Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160525 : compa

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Fox 2 News At 4pm 20160525

though his race is unclear. right now, investigators are trying to figure out the man's identity. probably going to boil down to dna testing and believe the torso has been in the water about a month and on the rocks for at least several days. it's badly decomposed and believe marine life may have played a factor in this torso being badly decomposed. the question is, did somebody cause this as a crime? is it an incident? was it a suicide? was is a boating accident or was his death related to some sort of crime. it's a the answer investigators are trying to figure out. it's something they hope to get more answers about as the investigation unfolds. >> so many questions out there. thank you for that report. let's go to the south bay. firefighters remain on the scene of a strip mall fire. this was more than 12 miles per hour after it started. there are hot spots with debris. the fire started before 3:00 a.m. the flames were fierced as it five alarm fire ripped through the mall and quickly engulfed several businesses. luckily, to one was heart -- no one was hurt. >> why this happened, i don't know. it's shocking. it's really, really a shock. hopefully, things will be settled down. >> it was a long and difficult battle for the firefighters who had to take a defensive stance. they should able to save four businesses there. the fire marshall is investigating the cause but initial reports are that the fire started in the foot spa. but it's too hot for firefighter to go in and sift through the debris. a man accused of starting a deadly house fire my turned himself in, darrylone shuemake started the fire and left his 5- year-old son dead. the boy's mother was seriously burn you had in the fire. it was clear he intentionally set the fire to his house knowing his family wassed in. now new information about the crash yesterday involving an amtrak train and suv. 230-year-old vanessa -- 30-year- old vanessa and her daughter were killed in the incident. they confirmed that the construction crew was working south of the crash site and that led to lane closures and traffic backup in the area. a witness told ktvu that the car was between the crossing arms and tracks and to other cars were in front of her. witnesses told police that the crossing arm, lights and bells were all working. in a statement today, they offered condolences to the family and said it will work with the police on the investigation. they added while the independence dent is under investigation, at this point, the incident does not appear to be directly related to any pgnm work in the area. which workshp says one person was -- chp says one person was shot in the leg. the gunman was in a black chevy el camino with tinted windows. officials say there have been 28 shootings in recent monthses with four people killed and 12 i didn't read. -- injured, most shootings are gang-related. this has mayors across the county calling for new measures. they're sending a letter to the governor asking for funding for 20 new cameras along i guess 80. last -- i-80. we'll talk with the major later in the newscast about the push for more surveillance cameras along interstate 80. tonight, it could be the night for these guys. for the sharks. game six of the conference finals. if the sharks win tonight, they are going to the stanley cup finals for the first time ever. >> scott reese joining us live where the puck will drop in a couple of hour. scott. >> reporter: it sounds strieng say t but the slackers -- strange to say it but the sharks will be play playing. the fans are here. this is not another game, this is the most important game in franchise history. win tonight, you get to play for the cup. without further adoe, let's bring in shark's analyst and good friend jaime beckier who has a long history with this group. let tart with the mind set. they wake up this morning, they know they're so close they can taste it but you have to stay focused and keep the desperation, how do you play that? >> you say wake up this morning. you know, after beating st. louis and flew home the next day, that's two sleeps and you have to try and go to sleep without the daydreams of, if we win the next game, we're purposefuling our ticket to the san lee cup. you have to -- stanley cup. you have to focus on the job at hand. they're we'll see. you mean both teams, this is new territory for a lot of these guys. how you handle this, everybody is different. it's one thing to focus on the moment and another thing to do it. that's what they need to do to maximum their energy to execute and win tonight. >> reporter: you mentioned the win in st. louis. what struck me in watching the entire postseason is momentum game to gunman game doesn'tist and. how they play -- game to game doesn't exist. you don't know what you're getting on any given night. >> some cases you can say you need to reestablish momentum. there's no guarantee