Sahara and eastern where it all went down. Tom. This was all so terrifying that technician isnt even back to work today because hes so shaken up. Him. Jammed a gun into his stomach and to top it all off. Stole his phone to make sure he couldnt call for help. Nats at jiffy smog. Another day. Another car getting a check. Nats and in the middle of the day prior asking what was involved in doing an emissions test and the technician answered his questions and he left. Came back 5 minutes later. Him pull the gun and demanding the cash. Nats give me everything, give me everything. The clerk afraid for his life. Gives up the cash. But the guy doesnt stop for both his cell phones. So he cant call for help. He sticks in gun in his stomach. Before leaving with one final made one big mistake. The technician now too scared to come back. Until this guy is off the streets. Sot hopefully justice will be made off with a few hundred dollars. A smog station to be robbed because most people pay with credit cards. If you need another look at the suspect, just look for the story at ktnv. Com live near jacob driscoll. Is behind bars tonight in connection with a deadly according to a witness. Driscoll is the victims roommate. And told police they were in a room when the victim started screaming. And driscoll stabbed him. Driscoll is being held on murder charges. A developing story out of japan where a major earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7point3 has struck. A tsunami warning has been canceled. The same area as the also evacuation orders for coastal cities have been lifted. Todays quake caused some smaller tsunamis, but there was no major widespread damage reported. Take a look at this. What a mess left behind. After rain in overton. This morning. And. One homeowner says. This happens every time. It rains. So. Why is this happening . And. Can anyone fix it . Contact 13 investigative reporter. Stephanie zepelin has more tonight. The monday blues are all too overton monday morning. This is what it looked like after the storm. 14. 32. 15 its just terrible living like this 19 [butt with] 21 my property is worthless and its unusable 26 i mean my whole yard is covered in water 29 and i shouldnt have to live like this 31 14 51 58 jody says there used to be a dam up in those hills but the county tore it down several years ago, and ever since then, this is what trying to figure out whats going on 23 we called the county, too, but they said this is department of transportation. Ndot says they cant comment because of an ongoing know, you pay a lot of money is basically under water all the time 46 its looking a lot more like ski season around lee canyon. This is some video taken this it wasnt much. But a little did stick. Theyre already making snow at the ski and snowboard resort. So it wont be long before the ski lifts start moving. The elections are over. But. ,. Were still seeing Campaign Signs. All across the valley. Even though laws say. They have to be removed 13 action News ReporterMarissa Kynaston made some calls to candidates. To see what they are doing. About the removal. Bunch of them out there its been 13 days since the election but some local and state Candidates Campaign signs are still out. You get used to seeing them and theyre just there for henderson the deadline for removal has come and gone. But several aframe signs still line the freeway. So i made some calls. Nat is this Steve Sisolaks office nat i was wondering who i can talk to about the Campaign Signs nat the signs were supposed to be down by friday nat its still up next to the freeway nat 215 and Horizon Ridge i was able to hundred signs and the thing, because he started it last weekend, and they were still working to get them all down even though there are mandated deadlines in most cases there are no mandated fines. According to a representative with the city of henderson theyll throw signs away but wont fine candidates. And in las vegas they can fine but say they normally dont. Either way you should start to see fewer Campaign Signs throughout the valley. The candidates we were able to get ahold of said they had teams out working on removing other parts of clark county have until wednesday to take down their signs. Mk 13an. Political opponents are raising red flags over potential conflicts of interest when donald trump is swornin as president in january. They say it includes his week with japans prime minister. A south american journalist also claims trump used a congratulatory call from the countrys president to request authorization for a trump construction project in buenos aires. A former white house ethics attorney is suggesting trump use a blind trust to avoid any conflicts. Executives and anchors from the biggest television networks. Met with president elect donald trump. Today. The meeting at trump tower was by trumps senior adviser. Kellyanne conway. And was all off the record. Trump and conway met with