Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Noon 20161118 : comparem

Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Noon 20161118

description on the man who left from here. but police say they are trying their best to get in contact with that man. that is the very latest reporting live from flamingo and torrey pines, antonio castelan, news 3. >> krystal: okay. thank you so much, antonio. we appreciate that. the nye county sheriff's office investigating two more people for animal cruelty against 15 exotic animals. >> michelle: we told you about a woman arrested earlier this week for having lions and a monkey living in her home with her child. trouble. news 3's faith jessie joins us live from pahrump with more. faith? >> reporter: nye county sheriff and animal control are still removing animals from the home behind me. it's located on black rock ave. according to nye county sheriffs, they responded to multiple reports of exotic animals in very bad conditions at this home. upon arrival to the home police say several large exotic cats were discovered locked in police also describe the air quality was being horrific. police discovered a fox inside the home which is illegal in nevada. one neighbor said he was surprised this happenedd. . >> we never felt threatened. they, you know, they appeared to have a gooden closure -- good enclosure. you hear a lot of things right now about this couple that, you know, i don't know anything >> reporter: the owner of these animals, 57-year-old jackie freeman, had a special permit to house all the animals with the exception of the illegal fox. she and abbey hend agrand both had responsible for the care of the animals and they were involved in litigation with each other. police did not make any arrests but abbey is facing animal cruelty charges. faith jessie reporting, news 3. >> krystal: we're talking about this trial continuing today in and the school district did not do enough to stop it. >> michelle: let's bring in news 3's craig fiegener with more on this from the regional justice center. this is how many days now has this been going? is this day two? >> craig: this is day four of this trial. it's expected to move into early next week. maybe as far as wednesday next week. day four when the testimony wraps up today. it's been a trial very much full of high emotion. yesterday there was testimony from a mom who told the court that the clark county sl bullying but the district did nothing to stop it. this is video from inside the court yesterday. mary bryan told the court that bullying was constant. she testified her son, his friend were harassed with homophobic slurs. they were physically attacked. she said one of the boys was stabbed in the groin with a pencil. she said her son complicated suicide and researched ways to die online and often woke up in a panic. >> he would wake up in the screaming and shouting. he would still be asleep but would be sit be up or standing in the room. >> craig: back here live. we're outside the regional justice center. the testimony today and expected for the reststthe day is from a band instructor at the junior high. he is testifying about what me did after he became aware of the complaints that there was bullying. what he did to control it or stop it. there's an interesting caveat to this case because the way filed and the cause of action in this case requires that the plaintiffs not only show negligence but go one step beyond and show that the district, clark county school district, even encouraged it or caused it. so we'll find out again when this judge rules in this case. remember no jury. it is a bench trial. it will be up to the discretion of the judge after all the testimony again expected to wrap up next wednesday. sergio avila with a recap on today's testimony. "news 3 live at five." i'm craig fiegener reporting, studio. >> michelle: a second suspect in a two-week old murder here in las vegas in the area of the valley has been arrested. jorge latorre has been booked into the clark county detention center. according to metro's arrest report he was identified through a photo line-up and can be seen in this surveillance video. 35-year-old thomas jones was killed in the shooting near torrey pines and twain earlier this month. another suspect, cody sullivan, was >> krystal: we are your traffic authority. and we have another big closure to start planning for starting today. so you want to make sure you are aware of this. the 215 will close in both directions at the airport connector from 9:00 p.m. tonight until 5:00 a.m. on monday while crews install parts of the flyover off ramp. if you need to get to mccarran all is smooth sailing. looks okay. but it may be a different story over the weekend. you can navigate through the detours but you need to expect county, just avoid the 215 all together. take tropicana and it will get you on to the airport just fine. >> michelle: we are also your weather authority. and, kelly, i read today it was colder this morning here in las vegas than it was in chicago. >> kelly: oh yeah. i was talking to my mom in detroit yesterday about it saying it's going to be colder here. it is quite a bit colder than