Transcripts For KTNV Action News 11pm 20161011 : comparemel

Transcripts For KTNV Action News 11pm 20161011

think i might have broke a a stranger punched her in the face. "i want to know why it happened, if it was a game -- find a better game." punch! ohh.. (laughs) the so-called "knock out game." show... the single sucker punch ... sometimes... the victim complteley caught off guard. other times -- how you doin? the attacker speaking first. punch! (runs away) (do you think this was the knockout game?) i do think it was, he didn't take anything. this was more than just one punch. johansson says... at the time...she fought back. now --- not feeling so strong. i don't think anybody should be able to take that kind of power away from me but they did. facing her fears -- speaking out. "clap your hands!" for one reason... "i'd really hate to find out something happening to one of these kids or another young parent." vic police took it very seriously reaching out tomorrow to see if they think ms 13 an. new tonight... we're getting our first look..... at the man taken into custody... accused of viciously assaulting.... a henderson woman. this is -23- year-old.... michael mattingly. henderson police say.... to steal the car of a person..... trying to help the woman... then fled. but.... he went back to the scene... and... that's where police.... arrested him. on the run for three years... police say.... one man's bad ways...... could finally be.... catching up to him. north las vegas police say.... ashley christmas fired multiple shots.... at a group of people..... in -2- thousand -13- .. but... nobody was injured. police found him..... last week... the roadway should be re-opening any minute now..... after a crash between.... it happened late today.... on blue diamond road..... near mountain springs.... and the charleston loop. at last check... the roadway was still..... partly closed.... but n-h-p told us.... it was expected to be open.... by this time. tonight... police are trying to track down.... the attackers in this wild video. -4- people recovering..... after this vicious brawl. police say.... at least.... -1- girl was seriously hurt... 13 action news anchor..... lesley marin tells us.... what's being done...... to make sure.... this never happens again. tricia police say-- along and two in and out employees were hurt in these fights. tonight-- they need the community's help to make sure this doesn't happen again. we want to warn you these videos are disturbing to watch. this new video sent to 13 action news..two teens beat up by more than a dozen others. it shows how bad the fights got at the in and out and raising canes after... a rival football game between arbor view and centennial high school. today we spoke to a girl left unconscious after the fights. she didn't want to go on strained neck and bruised ribs. metro has yet to make an arrest..and are asking anyone who was there or may have video of the fights to call their northwest are command center... we have that number on our website at ktnv dot com. reporting form the newsroom lesley marin 13 an. no parent wants to get a call..... from their children's school. but.... this is an exception. parents got the call..... that their -6-th grader wet himself.... after his teacher refused..... to let him go to the bathroom. 13 action news reporter.... gina lazara has... and.... gina... this has happened more than once? that's right tricia. erik is a 6th grader at schofield middle school --- he just finished lunch and got to class when he asked his teacher to use the restroom -- right before he had an accident. erik, 6th grader who had accident "we only have four minutes to go to the bathroom so i don't really have enough time cause you're always in a rush" those four minutes 11-year old erik orozcu is talking about.... are the four minutes the students get for passing time between periods. alex haws, schofield middle schooler "they said you could do it in your passing time but your passing time is only 4 no. that's when the accident happened. so once again, he asked permission to leave the room to get himself cleaned up. sam orozcu, father "she didn't realize he had peed his pants and told him no again, you can't use the bathroom" finally -- erik made himself clear. erik, 6th grader who had accident "she kind of felt bad about me" he was sent to the dean's office -- n the health office. sam orozcu, father "he had to walk through the center of his tell the teacher he had an accident" once erik got to the nurse's office.... he waited for his mom to come get him. sam orozcu, father "when she arrived at the school - she in his own pee" erik's parents are so disturbed by what happened to their son.... they're sharing their story because sam orozcu, father "i wish i was there. i would have peed my pants and joined him" students we spoke with today actually told us this sort of thing happens a lot --- where they are told they can't go to working on educating their teachers about letting the students go to the bathroom anytime that they ask. gina lazara 13 action news. a valley veteran.... comes under attack..... at the hands of a criminal! and.... it's all caught on camera. this is a story..... you'll see only on..... 13 action in the surveillance video... you see a guy..... come in..... through the window. the victim says.... he's missing a t-v... a gun... military papers... and.... documents.... giving him custody of his grandmother..... who's in hospice care. 14:42:39-14:42:49 "there's no safer place than home you would figure, but once someone comes in and violates that it's like you're helpless. you're absolutely helpless." neighbors