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Said melania, im already in misery. [ laughter ] im glad we all enjoyed that one. I liked that one, too. [ light laughter ] after this weeks vicepresident ial debate, both mike pence and tim kaine were criticized for repeatedly making false statements. Thats my boy, said trump and hillary at the exact same time. [ laughter ] graydon carter, who has been covering donald trump for more than 30 years has released a new article calling trump officially a joke. Specifically a joke that starts a racist, a garbage can, and a tanning bed walk into a bar. [ laughter ] the atlantic magazine endorsed Hillary Clinton this week and called donald trump appallingly sexist, erratic, secretive, and xenophobic. Said trump, i am not secretive. [ laughter ] donald trump among hispanic voters in florida by 24 points. Oh, im sorry, i misread that. 24 million points. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight [ cheers and applause ] hes one of the stars of netflixs the ranch, and an all around great guy, Ashton Kutcher is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] theyre here to discuss the baseball postseason and they are two of our favorite guests here on the show, kevin millar and sean casey from the mlb [ cheers and applause ] also, we have an incredible illustrator, hes a cartoonist of new books, i am George Washington and i am jane goodall right there. And hes joining us, chris eliopoulos. Hes gonna teach me how to draw. [ cheers and applause ] im a pretty good artist. Very excited you guys. Next week for the first time, late nights going on to the road. Were going to washington, d. C. Where well be doing our show from the warner theater. Excited about. Were excited about doing it. Well see how it goes. Before we get on to the rest of this show, for months now, donald trump has been making wild, baseless accusations against Hillary Clinton. Trump is dragging down the entire Republican Party which at one point oh, here we go yet again. Seth im sorry. What was that . Oh, nothing, just listening to another enlightened broadside against conservatism from the man the New York Times described as the class clown of liberalism. Seth im very sorry everybody, this is one of our writers matt goldich. And as you can probably tell, matt is conservative. Yes. [ light laughter ] seth, im an extremely jewishlooking conservative. [ laughter ] and im here to provide the antidote to the kind of ultra lefty propaganda you spread nightly on this college drum circle you call a show. [ laughter ] you know seth, this isnt one of your poetry readings in brooklyn with hugo chavez and gore vidal. Seth matt im pretty sure well, they probably caught whatever hillary has. [ laughter ] seth all right you know what, matt, do you have anything to say . Of course i do, seth. Seth well thats great. I mean, im all for bringing intelligent, conservative voices on the show so people can hear both sides of the issue. Oh, well in that case, its a time for the conservative perspective. . . . . . . . . . . Seth that is an irritatingly youre a conservative. Im just making a reasonable and noncontroversial defense of Hillary Clinton. Oh, here we go again seth im sorry, what was that . Oh, nothing. I was just waiting for your reasonable defense of Hillary Clinton. Just like her reasonable vote for the illegal invasion of iraq. Seth okay sorry, everybody. This is another one of our writers sal gentile and as you can probably guess, sal is a progressive. Yes, seth, i am a vaguely jewish progressive. [ laughter ] and i cant believe you would even consider voting for that war criminal, Hillary Clinton. But i guess thats not polite to say at your thinktank retreats with william f. Buckley and irving kristol. Seth okay, i know both of those people are dead. [ laughter ] well, they probably caught whatever hillary had. Seth all right you know what sal, if you have a thoughtful argument youd like to make go ahead and make it. Well in that case, its time . Fight the power . [ laughter ] . Fight the power fight the power fight the power . . Fight the power fight the power fight the power . . Weve got to fight the powers that be . . . . . . . Seth again, way too long. [ laughter ] look, i dont know what to tell you two. Donald trump, it seems to me is neither a true conservative nor a progressive. It strikes me that hes an extremely dangerous candidate who could lead the u. S. I disagree seth oh, my god. [ laughter ] who said that . Dont forget about the Electrical College seth. Of our writers, ben warheit. And as you may have guessed, ben is an idiot. [ laughter ] and im also jewish but i havent been to services in four years. Dont tell santa [ laughter ] seth ben what are you doing here . Im here to talk politics, seth. Hillary wants to repeal the second commandment [ laughter ] she wants to take away all our gum. What