Transcripts For KTNV Morning Blend 20160824 :

Transcripts For KTNV Morning Blend 20160824

yesterday. wait until you see what he had to say. it was very interesting. >> pay to show off the goods. good for him. >> you just like take your clothes off in the yard when you're doing-yard work. >> yes, i do. oh, my goodness. watch out, everybody. graphics work. welcome to "the morning blend." i'm shawn tempesta. >> and i'm jj snyder. i don't know why he's laughing already. >> a case of the mondays. oh okay. >> it's tuesday. >> it's wednesday. >> sure. >> isn't it it's wednesday. >> breaking news, it's wednesday. a long week already. i have, because i've been interviewing -- >> you've been on the road. >> i know. i've been all over this town. he won america's next top model. he -- this last spring won "dancing with the stars." >> he's winning reality shows all over the place. >> he can dance. host coming to chippendales september 22nd. >> how nice. >> i sat down with him yesterday. he's at the beginning of the creative part. he doesn't know if he's going to be or interacting, so it was really neat. he is very confident because he had -- >> oh, there he is. isn't exactly what i looked like when i was cutting my shrubs. >> how is your blister doing from your i want to take care of you. so he -- he is so interesting to talk to, as you know about him, as well. he is deaf, and we talked with his interpreter. so in this interview i asked him do you think all the training that you have done with pete on "dancing with the stars" will help you in front of the chippendale's audience? you would think so. here's what he had to say. >> that is a good question. learned from peta is probably understanding the music itself, you know, the music, and peta would show me whether to go fast, or slow, how the beats were going, and how to run through it. >> and let's talk about the ladies. are you prepared for a theater full of screaming ladies? >> yeah, i'm ready for it. i'm pretty prepared. i think the huge advantage is i'm not going to be able to hear them yelling, so focused, i'll be very focused. >> isn't that funny? he has a sense of humor. he is a nice guy. this is going to be fun. and we're going to have more on him and tyra's visit to las vegas on the friday show here on "the morning blend." so stay tuned. >> now will be -- they will be here four weeks. right now, it's time to plan for turn official end of summer. that's great for any get together you might be throwing or attending. >> that's a good way to do it. to get us ready is chef doreen fang. welcome back. >> we go way back, doreen and i. >> i heard that. >> we had the moment in the studio, and i'm excited you're here to help us celebrate the holiday weekend. >> i'm excited to help you get started. >> we all need a drink because we've gotten started on the wrong foot. >> it is. thanks for that breaking news, wednesday. >> what have you got for us? >> i was super inspired just by the summer and i had some cool drinks, and i wanted to bring something that was interesting that i heard about from brazil. make it friendly, and you can make this with alcohol or without. for those who don't want alcohol, fresh juices, but i'm calling it aj's citrus sparkler this is for you. >> shout out to anna. >> about time she gets a drink named after her, your right hand girl. >> she has been my best friend for -- i'm dating myself. it's -- yeah, like 20 years. >> man. >> a long time. >> now i feel like our friendship is like really young. >> ours is one day. >> i'm new and exciting. >> 14 years, 20 years until we get a drink >> might be sooner than that. so i'm going to get into the drink. fresh lime juice. so -- >> when you go into the grocery store, you try to get the green plastic thing with the predone juice. >> don't buy that. that's nasty. so little lemon juice. you want to squeeze them yourself. i'm making one for each of us. >> we have citrus here in las vegas. you should able to get really good limes. it comes from florida. oh, peru? i think these came from peru. tangelo's, i just cut them up. >> it's an orange, right? >> yeah, it's an orange. so get fresh mint. fresh is important. i like to rip up my mint first, and that way y freshness, and -- can you smell it? it smells so good. >> goes a long way in a cocktail. >> it tastes so good. >> now, i didn't bring my mugs, so we're going to just improvise. the muddler is missing, so we're going to use a plastic spoon. you're just going to smash everything together, make sure that your sugar gets dissolved. so you just want all the flavors of mint and the orange to come out. >> look at you, infused. >> i've been doing this segment long enough. >> all right. going to fill it up with ice. >> wow. wow. where are your manners? >> that is -- >> thank you. thank you. i was like what in god's name is flying across the counter. >> oh, man. >> i know. wait until the baby comes. >> oh, man. >> oh, my gosh. >> you know what will be on me. >> yes. so this -- i want to talk to you about your instagram and social media presence. you have a lot of fun on social media. >> it's all about food, it really is, and about going to different places. i just came back from l.a. my dad is in the hospital, but he's okay. but we got, you know, being in -- you're from l.a., so there that is the one thing i think i really miss. so whenever i go there i try to capture all of that. >> y what did you put in here? >> this is the brazilian spirit called kashazza, it's to brazil like vodka is to russia. >> you know what it smells like? tequila. >> yeah, little bit. and it's more on the -- it's in the family