Transcripts For KTNV ABC World News With David Muir 20160219

Transcripts For KTNV ABC World News With David Muir 20160219

the chopper coming down in pearl harbor near the uss arizona memorial. >> that was scary. we were thinking we were going to see a dead body come up. >> reporter: it's clear in the video the tail rotor is not turning and the sound from the engine is erratic. scott reiff is a helicopter pilot for kabc. >> it appears at some point he lost some type of power, that he disengaged the rotor smm from the the engine. he may have flared a little too high. hard to say for certain. just didn't have enough energy in the rotor system to cushion the landing. >> reporter: the bell 206 is a single engine, five-seat aircraft. this one built in 1979 and owned by what appears to be a one-helicopter tour company called genesis. the surviving pilot should be able to tell investigators exactly what went wrong. the navy helped firefighting crews with that rescue. the ntsb is sending an investigator to hawaii to investigate. david? >> david kerley live in washington, leading us off. david, thank you. now, to the war of words erupting between donald trump comments made by the pope. the pope was asked on his plane about trump's plan to build a wall on the u.s./mexico border. the pope saying the motion is not christian. trump immediately blasting the pope, calling his words, quote, disgraceful. abc's chief foreign correspondent terry moran was on the pope's plane, and here was >> reporter: onboard the papal airplane, a stunning moment. [ speaking foreign language ] >> donald trump. >> reporter: pope francis asked directly about donald trump's plans to build a wall on the u.s./mexico border, and deport millions of undocumented immigrants, speaking from the heart. "a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not of building bridges, is not christian," the pope said. adding, pointedly, "this man is not christian if he has said things like that." a staggering papal denunciation, and it came after a week of again, preaching a highly charged political message. like those scenes in juarez, a few feet from the u.s. border, francis giving his blessing across the rio grande to undocumented immigrants in the u.s. and then demanding that more be done for all desperate migrants. "no more death, no more exploitation," he pleaded. >> and terry moran is with us live from the vatican tonight. carefully. did the pope intend to put himself in the middle of this presidential race? >> reporter: david, you're right. he knew exactly what he was doing. francis knows who trump is, he's following these issues. they're very close to his heart. but the pope also told us, he's not trying to be political. he's not supporting a candidate or a policy. he's trying to remind politicians and voters of what he believes are the teachings of jesus christ. david? >> terry moran live in vatican city tonight. terry, thank you. and now, let's get right to donald trump and his message for the pope tonight. because other republican candidates, some who have supported the idea of a wall, were left to respond to the pope, too. and they did. abc's tom llamas in south carolina for us tonight. >> reporter: it was a headline that surprised even donald trump. >> they said, mr. trump, the pope made a statement about you. i said, the pope? what did the pope say? i like the pope, i mean -- was it good or bad? >> reporter: it wasn't good. >> he actually said that maybe i'm not a good christian or something. it's unbelievable. which is really not a nice thing to say. >> reporter: trump then turning up the volume. >> for a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful. i'm proud to be a christian. no leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man's religion or faith. >> reporter: the billionaire candidate accusing mexico of using pope francis as a, quote, pawn, in the debate over immigration and border security. attacked by isis, which, as everyone knows, is isis' ultimate trophy, i can promise yoth donald trump would have been president. >> reporter: for good measure, the trump team even tweeting this image of the vatican, showing it's surrounded by walls. here in south carolina, trump has recently himself questioned the christian faith of his rival, senator ted cruz. >> i've never seen anybody that lied as much as ted cruz. and he goes around saying he's a christian. >> reporter: but today, cruz wasn't picking sides. >> listen, that's between donald and the pope. middle of that. to work it out. unchristian to have a border cruz also favors a border wall. do you think that's unchristian to build a border wall, senator? that's unchristian? and repeatedly dodged me as i pope's comments. wall is unchristian? >> i'm going to visit with the voters now, thank you. >> reporter: senator marco praised the pope. >> i have tremendous respect and admiration for him. >> reporter: but rubio making it clear, he and the holy father disagree on immigration. >> we're a sovereign country, and we have a right to control who comes in, when they come in and how they come in. >> reporter: and tonight, jeb bush, also a catholic, saying this. >> i don't question anybody's christianity. because i honestly believe that