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Transcripts For KTNV Action News 11pm 20161005 : comparemel
Transcripts For KTNV Action News 11pm 20161005 : comparemel
KTNV Action News 11pm October 5, 2016
To help save this grandmothers life but it was too late. Neighbors tell us the suspect had lived here for many many time. But able to escape. Were told his wife was at work. After the shooting the suspect went back inside his house into his backyard. He had a gun to his head but after hours of negotiations, he surrendered peacefully. Another breaking story. Roads just reopened. After a deadly crash. 13 action
News Reporter
. Bryan callahan joins us live. From jones and 95. With the latest. Bryan. Policwas at a standstill when the man tried cutting between the cars. But he was hit as he stepped in to the center lane. Officer say its unclear how turn lane. But they say the pedestrian wasnt near a crosswalk. Investigator saying they are seeing an uptick as was the fifth fatal accident in the last week. This is the time of year, and ive been doing this for a long time, that i cringe because i know there is always an uptick. Jones reopened about an hour ago. Reporting live, bryan callahan, 13 action news. Breaking news right now southeastern us are preparing to leave coastal areas ahead of a dangerous category3 hurricane. This is the latest enhanced satellite image of matthew. Which is battering cuba after a devistating blow to haiti. Carla wade is in the breaking news center with the latest on this powerful storm. Carla. The eye of the storm now moving off the northeast coast of cuba heading toward the bahamas. Hurricane watches and warnings the storm is expected to skirt the coast of florida by thursday morning. Matthew devastated haitilashing the
Western Shores
with 145 mile per hour winds. Thousands of haitians now in need of emergency shelter. And in
South Carolina
where nearly a
Million People
have been urged to evacuate the coast long lines at gas stations and traffic jams on major highways going inland. New information tonight. On the breaking news. Chopper 13 was. Fast and first over tonight. Figure out. What sparked this house fire. Near alta and torrey pines. But. We now know. The fire started in the backyard. And then. Spread to the house. Firefighters are now saying. The fire caused. 35 thousand dollars. In damage. Everyone was able to escape in time. But now. An adult and 4 small children are without. A place to stay. 1502 3015 02 33 its very to 911. Only seconds after he was shot while driving. Police say
Christopher Stewart
rose parkway around 4am. He then called 911 saying hed been shot. But moments later. Crashed his car into a light pole near bicentennial and anthem parkway. Today. Police canvassed the neigborhood. Hoping to come up with some leads. I have my gun with me all the time 1505 5615 05 59 he was shot just randomly just randomly in the car. That is very scary
Henderson Police
are now asking anyone who might have seen somethnig. To step forward with that new tonight. A creepy clowns threats on facebook are reaching a new level. Now. Several valley high schools are allegedly being targeted. 13 action
News Reporter
David Schuman
has more on this disturbing
National Trend
that wont go away. The
Facebook Messages
from clown profiles keep coming. And theyre getting frighteningly personal. David schuman several viewers have messaged us screenshots of what the clowns are saying, like this one from a profile called jerry springers that he works as a bartender right . Whoever was behind the profile also posted a schedule of the high schools they were claiming to visit this week. First on the list
El Dorado High School
. Where students we spoke to say it has to be a joke. 07 41 38 francisco mendez,
El Dorado High School
junior i just hear a lot of people talking about it and i just dont believe it. Clark
County School
District Police
says its taking all the messages seriously but it hasnt found any of the threats to be a 13yearold girl in virginia is accused of asking a clown but that appears to be an extreme case. Students at
Chaparral High School
where the threats first started circulating told us the phenomenon has petered out considerably since last week. David schuman. 13 action news. In nye county. Authorities have contacted the fb i. After someone made threats on facebook. Toward
Pahrump Valley