of but -- >> speaking of -- >> i love rum. i don't have a problem. i like malibu rum. it's easy to drink. >> i didn't think you had a problem but now that you're so defensive. >> that is a summer small, too. >> it smells fantastic. that's why you can make this nonalcoholic. you have the juices and the fresh mint, and i love crushed ice in this because it's super refreshing. >> you have to bite on the pieces of ice, does that sound weird? >> no, my dad freaks out when i chew the crunchy stuff around him. >> he is a dentist? >> no, just very irritable. soggy, soggy cereal, you're you're crunching the cereal. >> i think it's one of those things when you live with people you notice, like your roommate. >> she is actually biting ice all the time, and she has to get it crowned because she cracked her tooth. >> on ice? >> yes. so beware, don't eat ice all the time. nice the meet you. >> all right. >> oh, good. >> i like the citrus with the mint. >> really refreshing. >> really outdoor drink. >> keeping this one with me. >> have a wonderful labor day. >> you're welcome. thank you so much. nice to meet you. >> you can find doreen on twitter and instagram on dining with doreen. her website is also listed. if you would like to make the drink yourself head to the website, the greatest website that's ever been made. it's right there under the story. get ready all night long. >> kiss night is coming up and we have your rocking preview next. you're watching "the morning blend." shawn and i will be right back. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. four years ago i was diagnosed with breast cancer but early treatment saved my life. so i'm really outraged that joe heck which thousands of nevada women depend on for cancer screenings. congressman heck even threatened to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. kiss night is back, raising awareness of the arts in our state. >> here with more on the annual charity event is stoney curtis. tell me about this event. >> well, it's a magical time of year again, with a rock n' roll circus comes rolling town. kiss night is 50 year now, and we raise money to keep music in our school programs. >> which is incredibly important because seems like when there is a budget cut in school, the first place it goes is the music department. >> it's ridiculous. >> and it's sad. >> we continue to do our part to make sure it doesn't happen. >> you brought the band with you today. barry bonds on the base. coproducer shawn mckee on drums. and the incredible cassy lapiere. >> a lot of applause. so this is -- when is it going down? >> goes on this saturday night, starts at 7:00 with a book signing by lydia christ who was married to peter. she has a book that she will be signing that documents the early days of kiss. 8:00 the doors open. 9:00 we start rolling. we go live on the internet. kiss in this goes on from 9:00 at night until the sun comes up. there is probably 40 musicians that are involved in it. >> wow. >> and they are all incredible and the show is incredible. we do a featured album every year. this year it's love gun from '77. we do that cover to cover along with all sorts of surprises and >> so this is going to be my first time coming down. how much are tickets? >> $10 donation at the door. >> okay. >> this is -- this part is important. this year, because it gets insanely packed. and we listen to the people, we listen to the combably mints, we listen to the complaints. so this year, we have a biergarten out front. we have a ten-foot by 16-foot led screen out in the parking lot so people can sit outside d cameras, it's -- >> sweet. >> it is a fandango. >> there are raffles inside, as well. >> we give away -- there's a guitar over here that we have. >> oh, sick. >> we give out about five guitars. steve long from s&l guitars, look how beautiful that is. >> $5 raffle ticket. >> seriously. >> you can go home with one of five or six, seven guitars that guitar centers onboard. much it's insane. >> $5 raffle ticket, go online. you look good with that. >> you can go on our -- >> do it again. it's going to happen to you. >> i don't know. >> go on our website now. you can get raffle ticks right now, or get them at the show. we got t-shirts, all sorts of fun stuff. >> if you can't make the night out you can watch online. >> you can watch online. no matter where you are in the world you can and we hope that you donate to the cause. >> no question. >> so fun. i love this. i'm getting in the mood. what are you going to play for us today? >> we're going to do love gun. >> you ready? take it away. let's do it. >> oh, my goodness. that is awesome. man, that was so good. looking forward to it this weekend. >> get your make up on, and get down. this saturday night for the kiss night in las vegas. tickets are just $10, at the door. and you'll be helping a great website on your screen. >> that was awesome. up next, producer micah on the new campaign to fight what's being called chronically absent in school. oh, sounds like me in my days. >> are you on facebook or twitter? like or follow us. you can find us at "the morning blend" on facebook, links can be found on our website. stay with us. ?? dogs - sure can be messy. but with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesn't have to be. nexgard, the vet's #1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. so it's easy to give, easy to take. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. why mess around? 