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Good evening on this very busy friday night. We begin with an abc news investigation. The daughter who was kidnapped by isis, and her parents who now tell abc news that they made their own pleas to isis to release her. Kayla mueller was the Young American who was captured while trying to help the young victims of war. Her parents emailing isis from their home, their kitchen computer in arizona. Tonight, never before seen video of mueller as a prisoner of isis, she died in captivity. And this evening, you will hear from her parents. Who say the president made them a promise, a promise they say was not kept. Brian ross, leading us off. Reporter tonight, these home movies serve as a mother and fathers cherished memory of a young woman full of life. A daughter traveling the world to help the innocent victims of war. Reporter but that all ended with this video. Ive been here too long, and ive been very sick. Its very terrifying here. Reporter Kayla Mueller had been taken hostage by isis. And for the next 17 months, her parents, carl and marsha, would fight for her freedom. Sending their own video pleas to isis. Please show mercy and use your power to free our daughter. Reporter and exchanging some 27 emails from their kitchen in prescott, arizona, to her daughters captors in syria, who at one point set a 30day deadline for a 6 million cash demand. This kind of thing tears people apart. Reporter kayla had been kidnapped in syria from a Doctors Without Borders vehicle, but in a phone call to the muellers, the organization refused to help get kayla back because they said she was not working for them. Would your staff negotiate for kayla . No. U. S. Rescue mission, the muellers say a white house official threatened them and their friends with criminal prosecution if they tried to raise ransom money. Our government slammed that door. Reporter after kayla was killed in isis captivity, the president came to console them. The muellers say he made a promise to help the foundation they set up in kaylas name, and then broke it. There hasnt been such a donation . No. Im still waiting for that donation, mr. President. Reporter today, our team pressed the white house for an answer. Reporter can the mueller family expect that the president , that the obamas will make a donation to their daughters foundation, the foundation in the name of Kayla Mueller soon . As i mentioned, i cant speak to any previous conversations that theyve had, but i can tell you that reporter but is a donation coming . The foundation, kaylas hands, thats been established in her memory is certainly the kind of foundation that the president and first lady have would anticipate that they would make a financial contribution to continue supporting it. Reporter but none of that changes the muellers belief that the government failed their daughter. So we put all our faith in the government and they let us down. And they let us down. And brian ross is with us tonight. We know the u. S. Government does not pay ransoms. Thats what it says the policy is right now. The argument that it would encourage more one. But there has been a change . Yes, now families of hostages are allowed to raise money themselves without facing the threat of prosecution. A direct result of what happened to Kayla Mueller and the other american hostages that were killed by isis. Brian will have much more this evening at 10 00 p. M. On a special edition of 20 20. Well see you then. We move on to a major Security Breach at an american airport. A suspect jumping the fence to stolen pickup truck into a jet with terrified passengers aboard. Heres david kerley. Reporter the bizarre breach of security ending with a truck smashed into a jet liner, and a suspect restrained, still yelling. It started in front of omahas airport, a man yelling that someone was trying to kill him. As police tried to calm him, he flees. Shedding his clothes, and jumping the eightfoot fence. Apparently someone jumped on a truck on the runway. Reporter now just in his boxers, he gets into the unlocked and running airline truck. Driving toward the runway. But police block him, so he doubles back, speeding toward the southwest jet that was boarding passengers. Hitting the jets nose landing gear, dramatically shaking the plane. Two crew members with minor injuries. The same for the suspect. And that caused his behavior. David, Officials Say there was a lot of damage to the plane hit by the truck. And two crew members were hurt . A bangedup elbow and knee. Theyll be fine. But the Severe Damage to the jet, it has been taken out of service tonight. David, thank you. Now to a community in shock at this hour after two beloved nuns known for their w their car discovered nearby. There is now a manhunt in that mississippi town. Steve osunsami has the story tonight. Reporter this tenperson Police Department north of jackson, mississippi, has help coming in from across the state tonight. As they try to chase down the killer who robbed this community of two angels. Sister margaret held and sister paula merril were found stabbed to death in their home thursday. The two nuns, seen here in a ministerial video, were both nurse practitioners. What needs to be done. Reporter for more than 30 years, theyve tirelessly served the poor. They sang in church, and other sisters say they were great cooks. This is one of the poorest counties in all of mississippi. We make a difference in peoples lives, and we never know what that difference is. Reporter police tonight are tearing through leads, many from families who the nuns helped. Weve had a lot of leads and they are really supporting us as we try to find the people who did this. We got each others back over here, so when this happened, you know, its devastating. Reporter the Catholic Diocese says their home was broken into. Police suspect a robbery and found their missing car a mile away. They were originally from wisconsin and