Transcripts For KTIV Today 20151204 :

Transcripts For KTIV Today 20151204

people. >> yeah. it justeems to be happening weekly in our nation somewhere. mass shooting is four or more people. we've had how many? >> well, they go through so many of these things. i think the horrible thing about it is a lot of people have almost become numb to it. i think you guys know what i'm talking about. after sandy hook, i remember everyone said, this is going to change everything. i remember feeling it so deep down that that particular shooting at the elementary scscol was going to chanan everything, and then you s s it happening again and again. yesterday's shooting, this sounds -- >> this is unbelievable. >> it's the sixth mass shooting in the u.s. this week. this week. >> the deadliest mass shooting here in the u.s. since sandy hook and that was three years ago. >> one of the most powerful things that happened on the "today" show, today, they ran an open and in it they just used the "today" shows over the past several l nths, and it shows h h many of these stories we've been coveringng take a look. >> massacre, nine people killed when a man walked into an prayer meeting in a charlston, south carolina church. >> terror in tennessee. authorities searching for a motive in the rampage that ended with four marines dead. >> a 58-year-old gunman opens fire in a crowded movie theater in louisiana, killing two people, wounding nine others. >> in memory and in grief. the shocking murders of two colleagues during a live broadcast. >> face of a killer, the gunman who killed nine people in an oregon college. >> carnage in colorado. a 57-year-old man behind bars this morning after a deadly shootout at a planned parenthood clinic. >> you get chills watching that. >> it just seems since it seems s to be so prevalent n n, we somehow have to come to some kind of compromise in our world today. i'm a total constitutionalist. i think our constitution is one of the greatest documents in it's just a brilliant piece of legislation for governing the affairs of men and women. i'i'a big believer in ththsecond amendment. but i want guns only in the hands -- right to bear arms only for those people who are people of peace. and we've got totoind a way to keep those kinds, like ak-47s, that are only designed for mass murder, mass carnage. you don't go out to shoot a deer with that. you don't go shoot the ducks. you know? >> right. >> you don't really defend yourself with something like that, right? >> can't imagine that you can be on a watch list and not allowed to board a plane but you can go in and buy a gun. and you're not on a list there. i think there has to be something. you always hope this is the thing that makes people -- >> that lines people on both sides of this controversy will come together and do something at least. you said something interesting earlier, though. you said these two people that were killed in the shootout would have been able to buy one checks and even with -- what was the other thing? >> i didn't say that, someone else must have told d u that. >> yeah, yeah. and no prior crime, no record. >> you also have to think about for those two, when you think about -- the facts are still coming together -- but take their young baby, their 6-month-old, leave it with a mother-in-law and leave that baby knowing either they're going to be in prison or dead when it's over at the end of the day. it was one of those thingsgsyou walk in, you shake your head and you say not again. >> hoda's right, we don't know all the facts and we want to be just hear something that was upsetting as well, that one of the neighbors came on and said she'd been watching activity there in the night for quite a riod of time. >> there's going to be some -- >> and the woman was afraid to say anything because she didn't want to be accused of profiling. so that's also part of our we've become so politically here, if you see something, say something. i don't want to put any burden on that person, but what if that person had caljed and they'd gotten a warra and gone in and seen -- >> well, you just think if you have bombs and guns and flak jackets and, you know -- >> all that, yeah. >> this wasn't something where it happened in a split second. >> i don't think any peace-loving person keeps that stuff at home. >> no, you got that right. all righty. can we move on? >> we have to. we have to. things into the world. from maine. she went to good will, which is >> she went to dollar deal monday. she bought five coats for five bucks. right? she took the coats and said what am i going to do with these? she taped them around five light posts in maine. with a note on each one thatt says, i'm not lost.. please takakme if you need me. then she walked to her car and she noticed a man taking one of the coats off. they're for people who are >> it's getting colder all the time now. think if every one of us took the $5 we would spend on a latte or something and went into good will or salvation army or whatever it is in your area and did that. that's awesome. >> there's a homeless guy who sits near my apartment now. you know how there's complaining in new york because they see more and more hopeless. you know what, something funnyny happened the other day. i saw him sitting there and a littleleoy was around -- a couple of days after thanksgiving. he had a pie in his hand. he was running down the street. i heard him say to his mom, i don't see him. i don't see him. she said, there he is. he's right over there. the little boy walked up. because he didn't know where to give -- so even though thehe's a homeless problem, all i was seeing was this is teaching young kids to be compassionate. sounds weird, but when i watched that kid walk up with that pie to that man i thought -- he was looking all over for him. did he move, mom, i want to make sure i give him this. >> the greatest self-esteem you give your children is by helping othersrs you stand tall. you feel better. your heart sings. good for them. >> we have a woman who loves our show and we love her, brittany >> we do, brittany breen. >> brittany's pregnant. she didn't know how she was going to announce her pregnancy. she decided we were going to help. we knew nothing about this. we showed it on twitter. >> we just found ou >> here's what she did. look what she did. it says wine wednesday postponed, brittany breen announces her pregnancy. she somehohocut up letters and turned it into that. anyway, it's her first child for her and her husband. >> it's something about wine day wednesday. i don't know. >> well, her husband -- >> he works out on a freighter. heheoesn't get to see ususuch. he now gets to see us. there they all are. we want to say thank you to their 17-week-old baby. correspondent. so sweet. >> it's so fun right now because it's time for i-hoda. favorite time of the day. >> no, i was not. >> luke bryan has a good one. fairchild singing with. let's do it. let's