Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 5pm 20161028 : comparemela

Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 5pm 20161028

i'm diein'. >> it pain the only way to describe how folks are feeling on this hot day at the arizona state fair. >> you know, my little fan here. feels nice. keep them cool. >> i'm sprinkling off the nose sweat. >> that's not always comfortable. a fall day or lack thereof bringing in record breaking heat for this time of the year. we hit 100 degrees. it's heat that these folks aren't typically used to. >> we come out here every year and this is just can't believe >> that didn't stop hundreds of fair goers from packing the fairgrounds but they didn't come without their umbrellas to block the scorching sun or their fans. as for the hard working cooks braving the heat elements. >> tell everybody we are not drinking sewed as. >> -- >> i will say the swings because it takes you all the way up into the sky and you got that nice breeze in your face. >> best foods to keep cooled >> yeah, dominic was actually talking about the foods that keep us warm. you said the lemonade there are so many other things like this delicious ice cream here. what else? >> the nitro pop. that frozen popcorn we love so much. it's really not that warm out here. might be warm somewhere else but at the fair it's really cool. >> it's warm. we aren't going to lie to the viewers. it's definitely warm out here. but of course not stopping anyone from coming. we are waiting on you guys. >> he he is a marketing guy. that is funny stuff. >> i love she doesn't get down about it. >> she is a trooper. >> she is dealing with it. >> the heat wave affecting the halloween plans and now people are picking pumpkins wearing summer clothes. the tacoma chaw farm in glenda. they are seeing more people at the pumpkin patch because they have shade there. they see even more when the sun goes down actually. >> and the rare sight when it's almost november, but we found dip in the pool. it's always good to swim in the pool in arizona. we stopped by the phoenician resort in scottsdale and caught people in the pool. they were soaking up the sun, soaking in the pool. >> this is great. >> 100-degree heat. the water temperature probably nice and toasty as well. >> so today we set a heat record. i know you shocked. >> when will it cool down? is fall weather ever going to arrive? dave munsey joins us with the answers. >> well, we have some answers yeah, look at that. another hot day today. we get up to 100 degrees. it's the latest 100-degree temperature ever. now october 23rd, 2003 the old october latest date and now october 2016, 90 or better, warmer days. we had 23 straight of those so far. it's really getting warm out there. and let's take a look at the record we get to 100 degrees. that happens in 2001. and it's the 99th time we hit 100 degrees in 2016. and then take a look at it. it's cooling down. but we are going to stay in the 90s through friday, saturday and sunday. do we leave it there? no, we aren't going to leave it there. we will take a look at halloween which isn't a bad day because temperatures will be dropping. by the time you get out trick or treating, 5:00 in the evening, you are ready and it's going to be 80 degrees. we will see scary weather at 78 de pretty sleepy by 9:00 and it will be 74 degrees. so some nice looking weather for trick or treat day. the high that day will be in the mid-80s as temperatures drop out of the 90s for that one special day. we will have more weather coming up. dave, you see when the pressure was on you delivered. on halloween you delivered. be sure to download the fox 10 weather app. you can keep track of all of the temperatures hour by hour. it's free and you can find a link at crime solved. it is such a sad crime. the reward for information leading to the arrest in the salt river wild horses shooting and mutilation case continues to grow. the humane society is offering up a reward of $2,500 bringing the grand total to $6,000 if you can help find the people responsible. detectives say on october 21, a man wearing black shorts and dark green shirt shot three foals at the pebble beach recreation area and foals was killed and mutilated. the other two are being monitored by volunteers. if you have any information call the maricopa county sheriff's office. and we are less than two weeks from election day and we all know the tensions are high right now. all over the valley we heard reports of campaign signs being vandalized or stolen. in south phoenix a man there says he caught someone on video damaging his signs. andrew hasbun spoke with him and he joins us now live with a look signs. they are everywhere. we are just two weeks away from the campaign as you mentioned. he put some of these signs up in front of