what we've been seeing lately. let's look at the time-lapse. looks beautiful right. but then you take a look at some of these numbers. mendosa elementary school, it is just 60 at sahara and sloan. winds east northeast three miles per hour there. and check this one out. betsy rhodes elementary school is 55. last week this what's we were dealing with for morning lows and now it's the noon hour. what about the rest of the day? highs expected to top out in the low 60s. only two degrees shy of normal which is 65. as we get into the overnight hours temperatures will start dropping through the 50s with mainly clear skies. won't be as cold tomorrow morning as it was this morning. but the afternoon highs this weekend are pretty impressive. we're going to look at those numbers coming up. >> michelle: thank you. a car crashes through a bar, the whole thing was caught on camera. what this video show us the moments leading up to the crash that police say was very chaotic. >> kryst awareness about diabetes. a look at common misconceptions about type i diabetes and is who affected by it. then r & b superstar genuine in the building. you know his hit song from the 90s, pony. he had whole lot of other hits. he is going to tell us about the big las vegas soul festival. stay with us that's at 12:30. dicare beneficiaries living in clark county. now is the time to review your cucurrent medicare coverage. whatever your health coverage needs, call now and let unitedhealthcare help find a plan that could give you the benefits and stability you're looking for... like an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. it can combine medicare parts a and b... which is your hospital and doctor coverage... if you live in clark county. this medicare advantage plan offers you... visits to your primary care doctor for a $0 co-pay. there's more. when you enroll in this aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare, you'll have $0 co-pays for specialist visits... overnight stays in the hospital... and tier 1 drugs... hearing aids as low as $330 each, saving you thousands... pharmacy at no additional cost. open enrollment begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so now is the time to call and see what unitedhealthcare can do for you. for a $0 monthly premium, you'll get up to $200 a year in credits to spend on everyday health care products... and a silversneakers fitness membership. we've been helping people ive healthier lives. call and see why so many medicare beneficiaries choose plans from unitedhealthcare. don't miss your opportunity. medicare open enrollment ends december 7th. call now and see if the benefits of an aarp medicarecomplete plan are right for you. or visit one of our unitedhealthcare walk-in locations. >> krystal: new video from tampa police shows the chaos before a car slammed into a combar. according to detectives tuesday morning a fight involving several young men broke out at 2:30. you see it playing out outside of this bar. a man starts hitting the driver of a nissan through the window. then it just goes to the curb. the driver managed to get the wheels off the curb and accelerated hitting bar. the victim suffered head and leg injuries. the driver took off on foot and is yet to be found. >> michelle: a minnesota police officer who shot and killed philando castile appeared in court today. st. anthony police offer jeronimo yanez is charged with manslaughter. it happened last july during a traffic stop and this is the video that everyone around the world saw because his fiancee streamed it live as he was the county attorney says after reviewing the case the use of deadly force was not justified. >> krystal: a woman seen on video being punched by an arizona police officer is speaking out. flag staff police officer jeff bo nar punching melissa morris. that's when it happened. police say the officer was at morris's house because she received an eviction notice. then the officer identified her as having a warrant out for her arrest. but he didn't know it had already been served. in h morris became uncooperative and kicked him when he tried to arrest her. morris said she never touched him. >> it's hurtful. its embarrassing. the people who are supposed to protect us and they did not. they ended up hurting me. why me? what did i do to deserve anything like that? i am not a bad person. like, why would he attack me? >> krystal: morris was arrested for assaulting an officer and resisting arrest. placed on administrative leave pending outcome of an investigation. new cabinet positions announced today by president-elect donald trump. donald trump team announcing a couple of hours ago that alabama senator jeff sessions offered the job of attorney general. trump official also announcing that representative mike pompeo out of kansas is expected to be nominated for cia director. the transition source saying president-elect donald trump will meet with forme nominee mitt romney sunday to discuss the possibility of maybe becoming secretary of state. >> michelle: let's switch now and talk weather. we saw it was cold here but it's colder in a lot of other places right now. the first significant snowstorm of the