am i going to do . Go to the mall and buy more gums . Well i canec going to build a wall in mexico. And hes going to make mexico pay for it. Thanks, osama [ laughter ] seth ben, what are you talking about . What youre saying doesnt make any sense. Well, i probably caught pumonia from hillary. [ laughter ] seth its pronounced pneumonia, ben. Wrong [ laughter ] seth im here to provide a new yeah, what you want to know what it was . Seth yes all right. [ laughter ] well now its time for the idiots perspective. [ laughter ] . . [ laughter and applause ] . . . . . . [ laughter ] . . . . . . [ laughter ] seth wow. Yeah. Wow. That was awesome. I know. I mean, he really seems like an idiot. But that was a pretty sweet graphics package. Graphics package that shows what an idiot you are . Ha well, uh this has been the idiots perspective. . . . . Seth no, no, no were not watching this whole thing again right. Because this has been the progressive perspective. . . Seth no, no cut off these graphics package. Seth, i think what youre trying to say is that this has been the conservative perspective. [ laughter ] . . Screw all three of you guys, youre the worst. Well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause ] . . An Opening Night on broadway is kind of magic. Im beowulf boritt and im a broadway set designer. When i started designing a bronx tale the musical, i came up. Details in with a pen. I could never do that with a mac. I feel like my job is. To put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences. Imagination to fill in all the blanks. This windows pc is amazing, having all of my tools. Right at my finger tips is incredible. . . . . . . . . . I got it, dad. Ow . We love to keep them safe. So we made the Nest Protect Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarm. It speaks up and can alert your phone if theres a problem. Or let you know if everything is just fine. . . Sing girl, come on. . [ singing ] . Sorry, ariana you gotta go. Seriously . Verizon limits me and i gotta get home. Youre gonna choose navigation over me . Maps get up here. Umm. That way. Girl you better get on tmobile why pay more for data limits . Introducing tmobile one, i was out here smoking instead of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. Every great why alright, did you know i was the mommy slam dunk champion . Really . Yes, really dont sound so surprised. Lets see it oh youre ready. Alright, here we go. Lets hear the crowd. Ahhhh i go to the right. I go to the left. Fake em out. Mama go up, up, up you cant avoid gravity. But unitedhealthcare can help you avoid financial surprises by helping you compare costs and doctor quality ratings. Unitedhealthcare . . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back everybody. Please, i [ cheers and applause ] also, hes been here all week with the 8g band. From the seminal funk and jazz band galactic, stanton moore, everybody. [ applause ] also, stanton Just Launched his new online drum lesson site so be sure to visit stantonmoredrumacademy. Com for personalized instruction from the man himself. Thank you so much for another great week, stanton. Thanks for having me. [ applause ] seth as you know, the first vicepresident ial debate was held tuesday at longwood university. But what you may not know is that the second one is being tim kaine and governor mike pence to our studio, theyre here and ready to go. So without further ado, the late night vicepresident ial debate. . . [ applause ] seth welcome to the late night vicepresident ial debate. Im your moderator, seth meyers. At this time, wed like to welcome the candidates to the stage. [ cheers and applause ] i begin with you, governor pence. The first question in the most positive terms you can come up with, how would you describe the Trump Campaign at this point . Literally spinning out of control. [ light laughter ] seth senator kaine, hillary has had her struggles as well. How do you think we ended up with the two most unlikable president ial candidates in modern history . I guess were stupid. [ laughter ] should americans do if donald trump is elected president . I would hope and frankly i would pray. Seth good idea. [ laughter ] senator kaine, you seem like a good guy. But what would you say if a bunch of rowdy teens stole your minivan . Go ahead, folks, enjoy yourselves. [ laughter ] seth you are just too friendly. Governor pence, do you really think your campaign can succeed with such a racist and misogynistic message . It worked in the 1960s. [ audience ohs ] seth oh, yeah, it did. Excellent point. To do for fun . Work hard, pay taxes, and play by the rules. Seth and, how is that stick up your ass treating you . It is so painful. [ laughter ] seth governor pence, where did you first meet the trump children . The cornfield in my backyard. [ laughter ] seth senator kaine, what do you think god was thinking when he created you . I want to make this very seth governor pence governor pence, a very serious question what do you think of these . Thats small potatoes compared to Hillary Clinton. [ laughter ] seth thats absolutely right. Senator kaine, you get a hot dog, you put a little ketchup on and i relish that roll. [ laughter ] seth that pun didnt cut the mustard. [ laughter ] we like dad jokes [ applause ] governor pence, whats the longest youve ever gone without blinking . 