Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 9pm 20161014 : comparemela

Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 9pm 20161014

fox 10 news at 9:00 starts now. >> good evening, everyone. we begin with a fox 10 news alert. a 15-year-old boy rushed to the hospital hit by a car on his bicycle. this was the scene at an intersection at gilbert, germane and ranch hou police say the teen was crossing the road when he was struck by a car. it is not clear who was at fault here. police say the driver did not show any signs of impairment, the teen taken to the hospital with injuries. an adult in custody is injured in the transport van. police tell us it appears a woman tried to commit suicide. criminal damage and aggravated assault charges. she was taken from the northern command station to the southern command station, the booking facility there, when police say she attempted kill herself. we are looking into it. we'll have more as we get it. police tell us that distance was about 20 miles and that the woman was the only detainee in the van. when the van got to the station, the officers found she was unconscious and had a shoelace tied end around the back of the neck. the woman was taken to the hospital, but police do tell us she is not expected to survive. her name was not yet been released. we are less than four weeks until the presidential election. for many of you, you are hoping mercifully that it is over soon. it seems like it is all anyone is talking about right now and you can't get away from it. >> the campaign commercials are nonstop and so are the campaign to mention all of the calls to the polls. >> hillary clinton is up by 7 points over donald trump, this poll conducted among likely voters between monday and wednesday of this week. so this is post-debate. >> and how accurate are all of these polls that we have been seeing and also who is participating in them? stefania okolie went to find out and she joins us live now with the story tonight. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, marc and john. as we get closer to the election day for both the presidential election, the local elections and the state elections, the campaigns are working really hard, making sure that people are going to be voting for their respective candidate. today we stopped by the victory center, where people sit around and make the calls out to folks, and then we also spoke to some folks who are getting these calls as well. >> if the election were held the presidential race. >> inside the victory office of the republican party. >> donald trump, hillary clinton, gary johnson? >> it's likely you have gotten the call before, and if you're anything like arturo santa cruz. >> i tend to just hang up the phone. >> it's an informative part of the election season but many people call it their least favorite. >> what is something you have heard on the calls that has stuck with >> oh, that penzone guy running for sheriff about him beating his wife and all of that. >> it can be frustrating for those back at the center too. they say they deal with people who aren't happy with them calling. >> and then of course there's that one thing that boggles many people's minds who they say they >> sometimes when we get a new list, we'll just go straight from what they registered as, and we do not know that they are on another do not call list. >> a lot of people today were the ones who told me that they put themselves on the do not call list, and they were really wondering why they get those calls. sometimes the lists are not updated. here's another interesting thing that i learned at the center today. when they call and ask you are decided on hillary or trump, if you are decided, even if it's not for the respective candidate, they are only there to help sway the minds of people who are currently undecided and just to make sure that you know to get out and vote on november 8th. developing tonight, police are looking for this man who matches this sketch. they say he sexually assaulted a woman in her home in mesa. the woman was on her porch when a man grabbed her and forced her this happened in a neighborhood near lindsay and adobe. the man took off in a gray or silver four door sedan. those who live in the area were stunned to find out this happened so close to where they live. >> i think that's a lot of women's nightmares. a lot of sexual offenders are people we know, but we are more afraid of the stranger. so hearing that, it does make your heart jump a little bit. >> police between 45-55, 5'4" and maybe 5'6". if you have any information, call silent witness. a former phoenix firefighter accused of sexually assaulting a 19-year-old woman pleads not guilty to the crime. glendale police say 52-year-old jeffrey wilson raped the woman under a bridge near 91st avenue and bethany home road. wilson charged with sexual assault and kidnapping. catch a break from major hurricanes, hurricane nicole hitting the island of bermuda today, and it strengthened to a category 4 storm overnight, but then it dropped to a category 3 as it hit the island, a powerful storm bumming bermuda, with heavy rains, whipping winds, as you can see in this video, with gusts of up to 115 miles an hour. the storm moved through, left a lot of damage in its wake, power knocked out to more than 25,000 customers, and the cleanup here, that's expected to continue through the will stay closed until next week. forecasters say that storm though is now weakening. nearly a week after hurricane matthew slammed into north carolina, severe flooding and evacuations continue in parts of that state. tens of thousands still remain in the cashidark. the state's governor warns this new potentially life threatening flooding is still possible across much of eastern north expected to see flooding peak over the next 24 hours, with some rivers still set to break record levels. overall, matthew has killed nearly 40 people from florida to virginia and has left billions of damage in its wake. dolphinaris arizona is opening in scottsdale, skyfox over the scene today capturing new video of the swim with dolphins facility. the facility says the were born in human care and receive excellent treatment, but animal activists say dolphins do not belong in the desert. happening now, a brand-new harkins theater opening tonight in goodyear. the new theater called harkins estrella falls 16 on mcdowell ro road. the theater has leather reclining seats and a full bar. those attending opening night, still ahead tonight at 9:00, what's in a name? well, research has proven that a baby's name can have a big impact on their life. why some parents are now regretting the names they have chosen. plus, this is an amazing story, a valley teen making nhl history. a teenager making his big debut on the ice last night, he did something that no other pro hockey player has ever done before. we'll have the modern day space race, the human mission to mars, many people plan to get people there, to the red planet, in the near it's got to be really fun and exciting, and it can't feel cramped or boring. >> humans have long set their like the race to the red planet is officially on. that was elon musk you just heard from. he's the ceo of spacex, presenting his plan to the world to start bringing people to mars in just seven years, but days after that presentation, boeing came forward saying they will beat spacex to the punch and put humans on the red planet first, and then this week president obama became the latest to talk about a mission to mars, saying he hopes to have humans there by the year 2030. yeah. that's all they are talking about nowadays. w i don't think so. i saw that movie the martian, and i don't think it's for me. >> well, i mean at my age, i'm not willing to give up that many years. that's the problem. if i were younger, maybe. >> the race to mars, it reminds a lot of people of the space race in the 1950s, but again, this mission is a lot farther away and a lot more volatile than the moon. kristy siefkin spoke to an expert at a.s.u., and the >> that's absolutely right, john. a.s.u. has been at the forefront of research for mars for several years now. in fact the camera that's currently orbiting mars and taking pictures of the planet, that was designed and built right here at a.s.u. so i spoke to an expert earlier who is very involved with nasa as they continue to research mars, and he's someone who is lined up to head to mars himself. in the race to mars, jonathan hill is helping nasa cross the finish line. hill is the a.s.u.'s camera, an infrared device