season has touched down. we're talking colorado, utah, wyoming. and it's heading towards the dakota. the autumn snow is causing headaches for drivers in colorado and weather conditions wreck on interstate 70. snow packed roads in the high country led to several closures and crashes. this storm is expected to dump eight inches of snow on parts of colorado. jumping for joy. check out how excited this little guy is. he loves the snow. isn't he cute? this is in colorado. this is loki. it is a young australian cattle dog. it w season for grand junction and may very well be his first snow ever. my dog do's that with bubbles. >> kelly: that's exciting. >> michelle: so cute. >> krystal: i'm expecting him to do a back flip at some point. >> michelle: every once in awhile and usually seems like every winter since i've been here i've noticed we'll get four snowflakes here in the valley. so it's possible if we get cold outside and it felt like it was about to snow. >> kelly: we had snow in boulder city a dusting a couple years ago. raina had a blast. it was the first time she had seen snow fall. that snowstorm is moving east. in fact blizzard conditions in parts of minnesota from that one now. let's look at what we've been dealing with here. these were our morning lows this morning. so if you are wondering it was chilly just how cold was it? here you go. just five degrees above freezing. southern highlands bottomed out at 35. centennial 38. we are warming up. but it's still a little chilly out there. at least that's how it feels. we do have a lot of sunshine. the southeast career and technical academy camera today. beautiful conditions you if are in the office looking out the window. take a look at these temperatures. we're still in the upper fifties in many locations. summerlin, lakes, 57. remember just last week this was our lows. here's a look at the bigger picture. we do have high pressure in control. that's what we've got sunshine. we're going see warmer temperatures next couple days ahead of the next system that's coming in on monday. but that system would wre just talking about that brought snow to colorado yesterday has moved east. in minnesota they've got pretty strong winds. blizzard conditions as that continues to track eastward. the rest of the day today. 63 our high. that's cool especially compared to last couple weeks but wael it's really it's only two degrees below normal. overnight tonight we're going to go down to 43 for a low. still cool but warmer than what we saw last night. our 7-day forecast? the weekend's looking pretty nice. i mean, above normal temperatures. comfortable two. 69 on saturday. skies. and sunday night into monday here comes the next storm. this one not so much a wind event we're going to see wet weather out of this. rain, maybe mountain snow as well. we'll be keeping a close eye on that one. then it dries out. if you are planning on doing traveling for the thanksgiving holiday looking good. lots of sunshine on turkey day with a high of 68. >> michelle: can't believe we're talking about thanksgiving. unbelievable how fast time goes. november by the way diabetes awareness month. andki our parent company sinclair broadcast we want to keep you informed about important health matters because we believe it's our responsibility and privilege. >> krystal: we want to keep you as healthy as possible. you may think diabetes is a disease that affects older people. as we're about to show you in the sinclair cares ro report, type i diabetes affects the lives of a lot of children and >> we scored a goal so we had to do something. >> reporter: 13-year-old daniel burns is tough on the soccer field and in life. >> think of it like i am a normal kid. which i am. >> reporter: daniel has type i diabetes also known as juvenile diabetes. it strikes one in 400 children and can also start in adulthood. >> nobody 100 percent understands why the body does this. so it's too much candy or not enough broccoli. >> reporter: but something triggers the body to develop antibodies that destroy the cells that make insulin. a hormone necessary to break down the food we eat and nourish our bodies. >> without insulin basically the cells are starving. >> reporter: recognizing the symptoms early can avoid serious complications. >> if a child starts to drink more and urinate more hopefully they're more notices early on. early on in the course. >> reporter: daniel spent three days at sinai hospital in baltimore where he and his parents could learn to manage a disease for the rest of his life. >> the responsibility that daniel has to keep himself healthy and alive each day is unbelievable. that we ask that of a kid. >> reporter: even though daniel has missed his share of birthday parties and sleep-overs, he has an important message for other >> just be yourself and don't think that you are any different than any of the other kids. >> reporter: for sinclair cares, i'm jennifer gilbert reporting. >> krystal: very good advice. here is some positive news. there is a lot of research working on a cure for type i diabetes. and there's really been some promising clinical research trials. >> michelle: yep. and many experts are hopeful that we