Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Five 20151219 : comparem

Transcripts For KSNV News 3 Live At Five 20151219

he refused to be identified because he did not want to take any of the heroism from the wounded officer. this man heard a gunshot exchange at the emerald suites. 38-year-old teag fox shot at one of their own. this good samaritan saw the officers sitting down. >> i got him to sit up a little bit. he was coughing up blood. >> he asked the wounded officer a question. >> the policeman was conscious all-time. -- the whole time. obviously in shock, but he was able to answer questions. antonio: then the good samaritan looked for the officer's wounds. >> i saw the vest and wounds. i had a sheet that i took downstairs. i was able to dab the blood out as best as we could. antonio: this man making sure the officer did not lose >> i asked him how he was feeling, where he thought he had been hit. he did not know. antonio: paramedics eventually swooped in and took him to the hospital. this man has a message for the wounded policeman. >> i respect him. he is a total guy. he didn't panic. -- a tough old guy. he was able to pick up his service revolver wished filled to the ground and re-holster it himself. antonio: fox will be in court next week. that officer is doing fine. we will hear from the man that recorded that video from the officer getting helped by the good samaritan. reporting live, and cardio cost a lot, news 3. ---- antonio castelan, news 3. jim: investigators working out why a home caught fire this morning. one suffered burns, and a cat was killed near the 95 and charleston. clark county viruses the smoke was so -- fire says the smoke reed: boulder city police are investigating drug use at an animal shelter, where a former supervisor is accused of improperly euthanizing dozens of animals. mary joe frazier is accused of violating the city code that requires a five day waiting period in a veterinarian review before an animal is killed. the court county district attorney says it's breeding team is reviewing the case to determine if anyone should be prosecuted. now at 5:00, las vegas taste legionaries greasing training for pilots and -- legion air increasing training for pilots. jim: after a plane operated by 2 legion executive barely made it out because it was low on fuel. the executives had no choice but to land at a closed airport in fargo, north dakota. they did not plan well enough. the federal aviation administration issued what's called a letter of correction to reed: news 3 confirming tonight the british airways jet that caught fire at mccarran airport will be used again. the spokesperson for the airline telling us the engine involved has already been taken out and will be replaced. she says boeing engineers concluded the damage was limited to that area and will be repaired. boeing will handle the repair work, incidentally. 14 people suffered minor injuries when the fire broke out moments before takeoff back in september. at 5:00, state lawmakers wrangling in a special session on incentives for electric car startup. jim: this is printed -- potentially a big deal. verde wants to open a point in the apex industrial park and north las vegas. the big issue is how to get enough water to that area for this business and others that are expected to follow. if the incentives deal is approved, verde would get about hundred semifinal in dollars in -- 175 million dollars in tax abatement over 15 years. they would bring as many as 4500 new tech jobs to southern nevada. >> i want your hands on the hood. reed: a frightening scene in florida. a deputy punched by a minute during a traffic stop. that ended in a wild shootout. this video from the deputy's dash cam. he was shot in the like, but continued to take the suspect. -- shot in the leg, but continued to chase the suspect. . that your boat and stable conditions might -- they are both in stable condition tonight. pres. obama: counterterrorism and law enforcement communities are working 24/7 to protect the homeland and all of us can do our part by staying vigilant. jim: that's president obama holding his last press outlining his agenda for the rest of his term. reed: also taking some tough questions about terrorism and a massive spending bill passed by congress today. marie mortera with more on what the president outlined. marie: the president something to fight but hopeful -- sounding defiant, but hopeful. trying to brush up the lame-duck -- brush off the lame-duck term. the war on terror what he wants to tackle in the nuclear. barack obama praised congress for passing a $1.1 trillion budget deal that includes tax cuts. pres. obama: i am not wild about everything in it. i am sure that is true for everybody. but it is a budget, that i lay insisted, in this -- as i insisted, invests in our middle would have benefited polluters. marie: passage avoids a government shutdown. >> i wanted to and the rattling experiences that the american people don't like. pres. obama: we are going to defeat isis. marie: the president saying his policies have installed the growth of isis. pres. obama: if we keep up the pressure, our air campaign will hit them harder than ever, taking out their leaders and forces. marie: after the deadly attack in san bernardino, mr. obama says he has adjusted 30 procedures based on what agents learned. -- adjusted security procedures based on what agents learned. pres. obama: we are making sure there is no slip between information sharing among agencies. marie: the president said he won't fade away and plans to end his term pushing his long-standing