Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live Today 20161011 : comparemel

Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live Today 20161011

that's something we're going to take a look at in a minute. for the most part sunny skies again today. temperatures a little cooler. 89 is our expected high at 4:00. >> dana: nevada lawmakers continue a special session today. those against the hotel room tax hike getting to speak their mind. industry saying nevada can't afford not to build the stadium. those organizations in favor of the tax hike to build the stadium and fund the convention center but some lawmakers say it's a handout for a billionaire with nun could go elsewhere. >> our number one job should be and diversity to the economy. there is business here that can be done. and this is exactly what these room taxes were designed to do. >> stadium supporters say the tax hike would build up a huge reserve that would pay the bond if we have a downturn in our economy in nevada. in addition there is a propose toll raise the sales tax a it would bay penny additional on a $10 purchase. >> kim: some heavy hitters lobbying for this. one of our lawmakers is going on the record saying let's hold on a minute and this needs careful study. she's upset they threw together this special session so quickly. she feels lawmakers are being oakland taxpayers owing $95 million for renovations to the area they play up in oakland. also renovations used to entice the raiders to leave los angeles more than 10 years ago still on the plate. >> that's not the only place where teams have left and left public debt. st. louis is another example. they still owe over $100 million as we >> kim: she says typically during a essential session a hot sideline set up so locals can call in and weigh in on the issue and for some reason this time that did not happen. >> dana: the final presidential debate will be held in las vegas. unlv preparing for the debate. still lot to do. the runnin rebels as well. this will have an impact for students. parking will be restricted starting next week. students are asked to park in alternative lots and take shuttles to class. professors being encouraged to conduct classes off of campus. the secret service will be here making sure everybody is safe for the debate. >> kim: fresh off the debate sunday night a lot of opinions potts tells us how things are moving forward. >> special prosecutor, here we come. >> donald trump defiant as ever promising more to come. if they want to release more text saying inappropriate things, we'll continue to talk about bill and hillary clinton doing inappropriate things. >> it's caused a big riff in the republican party. ryan says he won't defend trump, won't campaign for him but won't pull his endorsement either. >> he is an equal opportunity insulter if there ever was one. >> this selection our chance to show who we are. we are better than that. >> new poll numbers show clinton has pulled 11 points ahead nationally since the videotape was released vulgarer language about touching women without their consent. >> men aren't that way, real men aren't that way. donald trump is wrong about that. >> let's make it official. donald trump won that debate. wasn't even close. >> trump's running meat trying to right the ship as the latest especially with women. >> on every tuesday we talk to former presidential candidate ben carson joining us live from florida this morning. after those comments were made public the things donald trump had to say behind the scenes didn't know he was being recorded, a lot of republicans have jumped ship here, are you one of those? >> definitely they were abominable comments, there is no question about that. the positive thing is that america maybe has a little bit of of morality and these things bother us now as before they didn't so that is good. the real issue is two out of three americans feel that we're on the wrong track and we are spending all of our time talking about things that won't get us distinctly different ways and will take our country in very different directions. that's what needs to be talked about. the people need to be involved in making these critical decisions for their children and grandchildren and they are not getting a whole lot of information on that. >> dana: i saw polling showing donald trump down 11 points to clinton nationally and also down in a number of swing states as that donald trump has no way to win the white house. do you think he can make up the margin with a month to go? >> absolutely he can make it up. i think paul ryan is being pragmatic. he recognizes if donald trump loses, he needs to have a firewall so he needs to maintain the house. donald trump can win only i issues and force hillary clinton to focus on the issues because one has a real plan for stemming the tide in terms of increasing national debt and one says those are just members, they don't mean much. i don't think most people understand that. they need to talk about drugs and what damage that is doing to our country. they need to talk about immigration policy and education, prison reform. these are racial divide. all these things need to be dealt with and they are not being dealt with and they won't unless somebody forces them to talk about the issues. >> dana: we talk to the democratic side of the aisle on thursday. we'll have an opportunity to do this three more times before election day. coming up on this program the playoffs about four hours from here at dodger stadium. that is bryce harper. we'll show you what he did with that ball coming up. >> kim: a mom fighting back when it comes to scary clowns taking over communities throughout our great country. what she's doing that has some >> dana: bryce harper playing yesterday, no you are not going to get the ball. look what he does with the ball. as he's running toward the dugout he eyes a little girl and i think the fans in right field were giving him the business and he says you want a ball, you are not going to get one because you were giving in business. but i'll give it to that little girl