it will carry over. you foe the other team is make -- know the other team is makes adjustments. there is to carry over. that's a good thing for the sharks. they won, they come back, reset the table. go do it. it's a good thing for another team that is laying tomorrow night. you cannot have carry orifice. the sharks need -- carry overs. the sharks need to feed off the energy. they're going to try and take the crowd out of the game. san jose would love to get a lead but it's a 60 minutes effort. one place they start playing to a t and drawing penalties, get power play opportunities and saves, get the win and have some fun out there. >> reporter: among your claims to fame, the biggest goal in shark's history, game seven detroit 12994. -- 1994. for a gu who has that honor and watching your team. what is this time for you, mr. shark after all these years of playing and broadcasting to see your team in the finals? >> finally. i don't want to be the biggest goal in shark's history, i'll drop two or three notches. i'm still part of shark's history. it will be awesome. a little emotional. i know these guys personally. joe thorntons. these defies that have been here a long time. doug wilson and his staff. all the peel behind this all the -- people behind him, this is an opportunity for great people to go to the final dance. to go and clench a bifrt and put themming a ticket to the finals. -- punch a ticket to the finals. i'm excited. >> reporter: the gauntlet has been thrown. oust this guy from the top spot. enjoy the game. it will abrocking time. we'lling -- a rocking time. we'll be back with more at 5:00. and hopefully we'll be celebrating later tonight. >> that's right. get the w there at the tank. and i remember that goal against the red wings. tell jaime thanks for me. >> hopefully we have new memories tonight. the chp will be out in full force this memorial day weekend. the infractions they'll be looking for andle penalty you can expect to face in an officer spots you. >> in weather, stubborn clouds across the area. now, we have sunshine across the much of the region. coming up, the timing of the next warming trend and go over the details in your memorial day weekend forecast. >> let's look live outside. your commute. highway 24 you can see it's starting to get busy on this hutch day. "the four on 2" will be right back. with the memorial day weekend fast approaching, law enforcement is prepared to step up patrol part of click it or ticket campaign. first of all, tell me about what exactly you're going to be doing and when. >> california highway patrol will be out doing enforcement during memorial day. it's called a maximum enforcement period. there will be more california offices on the road than normal. it starts friday at 6:00 and goes through monday. we'll be looking for drivers in violation of the dui laws, distracted driving and seat belt violation. >> it's hard to believe that some people aren't wearing seat belts, but you say that's the case. >> nationwide, seat belt violations were on an increase. in california, last year during memorial day weekend, 31 people lost their lives in traffic incidents. two-thirds of those people were not wearing seat belts. it's a problem. >> so in addition to seat belts, you mentioned drunk driving. i can see why that's a big deal. we're talking about memorial day. what will you be doing in regards to that? >> our officers will be over the bay area. the weather will be great. some people may choose to drunk and drive. we're out there to catch them before they crash and hurt other people or themselves. dui collisions are 100% preventable. >> some specialized controls we're going to see over the holiday. how significant is the problem of dui over the memorial day weekend? i know you have stats from previous years. do we know how many crashes are correlated to dui in the area? >> if 1200 people in the state were arrested last year for memorial day. we'll be on the coast, freeways. this isn't all about how many people with can arrest. it's about saving lives through enforcement education efforts. >> talk to me a little bit. the tickets aren't cheap. >> they're not. the seat belt tickets are $150 to $16five for a first offense. if somebody in the vehicle is under 16, the ticket could be almost $600. >> if you need an incentive, there it is. no one want to get that. talk to me. final message more folks at home who are going to be out on the roads. we know that many more people this year are going to be on the roads than they were last year. final message to those. >> we want people to know we ware care about the people -- care about the people we serve. we want this to be a fun weekend. we want california to be a receive place to live and travel and hope everyone complies with the laws and have a safe memorial day weekend. >> thank you for coming in. buckle up, don't drink drive. if you are drinking, be sure to take a taxi or designated driver. mark, nice win for the giant this is afternoon. niece sweep. >> sunshine over the ballpark as well. we