his condo complex in south phoenix. and when those signs started disappearing, he set up a camera. >> the video shows a man walking on base line road near 36th street and as he approaches the campaign sign, he walks right into it damaging it and then keeps on walking. >> i'm very upset the republican side. >> he snapped the photos of the damaged sign and called police but he wasn't about to give up. he got more signs and placed them in the median along base line road and all of the signs were supporting donald trump and sheriff joe arpaio. >> first gave every opportunity to express their opinion on anything. so it's like hillary is fine with me. i like to have the right to put out my sign and not to be move time and captured photos of someone walking down the median and taking his signs out of the ground and leaving. in all, this person got away with more than a dozen signs. >> i was very surprised because if you go through base line road you see maybe hundreds of signs. but all in our area the sheriff sign and the trump sign was removed, stolen or destroyed. >> this is not a first. back in the primaries we found sheriff joe arpaio signs vandalized in north phoen in peoria a few days ago signs urging voters to support that city's prop 400 were stolen. >> well, it goes without saying that people are passionate as we approach election day. we should remind everyone that stealing or damaging campaign signs can be considered a crime in arizona. reporting live in phoenix, andrew hasbun, "fox 10 news." trump supporters in protesters gathering on asu tempe campus today but not his son donald trump, jr., campaigning for him at the university this afternoon. donald trump not taking arizona for granted. he is heading back to phoenix for a rally on sunday. but today it was his son, donald trump, jr., talking to students at asu about the importance of the election and why they need to get out and vote. fox 10's steve krafft was at the rally and he is live in tempe with more on the visit today. >> well, last week we had chelsea clinton looking for support for her mom. well today not to be outdone, we had donald trump, jr., here at asu looking for support for his dad. >> donald j. trump, jr.,. >> it wasn't donald trump it was donald trump, jr., it was close enough for the crowd that -- at asu. donald trumpjure's target, hillary clinton. >> in a year of change where they were sick of the usual candidates. they gave you the most typical, the elite of the elite, the most corrupt candidate in the history of u.s. politics. hillary clinton. she came into new york and she was going to be a senator there. i will bring 200,000 jobs to new york state. guess how many she brought? worse than that. negative 8,000 jobs by the time she left. >> after donald , jr.'s, brief speech, the action shifted to outside of the gym. >> protesters. these people are against donald trump and across from them are people who are in favor of donald trump. only a line of asu police are separating the two groups. >> he has sexually assaulted women. he has spoken against muslims, some muslims who are veterans and have fought for this country and i do not stand for hate or bigotry. that is why i'm here today. >> i like his immigration policy. i think we need to restore more sovereignty back not united states and building a wall is one of the best things to do it. >> reporter: a lot of mittical passion. a lot of political passion on display here at asu today. both sides, both campaigns well aware that young voters could determine who wins arizona on november 8. reporting live in tempe at asu, steve krafft, "fox 10 news." we want to clear that up that donald trump will be her we were getting details right now this is mike pence's plane at laguardia in new york that slid off the runway on to the infield. you see pence and a driving rainstorm. he is okay. no be was hurt on the plane. everything is fine. developing at 5:00, protesters have been cleared from a camp on a private land at the path of the dakota access oil pipeline. officers dressed in riot gear fired bean bags and pepper spray on to the crowd. arrested, opponents trying to stop a 1200 mile pipeline that would carry oil from western north dakota to illinois. they say that it could endanger water supplies and disturb cultural sites. coming up at 5:00 a massive makeover in the works for the arizona center in downtown phoenix. >> and visitors heading to sedona to see the fall colors. they got a new tool to get their questions answered. before they pack their bags. >> and all the rage. a couple of them are touring across arizona and we have a are you looking for a quick getaway? maybe out of the heat. maybe some fall colors in gorgeous red rock country. >> there is a new way to find out where to go and how to get there right from