high schools homecoming event. The threat referenced. Account. That made the threats. But. Its credible. Creepy clown posts are also causing concern. In connecticut. And now. Schools are banning the costumes. In new haven. Four threatening photos were posted. On the
School Districts
social media account. Telling hill
Regional Career
high school. In new haven. To watch out. Police say. They are interviewing students. Regarding the posts. Help ensure that students are not getting clown masks or going to school with clown masks or wearing clownlike attire for their own safety and also for the
Overall School
Garth Harries
superintenden t of schools in new haven authorities say. They consider the situation to be nothing. But a prank fueled. By social media. A lot of people on mt. Charleston are concerned about the socalled lost fire at
Mary Jane Falls
because they havent seen any firefighters. We reached out to the us forest service. Theyre telling us tonight the fire is very small and surrounded by rocks so theres no chance of it spreading. But. Theyre keeping a close eye on the situation and plan to its your voice. Your vote. In the race for the white house. And tonight. It was a faceoff. Debate. Before the election. And. Neither tim kaine nor mike pence. Held back. Sot kaine you are
Donald Trumps
apprentice. Let me. Pence senator, i think im still on my time. Kaine i thought this was a discussion. Sot kaine im just saying facts this is the governors two minutes. Pence i am happy to defend him senator. Dont put words in my mouth. The attacks came so qi the men were often heard. Talking over each other. And. It wasnt just pence and kaine interrupting each other. On stage. Both. The twitter accounts of
Hillary Clinton
and donald trump were hard at work. During the course of this debate. So. Who won tonights. Big showdown . According to a cnn orc poll. 48 percent. Say pence. And. 42 percent. Say kaine. Weve teamed up. With politifact. To check the statements of tim kaine and mike pence and. Early on. In the vp debate. The candidates clashed. Over foreign policy. Pence claimed. Iraq. Because
Hillary Clinton
failed. To keep u. S. Troops there take sot mike pence take sot mike pence 14 sot iraq has been overrun by isis because to renegotiate a status of forces agreement. Kaine no, that is incorrect. Politifact says. The negotiations did fail. Between the u. S. And iraq. To leave us troops. In the country. But they say. The key discussions were between the white house and iraqi leaders and. That the iraq an agreement. That gave american troops. Immunity. From prosecution there. Politifact rates. Pences statement. Mostly false hundreds of
People Living
in a valley neighborhood are fighting back after learning that an asphalt contractor. Wells cargo. Got permission to expand their business. 13 action
News Reporter
gina lazara is here now with all sides to the story. Gina. People living near
Spring Mountain
and buffalo say the sounds and smells caused by the asphalt are already intolerable. They arent sure how they will gravel becomes a reality. Joseph ly says stepping outside his front door is an issue. Joseph ly its already been absolutely horrible. Every day life. We go outside just for walking and you feel it in your skin another woman cant use her swimming pool. Upset neighbor i was rarely able to use it for swimming laps over the summer because the air quality was so poor all these people you see in red. Are fighting back against wells cargo with hopes clark county will overturn the decision to let joseph ly by allowing them to expand without any studies done and without knowing whats really in the air, i feel they are not protecting the citizens at all joe and his neighbors took turns tuesday night telling county officials how wells cargo affects their life. Joseph ly so we have the dust. The air quality. The noise. The smell. All of it. Its bad but despite all the complaints. Wells cargo got the ok to expand. Wells cargo lady they do try their very best to be conscious of that yet at the same operation thats been there since 1963 and will continue to be there for the forseeable future and so were trying to balance a lot of things the upset neighbors say they will appeal the countys decision to allow wells cargo to expand their business. Gina lazara 13 action news. This just in parts of sahara are closed down in both directions. After a vehicle crashed into a power pole. This video. Just got back to our newsroom. In fa were seeing it with you. For the first time. As it goes on air. Sahara is closed. Between arden and marion a man accused of brutally beating a little boy. Is out on bail. The victims mother says. 21 yearold. Deshaun lewis was a family friend. Who had temporarily taken over custody of the child. When she was sick. 5 yearold. Marscel is still in the hospital. Fighting to survive. He has internal injuries. And. A fractured leg. The former animal control supervisor. Accused of illegally killing dogs. At the boulder city shelter has entered a plea