who wasn't giving me the business. >> kim: samsung made a huge announce that want has to do with their new phone. the galaxy note 7. wait null hear what they've done with this product. that is coming >> dana: and he's a big star. he's an internet sensation. jeanie most putting her special >> dana: matthew gone but the flooding is not. people are getting around in boat. still a number of people are trapped there. at least three rivers forecast to reach record levels with some not cresting until friday. the worst is still yet to come. teams retrieved 1500 people who were trapped when the river rushed out of its banks. the moore family home hit with five feet of water. amber lost her purple heart in the flood. >> we never thought it would be this bad. i don't think anyone else did either. >> dana: matthew damaged up to $6 billion. it jumped 13.6 trillion -- it dumped 13.6 trillion gallons of water on the united states. >> kim: we've shown a lot of images out of north carolina but virginia got hammered too. we transition to live pictures it is officially open for business. that ice rink opening the beginning of festivities that lead unto the annual lighting of the christmas tree. the ceremony is going to feature live skating performances and the first skate by silver medalist sasma. >> dana: hard to imagine they are thinking winter already. here did we get >> kelly: 92 was our high yesterday and they are opening ice rinks in new york. we're not even in fall weather right now. here is a look at what we're seeing outside yesterday. this is a time lapse look where we saw a few high thin clouds. i noticed verruga too. that is rain that doesn't make it to the ground. the clouds getting thicker as we got into the evening hours. here is a look at the extra cloud cover it's a little warmer out there. downtown and paradise at 75. summerlin 73 right now. nellis you are 68. we have a few clouds around the >> the guard said flousessic grabbed him to the ground, grabbed his flashlight and beat him in the head with it. tomorrow. >> kim: we have news that could affect the phone you may be about to use. it's samsung's latest and greatest product you are going to see the phone in question in case you are not familiar with the note 7. they have halted global sales and done so because they've had big breaking news dealing with all of this. the smartphone is not going to be produced this. is a permanent decision. a global sales of the device, they are not going to produce it anymore. the company saying a filing that stopped manufacturing the note 7 for the sake of consumer safety. you are seeing a lot of burned out phones. samsung is struggling to regain consumer trust after a first round of recalls that prompted have it schism for the faulty devices and the company's handling of the problem. replacement catching fire led samsung to announce it is going to stop the sales of those devices. >> dana: jewish people will mark the day of aatonement. many faithful gathered last night. it is a day of fasting and prayer for the atonement of si security has been tightened in jeruselem just a day after there was a shooting spree killing a pedestrian and police officer and injuring six others before being shot dead by police. >> kim: we have a couple of hours yet. here is an early heads up of what to expect on today. >> coming up on a tuesday on today a new batch of key with just a month to go, is there time for trump to rebound? more bad news for samsung and the millions of note 7 users. what you need to know about the latest recall. a candid conversation with justin timberlake on fame, music and how being a dad has changed him. >> kim: the nastiness that have latest debate on sunday night made a lot of people turned off. >> dana: there is a lighter side. his name is ken bone. jeanie most reports. >> what do a fry, a sniff and a red sweater have in common? the power to distract us from adozey of a debate. high. >> linkerred on her finger, nestled on her chest. >> hillary did not swat the intruder on her eyebrow. her restraint caused some to compare her to a robot. it made only a brief cameo. sniffs were nonstop pest. critics call it ael big ter lie. >> the last debate donald said a bum microphone picked up his breathe. >> most people think it's a nervous tick brought on by stress. a coach blames it on the donald's posture interfering with his rib cage requiring him to sniff to get more oxygen to his brain. this undecided voters sweater somehow smitten with tim bone's mustache and red sweater twitter lit up. not all wear capes, some wear sneezy red sweaters. some tried to cash in selling the sweater for $49.99 at cost. >> i split the seat of my pants open so the red sweater is plan b. >> maybe th use a plan b. >> like amongst and a could be railroad crossing in a steel cage match. >> sign on the w the devil. >> we're having fun with it and we know a lots of you pick up your phones when you wake up. maybe there is a meme out through want to show. get in on the action whether it's twitter, facebook or instagram. # it and you may see your product here on news 3. >> dana: mom taking action fighting back against scary >> kim: don't dress as a clown this halloween people. >> dana: coming up an exclusive >> kim: you just heard from chris g in clark county. she says bringing the raiders to las vegas should not let all of one nevada man rushed to the hospital during a protest against columbus day. what happened to him that had a lot of people watching in horror. >> kim: we have an excuse they've has to do with a samsung phone. not the one that got pulled from store shelves but another popular product. they put it up against the iphone 7 and we have the results headed your >> dana: welcome in on this terrific tuesday. it is 5:00 on this october 11. and we are four weeks away from electing a new president of the united states. >> kim: as we just looked at our fine city all lit up. love las vegas. are we going to have a stadium in the mix to have an nfl move to our great city? we should know soon enough since they are in a special session up in carson city.

