, oakland is third, number 2 is [ indiscernible ] in newark new jersey is number 1. is oakland getting a bad rap? noel gallo, councilmember in oakland is joining us now. >> thank you for having me. >> does oakland deserve this? >> for every line of negativity i mentioned, there are 20 that are extremely positive. oakland is a beautiful city. we have great weather and attractive neighborhoods. we have friendly people. we are on the move. >> most of those cities have high rates of poverty and crime. but our crime rate is actually down. is this a mistake? >> the population is growing in oakland. our schools are doing better. our streets are getting a lot safer. we are on the move. you can judge it that by the number of businesses -- you can judge that now by the businesses that are in the area. there is google and nike as well as housing production that has risen dramatically. i have raised four children in oakland. we are in a different oakland today. i can honestly say that oakland, in the next 2 or 3 years, you will not recognize it. this is one of the most attractive locations that you could come to if you are considering coming to the bay area. we are surrounded by the best universities in the world. this is a great lace for family -- great place for families. >> 400,000 people, can they all really be rude? >> the majority of us are law abiding citizens. we call -- we care for our families and our city. some of us need an attitude adjustment certainly, but i will say that having grown up in the city, from when i was a teenager to today, it's a great difference. i am really optimistic. >> we have talked about many positive things in oakland. those of us in the barrio know how much it has changed and how much oakland has to offer. what is the future? tourism is actually up. is that the path we need to take? >> i think we will be in competition with san francisco. the housing market is super attractive. now, for once, i see retail store owners coming to oakland and competing for the space to do business. i am extremely optimistic. i think oakland is moving in the right direction and we are making good progress. >> you remember one of the most famous oakland errors, gertrude stein -- oakland residents, gertrude stein. will we turn it around and become one of the most friendly cities? >> the majority of people are friendly. where did the people go when san francisco burned? they went to oakland and never returned. there are many people -- businesses bringing their employees with them. you couldn't ask for a better location to invest in raise your family. >>oakland spokesperson, thank you so much for joining us on "the 4 on 2" . you may notice the smell of smoke coming north from the sopranos fire which is still burning and contributing -- soberanes fire which is still burning and contributing to this smoke. >> there are great views looking toward the fog which we typically expect in the bay area at this time of year. that is what you would expect for august. there's a different sky out east . this is trapping all of the pollutants but the smoke coming in from the fires burning to the south are a problem as well. you have heard about the sober on the fire as well as the blue cut fire. here is this satellite loop which shows a big flareup with the cedar fire. this is at about 9500 acres. that smoke is coming closer to the bay area. we had the smoke up above 3000 feet and we also now have it at the surface, troubled we do to the nearby zerona's fire -- nearby soberanes fire. standing by to answer a few questions we have dr. christina curry at the hospital. you guys have noticed a change in reports of calls to the hospital. >> we've had a large increase from patients who are having more symptoms from, to shortness of wrath. people are needing more prescriptions for their rescue inhalers. >>the cough is the main symptom and call -- and shortness of breath? >> for people that don't have an underlying lung disease, the coffin chest congestion may be the main symptom which could be transient. people that have situation such as copd may feel short of breath and notice more weezing for which they will need to use their inhalers more. >> if you are a totally healthy person, if you notice a change of air quality, you're saying to take it slowly and don't do strenuous exercise. >> it's not the best time to do your long run or bike ride. maybe go to the gym instead to stay indoors. if you have asthma or copd, you definitely need to decrease your exposure and exertion outdoors with that heavy pollution. >> you have people coming in making appointments, as their bodies are responding to the change in air for all ity -- air-quality. >> absolutely, i think the clinic might be full next week. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: we still have all of the fires burning. you can notice all of the hayes -- haze. we will update our weekend forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> it is quite hazy outside. college football is almost here. i know you are excited. >> i am excited. we will break down the cal bears opener down under coming up. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded suv of the century. good old fashion american football, the cal bears are getting ready to kick off their season. >> the kickoff is in australia and they will be facing hawaii. this is a unique opportunity. >> you might as well play again many time zones away. tomorrow the bears will usher in the college football season against hawaii. a week from tomorrow at noon, sydney time is actually a week from tonight. the new quarterback was front and center as he prepared to officially take the reins from the number 1 pick in the nfl draft. the system remains the same. you know how will scare a lot of points. how will they manage -- cal will scare -- score a lot of points. how will they manage the time on the airplane? >> hopefully we will be able to keep ourselves busy. >> i'm going to be on a lot of planes. i want to make sure that our bodies are sustain for the 15 hours. >> it will be a great experience . it should be a lot of fun for them, something may remember for the rest of their lives. it's a unique opportunity for those guys to bond. all the team things that take place, to have a good football team, should really be a good thing. >> the most important thing is winning the game. the winners -- the players echo that sentiment. a little spotlight and we will see how the bears do. >> he is not an ordinary replacement. he's a graduate replacement from texas tech. he has a lot of football under his belt. another player who is predicted to be a first-round jack -- draft pick which means he's a pretty good player. prosecutors and the defense in texas agreed at a condemned man in texas didn't kill anybody. however the clock is now taking down to his execution unless a last-minute commutation is granted. living in the bay area is insanely expensive. we will be exploring some up- and-coming areas that are a little bit more affordable. we have some more sobering data on how expensive bay area housing has become. the housing affordability index has just been released for the second quarter. here to talk about these staggering numbers is patrick who is going to go to some of these numbers with us. i want to start off with the median housing sale price. it keeps going up and up and up around the bay area. what sticks out to you when you look at these numbers? >> there are a number of interesting things going on. first of all, the prices are actually starting to stabilize within the city itself. outer areas, more affordable areas are continuing to be relatively frenzied. oakland actually has the highest appreciation rate of any city in the bay area over the last five years. it may be the highest appreciation rate in the country. >> is that because of people can only go so high in san francisco and are now fleeing and moving to, quote, unquote, affordable areas. >> that is certainly one of the dynamics. the median price is half that of san francisco also the fact that people want to the urban experience again, especially 20- year-old 1030-year-old. if they can't afford san francisco, oakland is their top choice in the bay area -- 20 and 30-year-olds. if they can't afford san francisco, oakland is their top choice in the bay area. >> when we look at the u.s. average being $1100 per month and this is the statistics for the bay area. --, how are people doing this? >> there are a lot of things going on in the bay area. there have been 600,000 new jobs in the bay area over the last few years and 100,000 in san francisco alone. some of these are extremely high paying. there has also been an incredible explosion in new wealth, probably trillions of dollars have been generated. you do have a lot of people with a lot of money looking for homes. unfortunately, a lot of people are not part of that dynamic and they are faced with a very harsh reality of ever rising home prices when their incomes aren't rising. >> that brings us to the last number. the percentage of people, when you look at the average salaries, that can actually supposedly afford to own a home in the city in which they live. this one is another amazing statistic. around the country it's a fair amount of people that can afford to own a home in their city, but not in san francisco, san mateo, santa clara, marin county, alameda, it is well below 50%. it's 20% in some areas. >> san francisco is at 13% and san mateo is 50%. we hit the lowest affordability percentages in 2006 and 2007, at the top of the subprime bubble. we have not gotten that low at this point, mostly because of the incredibly low interest rates which have been subsidizing the increasing -- increase in home prices. anyway you slice it, the bay area is one of the most, if not the most expensive housing market in the nation. to one of the most extensive places to live, certainly true. -- >> certainly one of the most expensive places to live. carla romero pulled over her bus one day on third street , last saturday morning when she was confronted by an angry driver. she accused the driver of attacking her after getting out of his car but now she faces charges of assaulting him. union officials want the agency to release video footage that may show who actually was the aggressor. >> the public has a right to see the tapes. there should be an -- open investigation. why have the tapes not been released. does? >> video has been turned over to the police and they are not commenting specifically on this case. students -- freshmen students moving into san jose state university campus are going to have to move into the old dorms, the old three-story residence hall known as the bricks. this will be their residence for a few months while the new dorms will be finished. that eventually will be turned down to make room for an aquatics and recreation center. >> the building is almost complete. we want to make sure all of the inspections have been passed. >> university is offering students new storage. it will hire professional movers to help the students move as well as giving them a $150 gift card to use on campus and a sweatshirt. we will break down what may be the final stages of the drama that played out with four members of the olympic swim team . new developments in the swimmer controversy in rio. ryan lochte took to instagram to apologize. he said, i want to apologize for not being more careful in candid on how i described to the events of that early morning situation. this afternoon olympic officials say they don't believe the incident will mark the history of these games. >> i think that the brazilian population will accept his apology. we want to put this matter to an end. >> the swimmers are back here in the united states. james feagin has reached an agreement that will avoid criminal prosecution. a texas education -- execution for a man who never committed murder, that's a lot to get to in this edition of the verdict. let's start with ryan lochte. they basically say he was lying. what are your thoughts? >> i think the man you just saw on the screen from brazil had it right from the get-go. he said, these are kids. they made a mistake. let's let it go. life goes on. i think that's what he said. he was absolutely right. ryan lochte apologizing was the perfect thing to do. >> it will obviously staying his reputation, probably forever at some level. it's not going to really staying u.s. swimming. >> if you remember michael phelps had a little bit of a problem a few years ago. that has faded into history. you compare those two. you may or may not like what they did here, but it was prankish and stupid and people that were intoxicated. it was people that were letting off a lot of steam. i agree with brazil. let it go. i like the compromise. it's a little expensive but it is done. >> jeffrey willis -- jeffery lee wood sat in a car while another man went inside a convenience store and killed a clerk. he did not kill them. he is now on death row. >> texas is a tough place. that would never happen in california. i have tried a special jury trial -- many jury trials and a special case. i don't see him being convicted of a death penalty based on this, he's a non-shooter. he was the driver of the car, from what i understand. the codefendant walks in and does the robbery. >> he goes into steel a safe and it ends up that the clerk dies. then the getaway driver is going to be executed. this is causing a huge public uproar. >> i will bet. i'm not in favor of the death penalty .1 i was the district attorney. i prosecuted at a time when there wasn't a death penalty. than when it came back, alameda county was kind enough to tell me, don't do it if you don't believe in doing it. i didn't do it because about a week before the voters voted it back in, i had tried a young man that killed three people and then the office rightfully so brought up the death penalty and someone who killed two people. and i said, wait a minute. this is not right. >> this guy didn't kill anybody. >> he didn't kill anybody. texas is different. john f. kennedy had it right when he said we are going into crazy country. sierra lamar, the case against her accused killer is going to trial very soon. antolin garcia-torres will be on trial. there are two rulings to be ruled on this week. the first is a change of venue. should be changed? >> no. >> why? >> the judge should say no one a change of venue and then they should select the jury. if the jurors raise their hand. the question is not have you heard about it. the question is, has what you heard affected your -- affected you so much that you already have your mind made up. most jurors will say i know a little but i don't know much. i can be fair. if enough say i can't be fair, then you can grant the change of venue. remember scott peterson. we were involved in that. >> it changed the venue, not very far but it was changed to san mateo. >> the last thing, i case with nobodies, dna is a big part of this. the defense says throw the dna out. is is a hail mary? >> -- is this a hail mary? >> what goes on in santa clara county is the district attorney's office has the crime lab. they run it. they've had problems before. one murder case i was on, they had a big problem with dna. i'm sure that's what the defense is looking at. this lab is had a lot of problems with dna. >> we will see what the judge says. marco cardoza -- michael cardoza, as always, thank you. is a live look at san francisco. look at the haze out there . look at these conditions. it's not looking good. >> reporter: that is right, a definite change in the overall weather pattern. the smoke coming in from the fires, drifting closer and are adding to the mix. we have the typical fog but also a lot of haze or the entire bay area, but especially the east bay and oakland. right now i am the medical center in oakland. we are on the 11th floor. there is no spare the air alert for tomorrow. we will still encounter haze tomorrow however. we have a southerly flow transporting all of the smoke closer to the bay area. let's take a look at the weather maps for you. we have the bay area air-quality , unhealthy for sensitive groups, moderate levels for the rest of the region. livermore 86 degrees, fairfield 84, santa rosa 74, san francisco 62 degrees. we do have low clouds and fog near the bay area coastline. we still have the fog hanging out in that area but clearer skies inland. as far as temperatures for your saturday, they are ranging from the low 60s on the coast to the low 90s well inland. most areas will be cooling-off a little bit as we head into the weekend. morning fog, skies becoming partly cloudy and then lingering clouds near parts of the shoreline into the afternoon hours. was a look ahead at your five- day forecast. we will continue to cool off into sunday. that will be the coolest day of the weekend. those temperatures will van ramp up next