7 1 2 years. [ laughter ] seth governor pence, what do governor pence, youre doing a great job tonight, way better than donald trump did last week. Wrong. [ laughter ] seth i didnt realize you were here. I apologize. Seth senator kaine, some say that mike pence wasnt Donald Trumps first choice for his running mate. Who do you think turned him down . Vladimir putin, kim jong un, muammar gaddafi, and saddam hussein. [ laughter ] seth governor pence, i heard you ran into some trouble with trying to pay for some dockers with your kohls cash. She said they were irredeemable. [ laughter ] seth senator kaine, whats the craziest thing you learned from your Intelligence Briefings . Did you know that Osama Bin Laden was alive . [ laughter ] seth one last thing. Hey, governor pence, check this thing again. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] seth thats what you call a long walk for a joke. [ light laughter ] well it looks like were out of time. So on behalf of the candidates, have a good night. Well be right back with Ashton Kutcher. [ cheers and applause ] . . Before taking hi gilman go get it, marcus. Go get it. Coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1 cash back everywhere, every time. At places like the batting cages. . . [ crowd cheers ] 2 back at Grocery Stores and now at wholesale clubs. And 3 back on gas. Which helped him give his players something extra. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. My goal was to finally get in shape. Not to be focusing on my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. Ckground checks is by going online and connecting with strangers to buy guns. As someone in law enforcement, i think thats dangerous. Millions of guns are sold through websites like this, most with no background checks, no questions asked. The law requires background checks in gun stores; why dont we require them online . A few clicks of the mouse, now a bad guy is armed and potentially dangerous. And thats a threat to all of us. Narrator vo yes on question 1 . . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our first guest tonight is a talented actor who you know from the hit Television Shows such as two and a half men, punkd and that 70s show. New episodes of his latest series the ranch are available to stream on netflix starting friday. Lets take a look. All im saying is john elway is smart, hes handsome, hes in dude, you are not getting with number 7, john elway, okay . Youre not even getting with peyton manning. I mean, maybe eli manning. [ laughter ] you couldnt even get with cooper manning. Oh, right, yeah, yeah. Because if Cooper Mannings on tinder and he sees the rooster hes going to swipe left. [ laughter ] i always liked terry bradshaw. [ laughter ] seth please welcome to the show, our [ cheers and applause ] . . Hey, buddy seth so good to have you here. How we doing . Seth were doing good. Good. Good, good. Seth we were talking backstage, you got yourself a seth your wife mila speaks russian. Yes. Seth and your daughter speaks russian, yes . Shes learning russian. Seth shes learning russian. She has english down. Seth gotcha. Like she can speak and understand english. She can speak and understand spanish and she can understand russian but she cant really speak it yet. Seth but you actually you went the extra mile. You tried to learn a little russian for the purpose of communicating with milas grandparents basically only speak russian. Seth got it. So i took six months of russian to understand what they were sayin because russians a very aggressive language. Seth sure, yeah. [ laughter ] like it doesnt matter what you say it sounds like theyre yelling. [ shouting in russian ] and its like, oh thats a beautiful pencil. But you dont know. [ laughter ] everything sounds really aggressive. And i thought they really didnt like me and were really upset. So i learned it just so i can understand what everyone was saying. And it turns out, theyre just like, we love you so much [ laughter ] seth thats great. [ shouting in russian ] its aggressive. But now i got it. Know i know. Seth thats very nice to coming, you said a couple months away. Yeah. Seth do you know what youre having . Yes. Seth so you have a daughter and what do you have in second . We havent told anyone, were having a boy. Seth oh, congratulations [ cheers and applause ] thats very exciting. Yes. Seth thats great news. Yes. I was actually