Transcripts for KSCO 1080 AM [AM 1080 KSCO] KSCO 1080 AM [AM

KSCO 1080 AM [AM 1080 KSCO] KSCO 1080 AM [AM 1080 KSCO] December 11, 2019 200000

Yesterday in exchange for the death penalty not case. But his right to a jury trial and his right to file all state and federal appeals if he is found guilty. And says. Police in Watsonville are holding a 13 year old boy they say is responsible for a shooting threat David Coursey has more on that story investigators said the threat was made against a middle school the threat involved a shooting that was supposed to take place this morning investigators said the 13 year old was the only person involved in the threat he was booked into juvenile hall and a search of his home found no weapon David Coursey. Closing arguments began Monday and deliberations began yesterday in a double murder case Michael Escobar is accused of killing 4 year old. And known gang member Ramon Rendon during a shootout at a Watsonville restaurant if convicted of 1st degree murder Escobar would receive a life sentence without the possibility of parole when a man accused of shooting and killing a Fresno teenager and injuring the boy's brother on Monday night was arrested in Salinas yesterday afternoon 36 year old Hillah better. Jr will be transported back to Fresno County anyone with information about this case is encouraged to contact the Fresno County Sheriff's Department said a cruise City Council has approved an additional $803000.02 pay for fire department over time spent battling wild land fires that money will come from unfilled positions and underspending by other city departments fire officials say that when firefighters are sent to large mutual aid fires those personnel expenses are reimbursed by the state in fiscal year 2018 that. Mounted to $900000.00. Well mobile license plate readers are expected to be deployed in Salinas as soon as next summer some people have said that they are concerned about their privacy once that takes place Salinas police department public information officer Miguel Cabrera told news this information be shared by. Went on to say that those devices can be used to alert the authorities about stolen vehicles and vehicles used in crimes Well a man who died in an industrial accident in Salinas on Monday has been identified as 42 year old Jose Luis Castro from solar that Castro was working on a semi truck when it came off a jack stand and fell on top of him. The ongoing brush removal project dubbed fire save 17 is continuing and it's causing delays on Highway 17 the project requires a single lane closure on northbound Highway 17 between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm Monday through Thursday weather permitting delays have reportedly ranged from 20 minutes to over an hour. And finally in the news today under a recent agreement 160 acre cinnamon ranch on Highway 129 has been protected from development both the Martinelli and Silliman families own the ranch and John Maher Nellie said that the deal with the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County reflects his family's 6 generation heritage and its commitment to farming in the power of Valley Stephen Slade with the Land Trust told that it's these kinds of agreements that will make sure that at least some of the local agricultural land will never ever be paved over. Special. Family. Only just. Incredibly. Slade went on to say we really grateful. Funding for these men acquisition came from private donations to the lands trusts farmland protection program that's the latest news from the Casio Newsroom I'm Bill Graff keeping you in the know. And let's bring you up to date on the traffic now as we roll on through. The afternoon and get ready for the Charles Friedman radio program there's been a traffic collision no injury to tell you about but this is on 17 mile drive where it intersects with Crespi Lamie in Monterey County and it is backing traffic up there's also a traffic hazard being reported right now on Paul Avenue in Monterey County the traffic has it appears to be a vehicle that's blocking the roadway there it's not blocking traffic significantly but it is slowing things down in that neighborhood let's take a quick look at traffic on highway well Highway one northbound is a little slow and go as you come through apt us in the northbound direction actually it's it's slow for quite a few miles right around 41st Avenue so give yourself some time there also Highway 17 northbound near the summit and as you come past the summit in both directions there because of that tree trimming work we've been telling you about in the news and in the traffic reports all day long Give yourself a little extra time through that area you will need it as they are working on the roadways. Well the weather forecast does call for some off and on clouding as throughout the afternoon and we're looking for. The marine weather forecast to include. A weak high pressure system off the California coast extending across California and into the Great Basin winds will be light Southwest and Thursday night they will switch to Northwest large Northwest swells with long periods will build on Thursday and will continue through Saturday so if you're headed to by the beach watch out for those of waves as you. That is the latest news traffic and weather from the k.f.c. The newsroom it's time now for who else could charm. Radio program. For a couple of hours every week. When you. Join the program I urge you to do. 4791080 if you're out of our local calling every 3147 will work if the operator says number please it's Greenwood 91080. Today I begin my program with. A public service announcement I have a list there. Shares my enjoyment of old radio programs and I have a fairly large collection of these right now but this one is it's on reel to reel tape for those of you who understand what reel to reel tape requires a a tape recorder but these are available it's not like it's they're made of unobtainium But here's the point this fellow has a collection of 1200 real. Radio programs everything from comedy shows to Western cop and robber shows to dramatise you name it they're there. And each really each reel to reel me extend an inch real has 6 or 8 shows on and recorded both directions as you well know what that means Ok you're asking why am I bothering to mention this. My friend needs to be nice to get rid of these he's doing a remodel project and they are in the way. So he's not. He's willing to give them away. If I give them away to somebody I make out twice 1st of all somebody gets them and 2nd of all I don't have to pay a dump to take them out to the dump now for these reel to reel tapes of radio hit the dump would be a shame. So anybody