tell us.... break-ins are a huge problem.... with-in the complex. new video just coming in to the breaking news center. near valley view and washington. and actually - information just coming in literally minutes ago. police are saying a stolen car went through a fence outside a home. from what they're telling us, it was a teenage boy driving the car. officers say that teen took off after the crash, but didn't get far before police got him. mandatory evacuations are underway..... in california... as fire crews battle.... a brush fire..... in n this is the fire..... we showed you live pictures of..... at -6-. this fire broke out..... around -4- p-m... spreading to nearly -50- acres... threatening homes and wineries. the blaze was just -20- percent contained...... at last check. fortunately.... no injuries.... have been reported. from contact -13- ... the f-a-a is once again...... urging passengers to power down.... and.... not use..... "galaxy note -7- devices"... and.... not stow them checked baggage. samsung also warning..... to turn those phones off..... that the phone is..... spontaneously catching fire. samsung also halted production.... of "the galaxy note 7". and... a-t-and-t... verizon..... and t- mobile.... have stopped exchanging.... the phones. samsung has already recalled.... -2- and-a-half million..... galaxy note 7's. it's turning out to be..... a long night for lawmakers..... going back and forth.... about plans for an n-f-l stadium..... in las vegas. but.... state lawmakers stopped just short...... of burning the midnight oil. 13 action news reporter.... bryan c seat...... of the special session. he's live tonight... from carson city. bryan.... the senate just wrapped up day 1 after nearly 15 hours. the assembly called it a day hours earlier as the session got off to a slow start. day one of the special session packed with meetings... but little in the way of results or action. nats the man presenting the plan for the $1.9 billion nfl stadium and $1.4 billion convention center expansion bill.... even after answering questions for more than an hour. nat of question ford: "we don't like being rushed into making fast decisions and we are going to do our diligence like we always do." this as lawmakers paused just after lunch to hear from the biggest names in the casino industry who support both projects. wynn: "every once in a while there comes a time when we reach a threshold where we have to go to another level. murren: "this is where our lack of a proper facility makes us uncompetitive, and that is just "we can continue to be number one and we should settle for nothing less." on the other side of the who is seeking an increase to the sales tax to pay for more cops. lombardo: "there were some questions as to why now versus during the regular session. it is as a result of what happened at the tourism committee. it is addressing tourism as a whole." lawmakers know they have their work cut out for them, but hopeful they can get something done." farley: "it is exciting for our state. my hope is that it ends very lawmakers will get to work early tomorrow morning where fhey are scheduled to hear from stadium opponents at eight am. reporting live in carson city, bryan callahan, 13 action news. it's "your voice.... your vote"..... in the race for the white house... hillary clinton back on the campaign trail.... today... clinton spoke.... in detroit, michigan.... where she continued to attack... donald trump saying.... he doubled down..... on his "locker room banter" excuse..... at the debate. women and men across america know that is just a really weak excuse." she also said... he spent his time attacking... when he should have been.... apologizing. you'll get a chance to see..... hillary clinton.... here in the valley.... on wednesday. she'll speak.... at "the smith center".... at 5:30.... to urge nevadans to vote... early. senate candidate.... catherine cortez masto and congresswoman.... dina titus.... will also be at the event. we have information..... website... k- t-n-v dot com. meanwhile... donald trump spent some time.... in pennsylvania..... today. he continued..... his verbal attacks... and.... doubled down on his threat..... to have a special prosecutor..... look into hillary clinton's e-mails. "special prosecutor, here we happen to our country. we can't." trump also pledged to continue.... to attack bill clinton..... if more incidents from his from contact -13-... a consumer alert tonight... scammers are using..... the good name of susan -g-. komen... to rip you off. the foundation's nevada office says... someone is calling.... businesses... asking.... if they can place boxes.... at registers... for donations. but... the komen office says... they do not place donation boxes..... in businesses... unless there's an event... with a komen representative present. beware of any boxes you spot... at any business. scam.... before. in fact.... scammers may have even called some of you..... at home. now... hundreds of people.... in india... have been detained... in connection to the massive telephone scam... where fake callers.... "from the i-r-s".... targeted americans. they would say.... you owed..... back taxes..... and... police were "on the way.... right now." they tried to pursuade their victims..... to pay thousands of dollars... in pre-paid credit cards. contesants expecting a trip of a lifetime to las vegas over for the miss brazil usa pageant instead..... ended in disappointment. organizers had to cancel..... at the last minute..... because of "hurricane matthew". only -8- of the -25- money..... for their flight. we feel like we are disrespected in so many ways.. and not only that, our families were waiting for the title. 