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Live in Queen or yeah I ask you a personal question. Do you think you. Know. Whoa. This is hard this is hard we are thrilled that we have a young person like you on our staff Ok so you know I got to say that 1st. But most of us older you know people who need help to cross the street can't follow your your speech pattern. Speed. Now I cracked up while you were doing this because Dave Michaels is here and I want he did an impression of you. Want to hear good. Come on school just area. You think that. Yeah. Some of our I don't know what everybody does. Maybe you need to talk faster to get exactly I don't speed up now how am I going to you know talk that's enough for my generation when He was. A good point I guess and argue with that. You have to face areality sometime billing. Me That's good for the anti-aging you know. One of them we did we do have a new we have more than one of them we have. How many are there more than that many listeners in our audience today for the special that want to be. I'm sure some of them have to make a prima wrinkle cream as well and say which is relatively new. I don't use it I don't know but we've got it out there. I've been told that that's one thing that's not wrong with being fat but that you don't need wrinkle anti-wrinkle cream you don't have the wrinkles. Later balloon press is a plated. Yeah. Anyhow these are of these are all things that you can deal with seriously the wrinkles you know to remember we had a interview a few days if that's something that you want to. Decrease keep is going healthy is what you want to. Get For more than just you know a building or cartilage and that's right heard that. There in the dave cave m.z. Until 2 pm I know you've got a good show coming up song together listening and I look forward to it I'm so excited we have a mystery guest thank you Griffin queen or I thank you Dave. Let's. Get up today. C.e.o. . Help Myself. To. Stay with. Some people say that the current polarized state of politics in the United States has its roots in 50 plus years of nearly exclusive leftwing indoctrination of students by teachers in our colleges and universities my mother take a was quite disturbed about this and made the topic of several of her commentaries over the years so it's about time we tackled this subject on the k.s.c. Especially back it's long overdue talk that up to the fact that very few if any individuals with firsthand knowledge of this a piece of education are willing to be whistleblowers but we've got one provided. And we will join us this Saturday. Right here on in this age of whistle blowing we will certainly do our part to serve radio f.m. 104.1. 00. We have a mystery guest. Today Good Morning Mr against. How are you feeling today. Good if you could speak up. Even more because the. Voice the electronic voice disguise or take some of the level of away to if you wouldn't mind it. Ok so. I was thrilled. Agreed. It's a shame that people have to feel this way it's going to. Make America Great Again in San Francisco. You've got to think twice before doing and I guess you had Think twice before you agreed to do this. Because. I don't know there could be. Tell us your background and how you got involved in this. Over the. Period of time that you were. You obviously did. Things. And I never had the guts to ask what it means. It's a funny word. It . Has nothing to do with indoctrination. And that's the way. It is throughout the higher education in our country and. Your. Particular university. For over 20 years. Do you think that. Is. Everywhere in the country. Ok why do you think that is the case. Great. Much earlier than we normally do here we have a Saturday special. As I would. Is the phone number to dissipate in this program. Our entry. To. I think or maybe you don't agree with us don't agree with us. Let us know that you think. And why. There is much more indoctrination going on in higher education in the United States of America their education. I feel I can't speak for mystery guest on this but I feel that there's no such thing as journalism anymore. There's just commentary everybody has an agenda and the used to be the news is not the news. Commentaries and opinions Harvey used to have his news. But now everything that they call news is not news at all. They don't. On your favorite radio station. If you want to. See that area 81 if you want to e-mail me at. My e-mail. See them but we do have a caller already. That would be been in. A question for m.j. Go ahead Ben How you doing. I. Think. This is not just you but I've often wondered. Why there are so many liberal arts colleges but I've never heard of a conservative. Leaning in your brain. Make you forget. The only choice I believe why do you think that's the case been. Working. On it. So you. Mentioned. Again the right. Of the. Normal. Human Race. Human. It's really. Early I agree with you but again. This is what I want to get people thinking you must have some thoughts about. It when we were down there. 5 years in the Air Force a mess. And the real story really. Everything. And I think we're being micromanaged. Games played the. Game. And there. And I think. Everybody else a certain level of play. So it's really boils down to mind control right. And we're being. Level. Whatever you want to see when you go there I think you lose and. I think you lose a bunch of people I'm not discrete you believe. Saturday special and all of. Is all about people speaking their mind but. When you when they are lost a little bit of me and you know I lie and when I think. Dave Allen and everything. Where. I think. I want to go. Is there anybody listening today who doesn't want to talk about it and would prefer to be in la la land. For 7910 a. Thank you been good to hear from you. Ok well. You know I put it out there when I got was. Some sort of. Conspiracy theory you know and I'm not not in the conspiracy theories I'm willing to keep my mind open and hear anything. Listen to as much as people one till it bores me to death and then I don't want to listen anymore. We didn't get anywhere near there with Ben's call because he was the one who in the phone call. Maybe it was. Maybe it was because I spoke my mind and said Hey. Maybe he's right maybe there are people. Maybe there are. What are they. What did he say that. Were. Environmental. 