Mary Jo Frazier
pleaded guilty. To felony animal cruelty. A police probe found. More than. 90 animals had been improperly euthanized. In one year. She retired shortly after the scandal. And then. Moved to oregon. Fire the man accused of causing a fiery crash. That left two people dead. Over
Labor Day Weekend
in 2015. Has now pleaded guilty. 26 yearold. Jonathan donner pleaded guilty. And could face up. To 60 years. In state prison. Donner also pleaded guilty to d ui. Causing substatial bodily harm. To 3 others. Hes expected to be sentenced. In december. Medication the dea is stepping up its war on
Prescription Drug
abuse by targeting the supply. Starting next year. The dea is ordering production cuts on nearly every prescription opiod by at least 25 . Including percocet and oxycontin. Hydrocodone production alone will be slashed by 34 percent. It comes after a
Study Released
had abused pain medication in a single month. If at first. You dont suceed. Try. Try again. The
Albuquerque Police
department is searching for two suspects. Who backed into the front door of a gas station. With their pickup truck three times. Before breaking through and taking off. With the stores atm. Police say. They found. The empty atm. The next day. In a drainage ditch. Kim kardashian. Is blaming herself. For the terrorizing armed robbery. In paris over the weekend. Kardashian was held at gunpoint. And. Robbed of 10
Million Dollar
s. Worth of jewels. Including. The 4
Million Dollar
ring from husband. Kanye west. According to published reports. Kardashian says. She now regrets flashing that ring. All over social media. And. Doesnt want it replaced. Meantime. West has rescheduled his shows in philadelphia and detroit. Tagged house one is near flamingo and rainbow. Neighbors we talked with say theyre too afraid to go on camera. But they tell us they believe this home is some kind of drug den. There are two notices on the garage door saying the house is unsafe. Along with a notice from the county demanding the owner clean it up. The only problem is. Weve learned the owner died 3years ago. 07. 52. 21 well the banks, they dont care 23 they come and they close it up and they leave it for six months and then they squabble with each other and they dont do anything about it 30 they just lea months and months and months wont tell us much else because its an open case. The liens will stay with the property and be the responsibility of the next owner. People living near an abandoned house near sloan and stewart say theyre not suprised it went up in flames. Firefighters had to remove a lot of furniture being stored inside. And neighbors say theyve seen people coming and going over the past 3 months. Take sot beverly snow, neighbor this is a neighbor, her and i been chasing squatters out of there for the last three problem and the fire. And plans to sell the house. A contact 13 consumer alert. From johnson and johnson. The company says. Certain insulin pumps. Could be targeted. By hackers the animas onetouch. Ping insulin pump has a bug. Creating a potential. Cybersecurity risk. Hackers could. Hijack the device. And. Force it to deliver. Unauthorized insulin doses. However. There are no repr of actual attempts. To hack the device. Time is runing out. To take advantage of southwest airlines. Big semiannual sale deals range from 49 dollars. To 1 hundred 29 dollars. Depending on distance. And. Holidays are blacked out. Eligible travel periods run. November 30th thru december 20th. And. January fourth. Through february 15th. The sale ends thursday. At midnight. Nike is raffling off. 89 pairs of its. Back to the future sneakers. Nike mags are replicas of the selflacing sneakers. Worn by marty mcfly. In the iconic. Back to the future movie. Raffle tickets are 10 dollars. And. It closes on. October 11th. All proceeds will be donated to the michael j. Fox foundation. Which is working to find a cure. For parkinsons disease. The
