Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live Today 20161124 : comparemel

Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live Today 20161124

all right, guys, here we go. we got top 7 answers on the board. we asked 100 women, "name something of yours it would be fun to make your man wear but only in the bedroom." casey: her panties. steve: her panties. pass or play? casey: we're going to play. steve: they're going to play. casey, how you doing, man? casey: how you doing there, steve? steve: good, good. why did they make you the captain, casey? casey: well, number one, you know, god blessed me to be such a charming individual. steve: oh, that's it? casey: you know, looks, that's just a natural thing, you know. i mean, it was inevitable. i mean--i mean--i mean, what else? what else could i be? steve: who the hell else were they going to make the captain? casey: yeah, i mean, what's this without me? steve: you 29 years in the casey: i'm--i'm making everybody in here feel better. [cheering and applause] steve: hey, leah. ok, y'all, i'm going to say this one time. we talked to 100 women, ok? all right, here we go. name something of yours it would be fun to make your man wear but only in the bedroom. leah: my shoes. steve: your shoes. casey: good answer, good answer. answer. steve: if your man can wear your shoes... he's underage. [laughter] you cannot wear the same size as your woman. let's be clear about that. sheilah, name something of yours it would be fun to make your man wear but only in the bedroom. wear my bra. steve: his--your bra. hey, ramon, name something of yours it would be fun to make your man wear but only in the bedroom. ramon: i would never do it, but makeup. steve: makeup. all right, jarrell, we got to be careful now. we got two strikes. bonner family can steal. tell me something of yours it bedroom. jarrell: i'm going to say her wig. steve: her wig. all right, here's your chance. we asked 100 women, "name something of yours it would be fun to make your man wear but only in the bedroom." amy: we're going to say bikini. steve: bikini. [cheering and applause] audience: hat/bonnet. steve: 6. audience: nothing. steve: 5. audience: nightie. steve: 4. audience: slip. steve: 3. audience: nylons/hose. steve: let's go to question two. give me caitlyn. give me leah. answers on the board. here we go. where's the worst place on the body to get a bee sting? caitlyn. caitlyn: your butt. steve: your butt. leah: your face. steve: more specific. leah: your nose. steve: your nose. pass or play? caitlyn: we're going to play, steve. hey, amy. amy: hi, steve. steve: how you going? amy: i'm wonderful, thank you. steve: marietta, georgia. amy: yes, sir. steve: straight up 75. amy: yes, sir. steve: uh-huh, good. amy: you're so handsome! [cheering and applause] steve: yeah. i know that's right. [laughter] let me tell you something. hey, let me tell you something. let me tell you something. even if you ugly, when somebody tell you that, you feel better about yourself, don't you? thank you very much, amy. amy: absolutely. steve: chrissy, where's the worst place on the body to get a bee sting? chrissy: um, i think your lips. steve: your lips. eric, where's the worst place on the body to get a bee sting? steve: your eye. miss sandi, where's the worst place on your body to get a bee sting? sandi: the worst one i ever got was on my foot. steve: worst one was on your foot. eric: come on, amy, one more. steve: amy, one answer left, you clear the board. what's the worst place on the body to get a bee sting? amy: i'm going to say neck, steve. steve: on your neck. one answer left, one strike, caitlyn. where's the worst place on the body to get a bee sting? caitlyn: i'm going to say your privates. amy: oh, caitlyn, good answer. steve: on your privates. [cheering and applause] goal is 300 points, so don't go away. we'll be back. before fibromyalgia, i was energetic. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. i thought i married an italian. my lineage was the vecchios and zuccolis. through ancestry, through dna i found out that i was only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. he looks a little bit like me, yes. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. steve: welcome back to "family feud," everybody. bonner family, 88. montgomery family, 61. give me chrissy. give me sheilah. chrissy: sorry. double. we got top 7 answers on the board. here we go. we asked 100 married women, "name something you might ask the wizard of oz to give your husband." sheilah: a bigger...thing. [laughter and applause] steve: well, miss sheilah... this ought to go good down at chrissy: a better paycheck. steve: a better paycheck. pass or play? chrissy: we're going to play. we're going to play. steve: all right, guys, we talked to 100 married women, ok? here we go. name something you might ask the wizard of oz to give your husband. eric: it doesn't pertain to me, but i'd say a brain. miss sandi, name something you might ask the wizard of oz to give your husband. sandi: more vacation time. steve: more vacation time. amy, tell me something you might ask the wizard of oz to give your husband. amy: not my husband because he's very patient, but i'm going to say patience. hey, caitlyn, something you might ask the wizard of oz to give your husband. caitlyn: a bigger heart. steve: a bigger heart. chrissy, something you might ask the wizard of oz to give your husband. i don't--i'm-- chrissy: oh, is--is hot bod... steve: i'm the host. chrissy: the same as a bigger... steve: i'm--i'm the host. chrissy: oh, ok, ok. steve: i'm not the judge. i'll turn around and point at you want me to say hot body? chrissy: yes, please. steve: hot body! eric, name something you might ask the wizard of oz to give your husband. eric: oh... the ability to clean house. steve: the--the ability to to be careful now. we got two strikes. montgomery family can steal. miss sandi, name something you might ask the wizard of oz to give your husband. sandi: i would ask the wizard of oz to give my husband more faith. steve: to give him more faith? miss sandi want her heathen husband to have more faith. we asked 100 married women, "name something you might ask the wizard of oz to give your husband," casey. casey: well, due that it's the wizard of oz, we're