your smartphone. >> sedona's number one industry is >> sedona is known for its sunshine and red rocks. >> it's a $600 million industry and nearly 3 million visitors visit our area each year. >> visitors from around the world like to hike and bike its trails or just admire the beauty, the scenery. but it's a big place. so how do you find the right spot when you visit. >> we are so excite to be the first ever in the country to provide text messaging services to our visitors. >> that's right. and get a quick answer. just text this number, 1-800-288-7336. the number is on injure screen will -- on your screen and we will post it on your website as well. the sedona chamber of commerce started this service about a month ago. >> it's starting off slow but still receiving about 20 techs a day. >> this is where the texts come in. >> i will be here next weekend. is there a map of galleries to visit. >> most common question this time of year. oak creek canyon right now? is a really hot topic. yes, they are changing in oak creek canyon right now and it's absolutely beautiful. >> we found plenty of fall colors just north of town. >> a lot of the questions revolve on i'm here now what? now what do i do? can you help me? >> and they say you never know what a visitor might ask. >> how did this place come to be special? >> where are the vortexes and what do they mean? what energies are they and how do i get to them? >> beautiful up there. it's always worth the trip to sedona any time you can find it. if you would like to get more information on that story and answer your questions, just text you can find that phone number on remember, do not text and drive. the city of sedona has a law prohibiting that with hefty fines. it was once the downtown phoenix really. the arizona center opened back in 1990. you might remember espn did their super bowl show from there when we had the first super bowl in 1996. it's made up of restaurant, mall and all of the office space. and now the center's owners are planning a big face lift. so the massive $250 million transformation set to get underway early next year. let's take a look at the property bought back by parallel capital partners. angelo gordon and company last year. new retail tenants may include craft breweries and we will get a open feeling a casual dining and shopping options and entertainment options. parking, valet parking will also be added. so take a look at that get valet parking right there. and developers say the goal is to open that space really to open it up and make it feel more li an open shopping area. all of the current tenants will remain open during the renovation. work is expected to take nine monthd to complete. it looks really nice. well, the latest 100-degree temperature ever today in the month of october and also a record high. we've got it all. y25koy yvpy well, hi, folks. take a look at it 98 degrees right now. that's what we were forecasting. it got away from us by a couple of degrees. winds out of the south, southeast at five miles per hour. little bit of cloudiness, little valley today. 95 right now in dear valley 93 in apache junction. it's 99 in chandler. and in glendale it's 99 degrees as well. warm all over and you can seat moisture flowing into california, a little bit of cloud cover flowing into arizona. that is seymour, seymour is out to the south of us here. pushing moisture up here. in a hurricane but dying very rapidly as it gets in to this cooler water here. but for us and sending moisture up for the folks on the west coast. boy, they need that moisture and you can see that they are getting it there. not much coming over in our direction. the breezes are down. the winds are still blowing up in globe. there were a few more earlier and there you go. 100-degrees on the high today. you see that 99 at goodyear. we have 96 at deer valley. 99 at gateway and in chandler. even in the mountains up there pretty good. 86 degrees in sedona. we get into the 70s in flagstaff. had a run of 60s up there for awhile. 93 degrees at gila bend. 92 in yuma and 97 degrees down in tucson. here is your day. 100 on the high. 70 on the low. 84 and 60 normal high and low. record high 98. we will be changing that of course to 100. 39 is the record low. we are temperatures down into the low 90s a lot of low 90s around and then we will see some 70s, a few 60s across the mountains and then continued 90s. a few mid-90s as far as the deserts are concerned. we got some moisture in the west and moisture mixed with snow in the northeast. they are still seeing some snow up there. 74 degrees overnight. 