Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 530pm 20161028 : compareme

Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 530pm 20161028

the maricopa county recorder's office saying more than 560,000 easterly ballots have been mailed in and nearly 11,000 people have voted early in person. more than 228,000 registered republicans have cast their ballots while just over 190,000 democrats have voted early. more than 138,000 independents and other voters have also voted. so friday is the last day to request an early ballot by mail. you can d the maricopa county recorder's office. and fox news out with a poll today. hillary clinton leads but now just by 3 percentage points. 44 to 41 over donald trump. last week the lead was 6 points so it has shrunk. 10% of people back in independent candidate while 4% say they are still undecided. today a chandler teenager named jacob would have turned 16 years old. sadly after his battle with celebrate that and his mother is asking that everyone spread kindness in his memory. but she is also pushing for changes. that she believes could have saved her son's life. liz kotalik has the story. >> at the young age of nine, jacob found his passion. >> i look forward to mondays and seeing if anybody like my video. >> and people did. more than 200 subscribers on his youtube channel were for about six years he posted hundreds of videos made in his studio a studio that today has become a place for his grieving mother to find peace. >> i feel him here. i feel him. a lot of places, but there are times i can come in here and smell him. so in that sense i feel a connection with him. >> on denise's birthday in january she found her 15-year-old son had taken his life. the tragedy after years of fighting depression to two before he died. >> i feel like had the second time we had admitted him, had they really kept him until they could see the effect the medication was having, whether it was working or whether it wasn't working, then i would have my son. >> in arizona insurance companies make the decision on how many days they will cover in a hospital. for jacob, it was five. his mother thinks he needed at least 60. >> i know for some people that sounds like a but if you think about the amount of time it takes ant depressants or antianxiety medication to work, it's six to eight weeks minimum. >> and more than 40,000 people have signed deination's -- denise's petition pushing legislation that will prevent insurance companies from limiting coverage for mental illness. >> lives like jacob's, too many that depression takes too soon. liz kotalik, "fox 10 news." cause of death for teenagers in arizona and across the country. no word whether any state legislation is in the work for next year's session. but if you like to sign the petition, we've got a link on our website, a massive fire rips through a new york city apartment killing at least one person. this fire just unbelievable. look at those flames coming out of that apartment building there. began around 3:30 in the morning. e throughout the building. at one point the flames were even jumping through the roof. burning embers went flying into nearby buildings. one person died. 12 residents and firefighters were injured in that fire. officials aren't yet sure how that fire started. >> a construction worker falls 40 feet at a construction site and he survived. it's amazing. happened this morning in los angeles. firefighters were able to rescue the construction worker who fell you can see there were dozens of crew members on the scene as they work to free the man he was rescued within an hour and crews said he appeared to be okay. >> critical care nurse in oregon went from caretaker to patient when he was attacked by a shark while surfing. now we are learning the great white's jaws is 26 inches wide. he says he was just resting on the side of the surfboard taking it easy for a came out from under him and the animal had his whole leg in his mouth. unbelievable leaving him with stitches from thigh -- his thigh down to his ankle. joe fought back, kicking and punching as best as he could. he went after the shark. he got him in the gills. apparently that's painful for fish and sharks. until he finally let go. we are talking about the shark letting go. but then he had to paddle back to shore with the huge gash in his leg. >> that's the scariest part chased leaving a trail of bread crumbs. >> i bet he was swimming as fast as he his body would possibly go. as people on the beach ran in to help joe, he was able to tell them his blood type, how to tie a tourniquet. he was ready. he needed them to jump in and help because he is a nurse. and he told pairmad toks take him to the -- paramedics to take him to the hospital where he works, joe is expected to make a full recovery. >> is that tough to see. the dentist but it turns out regular dental checkups are good for more than just your smile. they can be good for your lungs. researchers studied 26,000 -- those who never went to the dentist were 86% more likely to get bacterial newmania compared to people who went to the dentist twice a year. researchers believe this shows that oral health is linked to overall health. new at 9:00, imagine living your life in black and white. colorblind do. now there is a new technology to help everyone see in living color. these purple lense glasses