that's a relationship that you have with your creator. >> and tom llamas with us live from south carolina tonight. and tom, some well-known conservative voices coming to donald trump's defense after the pope's comments. >> reporter: that's right, david. just behind me, donald trump is wrapping up this event here in south carolina, but you're right. some influenti defending donald trump tonight, saying, quote, this was rush limbaugh, given the pope's political leanings, i'm surprised he isn't on the ca mpaign trail for bnisand david? >> tom llamas with us again tonight. tom, thank you. now, to the democratic side this evening. there are major developments there, as well. with just two days to go until the nevada caucuses, and a new national poll by fox tonight, showing bernie sanders inching ahead of hillary clinton this would be the first time with sanders ahead. the mostecent ead heat betwclinton and sanders. and the clinton camp, releasing a new ad tonight, with tears, all part of an 11th hour effort to appeal to latino voters. abc's cecilia vega on what's become a neck and neck battle. >> reporter: today, in las vegas, hillary clinton embraced by a weeping cafeteria worker. >> i know you're going to win. because people, they have to lien to you. >> reporter: the woman begging clinton to stay strong in this hard-fought race. >> be strong. that's what i like about you. you're a very strong woman. that's what we need. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: in the final push for nevada, clinton making a direct appeal for latino votes. a new ad hitting the air waves today includes this 10-year-old girl, the daughter of undocumented immigrants. >> i'm scared they are going to be deported. >> come here, baby. comforting the child. >> i'm going to do everything i can so you don't have to be and you don't have to worry your dad oromebody eln your family. let me do the worrying is that a deal? i'll do the worrying. i'll do everything i can to help, okay? >> reporter: but clinton now bracing for another upset in a state she once seemed poised to win. her first campaign office here opened nearly a year ago, months before bernie sanders. >> we're going to surprise a lot of people here in nevada. >> reporter: but now, sanders is fired up. his army out in force, knocking on every door possible. we stopped by hillary clinton's campaign office today. hi, how are you? where they are calling thousands of people. >> we're making thousands and thousands of calls. >> reporter: out of this office alone? >> out of this office alone. >> reporter: in the pages of "vogue," an introspective moment for clinton. asked if the u.s. was ready for considering new york city hasn't even had a female mayor, clinton saying, quote, "i think it's gotten better. but i think there's still a very deep set of concerns that people have, which very often they're not even aware of are they couldn't articulate." >> and cecilia vega live from las vegas tonight. we know nevada saturday for the democrats, south carolina comes next. and tonight, bernie sanders, leveling some pretty harsh words towards clinton when it comes to her support of president obama? >> reporter: that's right. it's an interview with b.e.t. sanders is accusing clinton of cozying up to the president in this election year. he says, quote, we know what that's about. that's trying to win support from the african-american community, where the president is enormously popular. clinton firing back, just now, highlighting sanders' own criticism of the president. david, this fight is hotter than ever. >> cecilia vega with us again tonight. cecilia, our thanks to you, as well. now, to breaking developments this evening, in the san bernardino terror case. federal agents today serving a search warrant at the home of syed farook's brother, looking for evidence. syed farook's iphone. the fbi standoff with apple continues. the company refusing to help hack into the gunman's iphone. and tonight, other tech giants are rushing to apple's defense. and so, we asked abc's pierre thomas a simple question. what do the experts think? how easy would it be for apple to break into that phone? >> reporter: today, the fbi searching the home of syed farook's brother, but no closer to getting inside his iphone. industry giants closing ranks behind apple today, even as authorities claim they need to be able to hack into phones to crack cases beyond terrorism. as in the case of two officers recently shot in new york. police locked out of potential evidence in the suspect's phone. >> this is the phone that was used by one of his associates in that case. despite having a court order, we cannot access this iphone 5. >> reporter: the issue of breaking into encrypted phones farook case. experts telling abc news today it would not be that hard to design a gateway, or back door. >> from my perspective, it's relatively easy to create the back door, but just because something's easy to do doesn't mean you should do it. >> reporter: some analysts say it opens a pandora's box for tens of millions of smartphone users. >> you would have created what amounts to a smart software bomb. that if it falls into the wrong hands, it could then be turned around and used to unlock every