crank it. it's about when you break up with somebody and you're in a bar with somebody else. if you're buying you know i'll drink so make a seven and seven do you like it on the rocks a double shot of heaven spilling off the top and we'll go shot for shot for shot tell we forgot what we came here to forget ain't a clock a tick a tock a night we won't regret flip it down and turn the camera up i'll send it to my ex send them both a text saying we ain't going home alone tonight >> isn't that good? you ain't going to go home alone tonight >> just a reminder you can listen to us on sirius xm on channel 108. you can find hoda there, too. song to i think is. >> oh, larry. larry, come here, larry. larry's here. larry's here, his wife and daughter. you guys can come too. come sit here. larry's our general manager down at our affiliate in miami. >> his wife sue and daughter lauren are here, too. we heard a rumor it was your birthday. ready? okay, we're ready. happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear larry happy birthday to you >> we love you. >> we love you. happy birthday. all righty. get ready for one of the most amazing performances you're ever going to see. after this. we just couldn't wait any longer so we're ready to reveal our ambush makeovers. >> two lucky ladies have been getting primped and pampered for the past three hours court courtesy of our glam squad. "today" contributor -- >> sing along please. louis licari, la, la, la >> how was it out there? >> great, as always. we had many signs. so many women were so excited to be picked. as you can see, some more than most. >> some elfs showed up. >> well, it is the season, i believe. >> renee bailey is our lucky lady. celebrating her 70th birthday from savannah, georgia. anniversary. >> god bless her. >> a loyal ambush watcher since she can remember. her everyday look is leggings and a shirt. she's excited. >> this a different look. >> let's listen to her story. >> we're here with the three sisters or candy cane elves. and you have been screaming since we picked your sister. so why do you want this so badly for her? >> we are so excited. she turned 70 yesterday. this is our very first trip together. she's lived away for a long time. so we're so excited she's able to do this. >> i am ready to bust! i'm so excited! >> ready for a whole new situation? >> oh, my gosh, this is exciting. her sisters, theresa and gwen. all right, ladies. are you ready? >> yes. >> please keep your blindfolds on for just a second. here's renee bailey before. all right, let's see the new you! whoa! >> all right, you ready? take off those blindfolds! >> ahhhh! oh, my gosh! >> are you ready? spin right around. >> ohhh! ahhh! >> thank you. >> okay. stand with your sisters. stand with your sisters. stand there, you're good, you're good. tell us about the hair. >> okay, first thing i did was i washed away the gray. and i'm telling you, the quickest fix to make yourself look more glamorous, more vital . and younger, let's go right for that word younger, is hair color. it takes less than half an hour. he was able with his magic fingers to fluff it and shape it and make it to modern. >> jill, that dress is spot on. >> fit like a glove. i want to say, we had a no yelling rule because that was going on all morning. that literally, they're like, can we yell now? the dress is adrianna papell. >> so is hoda's. >> by the way, everybody, keep looking for our elf on the shelf throughout the show. they aren't it. they aren't it. >> big round of applause. >> our second lucky lady is debly bloom, 48 from atlantic city. debby has two children, two grandchildren. she wanted to come for the tree lighting last night but stayed home to make a sign and increase her odds of being picked and it worked. let's hear her story. >> well, debbie, i know this is actually an emotional day for you. so why is this important to you? >> i've been wanting this forever. i survived cancer, and it's like a christmas gift and it's a life gift to myself, so excited. >> we're so happy we can give this to you. i saw tears on the plaza. we were going to make this a happy day. >> yes. >> how great is that? she's here with her best friend, ken. >> hi, ken. >> welcome, ken. let's take one last look at debby and bring out the new debby bloom. i bet she's blossomed. >> oh, my gosh. look at the way she's walking. she's a model. you can take that off. wow! oh! wow! you were amazing before. >> wait until you see, debby. turn around, doll. >> oh, my goodness! >> can you believe what's happening? >> i love the back of that. >> oh, that cut is great. >> it's beveled. >> look right at camera 12 if you wouldn't mind. >> love that. love the color, lewis. >> thank you, i so appreciate that. that is, of course, highlights and a single process. the tip here is remember, the highlights should always relate but they can still be bright. those are a caramely gold. and a great job with the haircut. simple by chic. and look at that makeup. it's gorgeous. >> what about this outfit? >> i love the skirt and top. >> she said, what about jeans? i haven't worn a dress or a skirt in ten years since cousin so i said, of course, we will wear a skirt or a dress. this is white house black-market. all right. thank you so much, louis. thank you, jill. thank you, arson, everybody. quick beauty fixes right after this. the challenges facing the country never stop. so neither does the u.s. army. we train. adapt. and get smarter. every soldier. every unit. every day. not to keep up with change; but to drive it. nobody knows what problems tomorrow will bring. it's time for bobbie's buzz. >> if you ever smudged your nails after a manicure. >> or need help planning your outfits in the morning. >> bobbie thomas has quick fixes. >> how's the baby by the way? >> first christmas. >> so excited. so first up, these make great girlfriend gifts or something for r urself. but this was a fantastic idea. bittersweet bracelets are bracelets you can wear with or without a hair tie. you may say what? >> you never know when you're going to need one. >> i always have one on my wrist. >> you slip one on. it's great because there's a lot of buzz about people getting irritation on their wrist but this prevents the elastic from sitting on your skin. they're chic. they also make them for kids. >> then when you need one it's right there. >> i should get one for cassidy. >> you know when you start out with beautiful hair in the evening and then it gets -- >> you want to pull it back. >> dance and stuff, it's too hot. >> this is such a smart idea. woman was saying, i want to prestyle my outfits to save time. right behind you. you can hang it on your hanger and your accessories you always forget. what nececace goes together. you can prestyle your outfits for the week. >> hoda, that's the answer to >> and always be accessorized. next up, this is a shower conditioning brush from remington. >> i think i would like how that