had stubborn cloud cover. but mostly cloudy clear skies. a warming trend will take us into the weekend. right now, we have thunderstorms developing to your north and also to out to our east. so you can see some of the action. i'm watching some of this activity in parts a -- approaching parts of lake county. thunderstorms here. there's a closer inspection of the radar over the past three hours, so right now into portions of lake county approaching portions of clear leak. we have instability here across this portion of the reasonabling. the rest of -- region. the rest of us have cloudy skies except you can see foggy. a pretty good on shore breeze. the beach isn't warming up too much. right thousand, temperatures ranging from the -- right now, it happenses from the upper 50s. warmest locations in the 70s. wind speed showing a bit of a breeze towards fair field. 20 miles per hour. nevada, that's a gust, 23 miles per hour. some more wind reports for you. as you would except, sustained wind at 23 gusting to 32 miles per hour. starting out thursday morning, coolest spots will be in the upper 40s. widespread low 50s out there. partly cloudy skies and areas of fog near the coast. as you mentioned, everybody warming up into the week. primarily away from the shoreline. here's a sneak peak of the numbers on monday. santa rosa mid-80s, san francisco right around 70 degrees. livermore in the upper 80s. that's the direction we are heading. at least into our weekend. this area of low pressure producing instability we showed you on the radar. it will scoot out to the east w. that for tomorrow for your thursday morning fog, skies becoming mostly sunny. high pressure returns. this will be the source of warming. storm track goes up to the north. temperatures are going up over the weekend and once into -- again into sunday and monday of next week. some fog tomorrow morning. 7:00 a.m. thursday, more of a northerly wind kick in and expecting mostly sunny skies. on friday, partly to mostly sunny again. friday will be warmer than tomorrow. take a look at the numbers. you can see lots of 70s throughout. santa rosa 78. san francisco, 68 degrees. warm numbers out towards pleasanton. here is a look ahead. your five-day forecast, you can see temperatures we begin to introduce the 80s as we head into your friday. clearing skies on saturday. sunday, a little bit of a change to the forecast. we'll cool things off coast side and around the bay. but temperatures warming up for memorial day. the warmest locations inland on monday around 90 degrees. it's heading our way. but we have to be a little payment the next few days -- patient the next few days. "the new york times" is offering to buyout employee that is work in the award winning newsroom. the strategy for scaling back its staff. an after he will have reporter woke up five months -- a news reporter woke up and was blind one day in one eye. >> reporter: as a journalist he considers himself the eyes of the world but he began to lose his eye sight. nowings he an important message to share, don'ting fore what may seem like a -- don't ignore what may seem like a minor health problem and don't not ask your doctors to run tests. chris o'connell is a reporter in philadelphia. but he's telling his own story, the story about how he woke up one morning and couldn't see out of one of his eyes. he had no pane, no other symptoms so he went to work. >> i remember that night doing a live shot and remembers, do people notice at home that i can't see out of this eye? ? >> reporter: but it was bothering him after a few days. so he went to the the eye doctor, and finally a specialist. >> eight-week later doctors found after several scans of my eye, the inflammation went down which revealed a blockage. i had a stroke to my eye at 46 46 years old. >> reporter: he was diagnosed using technology that allows doctors to see into the eye. he was in shock. he went from being an eye patient to a cardiac patient. and he learned many people who have unexplained blindness can go on to have an even bigger stroke. >> for years and years. the eye is viewed as a window to the soul. it can be a window to a lot of problems and now heart problems. >> reporter: it's all about preventing another stroke. he started a regimen of blood thinners and aspirin and wants to share his story. >> you can be your own advocate and share with other patients. that's how i'm getting help. >> reporter: since sharing his story the last few days, he's heard from hundreds of people across the country who are going through the same thing. he wants other people and doctors to hear his story so that they look deeper into eye sight problems. >> what a big story and talks about the importance of asking questions don't led your doctors direct you in what direction to go. >> for me personally, i was misdiagnosed with type two diabetes. i spent a year on the wrong medication until someone in the community said, ask your doctor for this particular booed test. i did the test and found out i was type one, i started