single iphone and ipad in existence. >> reporter: did, enforcement officials are frustrated with apple's attitude. so, expect the justice department to take additional steps in court to force apple to open that phone immediately. >> all right, pierre thomas, you'll stay on the case. pierre, thank you. now, to another security scare involving your personal information. hackers out there taking control of your personal computers, forcing you to pay to get the information back. abc's matt gutman reports tonight, the newest victim, a hospital, and your medical records. >> reporter: tonight, the fbi if hackers are holding their info hostage is pay up. that's exactly what hollywood presbyterian hospital did after so-called ransomware infected the hospital's computer systems. >> once you see it, it's far too late. you're done. game over. >> reporter: eventually, the hospital paid $17,000 to get its ransomware has already claimed more than 1 million victims. hackers now hunting bigger prey. this police department in tewksbury, massachusetts, forking over $500 to get its files back last year. >> the best option for us, even though it was the last and worst option for us, was to pay the ransom. >> reporter: here's how it works -- you open an infected e-mail, which turns your files into encrypted gobbledygook. then, the stickup. pay the ransom to get the decryption key, or kiss those files good-bye. tonight, the hospital, still open, leaving this message on its voicemail. >> we want to assure you patient care has not been compromised as we continue to address this incident. cases and only a handful solved, which is why the experts say, you've got to protect yourself, by backing up your files. and, when you're done with the hard drive, unplug it from the computer. david? >> all right, matt. troubling case indeed. now, to a major headline from the white house tonight. president obama will travel to cuba next month, becoming the first president to visit in more than 80 years. the president set to meet with cuban president raul castro while visiting cuba. "world news tonight" traveled to cuba last year, as the u.s. moved to re-establish diplomatic ties for the first time in decades. it was on this broadcast, we showed you the old cars, the children hoping for a new relationship with america. and we remember what we asked the president beforehand. will you visit cuba in your final two years as president? >> you know, i don't have any current plans to visit cuba. >> reporter: not ruling it out? >> well, let's see how things evolve. >> not ruling it out. he will now go. and first lady michelle obama will also make the trip to cuba. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this thursday. drivers beware. some of the most troubling bridges in america. them every day, and we've got the list coming up. there's also breaking cosby case. what he now wa ntalleged victim ithn at criminal case. he wants to be paid back. and, imagine hearing this at night in your town. [ screechi ]ng it's aystery sound that's keeping everyone up at nht and no one can solve it. so, they need your help, a little later in the broadcast.ttle later in the broadct. osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? my doctor said prolia helped my bones get stronger. are your bones getting stronger? do not take prolia if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva . serious allergic reactions, such as low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling; rash, itching or hives have happened in people taking prolia . jaw bone problems may happen, or new or unusual pain in your occurred. prolia can cause serious side effects, including low blood calcium, serious infections. which could require hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint or muscle pain. only prolia helps strengthen and protect bones with 2 shots a year. i have proof prolia works for me. can it work for you? ask your doctor about prolia today. hey, jesse. who are you? i'm vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. over te, your money coul multiply hello, all oyo get organized at a heart attack doesn't care if you run everyday, or if you're young or old. a heart attack can happen without warning. if you've had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. bayer aspirin. (bear growls) (burke) smash and grub. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum next tonight, an eye-opening new study this evening. the troubling condition of america's bridges. the new report finding 1 in 10 bridges are structurally deficient and in need of repair. here's abc's gio benitez. >> reporter: tonight, that new government study paints a frightening picture of bridges in need of repair. more than 58,000. so many, if you join them all up, you would have a more than 1,300-mile bridge from new york among them, the brooklyn bridge, memorial bridge in washington, d.c., and heavily-traveled bridges on interstate 405 in los angeles, several on i-95 in philadelphia. for many of them, the problem is age. of the 250 most heavily traveled bridges, 8 were built before 1970. we've seen disasters in recent years. >> a catastrophic evenwould notement.ter: in 2007, 13 people died when a minneapolis bridge