Las Vegas Strip
has a pyramid. A volcano. The eiffel tower and the statue of liberty. And someday. Well also have this tropical oasis that looks like it belongs in the south pacific. Steve wynn is working on this 38 acre lagoon proec that water in the middle of the desert . 13 action news political analyst jon ralston sat down for an exclusive 90 minute interview with wynn. To learn more about wynn paradise park. < when steve wynn bought the desert inn in 16 years ago, he said that the hotel site, the golf course and 32 acres of undeveloped land gave him the opportunity to do anything. And he wasnt just talking now we know what he meant. Or at least a little more. It will be called paradise park, and it will utilize a source of water exclusive to water rights that date back to this private water that was under the desert inn. And that gave us a unique opportunity and ive thought of that golf course for the last butt to i made a deal with
Crystal Lagoons
and now the question is what is in and around that water . How is this down to the granular detail. How does it work . How will people move . What will they see . How wild and crazy can we get the fantasy part of it . Wynn went on to explain the development would include as for when it will be finished, wynn responded i dont know. Ill know when im finished. Jon ralston, 13 action news. We continue to follow the latest developments with matthew. Its now headed for the bahamas where some are worried that the storm will do as much damage there as it did in haiti. Where thousands are without shelter and power is out over much of the island. Cuba. Where the storm made landfall today. Seem to indicate little damage. But the storm is blamed for 7 deaths in haiti and the
Dominican Republic
where the storm lingered. M its time to announce the winner of tonights. Dig this certificate. Valued at 1 hundred 69 tonights lucky winner is
James Gostomski
tonights winner will get to drive a five and a half ton caterpillar if youd like a shot at winning tomrrow, enter at ktnv dot com. Dig this is a proud sponsor of 13 action news and is providing dig this is a proud sponsor of 13 action news and is providing the prizes for this promotion. An powerful explosion in a residential neighborhood send debris flying through the air. This is some video of what were talking about. But tonight. One big piece of the mystery is still unsolved. Plus. Floyd mayweather certainly is to making headlines. Now. Hes caught in the middle of a
Las Vegas Jewelry
company. The
Fire Department
says. It got a report of a gas smell in one of the homes. And. 22 minutes later. One of the homes exploded. Fire crews say. Those 22 minutes were life saving. And. Everyone. From the homes. Investigators are working right now. To figure out now. What caused the gas leak. No one was hurt. More testimony today in the murder trial of a georgia man accused of leaving his 22month old son in a hot car to die. Today. Prosecutors told the jury
Justin Ross Harris
had person reasons for wanting his son. Cooper. Dead. Theyre trying to potray ross as a philanderer and manipulator who wanted to be free of his family. A well known local boxing champ lawsuit. Over some serious bling and. Actorcomedian ben stiller says hes alive today because of a simple medical test he thinks every man should have. . . Cozy up this fall with dunkins coffee and espresso flavors. Salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. . . This fall at dunkin donuts, get lost in pumpkin with a 1. 99 medium macchiato or latte from 12 00 to 6 00 p. M. Sip in the season today. America runs on dunkin. With saving his life the 50year old told howard stern he survived the cancer because of early detection. Stillers doctor suspected the cancer after a ps a blood test. Stillers levels were on the rise leading to a cancer diagnosis. He later had surgery to remove his prostate. And says hes currently in the clear. Retired boxing champion. Floyd mayweather junior is being sued. By a
Las Vegas Jewelry
company. For a big debt it involves. A 3
Million Dollar
diamond encrusted necklace. He bought. The weekend. After his last fight. The jeweler said. He paid. One