3. Yes. Yes. A little. Brazen. If you don't believe what I believe you fail. Here is in our higher education. Sheet we have a whole bunch of callers and now we only have 2 but Rebecca is the 1st one here. Hi Rebecca you have would like to respond. Quick. Yeah. You know every. Year not only do I. But I'm actually. You know I've never really had a. Very that. Here you're welcome to challenge. Barry. I didn't want anyone to feel when approaching it you know. Able. Maybe maybe that the way they run things that can bring college and not. Mr Guest is not Ok. So Rebecca you're saying you haven't experienced any of what you've been hearing on the program today is that right. Well that's reassuring that makes me feel a whole lot better. And you know I think everyone. Watching the thing I think your brain when really you know you have that going you know. Do you believe that what mystery guest says is true if you do think for yourself and thinking for yourself happens to be at odds with what your teacher wants you to believe and think and parrot that you're going to fail your class I mean you know like I think Thank you know. People and situations where yeah. I get. Do you have a response. Early. Students . For themselves. And all that Rebecca is to. Do you listen to this program very often or did you stumble upon it today. I got to actually like my radio a little bit and I'm going to. Sometime. Yeah. I think yeah well that's what we're all about here at k.s.c. Oh and I am so proud of that because I don't think there are many other talk radio stations that are in one way or another instead of being a voice for every one like we are we're often accused of being a conservative station because we have Rush Limbaugh on our airwaves but you know we have everything else too you know and it seems to be that conservative people who appreciate that we have Rush Limbaugh in this you know very liberal part of California Santa Cruz area. Use that to brand us as a conservative station and you know I guess we are what people perceive whether we intend to be that way or not it's certainly not my intention I want to be a voice for everyone I want to have a devoiced for for open dialogue and I'm just I'm horrified and very saddened that. We're the only station we seem to me to be the only station. In the country and media that's a medium that's like this everything else has an agenda as their own agenda I've got very strong feelings but I don't I don't. Push push that and everybody and only have guests who agree with me you know. We have a program we have a program called the will and Willie show. Producer live up in San Francisco we did we did this last week I think it was Tuesday. They're on every. 3 or 4 probably ever every quarter you know typically. Both Will Durst who is a comedian up in San Francisco Bay Area Willie Brown and you know Willie Brown I mean he's a famous politician right and he got the Bay Bridge or half of the bay bridge named after him which is pretty cool he's a very nice person I've met him quite a number of times he's a very powerful political person even though he hasn't been mayor of San Francisco for many years. But I see it and I listen in the front row to the will and Willie show as it's being produced. It turns my stomach I can it's hard for me to eat my lunch because all I hear them doing is bashing. And saying what a horrible. Condition our country is in because these idiot voters put a guy like Trump in and it's very hard for me to. And if I were to get up and say hey I'm a trump supporter and I object to what you guys are saying. I'd probably be tarred and feathered you know. Now people know that I'm a trump supporter. There they just sort of ignore it as long as I'm not in their face about it but I don't think that any one of the people in that. In that theater they're probably 40 or 50 of them I don't think any one of those people would have me as a guest to talk about. My political thought what they would do is only have their own thoughts and that's what a c.e.o. Is not and it will never be as long as I'm alive and have anything to do. So there's my little speech. I'm so happy to hear from you sound like a young person if you're college age and do you think. I mean. Keep listening and thanks for calling. Who has an answer to what. We're looking at your. Speak a little closer to the microphone to your place because we're losing you. Much better good. I'm driving right now. What we're looking at here is the movement of our. In order to have hearing. I'm not going to lead. And go there. And. So you know it's it's a it's a. I don't mean to put words but. Then you are you suggesting that the college and university system in the United States are breeding grounds for hatred. If we lose Did we lose Brian. I think we lost. And I couldn't wait to hear the answer to that question. And it still says that he's connected but I don't hear him. Well. Maybe Brian can call back maybe something happened to the connection here let's take and I'm going to ask the same question of. Us because it was it was such a good question even though there was silence. I know but just let me ask you this question then you can go on with what you call about. Do you think that the colleges and universities are primarily there to breed hate towards our way of life in traditional Constitution and values that built this country. Because I think Brian's answer would have been yes because I think that's what he was saying and I but I wish he would call back and Ok I'll shut up and you talk now . You know. Anyway. I think. You want to broaden your mind. Your mind by learning what they are now I think are. Now if. You can agree with them and. Join those together in your or your question if. I. Put their point to you and then Good analysis. You