representatives. From abc. Nb c. Cbs. Cnn. And fox news. And. According to conway. It was a productive meeting. Trumps team is defending his tweets against the Broadway Musical hamilton that were sent after the cast addressed the vicepresident elect. Saying he has the right to offer criticism. He has over 25 million followers on facebook and statement. Critical of trump. Appeared on the view this morning to address the controversial message. Whats your response to people who say that was not the time or the place . Dixon if people are coming to hamilton to leave their politics behind, went on to say theres nothing to apologize for. Some people with nowhere to lvie are trying to make the best of their situation. Up next. See why these hr decorations mean so much to the homeless in this park home. And why they say it would be devastating to leave. Plus you see that in the movies, not in real life, you know . A close call for some children. As a Police Cruiser. Narrowly misses them. What happened moments before. The car spun out of control. And. Count on chopper 13. To bring you breaking news. Lit. For the first time. There are 13 thousand lights. And. 3 thousand ornaments on the tree. The park itself has been turned. Into a Winter Wonderland. You can check it out. At any time. For some children. Watch as theyre nearly rundown by an out of control Police Cruiser during a high speed chance. You can see the children on the sidewalk in this surveillance video. Now watch from the left as a police car slides within a few feet of them before they move back. Police were chasing a stolen vehicle when one of the patrol cars was hit by a van. Causing it to spin out of control. You see that in the movies, not in real life, you know . Fortunately. No one on the sidewalk was hurt. The officer in the cruiser had some minor injuries. The driver of the stolen vehicle got away. As the holidays approach. More decorations are going up. But some in a valley park caught the attention of neighbors. Who they mean a lot more than holiday cheer. Plus. A new surgery for amputees. Could drastically change. Their l it could be the future of restoring. Limbfunction. And. A consumer warning tonight. From contact 13. New reports of smartphones catching fire. And. Theyre not. On any recall list. Why the company says. Thief snatches the parrot in a blanket and runs out the door to a getaway car. Employees give chase. Even opening the car door as they drive away. But. As the thief jumped into the car she dropped a cellphone. Which made it easy for police to track her down. Shes now facing charges. And the bird has been returned. If you were hoping to use your to do something at the dmv. Youre. Out of luck all Department Offices will be closed. Over the 4 day thanksgiving weekend. Youre also urged. To use online services. Or make an appointment to help cut down. On lines. Next monday and tuesday. Which are the busiest days of the year. For the d mv. Tomorrow is a big day for local hockey fans. Thats when theyll finally find out the name of the team theyll be rooting for. A special ceremony will be held at the thshiba plaza outside the tmobile arena. When well know the name. Vegas nhl team. Fans can also purchase exclusive merchandise. The teams top management will be at the unveilaing along with nhl commissioner gary bettman. Holiday decorations in a park. Near sahara and nellis have caught the attention of neighbors. A group of homeless men are the ones. In the spirit. But. Its about more. Than spreading christmas cheer. 13 action News Reporter. David schuman explains. 13 56 02 mark bond, temporarily displaced i feel it all the time. Year round. With me, christmas start yet thanksgiving. But journey into Winterwood Park and youll find the holiday handiwork of a group of homeless men. Its like a macrame almost. Whats not immediately apparent. Is the meaning behind the knickknacks and chotchkes. David schuman, near sahara and nellis theres a tree hung up but this isnt a case of christmas cheer. No, this is a tribute to a fallen friend. His name was jojo. Mark bond tells us jojo spent his days in the park and about two months ago. Died of cancer. His final moments just feet away from where his memorial now stands. Laying over here with his hand behind his head, leg crocked up, smiling at the sun, just gone. Right here . Right here by that pole with his feet facing that way. Whats a tribute to some. 13 54 09 bond people arent gone so long as you have them in your heart. Is a representation of a larger problem to others. Neighbors across the street want a change. 14 23 54 marlene pisciotta, neighbor i dont let the kids go over there very often because of it because i dont feel like its safe over there. 14 27 29 ramona roman, neighbor i dont care to have any Homeless People living around here because ive lived here spokesperson told us theyll be looking into the homeless camp. Near sahara and nellis. David schuman. 