goals. pres. obama: in 2016 i'm going to leave it out on the field. marie: from washington, the president and first family traveled to san bernardino, stopped to talk to the families of those victims. obama pardoned and commuted the sentences of 95 federal prisoners, most of them drug offenders given long mandatory minimum sentences. jim: thank you. also in that funding bill, help for first responders that spent months working at ground zero after the 9/11 terror attacks. they will receive lifetime medical care for illnesses attributed to working in this dusty rubble of the world trade center. it took more than a dozen years to get this past. along the way, many first responders made hundreds of trips to washington to beg congress to help them. reed: breaking news, police on the scene of a fatal accident in the area of buffalo. jim: news 3 confirming a motorcyclist has died in this crash. it happened about an hour ago. we are stating nice and wide on the live picture. there is still a body down in the street. the streets around this area, buffalo and today are blocked reed: news 3 getting more details on the story that will affect a family during the holidays. we will update the story when we get it. jim: at 5:00, a major breach uncovered at a computer network company that could have exposed the u.s. government and private companies for the past three years. reed: the fbi investigated the breach at juniper networks, saying the hackers worked for a foreign government and were able to spy on encrypted communications. one computer expert says the hackers created a backdoor to get into the system. it's just like stealing a master key into a government building. china and russia are among the top suspected governments of being behind this. the patches being installed to close the back door. -- patch is being installed to close the back door. >> numbers of the dnc -- member of the dnc can support hillary clinton however they want, but they cannot sabotage our campaign. subterfuge. the campaign manager of democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders speaking out after the democratic national committee decided to block his campaign access to a database that holds records about potential voters. that action comes after members of center --- of sanders campaign staff improperly saved data from rival hillary clinton. center -- sanders' camp demanding access if they don't restore it. hillary clinton's campaign managers as the data was stolen. reed: donald trump now saying his first action as elected president would be to get rid of president obama's executive order on amnesty for millions of immigrants in our country illegally. trump saying he would knock out the order so fast "your head will spin." trump has proposed deporting jim: the chill, the fever, the aches and pains -- i sound like a commericacial -- but the flu season hitting nevada hard. reed: the one thing you can do to stay healthy. kevin: temperatures have been improving. blood as we are on the road -- but as we are on the road back impa this is the best block of all. it's like candy cane lane. i know. oohhh. oh, holiday ferris wheel. i kind of love it. look at those reindeer. jeffrey, you're awfully quiet back there. i was just thinking... maybe it's time we finish this test drive and head back to the dealership? that is so jeffrey... soooo jeffrey... so jeffrey... oh. elves.. it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment jim: welcome back. at 5;:00, december isn't it just ushering in the cold temperatures, flu season is back too. reed: we hate to tell you this, the flu season is far from over. jim: i braved the needle this year. did you? reed: i did. i think i was right behind you. we are actually number three in the nation where flu cases are on the right -- or on the rise. -- are on the rise. sandra gonzalez with your flu update. >> i have called, congestion -- cough, congestion, sore throat, feeling weak and dizzy. sandra: this woman is not alone, >> it's not a good feeling. you want to be left alone and relax. sandra: according to the flu index, cases are on the rise in las vegas. this week, we are third in the country, and our state is first in the nation. health officials stressing prevention. dr. justin maxwell with healthcare partners has been seeing his fair share of patients who opted not to get the flu shot. >> the flu shot does not cause the flu. it has a couple strains of the flu virus. that protects you. interview about 50-80% protection on average. sandra: maxwell says the flu may be spreading in las vegas thanks to the regular influx of tourists, especially during the holidays. the southern nevada health district's reports middle cases -- minimal cases are even lower. the flu shot is available at doctors offices, clinics, and pharmacies, and at community care pharmacies. this pharmacist says it's still >> it's more costly for you not getting one. $20 versus going to the hospital, seeing a doctor. if you get sick, it will be more. sandra: sense flu season lasts through may and peaks in february, not too late to get the flu shot. sandra gonzalez, news 3. >> i got nothing to fight for. >> nothing will stand in our way. >> i will finish what he started. jim: i got chill. darth vader's old mask. star wars "the force awakens" blasting into theaters on across the countries. just during the first showing reed: i even saw some people wearing costumes on the way to my live shoot. box office analysts picking the movie is on track for big records for the opening weekend. they even think it will break the all-time record in the