i was hoping for a girl. Seth okay. Because first of all our first girl is unbelievable. But also i figured if we had a gi one more shot to have a boy. Seth oh i see. And now i dont know. Seth you think shes going to cut you off at two. Its even money, she might cut me off. I want like 12 of them. [ laughter ] and so we havent discussed it yet. Were not into it. So this isnt a tabloid argument at all. In the least bit. Were very excited and very happy. Seth thats great. And now, because i have mine is six months old, my boy. And my wife is shes finally telling me like, hey, watch your you dont have to worry about that yet as far as im concerned. When she hit like a year and half and we woke up one morning and had a new dog. Which by the way, dont get a new dog when you have a baby. [ laughter ] and anyway, the new dog like peed on the stairwell. And im like getting ready in the morning and milas like, oh, ricky peed on the stairwell and im like [ bleep ] ricky. And im walking and my daughters right behind me and all the sudden i just papa didnt say that. Papa said fox, papa said fox. Rickys like a wiley fox. [ laughter ] and then, maybe i got off and she turns around and theres like a hole in the carpet where the dog had chewed a hole in the carpet and she just points at it and she goes, [ bleep ] ricky. [ laughter ] and so i think ive got her convinced that its fox now. Seth right. Im pretty sure she thinks kindergarten and says to her teacher, fox you, shes still in trouble. I dont know, i think i can get away with a fox you. Seth okay, got you, you think you can get away with fox you. Maybe. Its a very progressive school. [ laughter ] seth do you remember when we first met when you were hosting snl, you were somebody who always i felt like was ahead of the curve as far as tech went. And you actually went on a Technology Delegation to russia in 2010 . Yeah. Seth and this was an obama delegation. Well it was when hillary was in the state depart to bridge the gap with russia. Actually medvedev was still in, and so there was an opportunity and opening there. So they thought that like sending folks from the private sector over and trying to like find out how we could work with russia in building private companies together is good groundwork in order to build a line of communication. Seth was it helpful when you were over there . By the way it was like me, and a bunch of ballers, like actually Business People that know what theyre doing. Seth yeah. So it was like john donahoe, ceo of ebay, and padmasree warrior, like the cto for cisco and jack dorsey. Crazy. Were in the room and were negotiating. So you basically met with two governments at the time, you met with medvedevs government and then putins government. So were meeting with putins head of communications and everybody was making offers. Seth when you met with the putin government, did they tell other one is fake. [ laughter ] i didnt know russian then but i bet thats what they were saying. Like, no, the other guys. Seth they are fake, they are for newspaper. [ speaking russian ] so were sitting there. Theres like offers on the table for like opening like ebay in russia, if they work on their hacking issues, cybersecurity is a real problem when theyre hacking information from us. [ laughter ] i learned a lot. There were all kinds of business deals on the table. Im putting a deal on then trafficking. Im like, ill sponsor anybody in technology that wants to build something to help fight human trafficking. Ill sponsor like 100,000 for a prize. Everybodys putting something on the table. They take all this in and like, great. This is great. In response, we would like to offer you all the Russian Military ring tones for your phones. [ laughter ] theres like millions of dollars on the table and their response is russian mit so the gap didnt get bridged. [ laughter ] we tried. Seth so tell the ranch this is very exciting. First of all, youre back doing a tv show again. Back with your old colleague, danny masterson. Yeah. Seth tell us a little bit about the show. You play a guy whos returning home. Yeah, i play colt bennett, whos like a failed professional football player. And i end up going back home to my family ranch to help my dad build a ranch thats like conglomerate farms. And the shows really like its like if a country song was a tv show. You know . Like, your dog gets run over by a train and your wife leaves you for the neighbor and we drink beer. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] and so thats basically the show. Seth i mean this in a really good way. [ laughter ] it feels very cozy in a really good way. Its actually kind of its kind of a dramedy sitcom which is sort of push into the format that hasnt happened in a ng and because its on netflix we can use all kinds of real language how people really talk, [ bleep ] ricky [ laughter ] so, we can actually like kind of dive into some real character and real story. Seth it is really nice and true that it seems like sometimes you guys are actually drinking in those bar scenes. Were [ bleep ] faced most of the show. Seth thats great. [ laughter ] the funny thing is like so, danny and i sort of started in the beginning, were like, maybe well have a beer during the scene. And then we started bombing other drunk. [ laughter ] and so half of the show were drunk. Seth oh good, thats great. Were basically like wasted. But you were on snl, you understand. Seth we drank the whole time. Yeah, exactly. [ laughter ] seth also, what a great pull sam elliott, one of the great actors of all time is your dad. Hes just a boss. Seth thats fantastic. I mean the guy is like i feel like everyday is a coors lite commercial. Its amazing, like, hes got one of the greatest voices in all of show business. He makes me want to buy dodge pickup trucks. [ laughter ] and hes also like, hes like 70 years old but hes like the ever met. Like i always feel like who ever plays your dad whatever it is you have to feel like they can kick your ass. And i know sam elliott can beat me down. [ light laughter ] like he would just like abuse me. Seth there you go. And then outdrink me and then abuse me some more. [ laughter ] seth well its a great show. And thank you so much for being here. Its always such a pleasure to see you. Seth Ashton Kutcher everybody. [ cheers and applause ] new episodes of the ranch are available this friday on netflix. Well be right back with kevin millar and sean casey. [ cheers and applause ] [ on the road again, by Willie Nelson ] . On the road again . [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] . 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Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They dont taste chalky and work fast. Mmmm. Incredible. Can i try . She doesnt have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. Im jamie foxx for verizon, introducing lte advanced powering americas largest and fastest 4g lte network ever. both also americas largest, Fastest Network ever. Oh, youre just repeating everything i said . both oh, youre just repeating everything i said . Im switching to verizon right now both im switching to verizon right now announcer vo theres no better time to switch to verizon. Now get the next gen network and the best value with no surprise overages. Switch and get 20 gigs and 4 lines for 160. . . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody our next guests are former Major League Baseball players who can currently be seen on the mlb network. One is the cohost of intentional talk, and the other is an analyst for mlb [ cheers and applause ] . . Seth gentlemen, how are you . This is big time stuff. Youre filling it up this time. Seth yeah, we really usually when you guys are here theres some empty seats. Like 35 people last time. Its like were at fenway park. [ laughter ] seth so, this is very exciting. Its the playoffs, obviously one of the biggest stories, david ortizs last season. Yeah. Seth a teammate of both of yours over your career. And you were actually at his last home game at fenway park, what was it like being back for that . Unbelievable. First of all, its big papi. I mean this guy is bigger than life. Hes the guy that can roll in like a pink lambo with half a Million Dollars of jewelry and like this whole he has a bad haircut right now. Seth he does, yeah. Bad haircut, a little short on the sides and has the mullet and his eyebrows are trimmed up a little bit. But, awesome. This guy is bigger than life. You know, poom, poom, poom, hey but it was awesome. Seth and you guys all went back. I mean this is really for as a red sox fan, it i was looking at this. The fact that theres three world series trophies in his tenure is incredible. What was it like seeing all the players on his teams . Well to be honest with you. Seeing my guys, that were there. Some of my old players look like they ate themselves. [ laughter ] we all put on 20 to 60 pounds. Whoa, my Goodness Gracious no but it was. Seth its great because papi looked so trim next to the rest you. [ laughter ] right, right, papis not big papi, hes like, papi. [ laughter ] hell be there, though. Hell be there soon when hes done. Dunkin donuts, all that stuff. One year after. Its chips and dip and next thing you know, youre like, what happened . [ laughter ] look at sean. Exactly, thats what happened seth is it true, you take some credit for the fact that hes called big papi . Yeah, i take well thats because im not real smart, seth. Everybody, if you dont know a latin guy, papi, papi, papi then he got real good. Seth wait, do you call all latin guys papi . Big daddy. So when i came in here i didnt really know your name, so i was like, big daddy good to have you back. Seth gotcha, okay, right, right. So papi was papi