13 action news spoke with..... we knew this was not a scam. they say.... they apologize... and.... pageant.... next april. a restaurant.... that just opened.... under new management.... is already..... at the top of the dirty dining spears..... to the last place.... you'd expect.... to bring a camera. :39 darcy hi there! nelson lee: i'm the owner. darcy: you're wearing a cal hat. that's my alm noodle king owner nelson lee says he recently came to nevada from berkeley where he's been in the restaurant business for 40 years. but all that experience didn't stop this restaurant on sahara and rainbow from getting a 37-demerit c grade. 1:48 d: there was like food handlers touching trash and then touching food. n: yeah, but, uh, some people did do that mistake. nelson leads us back to show how things have improved since the day they were downgraded. 3:38 d: no more flypaper? n: you can see! come on, come on! one of the first things we see? inspectors also found uncovered food double and triple stacked without barriers to protect against cross- contamination. there was food stored in the mop sink. and meat stored in plastic grocery bags. 5:32 d: but look, you still have stuff in plastic grocery bags. you can't have stuff stored like that. n: we just buy that this morning. when he goes to pull it out... 5:51 d: oh, it's stuck! it's stuck to the shelf. the bag was also chicken. the plastic shreds as he works to transfer the meat to a sanitary food storage bag. /nats of that/ inspectors also found an employee's open mug of tea sitting on the cutting board. employee cigarettes intermingled with food equipment. a rusted shelf used to store clean kitchen wares. and trash bags used as bulk bin covers. 9:33 d: see, now there's a trash bag in that one and they wrote that up. n: i order another one too and coming next week. d: i'm not worried. it's the health inspector who's worried. i'm just here to give you a chance to show me what's going on. but it's far too easy to spot the same violations inspectors found--like a build-up of food debris on the slicer. 10:27 d: so if the health inspector saw that do you think that would be okay? n: oh yeah! because what are we doing? we're slicing the beef now. nelson admits he's got more to learn about nevada's health code, but he thinks others here can learn something from him. 12:51 n: no one chinese clean like me. d: no chinese rst cleans like you? n: yeah, i guarantee because i'm from switzerland. where he says kitchens are much cleaner than those in the u.s. but, it doesn't end in the kitchen. 13:46 n: you wanna see my toilet? d: do i wanna see your toilet?! 13:55 n: oh, it's most important. d: it's most important? oh well then we'll come see the toilet. he says everyone should check the restrooms before eating at any chinese restaurant. 14:35 you see what's going on the toilet. d: and if the restroom's not the rest of the restaurant? n: no, no, no, no. and despite his 37-demerit c if you compare another one, i'm the number one. for imminent health hazard closures we head to sam's club on arroyo crossing near rainbow and the 215. health inspectors shut down the sushi, deli and rotisserie chicken areas after finding sewage backing up out of a floor drain. and employees tracking it all /nat/ boulder station's buffet dish room was also shut down due to a sewage back-up. employees there also continued to work, walking through the waste water. /nat/ and from too much water, we go to not enough. this set-up at the golden nugget was shut down for having no water. same thing at delicias latinas mobile unit on sahara and lamb... where there was black build-up on the cutting board, and the person in charge told home. darcy tag: noodle king still has a c and the portable unit at golden nugget is still closed. all the rest are back open with a grades. darcy spears, 13 action news. flooding is a growing danger..... in the aftermath of "hurricane matthew". rain-swollen rivers are still rising... and.... some communities are already..... underwater. rescue teams..... in north carolina are using helicopters and boats.... to reach people on their they are trying to save some -15- hundred who are stranded.... by floods. to do what we could think of doing: swimming out of our houses and trying to get to dry land. a couple hours away..... in greenville... it's expected to crest later this week..... potentially causing.... historic damage. "there is a fear that all will be lost there is a fear that lose it will have to pick up the pieces and start all over again." meteorologists say.... crest around the same level... that brought the historic floods of hurricane floyd... back in 19-99. .tonight...partly cloudy. lows 65 to 68 on the west side of the valley...66 to 69 on the east side. south winds 10 to 15 mph. .tuesday...sunny. highs 84 to 87 on the west side of the valley... 