News Reporter<\/a>. Bryan callahan joins us live. From jones and 95. With the latest. Bryan. Policwas at a standstill when the man tried cutting between the cars. But he was hit as he stepped in to the center lane. Officer say its unclear how turn lane. But they say the pedestrian wasnt near a crosswalk. Investigator saying they are seeing an uptick as was the fifth fatal accident in the last week. This is the time of year, and ive been doing this for a long time, that i cringe because i know there is always an uptick. Jones reopened about an hour ago. Reporting live, bryan callahan, 13 action news. Breaking news right now southeastern us are preparing to leave coastal areas ahead of a dangerous category3 hurricane. This is the latest enhanced satellite image of matthew. Which is battering cuba after a devistating blow to haiti. Carla wade is in the breaking news center with the latest on this powerful storm. Carla. The eye of the storm now moving off the northeast coast of cuba heading toward the bahamas. Hurricane watches and warnings the storm is expected to skirt the coast of florida by thursday morning. Matthew devastated haitilashing the
Western Shores<\/a> with 145 mile per hour winds. Thousands of haitians now in need of emergency shelter. And in
South Carolina<\/a> where nearly a
Million People<\/a> have been urged to evacuate the coast long lines at gas stations and traffic jams on major highways going inland. New information tonight. On the breaking news. Chopper 13 was. Fast and first over tonight. Figure out. What sparked this house fire. Near alta and torrey pines. But. We now know. The fire started in the backyard. And then. Spread to the house. Firefighters are now saying. The fire caused. 35 thousand dollars. In damage. Everyone was able to escape in time. But now. An adult and 4 small children are without. A place to stay. 1502 3015 02 33 its very to 911. Only seconds after he was shot while driving. Police say
Christopher Stewart<\/a> rose parkway around 4am. He then called 911 saying hed been shot. But moments later. Crashed his car into a light pole near bicentennial and anthem parkway. Today. Police canvassed the neigborhood. Hoping to come up with some leads. I have my gun with me all the time 1505 5615 05 59 he was shot just randomly just randomly in the car. That is very scary
Henderson Police<\/a> are now asking anyone who might have seen somethnig. To step forward with that new tonight. A creepy clowns threats on facebook are reaching a new level. Now. Several valley high schools are allegedly being targeted. 13 action
News Reporter<\/a>
David Schuman<\/a> has more on this disturbing
National Trend<\/a> that wont go away. The
Facebook Messages<\/a> from clown profiles keep coming. And theyre getting frighteningly personal. David schuman several viewers have messaged us screenshots of what the clowns are saying, like this one from a profile called jerry springers that he works as a bartender right . Whoever was behind the profile also posted a schedule of the high schools they were claiming to visit this week. First on the list
El Dorado High School<\/a>. Where students we spoke to say it has to be a joke. 07 41 38 francisco mendez,
El Dorado High School<\/a> junior i just hear a lot of people talking about it and i just dont believe it. Clark
County School<\/a>
District Police<\/a> says its taking all the messages seriously but it hasnt found any of the threats to be a 13yearold girl in virginia is accused of asking a clown but that appears to be an extreme case. Students at
Chaparral High School<\/a> where the threats first started circulating told us the phenomenon has petered out considerably since last week. David schuman. 13 action news. In nye county. Authorities have contacted the fb i. After someone made threats on facebook. Toward
Pahrump Valley<\/a> high schools homecoming event. The threat referenced. Account. That made the threats. But. Its credible. Creepy clown posts are also causing concern. In connecticut. And now. Schools are banning the costumes. In new haven. Four threatening photos were posted. On the
School Districts<\/a> social media account. Telling hill
Regional Career<\/a> high school. In new haven. To watch out. Police say. They are interviewing students. Regarding the posts. Help ensure that students are not getting clown masks or going to school with clown masks or wearing clownlike attire for their own safety and also for the
Overall School<\/a> climate.
