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Cartoonist straight, including areas of venetia in vallejo. And then as we head over towards the east, not only are east bay hill but our east bay valley locations and down through areas of the diablo range. It really is our inland communities that are baking this afternoon. Take a look at what is going on for the inner east bay. It is one of three right now in brentwood, one of five reported in livermore and in the north bay 100 degrees at this hour in santa rosa, you get closer to the water and hard to believe that Half Moon Bay is sitting at 59 degrees and fog. If we go to the peninsula, its warm one here as well. Areas over Los Altos Hills reporting 100 did one and then lets go back to the east bay because there are several areas reporting low one hundreds. At this time, you can see areas overwhelm it. Creek reporting 102103 as you mentioned a moment ago. Dublin reporting one oh, three pittsburgh reporting 104, and we typically see our temperatures peak right about now or over the course of the next hour or so this is going to be the hardest day of the week. We are going to cool things down. Although its going to be a gradual trend. Its also hazy out here today with the spare the air alert in place. Better details on the air quality and what you can expect for the rest of the week. Temperature wise coming up in just a little bit. Okay rosemary. Thank you. Well everyone really feeling that heat today, especially in the east bay ktvu tom baker. Joining us now live from Discovery Bay, where temperatures were well over 100 degrees earlier today, tom, how are you and everyone else out there getting by . I was a little warm out here to say the least. The Weather Service predicted that it would be 109 degrees out here. Its currently 103. But well probably get to 105. And perhaps if this breeze slows down a little bit may get higher than that. But even those temperatures even for here, thats hot. Delta breeze is one factor that makes Discovery Bay not only bearable but preferable to many residents and visitors. But most of the folks here understand extreme heat is not to be trifled with. It doesnt stop us. We still go out. We do most of our walking bike riding in the mornings and evenings, so , yeah. So you learn to manage . Yes yes. We love it out here. People stay indoors. Um find places that are air have less ca result, Discovery Bay with this president s its seniors, and all of its many tourists that come here is a summer wonderland. But even here 109 degrees, you wont see a lot of people outside there, either in the shade or inside, but on super hot days for the Fire Department calls for heat illness from passing out to heatstroke can increase. We can be very busy and be responding to, uh, people with heat illness that can happen when people dont realize the effect that he can have on their body and theyre going about their normal day and scientific Weather Research center. The first Street Foundation just released a study about how how rapidly temperatures are rising. Currently the hottest seven days of the year over the summer in Discovery Bay. Are expected to be 102 degrees or more over the next 30 years. Those days will actually increase to be 15 days. You would expect 15 of those so roughly just over two weeks of those temperatures instead of a normal two day hospital, they , too, will be longer expect to see at least four days over 102 degrees in consecutive days in the next 30 years, and thats what you would expect to see every year kind of past that that was dangerous to todays temperatures can be. For some, its up to when it becomes much harder, harder and much longer heats for much longer periods of time, then we really have to raise our defenses both for our bodies to take the heat and things like air conditioning, and no ones going to escape that reporting live. Tom baker, ktvu fox tuning. All right, tom. Thank you. Well now we go to San Francisco this afternoon. Well, Police Released new video of the shooting involving for the departments officers approach to suspected bicycle thief who was seen pulling out what appears to be a gun. Turns out, though it was an imitation weapon that was firing blanks are Crime Reporter henry lee live now for us in the newsroom and henry sfpd says the officer aspired their guns after this suspect pointed his weapon at them. Heather the officer shot at the man with the fake gun but missed, but now hes facing criminal charges in his Attorney Says its the police who escalated the situation. Surveillance video shows San Francisco Police Officers driving alongside jose core vera as hes riding one bike while pushing a second in the Mission District. Officers try to contact him, but within moments , corpora gets off the bike runs off and then pulls a weapon near 18th and shotwell on august 6th gun now gone down, but he did not drop the gun and then what sounds like a gunshot is heard. Strange so far fired, shots fired Mission District officers, michael raunchy and Kane Schroeder fire their handguns core. Vera was not shot. Police say he refused to cooperate while still pointing the gun and hunkering behind a car multiple times during the incident, various officers can be heard saying that mr core, vera was pointing his gun. In their direction, and for almost an hour, he held officers at bay. Two officers from the bayview station fired their rifles at them again. Missing shot shots fired. That was us, then tosses the gun, which apparently goes off. He threw the gun guns right there when he threw. Police eventually took her vera into custody. Investigators determined core veras gun fired blanks. The San Francisco Public Defenders Office says officers dangerously escalated the situation after unnecessary and bias stop in a statement, corvair is attorney said. In part, mr corporate tried to walk away. He then hid behind a parked car while holding onto a prop gun he carries for protection. It remains unclear whether he fired any of the blank rounds before police responded. What gunshots the suspects been charged by the d. A s office with threatening and resisting officers and brandishing an imitation firearm. His attorney notes. He was not charged with bike theft of the