92 degrees for tomorrow as it's not quite as warm as it has been. and then look at monday. degrees. even some 70s in the forecast. watch your kids around water. if one of it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. paul babeu is abusive. physical and sexual abuse at a boarding school. woman: a school that used to be run by pinal county sheriff paul babeu. disturbing. man: babeu's school was unlicensed, abusive, and dangerous. woman: paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. man: congressional candidate not only ran a boarding school rife with abuse, he supported the abusive practices and even bragged about them. paul babeu is unfit to represent us. pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. you love all-day breakfast. i love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites all day. i don't love that. but now you're gonna love that you can get more all day. like mcgriddles. i love mcgriddles... so you'll have to find something else to not love. hey buddy! like exploding fist bumps. pggggggghew! or forgetting what you're about to do. wait...what was i about to do? or when people who say you look like... get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. in the future, this could be a way of living. but for now it's a great attraction and a vacation option as well. >> we are talking about tiny. tiny homes. no bigger than mobile home. these tiny houses are touring across the country and they just parked it in mesa. >> reporter: a tiny house, open house. >> adults describe it as an adult play house. >> meet fin and rose. each less than 260 square feet. about the size of a master bedroom in noes homes. >> -- most home. >> fin and rose are on tour going to rv parks across the country. you can see the tiny homes at the viewpoint resort in mesa. >> they can travel. there are rvia certified rvs. >> and then on 19th and december 1, you can actually tour inside the homes. while fin and rose have a different decor on the outside, both homes have a full bathroom, a kitchen, lofted sleeping space and clever storage options. just check out the stairs that double as dresser drawers. >> you got pretty much everything you need and you can have a nice little vacation. or there is a lot of people that want to ?liveinthese. >> if you are thinking about downsizing in a big way, these $75,000. or you can try it out one night at a time. to see if the tiny lifestyle is for you. marc martinez, "fox 10 news." so after their stay at the view point resort in mesa, they -- the traveling tiny house tour is in verde valley in cotton wood and you can spend the night and vacation in those tiny homes. if you are interested, we put a link to traveling tiny at a trip to the dentist good for your teeth and apparentl as well. >> one man comes face to face with a shark and this guy lives to tell about it. >> later on why it could be the end of the line for mariah carey and her billionaire boyfriend. >> tonight on fox 10, it's an all new rosewood at 7:00 and then trade rumors swirl on hitch vo: 13 year-old sabrina told a school counselor she was raped by her uncle. her counselor called sheriff joe arpaio's office. but arpaio failed to protect her. for three more years, sabrina's uncle continued to rape her - and arpaio did nothing. rapes, assaults, even child molestation, remain uninvestigated, while arpaio focuses on his personal agenda. arpaio talks tough, this next story is pretty amazing- in 2013 - a valley family found a ring in amazing- in 2013 - a in 2013 a valley family found this ring in their home. the owner of the ring passed away but his family is getting that heirloom back and you thank a facebook post. danielle miller is joining us live with the story. >> the woman who found this ring made it never give up looking for the ring's owner. now today that promise coming true to herself after three years of searching. >> in 2013, josie garcia's sister was cleaning the trailer in cordes junction when she found this class ring. she instantly put a post on facebook looking to find its owner she had no luck. view high and i drove down here >> in 2014, judy jones saw the post and thought it might be her late nephew who passed away in 1994. she reached out to josie but never heard back. >> i thought somebody claimed the ring so i let it go. >> wasn't until last week that josie noticed the message from two years ago. >> i'm not good with a smart phone and my friend was on it and she would go, you got a bunch of messages here and i started going down and one was from her. >> she reached out to judy and here the two are today. r these years is not over dan's passing so she couldn't make it today. judy will be giving her the ring in the next few days. >> if -- this will be a big plus in her life because she don't have much left. >> and josie says it's definitely worth the wait. after all of these years meeting here with judy today. both of the ladies say they will be keeping in touch. reporting live, danielle miller, "fox 10 news."

