Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Three-Thirty 20161108 :

Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Three-Thirty 20161108

target. >> reporter: this woman couldn't perform on halloween for the first time in 42 years because of the threats. >> i came home one day to hang sign -- hanging signs in my driveway which is a threat. all of my friends are it's a creepy clown. >> reporter: they have suffered from canceled jobs. >> i've lost income. i lost six large jobs because of it. >> reporter: the financial impact hurt her friend also who performs at butterscotch, the clown. >> when the economy hit, you know, things went down for a little bit. i haven't really been able to recover from that. and then when the creepy clown thing came on, it just wrecked everything. >> reporter: they are spear texas station. this year it serves as a place for clowns to develop skills and learn how to bring back respect for the profession. >> so people are not doing this i'm scared of clowns or this guy is weird. that's the importance of this convention. >> reporter: it's a message professional clowns are hoping to spread for those bringing smiles while they make a living. >> don't just spread all clowns are creepy because that's not true. >> reporter: the president of this organization estimates that professional clowns across america have lost about 25% to 30% of their business due to these clown threats. i'm faith jessie reporting. back to you in the studio. >> too bad. hopefully we can put this behind chained inside a storage container. yesterday, human remains were found buried at the property owned by todd kohlhepp. now they are searching the rest of that 95-acre site. kala brown was found chained inside the contanner on thursday. her boyfriend was found on property. detectives say the investigation is extending to other properties that kohlhepp owns or used to own. real estate heir robert durst pleaded not guilty to murder in l.a. today. wheelchair. he entered the plea in the shooting death of the daughter of a las vegas mob figure. that shooting was back in 2000. he was acquitted of murder in the death and dismemberment of his neighbor back in 2001 when he claimed self-defense. durst pleaded guilty to a federal weapons charge in april and is serving a seven-year earthquake happened. this is a big one at 5.0. still, we are happy to tell you, there were no serious injuries reported. the man accused of driving high on muscle relaxers when he slammed into a group bicyclists killing five appeared in court. chart picket junior faces five counts of second-degree murder and a number of other charges for the crash in june in michigan. according to police, he was going more than 20 miles an hour over the speed limit. tried to slow down before he slammed into the bicyclists. if convicted, he could get life in prison. more than two dozen children are being treated for an unknown illness that they caught at preschool. 19 were transported to different hospitals. ten others left with their parents. symptoms included nausea, vomiting diarrhea. health officials suspect is could be food poison but they she passed away this morning from complications of parkinson's disease at the age of 78. she was appointed by bill clinton back in 1993 and oversaw many high-profile prosecutions during her years in office, including the conviction of the unabomber and timothy mcveigh and terry nichols. if you have been considering buying electric car, tesla says for owners of cars towarded after january 1st, there will be a small fee to use the network of charging stations. you can still charge it in your garage all you want. the company didn't reveal the price but says this new model will be less than the cost to fill up a comparable gas car. that will be the charge for using their stations. the changes will not impact current tesla owners. big question right now system be up and running for election day? after a week-long standstill between bosses and 4700 workers, transit officials expect to have services fully restored on thursday just in time for people to head to the polls. workers walked out over pension and shift issues. news 3 and nbc news are your home for the most comprehensive coverage of tomorrow's election results. >> what it's going to take cover everything from coast to coast. next, a behind-the-scenes look at the very large productions. and jon jones is suspended for a year for his drug test. amber has more on that coming up with all of the shenanigans danny tarkanian's pulled in nevada -- helping set up fake charities used to scam nevada seniors, failing to pay thousands in property taxes, losing $17 million in a failed development scheme, then sticking taxpayers with the bill -- afford tarkanian in congress, ever. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. 