newsroom. Henry lee ktvu fox studios. Santa rosa man is under arrest, accused of shooting another man outside of a home. It happened early yesterday morning in the driveway of a home there on clover drive in santa rosa. Police say the victim had just parked his pickup truck when that suspect 22 year old Jerome Grayson jr walked up and shot him twice with a handgun. The victim was able to drive away from the shooting into the hospital. Investigators say grayson, who was also wanted in connection with an Armed Robbery that took place back in july, later returned to that house and was arrested. Hes now charged with attempted homicide as californias drought drags on, the dry conditions are causing Serious Problems for wildlife across the state coming up here on the four today well talk live with a member of the Conservation Society of california at the oakland zoo. About which species are most at risk and whats being done to help those animals. Plus the battle over the affidavit behind the mar a lago search continues the federal judge seeking answers from the Justice Department about that in order for Small Businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. Efficient. Agile. And thats never been more important than it is right now. So for a limited time, comcast business is introducing Small Business savings. Call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. With no contract. And a money back guarantee. All on the largest, fastest reliable network. From the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. Call and start saving today. Comcast business. Powering possibilities. Making a serious toll on wildlife across the state experts say many animals are struggling to find water and food, and thats prompting them to shift their behavior or migration patterns in order to survive, often that is leading to more potentially dangerous interactions with humans. Joining us now to talk about these issues is sarah lynn bowser, with the Conservation Society of california. At the oakland zoo. Great to have you on today. We appreciate the time lay it out for everyone. What . What kind of stress is our prolonged drought putting on wildlife here in california . Hey its great to be here, so really , to answer a question and kind of get right into it. Drought really leads to a lot of severe environmental stress for a lot of our native wildlife here in california. Now we have some animals who might be more resilient and can handle that extra environmental stress. But then we do have some species that might already be endangered , already facing other threats and having these extra problems, just make things a lot worse for them. And what are some of the species that are most vulnerable to the effects of the drought. So different species will be affected by drought in different ways. So to kind of start if you think in the track of migratory birds, right they, california is a really key link of the pacific flyway. Now these birds are actually going to be flying like 4000 miles between their summer in winter homes and wetlands and waterways are going to be a really key rest out for them to kind of rest and recover and be able to continue along your journey. Now, whenever we have severe drought in its prolonged like it might be right now, youre actually theyre not able to have those rest stops there might completely far off their migratory pattern and lead to a lot of other issues with their migration. Another thing right now, as i talk about extra environmental stressors of this drought might cause a lot of waterfowl and shorebirds right now are actually under threat from h p a. I, which is basically like the bird flu and unfortunately as a disease that theyre already suffering from that it has been seen here in california back in. I believe july and so far this disease had led to, you know the death or illness and death and about 28 million birds across the United States since january. So again, this is a disease that these these birds are already facing. And by having this extra drought that can make that just a little bit worse for them. Its kind of a compounding factor there. Another group of seats or another group of animals would be amphibians are frogs, salamanders. These are animals that are really going to rely on water. Its literally in their name. Um and fabian, meaning water and land that dual life cycle there. So when they dont have the water that they need to be able to stay safe and healthy, maybe the vernal pools that salamanders need to be able to breed. Its going to lead to a lot of potential problems and again as species that might already have other factors like kittredge fungus, which is a fungus that is now throughout the world and actually one of the oakland zoos conservation projects with our native yellow legged frogs, trying to help them be able to survive hatred, fungus, but of course, when you have drought and habitat loss that doesnt make it any easier about animals, changing their their habits, their behave. A viewer may be moving into new areas to try to find the water that theyre desperately looking for. How does that potentially lead to more dangerous interactions with humans . Yeah absolutely. So when there are drought and there are these stressors in the environment, you might have some animals that start encroaching a little bit more into an urban environment. So, for example, thats when you might start having more bears and mountain lions are raccoons, skunks, animals like that moving in where they can find the resources that they need. But of course, sometimes that leads to less than positive interactions with people and having everybody in closer quarters like that, potentially going for the same resources can lead to a lot of issues or human beings might think that an animal coming in. Theres a potential threat, but really, theyre just trying to stay alive and trying to stay healthy. It also leads to potential issues even outside of urban environments where animals might be congregating in ways that they normally wouldnt before and so theyre all going to the same resources all going to the same dwindling water sources. And thats when you start to see flare ups of disease, and in the past years, you might have had canine