that's been taking photos of mars for the past 15 years. >> it's the longest operating camera around mars, so every day we are still taking more curse, trying to learn about the surface, so when astronauts go they are ready to do good science. >> nasa already has two reinforces on mars, opportunity and curiosity. that mars is cold and dry, but hill says there are areas with water that we could send humans. >> i think the chances of survival are pretty good. even though mars is a pretty harsh environment, it's things we know how to deal with, the cold, how to use water there, how to get people to the surface. >> before we can land on mars, we need to take baby steps, sending an unmanned rocket in the next a couple of years and then sending that orbits but doesn't land. >> the general idea is there, so in a decade or two, we'll be ready to send people out and bring them back safely. >> he hopes that his computer work will turn into field work >> oh, absolutely, i would go to mars in a heartbeat. i would like to come back at some point, but i would definitely sign up to go. >> and i have to say that i'm with both of you guys on this two feet on the ground right here in arizona. now one thing that hill mentioned when i spoke to him earlier is that during the apollo mission only one of the astronauts that was sent is a geologist. so he's hoping that whoever gets to mars first that they are sending more individuals who are trained in science so that they can collect more data on the ground or on the planet, i should say, when they are there. reporting live, kristy siefkin, fox 10 news. as the race to mars heats up, the results of in a new study are rea effects of long term space travel, the trip to mars and the effect that might have on the human body. the study found people could get something called space brain, serious permanent brain damage caused by cosmic radiation. the damage could be so pronounced it could affect your memory, even cause cancer, according to this study. so again the question is, other than astronauts, who would actually want to go to mars, even if given the opportunity? >> we took a poll and these are the results. overwhelmingly say they would not go. 66% say no way, 24% said yes, they would go, and then 10% of the people who responded to the twitter poll said maybe. >> it would also matter very much if this were with, you know, other people. >> yeah. >> who are these err -- other people? >> can you pick the group that you would go with? >> i would definitely go with you and jude, that's for sure. i would definitely go with kari too. we would have to keep wraps though. >> yes. >> what about gene and the kids? if i could pick my wife, john hook, i don't know. i would have to think about that. can the arizona cardinals take another step forward on their quest to get back to 500 football, and is david johnson the ticket when it comes to attacking the new york jets in monday night football. we'll see you in sports. here's david johnson, coming off we'll look at the cards run game and the jets front 7 ahead in sports >> all right, ju. >> all right jude, we'll see you in a few minutes. >> you're doing the weather. >> i am doing the weather. dave is off. what does your ten-day forecast? we'll have that for you coming i learned as a police officer and a businessman you should never abuse people's trust. unfortunately, today too many politicians either serve their party or themselves, and arizona families suffer. the arizona republic called paul babeu a disgrace. babeu spent $28,000 of taxpayer money at a five-star resort and was questioned by the fbi for using public money to promote himself. o'halleran: i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this message, welcome to vacation week here at fox 10. john, i think you're doing traffic in the morning, just so you know. >> that's right. >> hey, but you know what, this is an easy job for me to do tonight with the weather as nice as it's been out there, no sweat, winds calm right now as the nights have been getting really nice, the days are still a little bit warm. we don't have much going on in arizona, but there is a big weather story in the pacific northwest, a monster storm really hammering washington, portland, northern california. it could be the strongest storm they have had in 50 years when it hits on saturday. we'll be keeping an eye on that. could be causing flooding for the folks in california. for us, not much high pressure system dominating for arizona, and this low pressure system up over the pacific northwest will move on out east. that will bring some of this moisture in behind it, but it's going to pull it north of arizona, so we will not be getting any effects from that storm system. take a look at our temps again right now. we talked about it. the evenings getting really nice, 82 here, 74 at surprise, also at cave creek 72, 74 fountain hills, these evenings are getting really perfect. were above normal. but the high was set back in 1989, 101 degrees. again, just a little bit above normal for us for the next few days. we'll be about three to five degrees above. the rest of the country, we told you about this storm system here, we also had some weather moving through texas and through parts of oklahoma, also causing a lot of problems there in terms of rainfall and flooding but that seems to be moving through pretty quickly. hopefully that won't linger for those folks. they certainly have had rain for this year for so far. 46 in prescott, up in the grand canyon 36 degrees, so getting close to that freezing mark, 36 for you also in window rock, 54 in globe, and 60 for tonight in gila bend for your overnight low. forecast highs for tomorrow, it's going to be another toasty one, 93 for us here in phoenix, 79 in prescott, 96 in bullhead city and lake havasu as well. 82 in page, safford at 89, and you are at 76 over in window north for a road trip, going to be nice and the leaves are changing as well. starting out at 70 degrees at 7:00 a.m., warming up pretty quickly throughout the day, expected to hit a high of 94 degrees for you tomorrow. here's a look at the ten-day, again, this is why i said not too bad right now, not much going on other than warm weather and sunshine. we don't have any chance of rain in the forecast. the downside to this is we are above normal, but we are getting there, moving in the right direction as far as getting to more seasonable temperatures, john. >> you love the 90s. >> yes. >> great decade. >> that's actually my genre. >> there you go. yeah, i'm going to be doing traffic tomorrow. nice job on the weather, by the way. >> thank you. i had some practice over the weekend. >> not that we don't miss dave. dave, our long time weatherman at fox 10 receiving a big honor for 41 years, his face as familiar to people in the valley as his signature signoff, watch your kids around water. although dave has been here at fox 10 for four decades, his broadcasting career actually began over 50 years ago on radio. >> these people that invite me into their homes several times a day, all of these years, let me tell you, it's more than weather, and it's more than water safety, and thank you for this great moment. thank you. >> you know what i love about dave too, so many great things, but the stories he has. >> he is a funny, funny guy. we thank you, dave, for everything that you have done here at fox 10, and we love working with you every day, so congratulations, my friend. that was great. coming up in the next half hour of fox 10 news at 9:00, we are learning some more new information about the valley woman arrested and facing terrorism charges. we'll have details on what investigators say she planned to do. plus, the holidays are coming quickly, but you may want to rethink your plans if it involves flying, we'll explain why. and later in our fox 10 talk back, is society just getting offended too easily? >> yes. >> i think so. and listen to this, there is a college that is offering counseling now for people who are upset by others halloween is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! we are learning more about a valley woman facing terrorism charges, federal and state investigators say michelle bastian planned an i.s.i.s. inspired terrorist attack with her husband, thomas bastian, who is serving a life sentence for murder at the louis prison. michelle did not say much during her court appearance. >> the defendant appears to be easily influenced by a coconspirator in this matter. >> court paperwork shows thomas became radicalized in prison, and terrorism