Say the man was sentenced in 2012 for his role in the plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange and released on license a year ago in the Netherlands Dutch police have arrested a suspect wanted in yesterday's knife attack in a shopping district in The Hague several people were wounded but were later released from area hospitals the prime minister of Iraq is expected to tender his resignation to parliament tomorrow it's in response to 2 months of anti-government protests that have swept in Baghdad and the south of Iraq but the resignation hasn't stopped the demonstrations N.P.R.'s Jane Erap reports at least 2 more protesters were killed by security forces today protesters in Baghdad danced in the street in celebration at the news that Prime Minister Abdullah Abdullah would resign he's promised to before but a message from Rax most revered Shia cleric saying the government had failed made it impossible for him to hang on protesters aren't going home though an estimated $400.00 protesters have been killed by security forces since the protests began and the deaths of fueled a determination to continue until wider demands are met the protesters are mostly young men many of them are jobless and in spite of Iraq's oil wealth most are poor they want to new political system without the parties they say are controlled by Iran and they want corrupt officials thrown in jail it's not clear though they'll get the reforms or the sweeping changes they want Jane around n.p.r. News as a powerful storm system moves eastward officials in Colorado are urging Chivers to stay off the roads Carly huddles from member station k.u.n.c. Has more. Several feet of snow is expected to fall in Colorado's mountains the National Weather Service says travel could be difficult because of snow combining with strong winds creating limited visibility based on half of the state will miss the brunt of the storm but there is still a high wind warning in effect the weather service says gusts of up to 90 miles per hour are possible in the mountains and the foothills and gusts up to 65 miles per hour on the plains several highways have had safety closures issued with no estimated time of reopening the National Weather Service urges people to not travel but if you do make sure you check conditions before you go for n.p.r. News I'm Carly huckle in Greeley Colorado you're listening to n.p.r. News in Washington. A fragment of wood believed to be from Jesus's manger is back in the Holy Land inches long relic was 1st taken out of the Middle East in the 7th century when it was donated to Pope Theodore the 1st the what and Relic arrived today at its permanent home in Bethlehem in time for the start of the Christmas season the remains of the last of the $39.00 Vietnamese who died while being smuggled to England last month have arrived in Vietnam Michael Sullivan reports the bodies were found in late October in a trailer truck east of London the $31.00 men and 8 women are believed to have paid smugglers to take them to England 16 bodies and 7 urns arrived in Vietnam's capital one noise before being loaded on to ambulances destined for the victims hometowns and north and central Vietnam the provinces they were from are among the poorest in the country far from the booming economies of one knowing in Holcim and city formerly Saigon officials in Great Britain and in Vietnam have made several arrests in connection with the case the 39 migrants are believed to have suffocated in the truck container on their way they thought to a better life for n.p.r. News I'm Michael Sullivan in Chiang Rai Thailand timer a.j. The parent company of Mercedes Benz says it's planning to cut thousands of jobs over the next few years the German automaker says it wants to cut costs so it can invest more in electric and hybrid vehicles and in self driving technology time later says it will reduce management positions by 10 percent this is n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from Newman offering a personalized weight loss program based on a cognitive behavioral approach with the goal of losing weight and keeping it off for a good learn more at Newman and 000 m. Dot com and listeners like you who donated this n.p.r. Station. P.r. Act This is the mock Radio Hour I met today we have 4 stories navigating childhood surviving loss and during the trials of love and understanding the things that haunt us most Our 1st story comes from to lay a more she told it at the end Davis Hall in New York City here's to Les I live at the moment. My obsession with Brat began when I was 8 years old and I was gifted one for my birthday so brands or dollars. Kind of like Barbies but better they didn't have these unrealistic dimensions instead they stood about 10 inches tall with these huge heads full lips curvy physique and they had the coolest makeup and also they had these glittery punk rock boot that I loved. I knew I was hooked and I wanted more but I could not ax my mom for more because we were homeless we had been homeless for over a year and she had bigger worries like if she had enough money for a train fare or food what borough we would end up sleeping and. If I had clean uniform for school so I knew that if I wanted these dolls I would have to get them myself so in the shelter I started selling paper fans that I made in decorated to the Gars for $0.75 and they would give me more money because they saw was hustling and I would take them money and I'll buy pens pencils loose leaf and candy and sell it to the kids at school for market price. Which I was good at. And I also braided hair in the shelter and when I saved up enough money my mom took me to the big toy store on Times Square when I arrived I ran straight to the brat section searching the shelves for Saussure saw she was the Bratz doll that I really wanted I had read about her in a pamphlet from the previous stall I had got and she was this aspiring business woman and she just seen the coolest and I wanted her and after searching in scanning the shelves and not seeing her x. To sells rep if he hadn't more in the back he said Sorry couldn't she's popular Hein demand all sold out and that day I left with Jade I was disappointed. I was disappointed but I was still happy to leave what abreast all. It had been over a year of living and the e.u. Which was short for the emergency assistance unit and me and my mother had been waiting for overnight placement and it was Christmas Eve and I was sitting there and it was children screaming and making noise and I was so tired I was hungry I had been there since 8 am and it was now going on 8 pm and just all the ball to turn