december again. Like we said, now with, uh hp ai that bird influenza, thats theyre having a lot of birds flock together. Um then you really just have these breeding grounds for disease to really be transmitted between different animals just quickly before we go. I just a brief answer, but a lot of people might be curious if its a good ideas of just put some water outside in their backyard. Thinking that it might might help some of these animals with with the Drought Conditions right now. Is that a good idea . Is that a smart thing to do . As much as we would love to. We know that it comes from a great place in your heart because those water again having those animals congregate in odd ways. It is not the best time especially with those threats from disease, especially for birds and other animals. So even though its coming from the right place, not necessarily the best thing to do. Okay sarah bouncer with the Conservation Society of california at the oakland zoo, really appreciate you coming on today. Thank you. Thank you so much. Nevadas lake mead is hitting a very low point as this drought dries up the colorado river, driving one of the countrys largest reservoirs , and the federal government taking action with new mandatory water cuts. Now, state leaders are tasked with finding a solution to preserve the river basin as well as like me. Are we panicked . No were working actively with the seventh basin states on strategies. To either conserve more water or use less water in the system. We worked hand in hand with the basin state water officials on a you know a daily or weekly basis to make determinations about how much water we have in storage and the best way to use it based on priority water rights. Now the view from the hoover dam spillway house shows just how low the water level is there like me near las vegas, a Public Affairs specialist with the bureau of reclamation, says the lake is 27 full. That bureau was scheduled to release a 24 month study that could determine the water cuts for 2023. Now california is the biggest user of lake mead and will begin taking reductions later if the reservoir drops to a certain level. And those cuts are outlined in past agreements and determined also by Previous Court cases, stunning to see whats happening really is. Yeah alright, President Biden today celebrated a major victory for his administration and the Democratic Party as we head toward the midterm elections as he signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. The president calls the healthcare tax and climate bill one of the most significant laws in our history boxes. Lauren blanchard has more now for us from washington. Now law from Summer Vacation for President Biden to celebrate and sign the Inflation Reduction Act. It was a small ceremony. The big celebration will be held september 6th when lawmakers are back in town, the white house says americans will feel the impacts of the new legislation soon. I think this represents the culmination of the bidens administrations effort to bring together a package of economic policies that help our economy get to the next level. The ira is good news for those who are trying to go green with some 375 billion to Fund Climate Change strategies spread over the next decade. The bill also focuses on healthcare , extending pandemic era subsidies to help millions pay for their Health Insurance costs , and it puts caps on Prescription Drug costs for those on medicare. With this law, the American People one and the special interest lost, but republicans point to inflation at 8. 5 as the reason more Government Spending is a bad move. Gas prices may be coming down, but the price of a gallon of regular and grocery costs are still high that its called the Inflation Reduction Act, the one way to reduce inflation. By the federal government is to reduce unnecessary spending this month alone, cabinet members are planning to fan out across 23 states to promote the bill. Even more events are planned for september in washington. Lauren blanchard, fox news. Outside our doors this afternoon. In addition to the hot weather, hazy skies and a spare the air day giving you a live look here over San Francisco, San Francisco and enjoyable day with low seventies there and even cooler along the coast, but we couldnt escape that. Hes with this pattern in place. The light winds that son and the radiation really cool. Thing. When it comes to those pollute. Heres a look at the 10. Right . Now, before we check in on the airport. Of very hot. In center. Rosa. The century mark at 102 san jose, just below it at 97. Meanwhile San Francisco enjoying a beautiful 71 degrees hayward a warm day for you, but not too bad in comparison to our ill and cities are sitting at 88. The air quality across the region remains good to moderate despite the what were dealing with even some smoke continuing to drift our way from the north. We are looking good at the moment and hopefully continuing to see that in the coming day, so the High Pressure strong turning over the bay area, as i mentioned at the top of the hour temperatures are expected to peak today we will begin to cool down tomorrow, but its going to be gradual. That means its still going to be hot. Just not as hot for inland cities were also going to reintroduce that monsoonal moisture up over the sierra already seeing that thunderstorms there. If we move in a little bit closer, this is going to continue all the way into thursday. If you do have plans to go to areas over tahoe as well as yosemite for us, were going to see that cloud cover come in. Tonight into tomorrow. Heres a look at the future cast where we do have the fog along the coastline right now, take a look at tomorrow morning, though. In addition, those clouds sweeping across the sierra, the central valley, also saying, come our direction so well call for the high clouds in through the afternoon clouds along the coastline better details on the temperatures for tomorrow, as well as the rest of the week coming up. Alright, girls, mary. Thank you. Federal judge seeking answers from the Justice Department about the search of former president trumps florida estate. Why the department is keeping that affidavit sealed. Plus, well tell you about the