insulin a week later. you don't want to blame the doctor, but it was the wrong diagnosis. but if it wasn't for myself pushing for the test, so i completely understand the story. >> just a reminder we know our bodies better than then else. criticism today of hillary clinton during her time as secretary of state. still to come, the rules she broke in that personal e-mail ser veer scandal and while clinton campaign says it's no so simple >> and we'll speak to one of the majors asking the governor to step in. the "the four on 2" will be right back. hi. is the internet still out? yes! i have nothing. come on! work together. work together. work together. do you got anything? i don't have anything. no i don't have anything. please come back internet. i love you. i love you so much. just come back. please. please. he's streaming a cat video. (family laughs) and the whole party is looking... can i take a look? mitch come on! get high speed internet from at&t with 99.9% reliability for just $30 a month. keep calm, your internet's on. 11 state suing the obama administration over its directive to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. the lawsuit says the obama administration has conspired to turn schools into laboratoriries for a massive social experiment. the letter from the department of education and justice sent to the state contained guidelines to ensure that transgender students enjoy a supportive school environment. states that refused such as north carolina could forfeit billions of dras in education money. criticism of secretary hillary clinton. in a new report, inspector general says clinton did not seek permission to use a private e-mail server. and said clinton had an obligation to discuss her use with a private server to others in the diplomat. clinton and her aids refused to be interviewed for the investigation. the state department disagreed with that report and said her decision was not against diplomat rules. >> while not necessarily encouraged, there was no prohibition on using personal e- mail. looking back in hindsight, we have records management and cyber security policies that would make it hard to approve in kind of outside system to replace your official e-mail. >> the fbi is conducting its own investigations into clinton's e-mails. james comey said there is no timetable to release those findings. the information we're following here in the bay area. chp says one person was shot in the leg last night in the latest car do car shooting in an east bay freeway. this one happened last night in the eastbound lanes of interstate 80 and her you less. -- herkule section. most of them appear to be linked to feuds between gappings. four people have been killed -- gangs and four people have been killed. it's calling on people to call on the governor to pay for cameras. >> we're joined by the major. thanks for being with us. the last time you were here, a few week ago, we were talking about the highway four shooting. but this one last night was in herb lease. how did -- hercule section. >> we had ourtize night council meeting. after the meeting. the police chief notified the council and staff there was a three way shooting. a couple of staff members were trying to figure out how to get bag on the freeway. nothing to panic on our side, again, another unfortunate situation that our residents in this area have to live with. >> unfortunately situation. dangerous, it's been deadly. you have a letter. you've gotten five may yours in the east bay tell us approximate the letter going to the governor -- tell us about the letter going to the governor. >> tomorrow morning, the five mayors will be meeting to endorse this letter. what we're asking for is that the governor appropriate the funds to, first of all, make the cameras on the freeway have the ability to record. and then secondly, to install onramp and off-rampcameras to document the license plates. i think they would be ply about 28 cameras. there's probably 14 on and off ramps. 28 from el serito to herkules >> i understand they can catch descriptions and license plates number. what about the preventing it in the first place? >> as a hey yourings all i can do is wish as a mayor, this is all i can do. this is a tate problem. this should not fall back on the cities. the cities should not be appropriating the money. you think governor brown loving in the past in the bay area should -- and i hope that he will en divorce this and use his authority. but -- enforce this and use authority. >> one line this your letter reads, we understand there are many competing priorities for state funds, however the freeway system a responsibility of the state and we would appreciate your support for the funding necessary to help chp and local law enforcement to solve crimes in the use of our trees. money is tight, but you feel like with these shootings, this could help. >> this is a public safety issue. when you hear one of the council members from the city of pittsburg that his wife feels unsafe driving on the freeway, that's a