any radio audience is listening me right now if you think to yourself you know I've always kind of wish I had a collection of all radio it's just that I've never had the time or the energy to put one together well here's what all done already for you all you have to do is say yes if you're interested send me an email I'm not going to put my buddies information out there but my email is a matter of public record it's Charlie at k.s.c. 0 dot com So send an e-mail to Charlie at k.s.c. L. Dot com If you are interested in this collection of about 1200 reel to reel tapes filled with classic vintage radio. And that is our public service announcement of the program Ok at 10 minutes past we have well a lot going on today it's funny the newspapers. Of course as you know I get the chronicle of Wall Street Journal and The Chronicle is funny today. It really is the front page huge headline Democrats' Trump betrayed nation and a big picture at all costs kind of stuff if you pick up the Wall Street Journal is also a big headline picture on the front page but the headline is Trump Democrats reached a deal on North American trade pact. So while the Democrats continue to waste time on this impeachment. Finally and the thresher build up remember I told you the other week that the San Francisco Chronicle had finally run an editorial urging their. Congresswoman basis Pelosi we please pass the damn trade deal already. The editorial was of inflammatory language about how awful Donald Trump is but nevertheless it was interesting to me to see that even the Chronicle was finally saying. It's time to pass the damn trade and I don't know whether it was the Chronicle After all it's her hometown paper its biggest paper in Northern California. And the Chronicle doesn't just speak for itself it is literally the voice of the Democratic Party. In the Chronicle editorializes and instructs a Democrat to do something that's just a bunch of people sitting around a boardroom at the Chronicle building that's the Democratic Party establishment talking. So for one reason or another Mrs Pelosi has finally decided to move the new u.s. Mexico Canada trade agreement which is good news. We can complain a lot about how they've held it up for a year while they have held it up for a year which is a shame but there's an old phrase that hangs out because it's good for a better late than never and this is a very good application for that So today President Trump enjoys a legislative triumph. Even as the Democrats are. Forced marching themselves over a cliff. It's a funny day it's a great day to be a radio talk show host I'll tell you 84791080 s. The telephone number here is 1213. And that's time for me to remind you all that Ellis at the airport is open for lunch. When Well right now as a matter of fact there luncheon hours are 12 11 o'clock until 230 so that's a nice wide 3 and a half hour window any day except Monday of course when they're closed any day in the day you can look at your watch you just about any time and say hey you know l. It's a good place to go for a bite and of course when you do you get there delightful atmosphere you get there great service you also get beverages of your choice from a full bar alcoholic or otherwise anything you want it's a wonderful way to enjoy a truly genteel lunch great way to break up your day. Ella's is serving lunch right now dinner is served from 5 o'clock until 9 o'clock tonight this is Wednesday this is rigged night the baby pork ribs are already in the smoker they'll be ready at 5 and remember there's only so many of them so if you've got a yen for those ribs you might even want to call and make a reservation 728-3282 is the number and of course that's also the number you call if you want them to cater your event this is a Christmas season a lot of people are planning work events family events whatever that are always and hence by the presence of great food Well if you really want great true call at 37283 Ju 82 and have them cater your event if you will not believe the improvement 72832 h. Is the number for Ellis at the airport where they serve lunches and dinners every day except Monday at the Watsonville airport it's easy enough to get to head for Watsonville take the Airport Boulevard exit half a mile get in aviation way hang a left when you see the airport building remember airport offices are to the left Ellis at the airport to the right make that 1st drink orders you pass the bar on the way in. Ok it's 1215 Let's take a break and be right back open line is right here right now for 7980 s. The number. Successfully from that moment market where a family owned and operated full favorites market Albany and your family offering old fashioned department would knowledgeable. A full service carry with homemade hot and cold quality for breakfast lunch and dinner freshly baked. Bread a long way to welcome a bank for milk for those looking for a special dietary needs spring or sugar free we have a full week for. You know an organic fruits and vegetable gardening. Local wine we also do catering Eggert small social or corporate Millstreet catering and take care of all of your food preparation local people welcome products a family tradition since 2946 thank you for shopping with us and woman market. Well folks. Early these days spending a lot more time indoors watching t.v. Surfing the net working out the shop in general using up a lot of electricity so let's as Christian. Indoor time. We do spend a lot more time indoors in winter and the more time we. Put on the electrical circuits throughout our homes it's really important. Because if they are not well. How can we know if our electrical circuits are up to. First. After they answered. Have a good idea about how they should feel. And be sure and tell them to. Let this segment of the Charles Friedman radio program is brought to you by the airport fresh food always tastes good at the airport restaurant and lunches dinners Sunday brunch and airplanes always at the Watsonville Municipal Airport enjoy. Their cook at. The Missourian work. Somebody's got a great idea putting another in front of them that was Cab Calloway. No that's right next door as. Cab took over this 1930 years. And he was and they needed orchestra behind him. Putting them together. This is their version of some of these days a tender romantic ballad. Never saying it like this. That's Cab Calloway and. In his very early days you can tell of course because the quality of his voice like any other vocal performer over the years and can't have very long career. And became. A wild tenor and he comes up with. You can. Hear it. And today I got to admit I had to laugh at at night at my newspaper particularly it's just such an abject