Garth Harries<\/a> superintenden t of schools in new haven authorities say. They consider the situation to be nothing. But a prank fueled. By social media. A lot of people on mt. Charleston are concerned about the socalled lost fire at
Mary Jane Falls<\/a> because they havent seen any firefighters. We reached out to the us forest service. Theyre telling us tonight the fire is very small and surrounded by rocks so theres no chance of it spreading. But. Theyre keeping a close eye on the situation and plan to its your voice. Your vote. In the race for the white house. And tonight. It was a faceoff. Debate. Before the election. And. Neither tim kaine nor mike pence. Held back. Sot kaine you are
Donald Trumps<\/a> apprentice. Let me. Pence senator, i think im still on my time. Kaine i thought this was a discussion. Sot kaine im just saying facts this is the governors two minutes. Pence i am happy to defend him senator. Dont put words in my mouth. The attacks came so qi the men were often heard. Talking over each other. And. It wasnt just pence and kaine interrupting each other. On stage. Both. The twitter accounts of
Hillary Clinton<\/a> and donald trump were hard at work. During the course of this debate. So. Who won tonights. Big showdown . According to a cnn orc poll. 48 percent. Say pence. And. 42 percent. Say kaine. Weve teamed up. With politifact. To check the statements of tim kaine and mike pence and. Early on. In the vp debate. The candidates clashed. Over foreign policy. Pence claimed. Iraq. Because
Hillary Clinton<\/a> failed. To keep u. S. Troops there take sot mike pence take sot mike pence 14 sot iraq has been overrun by isis because to renegotiate a status of forces agreement. Kaine no, that is incorrect. Politifact says. The negotiations did fail. Between the u. S. And iraq. To leave us troops. In the country. But they say. The key discussions were between the white house and iraqi leaders and. That the iraq an agreement. That gave american troops. Immunity. From prosecution there. Politifact rates. Pences statement. Mostly false hundreds of
People Living<\/a> in a valley neighborhood are fighting back after learning that an asphalt contractor. Wells cargo. Got permission to expand their business. 13 action
News Reporter<\/a> gina lazara is here now with all sides to the story. Gina. People living near
Spring Mountain<\/a> and buffalo say the sounds and smells caused by the asphalt are already intolerable. They arent sure how they will gravel becomes a reality. Joseph ly says stepping outside his front door is an issue. Joseph ly its already been absolutely horrible. Every day life. We go outside just for walking and you feel it in your skin another woman cant use her swimming pool. Upset neighbor i was rarely able to use it for swimming laps over the summer because the air quality was so poor all these people you see in red. Are fighting back against wells cargo with hopes clark county will overturn the decision to let joseph ly by allowing them to expand without any studies done and without knowing whats really in the air, i feel they are not protecting the citizens at all joe and his neighbors took turns tuesday night telling county officials how wells cargo affects their life. Joseph ly so we have the dust. The air quality. The noise. The smell. All of it. Its bad but despite all the complaints. Wells cargo got the ok to expand. Wells cargo lady they do try their very best to be conscious of that yet at the same operation thats been there since 1963 and will continue to be there for the forseeable future and so were trying to balance a lot of things the upset neighbors say they will appeal the countys decision to allow wells cargo to expand their business. Gina lazara 13 action news. This just in parts of sahara are closed down in both directions. After a vehicle crashed into a power pole. This video. Just got back to our newsroom. In fa were seeing it with you. For the first time. As it goes on air. Sahara is closed. Between arden and marion a man accused of brutally beating a little boy. Is out on bail. The victims mother says. 21 yearold. Deshaun lewis was a family friend. Who had temporarily taken over custody of the child. When she was sick. 5 yearold. Marscel is still in the hospital. Fighting to survive. He has internal injuries. And. A fractured leg. The former animal control supervisor. Accused of illegally killing dogs. At the boulder city shelter has entered a plea
Mary Jo Frazier<\/a> pleaded guilty. To felony animal cruelty. A police probe found. More than. 90 animals had been improperly euthanized. In one year. She retired shortly after the scandal. And then. Moved to oregon. Fire the man accused of causing a fiery crash. That left two people dead. Over