feels. >> this is a way -- it's got a chamamr inside. you put your condition or shampoo inside. >> that's got to feel -- >> see if you like it. >> it's got actually conditioner in there so be careful. you just push massage. >> you push the center. you get the great massager. >> this is a great stocking stuffer. >> stocking stuffer. >> and only $10. >> what's this? >> last but not least, last is kur, instant smudge fix. if you finish your manicure and dent it, you think, oh, my gosh, all you need is one stroke of thisis >> it smushes it out? yeah. you drop a little color in the dent. >> and it glosses -- >> it fades into the nail. >> the formula is similar to when you see people take a little bit of nail polish remover but it's easier. >hank you. >> everything on line. >> thank you. make after your local news. it's thirsty thursday. a good day to be i ithe kitchen with one of the most popular food network stars in the nation, ina garten. >> you say it's good to be in the kitchen with ina. >> her friends call her the barefoot contessa. our "today" food team called on ina to show us some easy drinks and appetizers. >> what time is it? >> is it day drinking? >> this is a serious segment, ina, no judgment. >> first, cranberry martinis. >> ooh. >> perfect for the holidays. >> give somebody else credit, that is lovely. >> he's great. he's great. the first thing i did was i cooked together sugar, cranberries, orange zest, and some water. cook it for about five minutes. flavor. it's fantastic. this is a bottle of vodka. >> we know what a bottle of vodka looks like, trust me. >> pour that in there. >> the whole bottle? >> the whole bottle. >> it's vodka. >> or something. >> the nice thing about thisis you can make it in advance which is wonderful. >> should the vodka be cold or does it matter? >> it's going to go in the fridge so it doesn't matter. this entire thing is going to go right in this bottle. it's going to sit in the fridge for up to a week. >> really? >> up to a week. >> it's going to marinate, babab >> this s what it ends up being like. >> okaka >> why that long, juju to get the -- >> the fruit flavor. it can be a day, two days, but it can be a week, too. then what i'm going to do with i'm going to actually use the cranberries for the drink. you'll s s. little garnish. so now what we have is this drink, we're going to add two things. hoda, do you want to add cranberry juice and triple sec. the triple sec is an orange liquor so it gives good flavor to it. >> you're just enhancing the two flavors that are already -- >> exactly, exactly. then i'll take some cranberries and put it right into the drink like that. >> ah. >> to garnish it. >> to garnish it. because they're delicious. they've been infused. take a little orange zest and run it around ththrim to really taste that. and this goes in here. >> this is fun. >> you never have any fun, right? >> never. she's the most dour -- >> i know, it's really unbelievable. >> are you shaking? >> careful. >> i have a ----t should be okay. >> the key to this, you shake it for 30 seconds. >> you shake it, ina. >> pour it in? >> pour it right in and we have cranberry martinis. >> that looks delicious. >> i'll take a sip. >> and the other drink i made here actually is jalapeno margaritas. fresh lime juice, fresh lemon juice. >> delicious. >> yes. what is this one? >> this is jalapeno margarita, marinated. we have a long day ahead, right. >> we do. >> whoa, jalapeno. >> it's got a little heat in it, right, but it's really good. >> it's got a lot of heat in it. i know what heat is when i see it. >> adorable or what? >> cute.e. >> with it, because you want to eat something with it, i've made marinated feta. simplest thing in the world. just slice feta. thyme, red pepper flakes, combine them. just goes over the top. >> easy. >> just like that. little drizzle action. >> a little thyme, so everybody knows what it is. >> people either love feta or don't like it at all. >> i do too, it's amazing. you end up with -- >> how do you serve it? >> just zer it it like that. already done with pita chips. and i also made kale chips. you roast kale. you can either do it with or without parmesan cheese. this is kale chips. >> like eating potato chips. >> this is double fisted. >> isn't that good? >> what do i eat next? >> and you've got a cocktail party. >> it's like eating a potato chip. >> delicious. thank you. >> she's the best for a reason. we love you so much. the recipes are all from ina's cookbook. it's called "make it ahead." you can also find them on they've scoured the shelves to find all kinds of products and put them to the test. we'll bring you the best with jill right after this. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. delivery. hey. lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. have a good one. ah, these small new york apartments... protect your belongings. let geico help you with renters insurance. enough pressure in here for ya? i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. let's end this. want to survive a crazy busy day? sfx: cell phone chimes start with a positive attitude... and positively radiant skin. aveeno positively radiantmoisturizer... with active naturals soy. we are ready to reveal the latest batch of the best beauty products. >> today we are tackling the body. >> products thatatake you feel sexy, smooth and smell good, which is very important when you're breaking a sweat like we are. >> these are like two pounds. >> here are the winners today. >> here is contributor jill >> and "people" style and beauty director adrian lavinthal. >> okay. we're gettingouder every time. that's part of our goal. >> from feta cheese to working out, the best beauty products. >> okay. first, the best deodorant. drum roll, please. nothing over $13.99 today. everything from drugstores. >> i'm going to love it. >> dove. >> i love dove. >> so good. >> so one for each of you. >> that would be a good thing for a commercial. i love dove. >> i love dove. it's great. it's great stuff. >> after a spin class or even working out, our tester said it dries instantly, it lasts more than 24 hours. >> how does it smell? >> it smells. >> it's a dry spray. it goes on instantly dry, not like the old antiperspirant. >> they're each different, different flavors. >> different scentnt >> thahas what i meant. >> don eat it. >> they know what i mean. >> ready? >> yes, we're ready. >> what is it? >> so we're going to start with hand cream. here's the thing, it's hard to get really excited about hand cream. >> no, it isn't, especially this time of year. >> this one is worth getting a little jazzed up over because even when you wash your hands, they still feel hydrated. you're not in that endless >> squirt some on her. >> let's see. >> you're going to be moisturized for days. >> really, that much? >> everyone loved this. we didn't expect a hand cream to get so much feedback. skin fix. >> not too thick >> we're in the beach