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do they just not prepare enough to future jobs? >> well, really good question. we know that chronic absenteeism matters, and attendance matters, starting at the earliest ages. so there is a myth that this doesn't matter. the research we know that kids that are chronically absent in pre-kindergarten and first grade arch less likely to read at grade level by third grade. we know that kids are not reading at grade level by as early as third grade are four times more likely to not graduate from high school. and we all know the devastating impact that that has on life outcomes. so that's the reason that we >> and in your opinion why do some kids miss a lot of school? why would you say? >> really good question. there are a variety of complex reasons that kids don't come to school in this country. and they can range from the challenges of poverty, to challenges with transportation, housing, mobility, problems at home, bullying, security. so because the contributing causes of absenteeism are so significant and so vast, it really takes a village to address this problem. and where we've seen communities coming together to address this problem, we've seen reductions in absenteeism and we've seen kids more engaged in school. so the good news is that when communities come together to address this problem, schools can't do it alone. it takes a village. come together to address it, we've seen that reductions in absenteeism and far better education outcomes for the kids in those communities. and that's why we're amplifying this message today. >> and i was about to say, that's why this campaign is here to really help those students. and prepare as well to get help. >> exactly. there is new research that has just come out that shows that while parents care deeply about their majority of parent and they recognize by the way that attendance is important, the majority of parents in this country don't recognize how quickly absences add up. they don't recognize that just two days a month of school, of missed school a month, leads to a month or more of missed school. and so that's one of the absences add up. two or more missed days of school per month leads to a month or month of school which leads to devastating consequences for these kids. >> like you said it can have an impact on your future life. thank you so much for joining us this morning and giving us this information. >> thank you for having me. >> learn more and discover ways to combat the challenge, that may arise by heading to the website on your screen. back over to community event to tell you about as we head to break. the rio spa and salon hosting their seventh annual locks of love telethon today. i love this event, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. i wish i had long enough hair to donate. >> generous guests who donate at least ten inches of hair will receive a blunt cut and 30% discount on any additional styling or coloring treatment offered at the salon. learn more about locks of love by heading to the website listed. december last year. 14 americans are killed in a mass shooting inspired by isis. in the aftermath, congressman joe heck had the chance to ban suspected terrorists from buying guns. heck voted "no." st have purchased firearms over 2,000 times. it's not just that joe heck does nothing to stop them. it's that he's voted to let them keep doing it.... 23 times. senate majority pac is responsible for the content looking to trim the weight? this morning discover a noninvasive way to shrink down fat cells to help you lose the unwanted inches. here to explain is medical assistant lindsay kay for laser med great having you. >> thanks for having me. >> laser body contouring. laser liposuction, we -- >> think surgical. >> if you've seen that actual liposuction -- >> yeah. >> scary. >> yes. >> laser body contouring not scary. >> it's not scary. >> pretty amazing. >> what we're doing is we're using a laser device to shrink down the fat cell, but in a noninvasive way. so this is a completely natural and this laser does work in the same sense as if you were going to the gym or you were dieting and you were losing weight. when we're losing weight we're shrinking down our fat cells and the laser starts that natural process for you. it does work by creating multiple holes or pores in the fat cells, so the fat cell itself can actually collapse. and shrink down. the contents of the fat cell is processed through the system completely naturally, so it's released into your bloodstream. your lymph nodes are it. you're able to flush this all out as waste. >> it's making these fat cells into sponges but it's squeezing it out. >> exactly, and putting it into the shrinken down state in the body, and after you're finished your series of sessions that hole or pore that opened up in the fat cell actually seals back up so results are long lasting. >> that's incredible. who is a good candidate? >> male or female, doesn't we treat a lot of patient that have knee injuries, back injuries. i treated a patient in a wheelchair. people with copd, not able to exercise anymore, and the nice part about this program is you don't have to exercise with it to get results. >> you can exercise. >> you can, absolutely. there is no down time or recovery time. so there is no restrictions as far as exercise goes. and we obviously encourage it, but if you can't anymore and that's a reason for you putting available to help you and treat you. >> i think that's part of the reason some people stop exercising because they try for a few weeks. >> of course, they do. >> and see no change. >> you get to a certain age and you know, most of our patients that come in are from about 35 up to 80-years-old, and they've tried