Related Keywords

Pinal County , Arizona , United States , New York , Maricopa County , Tempe , South Phoenix , Sedona , California , Phoenix , Salt River , Pebble Beach , Danielle Miller , Chelsea Clinton , Mariah Carey , Judy Jones , Marc Martinez , Josie Garcia , Donald Jr , Joe Arpaio , Hillary Clinton , Angelo Gordon , Paul Babeu ,

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Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 5pm 20161028 :

Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 5pm 20161028

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i'm diein'. >> it pain the only way to describe how folks are feeling on this hot day at the arizona state fair. >> you know, my little fan here. feels nice. keep them cool. >> i'm sprinkling off the nose sweat. >> that's not always comfortable. a fall day or lack thereof bringing in record breaking heat for this time of the year. we hit 100 degrees. it's heat that these folks aren't typically used to. >> we come out here every year and this is just can't believe >> that didn't stop hundreds of fair goers from packing the fairgrounds but they didn't come without their umbrellas to block the scorching sun or their fans. as for the hard working cooks braving the heat elements. >> tell everybody we are not drinking sewed as. >> -- >> i will say the swings because it takes you all the way up into the sky and you got that nice breeze in your face. >> best foods to keep cooled >> yeah, dominic was actually talking about the foods that keep us warm. you said the lemonade there are so many other things like this delicious ice cream here. what else? >> the nitro pop. that frozen popcorn we love so much. it's really not that warm out here. might be warm somewhere else but at the fair it's really cool. >> it's warm. we aren't going to lie to the viewers. it's definitely warm out here. but of course not stopping anyone from coming. we are waiting on you guys. >> he he is a marketing guy. that is funny stuff. >> i love she doesn't get down about it. >> she is a trooper. >> she is dealing with it. >> the heat wave affecting the halloween plans and now people are picking pumpkins wearing summer clothes. the tacoma chaw farm in glenda. they are seeing more people at the pumpkin patch because they have shade there. they see even more when the sun goes down actually. >> and the rare sight when it's almost november, but we found dip in the pool. it's always good to swim in the pool in arizona. we stopped by the phoenician resort in scottsdale and caught people in the pool. they were soaking up the sun, soaking in the pool. >> this is great. >> 100-degree heat. the water temperature probably nice and toasty as well. >> so today we set a heat record. i know you shocked. >> when will it cool down? is fall weather ever going to arrive? dave munsey joins us with the answers. >> well, we have some answers yeah, look at that. another hot day today. we get up to 100 degrees. it's the latest 100-degree temperature ever. now october 23rd, 2003 the old october latest date and now october 2016, 90 or better, warmer days. we had 23 straight of those so far. it's really getting warm out there. and let's take a look at the record we get to 100 degrees. that happens in 2001. and it's the 99th time we hit 100 degrees in 2016. and then take a look at it. it's cooling down. but we are going to stay in the 90s through friday, saturday and sunday. do we leave it there? no, we aren't going to leave it there. we will take a look at halloween which isn't a bad day because temperatures will be dropping. by the time you get out trick or treating, 5:00 in the evening, you are ready and it's going to be 80 degrees. we will see scary weather at 78 de pretty sleepy by 9:00 and it will be 74 degrees. so some nice looking weather for trick or treat day. the high that day will be in the mid-80s as temperatures drop out of the 90s for that one special day. we will have more weather coming up. dave, you see when the pressure was on you delivered. on halloween you delivered. be sure to download the fox 10 weather app. you can keep track of all of the temperatures hour by hour. it's free and you can find a link at crime solved. it is such a sad crime. the reward for information leading to the arrest in the salt river wild horses shooting and mutilation case continues to grow. the humane society is offering up a reward of $2,500 bringing the grand total to $6,000 if you can help find the people responsible. detectives say on october 21, a man wearing black shorts and dark green shirt shot three foals at the pebble beach recreation area and foals was killed and mutilated. the other two are being monitored by volunteers. if you have any information call the maricopa county sheriff's office. and we are less than two weeks from election day and we all know the tensions are high right now. all over the valley we heard reports of campaign