theme for a reason, the music and -- >> we have the self-tanner. >> some people are a little scared of self-tanner. >> because of the orange streaks. >> or smelling like fritos. >> she got such beautiful natural results. no streaking. i mean, it smells good. >> she did the left leg last night. you know what though, if you do it, it will be blotchy. just remember to wash your hands after. she did one leg and one arm last night. that was the assignment. >> look how w rk it is. >> how often do you have to do it? >> every day. >> you can do it a few times a week to build up to the color you want. >> wow, that's a beautiful >> isn't it pretty? >> interesting. >> okay. let's take that home too. >> okay. ready for our next? >> uh-huh. >> i love the drum roll. >> best exfoliator, best razor. >> what's the best razor? >> we'll start with the exfoliator. >> exactly. >> that's because of the order of the graphics. hoda moves right to the razor. very exciting. it's sort of dry, like if you feel this. >> but it melts. >> melts right in. our tester said this was the best. and speaking of, before you do the spray tan, it's best to >> did you do that? >> i don't know ififhe did. don't know. >> so she looks guilty. so that's the botanic. >> it's not oily. >> no, it's not. >> now, hadro silk razor. the other side is an electronic immer that everybody said -- >> think about it. >> for intimate areas. so that was voted the best. >> or use it on your guy. >> sure. >> that's exactly the way out of and then this was my personal this is the jergens wet skin think of it like conditioner for your body. you're in the shower. you rinse off. then you put this on. you do not rinse this off. you towel dry. >> just towel dry? >> and you're hydrated. >> jackie. >> yeah. >> jackie's everywhere. >> do you like the razor, jackie? >> i love it. >> what's that? >> this is our award-winning shave cream. >> who makes it, sweetheart? >> completely bare. >> thanks, guys. >> we'll be back again for the last one tomorrow. for all the full list of beauty award winners including the no bump shave gel, visit >> tomorrow, all the wininrs in skin care. this. americans. we try to live healthy. but many of us don't know there are nutrients that can help support our metabolism. take new one a day healthy metabolism support multivitamin with chromium to help use carbs from food and b-vitamins to helpconvert food to fuel. one a day. let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast max. it's the same difference. this one is max strength and fights mucus. mucinex fast max. the only cold and flflliquid gel and fights mucus. are you sitting down, because you're about to witness some amazing shape shifting from the internationally acclaimed modern dance company called pilolobus. >> if that name sounds familiar it mighthte because they performed at t t 2007 academy awards where dancers' bodies became tributes to films like "happy feet" and "little miss sunshine." >> they're amazing. now pilolobus is performing a new show called shadowland. those are shadowow the shsh is running at the nyu -- okay, center for the performing arts. we get to see one right now. >> all right, here they are, holiday will say hello to the folks you're going to know love to the child discovering stone love to the people without a home love to those you won't forget love to those who will watching it because those of us are on the street be going uptown to be a part of it going downtown to the heart of it to the year we left behind cheers to the ones who are here today cheers to the ones who have gone away everybody needs someone underground in the morning sun doesn't matter where you're from new york city is the place to be going uptown going downtown to the heart of it holiday you say hello love to the child discovering snow love to the people e thout a home love to those we won't forget love to those less fortunate because all of us are on the street new york city is the place to be going uptown to be a part of it going downtown to the heart of it >> where am i sitting, right here? perfect. >> you guys ready? >> yes, we're ready! oh, my god. that's unbelelvable. pilolobus. >> you guys are brilliant. >> what just happened? >> we're back with more. >> honestly. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. >> that was unbelievable! your clever moves won't stop the cold and flu. but disinfecting with lysol can. lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. to help keep your family healthy, lysol that. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. americans. we try to live healthy. but many of us don't know there are nutrients that can help support our metabolism. take new one a day healthy metabolism support multivitamin with chromium to help use carbs from food and b-vitamins to helpconvert food to fuel. one a day. jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finini jet-dry. hold-onto-your-tiara, kind-of-day. live 24/7 with 24/7 digestive support. try align, the undisputed #1 ge recommended probiotic. we give you relief from your cold & flu. you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol cold helps relieve your worst cold & flu symptoms... you can give them everything you've got. it's that time of the show when we spread some cheer and meet one of f e generous supporters of our 22nd annual >> one of our biggest challenges every year, is here to help us with that. from a local boys and girls club. hi, kids. >> good to see you guys. >> what are you giving away? >> this year we're giving away toys from the good dinosaur including this galloping book. and everybody's excited about these great dinosaurs. >> you guys like them? >> yeah. >> yes. >> it is important every year, i know, you guys are always so great about giving each year, right? >> it's very important for our company. our mission is to make the world smile. spend time with these wonderful kids. make sure everybody has the opportunity. >> amen. >> how was being on tv? >> good. >> you guys did great. >> yeah. >> thank you for everything you do. and if you'd like to donate, you can come to our plaza, come to our pop-up store, donate online through amazon. you have until december 22nd. we want to give a shoutout to one of the facebook friends who spotted regis. >> regis was the elf on the shelf. >> grace was homesick yesterday but she found him. >> good for her. >> keep looking for the elf on the shelf popping up. >> now, listen, earlier we mentioned a story we heard about a neighbor who reportedly saw suspicious activity at the home of the suspect in yesterday's mass shooting in the days before the tragedy. >> we want to point out, nbc news has not verified that account. >> exactly. tomorrow, adam pally stops by. >> plus, ideas for the people who help you out all year long. >> and holiday fashions we promise your kids will want to wear. >> have a great thursday. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere.