guilty plea expected in former president trumps tax evasion case. Explosions rock a military depot in crimea, the major fire in the russian held territory nex californians have a choice between two initiatives on sports betting. Prop 27 generates hundreds of millions every year to permanently fund getting people off the streets a prop 26 . Not a dime to solve homelessness prop 27 has strong protections to prevent minors from betting. Prop 26 . No protections for minors. Prop 27 helps every tribe, including disadvantaged tribes. Prop 26 . Nothing for disadvantaged tribes vote yes on 27. Justice arguments for keeping the affidavit secret in the search of former president trumps florida home, Madeline Rivera tells us lawyers will be in court on thursday, making their case. All eyes are on a federal judge to see whether he will sign off on unsealing the affidavit laying out the probable cause behind the search of former president trumps florida home we want to see is why did they choose the most extreme, risky and high profile evidence collection technique . Uh does the evidence match that up facing public scrutiny . The Justice Department last week moved to release the property receipt showing the fbi seized in part 11 sets of classified documents, but the department is urging the judge not to do the same with the affidavit. Arguing that it would serve as a road map to the governments ongoing investigation. The doj, saying that disclosing the document could compromise the probe. The search warrant also unsealed last week shows the former president is under investigation for possible obstruction of justice and violations of the espionage act, not going to turn over the information in the middle of an investigation that portrays your sources and betrays what the direction of your investigation is a new report from the New York Times shows. Top white house lawyers pass a bologna and Patrick Philbin were interviewed by the fbi. Over the sensitive documents that were stored in mara lago. As questions grow calls for transparency. Show us the goods. What did they get . The rate of florida home has put the former president back in the political spotlight. Hes flexing his midst or muscle in the wyoming gop primary race, where hes backing the opponent of one of his most outspoken critics. Vice chair of the january 6th committee, congresswoman liz cheney. And washington mouth. Rivera fox news former president trumps longtime finance chief, is expected to plead guilty in a tax evasion case. Trump organization cfo Alan Weisberg is reportedly in talks with new york prosecutors about a possible plea deal. He is charged with tax fraud for allegedly collecting almost 2 million in off the books compensation from the trump organization. The terms of this plea deal are not yet known. Judge has set a hearing for this thursday. Several strikes on russian held crimea hitting a military depot. Their strikes come just one week after an attack that destroyed at least nine russian planes. Foxes alex hogan has more thick plumes of smoke rose over a military depot in crimea on tuesday, massive explosions caused the building to catch fire. Russias Defense Ministry says the flames also damaged power lines, train tracks and apartment buildings. The blast sent shells into neighborhoods, forcing some 3000 people to evacuate. Their shooting. Explosions shells are falling right into backyards. We left everything left it all as it was and took off the second time. Im in just over a week that explosions rocked the russian held peninsula. Kiev has not publicly claimed responsibility, but Ukrainian Forces have been ramping up their offensive across the south in recent days, they targeted russias supply routes and Storage Facilities in the region. Russian president Vladimir Putin blames the west for ukraines attacks. The nato bloc is moving East Building up its military infrastructure and increasing the strike capabilities of offensive forces. Meanwhile ukrainian Authorities Say heavy fighting continued around the zapper region Nuclear Power plant on tuesday, more than 40 countries have called on russia to immediately withdraw its forces from the facility is not what we would expect. Of a country that reports to be responsible Nuclear Power. The u. S and European Union have called for a Demilitarized Zone around the power plant in kiev, ukraine. Alex hogan, fox news First Lady Jill Biden has tested positive for covid 19. Her office says she tested negative yesterday during regular testing, but then started to have cold like symptoms later in the day. She then got a positive pcr test by his office says she is double boosted and just has mild symptoms. Shes isolating as a residence there in south carolina, where the bidens are on vacation. The White House Press secretary says President Biden has tested negative he was infected in previous weeks and has since recovered the second day of a strike by Mental Health clinicians at Kaiser Hospitals across the bay area in northern california. The working conditions they describe as unethical. And a series of grant opportunities could change major parts of the medical landscape, the organization seeking california researchers and the california researchers and the way it could benefit your hel im bringing back my spicy chicken strips. While im at it, my most popular former employee, mark hamill. Well, whats my motivation . To not get fired again. I can work with that. Actors spicy chicken strips and me, mark hamill, back for a limited time. With xfinity internet, you get advanced security that helps protect you at home and on the go. You feel so safe, its as if. I dont know. Evander holyfield has your back. I wouldnt click on that. Hey, thanks we got a muffin for ed all right you dont need those calories. Can we at least split it . Nope. Advanced security that helps protect your devices in and out of the home. I mean, can i have a bite . Only from xfinity. Nah. Unbeatable internet. Made to do anything so you can do anything. My 100 allwhitemeat spicy chicken strips are back. Look at them sitting there. Just sitting there. Cant believe we hired a director for this. Spicy chicken strips starting at 5. 