Transcripts For KTIV News 4 Live At Five 20151118 : comparem

Transcripts For KTIV News 4 Live At Five 20151118

ktiv viewing area with winds gusting over 40 miles per hour (but at least we'll see the sun). the clearing will be short-lived as our next storm system moves in on friday with good chances of snow. thanks. (matt) oil prices are falling again, and drivers may benefit at the pump. the price for a barrel of crude dropped below 40 dollars today for the first time since august. oil prices have fallen 14 percent thth month alone. massive supply glut from opec nations, as well as u-s oil production growth and a strong dollar. the low oil prices should mean good news for u-s drivers enjoying gas prices hovering around or below two dollars a gallon. but it could be bad for oil companies struggling to make money. fresh off his endorsement of republican presidential candidate ted cruz, western iowa congressman steve king will campaign for the texas s sator, in sioux city, ononriday. both king and cruz will headline an event, on the briar iff university campus, friday morning. theyl kick off a weekend of campaign stops at the stark student center at 10 o'clock. dr. ben carson will also campaign in northwest iowa on friday. he'll hold a rally at the airport, in spencer, iowa, at 3:30 friday afternoon. doors s en at 2:30pm. political battles continue over syrian refugees. steve handelsman has the story from our nation's capitol. paris attacks. the obama plan to bring 10 thousand syrian refugees to the u-s faced a new obstacle. the republican- - d house will vote tomorrow to demand tighter screening sot: house speaker paul ryan (r) wisconsin :18- :25 "it would mean a pause in the program until we can be certain beyond any doubt that those coming here are not a threat" sot: president obama (no super) :26-:29 "apparently they're scared of widows and orphans" slamming republicans president obama said each refugee in his program would get months of security checks by agencies including the cia sot: john brennan, cia director :38-:42 "the backgrounds of these individuals as well as what their intentions might be" republicans are acting like they don't know that, mr obama chged to score political points sot: president obama (no super) :48-:52 "it's contrary to who we are and it needs to stop because the world is watching" 5 days after paris, what was the u-s led coaltion against isis is changing vladimir putin in a new alliance now with france to strike in syria jeb bush today backed what he's calling a mamaive use of u-s combat forces t: jeb bush (r) presidential candidate 1:08-1:15 the united states in conjunction with our nato allies and more arab partners will need to increase our presence on the ground :37 president obama says no. that, he says, would not prevent the u-s from being hit like paris was. (insert ends) (two second pause) audio outcue: i'm steve handelsman, nbc news, washington. >> russia continues to launchch airstrikes against the isis militant group in syria. the russian defense ministry released video showing what it says are long-range bombers carrying out a massive airstrike on isis targets in syria. according to the ministry, the operation was carried out yesterday. the ministry said crews belonging to the russian air force carried out the strikes using air- based cruise missiles. a resident of the papas suburb where french security forces staged a raid this morning said he had agreed to let two suspects in the terrorist attacks stay in his home. the major operation was searching for islamist militants involved in friday's attacks. the man who opened his home to two men suspected of involvement in the killings said he did it as a favor to a friend. as police were preparing to take him into custody, the man said he had never met the suspects... and did not know where thth came from. the e o assailants were kikied the police action, including a woman who detonated a suicide bomb. still to come on live at five.... trapped under a treed. how one woman was able to survive a tree resting on top of her. (sheila) and.... a lot of people traveling this holiday season. how can you check your gps and avoid getting pulled over? america's never been a country of quitters. it's not who we are. we don't ignore threats like climate change. we face our problems head-on. with american-made ean energy, we can end our dependence on foreign oil... spark new innovation... and create millions of new jobs. solving our climate crisis starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. through her roof during the night. (sheila) a neighbor checked on the woman in her home outside portland this morning, finding this. . a fir tree - about 36 feet around -esting on top of the 80-year-old woman. turns out she wasn't hurt, just couldn't branch out of bed, as the tree toppled on top of her. she was able to wiggle free in the daylight, and firefighters helped her to safety. this thanksgiving season means a whole lot of traveling for loved ones. the season of driving can lead to an increase in phone gps use. mike sullivan with our sister station, kttc, tells us how to avoid getting pulled over. however...under minnesota law...a mobile device is not considered a wireless device if it is fixed to the vehicle. "this would be an all right placement if it was just a little lower than it wouldn't be a vision obstruction. you wouldn't want it in the middle." as long as the device is out of your reach you're within your right to use a phone gps. "but if you had it over here that would be okay?" "yup." just don't fiddle with itits you drive. "have it set up before you actually start your trip, and then just make sure you allow enough time, so if you do he an error on it and pull over you can make the adjustments." if you don't, you could end up being pulled over by a new unit of unmarked squad cars. "we're watching for you to manipulate the phone, and when you are manipulating the phone that is reasonable enough suspicion for us to stop you." turning your good day into a bad one. > > sgt. christianson says texting and drivivg and using your gps are considered the same. the university of north dakota has a new nickname. the process of retiring the old one - "the fighting sioux"- and finding a less controversial replacement has taken years. the campus community got to pick between "fighting hawks" and "roughridersrs nearly 30-thousand students, staffers, alumni and others cast ballots. and the winner is... (s/ robert kelley, ph.d./ university of north dakota president ) "t(e new nickname for und's athletic programs will be the fighting hawks. (:06) kelley also says he thinks the name underscores the competitive spirit of the athletic teams and student athletes. if you u ok at the calendar, , says middle of novmeber. and in the next couple of days, ron's full forecast is coming after the break. (matt) county attorney has announced the arrest of 48-year-old freddy crisp, of pomeroy, iowa, in the death of a north dakota man. (sheila) if you're just getting home hehe's a quick look at t tay's headadnes. crisp is charged with first-dedeee murder of 41- year old dale currie potter of devils lake, north dakota. potter's body was found dack on november 10th at a home in pomeroy. crisp is in the sac county jail, tonight. sac county sheriff's office released the names of three men injured in an explosion at the proliant plant in lytton, iowa last night. 