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Rockefeller Center , Louisiana , Maine , Tennessee , South Carolina , Colorado , Georgia , Oregon , Poland , Sandy Hook , Polish , Americans , Mary J Blige , Kathie Lee Gifford , Bobbie Thomas , Rockefeller Plaza , Brittany Breen , Louis Licari , Renee Bailey , Luke Bryan , Ina Garten ,

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Transcripts For KTIV Today 20151204 :

Transcripts For KTIV Today 20151204

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people. >> yeah. it justeems to be happening weekly in our nation somewhere. mass shooting is four or more people. we've had how many? >> well, they go through so many of these things. i think the horrible thing about it is a lot of people have almost become numb to it. i think you guys know what i'm talking about. after sandy hook, i remember everyone said, this is going to change everything. i remember feeling it so deep down that that particular shooting at the elementary scscol was going to chanan everything, and then you s s it happening again and again. yesterday's shooting, this sounds -- >> this is unbelievable. >> it's the sixth mass shooting in the u.s. this week. this week. >> the deadliest mass shooting here in the u.s. since sandy hook and that was three years ago. >> one of the most powerful things that happened on the "today" show, today, they ran an open and in it they just used the "today" shows over the past several l nths, and it shows h h many of these stories we've been coveringng take a look. >> massacre, nine people killed when a man walked into an prayer meeting in a charlston, south carolina church. >> terror in tennessee. authorities searching for a motive in the rampage that ended with four marines dead. >> a 58-year-old gunman opens fire in a crowded movie theater in louisiana, killing two people, wounding nine others. >> in memory and in grief. the shocking murders of two colleagues during a live broadcast. >> face of a killer, the gunman who killed nine people in an oregon college. >> carnage in colorado. a 57-year-old man behind bars this morning after a deadly shootout at a planned parenthood clinic. >> you get chills watching that. >> it just seems since it seems s to be so prevalent n n, we somehow have to come to some kind of compromise in our world today. i'm a total constitutionalist. i think our constitution is one of the greatest documents in it's just a brilliant piece of legislation for governing the affairs of men and women. i'i'a big believer in ththsecond amendment. but i want guns only in the hands -- right to bear arms only for those people who are people of peace. and we've got totoind a way to keep those kinds, like ak-47s, that are only designed for mass murder, mass carnage. you don't go out to shoot a deer with that. you don't go shoot the ducks. you know? >> right. >> you don't really defend yourself with something like that, right? >> can't imagine that you can be on a watch list and not allowed to board a plane but you can go in and buy a gun. and you're not on a list there. i think there has to be something. you always hope this is the thing that makes people -- >> that lines people on both sides of this controversy will come together and do something at least. you said something interesting earlier, though. you said these two people that were killed in the shootout would have been able to buy one checks and even with -- what was the other thing? >> i didn't say that, someone else must have told d u that. >> yeah, yeah. and no prior crime, no record. >> you also have to think about for those two, when you think about -- the facts are still coming together -- but take their young baby, their 6-month-old, leave it with a mother-in-law and leave that baby knowing either they're going to be in prison or dead when it's over at the end of the day. it was one of those thingsgsyou walk in, you shake your head and you say not again. >> hoda's right, we don't know all the facts and we want to be just hear something that was upsetting as well, that one of the neighbors came on and said she'd been watching activity there in the night for quite a riod of time. >> there's going to be some -- >> and the woman was afraid to say anything because she didn't want to be accused of profiling. so that's also part of our we've become so politically here, if you see something, say something. i don't want to put any burden on that person, but what if that person had caljed and they'd gotten a warra and gone in and seen -- >> well, you just think if you have bombs and guns and flak jackets and, you know -- >> all that, yeah. >> this wasn't something where it happened in a split second. >> i don't think any peace-loving person keeps that stuff at home. >> no, you got that right. all righty. can we move on? >> we have to. we have to. things into the world. from maine. she went to good will, which is >> she went to dollar deal monday. she bought five coats for five bucks. right? she took the coats and said what am i going to do with these? she taped them around five light posts in maine. with a note on each one thatt says, i'm not lost.. please takakme if you need me. then she walked to her car and she noticed a man taking one of the coats off. they're for people who are >> it's getting colder all the time now. think if every one of us took the $5 we would spend on a latte or something and went into good will or salvation army or whatever it is in your area and did that. that's awesome. >> there's a homeless guy who sits near my apartment now. you know how there's complaining in new york because they see more and more hopeless. you know what, something funnyny happened the other day. i saw him sitting there and a littleleoy was around -- a couple of days after thanksgiving. he had a pie in his hand. he was running down the street. i heard him say to his mom, i don't see him. i don't see him. she said, there he is. he's right over there. the little boy walked up. because he didn't know where to give -- so even though thehe's a homeless problem, all i was seeing was this is teaching young kids to be compassionate. sounds weird, but when i watched that kid walk up with that pie to that man i thought -- he was looking all over for him. did he move, mom, i want to make sure i give him this. >> the greatest self-esteem you give your children is by helping othersrs you stand tall. you feel better. your heart sings. good for them. >> we have a woman who loves our show and we love her, brittany >> we do, brittany breen. >> brittany's pregnant. she didn't know how she was going to announce her pregnancy. she decided we were going to help. we knew nothing about this. we showed it on twitter. >> we just found ou >> here's what she did. look what she did. it says wine wednesday postponed, brittany breen announces her pregnancy. she somehohocut up letters and turned it into that. anyway, it's her first child for her and her husband. >> it's something about wine day wednesday. i don't know. >> well, her husband -- >> he works out on a freighter. heheoesn't get to see ususuch. he now gets to see us. there they all are. we want to say thank you to their 