Granted to air indecent programming during the hours of 10 pm to 6 am according to s.c.c. Guidelines listen and discretion is advised you were listed 88.7 f.m. K.s. P.c. Claremont this is a touch of evil and this is Black Friday just heard something right there from dolts faired I said van but I think it's technically a solo project but the there's a song called I kept standing with discussed cursing your will to live so I promise you we're going to bust out some stuff we haven't played in a while tonight and this next band I don't want to see cannot remember the last time you played for you but when I was going through records to put on the post tonight I kind of rediscover him when he these guys are red and we're going to play them tonight so we can do that right now so this band called Ergo hall in this song right here is well just let him tell you. You were listening to Touch of Evil on key is p.c. Little bit of Dimmu Borgir right there for you it is called Master of disharmony in throne darkness triumphant one for the bad old man's child before that played the song The plague of sorrow that's off release called vermin phoria before that a band called our might get a the song was called which was that Emperor from the eternal dark you'd find that or a release called only true believers we heard before that from a group called the throne Christ is also called by hell and that's off their album Roots of ancient evil one before that kind of other name sums up being called seated eyes are for you songs call into the storm that's off release called are cool domain I think more cold domain sorry it's of a text that's difficult to read we have been for that called Dark tonal Mel I think we've only played every once in the past with a really cool record for them called us that is beyond and the song's called. And we've not quite kicked off the set but got the set rolling with the band called Dark funeral the end of human race was unable that one that's off Angelus exit. We kicked off the set proper with the band ergo. All songs called goat craft torment is off the album of the same name hey we made it through all that are a couple things we'll keep from well say that since 969 Los Angeles Center is cared for Champion and celebrated l g b t individuals and families in Los Angeles and beyond to visit today the center offers program services and advocacy spending physical mental health social services housing culture education and leadership there unstoppable force in the fighting its bigotry and the Struggle to Build a better world a world in which all people can be healthy equal and complete members of society to learn more about what they do and get involved in the very important work visit their website of trouble to l e l g b t Center dot au r g. The downtown l.a. Mini maker fair is back for the 4th year running Los Angeles is again joining a global network of Maker Faires to celebrate invention creativity craftsmanship science and the Do yourself a do it together culture with more diverse representations of all the kinds of making a last cent is beyond this event is hosted by the Law Center's public library the Money Maker Faire will take place at the gorgeous and historic Central Library in downtown Los Angeles which is on West Fistric that event is happening on Saturday December 7th a week from tomorrow at 10 am to 4 pm Well more from a show on that visit d.t.l. a Dot Maker Faire and the fair has an e.s.p.n. Dot com That's d.t.l. a Dot Maker Faire with an e dot com All right so I said it's out of show I want to make this the best Black Friday we've ever done and so far the playlist is making me very very happy but I feel like we need like that one special song to kind of push this playlist over the top and I think I've got just the tune in mind my friend in mind my frets if I get talk to be even better but I know we've only played you this cut a couple times in the past and classic does not even summon up let's do something for dissection right now you can levitate up. You were listening to Touch of Evil on g.s. B.c. That right there is a band we've only played you couple times in the past budget plan for more often is their real real good they're called mole lock the song is called Mord and that is off the album male astride just strong now not even close. To Death crush was an adventure for that resolve then called Faith mutilator That's author e.p. Mutilating the Christian. Faith Niflheim in the said before that envoy of Lucifer was the name of that one that is off the album of the same name and we kicked off the set speaking of the same name something for the band dissection the title tune off the album the song. Let's see have you ever caught yourself thinking I wonder what goes on behind the scenes over a case p.c. Where you can wonder no more p.c. On Instagram to get some glorious glimpses in the basement we call home keep track of concert in event updates video highlights from our shows and giveaways before matches bar favorite artists on Instagram at the radio today and show us some. Where to show some love right now in our own way as well to a band called. Which cd is it there's 2 tracks that I have cued up and they're both the same number in the same link pretty much make sure you get their eye on here. But dramatic intro doesn't work Ok. To. Go.