Transcripts For KTIV Today 20160208 :

Transcripts For KTIV Today 20160208

>> a little buzz from last night. >> i brought him home, walked him home safe and souud. >> good girl. >hey will be with us for buzz in just a little it. >> buzz, howappropriate. >> and grease is good for a hangover. >> who is giving me this bad wrap? i feel very sharp. >> sharp and smart. >> he just told us the exact opposite. >> it is the start of the chinese new year, everybody. so happy chinese new year. i wish i had known that before today. >> why? >> because the map who has been driving me for 33 ars back and forth from connecticut is chinese. he's my faithful friend and i have been remiss not wishing him a happy, happy chinese new year. >> all right. we do have a great show today. we have the great creative mind behind girls this is 40, a new it's reallyy funny. they will g g you talking. so they will be with us. >> and also tomorrow is a big night for hoda. she is hosting the woman's day red dress award. you to tdo it every year. we'll meet all five a little later to find out how they did it. >> and tunedo you know who is walking in the red dress awards? >> i'm so nervous. i can't go in heels, but you had this move. >> i did a little lip sync. i trieh it ehoose the dress for her and she overruled me. i think the shorter dress for kitty with the legs and the whole thing. >> shorter was probably a better idea. everyone wears long. >> i'll get there with my scissors and take care of it. >> it was a very big dad on saturday for me because bambino he's the one with a hangover. he has not gotten over his fifth birthday bash. party. >> i went to the roker's house. guess who cooked? courtney who is right here cooking away now. courtney cooked last night. she made the craziest which i am any cmimichanis. >> dogs never care showing their stuff. they like it. >> anyway, it was tee lish issues delicious. so hats off to the broncos and peyton manning. 24-10. >> panther fans are heartbroken, but that's a solid amazing team. they will be back, back, back. sgramed me, a message cam newton's mother sent to him. and he put it on instragram i think. it was really, really great it was excellent. >> peyton had a huge, huge, huge -- he's not only the winningest qup estest quarterback, but at super bowl. the performances i thought wee crazy crazy. lady gaga dressed elegantly. >> i thought respecful. >> yeah, when she sapgng, it was incredible. rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave prooff was still there o say does that star >> the most moving part was them standing at attention putting their lives on the line. >> and then halftime came and i was dying waiting patiently. >> you knew your song was -- bruno mars is there. >> you're never sure because sometimes they pull a fast one. cold play came out and it was beautiful and fun. and then beyonce came out dressed to the nines. and then brew knowuno and beyonce had a >> the dancing was great. >> what else is there? what happened? >> i like this move. >> all of it -- >> with the legs is wild. wild moves. >> it's a funky chicken. >> oh, my gogo. and thth when you tch them all together, beyonce, brew know andmoe bruno, chris friends. >> i was like hyperventilating watching that. joanne was texting me is in the best ever? i'm like ever, ever. and y y knew that chris martin and beyonce were pals i guess gweneth is friends with the whole group and they posted this picture that illustrates the friend ship. it's chris martin's and gweneth's daughter with jay-z's daughter. >> yeah. well, i would like to make a request for those of us who are a little later and longer in the tooth. older, all right? i want tostart a petition to have chicago and earth wind and fire at the super bowl some day. i just -- i've mentioned it a couple couple months ago. got the sweetest letter from their manager saying we would love to, we're on tour, we're sold out. so i mean, i don't mind the younger acts. but i think they really should like the grammys give it to other people. it's america -- the super wl is america's. and we come in lots of ages. >> you know what was ool, too, when chris martin sang a look back at all the super bowls and you saw all the different -- i thought that was such a great thing and it really did remind you about everything that had come before. they had u2, the stones, michael jackson. >> yeah. >> the hot ref. who cared about the game. did you see him? >> how did i miss thehe hot ref? >> he's name is cleve blakeman. look at his arms. look. he's like a haillo is around him. of course i believe what you say. of course it was incomplete. of course it was. >> just look at him. >> ok at him. yeah, looking everyone loved him on the internet. everyone was all about him. he's a 51-year-old league if i recall from omaha. 