49 are back at jack in the box. Will Health Workers at Kaiser Hospital locations across northern and Central California , 2000 kaiser workers walked off the job yesterday. Today they picketed in santa clara and five other locations, including oakland and santa rosa. They describe unethical working conditions that are causing cancelations and delays for patients who urgently need care. We will not go on strike if we didnt have to. I think its really hard for all of us to do this. In general conditions are really dedicated i, for example , i love my clinic. I love my love my job. I just want us to be able to work and provide the care that we are hired to provide. Management says this strike is not about access to care as the union claims. They accused the union of using strikes as a quote bargaining tactic in every contract negotiations. The American Lung association is seeking Grant Applications from innovative researchers right here in california and across the nation , and the hope is that these Research Projects will improve prevention detection and treatment options. For all one diseases, including lung cancer. Doctor albert rizzo is the chief medical officer of the American Lung association. Thank you so much doctor for being here, boy. This is really an important opportunity with a variety of grants. How critical is this work . Well we think its very important. The American Lung association has been supporting research for over 115 years as the whole list oldest voluntary Health Agency in the country defeated tuberculosis in this country years ago, and now we really think defeating lung cancer and dealing with all the issues around vaping. Wildfire smoke really important to get money out there for important researchers to get the work done. There are a lot of different aspects that youre seeking researchers to look into. And what did the grants doctor is for covid19 research and respiratory virus research. I mean, there are still a lot about the coronavirus that we dont know, and other respiratory viruses that could potentially have pandemic that could potentially lead to pandemics. Correct we added the covid19 grants just two years ago when covid started because we knew it was an important lung disease. We know now its going on to develop long covid and really affects the whole body. So we want to be very strategic and giving dollars to that research along with the important things around lung cancer and other lung diseases such as asthma and copd. Yeah i mean, you know you you mentioned about asthma. We hear a lot of people here in the bay area, complaining about asthma. Also complaining about allergies. Tell me a little bit about the Research Work thats going into both of those aspects of that revolves around not only the asthma itself and the underlying pathology in the lung, but also what are the triggers for the asthma, especially in areas where there was wildfire smoke . Poor air quality due to particle pollution. All of those factors play a role in determining someones risk to go on to worsen their disease. Whether its underlying as what were actually caused symptoms of bronchitis and end up admissions to the hospital, so it really ranges the basic science all the way to the clinical bedside treatments that we have available, and doctor as we judged. Just touched on. There are a number of topics that youre looking for. Researchers to really, you know, delve into theres one thats a lung Cancer Discovery award. A little bit about what the goal of that Research Project is. Mostly is awards are 100,000 per year for two years, and were really aiming to get researchers who are already in the fieldeeded cs that we need for further disease. So really ranges from the game, the basic science interception of cancer all the way to coming up with new forms of therapy. Certainly the targeted therapies and, you know, therapy of open products of the research, some of which was started by basic Research Funded by the Lung Association 10 15 years ago, and when you put out the call for researchers , is that community willing to come forward and help . It is difficult for you. To make the selections. Its very difficult because its competitive process. We have a lot of individuals across the country who applied for these grants, and we put together fairly rigorous Scientific Team who has to review these over the course of several weeks, if not longer, and then award the money that we have available to the most worthy projects. Its very similar to the way that the nih grades studies and rewards them based on merit. Okay so, doctor walk us through the timeline today. You kind of kicked off this announcement seeking those researchers what happens next . Well we next look for the letters of intent. Individuals can apply to us, saying that they have an intention to apply for a full grant. We do go through a process of screening those to narrow it down to those who will then ultimately provide the information for full Grant Application in early next year, when we finally have the Research Applications about 6 to 7 months to go through the process, and w the awards early next summer. As you mentioned, the American Lung association has really been a leader in this type of research. When you look back over the years in which these projects have been underway, how big of a difference has this type of Research Made . Its very important for a couple of reasons. It keeps some individuals in the field who started out with a small grant from the American Lung association. They stay in the field because theyre able to get that funding and they go on to become very important researchers leading to great important discoveries the discovery of surfactant to help premature infants survive acute respiratory distress syndrome was part of funding initiated by the American Lung association, so i want to keep people in the field of pulmonary medicine and research. Funded and keep them leveraging their work, so it was on to really pay dividends in the long run. Alright well, its really important work. Thank you for what you do really appreciate it, doctor. Thank you for the opportunity to be here. A new study finds pharmaceutical companies are unveiling new Prescription Drugs this year at record high prices, according to a reuters analysis. Some drug