could see a cure hopefully our lifetime. buckingham palace getting a major upgrade. coming up, a look at the massive project. >> tom: it's time to take a moment for tom's trivia challenge where each friday you have a chance to win a prize for what you know about the area you live in. this week ur playing for a vip experience package, meet and greet, hotel stay and event t-shirt. the question is... who is the city of henderson named after? to win go to click on station then contest or go to our twitter page to make your selection. to find out if you are the winner go to the twitter page where the answer will be posted at the end of the show. one person will be randomly ?? ?? nobody likes a dog with bad breath. that's why there's oravet dental hygiene chews. oravet's dual action approach cleans teeth and gets to the underlying cause of bad breath by blocking bacteria to help ask your vet about oravet chews. >> michelle: this just in to the nyesroom. the lucky drgon opening to its first guests tomorrow. so far this property being very quiet about the opening. las vegas usually does grand openings. but you have probably seen the hotel and casino being built right there on sahara between the strip and the i-15. this property caters to asian travelers and it is the first hotel to be built or near the strip since the cosmopolitan opened in 2010. this is the north end of the strip which is kind of, it's been dead a little while. it could definitely use a boost in the arm so this is a good thing. >> krystal: yes. a little reintegration intoha let's talk about buckingham palace. we're going across the pond. getting a little bit of a face-lift. well a pretty expensive face lift. >> michelle: a lot of botox here. >> krystal: the british government is spending $458 million to refurbish the home of queen elizabeth. construction expected to begin in april will take ten years to complete. upgrades will be made to the pipes and wiring to reduce the risk of fires and flood and the a lot to work with there. the upgrade will improve visitor access to the palace that attracts millions of tourists each year. the queen will remain in the es dense as the -- residence as the improvements are made. i've never been. that's a major reconstruction going on. whole body tuck as well. >> krystal: i'd like to see the end result. something else that's blowing up the internet. the holderness family. we show you this family every da this time it's for thanksgiving. >> michelle: they want to make sure that this holiday is the one day that people can forget about the election and just enjoy some fwb apparently. ? any other topics so we can find a way to avoid politics for just one day ? . >> krystal: that's the holderness family out of north carolina. at it again. so this is flo rida's song my house in case you recognized it but wasn't sure what song it was. this video has gotten nearly 4.4 million views in just one day. i have a pretty good bet they'll do something for christmas. >> michelle: they always do. next on news 3 live at 12:30 some great news for those looking for a job here in southern nevada. there's a big boom coming to big named companies are relocating there and that means lots of jobs. we'll have more. >> krystal: he is an r & b superstar and is here in studio with us ahead of his big perform ns a at the las vegas soul festival. ginuwine in the building. we're so exciteed to have him. so talented. such a great artist and he is with us. it's also forever home friday. the animal foundation here with an adorable dog that you can >> michelle: right now on "news 3 live at 12:30," job boom. those looking for a job are going to get some great news today. southern nevada has a lot of reasons to be excited when it comes to the job front. there are big name companies head our way and that means lots >> krystal: a superstar in studio. we're talking about the one, the only gin skin. he is -- ginuwine. he is here to talk about what he has been up to and his big performance at the las vegas film festival happening this weekend. you don't want to miss that one. >> michelle: another star in studio today. our forever home friday pet of the week. the animal foundation is here with an adorable furry pup that needs a home and maybe it could be yours. we'll have that coming up >> announcer: news 3 starts >> michelle: good afternoon. thank you for joining us. happy friday by the way. we made it. we have really good news. more businesses are opening up shop here in southern nevada. that's bringing thousands of jobs here to our community. >> krystal: when the economy is on the upswing that is always good news. our kyndell nunley live from north las vegas where the majority of these employers will be. this is just coming off the news that we are now have one of the lowest unemployment rates that

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Alabama , United States , Nevada , Australia , North Carolina , Buckingham Palace , Westminster , United Kingdom , Turkey , Minnesota , Nye County , Boulder City , Arizona , Wyoming , Pahrump , Colorado , Kansas , Clark County , Illinois , Utah , Chicago , Australian , British , Jorge Latorre , Jeronimo Yanez , Betsy Rhodes , Thomas Jones , Jennifer Gilbert , Mike Pompeo , Sergio Avila , Torrey Pines , Jeff Bo , Flo Rida , Las Vegas , Mary Bryan , Cody Sullivan , Ford Shelby , Jackie Freeman , Melissa Morris , Queen Elizabeth ,