going to ask for a little courage. steve: a little courage. [cheering and applause] number 7. audience: time/years with me. steve: 4. steve: well, the bonner family, 252. montgomery family, 61, but it's still anybody's game, folks. somebody's going to win it after this. don't go away. announcer: closed captioning is steve: welcome back to "family feud," everybody. bonner family got 252. montgomery family got 61. hey, come on. give me eric. give me ramon. point values are triple. here we go. top 4 answers on the board. tell me a word that eric: monkey! steve: monkey. pass or play? eric: we're playing. steve: they're going to play. miss sandi, tell me a word that rhymes with "funky." sandi: lucky. steve: did you say "lucky"? i: steve: "lucky." well... if "lucky" do rhyme with it, it ain't "funky" no more. "lucky" rhymes with "funky." amy, tell me a word that rhymes steve: chunky. caitlyn, a word that rhymes with "funky." caitlyn: i'm going to go with "junky." steve: junky. all right, chrissy, listen to me. we've got two strikes. if it's there, you're still alive. if it's not there, the montgomery family can steal and play sudden death. chrissy, "funky." chrissy: i'm going to say "hunky." hunky, like a hunk. a hunk. steve: oh, like a hunk. chrissy: a hunk. hunk. hunky. amy: oh, my heavens. oh, my goodness. well, here's the situation, folks. there's two answers on the board. if either answer's there, your family steals, and your family plays sudden death. if it's not there, the bonner family wins the game. casey, tell me a word that rhymes with "funky." casey: well, if i get this wrong, i'm going to be exactly this. a donkey. answer. >> good answer! steve: this is for sudden death. donkey. [cheering and applause] number 4. audience: punky. steve: 3. audience: spunky. card. be in total control of your money with green dot. great job. hey, bonners, let's go! i need two of you. i got amy. i got chrissy. we're going for $20,000 fast money right after this. steve: welcome back to the "feud," everybody. the bonner family won the game... and now it's time to play... audience: fast money! steve: all right, chrissy, amy's offstage. i'm going to ask you 5 questions in 20 seconds. you can't think of something, you just say "pass." you and amy together come up with 200 points, look right there, tell them what you're going to win. chrissy: $20,000! steve: 20,000. you ready? chrissy: i'm ready. steve: 20 seconds on the clock, please. "name something big and round that you might compare to your man's gut." chrissy: watermelon. steve: at what specific hour of the day do you function best? chrissy: 2:00. steve: name--other than eat, name something people do on thanksgiving. chrissy: watch football. steve: name a reason you might not go back to the same restaurant twice. chrissy: the meal was terrible. steve: name something a u.p.s. driver has that's brown. steve: suit. very good. chrissy: ok. steve: all right, let's go, darling. we asked 100 married women, "name something big and round you might compare your man's gut to." you said... a watermelon. survey said... at what specific hour of the day do you function best? you said...2:00. survey said... people do on thanksgiving. you football. survey said... name a reason you might not go back to the same restaurant twice. you said...meal was terrible. survey said... name something a u.p.s. driver has that's brown. you said...suit. [cheering and applause] amy. amy: yes, sir. steve: how you feeling today? amy: i'm awesome. steve: um, what--how many points you think a smart person would get? amy: probably more than 100. steve: yeah, yeah, i would think so, too. how about... how about 179? you need 21 points to win. amy: ok. steve: it's going to be a little bit tougher this time, so we're going to give you 25 seconds. you ready? amy: ready. steve: all right, let's remind everybody of chrissy's answers. 25 seconds on the clock, please. come on, amy. we asked 100 married women, "name something big and round that you might compare your man's gut to." amy: a watermelon. steve: try again. amy: a balloon. steve: at what specific hour of amy: 10:00 a.m. steve: other than eat, name something people do on thanksgiving. amy: play football. steve: try again. amy: play games. steve: name a reason you might not go back to the same restaurant twice. amy: bad service. steve: name something a u.p.s. driver has that's brown. amy: a truck. [cheering and applause] steve: boy, truck. that was a smart answer. dn asked 100 married women, "name something big and round that might compare your man's gut to." you said...balloon. survey said... watermelon. watermelon was the number one answer. we're 8 points away. at what specific hour of the day do you function best? you said...10:00 a.m. survey said... 10:00 a.m. was the number one answer. watch football, number one answer. bad food, number one answer. uniform, number one answer. well, first time up, $20,000. that's pretty good, and they're coming right back on "family feud." hey, don't forget, folks, to play "family feud" on facebook with your friends. i'm steve harvey, and we'll see you next time, folks. sfx: plastic scraping plastic sfx: utensils against a plate the dinner is even better without being interrogated about future grandchildren. when families gather things get messy. ours can help. [captioning made possible by fremantle media] [captioned by the national captioning institute] ? ? >> announcer: today on rachael ray. thanksgiving day, it's italian with scott conant's cranberry sauce. >> we will not finish all of the wine, save some for yourself. >> announcer: two vegetable dishes and a decadent potato dish. a lasagna you will be thankful for. and save room for legendary tony bennett! and now are you ready for .... rachael? >> rachael: all right! [ applause ] >> rachael: ciao, everybody! today we are not talking turkey. we are talking an italian thanksgiving! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] >> rachael: that's right! i am celebrating the launch of my 22nd cookbook. everyone is italian on sudden! -- sunday.

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Georgia , United States , Italy , Atlanta , Turkey , Italian , Tony Bennett , Scott Conant , Steve Harvey , Rachael Ray ,

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