17-week-old baby. correspondent. so sweet. >> it's so fun right now because it's time for i-hoda. favorite time of the day. >> no, i was not. >> luke bryan has a good one. fairchild singing with. let's do it. let's crank it. it's about when you break up with somebody and you're in a bar with somebody else. if you're buying you know i'll drink so make a seven and seven do you like it on the rocks a double shot of heaven spilling off the top and we'll go shot for shot for shot tell we forgot what we came here to forget ain't a clock a tick a tock a night we won't regret flip it down and turn the camera up i'll send it to my ex send them both a text saying we ain't going home alone tonight >> isn't that good? you ain't going to go home alone tonight >> just a reminder you can listen to us on sirius xm on channel 108. you can find hoda there, too. song to i think is. >> oh, larry. larry, come here, larry. larry's here. larry's here, his wife and daughter. you guys can come too. come sit here. larry's our general manager down at our affiliate in miami. >> his wife sue and daughter lauren are here, too. we heard a rumor it was your birthday. ready? okay, we're ready. happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear larry happy birthday to you >> we love you. >> we love you. happy birthday. all righty. get ready for one of the most amazing performances you're ever going to see. after this. we just couldn't wait any longer so we're ready to reveal our ambush makeovers. >> two lucky ladies have been getting primped and pampered for the past three hours court courtesy of our glam squad. "today" contributor -- >> sing along please. louis licari, la, la, la >> how was it out there? >> great, as always. we had many signs. so many women were so excited to be picked. as you can see, some more than most. >> some elfs showed up. >> well, it is the season, i believe. >> renee bailey is our lucky lady. celebrating her 70th birthday from savannah, georgia. anniversary. >> god bless her. >> a loyal ambush watcher since she can remember. her everyday look is leggings and a shirt. she's excited. >> this a different look. >> let's listen to her story. >> we're here with the three sisters or candy cane elves. and you have been screaming since we picked your sister. so why do you want this so badly for her? >> we are so excited. she turned 70 yesterday. this is our very first trip together. she's lived away for a long time. so we're so excited she's able to do this. >> i am ready to bust! i'm so excited! >> ready for a whole new situation? >> oh, my gosh, this is exciting. her sisters, theresa and gwen. all right, ladies. are you ready? >> yes. >> please keep your blindfolds on for just a second. here's renee bailey before. all right, let's see the new you! whoa! >> all right, you ready? take off those blindfolds! >> ahhhh! oh, my gosh! >> are you ready? spin right around. >> ohhh! ahhh! >> thank you. >> okay. stand with your sisters. stand with your sisters. stand there, you're good, you're good. tell us about the hair. >> okay, first thing i did was i washed away the gray. and i'm telling you, the quickest fix to make yourself look more glamorous, more vital . and younger, let's go right for that word younger, is hair color. it takes less than half an hour. he was able with his magic fingers to fluff it and shape it and make it to modern. >> jill, that dress is spot on. >> fit like a glove. i want to say, we had a no yelling rule because that was going on all morning. that literally, they're like, can we yell now? the dress is adrianna papell. >> so is hoda's. >> by the way, everybody, keep looking for our elf on the shelf throughout the show. they aren't it. they aren't it. >> big round of applause. >> our second lucky lady is debly bloom, 48 from atlantic city. debby has two children, two grandchildren. she wanted to come for the tree lighting last night but stayed home to make a sign and increase her odds of being picked and it worked. let's hear her story. >> well, debbie, i know this is actually an emotional day for you. so why is this important to you? >> i've been wanting this forever. i survived cancer, and it's like a christmas gift and it's a life gift to myself, so excited. >> we're so happy we can give this to you. i saw tears on the plaza. we were going to make this a happy day. >> yes. >> how great is that? she's here with her best friend, ken. >> hi, ken. >> welcome, ken. let's take one last look at debby and bring out the new debby bloom. i bet she's blossomed. >> oh, my gosh. look at the way she's walking. she's a model. you can take that off. wow! oh! wow! you were amazing before. >> wait until you see, debby. turn around, doll. >> oh, my goodness! >> can you believe what's happening? >> i love the back of that. >> oh, that cut is great. >> it's beveled. >> look right at camera 12 if you wouldn't mind. >> love that. love the color, lewis. >> thank you, i so appreciate that. that is, of course, highlights and a single process. the tip here is remember, the highlights should always relate but they can still be bright. those are a caramely gold. and a great job with the haircut. simple by chic. and look at that makeup. it's gorgeous. >> what about this outfit? >> i love the skirt and top. >> she said, what about jeans? i haven't worn a dress or a skirt in ten years since cousin so i said, of course, we will wear a skirt or a dress. this is white house black-market. all right. thank you so much, louis. thank you, jill. thank you, arson, everybody. quick beauty fixes right after this. the challenges facing the country never stop. so neither does the u.s. army. we train. adapt. and get smarter. every soldier. every unit. every day. not to keep up with change; but to drive it. nobody knows what problems tomorrow will bring. it's time for bobbie's buzz. >> if you ever smudged your nails after a manicure. >> or need help planning your outfits in the morning. >> bobbie thomas has quick fixes. >> how's the baby by the way? >> first christmas. >> so excited. so first up, these make great girlfriend gifts or something for r urself. but this was a fantastic idea. bittersweet bracelets are bracelets you can wear with or without a hair tie. you may say what? >> you never know when you're going to need one. >> i always have one on my wrist. >> you slip one on. it's great because there's a lot of buzz about people getting irritation on their wrist but this prevents the elastic from sitting on your skin. they're chic. they also make them for kids. >> then when you need one it's right there. >> i should get one for cassidy. >> you know when you start out with beautiful hair in the evening and then it gets -- >> you want to pull it back. >> dance and stuff, it's too hot. >> this is such a smart idea. woman was saying, i want to prestyle my outfits to save time. right behind you. you can hang it on your hanger and your accessories you always forget. what nececace goes together. you can prestyle your outfits for the week. >> hoda, that's the answer to >> and always be accessorized. next up, this is a shower conditioning brush from remington. >> i think i would like how that feels. >> this is a way -- it's got a chamamr inside. you put your condition or shampoo inside. >> that's got to feel -- >> see if you like it. >> it's got actually conditioner in there so be careful. you just push massage. >> you push the center. you get the great massager. >> this is a great stocking stuffer. >> stocking stuffer. >> and only $10. >> what's this? >> last but not least, last is kur, instant smudge fix. if you finish your manicure and dent it, you think, oh, my gosh, all you need is one stroke of thisis >> it smushes it out? yeah. you drop a little color in the dent. >> and it glosses -- >> it fades into the nail. >> the formula is similar to when you see people take a little bit of nail polish remover but it's easier. >hank you. >> everything on line. >> thank you. make after your local news. it's thirsty thursday. a good day to be i ithe kitchen with one of the most popular food network stars in the nation, ina garten. >> you say it's good to be in the kitchen with ina. >> her friends call her the barefoot contessa. our "today" food team called on ina to show us some easy drinks and appetizers. >> what time is it? >> is it day drinking? >> this is a serious segment, ina, no judgment. >> first, cranberry martinis. >> ooh. >> perfect for the holidays. >> give somebody else credit, that is lovely. >> he's great. he's great. the first thing i did was i cooked together sugar, cranberries, orange zest, and some water. cook it for about five minutes. flavor. it's fantastic. this is a bottle of vodka. >> we know what a bottle of vodka looks like, trust me. >> pour that in there. >> the whole bottle? >> the whole bottle. >> it's vodka. >> or something. >> the nice thing about thisis you can make it in advance which is wonderful. >> should the vodka be cold or does it matter? >> it's going to go in the fridge so it doesn't matter. this entire thing is going to go right in this bottle. it's going to sit in the fridge for up to a week. >> really? >> up to a week. >> it's going to marinate, babab >> this s what it ends up being like. >> okaka >> why that long, juju to get the -- >> the fruit flavor. it can be a day, two days, but it can be a week, too. then what i'm going to do with i'm going to actually use the cranberries for the drink. you'll s s. little garnish. so now what we have is this drink, we're going to add two things. hoda, do you want to add cranberry juice and triple sec. the triple sec is an orange liquor so it gives good flavor to it. >> you're just enhancing the two flavors that are already -- >> exactly, exactly. then i'll take some cranberries and put it right into the drink like that. >> ah. >> to garnish it. >> to garnish it. because they're delicious. they've been infused. take a little orange zest and run it around ththrim to really taste that. and this goes in here. >> this is fun. >> you never have any fun, right? >> never. she's the most dour -- >> i know, it's really unbelievable. >> are you shaking? >> careful. >> i have a ----t should be okay. >> the key to this, you shake it for 30 seconds. >> you shake it, ina. >> pour it in? >> pour it right in and we have cranberry martinis. >> that looks delicious. >> i'll take a sip. >> and the other drink i made here actually is jalapeno margaritas. fresh lime juice, fresh lemon juice. >> delicious. >> yes. what is this one? >> this is jalapeno margarita, marinated. we have a long day ahead, right. >> we do. >> whoa, jalapeno. >> it's got a little heat in it, right, but it's really good. >> it's got a lot of heat in it. i know what heat is when i see it. >> adorable or what? >> cute.e. >> with it, because you want to eat something with it, i've made marinated feta. simplest thing in the world. just slice feta. thyme, red pepper flakes, combine them. just goes over the top. >> easy. >> just like that. little drizzle action. >> a little thyme, so everybody knows what it is. >> people either love feta or don't like it at all. >> i do too, it's amazing. you end up with -- >> how do you serve it? >> just zer it it like that. already done with pita chips. and i also made kale chips. you roast kale. you can either do it with or without parmesan cheese. this is kale chips. >> like eating potato chips. >> this is double fisted. >> isn't that good? >> what do i eat next? >> and you've got a cocktail party. >> it's like eating a potato chip. >> delicious. thank you. >> she's the best for a reason. we love you so much. the recipes are all from ina's cookbook. it's called "make it ahead." you can also find them on they've scoured the shelves to find all kinds of products and put them to the test. we'll bring you the best with jill right after this. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. delivery. hey. lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. have a good one. ah, these small new york apartments... protect your belongings. let geico help you with renters insurance. enough pressure in here for ya? i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... you realize i have gold status? mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. let's end this. want to survive a crazy busy day? sfx: cell phone chimes start with a positive attitude... and positively radiant skin. aveeno positively radiantmoisturizer... with active naturals soy. we are ready to reveal the latest batch of the best beauty products. >> today we are tackling the body. >> products thatatake you feel sexy, smooth and smell good, which is very important when you're breaking a sweat like we are. >> these are like two pounds. >> here are the winners today. >> here is contributor jill >> and "people" style and beauty director adrian lavinthal. >> okay. we're gettingouder every time. that's part of our goal. >> from feta cheese to working out, the best beauty products. >> okay. first, the best deodorant. drum roll, please. nothing over $13.99 today. everything from drugstores. >> i'm going to love it. >> dove. >> i love dove. >> so good. >> so one for each of you. >> that would be a good thing for a commercial. i love dove. >> i love dove. it's great. it's great stuff. >> after a spin class or even working out, our tester said it dries instantly, it lasts more than 24 hours. >> how does it smell? >> it smells. >> it's a dry spray. it goes on instantly dry, not like the old antiperspirant. >> they're each different, different flavors. >> different scentnt >> thahas what i meant. >> don eat it. >> they know what i mean. >> ready? >> yes, we're ready. >> what is it? >> so we're going to start with hand cream. here's the thing, it's hard to get really excited about hand cream. >> no, it isn't, especially this time of year. >> this one is worth getting a little jazzed up over because even when you wash your hands, they still feel hydrated. you're not in that endless >> squirt some on her. >> let's see. >> you're going to be moisturized for days. >> really, that much? >> everyone loved this. we didn't expect a hand cream to get so much feedback. skin fix. >> not too thick >> we're in the beach theme for a reason, the music and -- >> we have the self-tanner. >> some people are a little scared of self-tanner. >> because of the orange streaks. >> or smelling