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Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Noon 20161118 :

Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Noon 20161118

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description on the man who left from here. but police say they are trying their best to get in contact with that man. that is the very latest reporting live from flamingo and torrey pines, antonio castelan, news 3. >> krystal: okay. thank you so much, antonio. we appreciate that. the nye county sheriff's office investigating two more people for animal cruelty against 15 exotic animals. >> michelle: we told you about a woman arrested earlier this week for having lions and a monkey living in her home with her child. trouble. news 3's faith jessie joins us live from pahrump with more. faith? >> reporter: nye county sheriff and animal control are still removing animals from the home behind me. it's located on black rock ave. according to nye county sheriffs, they responded to multiple reports of exotic animals in very bad conditions at this home. upon arrival to the home police say several large exotic cats were discovered locked in police also describe the air quality was being horrific. police discovered a fox inside the home which is illegal in nevada. one neighbor said he was surprised this happenedd. . >> we never felt threatened. they, you know, they appeared to have a gooden closure -- good enclosure. you hear a lot of things right now about this couple that, you know, i don't know anything >> reporter: the owner of these animals, 57-year-old jackie freeman, had a special permit to house all the animals with the exception of the illegal fox. she and abbey hend agrand both had responsible for the care of the animals and they were involved in litigation with each other. police did not make any arrests but abbey is facing animal cruelty charges. faith jessie reporting, news 3. >> krystal: we're talking about this trial continuing today in and the school district did not do enough to stop it. >> michelle: let's bring in news 3's craig fiegener with more on this from the regional justice center. this is how many days now has this been going? is this day two? >> craig: this is day four of this trial. it's expected to move into early next week. maybe as far as wednesday next week. day four when the testimony wraps up today. it's been a trial very much full of high emotion. yesterday there was testimony from a mom who told the court that the clark county sl bullying but the district did nothing to stop it. this is video from inside the court yesterday. mary bryan told the court that bullying was constant. she testified her son, his friend were harassed with homophobic slurs. they were physically attacked. she said one of the boys was stabbed in the groin with a pencil. she said her son complicated suicide and researched ways to die online and often woke up in a panic. >> he would wake up in the screaming and shouting. he would still be asleep but would be sit be up or standing in the room. >> craig: back here live. we're outside the regional justice center. the testimony today and expected for the reststthe day is from a band instructor at the junior high. he is testifying about what me did after he became aware of the complaints that there was bullying. what he did to control it or stop it. there's an interesting caveat to this case because the way filed and the cause of action in this case requires that the plaintiffs not only show negligence but go one step beyond and show that the district, clark county school district, even encouraged it or caused it. so we'll find out again when this judge rules in this case. remember no jury. it is a bench trial. it will be up to the discretion of the judge after all the testimony again expected to wrap up next wednesday. sergio avila with a recap on today's testimony. "news 3 live at five." i'm craig fiegener reporting, studio. >> michelle: a second suspect in a two-week old murder here in las vegas in the area of the valley has been arrested. jorge latorre has been booked into the clark county detention center. according to metro's arrest report he was identified through a photo line-up and can be seen in this surveillance video. 