34- year old earl moore of ohio was inside a large when the explosion occurred. the other twtwvictims were identified as 32-year old manuel ruiz of ohio was assisting 52- year old dana boom of lake view, owa. cef meteorologis t ron demers joins us with the forecast. wind advisory in effect thursday 8 am until 6 pm winter storm watch in effect friday for central siouxland it was another day of rain across siouxland with even some snow mixing in for some locations, especially to the east of sioux city. as this system exits, the wind is going to become gusty and a wind advisory has been issued for thursday for most of the ktiv viewing area with winds gusting over 40 miles per hour (but at least we'll see the sun). the clearing will be short-liveveas our next storm system moves in on friday with good chances of snow. exact amounts will still vary but we could see 3-6 inches in some places with central siouxland under a winter storm watch for the day on friday as the snow would develop in the morning and then move out by friday evening. skies will become brighter for the weekend but it will be feeling like winter with highs only in the 20s and 30s for saturday and (sheila) a state of emergency has been declared for sections of northwest kansas hit by heavy snowow (matat gornor sam brownback issued the declaration after some 20-inches of snow fell in the town of colby. heavy snowfall was also reported west of colby. motorists are being urged to stay off the roads. the kansas national guard is reportedly on patrol in several counties helping stranded drivers. (matt) take a look at the hurricane-force winds pounding denver today! deo shows the powerfrf winds forcing travelels baba as they tried to b brd a bus. the blustery weather caused flight delays. the national weather service recorded wind gusts up to 75-miles per hr west of denver and winds at 100-miles an hour near boulder. when we come local club celebrates a milestone. the details... next if you work hard, and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. but the republicans... they want to go back to letting the super wealthy call the shots. they don't stand up for equal pay for women. they don't support paid family leave. they don't even really support refinancing student debt. we've got to get this onomy working for the vast majority of americans, not just for those at the top. that's what i intend to do as president. city is celebrating a major milestone. richard g gdon joins us with details! >> we'll be right back after america's never been a country of quitters. it's not who we are. we don't ignore threats like c cmate change. we face our problems head-on. with american-made clean energy, we can end our dependence on foreign oil... spark new innovation... and create millions of new jobs. solving our climate crisis starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. people are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather. he's taking on wall street and a corrupt political system that keeps in place a rigged economy. bernie's campaign is funded byover a million contributions -- people like you, who see the middle class disappearing and wawa a future to b bieve in. that's how one man described an explosion yesterday in lytton, iowa. (matt) coming up tonight on news 4 at sisi.. we have more detatas on an explsion that sent three men to the hospita ktiv's tiffany lane has the story for tonight. (sheila) and, prison tour: we travel to springfield, south dakota to get a close up look at a state facility for more than 14-hundred inmates. the programs in place to help them transition back into society. (matt) a group of penguins in a denmark zoo tried to escape their enenosure... but forget all about t covering their tracks. (sheila) the penguins were recently filmed waddling down a hallway at the odense zoo in central denmark in what officials say looked like an attempt at escape. the zoo posted the video on youtube last week. the zoo jokingly said "perhaps our penguins have seen the penguins of madagascar too much". let's check in one more time with ron. tonight: clearing skies. low: 27 wind: w 15-25 mph tomorrow: mostly sunny and very ndy! high: 44 wind: : 20-35 mpmp thanksksor joining us for nene five. we're back again at six. breaking news tonight. isis issued a new call to action. a chill you new propaganda video just out showing images of new york city, referencing the paris attacks, warning of more to come. and in francece another major terror attack stopped just in time. at an apartment outside of paris. authorities s the terror cell was ready to act. and they try to identify who was killed in the dramatic hows-long battle. and as a young woman blowed herself up, is the master mind dead or alive. and also tonightht is this the bomb that broughtown the jetliner in egypt. isis bragged about the explosive hidden in a soda can they claim blew the plane out of the sky. "nightly news" begins right now. > good evening. there is breaking news tonight of a chilling new isis propaganda video just surfacing, referencing the paris attacks and showing images of the cross roads of the world. times square in new york city. it is no doubt aimed to capitalize on the fear and anxiety after friday's attacks and major developments breaking here in paris as well. french officials now saying that todod as deadly terroro raid by security forces in nearby saint denis uncovered an apparent terror cell they believe was ready to launch new attacks. there is a lot to get to on both sides of the atlantic. starting in new york with nbc's stephanie gosk. >> reporter: the latest video called for suicide bombers. at the end, a chilling montage at times square, and a suggestion that new

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