on the Democratic Party and this is not a newspaper this is a propaganda document and it was made very clear today in several ways 1st of all I already mentioned the. Democrats betrayed nation that's the big black headline right. I mean. And then below that a picture of the. Individuals franking Nancy Pelosi. It's demoralizing to look at them when you realize this is the House Democratic leadership anyway. The story about the trade agreement ratification let me see where to find it only. Here we are on page 6. If you bother open your paper White House Democrats forge a new free trade deal of course is the u.s. Mexico Canada Greenland and. This is the replacement that President Trump promised for the old now after agreement which I believe expired and he ready for sure this is something that has to be there has to be renewed and now Mrs Pelosi has finally permitted it past the house. And this hung hung hung fire for about a year. We simply sitting on it for political reasons she didn't want to give Donald Trump. The legislative we had during her speakership but this the pressure on her from economic interests I mentioned from the establishment of her party finally became so great that she understood Well it's time to get out of the way and allow this legislation which had the vote. That's never been in doubt though are Republicans and Democrats ready to vote for this new trade agreement. He had to do was put the damn thing on the calendar let it come to the floor that's what she was huge to do. Well that's not going to happen the Senate is all ready to pass it and has been for some time then president trample signed it and the benefits of this free trade agreement will flow to the citizens of 3 great North American republics Canada the United States and Mexico that's a good thing that's a good thing so whenever you're hearing about the inflation and all of this other demoralizing nonsense there is as Gabriel here used to say I guess there's good news today real good substantive good news and a far more lasting impact than any of this impeachment nonsense which of course is all going to presently go away. It will vanish. Now I mention other reasons why the Chronicle amused me today get a load of this this will give you a chuckle I already mentioned that there's a huge Democrats betrayed nation and underneath that there's an article here President charged with obstruction and abuse of power and then there's another article below that and it says. Swing seats House of Representatives seat narrows scope could help vulnerable moderates in stake now this is a new narrative I had never heard this before this is new today what we're being treated to here is an impeachment of narrow scope. Now what does that mean why do they say that well it appears that the House Judiciary. The House Judiciary Committee. Has drafted impeachment resolution containing 2 articles 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump. And we're told or at least the San Francisco Chronicle seems to have somehow convinced themselves that this constitutes a narrow scope for impeachment that least they didn't file 4 or 5 articles of impeachment ladies and gentlemen you've all heard that old gag about the lady who shows up and she says well I'm just a little bit pregnant and of course the point being well this is one of those things were either you is or you with. Impeachment is the same thing either you is or you isn't impeached. There is no such thing as a little bit of impeachment. And once again I don't care which side of this you're on this is not a partisan matter to me this is not subject to to analysis this concept of a narrow scope for impeachment of a limited impeachment This is foolishness. This is this is specious. It is nonsense of the 1st water. But there is a considerable article here beginning on page one and continued on page 9 for God knows how long about how this narrow scope of impeachment is supposed to help Democrats who flip Republican House seats back in 2018 supposed to help them get reelected when Remember these Democratic candidates here in California and throughout the country went before voters said he liked me. I'm not going to Washington to impeach Donald Trump That's not my mind my brief you know we need better solutions for the problems that face the American people we need to. Get the country moving again we need this we need. These people and you know some of them they may be innocent victims it's all together possible I am willing to believe that there were and are Democratic members right now who actually believe what they were saying when they made those promises they were sincere they were honest but they didn't take into account with just how. Fanatical the resistance element in the Democratic Party was it points out something that we tend to lose sight of from time to time the Democratic Party is not monolithic it is not composed of millions of people who March in lockstep they don't anymore than we do Republicans are not monolithic either so shouldn't surprise us to learn that there are a number of Democrats and groups of Democrats who March to different drummers. It seems not only reasonable to me but inevitable Leticia should be the case. So there are Democrats in the house right now who are looking around at their fellow Democrats are scratching their heads and wonder where did the screaming meanies come from I didn't come here to be part of a resistance I came here to be a member of the House of Representatives of the United States which according to the Constitution of the United States is a law making body the supreme law making body land let's do our jobs. There are Democrats who think that way. Don't tell yourself there are there are. And this is what they're being offered by the resistance people who for better or worse are in the driver's seat these rational. Democrats the serious minded Democrats they're there but they're not a majority not a majority of the Democratic caucus at any rate. Now the Democratic caucus has many many more members who are resistance. Who are far more interested in doing political damage to Donald Trump and they are in addressing any public policy issue you could possibly name. The reason I say that is because I observe their behavior and this is the clear implication it's inescapable. And the other Democrats I've mentioned who would actually like to do their jobs I can feel sorry for them. And when they being offered now a narrow scope impeachment. I'm sure the members of Congress are going to have to go back and try to sell that to their constituents are really really grateful. For 7980 is my telephone number 471-1080 if

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