makers are disclosing less information about the pricing of drug treatments, which have come under greater scrutiny in recent years. But for those with Information Available the median annual price for. Eight of 13 drugs launched this year are priced over 200,000 per year. Millions of americans will soon be able to buy hearing aids without a prescription. The fda today approving a regulation that creates a new class of hearing aids, which do not require a medical exam. The devices are intended for adults with mild to moderate hearing problems. The move follows years of pressure from medical experts and consumer advocates to make these devices cheaper and easier to get. The new regulation will take effect in october in annual film and Arts Festival is back in action. The kick off for san joses big cynic west is tonight what attendees can expect from the return to an in person festival. And a scorcher for some across the bay areas temperatures are reaching above 100 degrees at this hour. I do see a cool down coming our way. Better details on what you can expect for the rest of californians have a choice between two initiatives on sports betting. Prop 27 generates hundreds of millions every year to permanently fund getting people off the streets a prop 26 . Not a dime to solve homelessness prop 27 has strong protections to prevent minors from betting. Prop 26 . No protections for minors. Prop 27 helps every tribe, including disadvantaged tribes. Prop 26 . Nothing for disadvantaged tribes vote yes on 27. In order for Small Businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. Efficient. Agile. And thats never been more important than it is right now. So for a limited time, comcast business is introducing Small Business savings. Call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. With no contract. And a money back guarantee. All on the largest, fastest reliable network. From the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. Call and start saving today. Comcast business. Powering possibilities. Wow, look at this selection tile, wood, stone, laminate, vinyl. And this one is. Perfect. At floor and decor, our everyday low pricing on highquality products and ontrend styles, means you can really bring your room to life. Discover floor and decor today aiken valley. The cynic west Film Festival kicks off tonight at the california theater in downtown san jose, along with two other locations, and the festival is back in person this year for the First Time Since march of 2020, and they will be screening dozens of independent films request will run through august 29th. Thats always a fun event, so glad to see it back in person, and joining us now is halted. Hussey, the ceo of sina quest, congratulations on bringing this great event back. Tell us a little bit about what attendees can expect on this opening night. Thank you. Weve been thrilled. Weve been serving the globe virtually, but now were in person getting people together, all walks of life, humanity to celebrate the great art and artists of our world film artist. Its amazing. We have 150 different United States and world premieres a new beer and wine garden to get people together and to have a good time we have 450 artists coming in from all around the United States and over 50 countries. We are ready to go. What are some of the films that that you expect a really good going to stand out to audiences during this years Film Festival . What are gonna be some of those those memorable that people leave the festival and theyre still talking about well , tonight we have a jim gaffigan here with us getting our Maverick Spirit award with a great film, linoleum kicking things off. We have a wonderful film called dealing with dad. Just a hoot american siblings that have to deal with their aging parent. And he wont get on the meds. Ok very, very fun movie very inspiring movies like sonic fantasy about Michael Jackson and the making of thriller, and we have a great film called the yin and the yang with jerry of gerry lopezs life. Rate surfer and hell be joining us for Maverick Spirit award tribute as well. So partisan in question is a great films. But the most memorable are the great people and the great artists that are here with us to present these movies as usual. You really do have something for everyone at this festival has been around since what 1990. Its really become an important event for the film industry. Thank you. Yes, we were named the best in the world and i think weve had the reputation of the best place where tech meets movies thats been our showcase and our our forte for years, but what we really are doing now is making it more useful. We have so many comedies and wonderfully inspiring films and great Young Artists as well as the season masters. So yes, weve been around, but its interesting after being more seasoned ourselves. The festive is getting younger, and thats cool. With with an in person festival this year. How do you how do you sort of see the festival helping the entire region helping Silicon Valley bounced back . I mean, you have to imagine that so many folks are going to be visiting all the bars and the restaurants in the downtown san jose area that have really struggled the last couple of years. Money to our local economy every time but you know, right now, a lot of the folks are good friends. Some of them are still with us. Thankfully some had to close the shop, but were seeing a lot of new restaurants and bars opening up new Hotel Downtown san jose, the vibe is still a lot of new development and people making a real difference here in the west bank group has this cool new public art . Sculpture called the unzipped that were doing a beer . Wine garden in so theres a energy in a year ago. Its night and day from a year ago. You know, cities like san jose across the country were a little bit. Wow you know whats going to happen, but we see it coming back now, and thats exciting. And to be a big part of that is great. Its almost like an unveiling of san jose, as well as the post covid urban environment. It certainly is. And as we wrap up this conversation, i mean, how important was it to you to bring this event back . In person. Tremendously we love to serve and bring people joy. A lot of folks say you bring us so much joy and part of that a big part of that. Is the Community Getting together and yes, we can do that virtually, but theres nothing like doing it in person. You know that in person hug just feels a little bit better than the zoom hog. So we love to take care of people and we call it giving them the Four Seasons Hotel Customer Service and they dont have to pay us a dime for it. So we love doing that. Both our our team as well as our volunteers were looking forward to lifting peoples hearts and a lot of people have dealt with a lot of things the past 2. 