collapsed during rush hour. >> look at the rust. >> reporter: in 2013, "20/20's" deborah roberts went to look at one bridge that was once calledthe most dangerous bridge in the country. new york's tappan zee. >> that looks creaky. >> that's creaky. that's scary. >> reporter: that bridge now being replaced. and david, behind me, the brooklyn bridge, as we said, on the list of bridges needing repair. but at this rate, we're told it ars to repair or deficient bridges. david? >> millions still driving over when we come back here tonight, the global headline involving the pope and what he said about contraception. also breaking tonight, bill cosby and his criminal case. what he is now demanding of the alleged victim. he wants to be paid back.usiness with passion. i t . that's why i have the spkcash carfrom capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on erything i buy for studio. and that unlimed% cash bac from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet served cntry, carried the weight of a ,mi . but i couldn'tea br my diabetic nerve pain any longer. nerve damage from diabetes uses drica is fdappred tre thipain rv pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsengep dressio or usunual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble rash, hives, blisters, muscle pn with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. coonmme effectare dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk calls me grandpa. ask your doctor about lyrica. 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[ screeching ] pretty annoying, right? imagine living in the town where that sound happens every single break. hey dad. hey sweetie, how was your first week? long. it'll get better. i'm at the edward jones office, like sue suggested. thanks for doing this, dad. so i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. 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[ screeching ] wreaking havoc on forest grove, oregon, for weeks, mainly at night, even waking people up. >> it sounds like brakes to me. the cyclical, you know, screeching of, you need to >> reporter: local officials have ruled out a water valve, gas leak or wildlife. and the nearest train track is rarely used. >> want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? [ screeching ] >> guys, guys, guys! >> reporter: unlike "dumb and dumber," this sound isn't so funny to people who live here. thepartment doesn't know what it is, either. >> welcome "the x-files" back on tv again and -- so, here we are. >> reporter: the truth is out there, and whatever it is, it sure is loud. and baffling. [ screeching ] neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> tweet me, let me know what you think. thanks for watching here on a thursday night. i'm david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. for all of us here at abc news, have a good evening. good night. atup rooting trees, kicking up dust and creating problems on mount charleston. "it was crazy. it was windy and lots of hail and snow." 13 action news with live team coverage. wild weather pummeled parts of the valley earlier today.... with high winds whipping through... we even saw some ominous looking dust storms in parts of the valley.. along with some damage. 13 action news reporter stephanie zeppelin is live with a look at some of the aftermath. stephanie. summerlin was a really windy area today. we saw reports of gusts here at fifty miles an hour. some of this wind was so strong it was able to knock down a tree in one woman's backyard. take a look at this video. carol sullivan got back from her morning errands. it was really windy so she went to pick up her patio chairs, and saw this. the huge tree blew over at some point while she was gone. 01.57.49 well i think what they should done is 51 i think they the hoa and management, and someone out right away. whatever happens. still calling them more breaking weather news.. just got this image of a shed over a wall ad lib on mt. charleston.. the high winds were also mixed with snow.. and even some sleet. the manager of the lodge also says the power was knocked out for hours. despite all of that.. the white-out still translated into a lot of green for the lodge. we'll have more on the boost in business coming up in about 10-minutes. so.. all things considered.. old man winter is still letting us know who's in charge. let's go to 13-weather first chief meteorologist bryan

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New York , United States , Charleston , South Carolina , Nevada , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Juarez , Méco , Mexico , California , Tappan Zee , Oregon , New Light , San Bernardino , Washington , District Of Columbia , Arizona , Pearl Harbor , Hawaii , Vatican City , Massachusetts , Cuba , Forest Grove , Mount Charleston , America , American , Cuban , Scott Reiff , Matt Gutman , Carol Sullivan , Los Angeles , Jeb Bush , Edward Jones , Pierre Thomas , Raul Castro , Michelle Obama , Jesus Christ , Las Vegas , Deborah Roberts , Andrea Constand , Terry Moran , David Muir , Cecilia Vega , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , David Kerley , Bernie Sanders ,

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