Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 9pm 20161010 : comparemela

Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 9pm 20161010

broderick, and kathleen willie, those women were invited to be in the audience. >> the stage was set for a very interesting debate to say the least. >> our john hook and steve krafft in missouri covering this highly anticipated debate. they join us live. guys, what did you think? >> that was the ugliest debate in u.s. history. i think there is no doubt about it we descended to a point where i thought we couldn't. but f d been an improvement on his earlier debate performance. he may have gained a little ground tonight. >> it was ugly. from the get go. a lot of insults. it was a question who could get off the better one liner insults. better got off the better one liner insults. >> and it ended fortunately with a little bit of con geniality and a hand -- congeniality. look at the strangeness when they came out on the debate stage and there was no hand an awkward moment. i don't know how else to put it. it was odd. they did not exchange a handshake. and you could feel the tension in the room and then they both got into this access hollywood video that you have been hearing and reading about that was 11 years ago and that access hollywood bus, billy bush interviewing trump. they were getting ready to do a bit for a soap opera. and a cameo for trump and trump said some unseemly they talked about it, both of them on the debate stage. >> this was locker room talk. i'm not proud of it. i apologize to pie family. i apologized to the american people. certainly i'm not proud of it. but this is locker room talk. >> what we all saw and heard on friday was donald talking about women. what he thinks about women. what he does to women. >> it's just words, folks. it's just words. them for many years. >> steve, do you think he helped himself? >> yeah, i think for the people who wanted to believe in donald trump, again, he reassured them but the think i keep returning to for a lot of women, voters, that he reassure them that he is a guy they can feel good about. that's an open question. >> that's a group he desperately got to get. >> he needs more women voters. he has the survey. he has to get passed that to win. >> he has to grow it conversely, he went after hillary clinton hard on the e-mail controversy, the hardest he has gone so far on a debate stage. take a listen. >> bernie sanders between super delegates and deborah wasserman-schultz never had a chance and i'm surprised to see him sign on with the devil. when you tack about apology. the one you should be apologizing for and the thing the 33,000 e-mails that you deleted. i didn't think i would say this but i'm going to say it. and i hate to say it. but if i win, i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. >> of course it's not that simple. he can't waive a magic wand as president and put somebody in jail but making the point that the public is very uncomfortle to be. >> it's a powerful attack for him. come on, do you think he hated to say if he becomes the president he is going to bring in a special prosecutor to put hillary behind bars. i don't think it was something he hated to say. >> as ugly as this got tonight, surprisingly it ended with a hand shake as we talked about at the top and ended with both of them talking about what they respect or admired in each other. take a listen to that. children. his children are incredibly able and devoted and i think that says a lot about donald. >> i will say this about hillary. she doesn't quit. she doesn't give up. i respect that. i tell it like it is. >> i will tell you, what on that score it was probably good for the american people to at least finish the night on a bit of a high note because the rest of this descended into the gutter for the most part it was ugly especially that first 30 minute. >> they left each other hanging at the beginning. didn't shake hands. they did at the end. that's a little better. it's a little progress. >> kelly ann conway, i talked to her in the spin room. trump's campaign manager and thought this hit the reset button for donald trump. you would expect her to say that but she felt that they gain a little ground tonight what did her counterpart say? >> he felt that hillary clearly answer or put to rest this whole business about what happened in that access hollywood video. >> there you have it from washington university in st. louis, we will have more coming up tonight at 10:00. i think the general consensus for the trump people is they may have gained a little ground and he had a better night tonight than he did on the first brunch? that's great! where'd you get that idea? well... sweetie? you know what we're craving right now? crispy chicken, and fried egg, with bacon. like brunch. brunch? but it's 8pm and it's tuesday. huh, i wonder if my mother would like to stay with us... should we get started? who wants coffee? introducing my new brunchfast menu. with tasty options like my brunch burger and a crispy bacon and egg chicken sandwich. investigating a shooting near police are investigating a shooting near 35th avenue and camelback early this morning officers say that two men pulled guns and at least one of them opened fire. one man was taken to the hospital in critical condition. police detained one person and it's not clear what led to that sh caught on camera a man has his camping trip ruined when his supplies are stolen from the back of his truck the morning he was planning on leaving. it happened in garden lakes near 107th avenue and thomas. video captures the man stealing camping supplies from the back of the victim's truck. the victim says he goes on a one week vacation every year. he was going to leave at 3:00 in the morning and then finds out his things were stolen. somebody would steal the camping supplies from the back of their truck. >> when people feel that something sitting out i think i will take it, you know, they are basically taking something that doesn't belong to them and teaching their children the same thing. >> any information on that case you are asked to call avondale police. beautiful and warm weekend out there but temperatures, they are going to continue to be well above average as we get into the people love cheeseburgers... and spicy flavors like chipotle and jalape?o... wait! what if i put them together?! smoky chipotle sauce, pepper jack cheese, and jalapenos, on a buttery bakery bun. i'll call it the chipotle jalapeno burger! boom. someone got that, right? chipotle sauce. pepper jack cheese. you'll call it the chipotle jalape?o burger. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing the chipotle jalape?o burger. just a beautiful weekend. i hope you have a chance to get outside and enjoy it. the next several days are nice as well. it's already 84 degrees at sky harbor. we will continue to cool down into the upper 60s and low 70s overnight. and an area of low pressure moving through colorado today. an high pressure building back in a pretty weak ridge but nonetheless we will see warm and dry conditions. temperature-wise we already cooled into the 40s in flagstaff. grand canyon in the 50s like st. johns and show low. 67 for safford. a degree cooler for douglas. seasonal temperature today. it came in well above the seasonal norm. 97 what we waim in for the so well above what we hit for our warm afternoon high today. we obviously have been talking about matthew for many days. this is now a post tropical cyclone. the moisture continues to creep its way along the mid-atlantic and new england coast line. most of the moisture you will notice has pushed off the united states coast. now that said over the next couple of days we could see 9 remnants of the storm bringing rain showers frrk a to an inch and a half in places like connecticut to rhode island and higher rainfall totals farther east into the atlanta. inch and a half to three and a half inches and the real rainmaker is going to be through parts of nova scotia. anywhere from two and a half inches to seven inches of rain. tonight 73. lake havasu. 48 show low and 37 for flag. tomorrow really nice day out there. 83 winslow. 78 prescott. 86 for kingman and 95 degrees expected for casa grande. tonight. possibly into tomorrow as well. we will see numbers in the mid- to low 90s throughout the course of your workweek. well, what would the cardinals do without starting right guard evan mathis. what happens to the injury of iupati. just a few of the questions we addressed with the cards insider, mik but let's talk post season baseball. we get set for the dodgers and the nationals and this happened earlier this afternoon. this is an interesting game. cory seiger home run in the first inning. l.a. jumping out on top. it's a fun series. been a very entertaining post season for mlb. fourth inning, jose with a home run and a three-run shot and that gives the nats a 3-2 lead. and just wonder what mick rizzo, something happen this post season. it's been disappointing when it comes to the nats in the post season. fifth inning, daniel murphy sends this to the outfield. here comes turner, 4-2 the nats on top. more murphy. man, when he heats up, he is a game changer and what a year he has had. here he goes again. this time opposite field. jayson werth is going for it right here. and he safe at the plate. nats win and even up the series. they win 5-2 as for the bluejays and the rangers, incarsian, this job in the first inning, 2-0 toronto. keep an eye on the play right here. what's interesting is you let it out there and go forward and try to pull this one in and texas battles back into this game. back and forth we would go. keep an eye on what happens here. this is key. actually get to that final and we are running short on time with plenty of action. cards injury updates and mike jurecki in-studio and plus roy green retrospective ring of honor. a special look at his career and sun's head c c james p. walsh: to keep our community safe - we need a sheriff who will put fighting violent crime ahead of his own political agenda. paul penzone has been a decorated crime-fighter for over 20 years. a police officer, undercover investigator, and dea task force agent of the year. paul penzone caught murderers, nd bars, and created award-winning programs that protect our community. paul penzone... a new sheriff who will put our safety first. hey guys. i called you all in because i just had an idea. brunch. allday, every day. brunch? that's great! where'd you get that idea? well... sweetie? you know what we're craving right now? crispy chicken, and fried egg, with bacon. like brunch. brunch? but it's 8pm and it's tuesday. introducing my new brunchfast menu. with tasty options like my brunch burger and a crispy bacon and egg chicken sandwich. i was very uncomfortable with the words of i thought it was disgusting, terrible. awful. but as we heard tonight he again he apologized. he understood it was the wrong thing to do. >> former arizona governor john brewer at tonight's debate reacting to the leaked audio controversy that dogged donald trump it was a topic he briefly addressed and then moved on from debate tonight. >> it's been a rough couple of days and both campaign dealing with the fallout. >> and tonight neither candidate holding back in that debate. both john hook and steve krafft are in missouri and we are at that debate. john hook joins us live with the latest. >> well, mark, i think you have to be honest about it. the past 48 hours have been tougher on donald trump because of that video that leaked and the audio that leaked from access hollywood from 11 ago. that was and is the big story and it was really -- it permeated the entire debate tonight and hillary clinton's e-mail controversy will get to that in a minute that would have been topic one had it not been for this donald trump really unseemly talk on that bus. the two met on the debate stage here at washington university in st. louis. no hand shake. it was very tense. at one point trump called her the devil. she called him unfit for office it was nasty. issue of trump's treatment of women through the years. as evidence on that discussion on board that bus with access hollywood. take a listen to the exchange tonight. >> have great respect for women. nobody has more respect for women than i do. >> for the record you are saying you never -- >> frankly -- you hear these things. they are said. and i was embarrassed by it but i have tremendous respect for women. >> have you done those things? >> they have respect for me, i will tell you no i >> what we saw and heard on friday was donald talking about women. what he thinks about women. what he does to women. and he has said that the video doesn't represent