5 years. We all know that so this is a chance to celebrate life and art and humanity and to feel great. Yeah it sounds like its going to be a wonderful festival. We appreciate you coming on to talk about it often. Hussy the ceo of sina quest underway later on tonight for the next couple of weeks in san jose. We appreciate you taking the time we want to let folks know if theyre watching and they liked what they heard. They were intrigued by some of those movies that you were talking about. You can head to the web links section ktvu dot com. We have information on how to get tickets to the festival. Thanks for coming on. Thank you so much. I do appreciate it. Absolutely. Around the bay area this afternoon. Hot dry hazy. We will start to see some changes as we get into your bay area wednesday, although the cool down is going to be again. Slow moving. Ill have a look at the numbers for you here in just a moment. Lets take a look over San Francisco, where air quality for the most part has remained moderate for today. And if you very close, you can even see a live bit. Fog. Job. In the base. So along coast and in areas over sand francisco, very comfortable over the couple. Of days. Our inland city. They actually extend that into another. Day. Two or so. Lets take a look at some of the heat out there right now. 102 in concord right now, 105 in livermore are inland cities tend to peak right about now. Meanwhile, closer to the coast, temperatures have already peaked earlier in the afternoon and 59 degrees at Half Moon Bay having base been stuck at 59 for most of the day, francisco upper sixties right now, you get into the north bay. Its a hot one in the nine. Hotter than that hit in the century mark over areas of santa rosa and far south bay 97. Even right now in san jose. Its a dry one out there. Take a look at some of these numbers. Mount diablo reporting relative humidity at 21. Pittsburgh 15 so thats critically dry. For this time of year. The winds are generally light and stagnant, and with that again poor air quality and a spare the air day today we also are turning our attention back towards that monsoonal moisture. It is at this point up over the sierra and areas over the sierra. Seeing a little bit of thunderstorm activity. If you look closely, you can see those lightning strikes right within that, as we get into the evening hours. Some of that cloud cover comes our direction. And we are looking at the possibility of maybe a few sprinkles maybe even an isolated thunderstorm tonight and into tomorrow. So heres a look at the future cost to going into tonight and through tomorrow and you can see the cloud cover thats coming from this direction. Thats that. Monsoonal. Moisture once again. Meanwhile, the coast will go with mostly cloudy skies. And a little bit of drills. Perhaps to start. As well. Take a look. Weve got the low clouds back and it is well inland. So theres a surefire evidence there that we are looking at a cooler pattern that will settle in as we get into the back end of the business weekend into the weekend tomorrow morning temperatures upper fifties in San Francisco 66 in concord, 64. Over san jose going to be very mild, and youre not really going to cool off. Youre going to start out right about 70 degrees and again putting in that possibility. Just a slight chance. Maybe a few sprinkles. Maybe an isolated thunderstorm temperatures will be coming down. Will still be 5 to 10 degrees above average for tomorrow. 93 expected for santa rosa 71 in San Francisco, low eighties and hayward, upper nineties and livermore as well as anti och not expecting to go above 100 but still very, very toasty. The extended forecast here. Temperatures continuing to fall off thursday. Not much change on friday into the weekend. Beautiful weather their sixties at the coast mid seventies around the bay upper eighties low nineties expected inland back to you. Okay, rosemary. Thank you. Up next here on the floor. Today we will introduce you to the youth led news outlet using journalism. To share important story. From one east bay. Community. Love these. All right . Coming up. New at five. Tonight. Though, is first for. Voting. Unionize a local known marathon runner who had a frightening encounter with a coyote and were highlighting a hyper local news service in richmond. Thats giving young people a platform to highlight issues important to their community profit. Richmond pulse hires teenagers and young adults from the city to cover stories there. I talked with the executive director of richmond false about how the organization is using storytelling to make a difference. We do what i call inside out. Media um most of our reporters, you know, since 2011w up here. They went to school here and their families lived here. Um they are experts in their community. Um they are the eyes and ears of their community. How how is it that most of the young people involved with your Organization Find you and how do you sort of bring them on board and train them about how to how to tell these stories that that are important to them. You know, we have developed we have. Ive developed relationships with, uh other youth serving organizations throughout the city. Ive developed relationships with high schools , high school teachers, um and im just basically asked young people, if they would be interested in writing, um about, you know, um their neighborhoods , their community their perspective. And you know, i got into this work doing youth media long, long time ago. Um the difference about the difference with what were doing now is usually youth media is peer to peer. You know, its young people writing for other