can. Something. I. Think they're. I'm going to. Wait a minute Ok you can listen then. I'm afraid that if I try to do it. Big time so I'm not going to mess with anything but. Very upset he was so upset he had to leave. Because he couldn't stand the way your voice has been manipulated here there's been this guy I'm presuming he's turning off the radio because. If anything it'll be clear disturbing. Behavior. Do you want. More detail about pretty scary. When you're still working with us. And. She do. They do actually. You find yourself. In. A difficult. Mission. Situation. Ok well let's go back to the phone going to take next and that would be Colonel Terry. About smart talk now are we making the grade today Colonel Terry yes you are. I'm smart because. The wonderful advantage and I'm grateful for it to be a very highly. Family I was born into. I have no superiority over anybody else but. Many 1000000000 people on this planet. The background of. How we got where we are and most importantly. The entire history Ok now we have United States we are how we are. Western civilization enlightenment that gave us so care. Oh Emerson in the United States Abraham Lincoln is a product of the Enlightenment and certainly Thomas Jefferson as a result we also took the advantages of the lessons learned in the history of places that tempted him ocracy as the focus for Spinoza regard points out in. Democracy starting with ancient Athens. Then the Roman Republic and then the Dutch experience and the English experience demonstrated Spinoza document democracies are great to protect our civil liberties They're wonderful to protect our private property normally. And I Why to free expression however democracy for Spinoza crews from the consequences to want in their citizens are whatever the. $1640.00 Dutch term for to be bamboozled is to want in the. Making of their leaders the most. Dishonorable conniving some of their citizens and I will say we've had examples of that Richard Nixon is an example of that. Could be that. People are being such an example I can't wait to hear what you say about President Trump. I got my jump to that topic right away but. I don't want to. Be in the outcome to that if you insist Dems even I'd rather put that off from Jay I think I want to have you but I'm out of other people who want to talk so foolishly matters what matters is that we have the Enlightenment and it's tragic that the last $23.00. We. Want what I call in one wisdom and respect to reality but the right wing does the same thing in its extreme postures which I can respect informed wisdom in reality recognition of reality so I'm sure your friend your guest would agree with me. Understand the lessons of the Enlightenment and the lessons of our legal history United States. Dream we balance to have a successful society that respects justice for all as we say and that's again that's possible. What I thought also seeing you see the left wing intellectual dishonesty right wing intellectual dishonesty in such places as Liberty University and he. Said with your friend agree with me would my friend and guest agree with me and with you. With that. Kernel. Ok thank you very much and I wish you every success as well and I wish you liberation from clearing any anxiety Madam madam I didn't know was how do you know it's a madam Anyhow we're going to go to the thank you Colonel Terry here's Nick in Royal Oak. Inflatable They all right. If they can make it very anyone it. Mean you can royal Go ahead tell me can people I mean is. It. Purely that. If. It's a doctor and I think you're straying. Oh yeah I. Think. It's great for private property. If. We. Take. It all with structure. Any make. If you come down to the studio Ok I can talk to the engineering department about doing that for callers who prefer it you know but yeah I don't think it's necessary if. It's not my dom. There. Comes with. Our own r r y. About the university go ahead Rory Yeah I. Believe. There's a certain element what you're talking it's always that every level of every community call the universe. There they are more strongly than I was in school 30 plus years ago now and I saw him for that but it's political correct psychological straight jacket and they want you to answer their. Peer pressure to not stand or. Things like male and female and I did what anybody can go to college. And there's a high school teacher I think for to refute the students preferred pronoun was fired now suing the school district a lot of the. Guy that wanted to be. Girl that identified as a male to be referred to as. One of your earlier callers. And I believe there's a spiritual element to it we are spiritual creatures 1st and foremost Corporal bodies to be redundant but we have bodies. Everybody period peer pressure. Every every you have to learn how to deal with that as a young person so we've all experienced. That's what I see I think. Boeing were. Very hollering and like you disagree with them and then they're very curious. American is an American value they give lip service. They don't like they don't like the 2nd Amendment and just gone down the line curious what your. Think about the. Peer pressure to conform our your. Question. Colonel. I've heard. This is all right. It's. Yes. But now mind her. Her. Whether it's really. Whether it's sexual how. Now it's that's it's very easy it's an underhanded but you're right it's dividing and conquering out there were Americans we need to rally around our common . American citizens and all our rights privileges that we haven't we need to rally around that and be unified and Americans even with differences and that's the beauty of this country and you know the other thing is. What we call General Ed I don't know they call it general ed requirements. To be. Western. Literature whatever. The liberal arts which. Historically were just. If I understood it. Now they've let the brainwashing politically correct classes like. They try to filter down to the high school level the pushback I'm sure you're aware that what we're going to be I think it was. Not not not ge