87 to 91 on the east side. south winds up to 10 mph shifting to the southwest in the afternoon. .tuesday night...mostly clear. lows 60 to 64 on the west side of the valley...61 to 65 on the east side. southwest winds 10 to 15 mph shifting to the west after 85 on the west side of the valley...84 to 88 on the east side. west winds up to 10 mph in the morning becoming light. sunday...partly cloudy and gusty at times. lows 63 to 66. highs 84 to 87. here at 13 action news we want this winter so our annual coats for kids drive is underway. and once again this year, our partner is tropical smoothie. please do smoothie dot com. thanks to the salvation army. as the temperatures start to get colder, they'll distribute the coats to families in need. soon... it may not be taboo..... to log onto facebook..... while you're sitting at your desk... the new social media service... that could actually..... improve relationships..... with your co-workers!!! and... a local college getting a nice chunk of money..... to continue a preservation project. how the money will be used..... to protect...... our state's history. right now. shots were fired at the suites...and one person was hit. but police say the bullets just grazed the person's face. two suspects are in custody and what led to the incident. nestle has issued..... a voluntary recall... of its drumstick ice cream cones. the drumsticks... may be contaminated..... with listeria. the recall includes... the -16- count variety pack... and.... -24- count vanilla pack. no illnesses have been reported... at this time. nestle says... if you have this ice cream... return it to the store... where you bought it. you could soon be encouraged..... to go on facebook at work... a new service..... aimed at businesses... called..... "workplace." it can be used...... as an on- line bulletin board... to follow company news.... as well as..... organize groups... or.... watch live streaming events..... with company executives. "workplace".... is entirely separate.... from your personal facebook." u-n-l-v is receiving a major grant... that will allow it..... to continue a major preservation project. the school's libraries have been awarded... -2- hundred -10- thousand dollars... from "the national endowment for the humanities". the money will allow..... the nevada digital project... to continue..... to digitize historical nevada newspapers. to date... more than.... -1- hundred thousand pages.... of historic nevada newspapers..... have been digitized. one website highlights..... an area of las vegas.... popular among hipsters. and.... one of the most well known entertainers..... on the las vegas strip..... has hit a huge milestone.... with her show! and remember..... to watch good morning las vegas.... for all your latest news... weather.... and traffic. it all starts at 4-30.... as the most hipster neighborhood.... in nevada. as you know... in the past several revitialization effort downtown... you can read.... what "buzzfeed" had to say..... about downtown las vegas... on k-t-n-v dot com. one of the las vegas strip's most well known.... resident entertainers.... celine dion..... has hit a huge milestone..... here in the valley. dion has performed.... her - 1- thousand-th.... las vegas concert. she began her first residency..... in -2- thousand -3-... and yes.... her latest show.... "will go on." performances..... at caesar's palace have been extended.... through next june. we'll be right bc at your wake-up weather forecast. but first... here's jimmy kimmel with a preview.... of tonight's show.. right after.... 13 action news. politics should never come before basic health care, but that's the choice joe heck keeps making. women like me rely on planned parenthood for checkups and cancer screenings, but congressman joe heck voted ten times to take away their funding. heck even threatened to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shutting down the government... taking away access to lifesaving care... just to score political points. joe heck should be ashamed. women vote is responsible two billionaires, spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. smearing catherine cortez masto with ads called "bogus," "highly misleading," and "false." as attorney general, it's cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. and governor sandoval praised cortez masto's dedication to fighting sex trafficking. don't let joe heck's billionaires fool you. catherine cortez masto has always stood up for us. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. south winds up to 10 mph of the valley...61 to 65 on the east side. southwest winds 10 to 15 mph for this edition of 13 action news.... live at - 11-. "jimmy kimmel live" is up next.. and remember.. we're always on.... at k-t-n-v dot com... and... on the k-t-n-v mobile app. our next reports begin at as a marine combat veteran, i understand the sacrifices our military makes. our benefits are earned, and we rely on them. politicians like joe heck should understand that. narrator: joe heck voted to shut down the federal government, risking critical services for nevada veterans. and during that shutdown, heck continued cashing his congressional paycheck. his military record deserves respect. before nevada. and that doesn't work for me. narrator: vote vets is responsible for the content >> dicky: from hollywood - it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight - don rickles. john stamos. presidential debate sensation ken bone. and music from two door cinema club. and now, so there's no confusion -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ? >> hi, everyone. jimmy, host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. before we get started, i know a lot of the you here are on vacation. how many of you watched the debate last night?

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Nevada , United States , North Carolina , Washington , Brazil , Mountain Springs , China , California , Greenville , Michigan , Carson City , Berkeley , India , Valley View , Las Vegas , Hollywood , Pennsylvania , Switzerland , Americans , America , Chinese , Nevadans , Bryan Callahan , Catherine Cortez Masto , Nelson Lee , Jimmy Kimmel , Cortez Masto , John Stamos , Dina Titus , Angie Johansson , Lesley Marin , Michael Mattingly , Ashley Christmas , Celine Dion , Hillary Clinton ,

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