concern. but it's a concern that affects everybody. interstate 80, that's one of the most traveled corridors in the bay area. we need to make sure the public feels safe traveling our freeway. >> finally, what is next? you send this off, seen it tomorrow morning, send it to the governor. how long before you're hearing back? >> i'm hoping i can get an appointment with the governor and actually hand the letter over to governor brown. that will be the next step is setting up that appoint met. i'm hoping that one of our local state legislators will be able to get that appointment set for me. >> thank you for your time. please keep in touch with us and let this know how -- let us know how it goes. californians have saved $400 million on their educations and it's all due to a tate program to make precipitation -- state program to make prescriptions accessible and affordable. how you can take advantage of it. >> and in weather, most of the bay area in the clear except stubborn fog looming in the distance. coming up, we'll break down the timing of the movement of the fog and talk about a warming trend in time for the holiday weekend. >> here's a live picture out of pharmacist san francisco. it will abslow start -- out of san francisco. it will a slow start out of city. the "the four on 2" will be right back. sticker shock of prescription drugs is felt by patients and to help, there's a free pram offered by california allowing residents to qualify for a prescription drug discount card. the latest number show californians saved some $400 million since this started. first question, this is geared toward who? >> uninsured, insured, everyone. the program is geared specifically for the inuninsured of the state. it does work for people that are underinsured, people that have health enshuns that have high premiums but it works for everyone. there's no requisition. there's no need, it's there for the taking. >> since 2007. show me the angle of how it started. that has been a slow start? has it gone down? >> it started off quite fast since its inception in the fall of 2007. the program was launched and used right away by everyone in the state. around be 2010, 2011 it started getting momentum because of different law that is came into effect. -- laws that came into effect. it keeps growing. we can't get the word fast enough. that's the reason we're here to do is to have people take advantage of it >> you don't look at age or income of certain people. this is across the board. i'm going i have insurance, i'm covered, but is it worth it for me to get is it? sometimes the card the state is offering would be a better deal than the prescription card i have now. >> that's a question a lot of people have. the card can be used by everyone, whether you have insurance or not. and if you do have health insurance, all you have to do it check with the pharmacy which is the better deal. you can save up to 75%. >> i keep thinking there's a catch. >> there's no catch. >> what about breakthrough drugs? there are drugs out there that are quite expensive. $10,000 up to $80,000 treatments. are those out of the options? >> the discount applies primarily to tablets, pills, medications. there's a discount on just about every medication out there. anywhere from ten, up to 75%. if you go -- if anyone goes to the web site, they can look, punch in the name of the medication, prescription dosage won't amount and you can narrow it down to the zip code and it will show you a list of the different pharmacies available and how much you're expected to pay. >> i'm more of a cvs down the street kind of guy. are all pharmacies involved in the program? >> all the major chains work with us. there's a few mom and pop that work with us, but primarily the major chains. cvs is our preferred pharmacy. anyone can ask for it and they'll give it to you on the spot. >> did you fall in the footsteps of other estates? >> actually, we're the pioneers of the program itself. it works everywhere in the nation. it carries the name of the state. if you take this card and go to alabama, michigan, what not, it works at any state. >> i wonder if the state prisons would do it because i know they spend a lot of money on prescriptions, too. oscar, thank you very much for coming in. for the viewers at home, we have a link on our home page where you can find out information. sign up for california prescription card. thanks again. send it over to you. meteorologist mark, i saw that forecast. i want to see it again. i'll be parent -- patient. >> if you want the warmer temperatures, you'll like the folks. talking about a few neighborhoods around 90 degrees. a dramatic change. i was working sunday night and the forecast models were tracking the possibility of showers on memorial day. things have changed rapidly. it looks like we talked about -- talking about warmer temperatures. now we have showers popping up on the radar out towards the east. you can see showers out there and approaching los angeles county. a bit of up stability in the our for that part of the