young people. When we started richmond pulse we said, hey, were going to do this youth media thing, but we want to do it for the entire community. So that was the little tweak on it. And of course, didnt know if it would work didnt know how people would respond to it. But it worked. And weve been rolling ever since. And as you said, you have been around for more than a decade. Now what . Where do you see the future of richmond . Pulse what . What whats next for your site and your organization and how . How do donations from the public factor into those plants . Well were going to keep the website going, obviously, but we also publish a monthly bilingual news print edition. Mhm um, that really, you know, people have responded well to and that penetrates very well. I know its we assume everyone is online. I know. We assume everybodys got 90 a month for internet service. Um its not always the case. Um so the print edition just penetrates in a way , um, that you know the phone and the computer doesnt um not everyone has access to that. I got the idea originally from going to local churches. Yeah in richmond and seeing the power of the church bulletin, you know, um, just this little sheet of paper, and it just goes around to everyone, but you know, everything of that was on it was Community News and things that news you can use and things that um people needed and you know they could take home and put it on their wall or or passed around to someone. And i was like, yeah, we need to do Something Like that. I know everyone print is dead. Everybody says that and you know its a digital age. But if in a city this size and in the Community Like this print can still be very impactful, and if you would like to donate to richmond pulse scan the q r code right there on your screen or just head to our website ktvu. Com. Slash giving day. People still buy his music. Elvis presley still is a household name 45 years after his death fans now looking back on his in order for Small Businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. Efficient. Agile. And thats never been more important than it is right now. So for a limited time, comcast business is introducing Small Business savings. Call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. With no contract. And a money back guarantee. All on the largest, fastest reliable network. From the company that powers more businesses than anyone else. Call and start saving today. Comcast business. Powering possibilities. Californians have a choice between two initiatives on sports betting. Prop 27 generates hundreds of millions every year to permanently fund getting people off the streets a prop 26 . Not a dime to solve homelessness prop 27 has strong protections to prevent minors from betting. Prop 26 . No protections for minors. Prop 27 helps every tribe, including disadvantaged tribes. Prop 26 . Nothing for disadvantaged tribes vote yes on 27. Since the death of legendary singer elvis presley. But even here we are decades after his passing and the king is still a really big draw for sure, Fox Business Networks Grady Trimble has more now from elvis home graceland. Thousands of loyal elvis fans flocked to his graceland mansion monday night to mark 45 years since his passing people love him. Hes never been forgotten. The king died august 16th 1977, but the legendary entertainer left a legacy that still earns more and more fans and more and more money as each year passes decades after his death, the spotlight still shines on the king of rock and roll. The recently released baz lurman blockbuster about elviss life is one of the highest grossing biopics of all time. Taking in more than 260 Million Worldwide , the movie introducing a whole new generation to elviss music , then now theyre diving into his music. Half a million fans who cant help falling in love with the king make the trip to his memphis estate graceland each year, visitors getting an up close look at elviss life. Touring 1. 5 million personal artifacts inside the second most visited home in the United States feel like youre being welcomed in by the king, and its an experience that you just cant experience anywhere else. Graceland pumps about 150 million into the local economy each year, but his fans remain all shook up over his music, his future, maybe brighter than his past. You look at the movie you look at graceland. You look at the heightened licensing and Everything Else that were doing. In 2023, the estate will bring in over 400 million in revenue, even when you factor in inflation that will make 2023 elviss biggest year ever at graceland, grady tremble ktvu fox two news ktvu fox two news at five starts now. Gun now put the gun down. Now at five San Francisco Police Released new video of the shooting involving four of the departments officers. Those officers approach to suspected bicycle thief who is seen pulling out what appears to be a gun. Good evening. Im julie haney mike mibach. It turns out, it was not a gun. It was an imitation weapon that fires blanks. Ktvu Crime Reporter henry lee live tonight in the newsroom. With the latest on this story, henry, mike and julie the officer shot at the man with the fake gun but missed, but hes now facing criminal charges, and his Attorney Says its the police who escalated the situation. Surveillance video shows San Francisco Police Officers driving alongside jose core vera as hes riding one bike while pushing a second in the Mission District. Officers try to contact him, but within moments , corpora gets off the weapon nr 18th and shotwell on august 6th drop the gun and then what sounds like a so far fired, shots fired Mission District officers michael raunchy and Kane Schroeder fire their handguns core. Vera was not shot. Police say he refused to cooperate while still pointing the gun and hunkering behind a car multiple times during the incident, various officers can be heard saying that mr core, vera was pointing his gun. In their direction, and for almost an hour, he held officers at bay. Two officers from the bayview station fired their rifles at them again, missing shot shots fired. That was us. Vera then tosses the gun, which apparently goes off. He threw the

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