Labor Day Weekend<\/a> in 2015. Has now pleaded guilty. 26 yearold. Jonathan donner pleaded guilty. And could face up. To 60 years. In state prison. Donner also pleaded guilty to d ui. Causing substatial bodily harm. To 3 others. Hes expected to be sentenced. In december. Medication the dea is stepping up its war on
Prescription Drug<\/a> abuse by targeting the supply. Starting next year. The dea is ordering production cuts on nearly every prescription opiod by at least 25 . Including percocet and oxycontin. Hydrocodone production alone will be slashed by 34 percent. It comes after a
Study Released<\/a> had abused pain medication in a single month. If at first. You dont suceed. Try. Try again. The
Albuquerque Police<\/a> department is searching for two suspects. Who backed into the front door of a gas station. With their pickup truck three times. Before breaking through and taking off. With the stores atm. Police say. They found. The empty atm. The next day. In a drainage ditch. Kim kardashian. Is blaming herself. For the terrorizing armed robbery. In paris over the weekend. Kardashian was held at gunpoint. And. Robbed of 10
Million Dollar<\/a>s. Worth of jewels. Including. The 4
Million Dollar<\/a> ring from husband. Kanye west. According to published reports. Kardashian says. She now regrets flashing that ring. All over social media. And. Doesnt want it replaced. Meantime. West has rescheduled his shows in philadelphia and detroit. Tagged house one is near flamingo and rainbow. Neighbors we talked with say theyre too afraid to go on camera. But they tell us they believe this home is some kind of drug den. There are two notices on the garage door saying the house is unsafe. Along with a notice from the county demanding the owner clean it up. The only problem is. Weve learned the owner died 3years ago. 07. 52. 21 well the banks, they dont care 23 they come and they close it up and they leave it for six months and then they squabble with each other and they dont do anything about it 30 they just lea months and months and months wont tell us much else because its an open case. The liens will stay with the property and be the responsibility of the next owner. People living near an abandoned house near sloan and stewart say theyre not suprised it went up in flames. Firefighters had to remove a lot of furniture being stored inside. And neighbors say theyve seen people coming and going over the past 3 months. Take sot beverly snow, neighbor this is a neighbor, her and i been chasing squatters out of there for the last three problem and the fire. And plans to sell the house. A contact 13 consumer alert. From johnson and johnson. The company says. Certain insulin pumps. Could be targeted. By hackers the animas onetouch. Ping insulin pump has a bug. Creating a potential. Cybersecurity risk. Hackers could. Hijack the device. And. Force it to deliver. Unauthorized insulin doses. However. There are no repr of actual attempts. To hack the device. Time is runing out. To take advantage of southwest airlines. Big semiannual sale deals range from 49 dollars. To 1 hundred 29 dollars. Depending on distance. And. Holidays are blacked out. Eligible travel periods run. November 30th thru december 20th. And. January fourth. Through february 15th. The sale ends thursday. At midnight. Nike is raffling off. 89 pairs of its. Back to the future sneakers. Nike mags are replicas of the selflacing sneakers. Worn by marty mcfly. In the iconic. Back to the future movie. Raffle tickets are 10 dollars. And. It closes on. October 11th. All proceeds will be donated to the michael j. Fox foundation. Which is working to find a cure. For parkinsons disease. The
Las Vegas Strip<\/a> has a pyramid. A volcano. The eiffel tower and the statue of liberty. And someday. Well also have this tropical oasis that looks like it belongs in the south pacific. Steve wynn is working on this 38 acre lagoon proec that water in the middle of the desert . 13 action news political analyst jon ralston sat down for an exclusive 90 minute interview with wynn. To learn more about wynn paradise park. < when steve wynn bought the desert inn in 16 years ago, he said that the hotel site, the golf course and 32 acres of undeveloped land gave him the opportunity to do anything. And he wasnt just talking now we know what he meant. Or at least a little more. It will be called paradise park, and it will utilize a source of water exclusive to water rights that date back to this private water that was under the desert inn. And that gave us a unique opportunity and ive thought of that golf course for the last butt to i made a deal with