to complain they called us to the tree arms window for our placement and as we approached the window is the sick glass in between my mother and me and the worker and it kind of reminded me of like a check cashing place or like Koreans Heenan like we were kept away from all things clean and once we received our overnight placement we went back to sit down and then I heard this uproar like this chairing this chanting from the kids in the rooms next door so I peeked my head out the doorway to see what was going on like what was the fuss about and I saw the guards dragging these clear plastic bags down the hall and then I realized that we were going to get donate it to ois that it was Christmas Eve I had almost forgot see I had been here already have been here last Christmas and I knew how things went we will all be n. One room called one by one to receive a toy sold as the guards are drying in the bags I notice as clear as a untouched unwrapped a Bratz doll and I knew I just had to have it but I honestly felt like I deserved it I had all A's and B.'s in school I stayed out of trouble I even helped my mom fold clothes at the laundromat so I knew I had to be 1st in line and when the guards came to my room I jumped up and he said Step right up and I died digging through those bags you weren't even allowed to do that so you were supposed to just step up get one toy and keep it pushing. But these were the same guards that were by my paper fans and they were cool enough to let me search and as I'm going to the 3rd bag to get in and I filled up outline of that brat saw that box I feel it and I pick it up and there she was Sacher. Big big I held her up like they did some been a lion king. And fears of joy ran down my cheeks. Sasha was wearing this ice blue princess gown with the tiara to match she looked magical like you know Brandi once you started that Cinderella movie featuring Whitney Houston and. I just felt like I had met a celebrity like I was starstruck like I met Tyra Banks or Raven Samone. Saussure was beautiful she was black and I was black she was gorgeous she she had this long dark brown hair and her clothes were the best out of all the brats and the pamphlet that she came with they told me things about her like how she was she wanted her own urban clothing line how she wanted to be a music producer she had who parents and her own room and she she just seemed like she had it all and I wanted that I had this carry case where I could keep only one Bratz all in and I always chose to put Sasha and it inside it was blue velvet and a spot just for Saussure and on the other side was her wardrobe where I kept all her clothes and neatly stacked it was like her room and sometimes I would pretend that it was my room and for a 2nd I felt like the other 3rd graders in my class have a room and oh and a closet full of clothes it was me and sashes world. It had been nearly 2 years of staying in the e.u. 2 years of waiting 2 years of being Tonight permanent housing and I was tired. Finally we were moving to a semi permanent placement called the l it's an inside of the relative and I had one room and it had a bunk bed a half top stove a mini fridge a dresser and a bathroom a lot of the times I sat in the hallway and I would play with other kids but most of the times I played alone with my dolls and next door lived this girl and she always wanted to play with me and my brat stalls but I didn't love her because I saw how she treated her toys and I didn't need her messing up my girls. One day I came home after school and I immediately run to the dresser I keep my dollars in as I'm approaching a dresser I noticed that they were all gone Sasha was gone my my breasts were gone I began to panic I felt like someone had stabbed me in the child's Like pins and needles all through my body and me my mom searched the room looking for the dolls am. I didn't know what to do so I grabbed her phone and I don't know I won one. I said Hurry come quick we've been robbed they took everything 110th Morningside after I hung up my mom's looking at me and this belief like these you just call the cops but. In my head I'm like these m r girls are missing like where's the Amber Alert. When the officers arrived I just was standing in their eyes bloodshot gray t. Shirt soaking wet nose dripping and I said it was her I knew she took my breath was the girl next door so the start of the investigation. They knocked on the door and they questioned her and she said no that she didn't have my dolls but I knew she had my dolls they said we couldn't help me any further because they didn't have a warrant to search and while officers bent over and said I'm sure they'll turn up they're just dolls just dolls like they were more than just all samee they were my family like especially Sacher she was my mom for old all my writer diamond best friend she was the 1st to know about my crush on Adolphus but in the 3rd grade and how he looked like milk chocolate. She also was there with me that night Russ slept in my coat and my shoes and this nasty hotel and I hold her held her tight the whole night she was also there when I wanted to jump into bed with my mom but there wasn't enough space and I would hope I would hold on to her. That night before bed I was up to talk to the top bunk and I just kept looking at the dresser and it was empty and I felt empty I went to bed with my pillow way how will cup my pillow way and my mom asks me what I want to for breakfast but I didn't have an appetite and said I sat in the hallway almost all day and between my door and her door waiting for her to come out waiting to just see if she had my girls a man later that night I got a knock on the door. And there she was standing there what I added to what a plastic bag full of my breast stalls. I didn't even have the energy to say meeting I just grabbed the bag and slammed the door and started to spilled on the bed and examine them and they looked like they had been through something awful. They were all undressed and they smelt like chicken grease. So I started to dress them and clothe them and put them back on that dresser and as I was doing so I was holding Saussure and I realized that when they were gone that was the 1st time I actually really felt homeless and having them back I felt like whole again. And. That's when I realized that Sasha was she was there for me these dolls were there for me everyone has someone or something that may get them through the day or even a year and for a mean for 9 year old me it was it was black plastic professional businesswoman who doubled as a superstar in my eyes and she was a constant reminder that