related materials were found in his cell, including instructions on how to make a bomb. investigators say michelle was going to smuggle bomb making materials into the prison so her husband could build a bomb, plant it in a vending machine and kill the prison warden and other bystanders. michelle's home in florence was raided yesterday. >> five or six law enforcement out, yell fbi, search warrant, fbi search warrant. it's kind of crazy that people think they can do that. >> michelle bastian is facing terrorism and conspiracy charges. the attorney's office says thomas bastian could face charges as we. sheriff joe arpaio at the center of another court hearing today, this one to decide whether the immigrant workplace raids are >> this comes after federal prosecutors say they will file criminal contempt court charges against arpaio for ignoring a federal court order to stop those immigration sweeps. >> a battle in federal court today, an grapples immigrants rights group wants a federal judge to rule once and for all no more workplace raids to root out undocumented illegal immigrants. a workplace raid like this one, arrested. she came to the u.s. as a three-year-old. >> it was scary because i had never been in any type of trouble. i was handcuffed and taken to jail. >> arpaio was not only doing these raids for the people that he was picking up and criminalizing them and detaining them was making our life miserable, to create fear in our families. >> attorneys for the immigrants group blocks montgomery from taking matters into their own hands. but attorneys representing the maricopa county attorney's office and the maricopa county sheriff's office said the raids were not about illegal immigration at all, but about identity theft. >> we cannot be preempted from functions that are retained by the states under the tenth amendment. >> the judge will decide if the raids can stay or if they must go. >> the judge did not issue a ruling today. instead, he took the case under advisement. steve krafft, fox 10 news. taking a look at the presidential campaign, both hillary clinton and donald trump dealing with the fallout of new controversies that have affected both camps, the clinton camp trying to recover from the released by wikileaks that revealed damaging comments from her campaign staff about latinos, catholics, evangelicals and even bernie sanders supporters. >> i'm a catholic. i don't recognize that e-mail that we saw, and this whole effort is led by the russians. we are not going to do any more to comment or aid their efforts. publicly commented about the wikileaks e-mails but has turned to attacking donald trump. several women have come forward saying he made sexual advances toward them, four women now accusing the nominee of kissing or groping them against their wall. today he demanded that "the new york times" and the palm beach post retract their stories. >> these people are horrible people. they are horrible, horbl liar. the claims are preposterous, ludicrous, and defy truth, common sense and logic. >> trump is threatening to sue, but "the new york times" say they welcome litigation, saying in part they welcome a court to have the opportunity to set him straight. arrested for allegedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend's 78-year-old mother. the home, tied her up in the bedroom, and his ex-girlfriend found him in the home and he ran off. skyfox over the scene this afternoon, it was near 75th avenue and indian school road. police tell us someone opened fire on a car. a man was shot several times and he fired back. >> i hear bang bang bang bang bang. you know, and i look and, you know, i didn't see anything. a few minutes later, i hear a couple of cars coming by, and that's about it. >> well, the man was taken to the hospital. no word on his condition. parents try to keep their kids safe when they are behind the wheel. rose by 10% last year. aaa questioned more than 140 driving instructors on mistakes teens make behind the wheel. >> distractions are huge. today's teens have grown up in a age of connectedness. we need to look at the alarming trend and say what can we do to make teens >> there is no word on whether the issue will come up in the next legislative session. well, saturday you have got a confluence of events going on in northern arizona. n.a.u.'s homecoming, the lumber jacks have the homecoming parade, and they have started opening bars at 6:00 in the morning. it's known as tequila sunrise, and last year things got a little bit out of control. arresting 41 people. additional officers will be on hand for the annual drinking festival. ? well, he has penned some of music's most timeless songs. of course, we are talking about bob dylan, and he was awarded the 2016 nobel prize in literature. his influence as a lyr song writer over the last 50 years. hess the first american winner of the nobel literature prize since author tony morris in 1993. he's coming to the valley this week and will play at the comerica theater on sunday is. are you looking for a job and need some extra cash maybe? one of the world's largest retailers is hiring, and as you already may know, we have an amazing location right here in the valley. the break. >> first impressions are everything, right? well, a valley teen making a huge debut on the ice last night, making nhl history in the process. a local kid, what he did that no other professional hockey player scores, a hat trick! oh my goodness! what a debut! this was unbelievable. this was amazing. a valley teen makes history becoming the first player to score four goals in their first nhl game. and i'll tell you what, these were not garbage goals. these were beautiful goals. 19-year-old auston matthews is a scottsdale native who played for the arizona bob cats for three coaches today who said auston always had incredible talent, incredible drive. >> always the one asking, coach, can i come on the ice with that group, coach. he was always looking for it, never been pushed by his parents. it was really coming from him. we are told that auston stops by the rink in the summertime and is a mentor to the kids learning the game and playing the game it could be an absolute game changer for fans attending the game. it uses artificial fans to give real time readings of the lines at the game. how long will you wait to get into the concession stand, go to the bathroom, all of these very important things that you want to know to time it all out. it analyzes the lines in the stadium and then sends the data back to the app so you can check stadium. the indiana pacers are the latest to partner with the app. >> there's the app in the movie theater where you can find the best time to go to the bathroom. stores that will be closed on thanksgiving day, the latest joining the list, t.j. maxx, marshals and game stop. they want employees to spend more time with family and friends but they also want to really kind of recapture the excitement of black friday shopping, so a little pent up demand. >> let's hope that continues. i like that idea. >> love it. you may want to reconsider your travel plans if you are thinking about traveling around the holidays. thanksgiving and christmas are two of the nation's busiest it will drop at christmas week and then sky rocket again. so one possibility, nonstop flights are more expensive than connecting flights, so if seats are available, you could save if you're willing to make one or more stops along the way. the closer we get to travel time, the more expensive it gets. point, click, you're hired. online retailing giant amazon is adding 120,000 seasonal workers for the upcoming shopping season, a 20% increase from last year. now, a bunch of those temp workers ended up getting full-time jobs, so it could be a good omen for them. in the meantime, it is getting a little bit more expensive to buy a home, a 30-year fixed rate mortgage ticking higher this week to just below 3.5%, very low historically. and it is very hard to make a clean break when you are taking a break from the office, because according to a new survey, less than half of travelers checking in and replying to work e-mails while on vacation. and we all live in a lego submarine, the iconic toy company releasing a yellow submarine kit honoring the classic beatles song and movie. coming up next, our talkback segment after the break, and we are talking about baby name regret. and halloween costume counseling. never heard of it? that's because it's brand-new and being offered at one college. we are talking about that next. james p. walsh: to keep our