35-year-old thomas jones was killed in the shooting near torrey pines and twain earlier this month. another suspect, cody sullivan, was >> krystal: we are your traffic authority. and we have another big closure to start planning for starting today. so you want to make sure you are aware of this. the 215 will close in both directions at the airport connector from 9:00 p.m. tonight until 5:00 a.m. on monday while crews install parts of the flyover off ramp. if you need to get to mccarran all is smooth sailing. looks okay. but it may be a different story over the weekend. you can navigate through the detours but you need to expect county, just avoid the 215 all together. take tropicana and it will get you on to the airport just fine. >> michelle: we are also your weather authority. and, kelly, i read today it was colder this morning here in las vegas than it was in chicago. >> kelly: oh yeah. i was talking to my mom in detroit yesterday about it saying it's going to be colder here. it is quite a bit colder than what we've been seeing lately. let's look at the time-lapse. looks beautiful right. but then you take a look at some of these numbers. mendosa elementary school, it is just 60 at sahara and sloan. winds east northeast three miles per hour there. and check this one out. betsy rhodes elementary school is 55. last week this what's we were dealing with for morning lows and now it's the noon hour. what about the rest of the day? highs expected to top out in the low 60s. only two degrees shy of normal which is 65. as we get into the overnight hours temperatures will start dropping through the 50s with mainly clear skies. won't be as cold tomorrow morning as it was this morning. but the afternoon highs this weekend are pretty impressive. we're going to look at those numbers coming up. >> michelle: thank you. a car crashes through a bar, the whole thing was caught on camera. what this video show us the moments leading up to the crash that police say was very chaotic. >> kryst awareness about diabetes. a look at common misconceptions about type i diabetes and is who affected by it. then r & b superstar genuine in the building. you know his hit song from the 90s, pony. he had whole lot of other hits. he is going to tell us about the big las vegas soul festival. stay with us that's at 12:30. dicare beneficiaries living in clark county. now is the time to review your cucurrent medicare coverage. whatever your health coverage needs, call now and let unitedhealthcare help find a plan that could give you the benefits and stability you're looking for... like an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. it can combine medicare parts a and b... which is your hospital and doctor coverage... if you live in clark county. this medicare advantage plan offers you... visits to your primary care doctor for a $0 co-pay. there's more. when you enroll in this aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare, you'll have $0 co-pays for specialist visits... overnight stays in the hospital... and tier 1 drugs... hearing aids as low as $330 each, saving you thousands... pharmacy at no additional cost. open enrollment begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so now is the time to call and see what unitedhealthcare can do for you. for a $0 monthly premium, you'll get up to $200 a year in credits to spend on everyday health care products... and a silversneakers fitness membership. we've been helping people ive healthier lives. call and see why so many medicare beneficiaries choose plans from unitedhealthcare. don't miss your opportunity. medicare open enrollment ends december 7th. call now and see if the benefits of an aarp medicarecomplete plan are right for you. or visit one of our unitedhealthcare walk-in locations. >> krystal: new video from tampa police shows the chaos before a car slammed into a combar. according to detectives tuesday morning a fight involving several young men broke out at 2:30. you see it playing out outside of this bar. a man starts hitting the driver of a nissan through the window. then it just goes to the curb. the driver managed to get the wheels off the curb and accelerated hitting bar. the victim suffered head and leg injuries. the driver took off on foot and is yet to be found. >> michelle: a minnesota police officer who shot and killed philando castile appeared in court today. st. anthony police offer jeronimo yanez is charged with manslaughter. it happened last july during a traffic stop and this is the video that everyone around the world saw because his fiancee streamed it live as he was the county attorney says after reviewing the case the use of deadly force was not justified. >> krystal: a woman seen on video being punched by an arizona police officer is speaking out. flag staff police officer jeff bo nar punching melissa morris. that's when it happened. police say the officer was at morris's house because she received an eviction notice. then the officer identified her as having a warrant out for her arrest. but he didn't know it had already been served. in h morris became uncooperative and kicked him when he tried to arrest her. morris said she never touched him. >> it's hurtful. its embarrassing. the people who are supposed to protect us and they did not. they ended up hurting me. why me? what did i do to deserve anything like that? i am not a bad person. like, why would he attack me? >> krystal: morris was arrested for assaulting an officer and resisting arrest. placed on administrative leave pending outcome of an investigation. new cabinet positions announced today by president-elect donald trump. donald trump team announcing a couple of hours ago that alabama senator jeff sessions offered the job of attorney general. trump official also announcing that representative mike pompeo out of kansas is expected to be nominated for cia director. the transition source