which claim to block certain wave lengths which cause colorblindness. >> what number do you see there? >> i don't see a number. >> how about in this one do you see anything? >> nothing. >> but the question is do they work? we put them to the test only on "fox 10 news" tonight at 9:00. still ahead tonight, a big anniversary for employee. how long he has worked at the golden arches. >> one woman bought a lottery ticket to show her husband it was just a waste of money. she probably changed her mind. plus rare treasures up for sale in the valley including a i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this messsage. paul babeu oversaw a place of horrors as headmaster of a school for at-risk youth. students were denied basic human rights and were subject to sexual abuse. arizona deserves better. arizona's largest newspapers endorse tom o'halleran for congress. "the republic" says, "elect tom o'halleran. his words match his work." said, "o'halleran puts the common good above party politics. from rare civil war tokens to world series rings a valley auction house has no historical tresh -- shortage of historical treasures. this weekend their big ticket belonged to eric clapton. marcy jones has the story. >> from vintage wheels to priceless deals, jay lavin is simply put a treasure trove. what's up for bidding this month? >> the coolest thing in this auction being a guitar player is eric clapton's 1964es45 guitar. >> what makes this guitar even cooler is the other set of hands it rested in besides eric clapton's. >> we know he trade with george harrison. his rhody believes it to be george's as well. >> if you are in the market for a little hardware, they got that, too. >> this is the 1957 yankee's world series ring. it belonged to their first baseman. we have his 1961 world series ring. >> whether it be something to admire or to play, josh says the most amazing thing is that the majority of the item forbes auction are from around the valley. >> it's transient, people come and retire they bring the best of the best with them. it's here. it's here in the valley and that's so exciting. >> marcy jones, "fox 10 news." the auction started today for many of the items. the guitar is up for grabs on saturday. north carolina woman tries to teach her husband that playing lottery is a complete long shot and a waste of time with high odds. instead, she winds up winning a million dollars. yup. that's how it all works. glenda blackwell says she wanted to show her husband a lottery ticket was a complete waste of money so she bought the $10 carolina millions scratch ticket to make the point. and after scratching it. she realized she had won a million dollars. >> when i went to get it, i started scratching it. and when i scratched the two, it was one million winner under the two. i had to 50e9 my words but they were worth eating. so i was very happy. she doesn't want family, her harassing her or calling and you got all of this money, i would love some. here is the real story, after taxes, she won a million. the blackwell family will get 400,000. how does that work? >> that's depressing uncle sam will take $600,000 of her million? >> maybe she is right. it's not worth it. >> man alive. she plan to pay off their home and put aside the rest of the money for their granddaughter's college. california mcdonald's celebrates an employeeho marked the big 3-0. he is honored for 30 years of service at the fast food restaurant. since 1986, the menu at this 34bg donalds has change -- mcdonald's has changed. >> they are serving salads now. that was unthinkable years ago. >> paul voss has been walking through these doors and clocking in here for the past 30 years. the 54-year-old has down syndrome. nothing gets in the way of work. he loves it a crowd of people waiting to surprise him and yesterday. >> everything is all clean. >> he does the best job than any of the employees here. >> great. >> 30 years on the job. that's impressive. >> dedication. yeah. >> he likes work. paul's boss says he doesn't call up sick. he only takes vacation once a year and most importantly he has a great attitude. that's really the requirements for being excellent employee. >> it's every quality that you i do only take one day off a year. >> that's rights in there are a couple of those sick days but we won't get into that. >> one woman regrets the fact that she didn't put money in the bank. the amount of gold and cash that thieves stole from her home. >> plus, holiday plans reveal that wal-mart, how the retailer is hoping to boost sales this year. and we check in on the cardinals. the cards are looking for another big game from this guy, season. and head coach bruce arians would like to keep it that way. what b.a. had to say about his young super stasm. that's coming up after the a very costly crime in turned out to be a costly crime in minnesota. thieves stealing more than $200,000 from a home and that includes 100 gold bars that were just stuffed under a bed. $60,000 in cash was also left in these people were preparing for the economic meltdown. the home owner kept all of the loot because she did not trust banks. >> i keep my gold bars in the freezer. >> that's good to know. please advertise that to the world right now. >> in the folgers can in the freezer. in tonight's business watch& twitter's third quarter earnings topped expectations, the