Crystal Lagoons<\/a> and now the question is what is in and around that water . How is this down to the granular detail. How does it work . How will people move . What will they see . How wild and crazy can we get the fantasy part of it . Wynn went on to explain the development would include as for when it will be finished, wynn responded i dont know. Ill know when im finished. Jon ralston, 13 action news. We continue to follow the latest developments with matthew. Its now headed for the bahamas where some are worried that the storm will do as much damage there as it did in haiti. Where thousands are without shelter and power is out over much of the island. Cuba. Where the storm made landfall today. Seem to indicate little damage. But the storm is blamed for 7 deaths in haiti and the
Dominican Republic<\/a> where the storm lingered. M its time to announce the winner of tonights. Dig this certificate. Valued at 1 hundred 69 tonights lucky winner is
James Gostomski<\/a> tonights winner will get to drive a five and a half ton caterpillar if youd like a shot at winning tomrrow, enter at ktnv dot com. Dig this is a proud sponsor of 13 action news and is providing dig this is a proud sponsor of 13 action news and is providing the prizes for this promotion. An powerful explosion in a residential neighborhood send debris flying through the air. This is some video of what were talking about. But tonight. One big piece of the mystery is still unsolved. Plus. Floyd mayweather certainly is to making headlines. Now. Hes caught in the middle of a
Las Vegas Jewelry<\/a> company. The
Fire Department<\/a> says. It got a report of a gas smell in one of the homes. And. 22 minutes later. One of the homes exploded. Fire crews say. Those 22 minutes were life saving. And. Everyone. From the homes. Investigators are working right now. To figure out now. What caused the gas leak. No one was hurt. More testimony today in the murder trial of a georgia man accused of leaving his 22month old son in a hot car to die. Today. Prosecutors told the jury
Justin Ross Harris<\/a> had person reasons for wanting his son. Cooper. Dead. Theyre trying to potray ross as a philanderer and manipulator who wanted to be free of his family. A well known local boxing champ lawsuit. Over some serious bling and. Actorcomedian ben stiller says hes alive today because of a simple medical test he thinks every man should have. . . Cozy up this fall with dunkins coffee and espresso flavors. Salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. . . This fall at dunkin donuts, get lost in pumpkin with a 1. 99 medium macchiato or latte from 12 00 to 6 00 p. M. Sip in the season today. America runs on dunkin. With saving his life the 50year old told howard stern he survived the cancer because of early detection. Stillers doctor suspected the cancer after a ps a blood test. Stillers levels were on the rise leading to a cancer diagnosis. He later had surgery to remove his prostate. And says hes currently in the clear. Retired boxing champion. Floyd mayweather junior is being sued. By a
Las Vegas Jewelry<\/a> company. For a big debt it involves. A 3
Million Dollar<\/a> diamond encrusted necklace. He bought. The weekend. After his last fight. The jeweler said. He paid. One
Million Dollar<\/a>s up front. Then made 6 payments. Of 100 thousand dollars. But after that. The suit says. He stopped paying. Well be right back. With a final look. At your wakeup weather forecast. First. Heres jimmy kimmel with a preview of tonights show. Right after 13 action news. Im
Catherine Cortez<\/a> masto and i approve this message. Theyre bringing drugs, theyre bringing crime, theyre rapists. Narrator and joe heck says i have high hopes well see donald trump become president. I dont know what i said, aah. Narrator heck says he completely supports trump. I would bomb the [bleep] out of them. Narrator and heck . On the
Nuclear Button<\/a> . Heck i do. Reporter why do you say that . Heck why wouldnt i . Narrator donald trump and joe heck. For kids drive is underway. And once again this year, our partner is tropical smoothie. Please donate gently used or new childrens coats at any tropical smoothie cafe. As the temperatures sta the coats to families in need. And a big thanks to tropical that does it. For this edition of 13 action news. Live at 11. Jimmy kimmel live is up next. And remember. Were always on. At ktnv dot com. And. On the ktnv mobile app. Our next reports begin at 4 30am on good morning las vegas. Thank you for watching. Dicky its jimmy kimmel live. Tonight, billy bob thornton,
Kristin Chenoweth<\/a> and comedian ryan donahue. Jimmy very nice. Hi, everyone. Thank you for watching. Thank you for coming. Thanks for everything, really. Oh, its very nice. Im pleased youre joining us on what is a bittersweet night for me. Minus the sweet. Its a bitter night for me,","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/13\/items\/KTNV_20161005_060000_Action_News__11pm\/KTNV_20161005_060000_Action_News__11pm.thumbs\/KTNV_20161005_060000_Action_News__11pm_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240626T12:35:10+00:00"}