bay air. but closer to home we have that fog bank near our immediate coastline. there's the foggy south of the golden gate bridge that will fill back into the bay as we head into thursday morning. current numbers showing you a cool 57. you can tell where the fog is lingering. santa rosa, 74 and lots of 70s towards concord and san jose around 70 degrees. wind speeds, on shore breeze. fair field, winds out of southwest at 20. the stronger wind as you would except towards sfo with gusting up to 32 most. overnight lows, first thing thursday morning, lower 50s -- 50s but a few upper 40s. low pressure producing instability over the state the past few days. we have the upper level winds here. as you follow this, this is a big ridge setting up and moving be low the trough. the trough moving out, the ridge building in. this will be the source of warming into the weekend. at least for tomorrow. areas of fog. skies becoming mostly sunny for thursday. look what happens by the weekend. it rebuilds and presentens, push the storm tack to the -- track to the north. maybe a few patches around the bay. ? san francisco, patchy fog, 7:00 a.m. 54 degrees for thursday. we'll have partly cloudy skies by lunchtime. lower 60s by late afternoon. san francisco on track to easily reach the upper 60s. the foggy pattern tomorrow morning, you can see near the coast and right around the bay. this is early 5:00 a.m. and into the afternoon hours, lots of sunshine. you'll notice that orange over here, that's the 80 degree range working it way toward the bay area. warmest locations tomorrow will be flirting with 80 degrees. lots of 70s inland. san francisco, there's that 68. son jose a forecast high of 75. here is a look ahead. your five-day forecast into friday, clearing skies and warming up into saturday. i think on sunday, we have a stronger on shore breeze and cool off things coast side and around the bay. warming up a little bit in time for monday, memorial day. warmest locations will be right around 90 degrees. with this warm forecast, hard to believe. if you have that inkling to head up to the mountains to ski or snow board -- by the way, s qua is still open. >> i would go skiing but i'm going to napa stead. looking forward to that. >> i'm excited. frank live in the news room now. >> hold on, you're not watching the indy 500? >> that will be a negative, frank. i'm going to bottle rock. and i can't wait. lenny kravitz, i'm all about it. tell me what you're working on at 5:00. >> for the second time in a matter of weeks, a virus is spreading through the school. details what the school has done to stop the spread of the virus. >> those behind a recent drive by shooting in san francisco, >> a rolling gun battle on street of san francisco. tonight, we'll show you the footage that was the taken that has neighbors talking and police hoping you'll recognize the suspects. >> see you at 5:00. take it you'll be watching the indy 500? >> and the formula race for the grand prix. >> you can fill me in next week. some comprising news to tell you about from one of the most respected newspapers in the nation. the offer the network times is making to employees -- new york times is making to employees as it makes a big push in the digital space. the name will be right back -- the "the four on 2" will be right back. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. because he loves to play hoops. not jump through them. that's the excitement of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. time to get social and talk about the stories people are sharing on social media. we begin with adele who is reportedly signed the biggest recording contract ever for a british musician. ♪ [ music ] ♪ at least just on fire. industry sources say it's with sony valued at $132 million. she's just 28 years old. she was previously signed up with the british independent label called xl. she signed that contract at the age of 19. her most recent album, 25, is still number 15 on the billboard charts. it's the biggest selling album in the u.s. since 2011. that is what they released the album 216789 she's not a great -- 21. she's got a great voice. >> a little bit after risk? >> i think she's delivered. >> she's got to deliver more and more. >> she took time off and came back and delivered. >> i think the climate of the music industry where it was 20 years ago and now. >> i think for a once in a lifetime perform americas that's what she is. >> there aren't many adeles out there that has that voice. >> she doesn't like to tour that much as other bands. >> hopefully they hatched that out. >> i say, hello, adele. >> she is one of the artist if i find myself in the car, i crank it up. >> and sing? >> i lip sing. the times said it's offing buyouts to employees in its news room. >> the naip made this announce -- the newspaper made the announcement. voltaire boyout offers will be made to members of the news room as well business departments. it's part of the ex-packs and effort to control cost -- expansion and effort to control cost. they