community safe - we need a sheriff who will put fighting violent crime ahead of his own political agenda. paul penzone has been a decorated crime-fighter for over 20 years. a police officer, undercover investigator, and dea task force agent of the year. paul penzone caught murderers, paul penzone... coming up in just a few minutes on fox 10 news at 10:00, a u.s. missile strike in yemen raising tensions overseas even more. what u.s. officials say the attack was in response to. plus, hundreds of jobs on their way to southern arizona as a new space in tuscon. what that company will do and just how many jobs will it be creating. again, that's coming up in a couple of minutes on fox 10 news at 10:00. time for tonight's talkers. >> first up, the university of florida is taking what some are calling a hypersensitive approach when it comes to halloween costumes on campus. you've probably never heard of this. the school says if students are offended or scared by halloween, they will have counselors on hand to help them through this traumatic experience. parents too, have parents come down and talk them through it? >> and it's not a joke, the university posted an article on the website this week saying they should avoid costumes that avoid stereotypes or other offensive themes. no problem with that, but i can't imagine a college aged student having to go see a counselor because of something you saw on halloween. i don't know. >> i don't understand this, because college not supposed to become the nanny state where they take care of you every moment and tha you might have is met with, you know, this kind of response. >> because you're not -- >> it's ridiculous. >> you're not that far away from the real world, quote/unquote, and nobody is going to be there to help you out with that. >> i agree. >> they are giving it a shot. a person's name is something that they keep with them through their whole life, until they maybe you don't like your name. studies have found that people with certain names tend to be more successful, so when parents have a new bundle of joy, it's important to give them a name and something that maybe the baby will grow into it be a positive throughout life. according to a new survey, one third of parents didn't give enough thought to the name and they regret it. trendy names problem. >> i don't know if celebrities started this trend, but -- >> apple? >> that one sticks out. and the kids have no choice. but what i think the parents are trying to do is give them something so unique, because they are seeing so many johns and marks out there. >> i go to my kids school, and there are very few john and marks anymore. >> we'll. we are a dying breed? >> we are, we are. >> i think they are trying to spell them differently. jason would maybe be jayson. >> or a z. we always enjoy hearing from you, head to our facebook page, share your thoughts. john hook fox 10, you can find me there. >> and marc martinez fox 10. we would love to hear from you. >> we would. >> i'll tell you what, john and marc, if the cardinals are going to win monday night, they are going to have to contend with a very physical, aggressive front 7, richard saenz at practice today. and by the way, drama between the dodgers and the nationals. l.a. pulls a randy johnson out of the bullpen. wait until you see what happened you're watching fox 10 sports with jude lacava. lining up against a very aggressive new york jets defense that prides itself on stopping the run, and know this, todd bowles has some very physical players along that defensive front 7. so how would the cardinals approach the jets come monday night? could it be the run game, and could it be of course playing to the strength of number 31, david johnson, who does so much for it? now a look at that very dynamic richardson, keep in mind they played the steelers last week, le'veon bell held to 66 yards rushing on 20 carries, impressive, these guys strong against the run, weak on the pass, but there's 96, wilkerson was well. and richard saenz with a chance to check in with the cardinals as they get set for another big challenge come monday night. >> after the win, larry fitzgerald had nothing to say about the backup quarterback, drew it's great to have carson palmer back in action, and oh, by the way, it also helps when you have a running back like david johnson. >> i see him continue to get better. he's already our most explosive offensive player just in the second year. he runs a route as good as we do on the outside. obviously some of these runs that should have been negative plays, turned it into positives. he has been awesome for us. and as a receiver, you just really want to get on your man. you know he is going to get to the second level, get to the third level, and you never want to be the guy on tape that negates a touchdown. >> it's official, online voting for the pro bowl opened up, and larry fitzgerald making it to the 10th pro bowl of his year, only jerry rice for wide receivers has more at 13. richard saenz, fox 10 sports. it's on my45 monday night football, the new york jets, post-game show right here on fox 10. thursday night football, the chargers with so many heartbreaking losses the early part of this season finally break through with the broncos, rivers to henry here, 7-0 lead for san diego at home, just desperate to try to win a football game. how about this. man, you have still got to like trevor siemian, bringing it they needed a hail mary on a 4-1, comes up short, and yes, the chargers win 21-13 the final, the chargers go to 2-4 with that win. for the sun devils, i understand manny wilkins did in fact practice today. he was in a boot on saturday when of course the sun devils battled ucla. there was some question whether or not he would be able to play. he did practice today. of course, also know that quarterback. todd graham very confident all week long that manny wilkins will be ready to go when the sun devils take on the colorado buffalos at boulder. >> i anticipate him to play. i don't know how much. obviously, that could change. but i anticipate him to play. but if we had to play today, it would probably be a combination, so we'll see. hopefully a couple of more days, he'll be ready to go completely, he did the two-minute drill today, and it looked good. >> post-season baseball, plenty of drama, rogers, baker, nationals, dodgers, winner takes all in the championship cup nl series. this was one to watch. how about it, joc pederson, a solo shot off scherzer, 2-1 dodgers, and then off the a two run triple, kendrick and ruiz would score, l.a. a 4-1 lead. but the nationals weren't done yet. mike rizzo, does he want to come back to arizona, a two-run shot, and it's 4-3 dodgers. we go to the bottom of the 9th with clayton kershaw, pulling a randy johnson, coming out of the bullpen, trying to close out the nationals, and he does just that. the dodgers will take on the the world series and the national league championship series, dodgers win 4-3. jerry colangelo, team u.s.a., he will stay on for the next olympics. listen to this. >> just think about how great the situation it is to go from coach k. to popovich to coaching san antonio, it's going to be seamless in that sense. as we get ready for 2020 in tokyo, and that is my last olympics, for sure, because i would have retired from that responsibility in rio, but popovich put a condition on him taking the job. he says, i'll do it with one condition, that you stay. >> how about that, four straight -- would that be four straight gold medals, three of shooting for gold in tokyo. we'll keep an eye on what happens to mike rizzo. does he make a move back to arizona? we'll talk about that more in 20 minutes. right now, it's marc martinez with fox 10 news at 10:00. fox 10 news at 10:00 starts now. and we begin tonight with this fox 10 news alert out of phoenix. skyfox was overhead as police say they took possible armed robbery suspects into custody here, and you can see the officers there stroungged surrounding the car, directing one person out of the driver seat at gunpoint. that person walking with hands over head, this was near 35th avenue on i-10. they believed there were robbery suspects in the car after a cvs at 43rd and thomas was robbed. another news alert out of the east valley where police tell us a teenager riding a bike is in critical condition right now after being hit by a car. skyfox over this scene as well,

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Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 9pm 20161014 :

Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 9pm 20161014

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fox 10 news at 9:00 starts now. >> good evening, everyone. we begin with a fox 10 news alert. a 15-year-old boy rushed to the hospital hit by a car on his bicycle. this was the scene at an intersection at gilbert, germane and ranch hou police say the teen was crossing the road when he was struck by a car. it is not clear who was at fault here. police say the driver did not show any signs of impairment, the teen taken to the hospital with injuries. an adult in custody is injured in the transport van. police tell us it appears a woman tried to commit suicide. criminal damage and aggravated assault charges. she was taken from the northern command station to the southern command station, the booking facility there, when police say she attempted kill herself. we are looking into it. we'll have more as we get it. police tell us that distance was about 20 miles and that the woman was the only detainee in the van. when the van got to the station, the officers found she was unconscious and had a shoelace tied end around the back of the neck. the woman was taken to the hospital, but police do tell us she is not expected to survive. her name was not yet been released. we are less than four weeks until the presidential election. for many of you, you are hoping mercifully that it is over soon. it seems like it is all anyone is talking about right now and you can't get away from it. >> the campaign commercials are nonstop and so are the campaign to mention all of the calls to the polls. >> hillary clinton is up by 7 points over donald trump, this poll conducted among likely voters between monday and wednesday of this week. so this is post-debate. >> and how accurate are all of these polls that we have been seeing and also who is participating in them? stefania okolie went to find out and she joins us live now with the story tonight. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, marc and john. as we get closer to the election day for both the presidential election, the local elections and the state elections, the campaigns are working really hard, making sure that people are going to be voting for their respective candidate. today we stopped by the victory center, where people sit around and make the calls out to folks, and then we also spoke to some folks who are getting these calls as well. >> if the election were held the presidential race. >> inside the victory office of the republican party. >> donald trump, hillary clinton, gary johnson? >> it's likely you have gotten the call before, and if you're anything like arturo santa cruz. >> i tend to just hang up the phone. >> it's an informative part of the election season but many people call it their least favorite. >> what is something you have heard on the calls that has stuck with >> oh, that penzone guy running for sheriff about him beating his wife and all of that. >> it can be frustrating for those back at the center too. they say they deal with people who aren't happy with them calling. >> and then of course there's that one thing that boggles many people's minds who they say they >> sometimes when we get a new list, we'll just go straight from what they registered as, and we do not know that they are on another do not call list. >> a lot of people today were the ones who told me that they put themselves on the do not call list, and they were really wondering why they get those calls. sometimes the lists are not updated. here's another interesting thing that i learned at the center today. when they call and ask you are decided on hillary or trump, if you are decided, even if it's not for the respective candidate, they are only there to help sway the minds of people who are currently undecided and just to make sure that you know to get out and vote on november 8th. developing tonight, police are looking for this man who matches this sketch. they say he sexually assaulted a woman in her home in mesa. the woman was on her porch when a man grabbed her and forced her this happened in a neighborhood near lindsay and adobe. the man took off in a gray or silver four door sedan. those who live in the area were stunned to find out this happened so close to where they live. >> i think that's a lot of women's nightmares. a lot of sexual offenders are people we know, but we are more afraid of the stranger. so hearing that, it does make your heart jump a little bit. >> police between 45-55, 5'4" and maybe 5'6". if you have any information, call silent witness. a former phoenix firefighter accused of sexually assaulting a 19-year-old woman pleads not guilty to the crime. glendale police say 52-year-old jeffrey wilson raped the woman under a bridge near 91st avenue and bethany home road. wilson charged with sexual assault and kidnapping. catch a break from major hurricanes, hurricane nicole hitting the island of bermuda today, and it strengthened to a category 4 storm overnight, but then it dropped to a category 3 as it hit the island, a powerful storm bumming bermuda, with heavy rains, whipping winds, as you can see in this video, with gusts of up to 115 miles an hour. the storm moved through, left a lot of damage in its wake, power knocked out to more than 25,000 customers, and the cleanup here, that's expected to continue through the will stay closed until next week. forecasters say that storm though is now weakening. nearly a week after hurricane matthew slammed into north carolina, severe flooding and evacuations continue in parts of that state. tens of thousands still remain in the cashidark. the state's governor warns this new potentially life threatening flooding is still possible across much of eastern north expected to see flooding peak over the next 24 hours, with some rivers still set to break record levels. overall, matthew has killed nearly 40 people from florida to virginia and has left billions of damage in its wake. dolphinaris arizona is opening in scottsdale, skyfox over the scene today capturing new video of the swim with dolphins facility. the facility says the were born in human care and receive excellent treatment, but animal activists say dolphins do not belong in the desert. happening now, a brand-new harkins theater opening tonight in goodyear. the new theater called harkins estrella falls 16 on mcdowell ro road. the theater has leather reclining seats and a full bar. those attending opening night, still ahead tonight at 9:00, what's in a name? well, research has proven that a baby's name can have a big impact on their life. why some parents are now regretting the names they have chosen. plus, this is an amazing story, a valley teen making nhl history. a teenager making his big debut on the ice last night, he did something that no other pro hockey player has ever done before. we'll have the modern day space race, the human mission to mars, many people plan to get people there, to the red planet, in the near it's got to be really fun and exciting, and it can't feel cramped or boring. >> humans have long set their like the race to the red planet is officially on. that was elon musk you just heard from. he's the ceo of spacex, presenting his plan to the world to start bringing people to mars in just seven years, but days after that presentation, boeing came forward saying they will beat spacex to the punch and put humans on the red planet first, and then this week president obama became the latest to talk about a mission to mars, saying he hopes to have humans there by the year 2030. yeah. that's all they are talking about nowadays. w i don't think so. i saw that movie the martian, and i don't think it's for me. >> well, i mean at my age, i'm not willing to give up that many years. that's the problem. if i were younger, maybe. >> the race to mars, it reminds a lot of people of the space race in the 1950s, but again, this mission is a lot farther away and a lot more volatile than the moon. kristy siefkin spoke to an expert at a.s.u., and the >> that's absolutely right, john. a.s.u. has been at the forefront of research for mars for several years now. in fact the camera that's currently orbiting mars and taking pictures of the planet, that was designed and built right here at a.s.u. so i spoke to an expert earlier who is very involved with nasa as they continue to research mars, and he's someone who is lined up to head to mars himself. in the race to mars, jonathan hill is helping nasa cross the finish line. hill is the a.s.u.'s camera, an infrared device that's been taking photos of mars for the past 15 