dieting and tried exercise and nothing seems to work for them. we treat a lot of patients especially female patients that changes going on in their body and that's the reason they put on that stubborn belly fat and not able to get it off. this treatment will work well for that. >> what part of the areas of the body can we treat? >> okay, that's the nice part. we basically have no limitations when it comes to treating an area on the body. so we can treat the neck, we can treat the arms. we can treat, of course, the most popular area the stubborn belly fat. >> what i would do for the right one. >> yes. and we can treat the thighs, as well. and patients come in series of eight sessions where they can come twice a week or a series of nine sessions where they come three times a week. >> which is incredible. you also offer whole body vibration. >> yeah. and that -- >> squeezing that sponge. >> well this helps to speed up your metabolism and your lymphatic system. it's completed for ten minutes after your laser session with us, and the reason we have that in there is because for patients like i was mentioning before are not able to exercise, they're minutes after their sessions, and get better results. >> it's -- it doesn't fully simulate exercise but enough to -- >> it's enough to simulate that lymphatic system to flush out the fat. >> you look like you're in a -- it's a lot of fun. >> yes. >> how do people get in on this? do they reach out, make an appointment? >> yeah, we're doing a special. we're doing 40% off. we'll do 40% off either eight sessions of laser liposuction or nine sessions of laser liposuction, but you need to give us a call today. >> awesome. we have the information right there on the screen. where are you located. >> washington and rainbow, so northwest, and we're at 777 north rainbow boulevard, and we're suite two unhad. >> right at the curve, right? >> we're right past the 95. >> perfect. it's a pleasure having you. >> thank you for having me. >> laser med solutions, offering a special today only, get eight sessions of laser body contouring or nine sessions for 40% off. be sure to mention "the morning blend." services and to achieve the dream results go to laser med or call the number listed. thanks, shawn. each week the panda guys offer you legal advice on our show. this week's tip is sponsored by the law firm, a division of peters and associate. drivers, if you see a single headlight coming towards you do not turn left in front of it. it's nearly impossible to judge the distance and speed of a motorcycle as it approaches when it's dusk cars making a left turn in front of motorcycles are the leading cause of collision and death regardless of whether or not the biker was speeding. be safe. wait for motorcycles to pass before turning left. to reach the law firm, just call the number or head to the website on your screen. they're also on facebook and twitter. on you can find so many great stories on what makes this valley a special place to live. just click on the positively lv reports to deals at restaurants and more. check out our website for your insight into las vegas. the kitchen is the center of the home for many people, including me. it's not only the place where we cook, it's the place where we the home depot can help you take yours to the next level. >> back with how they can upgrade yours is operations manager corwyn frierson. great having you, sir. >> thank you. >> it's the place to be, be seen, eat. >> to eat, to clean. >> to clean, to entertain. >> to upgrade if you're trying to sell the house. what questions should a homeowner be thinking about before they enter a kitchen remodel? >> well, we did -- you talked about how end of summer is entertaining season, family if town. now is a perfect time to look at upgrading your kitchen, because it might take a little bit longer, depending on what option you choose. such as remodeling your whole kitchen, replacing all the cabinets. if you don't like your lay out, if you want more storage space, more cooking space, depending on how you want your kitchen laid out, we can rebuild it from the ground up, new countertop, new cabinets, lighting, we can do everything to make the kitchen the way you want >> awesome. >> if you are on a time constraint we have cabinet rephrasing where we leave the cabinets in place. if you're happy with your lay out we can replace the doors and the fronts of the drawers, make it look like a whole new kitchen without having to tear everything out, have a mess, dust through your house, and the time frame involved. >> the thing about doing that, refacing or repainting even the be today nets, is you're saving time but also potentially could right? >> refacing is a more economical choice. it adds a lot of value. it can completely change the style of the kitchen without having to get involved with tearing all the cabinets out and starting from the ground out. >> sometimes just changing the hardware can even revitalize. >> changing the hardware, adding a new countertop can change it. these are some before and after pictures from our refacing. >> awesome. >> a good friend of mine had dark brown cabinets, and she really didn't want to remodeling her whole kitchen so she had them painted white, you know, and i tell you, actually they were resurfaced. >> the refacing. >> refacing. they were refaced. the transformation of the kitchen just by putting in the white cabinets. >> that install is a matter of days, where you still have full use of your kitchen throughout the install process. you're not having to it a out for three weeks while they're tearing the be today it