in a world filled with uncertainty there could be a happily ever after Thank you. Was. 9 was to let him or it was 11 years old when her family received from him. She said the 1st month she was so scared someone from the shelter system would come and said they'd actually made a mistake. Telling I worked with Mark director Jody Powell to craft her story Jodi sat down which led to discuss what it felt like to walk in term very own apartment for the 1st time you know I'm curious about the 1st moment and I was unrecognizable right those are many verbs should be the front of the building that I enter Yes this is home feeling like we came into the apartment they have read everything so is new paint new everything and I was just like oh my God like this is our apartment and I have my own room but I didn't sleep in my own room for like 3 months because we only had one mattress so me my mom and my little sister slept in one mattress in the living room we had no furniture we had nothing but we were just so happy you know like to just know that we don't have to go back to the shelter anymore that we don't have to you know fight for a good placement to sleep or share a shower with multiple families the stories about the process of being homeless as a child and using your imagination to create your own safe space in. With the dog it was like my time to get away from knowing that I'm a kid in a shelter knowing that every day I walk I'm dragging the Sioux case with me right before I go to school I have to give the suitcase back you know full of my clothes and just when you get out of school you have to go sit back in the shelter but knowing that you have your toys card to make you feel like just like a normal you know if you feel normal again so I definitely feel like this story made me realize I was a strong kid a very strong kid and it kind of prepare me for the real world for like today and definitely feel like I have a lot more stories that I can bring to life and find a deeper meanings to it. Thank you so you're welcome. That was still am more talking with. You can find out more about to land on our website the mom. Coming up trying to recapture a moment from the past when the radio hour continues. Moth Radio Hour is produced by Atlantic Public Media Woods Hole Massachusetts and presented by p r x. This is the mouth Radio Hour from p.r. X. Balls our next story comes from author Nick Glass who shared a story and even reproduced a new chapter in my years to cash in my. In 2010 I get a phone call from my cousin to tell me that my mom has died and it comes as a bit of a shock because 2 weeks ago she had been perfectly healthy and then she got diagnosed with cancer and she passed away quite quickly and grief is a funny thing because we had a very difficult relationship we both loved each other intensely and the only way that we could really show our love for each other was by becoming all the time about really small things. I do what a lot of people do when they're faced with problems and I move to another city. I leave London where I've grown up and I moved to Bristol to make new home. London feels dead to me at this point because my mom is no longer there something something has changed something with either with the Mayo with my family and I just can't be here anymore. The 1st time I walk into my new house in Bristol the 1st thing I notice is. Things. It been occupied by some hippie students because it's Bristol and between growing pulses by the kitchen sink and burning incense lots and lots of cats it smells like it a house that belongs to someone else a definite doesn't smell like my house and I don't feel like I'm at home and of course in this in-between I'm mourning for my mom every single day feels like this heavy thing on top of me and moved cities and I don't know anyone and I just can't wash the cat out of the carpet and. I go home to visit my dad it's been a year since my mum died and there's one weekend where I go to visit him. And maybe it's maybe it's because I've moved into a new space that I suddenly look at my childhood home with fresh eyes but the moment I walk into my childhood home it feels so familiar and yet it feels different. Because in the years since my mom has died the house is kind of been locked in Stacy this you know there's still laundry in the basket left over from when she was alive her clothes are still in the clothes still in the laundry basket. Still at the bottom of the stairs. And while it looks like my childhood home it also looks very clean like nothing has been used to feel like a museum like say there was a re creation of our house in the Tate Modern. Which would be a With thing to say. It feels like a museum to how things used to be the kitchen looks unused The only place that kind of has a new life is the the lounge area where my dad sits and listens to Bollywood songs really loudly. And I got I'm lying on my childhood bed and something feels different this time because when I grew up my bedroom was on top of the kitchen and so I grew up with the sound of Bollywood music and I grew up with the sounds of the pressure cooker and I grew up with the smell of onions and cumin and garlic and ginger and chiles in the you know my my mom was a firm believer in memoir sister removing our school uniforms every time we came home from school because she didn't want our clothes to smell like like the food she was cooking she said don't give the white people I mean ition just warehouse clothes so and we respect. But I was lying there and everything felt stale it didn't feel like my home and I'm already feeling unstuck because Bristol doesn't feel like my home and here I am on my childhood bed in my childhood home and this doesn't feel like my home. I'm hungry. And so I go downstairs. And I look in the fridge and it's empty except for cans of fosters and catch up because my dad is now a singleton and his fridge really reflects. And I open up the freezer hoping for some inspiration and I see some Tupperware boxes of my mom's food in there. And I think oh my God Here is my mom's food so I take out a Tupperware box is called Around one which is like this really delicious savory pancake. And I put it in the microwave to defrost and I'm standing there waiting for it heat up and something happens to that really stale sterile room it starts to smell like my mom's kitchen again the spices I'm making the air come alive and. It feels like my home and when I The Hound one is delicious as always was and I think I need to learn how to make this hound or I'm disappointed in myself because every year I had years and years of my mom trying to teach me ho