years. >> it's the longest operating camera around mars, so every day we are still taking more curse, trying to learn about the surface, so when astronauts go they are ready to do good science. >> nasa already has two reinforces on mars, opportunity and curiosity. that mars is cold and dry, but hill says there are areas with water that we could send humans. >> i think the chances of survival are pretty good. even though mars is a pretty harsh environment, it's things we know how to deal with, the cold, how to use water there, how to get people to the surface. >> before we can land on mars, we need to take baby steps, sending an unmanned rocket in the next a couple of years and then sending that orbits but doesn't land. >> the general idea is there, so in a decade or two, we'll be ready to send people out and bring them back safely. >> he hopes that his computer work will turn into field work >> oh, absolutely, i would go to mars in a heartbeat. i would like to come back at some point, but i would definitely sign up to go. >> and i have to say that i'm with both of you guys on this two feet on the ground right here in arizona. now one thing that hill mentioned when i spoke to him earlier is that during the apollo mission only one of the astronauts that was sent is a geologist. so he's hoping that whoever gets to mars first that they are sending more individuals who are trained in science so that they can collect more data on the ground or on the planet, i should say, when they are there. reporting live, kristy siefkin, fox 10 news. as the race to mars heats up, the results of in a new study are rea effects of long term space travel, the trip to mars and the effect that might have on the human body. the study found people could get something called space brain, serious permanent brain damage caused by cosmic radiation. the damage could be so pronounced it could affect your memory, even cause cancer, according to this study. so again the question is, other than astronauts, who would actually want to go to mars, even if given the opportunity? >> we took a poll and these are the results. overwhelmingly say they would not go. 66% say no way, 24% said yes, they would go, and then 10% of the people who responded to the twitter poll said maybe. >> it would also matter very much if this were with, you know, other people. >> yeah. >> who are these err -- other people? >> can you pick the group that you would go with? >> i would definitely go with you and jude, that's for sure. i would definitely go with kari too. we would have to keep wraps though. >> yes. >> what about gene and the kids? if i could pick my wife, john hook, i don't know. i would have to think about that. can the arizona cardinals take another step forward on their quest to get back to 500 football, and is david johnson the ticket when it comes to attacking the new york jets in monday night football. we'll see you in sports. here's david johnson, coming off we'll look at the cards run game and the jets front 7 ahead in sports >> all right, ju. >> all right jude, we'll see you in a few minutes. >> you're doing the weather. >> i am doing the weather. dave is off. what does your ten-day forecast? we'll have that for you coming i learned as a police officer and a businessman you should never abuse people's trust. unfortunately, today too many politicians either serve their party or themselves, and arizona families suffer. the arizona republic called paul babeu a disgrace. babeu spent $28,000 of taxpayer money at a five-star resort and was questioned by the fbi for using public money to promote himself. o'halleran: i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this message, welcome to vacation week here at fox 10. john, i think you're doing traffic in the morning, just so you know. >> that's right. >> hey, but you know what, this is an easy job for me to do tonight with the weather as nice as it's been out there, no sweat, winds calm right now as the nights have been getting really nice, the days are still a little bit warm. we don't have much going on in arizona, but there is a big weather story in the pacific northwest, a monster storm really hammering washington, portland, northern california. it could be the strongest storm they have had in 50 years when it hits on saturday. we'll be keeping an eye on that. could be causing flooding for the folks in california. for us, not much high pressure system dominating for arizona, and this low pressure system up over the pacific northwest will move on out east. that will bring some of this moisture in behind it, but it's going to pull it north of arizona, so we will not be getting any effects from that storm system. take a look at our temps again right now. we talked about it. the evenings getting really nice, 82 here, 74 at surprise, also at cave creek 72, 74 fountain hills, these evenings are getting really perfect. were above normal. but the high was set back in 1989, 101 degrees. again, just a little bit above normal for us for the next few days. we'll be about three to five degrees above. the rest of the country, we told you about this storm system here, we also had some weather moving through texas and through parts of oklahoma, also causing a lot of problems there in terms of rainfall and flooding but that seems to be moving through pretty quickly. hopefully that won't linger for those folks. they certainly have had rain for this year for so far. 46 in prescott, up in the grand canyon 36 degrees, so getting close to that freezing mark, 36 for you also in window rock, 54 in globe, and 60 for tonight in gila bend for your overnight low. forecast highs for tomorrow, it's going to be another toasty one, 93 for us here in phoenix, 79 in prescott, 96 in bullhead city and lake havasu as well. 82 in page, safford at 89, and you are at 76 over in window north for a road trip, going to be nice and the leaves are changing as well. starting out at 70 degrees at 7:00 a.m., warming up pretty quickly throughout the day, expected to hit a high of 94 degrees for you tomorrow. here's a look at the ten-day, again, this is why i said not too bad right now, not much going on other than warm weather and sunshine. we don't have any chance of rain in the forecast. the downside to this is we are above normal, but we are getting there, moving in the right direction as far as getting to more seasonable temperatures, john. >> you love the 90s. >> yes. >> great decade. >> that's actually my genre. >> there you go. yeah, i'm going to be doing traffic tomorrow. nice job on the weather, by the way. >> thank you. i had some practice over the weekend. >> not that we don't miss dave. dave, our long time weatherman at fox 10 receiving a big honor for 41 years, his face as familiar to people in the valley as his signature signoff, watch your kids around water. although dave has been here at fox 10 for four decades, his broadcasting career actually began over 50 years ago on radio. >> these people that invite me into their homes several times a day, all of these years, let me tell you, it's more than weather, and it's more than water safety, and thank you for this great moment. thank you. >> you know what i love about dave too, so many great things, but the stories he has. >> he is a funny, funny guy. we thank you, dave, for everything that you have done here at fox 10, and we love working with you every day, so congratulations, my friend. that was great. coming up in the next half hour of fox 10 news at 9:00, we are learning some more new information about the valley woman arrested and facing terrorism charges. we'll have details on what investigators say she planned to do. plus, the holidays are coming quickly, but you may want to rethink your plans if it involves flying, we'll explain why. and later in our fox 10 talk back, is society just getting offended too easily? >> yes. >> i think so. and listen to this, there is a college that is offering counseling now for people who are upset by others halloween is that ice-t? nope, it's lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what's with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money marin saved by switching to geico. yo, ice-t! it's lemonade, man! we are learning more about a valley woman facing terrorism charges, federal and state investigators say michelle bastian planned an i.s.i.s. inspired terrorist attack with her husband, thomas bastian, who is serving a life sentence for murder at the louis prison. michelle did not say much during her court appearance. >> the defendant appears to be easily influenced by a