like fritos. >> she got such beautiful natural results. no streaking. i mean, it smells good. >> she did the left leg last night. you know what though, if you do it, it will be blotchy. just remember to wash your hands after. she did one leg and one arm last night. that was the assignment. >> look how w rk it is. >> how often do you have to do it? >> every day. >> you can do it a few times a week to build up to the color you want. >> wow, that's a beautiful >> isn't it pretty? >> interesting. >> okay. let's take that home too. >> okay. ready for our next? >> uh-huh. >> i love the drum roll. >> best exfoliator, best razor. >> what's the best razor? >> we'll start with the exfoliator. >> exactly. >> that's because of the order of the graphics. hoda moves right to the razor. very exciting. it's sort of dry, like if you feel this. >> but it melts. >> melts right in. our tester said this was the best. and speaking of, before you do the spray tan, it's best to >> did you do that? >> i don't know ififhe did. don't know. >> so she looks guilty. so that's the botanic. >> it's not oily. >> no, it's not. >> now, hadro silk razor. the other side is an electronic immer that everybody said -- >> think about it. >> for intimate areas. so that was voted the best. >> or use it on your guy. >> sure. >> that's exactly the way out of and then this was my personal this is the jergens wet skin think of it like conditioner for your body. you're in the shower. you rinse off. then you put this on. you do not rinse this off. you towel dry. >> just towel dry? >> and you're hydrated. >> jackie. >> yeah. >> jackie's everywhere. >> do you like the razor, jackie? >> i love it. >> what's that? >> this is our award-winning shave cream. >> who makes it, sweetheart? >> completely bare. >> thanks, guys. >> we'll be back again for the last one tomorrow. for all the full list of beauty award winners including the no bump shave gel, visit >> tomorrow, all the wininrs in skin care. this. americans. we try to live healthy. but many of us don't know there are nutrients that can help support our metabolism. take new one a day healthy metabolism support multivitamin with chromium to help use carbs from food and b-vitamins to helpconvert food to fuel. one a day. let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast max. it's the same difference. this one is max strength and fights mucus. mucinex fast max. the only cold and flflliquid gel and fights mucus. are you sitting down, because you're about to witness some amazing shape shifting from the internationally acclaimed modern dance company called pilolobus. >> if that name sounds familiar it mighthte because they performed at t t 2007 academy awards where dancers' bodies became tributes to films like "happy feet" and "little miss sunshine." >> they're amazing. now pilolobus is performing a new show called shadowland. those are shadowow the shsh is running at the nyu -- okay, center for the performing arts. we get to see one right now. >> all right, here they are, holiday will say hello to the folks you're going to know love to the child discovering stone love to the people without a home love to those you won't forget love to those who will watching it because those of us are on the street be going uptown to be a part of it going downtown to the heart of it to the year we left behind cheers to the ones who are here today cheers to the ones who have gone away everybody needs someone underground in the morning sun doesn't matter where you're from new york city is the place to be going uptown going downtown to the heart of it holiday you say hello love to the child discovering snow love to the people e thout a home love to those we won't forget love to those less fortunate because all of us are on the street new york city is the place to be going uptown to be a part of it going downtown to the heart of it >> where am i sitting, right here? perfect. >> you guys ready? >> yes, we're ready! oh, my god. that's unbelelvable. pilolobus. >> you guys are brilliant. >> what just happened? >> we're back with more. >> honestly. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. >> that was unbelievable! your clever moves won't stop the cold and flu. but disinfecting with lysol can. lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. to help keep your family healthy, lysol that. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. americans. we try to live healthy. but many of us don't know there are nutrients that can help support our metabolism. take new one a day healthy metabolism support multivitamin with chromium to help use carbs from food and b-vitamins to helpconvert food to fuel. one a day. jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finini jet-dry. hold-onto-your-tiara, kind-of-day. live 24/7 with 24/7 digestive support. try align, the undisputed #1 ge recommended probiotic. we give you relief from your cold & flu. you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol cold helps relieve your worst cold & flu symptoms... you can give them everything you've got. it's that time of the show when we spread some cheer and meet one of f e generous supporters of our 22nd annual >> one of our biggest challenges every year, is here to help us with that. from a local boys and girls club. hi, kids. >> good to see you guys. >> what are you giving away? >> this year we're giving away toys from the good dinosaur including this galloping book. and everybody's excited about these great dinosaurs. >> you guys like them? >> yeah. >> yes. >> it is important every year, i know, you guys are always so great about giving each year, right? >> it's very important for our company. our mission is to make the world smile. spend time with these wonderful kids. make sure everybody has the opportunity. >> amen. >> how was being on tv? >> good. >> you guys did great. >> yeah. >> thank you for everything you do. and if you'd like to donate, you can come to our plaza, come to our pop-up store, donate online through amazon. you have until december 22nd. we want to give a shoutout to one of the facebook friends who spotted regis. >> regis was the elf on the shelf. >> grace was homesick yesterday but she found him. >> good for her. >> keep looking for the elf on the shelf popping up. >> now, listen, earlier we mentioned a story we heard about a neighbor who reportedly saw suspicious activity at the home of the suspect in yesterday's mass shooting in the days before the tragedy. >> we want to point out, nbc news has not verified that account. >> exactly. tomorrow, adam pally stops by. >> plus, ideas for the people who help you out all year long. >> and holiday fashions we promise your kids will want to wear. >> have a great thursday. my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere.

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Rockefeller Center , Louisiana , Maine , Tennessee , South Carolina , Colorado , Georgia , Oregon , Poland , Sandy Hook , Polish , Americans , Mary J Blige , Kathie Lee Gifford , Bobbie Thomas , Rockefeller Plaza , Brittany Breen , Louis Licari , Renee Bailey , Luke Bryan , Ina Garten ,

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