30 rock in new york and at nbc affiliates around the country. you know, nbc news is ramping up for a long night of coverage on election night. >> as are we and the nbc crew will be coming to you from the brand-new nbc news election center at 30 rockefeller plaza. we go on a behind-the-scenes tour of decision 2016. >> reporter: this is the nbc news election center where we will be doing all of our election coverage on election day and well into the night. it studio and a monitoring operation for all of the voting going on across the country and just down the hall is the nbc news decision desk. the nbc news decision desk is the heart of our reporting operation because that's where all of the numbers come in from these 50 different secretaries of state in the different states, bringing in their results, combining those with our exit poll information and the models we have to be able to project a winner. the control room is the nerve it has all of the information from the video feeds. we never know when we step in that room to get ready for that broadcast what will happen by the end of the night. but we have to be prepared for every possibility to tell the story to bring that to all of our viewers. we are both excited and very aware of the responsibility we have to tell this story to the american public. >> we hope you tune in to news 3 on the cw las vegas. that's channel 33, cable channel 6. nbc's coverage begins at 4:00 coverage from time to time and bring you local results here on channel 3 as well and we'll have live presence at the headquarters here in town for the democrats and the republicans so we can bring you live up-to-the-minute interviews as the results change and we'll have experts here in the studio to break down those results and tell us what they see. now we want to give you a look at what we're bringing on tonight at 7:00. undeclared animal in customs. and from cafe creations to ancient rituals, a look at how the rest of the world is gearing ing up here in the united it's so dark now. you go outside and i know morning folks are rejoicing but those of us who are around in the afternoon are not into the sun setting at 4:38. darkness certainly is swallowing not only the strip but all of the las vegas valley. quite a bit earlier. the other thing is normally eating dinner at this time. my stomach is saying, feed me. sun went down. the lights came on. and that was it today. november and we do expect that to continue for a while. in fact, the long-range forecast models are saying two more weeks. eastern and flamingo, 70. 37%. next stop, wingard and franklin at 67 right now. no wind in that neighborhood and boulder city is blowing at 3. their current temperature, 73 degrees. the rest of the neighborhoods across the valley, mid- to upper 60s around the southern and western edges. still low 70s. 73 on the near east side. we're finding low 70s henderson, they've dropped to 69 degrees. temperatures, quite warm this afternoon. just about every valley neighborhood. a couple of exceptions. made it until 80s. some as warm as 84. outside of the valley, 64 in pahrump. it's still an even 70 in mesquite. as you map out your election day, temperatures will be quite kind. we'll start if you head out at 8:00 a.m. at 67 degrees. 80 at lunchtime and we'll start to fall back probably around 3:30 and hit 78 at 5:00. those winds are going to fire up with some strong gusts and the temperature will drop 30 degrees. not happening tomorrow. around the country, we've been watching the clouds in the northwest. some of these high, thin clouds showing up. they are trying to work their way into southern nevada, but they are not having much luck. if you look closely, you can see those thin clouds over the mountains. the rest of the action going way up north. we're sitting pretty for sure through this week and probably next week as well. some of the numbers around the west, they are very un-november-like. phoenix to 89 and southern california in the low 80s. for southern nevada overnight, mountain will dip in the 30s. 55 will be the low in sandy valley. high temperatures tomorrow afternoon, mesquite should max out at 84. overton, a degree warmer. laughlin, up around 90 and death valley in the 90s. should bottom out at an even 60. tomorrow, plenty of tuesday sunshine and plenty of tuesday degrees. 82, the expected high. tomorrow's record has been standing since 1950. we'll be real close. seven-day forecast, another 80 on wednesday. then we will start trimming back a little. but just gradually. the days are getting shorter. that normal high is down to 70. on friday, it was 73. that's a pretty big drop, and it will plunge in the 60s, where we should be but not where we're going to be. we're going to stay warm. well above normal. >> thank you. time now for sports. amber joins us to tell us about a possible post-season honor coming for las vegas native kris bright. >> we knew he was in the discussion. today it was confirmed kris mvp. after he was chosen as nl rookie of the year, the bonanza high school grad goes up against daniel murphy and corey seager for the nvp title. the winner will be announced next week. last year, bryce harper won the same honor unanimously. ufc fighter jon jones has won his last four fights but unanimous decision, and his 22-1 record will not until at least july. that's because today, the u.s. anti-doping agency suspended him one year for the positive drug test that took him out of ufc 200 this past july. the suspension is retroactive to that time. jones blamed a sexual enhancement pill but did end up testing positive for two banned anti-estrogen agents. because ufc 200 was in las vegas, the former heavy-weight champion will have economy which expects to decide his suspension in november. now to an update to an olympic story. 