and then he got big. I didnt i didnt know he was going to hit 500 home runs. Seth yeah. He was papi, now hes big papi, all right, great. Seth now you have one of the great interviews and i had never seen this interview, but this is such good investigative reporting. It is. Seth because when you went deep this is like back when you were on the team with him . Yeah, 08. Seth we wanted to show this interview, because you asked him the hard questions. Go ahead. Hard line reporting. Seth hard line reporting. You did the thing no one was willing to do. You asked david ortir five favorite movies, lets take a look. [ laughter ] here we go all right, top five movies is our thing today. This is my man, big papi. Hes going to give me his top five movies. Go ahead, pop. Number one has to be scarface. Scarface. With al pacino all right, hes big time, say hello to my little friend. Hell yeah. Analyze this. Anna likes this . Analyze this, yeah. [ laughter ] thats number two, and number three we have to go uh thats a great movie, pop. You know it. [ laughter ] what else . Number four have to be jesus. What about braveheart . Rambo 3. [ laughter ] what about the new rambo . That one was terrible tha and number 5, i got to go pink panther [ laughter and applause ] there you have it, folks. [ cheers and applause ] amazing i should have said, the top five worst movies of all time. He said analyze this and you thought he said anna likes this. [ laughter ] that was a problem. My mind was somewhere else and i didnt know, anna like this. Yeah, anna likes this no, sean, analyze this. I couldnt understand. Seth and you just rolled weird art house film, but only [ laughter ] yeah, well go there, seth. That sounds great, big daddy. [ laughter ] seth so, this time of year, a lot of superstitions, you were in the postseason, both of you played in the postseason. Did you ever do any superstitions . I was big on hair superstitions, facial hair well in 2003 it started basically we we were down two games quick to oakland in a five game series, and im like, oh god, here we go. So i took the clippers out and were all showering, and i started shaving everybodys head. Well you shave one, trot nixon, our t and here comes theo epstein the president of the cubs, really rich president. [ laughter ] he was our general manager, i shaved his head and greg littles head but we get on these planes, were all shaved heads now. We got no guard, our hairs gone, were down 02 flying back to boston, we looked like sperms. Seth yeah. [ laughter and applause ] whoa, this is going to be a battle. We lose the next game and we have all off season and were looking like that. So, we ended up coming back and we won three straight and we end up losing game 7 to Aaron Boone Seth there you go, yeah, i was there. You came back. You bounced back. I know thats obviously before a celebration. You had some celebration issues one year with some champagne. Oh yeah, oh yeah, well in uh in detroit in 06 we played Yankees First round in the Division Series and we ended up upsetting them. You shouldnt celebrate this much, but we were so excited, hadnt won in detroit in years and got the celebration going and went from the clubhouse, and i go, lets go out with the fans so we went out to the fans and with jason grilli and kenny rogers is doing his thing and grilli and i are down the unloading on the fans. Get another one going. And one dude is like, right here, right here. Im like, here you go i pour it in his mouth. He comes back and hes like, thanks, man im like, dude youre like 14 [ laughter and applause ] wheres his dad i poured champagne down his throat. Hes in 7th grade and hes pouring champagne down his throat. This is awesome cops . [ laughter ] seth now, kevin, you had a wonderful career, youre a world Series Winner you you had some incredible postseason moments but one time you, in the boston press, you describe yourself as sharing qualities with tom brady. Yeah. Seth which people took issue with on your own team. Not looks, not looks. Not looks, i dont have the cleft chin by him and i fake teeth and a bad body. This is before the intangibles, i said tom and i share similar intangibles, this is before tom for 165 yards. Seth yeah, early and me and tom, you know, were just sort of winning type players. That wasnt good, i got to the field and my entire locker is empty and i have tom bradys uniform in my locker, and the whole article from boston globe, it was kevin millar compares himself to tom brady. Seth and you were out on the field and you had to warm up in a tom brady jersey. [ laughter ] i had the uniform, and theo epstein and terry francona, who is the manager of the they took care of it, and there i was at batting practice. I was tom brady and it didnt make sense. Seth we talked about players coming back, obviously you guys coming back, for papis last game. When you were with the indians, bob feller, who was one of the greatest pitchers of all time, he was this spring training with bob . Spring training. One of the greatest of all time, you think about the red sox indians in the playoffs. For me, i was a 23yearold kid, first big league camp. A couple weeks ago, i was like, im going to go out early and try to impress Mike Hargrove and ill be out there early. Seth the manager the manager, Mike Hargrove and bob feller, one of the greatest pitchers of all time, in that conversations, throws with a player every day from the dugout, so how old is he now . Hes probably like 78. 