saying president-elect donald trump will meet with forme nominee mitt romney sunday to discuss the possibility of maybe becoming secretary of state. >> michelle: let's switch now and talk weather. we saw it was cold here but it's colder in a lot of other places right now. the first significant snowstorm of the season has touched down. we're talking colorado, utah, wyoming. and it's heading towards the dakota. the autumn snow is causing headaches for drivers in colorado and weather conditions wreck on interstate 70. snow packed roads in the high country led to several closures and crashes. this storm is expected to dump eight inches of snow on parts of colorado. jumping for joy. check out how excited this little guy is. he loves the snow. isn't he cute? this is in colorado. this is loki. it is a young australian cattle dog. it w season for grand junction and may very well be his first snow ever. my dog do's that with bubbles. >> kelly: that's exciting. >> michelle: so cute. >> krystal: i'm expecting him to do a back flip at some point. >> michelle: every once in awhile and usually seems like every winter since i've been here i've noticed we'll get four snowflakes here in the valley. so it's possible if we get cold outside and it felt like it was about to snow. >> kelly: we had snow in boulder city a dusting a couple years ago. raina had a blast. it was the first time she had seen snow fall. that snowstorm is moving east. in fact blizzard conditions in parts of minnesota from that one now. let's look at what we've been dealing with here. these were our morning lows this morning. so if you are wondering it was chilly just how cold was it? here you go. just five degrees above freezing. southern highlands bottomed out at 35. centennial 38. we are warming up. but it's still a little chilly out there. at least that's how it feels. we do have a lot of sunshine. the southeast career and technical academy camera today. beautiful conditions you if are in the office looking out the window. take a look at these temperatures. we're still in the upper fifties in many locations. summerlin, lakes, 57. remember just last week this was our lows. here's a look at the bigger picture. we do have high pressure in control. that's what we've got sunshine. we're going see warmer temperatures next couple days ahead of the next system that's coming in on monday. but that system would wre just talking about that brought snow to colorado yesterday has moved east. in minnesota they've got pretty strong winds. blizzard conditions as that continues to track eastward. the rest of the day today. 63 our high. that's cool especially compared to last couple weeks but wael it's really it's only two degrees below normal. overnight tonight we're going to go down to 43 for a low. still cool but warmer than what we saw last night. our 7-day forecast? the weekend's looking pretty nice. i mean, above normal temperatures. comfortable two. 69 on saturday. skies. and sunday night into monday here comes the next storm. this one not so much a wind event we're going to see wet weather out of this. rain, maybe mountain snow as well. we'll be keeping a close eye on that one. then it dries out. if you are planning on doing traveling for the thanksgiving holiday looking good. lots of sunshine on turkey day with a high of 68. >> michelle: can't believe we're talking about thanksgiving. unbelievable how fast time goes. november by the way diabetes awareness month. andki our parent company sinclair broadcast we want to keep you informed about important health matters because we believe it's our responsibility and privilege. >> krystal: we want to keep you as healthy as possible. you may think diabetes is a disease that affects older people. as we're about to show you in the sinclair cares ro report, type i diabetes affects the lives of a lot of children and >> we scored a goal so we had to do something. >> reporter: 13-year-old daniel burns is tough on the soccer field and in life. >> think of it like i am a normal kid. which i am. >> reporter: daniel has type i diabetes also known as juvenile diabetes. it strikes one in 400 children and can also start in adulthood. >> nobody 100 percent understands why the body does this. so it's too much candy or not enough broccoli. >> reporter: but something triggers the body to develop antibodies that destroy the cells that make insulin. a hormone necessary to break down the food we eat and nourish our bodies. >> without insulin basically the cells are starving. >> reporter: recognizing the symptoms early can avoid serious complications. >> if a child starts to drink more and urinate more hopefully they're more notices early on. early on in the course. >> reporter: daniel spent three days at sinai hospital in baltimore where he and his parents could learn to manage a disease for the rest of his life. >> the responsibility that daniel has to keep himself healthy and alive each day is unbelievable. that we ask that of a kid. >> reporter: even though daniel has missed his share of birthday parties and sleep-overs, he has an important message for other >> just be yourself and don't think that you are any different than any of the other