massachusetts and say they were called by god to mississippi. Prayers are up tonight for both the nuns and investigators. David . Just an awful story. Steve, thank you. We turn now to the outrage and serious questions after a homeowner was shot by mistake. And the News Conference today in a mailman calling police during an armed robbery. He needed help for him and his wife. Authorities say when police arrived, the homeowner was shot by mistake. Heres linsey davis. Reporter tonight, questions about why a man who called 911 for help ended up instead being shot by police. This cant continue to happen. Reporter this is the call 48yearold Carl Williams made to police at 4 30 a. M. Tuesday to alert police about a is that him . Reporter williams describes the man with a gun outside his indianapolis home. But the officer who responds ends up shooting williams. The only thing i can remember is intense pain, falling on the ground. And telling the Police Officers i am the homeowner. Why did you shoot me . Reporter tonight, williams is still in a wheelchair, recovering from injuries and i expect the police to come help us. I didnt want to take justice in my own hands. Thats the wrong thing to do. Reporter williams was armed with a pistol. And Police Confirm the officer mistook him for the robber. That officer is now under investigation. David . Linsey, thanks. And were also tracking a tropical wave in the atlantic, with heavy rain and gusting wi as it passes near the florida coast. Lets get right back to ginger zee. Ginger . Well, this type of storm doesnt need a name to drop a lot of rain. Thats why i still want you to play close attention even though its extremely disorganized. It has a 60 shot in the next 3 to 5 days of becoming a named storm. Its fighting through friction, wind shear, and a lot of dry air. So, thats what youre going to see on this map. Tracking south of florida, into the gulf. It looks like sunday into monday, it could go into some more favorable conditions. Its something that looks less and less threatening. But were not going to stop watching it. Thanks, ginger. We turn to the race for president here on a friday night. Many now asking where does donald trump stand on immigration, an issue that has been central to his campaign. Trump tonight insisting a speech and firm policy are coming. Hillary clinton reaching out to independents and republicans, even naming republicans she has respect for when it comes to the issue of race in america. Heres jonathan karl. Hes on the campaign trail tonight. Reporter today donald trump declared himself proud for putting immigration front and center. Such a big problem for our country, he tweeted, i will solve. But aside from that wall, its less clear than ever how hed do it. This was trump in february. We have at least 11 Million People in this country that came they will go out. Reporter but earlier this week he declared he was, quote, softening on that. Maybe not everybody would be deported. There certainly could be a softening because were not looking to hurt people. Reporter then last night you used the word softening, even last night on hannity, you talked about i dont think its a softening, i think its but 11 Million People are no longer going to be deported. Ive had people say its a hardening, actually. But 11 million who have not committed a crime, theres going to be a path to legalization, is that right . You know its a process. You cant take 11 at one time and just reporter so, does trump want to deport undocumented immigrants, or not . Were going to see what happens once we strengthen up our border. Reporter meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is aggressively trying to tie him to outright racism. Making the point that other Republican Leaders chose a different path. I called out to bob dole for what he said in his acceptance speech, that all racists should take the exits, and he pointed to the doors. Mosque after 9 11 and john mccain, when confronted with the attacks on president obamas birth and his religion, basically said, wait a minute, hes an american citizen, hes a decent person. Reporter but clinton says trump is, quote, taking hate groups mainstream. Hillary clinton is going to try and accuse this campaign and all of you of being racists, which were not. And jon karl with us live. Hillary clinton giving credit to bob dole, john mccain, george w. Bush. She knows what shes trying to do here. Reporter oh, she sure does. Hillary clinton is trying to convince moderate republicans that donald trump is outside of the mainstream. Trump knows he has to broaden his appeal or he wont win. David . Jon, thank you. Governor of maine is now igniting a new political firestorm tonight. While defending himself from allegations of racism, Governor Paul Lepage leaving a profanitylaced voice mail threatening a lawmaker. David wright tonight with that audio. This is governor paul richard lepage. Reporter tonight, the outspoken governor of maine, a favorite of Donald Trumps you happen to have a truly great governor. Reporter is in hot water for being a little too outspoken. He left this voice mail for a state representative. I want you to prove that im a racist. Ive spent my life helping black people and you little son of a [ bleep ], socialist [ bleep ]. I want you to record this and make it public, because i am after you. Reporter tonight, the state rep insists he didnt call lepage racist. But did call of the governors earlier this week, lepage was talking about known drug dealers when he said this. 90 plus of the pictures in my book, and its a threering binder, are black and hispanic people. Reporter tonight, the governor is firing back at his critics. The enemy right now, the overwhelming majority of people coming in are people of color, reporter one of maines Top Democrats sa but lepage is doubling down. He says if he could, hed challenge his critic to a duel. David . David, thanks. We move on to a new headline about fighting