ins out, getting countertops installed. we can be in and out every day within usually three to five days the install is completed and you're ready to go. >> you run into a whole bunch of products. >> we brought in cabinet door samples. we have a full assortment of cabinet doors available, styles, colors. >> if i can flip this over, you can see with this specific style all the different colors that are available, and the different sizes that are available. >> absolutely. >> so something for everybody. >> there is a choice for everybody. >> awesome. almost a bead board pattern on it, but this is super popular and retro looking. >> yes. and we have -- you look at countertops. >> of course. >> that is something you want to replace, we have a variety of services available from your natural stones, your quartz. you have your granite, different granite options. and we brought in a deck pond, surface, nonstaining, non-chipping, you can't crack it from heat. you can set hot pots directly on the surface. >> oh, wow. >> this is something you can actually take -- i'm going to do it. you can take permanent marker. this is the product. take permanent marker. >> no way. >> why? why you doing that? >> it's not going to rub off. it is a permanent -- it's not going to come off. you putle this is acetone, which you can use just a -- any cleaning agent. >> while you're taking off the stuff off your own nails. >> i have nail polish in there that it will take off. >> that comes right off. >> these modern materials that don't scratch, they -- you know, my countertops you can't put citrus on them. do you know how convenient that is? it's not. >> exactly. >> this is cool. >> it's an amazing product. available. >> awesome. >> so there is your stone looking one. they have some that look like concrete or different darker stones. they added a wood grain option. >> really cool. >> there is a couple different wood options, so you can look like you have wood countertops but they're stone. >> light grey is really popular right now. >> yes. >> i don't have any light grey. i need to -- >> i don't either. >> it's very -- >> i'm at the end of every trend. >> if we're in -- we install all this product. when you're getting ready to look at cabinet designer kitchen countertops we have estimating tools available online at home you get a rough measurement, estimate your price there, come into the store. you can purchase your countertop right there in the store. we'll send our fabricators out. >> we have 60 seconds left. i want to make sure we get to everything else. what else do you have? >> we have -- i brought in samples for faucets, because that is something you see. this is a touch faucet. >> this is very cool. >> flooring is something you want to look at when you're changing out. this is your -- these are tiles, some special buys that we brought in. these are special priced for our market. >> i like that size. >> the 12 by 24, you can do a lot of different patterns with that. i brought in samples, cabinets we have in the store. we have a full installment in each store for cabinets. >> as the years have gone by you showed us different ways to do back splash instead of the glue and stuff. here is a strip that you can put the glue on. now it's all in one. >> this is a peel and stick stone back splash or metal. these require no grouting, no adhesives. you peel off the back, you stick it on the with a, and you're done. >> that -- no way. >> that's it. >> there is no adhesive. >> just the stirk. >> how cool is this. it goes with the grey floor. cool. cool. >> great stuff, as always. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> all right. time to upgrade your kitchen and i know it's time for me. home depot can help you get it done. call the number on your screen. you know someone who truly makes a difference in the community? recognize them with your give back award. >> head to, click on ve one lucky person will receive $500 from america first credit union, a proud sponsor of this reward with "the morning blend." stay with us. if you're buying a car it research to the test drive to the financial it can be overwhelming. if you prepare ahead of time you could be in a new set of wheels in no time at all. >> here with more is john totino, finance and insurance manager at henderson hyundai. how are you, sir? love the hh, by the way, the badge in full glory. >> yes, sir. >> buying a car is not necessarily the most calm situation. when you don't know what you're walking into, you're like oh, goodnesses, it's exhausting. so we need tips on how to walk in fully confident and ready when we do. how do we do it? >> some good things to do, do a little research beforehand on coming in of the type of vehicle that you're interested in, what's going to -- most importantly what's going to fit your needs and what's going to make you most comfortable and happy in the long run. so not only researching price, but also what you're looking for for you and your family, as far as comfort goes, size goes. your normal research as far as going online and doing internet inquiries, also maybe some of the magazines like consumer digest, or car and driver, is also to maybe go to the car dealerships on sundays when they're closed, some of the major dealerships in vegas are not open sundays. but the lot is available. now you could check out the vehicles that you're interested in, kind of narrow down your search of what you're looking for. and then that each hads reduce a lot of time when you go there actually make your purchase. one of the biggest complaints i hear is the process takes so long, it's such a daunting