78 . Were going to round it to 80. I mean full uni, spikes, you know, everything. Hed tip his cap and the place would go nuts. So, Mike Hargroves like, hey case, why dont you throw with bob feller today . So im like, all right, cool, i already have two hits in the big league, so im like, thats good. And if i throw catch with bob feller, ill have that under my belt. So if i never play in the big leagues again, those are all good things. Seth yeah. Torey lovullo, whos now the bench coach for the red sox is the only other guy in the dugout. So i introduce myself to bob. And we start throwing and im lobbing it to him and torey lovullos like, hey case, quit showing up one of the greatest pitchers of all time, he was like, throw the ball. So im like, oh, all right, im not showing him up. So i come back nice and easy, next throw i go to throw to it him, bob fellers like this, what hes doing . Whats he doing . Boom [ laughter ] hits him right boom he goes im like, oh my god i killed bob feller [ laughter ] a here comes the training staff, hes laying there. Before i can get him up. Hes like, im okay, i injured my shoulder when i was golfing the other day, so im going to be okay. And right when im walking away the manager Mike Hargrove, goes, case, thank god you didnt kill bob feller. Because if you had, you definitely would have been released. [ laughter ] seth one of the things i love most about you guys is that i feel like every time youre here we show a video of your career lowlights and i keep thinking were going to run out [ laughter ] but we keep finding new stuff. And i would like to, before we hit what looked like a sure double. [ laughter ] a sure double, and what went wrong . What went wrong is im the original Willie Mays Hays from major league. So its like, here base, here base. I was rounding second, pat burrell whos a buddy of mine playing the left field for the phillies. I hit a double and im like, im going in, im going in, he has no arm. Seth yeah. And let me tell you right now, as soon as i was halfway, its one of those, im not real fast, big daddy, as you know. And im like whew, oh, god. I went to go slide head first to get the hand in and immediatel see when youre an overweight guy in a bad body you just stop. The obliques hit and it goes boom as you see in this video, that mr. Big daddy found me, seth [ laughter ] seth i want to say, though, the very nice thing is it seemed like the shortstop in this case or second baseman had some sympathy for you, lets take a look. 10. And on the ground sharply beyond third and its going roll to the left field line toward the corner. Burrel picks it off the cutout, millar is out at second base [ laughter and applause ] he slid short of the bag and tomas perez puts the tag on him and now theyre chatting. What a nice scene. [ laughter and applause ] [ laughter and applause ] can we pray please . Seth well be all right, big daddy. Well be all right, big daddy. Give it up to kevin millar and sean casey go to mlb. Com. Well be back with more with chris eliopoulos. [ cheers and applause ] . . Every day starts better with a healthy smile. Start yours with Philips Sonicare, the no. 1 choice of dentists. Compared to oralb 7000, Philips Sonicare flexcare platinum removes significantly more plaque. This is the sound of Sonic Technology cleaning deep between teeth. Hear the difference . Get healthier gums in just 2 weeks vs a manual toothbrush and experience an amazing feel of clean. . . Lips appear to age faster than other skin. No worries now theres chapstick total hydration. Its 100 natural, agedefying formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. Im here in bristol, virginia. And now. Im in bristol, tennessee. On this side of the road is virginia. And on this side its tennessee. No matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on Car Insurance by switching to geico. Look, im in virginia. 