the zika outbreak here in the united states. The fda recommending all blood donated should be screened for the virus. There are more than 2,500 re reported cases of zika in 50 states right now. There are no known cases of zika overseas tonight, the death toll rising from the devastating earthquake in italy. Nearly 300 people now killed, and hope fading as rescuers use hightech cameras to search for possible survivors still buried alive. Workers helping families retrieve crucial belongings. And theres still much more ahead on world news tonight this friday. Fbi criminal profilers now on the scene after a serial shooter kills seven people at random. Were back on the case tonight, including a child. The sketches police hope may and also, the small plane crashing nosefirst into a house in the heartland. And a case of stolen valor. Authorities say the veteran who made up his injuries to cash in. American taxpayers paying the price. And how much did you pay . When we come back. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. . Look up at a new day. . Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. 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Purina one smartblend is expertly blended. With 100 nutrition, 0 fillers, always real meat 1. Lifelong smart nutrition. Its all in one. Purina one. Now to the iraq veteran pleading guilty to faking his war injuries. Authorities say conning the Neal Karlinsky on how he almost got away with 750,000 of your money. Reporter federal prosecutors say decorated iraq war veteran Darryl Lee Wright should really have only one award, as a champion liar. If theres an Olympic Event for lying, he would get multiple gold medals. Reporter they say while he did go to iraq, he was never wounded. Instead, lying his way into a purple heart by concocting a story rocket blew up his vehicle, even submitting a photo of a damaged vehicle from a different incident. His claims for benefits back home falsely stating he could not tie or fasten his shoes, buttons, or belt. That he was so severely disabled by ptsd symptoms that he spent two to five days a week in bed, in a fetal position. Yet investigators caught him on camera mowing his lawn. In fact, prosecutors say, as the checks rolled in, he practiced a unencumbered by any disability. Coaching a High School Basketball team, even running as a candidate for public office. Wright could face up to five years in prison. Prosecutors say what cant be measured is the damage done to veterans who actually need their benefits. David . Neal, thanks. When we come back, the search for a serial shooter now intensifying. His victims including children. The fbi now helping, and the sketch tonight. And the dramatic sos seen from the sky. Help. And clearer skin. This is my body of proof that i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. 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Weve reported on the case before here. Seven People Killed and two more injured including children in random attacks on city streets since march. The profilers helping to sift through 1,500 tips. A pilot and his passenger are lucky to be alive after crashing into a house. The cessna slamming nosefirst indiana. Authorities today identifying the two passengers as local doctors, both were pulled from the wreckage and hospitalized. And a miracle rescue in the pacific. A huge sos written in the sand on an uninhabited island. A u. S. Navy plane spotting it from the sky. The two stranded boaters were scooped up. They had been missing for a week. Incredible. When we come b of our head this week. So, who can we blame . Our person of the week. Before i had the shooting, bug, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Nerve pain. And these feet would like to keep the beat going. I thought i married an italian. Did the ancestrydna to find out im only 16 italian. Soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. What body aches . What knee pain . What sore elbow . Advil liquigels make pain a distant memory stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Time on 13 first alert desert doppler. Were tracking more changes. 13 action news live at 6 in 90 seconds. Persons of the week. Its that time of year when many parents rejoice. You get to send your kids back to school. Many kids, not so excited. Which is where these teachers come in. Our persons of the week. We all remember that firstyear teacher from chicago, mr. Reed. . Welcome to the fourth grade . . So happy to meet you . Reporter welcoming his students this year with his song. . Hello im your teacher . Reporter millions have now heard it. . I still rock sneakers . . Its my first year teaching . Reporter hes not the only teacher tonight on the move. . Dance dance dance . Reporter the staff of cone Valley District in california. . So just dance . Reporter and the teachers at Drexler Middle School in iowa. Audito aud auditorium, getting them moving and smiling. Before they even start the year. And in dallas, teacher Taylor Toynes helping to collect backpacks for those that need them. 2,000 backpacks. And in cincinnati, teachers walking their students home. Tonight, were cheering for the teachers and their students, as we start another year. . And so we choose our teachers across america. They do great work. Thank you for watching on a friday night. Cecilia will be here this weekend. And well see you monday night. Good night. Bringing rain into ty and it could get worse as the night goes on. We have Live Team Coverage for you. But lets begin. With bryan standing by in the weather center. With your 13 first alert forecast. Bryan. The system that brought us all the shower activity yesterday is now to our east, but we could still see isolated tstorms tonight on the back end of this system, primarily in the mountains. It looks like the best chances for storms tonight in the valley will be after 7pm. The mother who confronted some

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