19-year-old lopez won the light-weight division at the trials. usa boxing had already filled that spot on the team u.s.a. roster. so the american lopez had no other choice but to represent his parents' country, honduras he lost his first bout but on saturday night, made his pro debut at the thomas & mack. he scored a second-round knockout. >> a lot of politics have happened to me. you know i went to the olympics. couldn't represent the u.s.a. i decided to represent my >> he signed with the las vegas fight probation. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, i think this could apply to our local nhl tale. they've had all of these issues with getting their name and logo. november 22nd is the date we'll be learning both of those. >> okay. >> keeps getting pushed back but they tweeted it. >> it could be donald trump. [laughter] >> yeah. >> thank you. >> thank you. she fought to give women t even though she never got to herself. >> next -- the tributes to susan b. anthony ahead of this i'm catherine cortez masto. i know some people are so disgusted with politics they think their vote doesn't matter. but we can't just sit on the sidelines when so much needs to be done. i know that, working together, we can make progress. and i took on the big banks who took advantage of nevada homeowners. i approve this message because in washington, plenty of sunshine early sunshine, too, now that the clocks have been set back. we'll be at 62 at 7:00 a.m. a quick jump into the lower 80s tomorrow and kelly will keep you updated degree by degree beginning at 4:30 a.m. on "news 3 today." now back to the news dudes. >> i like the ring of that. >> there is a full-on hashtag. finally tonight, the new york anthony is buried will extend their hours on tuesday to give people more time to visit her grave. >> going to her grave site has become an election day right of passage. >> the democrat hillary clinton, they say, is appropriate to keep the cemetery open late. >> voters have been leaving grave site. she died in 1906, 41 years before women finally won the right to vote. well, no matter which way you are voting, we have you covered. come here to news 3 tomorrow. >> we'll have you covered. that will wrap it up for us tonight at 6:30. thanks for having us in. next -- a man in need of a kidney takes matters into his own hands to get a donor. his creative advertising and it all played football game. ask yourself: if joe heck was on your side, why did he threaten to shut down the government on his crusade to defund planned parenthood? side with the wall street banks when he called nevada's foreclosure crisis a "blip"? and why did joe heck put payday lenders and their shameful interest rates first when he took their money? nevada, it's time to put people before the corporate special interests. it's time to vote no on joe heck. s advertising. dunlap: over two thousand police officers from all across nevada support question 1. i'm one of them. i support question 1 because it will help save lives. haley: question 1 protects gun rights and does something urgently needed: it closes the background check loophole and keeps guns out of dangerous hands. states that have closed the loophole have seen fewer police officers shot and killed in the line of duty. it won't end all gun violence, but it will save lives. that's a fact. "she's a slob." "she ate like a pig." "i'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers..." donald trump calls women "bimbos", "dogs", and "fat pigs." but congressman crescent hardy said he'd support donald trump 100%. nevada, there's a better choice: ruben kihuen. kihuen pushed to crack down on employers who pay women less than men. and kihuen will always protect a woman's right to choose. ruben kihuen for nevada. a man wakes up to the smell of cooking food but he doesn't have a roommate. how the homeowner confronted the hungry intruder. gunfire on the las vegas strip in a popular spot for tourists. what may have been behind this act of violence. strikes twice. but we start with the story of a homeowner carrying that knife. it happened in downtown las vegas. the guy ended up stabbing a man who was found cooking inside his kitchen. we thank you for staying with us. i'm reed cowan. >> i'm latoya silmon. this bizarre home invasion is our top story tonight. news 3's antonio castelan spoke with the homeowner. >> reporter: thee the house. the homeowner tells us the suspect was inside here for about 10, 15 minutes. arvi remmelg will never forget the time a robber was cooking sausage in his own kitchen. >> i smell, like, cooking, like -- and after that, somebody came to approach my bedroom door and when he opened the door, then i stab him. >> reporter: this is the pocketknife arvi remmelg used.

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United States , New York , Honduras , Nevada , Las Vegas , Washington , Pahrump , California , Phoenix , Arizona , Sandy Valley , Michigan , Boulder City , Las Vegas Valley , America , American , Timothy Mcveigh , Reed Cowan , Catherine Cortez Masto , Robert Durst , Daniel Murphy , Terry Nichols , Thomas Mack , Corey Seager , Susan B Anthony , Bryce Harper , Rockefeller Plaza , Jon Jones , Hillary Clinton , Danny Tarkanian ,

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