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So we actually do moralistic stories of these people, like even when theyre young, so like George Washington when he was a little kid, Abraham Lincoln when he was a kid. So they can identify with the kids a little bit better. So, they stay as kids throughout the whole entire book. Seth thats fantastic. Yeah, so seth and youre going to teach me how to draw some historical figures now, or some current event figures, lets go. You know what, i figured were in the time of elections. Seth yeah. So lets start with lincoln. Seth okay, great, lincoln. Okay, so were going to start really simple for you. Seth okay. Letter c, can you dle c . Seth yep. Okay, letter c right here. You have to do sound effects too if youre going to be a cartoonist. Then youre going to do a big giant u shaped. Go [ u sound ] seth okay. [ u sound ] [ laughter ] hes good. [ laughter ] okay. This is going to be the hardest one yet. [ making noises ] okay, now were going to start the hat which is the best part, Straight Line across. Seth boom. Boom, two little lines up. Seth yep, everyones doing it at home, great. Now this goes off the page because were a really cool cartoonist. Seth okay, great. Now, were going to start hair. Very simple. Seth hair . Look, number 3, boop. Seth all right, boop. Three. Seth three. Side parenthesis you did a little ear. Seth uhhuh. Backwards c for his nose. Seth uhhuh, uhhuh. See, youre getting good. Seth thats great. A couple eyes. Seth yep. All right, now were drawing as little kids. But what were going to do is were going to give him the beard, cause he can be a cartoonist, so thats his smile so just go boop, boop, boop. Seth uhhuh. You can sign your name because youre an artist. [ laughter ] seth wow, there we go good. Seth okay. Seth now before we do the next one you have twin sons. I met them backstage. [ laughter ] twin boys, are they impressed their dad is a cartoonist . Not at all. Seth theyre not impressed with their dad . The only time they were impressed a friend of mine, robert kirkman, who has been on before in walking dead. Seth the walking dead so hes a friend of mine and we got to see a convention, they got to meet all the actors so i was cool for about five minutes. On the way home, i was stupid loser dad wouldnt take them to mcdonalds. Seth okay, gotcha. Its useless. Seth all right, who are we doing next . All right, election season, lets go topical, do you want to do hillary . Seth lets do trump. You want to go with trump . You want to go right down . [ laughter ] seth i do. All right. Seth it should be easy since hes already a cartoon. Real simple shape, boop. Seth boop. All right, time for the nose. Seth oh, interesting. [ laughter ] all right, he has a couple little lines. [ laughter ] seth okay, oh this is coming give him a couple little seth oh, yep, thats good. [ laughter ] a little seth uhhuh, yeah [ laughter ] and, of course, hes got the little bag. Seth oh, yes he does okay, all right, he has top bags. [ laughter ] yes yeah. Now, were going to give him those big bushy eyebrows. Seth uhhuh, this is so great. Yeah, youre getting there. Now comes the mouth, this is the hard part, because it contorts into all kinds of different shapes. So, were going to go a litle almost heartshaped. Seth uhhuh. [ laughter ] down. Seth uhhuh. Out, out. Get that upper lip going. Seth uhhuh, okay. All right. Great [ laughter ] oh, my god and of course the teeth are always uneven, the bottom teeth come up farther. You do that and you have the little jowell back there. Seth yep, there we go. Now of course, the important part, the giant seth oh, great. Right . Seth okay. He doesnt like he lets the hair grow on the side so we will give him a couple little seth yep, uhhuh. And maybe his ears. Seth right. Okay. Then we will do the hair sticking out, a little body and then the biggest part is his tiny little s. [ laughter and applause ] this is really good. Youre talented seth yeah you have a fallback career now. Seth yeah, it doesnt it feels like its not quite done. I think we need a little color. Seth yeah. So, why dont we just kind of fill in with a little seth okay. Great. [ laughter ] all right. Avoid the eyes. You cant have it in the eyes. Seth no, i dont care. [ laughter and applause ] there we go. Thats fantastic thank you so much for that education. I am George Washington, and i am jane goodall, are in stores now. Well be right back [ cheers and applause ] jim childs one of the ways criminals avoid background checks is by going online and uns. As someone in law enforcement, i think thats dangerous. Millions of guns are sold through websites like this, most with no background checks, no questions asked. The law requires background checks in gun stores; why dont we require them online . A few clicks of the mouse, now a bad guy is armed and potentially dangerous. And thats a threat to all of us. Seth my thanks to Ashton Kutcher, kevin millar, sean casey, chris eliopoulos, stanton moore, the 8g band. Well see you in d. C. Next week. Thats me have a good one [ cheers and applause ] . . . . Carson hi im carson daly and youre watching last call from 230 fifth in new york city. We got a good one for you tonight

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