signs being vandalized or stolen. in south phoenix a man there says he caught someone on video damaging his signs. andrew hasbun spoke with him and he joins us now live with a look signs. they are everywhere. we are just two weeks away from the campaign as you mentioned. he put some of these signs up in front of his condo complex in south phoenix. and when those signs started disappearing, he set up a camera. >> the video shows a man walking on base line road near 36th street and as he approaches the campaign sign, he walks right into it damaging it and then keeps on walking. >> i'm very upset the republican side. >> he snapped the photos of the damaged sign and called police but he wasn't about to give up. he got more signs and placed them in the median along base line road and all of the signs were supporting donald trump and sheriff joe arpaio. >> first gave every opportunity to express their opinion on anything. so it's like hillary is fine with me. i like to have the right to put out my sign and not to be move time and captured photos of someone walking down the median and taking his signs out of the ground and leaving. in all, this person got away with more than a dozen signs. >> i was very surprised because if you go through base line road you see maybe hundreds of signs. but all in our area the sheriff sign and the trump sign was removed, stolen or destroyed. >> this is not a first. back in the primaries we found sheriff joe arpaio signs vandalized in north phoen in peoria a few days ago signs urging voters to support that city's prop 400 were stolen. >> well, it goes without saying that people are passionate as we approach election day. we should remind everyone that stealing or damaging campaign signs can be considered a crime in arizona. reporting live in phoenix, andrew hasbun, "fox 10 news." trump supporters in protesters gathering on asu tempe campus today but not his son donald trump, jr., campaigning for him at the university this afternoon. donald trump not taking arizona for granted. he is heading back to phoenix for a rally on sunday. but today it was his son, donald trump, jr., talking to students at asu about the importance of the election and why they need to get out and vote. fox 10's steve krafft was at the rally and he is live in tempe with more on the visit today. >> well, last week we had chelsea clinton looking for support for her mom. well today not to be outdone, we had donald trump, jr., here at asu looking for support for his dad. >> donald j. trump, jr.,. >> it wasn't donald trump it was donald trump, jr., it was close enough for the crowd that -- at asu. donald trumpjure's target, hillary clinton. >> in a year of change where they were sick of the usual candidates. they gave you the most typical, the elite of the elite, the most corrupt candidate in the history of u.s. politics. hillary clinton. she came into new york and she was going to be a senator there. i will bring 200,000 jobs to new york state. guess how many she brought? worse than that. negative 8,000 jobs by the time she left. >> after donald , jr.'s, brief speech, the action shifted to outside of the gym. >> protesters. these people are against donald trump and across from them are people who are in favor of donald trump. only a line of asu police are separating the two groups. >> he has sexually assaulted women. he has spoken against muslims, some muslims who are veterans and have fought for this country and i do not stand for hate or bigotry. that is why i'm here today. >> i like his immigration policy. i think we need to restore more sovereignty back not united states and building a wall is one of the best things to do it. >> reporter: a lot of mittical passion. a lot of political passion on display here at asu today. both sides, both campaigns well aware that young voters could determine who wins arizona on november 8. reporting live in tempe at asu, steve krafft, "fox 10 news." we want to clear that up that donald trump will be her we were getting details right now this is mike pence's plane at laguardia in new york that slid off the runway on to the infield. you see pence and a driving rainstorm. he is okay. no be was hurt on the plane. everything is fine. developing at 5:00, protesters have been cleared from a camp on a private land at the path of the dakota access oil pipeline. officers dressed in riot gear fired bean bags and pepper spray on to the crowd. arrested, opponents trying to stop a 1200 mile pipeline that would carry oil from western north dakota to illinois. they say that it could endanger water supplies and disturb cultural sites. coming up at 5:00 a massive makeover in the works for the arizona center in downtown phoenix. >> and visitors heading to sedona to see the fall colors. they got a new tool to get their questions answered. before they pack their bags. >> and all the rage. a couple of them are touring across arizona and we have a are