13 action news. Thanks to a new medical procedure. Boston doctors hope. A man who lost part of his leg in an accident. Will be able to feel sensations with his robot prosthetic. Doctors unveiled. The first of its kind procedure. Today. If successful. They believe. The surgery will help an amputees brain interact. With the prosthetic limb. And. The patient would be able to its a Winter Wonderland in parts of the country. This is what the snowy monday looks like in syracuse, new york. Thanks to some lake effect snow. Road crews are out trying to get the streets cleared as quickly as possible. But theres also the issue of reduced visibiltiy. The lake effect snow warning remains in effect for all of Central New York through early tomorrow morning. Tonight. Mostly clear and colder. Lows 42 to 47. Northwest winds 10 t. Tuesday. Sunny. Highs 59 to 63 on the west side of the valley. 62 to 66 on the east side. North winds up to 10 mph in the morning becoming light. Tuesday night. Mostly clear. Lows 46 to 49 on the west side of the valley. 44 to 48 on the east side. Winds generally light. Wednesday. Sunny and breezy. Highs 60 to 64 on the west side of the valley. 63 to 67 on the east side. South winds 10 to 15 mph lows 40 to 45. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph. Thanksgiving day. Sunny. Highs around 63. Thursday night through. Sunday through monday. Partly cloudy. Highs 60 to 63. Lows 41 to 44. Breaking just now protesters are out in full force in Portland Oregon protesting preident elect donald trump. Lets take a live look. For the second time in a week, Portland Public School students took part in an antitrump protest, this Time Beginning after school at holladay park. A consumer warning about the there are reports of more smartphones overheating and catching fire. Find out why there is no recall warning. Plus. If youre driving out of town. This holiday weekend. Youre probably thinking about. Your gas budget. Coming up. How much. You should plan to pay. And. Dont forget. To download. The all new. 13 action news app. Featuring live streaming. Video on demand. And incredible weather radar. Its free. In the app store. Of devices catching fire. Due to overheating batteries. The company says. There are no confirmed new cases. And. Is reassuring customers. Its devices are safe. It was just last month. When samsung halted production. Of galaxy note 7 devices. That were catching fire. Wallethub has released its list. Of the best overall deals. For black friday. They include. An lg. Ultra large capacity dryer. Discounted more than 5 hundred dollars. At jc penney. At best buy. Theyre knocking 2 hundred and. The Chicco Nextfit convertible car seat. Is available. At toysrus. 6 hundred dollars. Off the regular price. We have more. At ktnv dot com. Just search under. The keyword. Links. And. Dont forget. Contact 13s call for action is ready to help you. With a consumer problem. Just contact one of our volunteers. Any weekday. Between 11 am and 1 pm. Our hotline number is. 702 3682255. Holiday air travelers are relief tonight. Airport workers at Chicagos Ohare International say they wont go on strike until the tuesday after thanksgiving. We respect families traveling to be together and that is why were holding off our strike. Nonunionized janitors. Baggage handlers. Cabin cleaners and wheelchair attendants are demanding 15 wheelchair attendants are demanding 15 dollars an hour and union rights. Good news if youre driving somewhere for thanksgiving. Gas prices are going down. Gallon. Down 4 cents over the past week. According to gasbuddy. Com. Prices in 44 states are lower than a week ago. A lot of people are getting a chance to look over Donald Trumps proposed economic policies. Next on 13 action news live at 6 30. Hear what one Major Global Bank is saying could happen to us stock markets. Then later. A brazen attack. Caught on camera. A man storms into a gas station. We how the clerk managed to fight back. And. And. A tsunami warning is in affect. In japan. After a major earthquake. Rattles the nation lets get straight to carla wade. In the breaking news center. Right nowthe ntsb is taking over the investigation and sending a team to the scene six students dead and more than a dozen injured after a School Bus Crash in chatanooga tennessee take a look. The school bus toppled onto its sidenearly cut in half by a large tree. Officials say 35 children ranging in age from kindergarten to were on the bus. 23 were rushed to hospitals. Five died at the scene. Police now saying they strongly believe speed was a factor in the crash. Happening right now a tsunami warning has been canceled. After the earthquake struck japan. A major earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7point3 has hit the same area as the devastating quake of 2011. Also evacuation orders for coastal cities have been lifted. Todays quake caused some smaller tsunamis, but there was no major widespread damage