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Carson City , Nevada , North Carolina , Florida , Virginia , Clark County , Americans , America , Justin Timberlake , Ben Carson , Las Vegas , Los Angeles , Bryce Harper , Paul Ryan , Hillary Clinton , Kelly Curran ,

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Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live Today 20161011 :

Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live Today 20161011

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that's something we're going to take a look at in a minute. for the most part sunny skies again today. temperatures a little cooler. 89 is our expected high at 4:00. >> dana: nevada lawmakers continue a special session today. those against the hotel room tax hike getting to speak their mind. industry saying nevada can't afford not to build the stadium. those organizations in favor of the tax hike to build the stadium and fund the convention center but some lawmakers say it's a handout for a billionaire with nun could go elsewhere. >> our number one job should be and diversity to the economy. there is business here that can be done. and this is exactly what these room taxes were designed to do. >> stadium supporters say the tax hike would build up a huge reserve that would pay the bond if we have a downturn in our economy in nevada. in addition there is a propose toll raise the sales tax a it would bay penny additional on a $10 purchase. >> kim: some heavy hitters lobbying for this. one of our lawmakers is going on the record saying let's hold on a minute and this needs careful study. she's upset they threw together this special session so quickly. she feels lawmakers are being oakland taxpayers owing $95 million for renovations to the area they play up in oakland. also renovations used to entice the raiders to leave los angeles more than 10 years ago still on the plate. >> that's not the only place where teams have left and left public debt. st. louis is another example. they still owe over $100 million as we >> kim: she says typically during a essential session a hot sideline set up so locals can call in and weigh in on the issue and for some reason this time that did not happen. >> dana: the final presidential debate will be held in las vegas. unlv preparing for the debate. still lot to do. the runnin rebels as well. this will have an impact for students. parking will be restricted starting next week. students are asked to park in alternative lots and take shuttles to class. professors being encouraged to conduct classes off of campus. the secret service will be here making sure everybody is safe for the debate. >> kim: fresh off the debate sunday night a lot of opinions potts tells us how things are moving forward. >> special prosecutor, here we come. >> donald trump defiant as ever promising more to come. if they want to release more text saying inappropriate things, we'll continue to talk about bill and hillary clinton doing inappropriate things. >> it's caused a big riff in the republican party. ryan says he won't defend trump, won't campaign for him but won't pull his endorsement either. >> he is an equal opportunity insulter if there ever was one. >> this selection our chance to show who we are. we are better than that. >> new poll numbers show clinton has pulled 11 points ahead nationally since the videotape was released vulgarer language about touching women without their consent. >> men aren't that way, real men aren't that way. donald trump is wrong about that. >> let's make it official. donald trump won that debate. wasn't even close. >> trump's running meat trying to right the ship as the latest especially with women. >> on every tuesday we talk to former presidential candidate ben carson joining us live from florida this morning. after those comments were made public the things donald trump had to say behind the scenes didn't know he was being recorded, a lot of republicans have jumped ship here, are you one of those? >> definitely they were abominable comments, there is no question about that. the positive thing is that america maybe has a little bit of of morality and these things bother us now as before they didn't so that is good. the real issue is two out of three americans feel that we're on the wrong track and we are spending all of our time talking about things that won't get us distinctly different ways and will take our country in very different directions. that's what needs to be talked about. the people need to be involved in making these critical decisions for their children and grandchildren and they are not getting a whole lot of information on that. >> dana: i saw polling showing donald trump down 11 points to clinton nationally and also down in a number of swing states as that donald trump has no way to win the white house. do you think he can make up the margin with a month to go? >> absolutely he can make it up. i think paul ryan is being pragmatic. he recognizes if donald trump loses, he needs to have a firewall so he needs to maintain the house. donald trump can win only i issues and force hillary clinton to focus on the issues because one has a real plan for stemming the tide in terms of increasing national debt and one says those are just members, they don't mean much. i don't think most people understand that. they need to talk about drugs and what damage that is doing to our country. they need to talk about immigration policy and education, prison reform. these are racial divide. all these things need to be dealt with and they are not being dealt with and they won't unless somebody forces them to talk about the issues. >> dana: we talk to the democratic side of the aisle on thursday. we'll have an opportunity to do this three more times before election day. coming up on this program the playoffs about four hours from here at dodger stadium. that is bryce harper. we'll show you what he did with that ball coming up. >> kim: a mom fighting back when it comes to scary clowns taking over communities throughout our great country. what she's doing that has some >> dana: bryce harper playing yesterday, no you are not going to get the ball. look what he does with the ball. as he's running toward the dugout he eyes a little girl and i think the fans in right field were giving him the business and he says you want a ball, you are not going to get one because you were giving in business. but i'll give it