week tuesday and into wednesday. back out here live -- temperatures will ramp up next week beginning on tuesday and into wednesday. back out here live you can see this haziness. all of these fires are burning to the south which are bringing smoke and haze. you can see that it's very easy for a big fire like that to transport the smoke to the bay area. that could be a factor again tomorrow. coming up next, it is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. it is under a travel warning now. ♪ ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ ♪keep on the sunny side ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ florida officials say a small area and miami beach is a new place where the zika viruses spreading. five cases had been identified believed to have been contracted in miami beach. bill keating has more. >> reporter: a popular area in miami beach includes world- famous south beach. this is the area of the latest cases of zika virus. it's believed all five cases were contracted within a 1.5 mile area that encompasses most of south beach. these new illnesses bring the number of locally transmitted cases to 36. >> two of these individuals live in miami-dade county. one person resides in new york. one person is a resident of texas. one person is a resident of taiwan. >> reporter: governor scott has asked for more help from the cdc. they have become a more aggressive miskito campaign in miami-dade county. they are working to control the spread of zika as they were able to clear it three -- cleaner three additional blocks in the when area. >> this is in addition to the 14 blocks we were already able to clear and when would. this is good news and shows a reference to aggressively combat mosquitoes and educate the public. >> reporter: the cdc is adding to the advisory that all pregnant women avoid the winwood area, warning all pregnant women to stay away from miami beach as well. bill keating, fox news. today is a big day for kanye west and all of the fence. look at this. just a few hours ago he opened 21 pop-up stores around the world including this one right here in san francisco. this is in the downtown area. the stores are expected to be open throughout the weekend. you still have time to get out there. he is expanding his pop-up store concept in cities like new york, los angeles and paris and new york event generated $2 million in sales of his customized items. >> he is on fire. the nba will be moving the 2017 all-star game from charlotte, north carolina to new orleans. last month the nba decided to move the all-star game because north carolina has to law limiting antidiscrimination protections for the lgbt community. new orleans and louisiana have been campaigning for the all- star game saying new orleans is known for its diversity and rich cultural heritage. >> coming up next, a living legend in san francisco. how the 90th birthday of tony bennet was celebrated. the fbi is asking for help identifying a bank robbery suspect they are calling the audi bandit. the crimes happened in burlington, livermore and [ name indiscernible ]. he has been seen driving often two different audis. one is a late-model silver all road and the other is [ indiscernible ] they both had dealer plates. a big party on [ null ] hill to celebrate tony bennet's 90th birthday, take a look. >> ♪ happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. >> there is a birthday cake in honor of the crooner. former mayor willie brown was there. for the man who left his heart in san francisco, a larger-than- life bronze statue was unveiled at the fairmont. >> [ sound of drums ] >> thank you for being so wonderful to me. i will never forget this day. thank you very, very much. >> wow! look at that. his first performance of "i left my heart in san francisco" was at the fairmont in 1961. he will sing that signature song tonight before the giants game at at&t park and has scheduled a charity concert tomorrow night. if you are planning a trip for labor day weekend, you're not alone. 15.6 million americans are expected to fly somewhere for the three-day weekend coming up in a couple of weeks. that's up 4% from last year. as for where everyone is headed, orbitz says sin city tops the list. >> las vegas takes the number 1 spot followed by los angeles, chicago, san diego in new york. travelers are really looking to go to the big cities with these festivities and events to cap off the big summer travel season. >> it's a little cheaper this year, airfares are down about 8% from last year at this time. that does it for us on "the 4 on 2". we now turn you over to fox news tonight at 5:00. you may have noticed the phase the -- the hazy skies and smoke today. >> we have more on that fog blanketing the bay area on the wildfires that are causing the haze and smoke. good evening everyone. i-10 julie haener. to and i am frank somerville. live look outside and you can see -- i julie haener. >> and i am frank somerville. >> let's look at this map from cal fire which shows several active fires burning throughout the state right now. spiders combined with wind patterns and are pushing smoke to the bay area. >> we have coverage this evening, meteorologist mark tamayo and [ name indiscernible ] >> you can tell something is out here. i may be more sensitive than most but my eyes have been watering all day in my sinuses have been bothering me. the back of my throat is scratchy. you can tell something is in the airport >> you can see over my left shoulder. the lingering haze is at scaring you view of the mountains. this is coming from the south and working

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