company is still planning to lay off. % of its work force as it struggles to achieve profitability. twitter says the job focus on reorganization of sales partnerships and marketing operations. in addition, twitter has announced it is closin its video sharing service vine. vine allows people to share six second long video clips that play on a loop. apple delaying the release of its new air pods. the company first unveiled its new wireless ear buds alongside the iphone 7 with an estimated shipping date of later in that window. no word on what's behind that delay. that's what they look like. then on to wall street, stocks falling but not by much. the dow jones down 29 points. nasdaq slipping 34 point. and that's a look at the fox business watch. wal-mart unveiling new plan for the holiday shopping season. the company says it will make tens of thousands of additional items online. available for same day store pick up. that program is called buy it's been a key offering from many brick and mortar retailers to compete with amazon. when it comes to playing defense in the nfl, the seattle seahawks are ranked number one. their defense is tough. but that didn't stop david johnson from running for over 100 yards on them this past sunday. that's how good this kid is. been fantastic for the arizona cardinals so far this season. johnson has racked up 681 yards rushing. that second in the entire league only to ezekiel elliott of the dallas cowboys. here is the catch. he is much more than just a runner. he can catch the ball in the back field. patient as a runner. waiting for his blockers. and he can run for power as well. but coach arians wants to make sure he doesn't ware down dj as the season goes on. >> eac anticipate having 90 plays this week. it would be nice if we do and if we do i will let him play a little bit more. you guys remember chris hubert? the star in training camp and in the pre-season. speedy wide receiver seemed to make big play after big play. but after being cut by the cardinals, hubert had to get a regular job so ready for this? chris hubert was working at ups before being called by the cardinals this week of sorry, back seat to the nfl. because hubert is on the active roster for the arizona cardinals. with brown out, hubert will get a shot. now chris said he didn't quit the job at ups just in case it doesn't work out with the cardinals. >> let's hope he plays so well. there is an opening at ups sometime soon. what a cool story from ups to the nfl. sounds like a movie. much more in a matter of minutes. we hear from cam newton. that's coming up at 6:00. man, who knows. hubert might have a story like kurt warner. really cashing in on the world series. wind crafts creating all sorts of items including pennants and lanyards and the demand is high with the large fan bases in cleveland and chicago. >> well, it could be the end of line for mariah carey and her billionaire boyfriend what led vo: 13 year-old sabrina told a school counselor she was raped by her uncle. her counselor called sheriff joe arpaio's office. but arpaio failed to protect her. for three more years, sabrina's uncle continued to rape her - and arpaio did nothing. rapes, assaults, even child molestation, remain uninvestigated, while arpaio focuses on his personal agenda. arpaio talks tough, z25kkz zvpz paul babeu is abusive. physical and sexual abuse at a boarding school. woman: a school that used to be run by pinal county sheriff paul babeu. disturbing. man: babeu's school was unlicensed, abusive, and dangerous. woman: paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. man: congressional candidate not only ran a boarding school rife with abuse, he supported the abusive practices and even bragged about them. paul babeu is unfit to represent us. house majority pac is responsible i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. it looks like things looks like the love affair could be over for mariah carey and her billionaire boyfriend. there are rumors floating around. packers did something with one of her assistants >> what do you mean something? >> you want details? and mariah apparently had some sort of rendezvous with one of dancers in her show and packer was reportedly not happy over all of the money mariah carey was spending. extravagant spending. he is a billionaire and have to be spending a lot of money -- >> even to get his attention. you to spend a ton. >> so it looks like it's over. crosby stills, stills nash and young. apparently not a fan of kanye west. crosby says west can neither sing nor write nor play. and says somebody needs to drive him over to stevie wonder's house right now so he understands what a real music star is. and kanye's defense, the rapper has sold over 21 million albums and 66 million digital downloads worldwide. well with his clothing line. robin williams' bike collection raises more than $600,000 for charity. the late comedian's children donated the 87 bikes. most expensive bike sold for 40 grand. williams died two years ago. i'm marc martinez. coming up new at 6:00, we will have the latest on the incident involving vice-presidential candidate mike pence and his airplane. slid off the runway in new york. rattle snakes still lurking around in this weather. where one huge snake was recently found. and developing news in north dakota where pipeline protesters are removed from private