2008. his twitter account says he's a personal injury attorney? >> now i'm interested. >> married with children. aah. >> be happy for him. >> well, goody for you. >> nebraska huskers tweeted out quarterback for their '80s team. so he knows the game. so there is a lot of contrororsy every year. it you have a favorite of the commercials or did you position one just totally fell flat? >> puppy monkey baby is the stuff of nightmares. >> mountain dew. >> you don't do that selling a minivan. movie. >> a little weird, but good. >> yeah, the sonogram one. let's take a look. >> and there is your beautiful baby. any day now. >> really, you're eating doritos? he's eating doritos on my ultrasound ultrasound. >> i know. >> aah! >> why see why people are upset about that. the colonial williamsburg one maybe. >> that was funny. >> people are so interesting. something that makes one person laugh owe depends another. it's just s bizarre. >> i always have an apology letter in my pocket ready to go. >> don't we have my crawl? we like to apologize if what she's saying, what she has said and what she's about a b. to say. who cares. enjoy. but i thought overall that the commercials were not as great. >> they release them on the internet. >> they give away too much. they let everybodyee them too >> i love christopher walken. anything he does. he can sit in the walk-in closet and i enjoy. >> all right. enough of you guys. we'll see in you a bit. southern california lawyer is our hero of the day. >> marty burbank, he and his wife have offered to pay the college tuition of 26 kindergarten students at an elementary school in anaheim, california. here's what he had to say. >> getting interested will buying a new boat, trying to decide which one to get and about that same time, last december, my pastor gave a sermon at east side christian church and he was talking about charity and giving. and when he gave that sermon, i just felt moved that buying a boat was a very selfish thing for me and i could do so much more to impact the lives of these kids. and i want to make sure that these kids have every opportunity to go to college. the school is working hard to make sure the children are just want to remove the financial barriers. [ applause ] >> he is actually paying for free college. people like that. >> how awesome is this guy. so he will pay for two years of community college and two years tuition at california state university or the equivalent at a private school. hat a sweet guy. the boat. >> and there is nothing wrong with buying a boat. but he made that choice. and i think it's awesome. it's the year of the monkey and that is good for puppy monkey baby. what are you doing over there? our dessert and red tea service. by the way, i'm trying to eat right. >> and how is it going with the trainer every tuesday and thursday? >> you know what she told me to drink a full bottle of water. >> because it cuts down on your appetite. >> before breakfast,t,lunch and dinner. >> or a full bototle of something. our favorite things are coming up a little latatr. >> a a if you want access to hollywood, these two hold the key. >> they're really acting like an old married couple more and more and more. >> billy bush and with me, what you see is what you get. and i expect the same from my mascara. now, revlon introduces a new collection of mascaras that makes getting the lash look you want easy. so whether you choose ultra volume, super length, volume and length magnified, dramatic definition, or the ultimate all-in-one... the choice is yours. choose love a revolution in mascara. revlon. love is on. chobani simply 100 . it's the only light greek yogurt with zero preservatives. at nature made vitamins, we know there are lots of things you're supposed to do to be healthy. but nature made adult gummies are one part of your health routine you'll actually look forward to. mmmm, mango. nature made adult gummy vitamins and supplements. eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you.u. start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! this turkey is natural? yeah. it's too good to be true. don't say that. it's called the 60 second six pack. it's called the abinator. it's called the pulsator. (buzzing sound) (groans) finally, something that's not too good to be true. it's'sscar mayer natural turkey breast, and it tastes great. i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was, that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most commomoside-affect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole e t of fun. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. we want different stuff for the super bowl. >> zac brown. >> yes. >> lots of luke bryan, blake shelton. >> mix it up. carrie underwood. >> all right. we're ready. it's today's buzz. here's the juicy xwosgossip that you missed over the weekend. billy and kit so cute together. >> it's a good tease. she rolls it out. >> she's coming. >> how precious is this daughter. >> the diva has arrived. >> what is she teasing? >> first of all i think it's river rose's birthday party. no, i think she's going to tis disneyland or mething. >> it's a music video, a song, a novel. so much pressure to find a new way to makep an announcement like this. >> we're talking about it. >> babies work. monkeys and puppies, also. >> she's pregnant with a little boy and her baby pictures i put up on my frimg fridge she's so >> and can we talk about david larry on snl? >> h was gre, but he's larry david being larry david. he's not doing bernie sanders. he's just doing larry david. he is bernie. the video is funny, though. >> just to see them side by side is dallasic. it's bern your enthusiasm. >> let's see it. >> i'm yousr biggest fan. i'm feeling the bern. >> you coughed into your happened. i don't shake it after a cough. >> no, i didn't sflp come on, mr. sanders, don't be rude. shake my wife's nd. >> i'm not being rude. she's the one being rude by offering a germ-infested hand. >> i'm a voter is what i am. >> germ-infested hand. i do not shake disgusting hands. >> and at the end of that skit, he loses by five votes. >> oh, that's funny. >> but he's like that in real life. i lived with larry david for yeararin his guest house. not lived with lar. >> a torrid affair. >> he's exactly like that in real life. he questions everything. he's always getting into trouble. >> i don't know how trump is doing it because donald is notorious for hating germs. but he's all out therelherewith everybody. >> i bet he has a great immune system. >> his doctor said strongest person to ever run for president. >> you guys are coming back and we'll play a grammy game. >> which you will win. >> i can't sing. caress presents a fine fragrance breakthrough. the world's only body wash ...with fragrance release pearls. touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. new caress forever collection. now available in 4 unforgettable fragrances. happening now? the perfect brow new brow drama pomade crayon from maybelline new york. our 1st creamy, pigmented wax crayon sculpts and tames as it colorsrs in one easy y ipe. maybelline's new brow drama pade make it happen next,on the fingerhut network. i'm so sorry, my love. why, darling? you deserve much more than this. well, a new kitchen aid mixer would be nice. i know. and our tv has seen better days. what can we do? we could go to and get low monthlhlpayments on overeralf a million items? brand names like samsung and raraael ray. and dewalt. (woman laughs) it's like i just woke up from a bad dream. no dear, that was last episode. get the credit you deserve and start shopping today. i'm jerry bell the second. and i'm jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. [jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting! you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. your insurance company raises your rates... maybe you should've done more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty mutual insurance. with ingredients like roasteddhazelnuts and cocoa,a, the deliciououtaste of nutella tas pancakes to a wholnew level. grammys are a week away so we thought we'ddlay a fun game we're calling tunes and balloons. kathie lee and i are up against billy and kit. so one person from each team will pick a song out of the bowl. you can hum, act it out, give hints to your partner, but you can't name the artist. billy, go. >> whitney houston, i will always love you. >> how ddd you -- wow. >> oh, my god. [ humming ] >> unforgettable. >> yes. natalie cole. >> good. come on. >> i knew that by the way. >> oh, her husband just passed away. >> celine dion. my heart will go on. >> go. >> i hate this game. >> no, you love it. it's fun. what is it? [ humming ] >> michael jackson, beat it. >> oh, my god. go, go. >> oh, just died. [ humming ] >> skip it. >> >> >>. [ hummmmg ] >> neal sedada, love will keep us tgether. between -- >> chicken wing? oh, bette midler. wind beneath my wings. >> oh, shoot. >> this is so excititg. hurry. [ humming ] >> give me some hints. you can talk. >> adele rolling in the deep. >> and you were singing hello, i think. >> is that it? it's time. we'll play during the commercial. >> didn'ton'n'worry, be happ. >> ddyou really need to wash your hands after the bathroo if you have allergy congestion, muddling through your morning is nothing new. ...your nose is the only thing on your mind... introducing rhinocort allergy spray from the makers of zyrtec . powerful relief from your most frustrating nasal allergy symptomsms, all day and d l night. hasn't your nose been through enough already? try new rhinocort allergy spray. muddle no more our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo.. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television. what? ththough will still be low from said blowing snow and could drop below a quarter-mile at times with 50 mile per hour wind gusts, the reason for the blizzard warnings out east. our wind will diminish a little tonight but will remain brisk tomorrow. we should get some sunshine back though as highs stay in the 20s this week with a couple of possible snow showers thursday. before that though, we'll have to thaw out from tuesday night's near-0 degree low temperatures. stay safe on the roads today! see graphics. >> a big boost for heart health awareness in siouxland. the siouxland american heart and stroke association held its 21th annual heart ball at the marina inn in south sioux city saturday night. the theme of the night; "breakfast at tiffany's." the goal of the night was to raise as much money as possible for research and awarenes in siouxland... because heart attacks and strokes impact a large part of e population. "know your body, know your numbers, your blood pressure in particular, your cholestoral. if you don't know go to your doctor and get checked out. heart health, that's what we are all about," said linda wadedo jochims, american heart association. ktiv's sheila brummer emceed the event. ben's here now with the forecast. monday afternoon a cold front whipped through the area yesterday, and that's when our winds followed suit! strong wind and blowing snow will be the main issues of the day with a couple of stray snow showers this morning, won't amount to much if any accumulation. visibilities though will still be low from said blowing snow and could drop below a quarter-mile at times with 50 le for ththblizzard warnings ou it's a fun day snowy monday here. and we're ready to come clean on common health habits. >> if you're a stickler for toilet seat covers or hand sanitizer,r,u.s. world report took a look at whether they're actually necessar >> and our health and wellness reporter is here with our medical contributeorcontributor. can you believe this has caused such a firestorm? >> i cannot. >> this is your big day, baby. write about is the toilet seat covers. you see those in the airports and things. should you or should you not use? >> you absolutely do not need to. if it makes you feel better, go for it. but in reality, you won't pick up or pass germs through the toilet. >> i totally agree. urine in and of itself, it's sterile. you won't get anything. >> but if it's somebody else's -- >> exactly. but here's the thing. you're sitting on the toilet, you have a skin. your skin is your best barrier against infection. >> but i thought we weren't supposed to sit. we're supposed to hover. >> if you want a thigh workout. >> nobody hovers that long. they say they todo, but it's hard work. >> unless somebody theezz sneezes on the toilet seat, no need for >> should you wash your hands after using the rest boomroomestroom. skip the sink. >> no matter what is going on in the stall? >> 30% skip the season and the rest of us don't wash long enough. >> but it's two minutes or something. >> it's as long as it takes to sing happy birthday two times. washing with soap and water and always remember to go under the nails, too. >> what about hand sanitizer if you're in a pinch. is that something that you think is a good thing? >> if you're in a pinch and you don't have soap and water, it's your next best bet. there but >> but there is a controversy. >> you want to look for one that contains 60% alcohol. not antibacterial. there is controversy about a by the fda for a number of years. they don't have enough evidence yet to say whether or not it's dangerous for humans, but animal studies s sggest there could be issues. >> because the skin is porous? >> no, your skin will not absorb anything, but the idea is that perhaps it could breed antibiotic resistance. >> let's go to the dentist. they say should you go twice a year. i thought it was just once a year. >> well, they say twice a year is outdated phenomenon. in reality,t's a lot like the rest of your health where it really depends on your own personal risk factors. something worth talking to your dentist about. >> if you don't have teeth, still necessary to go to the dentist? >> yes. >> saving the gums. >> and the other thing you want to think about, other groups sskers, people with diabetes, people with dry mouth, and pregnant women. every three months thh want you to go. >> if you have a yoga mat or even gym equipment, do you need toen a sanitize it? >> i thought they were doing it because they w wre sweweing, but yoga mats are a perffct home for a lot of germs. and the only thing else, another couple tips are also if you have any open wounds or any cut, cover them with a band-aid. that's how organisms can get in. and if you have towels, don't use the same towel that you wid down a sweaty piece of equipment and then put it on your face. because that is your portal of entry. >>why wouldd you? >> exactly. last thing we're talking about, the water filters. >> you probably don't need -- you do need to@change them. filter your water because it's been treated. >> unless you're in flint. >> so what the epa says is about 91% of households have community water which is supposed to meet certain standards. so certainly people who get water from their own well or something like that, it's their responsibility. but you can look to your local board. >> and sunscreen we know all the time. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> if you liked girls rain wreck to check out the new series i am never gettingngarried. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life, state farm is there. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait. i recommend nare made vitamins. because i trust their quality. they were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended letter vitamin brand. when i lay in my tempur-pedic contour, then i slowly feel it start to kind of wrap itself around me. with tempur-flfl you've got the e ring and bounce of a t tditional mattress. then, it also adjusts to my body. my cloud feels so comfortazle. it feels like somebody's hugging you. on our most popular tempur-pedic mattress set. plus get our best financing offer of 0% apr for 72 months. how can a bed do that!? visit mattress firm, america's #1 tempur-pedic retailer today, and sleep happy tonight. eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. amy thinks you have to be super smart to not mess up your tax refund. so we flew in super smart mathematician, maria chudnovsky, to help her. i have a lot offstudent loan debt.t. can i i duct my interest? (beep) can amy deduct her student loan interest? in her case, yes. the amount goes right here. in your case, yes. the amount goes right here. thanks. ah, this lucky boy... he has no idea what's coming. my taste - so huge, yet so unexpected. i'm like a boxer in a ring. a small boxer. you don't expect much... and then, wham! i hit 'em with a whole lotta creamy goodness! left! right! uppercut! leaving taste buds... deliciously dizzy! look! his tongue is knocked out! oh! mom steps into the ring! bring it, girlfriend! rich, creamy, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? my doctor said prolia helped my bones get stronger. are your bones getting stronger? do not take prolia if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, ararallergic to it, or tata xgeva . seriris allergic reactions, such as low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, ngue swelling; happened in people taking prolia . tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen, or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. prolia can cause serious side effects, including low blood calcium, serious infections. which could require hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone, joint or muscle papa. only prolia helps strengthen and protect bones with 2 shots a year. i have proof prolia works for me. can it work for you? ask your doctor about prolia today. meet the matte with vivid impact. new vivid matte liquid lip color from maybelline new york. now lips go vivid with... super saturated color new sensuous feel drench your lips in vivid matte. maybelline's vivid matte liquid make it happen we have a nice hearty crowd out there. >> it's blowing snow. they have umbrellas and they're on tv. >> they're in the mood for love. >> yes, they are. intimacy and commitment, sounds like a dream relationship. >> for one couple, it can be a hilarious niggtmare. jillian gakgillian jacobs and paul rust star in the new series "love". >> both coming off breakups and have given up on the idea of love. so take a look. >> i just keep believing that a relationship evolves and gets better and like why do i believe that? where do these lies come from? it's like, oh, i know, songs and books and movies. pleasantville? i like it. to it again. >> yeah, you can tell who wrote this because he got the all the lines. hi, kids. >> welcome. >> thanks for having us. >> how fun are you two. that is a great scene, though. you guys seem like you're friends before this taping. do you know one another? >> no. i was a fan before. i knew of her from community and thought she was hilarious. very talented. >> and hot. let's be honest. >> well, yeah, okay. >> and so how did you get a crack at this? >> well, paul had been working with yesterday on the new peewee herman movie. >> thanks for that. > and on the netflix family. happy to help. and then you started talking about the idea for the show. >> yes. >> so you wrote it, all of it, >> i co-wrote it with jud and my wife.e. >> that's why you didn'say gillian was hot. >> is there some ad lib happening? >> we did a lot of improv onset, but they also wrote great scripts. so it was a wonderful combination of a wonderful starting point and the freedom to say whatever came along glp and you get to play a slut. how much fun is that. so much better than rebecca at sunny brooke farms. >> that was my second choice. >> so it you have to do research? >> you can pull a lot of great stories out there, but futo play someone slightly less in-might be bitted. >> somebody who is totally . a nerd. >> so it's a stretch. >> doing some real daniel day lewis method acting here. no, i play a character named gus anan he's a people pleaser tutor for a young student. >> so love just finds the two of you help. >> hopefully. >> yeah, it's li ten episodes and a slow exploration of two people getting together. >> making a lot of mistakes. >> like life. you're adorable. thanks for coming to see us. ""ove" p pemieres february 19 on netflix. >> and apparently peewee herman five women americans. we're living longer than ever. as we age, certain nutrients become especially important. from the makers of one a day fifty-plus. one a day proactive sixty-five plus. with high potency vitamin b12 and moreitamin d. with me, what you see is what you get. and i expect the same from my mascara. now, revlon introduces a new collection of mascaras that makes getting the lash look you want easy. so whether you choose ultra volume, super length, volume and length magnified, dramatic definition, the choice is yours. choose love a revolution in mascara. revlon. love is on. i thought activia wasn't for me. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedules. over 40 meals of heavy comfort foods like baked mac & cheese. no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. so try the activia two week challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. try it! it works in two weeks or it's free. general mis is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal. again! we stop arthritis pain, so you d d't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. february is all about heart health. tomorrow night i'm hosting the 13th annual women's day red dress awards. >> the event will also honor five women who have been part of live longer and strong challenge. since last spring, they have worked with joy bower to lose weight. p. >> and we're about to show off their hard work. >> this whole thing was put together from women's day. i have a column and every year we to a call out around the country and we recruit women who have had heart sease or in the midst of heart disisase or a famly history and we literally turn their lives around. so i'm so excited. we'll introduce you to all of them. so first up we have our cheer leading queen. this is nicole. 42 from georgia. she's a busy mom, two beautiful daughters. pom-poms is she coaches the local compepetive cheereraders. she used to be a a cheerleader. >> iss that you behind you? >> yes, first time she's actually town to her competitive cheer leading weight. she lost 77 pounds. pressure. cut her cholesterol medication dosage in half. >> thanks, nicole. champiin. she's 35, she's from pennsylvania. she's lost 49 pounds. >> go, girl. >> lowered her blood pressure and bad cholesterol all while bumping up the good cholesterol. >> you look awesome. >> and she has a beautiful daughter, as well. and the ultimate healthy role model. >> thank you. esome. where is maria? >> soma reae maria is holding her hot she's 31, a very physically demanding job, always lug will willingwilling around baggage. but she's dropped 47 poundd normalized blood sugar..g ing around baggage. but she's dropped 47 pounds. normalized blood around baggage. but she's dropped 47 pounds. normalized blood sugar. and she's holding her strappy shoes because she couldn't fit into them before. and now she lost so much weight, they're too big. she dropped a whole shoe size. >> that is awesome. you have great feet, too. awesome. thank you. >> and next we have my girlfrieied. this is terry kelly, she's 55 years old from grand rapid abouts, michigan. she's holding a picture of her family. this is a bit of a heartbreaking but now heartwarming story. about two years ago -- first, she's a mom and she's a grand mom. two years ago, her husband went out for a jog and he was struck by a car and he was killed. and she totalllput her health and it wasn't until one of her daughters called her hysterical crying saying, mom, i'm afraid i'm now going to lose my other parent. so she's dropped 42 pounds, lowered her blood pressure, the bad cholesterol. >> you look awesome. >> and her husband is smilingng down. he's so proud. >> we love you. awesome. >> and last but certainly not least, we have enchilada mama. she's 49 from north carolina. mother of three. assistant director at a church preechool. and she also takes care of her mom. >> we're listening. wow. >> she needed to be more selfish. she was taking care of everybody and now she as droppedhas dropped 25 pounds and reduced her risk for diabetes because she steadied out her blood sugar level. >> congratulations. >> that's fantastic. our website. love it. >> so this whole group has dropped about 250 pounds. much. >> awesome. >> sorry i'm speaking with my mouthful. we'll be right back with our favorite things. nbc. time to share our favorite things. you know our friend squire always here with our god winks. and he and his wife have into phenomenal people. is this a book called the 40 day prayer challenge. they're doing a study with baylor university to see if there is something to the fact that thatat kind of prayeye actually gets results. go on 40 day >> and i just want to show you one of my favorite things is this ghi that i met this weekend, his name is tony luca. we walked into a music place and this guy started layingplaying. here is a song of his. >> i like that. why can't you find that kind of music all the time? >> everybody knows every world. tomorrow is mardi gras.

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