to that little girl who wasn't giving me the business. >> kim: samsung made a huge announce that want has to do with their new phone. the galaxy note 7. wait null hear what they've done with this product. that is coming >> dana: and he's a big star. he's an internet sensation. jeanie most putting her special >> dana: matthew gone but the flooding is not. people are getting around in boat. still a number of people are trapped there. at least three rivers forecast to reach record levels with some not cresting until friday. the worst is still yet to come. teams retrieved 1500 people who were trapped when the river rushed out of its banks. the moore family home hit with five feet of water. amber lost her purple heart in the flood. >> we never thought it would be this bad. i don't think anyone else did either. >> dana: matthew damaged up to $6 billion. it jumped 13.6 trillion -- it dumped 13.6 trillion gallons of water on the united states. >> kim: we've shown a lot of images out of north carolina but virginia got hammered too. we transition to live pictures it is officially open for business. that ice rink opening the beginning of festivities that lead unto the annual lighting of the christmas tree. the ceremony is going to feature live skating performances and the first skate by silver medalist sasma. >> dana: hard to imagine they are thinking winter already. here did we get >> kelly: 92 was our high yesterday and they are opening ice rinks in new york. we're not even in fall weather right now. here is a look at what we're seeing outside yesterday. this is a time lapse look where we saw a few high thin clouds. i noticed verruga too. that is rain that doesn't make it to the ground. the clouds getting thicker as we got into the evening hours. here is a look at the extra cloud cover it's a little warmer out there. downtown and paradise at 75. summerlin 73 right now. nellis you are 68. we have a few clouds around the >> the guard said flousessic grabbed him to the ground, grabbed his flashlight and beat him in the head with it. tomorrow. >> kim: we have news that could affect the phone you may be about to use. it's samsung's latest and greatest product you are going to see the phone in question in case you are not familiar with the note 7. they have halted global sales and done so because they've had big breaking news dealing with all of this. the smartphone is not going to be produced this. is a permanent decision. a global sales of the device, they are not going to produce it anymore. the company saying a filing that stopped manufacturing the note 7 for the sake of consumer safety. you are seeing a lot of burned out phones. samsung is struggling to regain consumer trust after a first round of recalls that prompted have it schism for the faulty devices and the company's handling of the problem. replacement catching fire led samsung to announce it is going to stop the sales of those devices. >> dana: jewish people will mark the day of aatonement. many faithful gathered last night. it is a day of fasting and prayer for the atonement of si security has been tightened in jeruselem just a day after there was a shooting spree killing a pedestrian and police officer and injuring six others before being shot dead by police. >> kim: we have a couple of hours yet. here is an early heads up of what to expect on today. >> coming up on a tuesday on today a new batch of key with just a month to go, is there time for trump to rebound? more bad news for samsung and the millions of note 7 users. what you need to know about the latest recall. a candid conversation with justin timberlake on fame, music and how being a dad has changed him. >> kim: the nastiness that have latest debate on sunday night made a lot of people turned off. >> dana: there is a lighter side. his name is ken bone. jeanie most reports. >> what do a fry, a sniff and a red sweater have in common? the power to distract us from adozey of a debate. high. >> linkerred on her finger, nestled on her chest. >> hillary did not swat the intruder on her eyebrow. her restraint caused some to compare her to a robot. it made only a brief cameo. sniffs were nonstop pest. critics call it ael big ter lie. >> the last debate donald said a bum microphone picked up his breathe. >> most people think it's a nervous tick brought on by stress. a coach blames it on the donald's posture interfering with his rib cage requiring him to sniff to get more oxygen to his brain. this undecided voters sweater somehow smitten with tim bone's mustache and red sweater twitter lit up. not all wear capes, some wear sneezy red sweaters. some tried to cash in selling the sweater for $49.99 at cost. >> i split the seat of my pants open so the red sweater is plan b. >> maybe th use a plan b. >> like amongst and a could be railroad crossing in a steel cage match. >> sign on the w the devil. >> we're having fun with it and we know a lots of you pick up your phones when you wake up. maybe there is a meme out through want to show. get in on the action whether it's twitter, facebook or instagram. # it and you may see your product here on news 3. >> dana: mom taking action fighting back against scary >> kim: don't dress as a clown this halloween people. >> dana: coming up an exclusive >> kim: you just heard from chris g in clark county. she says bringing the raiders to las vegas should not let all of one nevada man rushed to the hospital during a protest against columbus day. what happened to him that had a lot of people watching in horror. >> kim: we have an excuse they've has to do with a samsung phone. not the one that got pulled from store shelves but another popular product. they put it up against the iphone 7 and we have the results headed your >> dana: welcome in on this terrific tuesday. it is 5:00 on this october 11. and we are four weeks away from electing a new president of the united states. >> kim: as we just looked at our fine city all lit up. love las vegas. are we going to have a stadium in the mix to have an nfl move to our great city? we should know soon enough since they are in a special session up in carson city.

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Carson City , Nevada , North Carolina , Florida , Virginia , Clark County , Americans , America , Justin Timberlake , Ben Carson , Las Vegas , Los Angeles , Bryce Harper , Paul Ryan , Hillary Clinton , Kelly Curran ,

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