u.s. star wars fans came out and seems pretty happy. -- seemed pretty happy. >> amazing. when else can i say? >> i'm going to come see it again tomorrow. >> i'm definitely going to watch it a few more times this week. reed: two more sequels to this latest installment are also on tap. queue the sound of the cash register. -- cue percent of the cash register. jim: i think it was 1977, not knowing what to think, and being blown away by special effects. they seemed really good back then. reed: my little sister had just been born. hospital for her tubes to be t ied. [laughter] i don't know if that's the right term. my dad took us to star wars. jim: way too much information. [laughter] kevin: we saw a site into r -- sight into reed's family that we do not want. many standing in line there were not even born when the original movies came out in the 1970's and 1980's. we talked about how much warmer it has been in new york and boston than southern nevada. that tide is about to change. how about the view today? if you're looking to recreate us we can't, the only thing -- this weekend, the only thing moving at zion national park is the shadows. out of the lake, the water is practically like glass. that might change tomorrow evening, we are expecting a pickup in the breezes, especially tomorrow night. blue skies in redrock. you can see some of the traveling. we have some haze and pollution out there. that is the negative bright when we don't have any wind. -- negative byproduct when we don't have any wind. no wind now. top ghost only 12 miles per hour. -- top gusts only 12 miles per hour. warm springs at 47. 49 out at the high school. rest of the numbers in town, mid 40's along the edges, southern and western edges of town. still a good chunk of neighborhood in the 50's. these have recovered from the lows this morning that were a bit warmer. we hit below freezing in a couple parts of town, or right around that freezing mark in the valley. outside of town, sandy valley at 52. over 10 at 50. -- overton at 50. lincoln county still brr at 18 degrees. official high temperature today 56, exactly where it should be but the morning low was below normal. tomorrow we start around 40, then work our way to the 50's by lunchtime. upper 50's, probably 60's. not much wind early, but the breeze will become noticeable in the afternoon. pretty simple forecast for the weekend. we are clear now. we start out tomorrow clear. this system is pretty wimpy. is not very wide. it's going to slide out under the cover of darkness tomorrow night. is going to give us a slight change for rain, increase of reasons, and the air behind it cooler. -- increase of breezes, and the air behind it cooler. there is a chance for rain on christmas. 30 in the mountains, 30 in pahrump. saturday high temperatures. sandy valley at 58. 59 in mesquite. boulder city maxes out at 61. for the las vegas valley tonight, this is what we call heading in the right direction. -- 38, we are heading in the right direction. mostly sunny, but rain late. clouds rolling in the afternoon. the chance for rain is tomorrow night. upon the mountain, snow possible. but the clouds will build in earlier. the wind start blowing in the afternoon. your seven-day forecast -- what rain does fall in town will be sprinkles and will be gone sunday morning. sunday will be sun inn 50'sy. -- will be sunny in the 50's. santa is giving us the gift of rian. we didn't ask for it, but we can take it. jim: any janison reproductive news you want to share? kevin: no, the we look forward to reed cowan part two. britney at 6:00 -- brand new at 6:00, hungry robbers breaking into a taco shop, and the list is to get it strategy -- less sophisticated strategy for getting in is, camera. the owners are taking a light hearted approach to catching them. >> a group of six toys for a group that doesn't even -- toys for a group that doesn't even celebrate the holiday. drink more than one cup a jim: a new idea to help you stay alert all day long. reed: a coffee that helps you keep your caffeine buzz all day. nestle is developing a slow release coffee. called cubosomes, which break down over time and release caffeine over the body at a controlled rate. if nestle can come up with a product, they say one cup will be all you need all day. jim: i have to get me some of those cubosome. six days until christmas, and you have time to take advantage of last-minute shipping. reed: more than 900 merchants taking part. there's also no minimum purchase required. >> this nonsense of starting at 4:00 p.m. and going until 2:00 in the morning, drunk, on that is the only one doing it drunk . reed: the return of tina fey and amy poehler on saturday i've -- 70 they nightlife. -- saturday night live. jim: tina and amy are hinting reed: breaking news tonight. a party war erupting. bernie sanders, hillary clinton and a major fight over alleged snooping into secret files. one campaign now going to court. also from russia with love. donald trump's controversial new comment about putin. record rush. over 100 million americans in the

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New York , United States , Nevada , China , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Lincoln County , Sandy Valley , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Boulder City , United Kingdom , Pahrump , North Dakota , Clark County , Las Vegas Valley , Americans , American , British , Reed Cowan , Sandra Gonzalez , Barack Obama , Hillary Clinton , Las Vegas , Mary Joe Frazier , Bernie Sanders , Justin Maxwell ,

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