kids. >> reporter: for sinclair cares, i'm jennifer gilbert reporting. >> krystal: very good advice. here is some positive news. there is a lot of research working on a cure for type i diabetes. and there's really been some promising clinical research trials. >> michelle: yep. and many experts are hopeful that we could see a cure hopefully our lifetime. buckingham palace getting a major upgrade. coming up, a look at the massive project. >> tom: it's time to take a moment for tom's trivia challenge where each friday you have a chance to win a prize for what you know about the area you live in. this week ur playing for a vip experience package, meet and greet, hotel stay and event t-shirt. the question is... who is the city of henderson named after? to win go to click on station then contest or go to our twitter page to make your selection. to find out if you are the winner go to the twitter page where the answer will be posted at the end of the show. one person will be randomly ?? ?? nobody likes a dog with bad breath. that's why there's oravet dental hygiene chews. oravet's dual action approach cleans teeth and gets to the underlying cause of bad breath by blocking bacteria to help ask your vet about oravet chews. >> michelle: this just in to the nyesroom. the lucky drgon opening to its first guests tomorrow. so far this property being very quiet about the opening. las vegas usually does grand openings. but you have probably seen the hotel and casino being built right there on sahara between the strip and the i-15. this property caters to asian travelers and it is the first hotel to be built or near the strip since the cosmopolitan opened in 2010. this is the north end of the strip which is kind of, it's been dead a little while. it could definitely use a boost in the arm so this is a good thing. >> krystal: yes. a little reintegration intoha let's talk about buckingham palace. we're going across the pond. getting a little bit of a face-lift. well a pretty expensive face lift. >> michelle: a lot of botox here. >> krystal: the british government is spending $458 million to refurbish the home of queen elizabeth. construction expected to begin in april will take ten years to complete. upgrades will be made to the pipes and wiring to reduce the risk of fires and flood and the a lot to work with there. the upgrade will improve visitor access to the palace that attracts millions of tourists each year. the queen will remain in the es dense as the -- residence as the improvements are made. i've never been. that's a major reconstruction going on. whole body tuck as well. >> krystal: i'd like to see the end result. something else that's blowing up the internet. the holderness family. we show you this family every da this time it's for thanksgiving. >> michelle: they want to make sure that this holiday is the one day that people can forget about the election and just enjoy some fwb apparently. ? any other topics so we can find a way to avoid politics for just one day ? . >> krystal: that's the holderness family out of north carolina. at it again. so this is flo rida's song my house in case you recognized it but wasn't sure what song it was. this video has gotten nearly 4.4 million views in just one day. i have a pretty good bet they'll do something for christmas. >> michelle: they always do. next on news 3 live at 12:30 some great news for those looking for a job here in southern nevada. there's a big boom coming to big named companies are relocating there and that means lots of jobs. we'll have more. >> krystal: he is an r & b superstar and is here in studio with us ahead of his big perform ns a at the las vegas soul festival. ginuwine in the building. we're so exciteed to have him. so talented. such a great artist and he is with us. it's also forever home friday. the animal foundation here with an adorable dog that you can >> michelle: right now on "news 3 live at 12:30," job boom. those looking for a job are going to get some great news today. southern nevada has a lot of reasons to be excited when it comes to the job front. there are big name companies head our way and that means lots >> krystal: a superstar in studio. we're talking about the one, the only gin skin. he is -- ginuwine. he is here to talk about what he has been up to and his big performance at the las vegas film festival happening this weekend. you don't want to miss that one. >> michelle: another star in studio today. our forever home friday pet of the week. the animal foundation is here with an adorable furry pup that needs a home and maybe it could be yours. we'll have that coming up >> announcer: news 3 starts >> michelle: good afternoon. thank you for joining us. happy friday by the way. we made it. we have really good news. more businesses are opening up shop here in southern nevada. that's bringing thousands of jobs here to our community. >> krystal: when the economy is on the upswing that is always good news. our kyndell nunley live from north las vegas where the majority of these employers will be. this is just coming off the news that we are now have one of the lowest unemployment rates that

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