coconspirator in this matter. >> court paperwork shows thomas became radicalized in prison, and terrorism related materials were found in his cell, including instructions on how to make a bomb. investigators say michelle was going to smuggle bomb making materials into the prison so her husband could build a bomb, plant it in a vending machine and kill the prison warden and other bystanders. michelle's home in florence was raided yesterday. >> five or six law enforcement out, yell fbi, search warrant, fbi search warrant. it's kind of crazy that people think they can do that. >> michelle bastian is facing terrorism and conspiracy charges. the attorney's office says thomas bastian could face charges as we. sheriff joe arpaio at the center of another court hearing today, this one to decide whether the immigrant workplace raids are >> this comes after federal prosecutors say they will file criminal contempt court charges against arpaio for ignoring a federal court order to stop those immigration sweeps. >> a battle in federal court today, an grapples immigrants rights group wants a federal judge to rule once and for all no more workplace raids to root out undocumented illegal immigrants. a workplace raid like this one, arrested. she came to the u.s. as a three-year-old. >> it was scary because i had never been in any type of trouble. i was handcuffed and taken to jail. >> arpaio was not only doing these raids for the people that he was picking up and criminalizing them and detaining them was making our life miserable, to create fear in our families. >> attorneys for the immigrants group blocks montgomery from taking matters into their own hands. but attorneys representing the maricopa county attorney's office and the maricopa county sheriff's office said the raids were not about illegal immigration at all, but about identity theft. >> we cannot be preempted from functions that are retained by the states under the tenth amendment. >> the judge will decide if the raids can stay or if they must go. >> the judge did not issue a ruling today. instead, he took the case under advisement. steve krafft, fox 10 news. taking a look at the presidential campaign, both hillary clinton and donald trump dealing with the fallout of new controversies that have affected both camps, the clinton camp trying to recover from the released by wikileaks that revealed damaging comments from her campaign staff about latinos, catholics, evangelicals and even bernie sanders supporters. >> i'm a catholic. i don't recognize that e-mail that we saw, and this whole effort is led by the russians. we are not going to do any more to comment or aid their efforts. publicly commented about the wikileaks e-mails but has turned to attacking donald trump. several women have come forward saying he made sexual advances toward them, four women now accusing the nominee of kissing or groping them against their wall. today he demanded that "the new york times" and the palm beach post retract their stories. >> these people are horrible people. they are horrible, horbl liar. the claims are preposterous, ludicrous, and defy truth, common sense and logic. >> trump is threatening to sue, but "the new york times" say they welcome litigation, saying in part they welcome a court to have the opportunity to set him straight. arrested for allegedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend's 78-year-old mother. the home, tied her up in the bedroom, and his ex-girlfriend found him in the home and he ran off. skyfox over the scene this afternoon, it was near 75th avenue and indian school road. police tell us someone opened fire on a car. a man was shot several times and he fired back. >> i hear bang bang bang bang bang. you know, and i look and, you know, i didn't see anything. a few minutes later, i hear a couple of cars coming by, and that's about it. >> well, the man was taken to the hospital. no word on his condition. parents try to keep their kids safe when they are behind the wheel. rose by 10% last year. aaa questioned more than 140 driving instructors on mistakes teens make behind the wheel. >> distractions are huge. today's teens have grown up in a age of connectedness. we need to look at the alarming trend and say what can we do to make teens >> there is no word on whether the issue will come up in the next legislative session. well, saturday you have got a confluence of events going on in northern arizona. n.a.u.'s homecoming, the lumber jacks have the homecoming parade, and they have started opening bars at 6:00 in the morning. it's known as tequila sunrise, and last year things got a little bit out of control. arresting 41 people. additional officers will be on hand for the annual drinking festival. ? well, he has penned some of music's most timeless songs. of course, we are talking about bob dylan, and he was awarded the 2016 nobel prize in literature. his influence as a lyr song writer over the last 50 years. hess the first american winner of the nobel literature prize since author tony morris in 1993. he's coming to the valley this week and will play at the comerica theater on sunday is. are you looking for a job and need some extra cash maybe? one of the world's largest retailers is hiring, and as you already may know, we have an amazing location right here in the valley. the break. >> first impressions are everything, right? well, a valley teen making a huge debut on the ice last night, making nhl history in the process. a local kid, what he did that no other professional hockey player scores, a hat trick! oh my goodness! what a debut! this was unbelievable. this was amazing. a valley teen makes history becoming the first player to score four goals in their first nhl game. and i'll tell you what, these were not garbage goals. these were beautiful goals. 19-year-old auston matthews is a scottsdale native who played for the arizona bob cats for three coaches today who said auston always had incredible talent, incredible drive. >> always the one asking, coach, can i come on the ice with that group, coach. he was always looking for it, never been pushed by his parents. it was really coming from him. we are told that auston stops by the rink in the summertime and is a mentor to the kids learning the game and playing the game it could be an absolute game changer for fans attending the game. it uses artificial fans to give real time readings of the lines at the game. how long will you wait to get into the concession stand, go to the bathroom, all of these very important things that you want to know to time it all out. it analyzes the lines in the stadium and then sends the data back to the app so you can check stadium. the indiana pacers are the latest to partner with the app. >> there's the app in the movie theater where you can find the best time to go to the bathroom. stores that will be closed on thanksgiving day, the latest joining the list, t.j. maxx, marshals and game stop. they want employees to spend more time with family and friends but they also want to really kind of recapture the excitement of black friday shopping, so a little pent up demand. >> let's hope that continues. i like that idea. >> love it. you may want to reconsider your travel plans if you are thinking about traveling around the holidays. thanksgiving and christmas are two of the nation's busiest it will drop at christmas week and then sky rocket again. so one possibility, nonstop flights are more expensive than connecting flights, so if seats are available, you could save if you're willing to make one or more stops along the way. the closer we get to travel time, the more expensive it gets. point, click, you're hired. online retailing giant amazon is adding 120,000 seasonal workers for the upcoming shopping season, a 20% increase from last year. now, a bunch of those temp workers ended up getting full-time jobs, so it could be a good omen for them. in the meantime, it is getting a little bit more expensive to buy a home, a 30-year fixed rate mortgage ticking higher this week to just below 3.5%, very low historically. and it is very hard to make a clean break when you are taking a break from the office, because according to a new survey, less than half of travelers checking in and replying to work e-mails while on vacation. and we all live in a lego submarine, the iconic toy company releasing a yellow submarine kit honoring the classic beatles song and movie. coming up next, our talkback segment after the break, and we are talking about baby name regret. and halloween costume counseling. never heard of it? that's because it's