hope to double the revenue by the year to 20. vice media also had layoffs. it's the sign of the times. >> they -- what did you say? doubling their digital revenue. a trending hashtag. have you seen this one? it's called rock one sock. this is part of a national missing children's day. >> the national center for missing and exploited chirp launched this as a way to raise awareness and offer support to families missing a child. >> in 2015, there were more than 406,000 reports -- 460,000 reports of missing children. they say they've assisted police in over 13,000 cases. we all know someone who has been big trying to track down those who have been missing. that's john walsh. she posted this photo here. >> the caption says, amazing to see all the supporters of national missing children's day with #rock one sock. thank you, #hope. he's known for hosting the tv show america's most wanted. his son was abducted and murdered in '81 which prompted walsh to become a victim rights advocate. >> our violent crimes against children's unit is rocking one sock for national missing children's day tomorrow. rock june -- rock one sock. growing up, i remember who john walsh was, hearing the story of his son good for things like this to keep the awareness out there. >> i love the power of social media on an issue like this. you see the one sock and you're reminded of a serious subject. way to rock those one socks. hi. is the internet still out? yes! i have nothing. come on! work together. work together. work together. do you got anything? i don't have anything. no i don't have anything. please come back internet. i love you. i love you so much. just come back. please. please. he's streaming a cat video. (family laughs) and the whole party is looking... can i take a look? mitch come on! get high speed internet from at&t with 99.9% reliability for just $30 a month. keep calm, your internet's on. he expressed his frustration with the president. president obama offered his condolences and said that the us would support a criminal trial against the marine. >> the alliance against the united states and japan it is a critical foundation for the security of both of our countries. that alliance has also help to fortify peace and security throughout the region. >> the president's arrival in japan with a visit to vietnam. making him the first us president to visit that city after the us dropped the nuclear bomb. the present has said that he will not apologize. the tsa says that they are making progress with shortening lines at the airport. you should expect long waits during the peak times. the tsa spoke to congress on what is being done to get things back to normal.>> reporter: members of the homeland security committee amended answers about the excessive long lines we have seen at the nation's airports. >> this is unacceptable. it is time for congress to act. >> reporter: the republican head of the committee, he admitted that is a fine line to bells. >> terrorists are trying to bring down airplanes. the aviation sector it is the crown jewel target. >> reporter: in recent weeks, thousands have mister flights -- have missed their flights. >> the summer travel season will be busy. in the short term, tsa, airports, and congress working together will work together to improve the passenger experience. >> reporter: his agency is adding more than 700 new screeners by midshipman june. he admits that while they anticipated a surge of passengers better planning could have eliminated the long lines. >> a surge was anticipated unknown. we proved it by getting it fixed quickly. >> reporter: here at chicago o'hare the longest line we have seen today is 45 minutes. it is much less than the two our lives we saw last week. that will do it for us, everyone. we will have continuing coverage. after 30 freeway shootings, some bay area people are saying they have had enough. >> new security measures to be sure that every driver stays safe. good evening, everyone. several bay areas, shootings, the mayors are stepping in to prevent shootings in the east bay. paul chambers is along interstate paul chambers is along interstate 80 where the majority of those shootings have happened.>> reporter: tomorrow, they will stand together and they will draft a letter to the mayor. there making these cameras recordable. they will add 24 more along the freeway. it has become a dangerous task driving on the east bay freeways. tuesday night, a person became the victim as they were shot on interstate 80. is the latest in a string of shootings are targeted with being gang-related. >> they are difficult to the investigation -- they are often difficult to investigate. >> reporter: the person in this latest shooting is expected to survive. in the last year the number people shot is 28. four of those people were killed. they are starting a task force. >> these are tailored to address the gangs involved in the shootings.>> reporter: the shootings have happened all over the freeways on the east bay.

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