you looking for a quick getaway? maybe out of the heat. maybe some fall colors in gorgeous red rock country. >> there is a new way to find out where to go and how to get there right from your smartphone. >> sedona's number one industry is >> sedona is known for its sunshine and red rocks. >> it's a $600 million industry and nearly 3 million visitors visit our area each year. >> visitors from around the world like to hike and bike its trails or just admire the beauty, the scenery. but it's a big place. so how do you find the right spot when you visit. >> we are so excite to be the first ever in the country to provide text messaging services to our visitors. >> that's right. and get a quick answer. just text this number, 1-800-288-7336. the number is on injure screen will -- on your screen and we will post it on your website as well. the sedona chamber of commerce started this service about a month ago. >> it's starting off slow but still receiving about 20 techs a day. >> this is where the texts come in. >> i will be here next weekend. is there a map of galleries to visit. >> most common question this time of year. oak creek canyon right now? is a really hot topic. yes, they are changing in oak creek canyon right now and it's absolutely beautiful. >> we found plenty of fall colors just north of town. >> a lot of the questions revolve on i'm here now what? now what do i do? can you help me? >> and they say you never know what a visitor might ask. >> how did this place come to be special? >> where are the vortexes and what do they mean? what energies are they and how do i get to them? >> beautiful up there. it's always worth the trip to sedona any time you can find it. if you would like to get more information on that story and answer your questions, just text you can find that phone number on remember, do not text and drive. the city of sedona has a law prohibiting that with hefty fines. it was once the downtown phoenix really. the arizona center opened back in 1990. you might remember espn did their super bowl show from there when we had the first super bowl in 1996. it's made up of restaurant, mall and all of the office space. and now the center's owners are planning a big face lift. so the massive $250 million transformation set to get underway early next year. let's take a look at the property bought back by parallel capital partners. angelo gordon and company last year. new retail tenants may include craft breweries and we will get a open feeling a casual dining and shopping options and entertainment options. parking, valet parking will also be added. so take a look at that get valet parking right there. and developers say the goal is to open that space really to open it up and make it feel more li an open shopping area. all of the current tenants will remain open during the renovation. work is expected to take nine monthd to complete. it looks really nice. well, the latest 100-degree temperature ever today in the month of october and also a record high. we've got it all. y25koy yvpy well, hi, folks. take a look at it 98 degrees right now. that's what we were forecasting. it got away from us by a couple of degrees. winds out of the south, southeast at five miles per hour. little bit of cloudiness, little valley today. 95 right now in dear valley 93 in apache junction. it's 99 in chandler. and in glendale it's 99 degrees as well. warm all over and you can seat moisture flowing into california, a little bit of cloud cover flowing into arizona. that is seymour, seymour is out to the south of us here. pushing moisture up here. in a hurricane but dying very rapidly as it gets in to this cooler water here. but for us and sending moisture up for the folks on the west coast. boy, they need that moisture and you can see that they are getting it there. not much coming over in our direction. the breezes are down. the winds are still blowing up in globe. there were a few more earlier and there you go. 100-degrees on the high today. you see that 99 at goodyear. we have 96 at deer valley. 99 at gateway and in chandler. even in the mountains up there pretty good. 86 degrees in sedona. we get into the 70s in flagstaff. had a run of 60s up there for awhile. 93 degrees at gila bend. 92 in yuma and 97 degrees down in tucson. here is your day. 100 on the high. 70 on the low. 84 and 60 normal high and low. record high 98. we will be changing that of course to 100. 39 is the record low. we are temperatures down into the low 90s a lot of low 90s around and then we will see some 70s, a few 60s across the mountains and then continued 90s. a few mid-90s as far as the deserts are concerned. we got some moisture in the west and moisture mixed with snow in the northeast. they are still seeing some snow up there. 74 degrees overnight. 