thing, and i wish there was a way to speed it up. one of the i with a is to check out the vehicles ahead of time. also another good tip is rent that car from a rental car agency that you're planning on buying. this way you get more familiar with it, you have a little more time to experience with that vehicle has to offer. >> cool you said that. rental car and i loved it so much, that that was the first car that i purchased about a year later. >> then once you end up getting into the cars, that's what i end up doing, renting a different car every too many. i've been inside the hyundai before. if you like -- you're thinking 15-year-old hyundai and that's what you're thinking the hyundai brand, so much different. my goodness, you have upped the game big time. >> completely. now we have a vast line ranging from economical and compact to competing with the very luxury high lines in the market. >> i'm going to have to try these out. >> okay. i will tell you when i bought the first car the thing that gave me the most anxiety about the whole experience was the financial. >> sure. >> so how can you help me? >> basically what we're trying to do here at henderson hyundai is overcome 50 years of bad stereotypes which is not an easy thing to do. >> of course. >> so now not only are we here you, but in essence i'm not there just to secure the loan for you but also advice you on what is the best for you, and we file a lot of different compliance protocols to protect you as a consumer and inform you on what is best for your finances. we break it down for you on all the different finance options of what what's going to be best for your budget. >> and helps to find out my credit score. >> it does help if you know your credit score. not only does it help if you know your credit score but helps know what's on your report. there is some interesting things about this. and as henderson hyundai we provide a free credit score for you. we go over the report with you, and finance managers like myself also offer you advice and consultation on what's on your report. what i mean by this, and i'll banks rate your interest rate based on not only your score but what's on the report itself. how many accounts you have. how many -- your payment history. how you -- on how many accounts you have, how many are satisfied. your credit to debt ratio. so one thing is that they rate it on risk levels. or what they call tears. tear one being the lowest risk. the higher the risk, the higher your r so if you know what's on your report, you're able to manage that a little bit better. for one example, i see all the time that people don't even know they have on their credit reports there are several medical bills that haven't been paid just on copayments. some of these accounts add up to two or $300 among three accounts. well, if you didn't know you had those, and then they got sent to some collection, it burns your score so bad that the long-term effect is going to be. interest rate on your auto loan when you -- >> we got 45 seconds left. i want to make sure we cover this. top three offerings to protect your investment because car is a big investment, the second biggest thing we'll buy behind our house. how do we protect is? >> hyundai has some of the excellent products. everybody knows they have america's best warranty. now that cars are all computer sensors modules when those things gout fortune. sometimes people can't get their cars out of the shop. hyundai released a product where you -- it gives you the chance to take the ten year hundred on the powertrain and wrap it around the whole vehicle. you can drive worry free tore ten years, not pay parts or labor on the car itself. another major thing because a about hi lot of new construction people complain about flatts and blow outs. they offer a blow out option. porpoise gap insurance. this is something that is very -- there is not a lot of information out there on it. a lot of people are misinformed. your credit is so important. if you -- everything you do in life -- >> we're getting the wrap. i'm sorry. we want to make sure you have the information you need, go to henderson hyundai super store. they have programs for almost whoopi's best friend and cohost will be there today at 10:00 right after us. coming up thursday, you're going to meet our next pick of the litter. wait until you see his face. hits our stage live. that's exciting. i want to make sure to say this, final home stand of 2016, five nights, five bands, four nights, including switch to centurylink and get up to 40 megs of high-speed internet for just $20 a month. that's the speed you need to stream... ...connect on social media... learn, shop and more with fast in-home wifi. so call 844-560-link. get up to 40 megs of high-speed internet for just $20 a month for one year when bundled with a qualifying home phone plan and autopay. speed may not be available in your area. call today. hola, i'm channing tatum. no, actually, i'm pepe the king prawn and whoopi doesn't know i'm here but i've returned for best friends week on "the view" to be with my fiance and lover, whoopi. i count the seconds until she joins me here at the table. i'll be waiting for you, whoopi. >> announcer: "the view" starts right now. it's an entire show of "hot topics." trump's tax trouble. why he says he won't release his tax returns yet. could he be hiding something? plus upskirt outrage. the shocking new ad campaign that has people saying calvin klein crossed the line again. and best friends week continues when whoopi's daughter alex hits the table.

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