brand-new and being offered at one college. we are talking about that next. james p. walsh: to keep our community safe - we need a sheriff who will put fighting violent crime ahead of his own political agenda. paul penzone has been a decorated crime-fighter for over 20 years. a police officer, undercover investigator, and dea task force agent of the year. paul penzone caught murderers, paul penzone... coming up in just a few minutes on fox 10 news at 10:00, a u.s. missile strike in yemen raising tensions overseas even more. what u.s. officials say the attack was in response to. plus, hundreds of jobs on their way to southern arizona as a new space in tuscon. what that company will do and just how many jobs will it be creating. again, that's coming up in a couple of minutes on fox 10 news at 10:00. time for tonight's talkers. >> first up, the university of florida is taking what some are calling a hypersensitive approach when it comes to halloween costumes on campus. you've probably never heard of this. the school says if students are offended or scared by halloween, they will have counselors on hand to help them through this traumatic experience. parents too, have parents come down and talk them through it? >> and it's not a joke, the university posted an article on the website this week saying they should avoid costumes that avoid stereotypes or other offensive themes. no problem with that, but i can't imagine a college aged student having to go see a counselor because of something you saw on halloween. i don't know. >> i don't understand this, because college not supposed to become the nanny state where they take care of you every moment and tha you might have is met with, you know, this kind of response. >> because you're not -- >> it's ridiculous. >> you're not that far away from the real world, quote/unquote, and nobody is going to be there to help you out with that. >> i agree. >> they are giving it a shot. a person's name is something that they keep with them through their whole life, until they maybe you don't like your name. studies have found that people with certain names tend to be more successful, so when parents have a new bundle of joy, it's important to give them a name and something that maybe the baby will grow into it be a positive throughout life. according to a new survey, one third of parents didn't give enough thought to the name and they regret it. trendy names problem. >> i don't know if celebrities started this trend, but -- >> apple? >> that one sticks out. and the kids have no choice. but what i think the parents are trying to do is give them something so unique, because they are seeing so many johns and marks out there. >> i go to my kids school, and there are very few john and marks anymore. >> we'll. we are a dying breed? >> we are, we are. >> i think they are trying to spell them differently. jason would maybe be jayson. >> or a z. we always enjoy hearing from you, head to our facebook page, share your thoughts. john hook fox 10, you can find me there. >> and marc martinez fox 10. we would love to hear from you. >> we would. >> i'll tell you what, john and marc, if the cardinals are going to win monday night, they are going to have to contend with a very physical, aggressive front 7, richard saenz at practice today. and by the way, drama between the dodgers and the nationals. l.a. pulls a randy johnson out of the bullpen. wait until you see what happened you're watching fox 10 sports with jude lacava. lining up against a very aggressive new york jets defense that prides itself on stopping the run, and know this, todd bowles has some very physical players along that defensive front 7. so how would the cardinals approach the jets come monday night? could it be the run game, and could it be of course playing to the strength of number 31, david johnson, who does so much for it? now a look at that very dynamic richardson, keep in mind they played the steelers last week, le'veon bell held to 66 yards rushing on 20 carries, impressive, these guys strong against the run, weak on the pass, but there's 96, wilkerson was well. and richard saenz with a chance to check in with the cardinals as they get set for another big challenge come monday night. >> after the win, larry fitzgerald had nothing to say about the backup quarterback, drew it's great to have carson palmer back in action, and oh, by the way, it also helps when you have a running back like david johnson. >> i see him continue to get better. he's already our most explosive offensive player just in the second year. he runs a route as good as we do on the outside. obviously some of these runs that should have been negative plays, turned it into positives. he has been awesome for us. and as a receiver, you just really want to get on your man. you know he is going to get to the second level, get to the third level, and you never want to be the guy on tape that negates a touchdown. >> it's official, online voting for the pro bowl opened up, and larry fitzgerald making it to the 10th pro bowl of his year, only jerry rice for wide receivers has more at 13. richard saenz, fox 10 sports. it's on my45 monday night football, the new york jets, post-game show right here on fox 10. thursday night football, the chargers with so many heartbreaking losses the early part of this season finally break through with the broncos, rivers to henry here, 7-0 lead for san diego at home, just desperate to try to win a football game. how about this. man, you have still got to like trevor siemian, bringing it they needed a hail mary on a 4-1, comes up short, and yes, the chargers win 21-13 the final, the chargers go to 2-4 with that win. for the sun devils, i understand manny wilkins did in fact practice today. he was in a boot on saturday when of course the sun devils battled ucla. there was some question whether or not he would be able to play. he did practice today. of course, also know that quarterback. todd graham very confident all week long that manny wilkins will be ready to go when the sun devils take on the colorado buffalos at boulder. >> i anticipate him to play. i don't know how much. obviously, that could change. but i anticipate him to play. but if we had to play today, it would probably be a combination, so we'll see. hopefully a couple of more days, he'll be ready to go completely, he did the two-minute drill today, and it looked good. >> post-season baseball, plenty of drama, rogers, baker, nationals, dodgers, winner takes all in the championship cup nl series. this was one to watch. how about it, joc pederson, a solo shot off scherzer, 2-1 dodgers, and then off the a two run triple, kendrick and ruiz would score, l.a. a 4-1 lead. but the nationals weren't done yet. mike rizzo, does he want to come back to arizona, a two-run shot, and it's 4-3 dodgers. we go to the bottom of the 9th with clayton kershaw, pulling a randy johnson, coming out of the bullpen, trying to close out the nationals, and he does just that. the dodgers will take on the the world series and the national league championship series, dodgers win 4-3. jerry colangelo, team u.s.a., he will stay on for the next olympics. listen to this. >> just think about how great the situation it is to go from coach k. to popovich to coaching san antonio, it's going to be seamless in that sense. as we get ready for 2020 in tokyo, and that is my last olympics, for sure, because i would have retired from that responsibility in rio, but popovich put a condition on him taking the job. he says, i'll do it with one condition, that you stay. >> how about that, four straight -- would that be four straight gold medals, three of shooting for gold in tokyo. we'll keep an eye on what happens to mike rizzo. does he make a move back to arizona? we'll talk about that more in 20 minutes. right now, it's marc martinez with fox 10 news at 10:00. fox 10 news at 10:00 starts now. and we begin tonight with this fox 10 news alert out of phoenix. skyfox was overhead as police say they took possible armed robbery suspects into custody here, and you can see the officers there stroungged surrounding the car, directing one person out of the driver seat at gunpoint. that person walking with hands over head, this was near 35th avenue on i-10. they believed there were robbery suspects in the car after a cvs at 43rd and thomas was robbed. another news alert out of the east valley where police tell us a teenager riding a bike is in critical condition right now after being hit by a car. skyfox over this scene as well,

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