92 degrees for tomorrow as it's not quite as warm as it has been. and then look at monday. degrees. even some 70s in the forecast. watch your kids around water. if one of it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. paul babeu is abusive. physical and sexual abuse at a boarding school. woman: a school that used to be run by pinal county sheriff paul babeu. disturbing. man: babeu's school was unlicensed, abusive, and dangerous. woman: paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. man: congressional candidate not only ran a boarding school rife with abuse, he supported the abusive practices and even bragged about them. paul babeu is unfit to represent us. pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. you love all-day breakfast. i love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites all day. i don't love that. but now you're gonna love that you can get more all day. like mcgriddles. i love mcgriddles... so you'll have to find something else to not love. hey buddy! like exploding fist bumps. pggggggghew! or forgetting what you're about to do. wait...what was i about to do? or when people who say you look like... get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. in the future, this could be a way of living. but for now it's a great attraction and a vacation option as well. >> we are talking about tiny. tiny homes. no bigger than mobile home. these tiny houses are touring across the country and they just parked it in mesa. >> reporter: a tiny house, open house. >> adults describe it as an adult play house. >> meet fin and rose. each less than 260 square feet. about the size of a master bedroom in noes homes. >> -- most home. >> fin and rose are on tour going to rv parks across the country. you can see the tiny homes at the viewpoint resort in mesa. >> they can travel. there are rvia certified rvs. >> and then on 19th and december 1, you can actually tour inside the homes. while fin and rose have a different decor on the outside, both homes have a full bathroom, a kitchen, lofted sleeping space and clever storage options. just check out the stairs that double as dresser drawers. >> you got pretty much everything you need and you can have a nice little vacation. or there is a lot of people that want to ?liveinthese. >> if you are thinking about downsizing in a big way, these $75,000. or you can try it out one night at a time. to see if the tiny lifestyle is for you. marc martinez, "fox 10 news." so after their stay at the view point resort in mesa, they -- the traveling tiny house tour is in verde valley in cotton wood and you can spend the night and vacation in those tiny homes. if you are interested, we put a link to traveling tiny at a trip to the dentist good for your teeth and apparentl as well. >> one man comes face to face with a shark and this guy lives to tell about it. >> later on why it could be the end of the line for mariah carey and her billionaire boyfriend. >> tonight on fox 10, it's an all new rosewood at 7:00 and then trade rumors swirl on hitch vo: 13 year-old sabrina told a school counselor she was raped by her uncle. her counselor called sheriff joe arpaio's office. but arpaio failed to protect her. for three more years, sabrina's uncle continued to rape her - and arpaio did nothing. rapes, assaults, even child molestation, remain uninvestigated, while arpaio focuses on his personal agenda. arpaio talks tough, this next story is pretty amazing- in 2013 - a valley family found a ring in amazing- in 2013 - a in 2013 a valley family found this ring in their home. the owner of the ring passed away but his family is getting that heirloom back and you thank a facebook post. danielle miller is joining us live with the story. >> the woman who found this ring made it never give up looking for the ring's owner. now today that promise coming true to herself after three years of searching. >> in 2013, josie garcia's sister was cleaning the trailer in cordes junction when she found this class ring. she instantly put a post on facebook looking to find its owner she had no luck. view high and i drove down here >> in 2014, judy jones saw the post and thought it might be her late nephew who passed away in 1994. she reached out to josie but never heard back. >> i thought somebody claimed the ring so i let it go. >> wasn't until last week that josie noticed the message from two years ago. >> i'm not good with a smart phone and my friend was on it and she would go, you got a bunch of messages here and i started going down and one was from her. >> she reached out to judy and here the two are today. r these years is not over dan's passing so she couldn't make it today. judy will be giving her the ring in the next few days. >> if -- this will be a big plus in her life because she don't have much left. >> and josie says it's definitely worth the wait. after all of these years meeting here with judy today. both of the ladies say they will be keeping in touch. reporting live, danielle miller, "fox 10 news."

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