who he is. but i think it's clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is. >> and hillary clinton keeps hammering that point that donald believe him. that's what she keeps saying. he keeps saying she can't be trusted. she is a liar. she has been lying about these e-mails and lied about many issues over the years. he says she can't be trusted and he hit the e-mail controversy equally as hard. >> when you talk about apology, i think the one you should be apologizing for and the thing you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 e-mails that you deleted. if i win, my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. >> that was a mistake and i take responsibility for using a personal e-mail account. after a year long investigation there is no evidence that anyone hacked the server i was using. and there is no evidence that anyone can point to at all basis that any classified material ended up in the wrong hands. >> i don't know if that will end it. steve krafft joins me live. trump people saying he got his footing back and the clinton people saying it's not going to make much difference. >> with respect what went on in that access hollywood bus. so i talked directly to rudy guiliani who is a key adviser, former mayor of new york for donald trump and thenhe campaign. they radically different views of whether mr. trump is able to sort of morph on passed this scandal. let's listen to both of them. >> this next issue is minor compared to the number of people that are being shot in chicago during the course of the debate at least one person was shot in chicago and one person shot every two hour. >> sounds like pivot. >> that's not a pivot. that's what american people are worried about. taxes. i'm not worried about somebody's tapes. i'm not worried am i going to be safe? you will take money out of my pocket or put money into my pocket. will i have a job? or not? >> saying this was only rockerroom banter when everybody said and was disgusted by what was on that tape in that case he walked back from the sort of pseudo apology he had given. >> so mr. trump says he has moved on from this whole business. have moved on with him? >> we talked about whether this town hall debate format will fit trump. i didn't go into think it would fit him but actually now having seen it i think it may have played a little better for him tonight than being behind that podium. >> true but it didn't feel like a town hall to me. where was the town? it was just -- these to candidates going at it like a couple of 2350eu9ers and every once in awhile someone would pipe up with a question and when they talk. >> we may have gotten four questions from the folks in the found -- in the town hall it was ugly and i'm sure a lot of americans felt very uncomfortable watching it because to see two presidential candidates going at it like this, boy, we descended a ways. it was ugly to watch. >> one of them will win. >> that's right. >> thank you. great coverage tonight on the debate from st. louis. we appreciate it. and again i was expecting more well. i that i lot of people at home were, too. it's the way it played out. >> continuing our team coverage of tonight's debate. people across the valley tuning in and some getting together for watch parties. >> stefania okolie is live at asu in tempe where students and professors watched the event tonight and she is there with their reaction. >> that's right. it was a very productive viewing party that they had hear at the performing media arts center asu. the students were very excited and really were anticipating watching this debate considering the recent two days that we have seen on this campaign trail. following the debate. i asked a couple of them rather several of them what they thought and here is a listen to what they had to say. >> was this a civilized debate? >> civilized is a very uniquely used terminate sense here. i would say at this point, no. >> i th so in front of the town hall. i think they approached it a little better than the first one. i like to say. although they still aren't doing the best i think of being civilized. >> either-or both of candidates got their points across when it came to policies? >> i think they were trying to get there but it seemed like they were going back and forth at each other trying to attack the other. >> i believe they definitely did because politicians have a way they definitely were able to bring about their own views. >> the answer to the questions in again very nuance sentences. >> do you think the candidates are mature? >> i think hillary is more mature than trump. >> do you think donald trump came across as a presidential candidate this evening? >> i think donald trump came off as he normally does as a bully. >> i think more so than he has in the past. >> i don't think so. >> do you believe she speaking? about policy. >> i believe hillary has thought through the policies she wants to implement. >> she has a record of being a liar so -- >> yeah, and following that debate they did something like a civil dialogue between each other where they went through certain hot topics about the debate asking the student, will donald trump make america great again? also talking about the topic of earlier or rather late last week. where donald trump was caught saying crude and lewd comments about women. but the point of the civil dialogue was for the students to gather and do it in a productive way and non-arguable way and going through the rules of civility. something that many of them say they didn't see in this debate this evening or in the last debate. back to you guys. thank you very much for that tonight. one after he had something stolen from the back of his truck. up next, we will tell you what the suspect got away with. two offensive linemen are hurt and a quarterback coming back from a concussion protocol. what is in store for the cardinals? we will get into it with cards insider mike jurecki. plus a special look at one of the all time greats, ring of honor roy green and his remarkable career from really deion sanders before there was a honor a look you won't get anywhere else and earl watson one-on-one with the phoenix suns. we look ahead to the start of their season and the changes. mike jurecki and a whole lot more including asu's big win last night over ucla in 20

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