land. the news continues in two first tonight at 6:00, a "fox 10 news" out of new york where a plane carrying republican vice-presidential nominee mike pence has slid off the runway. this happened at laguardia airport. pence and everyone else on board are safe. nobody was hurt. but they were all evacuated so the back of the aircraft. pence told reporters that mud splashed on the front windows of plane and the pilot made a rough landing and slammed on the brakes. everyone is okay. well, less t now before the election and donald trump, jr., speaks to an energized crowd at asu. he is trying to garner support for his dad. trump hoping to appeal to millennials as the gop faces a tough fight in arizona. a number of protesters gathering outside to make their voices heard. fox 10's steve krafft has the story. >> last week it was chelsea clinton here at asu. trying to get students to support her mom. jr., here at asu trying to get students to support his dad. donald trump. >> johnled j. trump, jr.,. >> it wasn't donald trump, it was donald trump, jr., but that was close enough for the crowd of several hound that filled slightly more than half of one of the gyms in the sun devil fitness center at asu. trumpjure's target, hillary clinton. >> both sides are sick of the same ol' same ol', sick ever the usual candidates. they gave you the most the elite of the elite, the most corrupt candidate in the history of u.s. politics. hillary clinton. she came into new york and she was going to be a senator there i'm going to bring 200,000 jobs to new york state. how many did she brought? negative 8,000 jobs by the time she left. >> after donald junior's brief speech, the action shifted to outside of the gym. >> what we got are two groups of dueling protesters. these people are against donald

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Pinal County , Arizona , United States , New York , Maricopa County , North Carolina , Minnesota , California , Laguardia Airport , Oregon , Dallas , Texas , North Dakota , Chicago , Illinois , Marcy Jones , Danielle Miller , Jay Lavin , David Johnson , Chris Hubert , George Harrison , Los Angeles , Seattle Seahawks , Kurt Warner , Chelsea Clinton , Kanye West , Robin William , Mariah Carey , Ezekiel Elliott , Judy Jones , Marc Martinez , Eric Clapton , Paul Voss , Hillary Clinton , Glenda Blackwell , Paul Babeu ,

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Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 530pm 20161028 :

Transcripts For KSAZ FOX 10 News 530pm 20161028

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the maricopa county recorder's office saying more than 560,000 easterly ballots have been mailed in and nearly 11,000 people have voted early in person. more than 228,000 registered republicans have cast their ballots while just over 190,000 democrats have voted early. more than 138,000 independents and other voters have also voted. so friday is the last day to request an early ballot by mail. you can d the maricopa county recorder's office. and fox news out with a poll today. hillary clinton leads but now just by 3 percentage points. 44 to 41 over donald trump. last week the lead was 6 points so it has shrunk. 10% of people back in independent candidate while 4% say they are still undecided. today a chandler teenager named jacob would have turned 16 years old. sadly after his battle with celebrate that and his mother is asking that everyone spread kindness in his memory. but she is also pushing for changes. that she believes could have saved her son's life. liz kotalik has the story. >> at the young age of nine, jacob found his passion. >> i look forward to mondays and seeing if anybody like my video. >> and people did. more than 200 subscribers on his youtube channel were for about six years he posted hundreds of videos made in his studio a studio that today has become a place for his grieving mother to find peace. >> i feel him here. i feel him. a lot of places, but there are times i can come in here and smell him. so in that sense i feel a connection with him. >> on denise's birthday in january she found her 15-year-old son had taken his life. the tragedy after years of fighting depression to two before he died. >> i feel like had the second time we had admitted him, had they really kept him until they could see the effect the medication was having, whether it was working or whether it wasn't working, then i would have my son. >> in arizona insurance companies make the decision on how many days they will cover in a hospital. for jacob, it was five. his mother thinks he needed at least 60. >> i know for some people that sounds like a but if you think about the amount of time it takes ant depressants or antianxiety medication to work, it's six to eight weeks minimum. >> and more than 40,000 people have signed deination's -- denise's petition pushing legislation that will prevent insurance companies from limiting coverage for mental illness. >> lives like jacob's, too many that depression takes too soon. liz kotalik, "fox 10 news." cause of death for teenagers in arizona and across the country. no word whether any state legislation is in the work for next year's session. but if you like to sign the petition, we've got a link on our website, a massive fire rips through a new york city apartment killing at least one person. this fire just unbelievable. look at those flames coming out of that apartment building there. began around 3:30 in the morning. e throughout the building. at one point the flames were even jumping through the roof. burning embers went flying into nearby buildings. one person died. 12 residents and firefighters were injured in that fire. officials aren't yet sure how that fire started. >> a construction worker falls 40 feet at a construction site and he survived. it's amazing. happened this morning in los angeles. firefighters were able to rescue the construction worker who fell you can see there were dozens of crew members on the scene as they work to free the man he was rescued within an hour and crews said he appeared to be okay. >> critical care nurse in oregon went from caretaker to patient when he was attacked by a shark while surfing. now we are learning the great white's jaws is 26 inches wide. he says he was just resting on the side of the surfboard taking it easy for a came out from under him and the animal had his whole leg in his mouth. unbelievable leaving him with stitches from thigh -- his thigh down to his ankle. joe fought back, kicking and punching as best as he could. he went after the shark. he got him in the gills. apparently that's painful for fish and sharks. until he finally let go. we are talking about the shark letting go. but then he had to paddle back to shore with the huge gash in his leg. >> that's the scariest part chased leaving a trail of bread crumbs. >> i bet he was swimming as fast as he his body would possibly go. as people on the beach ran in to help joe, he was able to tell them his blood type, how to tie a tourniquet. he was ready. he needed them to jump in and help because he is a nurse. and he told pairmad toks take him to the -- paramedics to take him to the hospital where he works, joe is expected to make a full recovery. >> is that tough to see. the dentist but it turns out regular dental checkups are good for more than just your smile. they can be good for your lungs. researchers studied 26,000 -- those who never went to the dentist were 86% more likely to get bacterial newmania compared to people who went to the dentist twice a year. researchers believe this shows that oral health is linked to overall health. new at 9:00, imagine living your life in black and white. colorblind do. now there is a new technology to help everyone see in living color. these purple lense glasses which claim to block certain wave lengths which cause colorblindness. >> what number do you see there? >> i don't see a number. >> how about in this one do you see anything? >> nothing. >> but the question is do they work? we put them to the test only on "fox 10 news" tonight at 9:00. still ahead tonight, a big anniversary for employee. how long he has worked at the golden arches. >> one woman bought a lottery ticket to show her husband it was just a waste of money. she probably changed her mind. plus rare treasures up for sale in the valley including a i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this messsage. paul babeu oversaw a place of horrors as headmaster of a school for at-risk youth. students were denied basic human rights and were subject to sexual abuse. arizona deserves better. arizona's largest newspapers endorse tom o'halleran for congress. "the republic" says, "elect tom o'halleran. his words match his work." said, "o'halleran puts the common good above party politics. from rare civil war tokens to world series rings a valley auction house has no historical tresh -- shortage of historical treasures. this weekend their big ticket belonged to eric clapton. marcy jones has the story. >> from vintage wheels to priceless deals, jay lavin is simply put a treasure trove. what's up for bidding this month? >> the coolest thing in this auction being a guitar player is eric clapton's 1964es45 guitar. >> what makes this guitar even cooler is the other set of hands it rested in besides eric clapton's. >> we know he trade with george harrison. his rhody believes it to be george's as well. >> if you are in the market for a little hardware, they got that, too. >> this is the 1957 yankee's world series ring. it belonged to their first baseman. we have his 1961 world series ring. >> whether it be something to admire or to play, josh says the most amazing thing is that the majority of the item forbes auction are from around the valley. >> it's transient, people come and retire they bring the best of the best with them. it's here. it's here in the valley and that's so exciting. >> marcy jones, "fox 10 news." the auction started today for many of the items. the guitar is up for grabs on saturday. north carolina woman tries to teach her husband that playing lottery is a complete long shot and a waste of time with high odds. instead, she winds up winning a million dollars. yup. that's how it all works. glenda blackwell says she wanted to show her husband a lottery ticket was a complete waste of money so she bought the $10 carolina millions scratch ticket to make the point. and after scratching it. she realized she had won a million dollars. >> when i went to get it, i started scratching it. and when i scratched the two, it was one million winner under the two. i had to 50e9 my words but they were worth eating. so i was very happy. she doesn't want family, her harassing her or calling and you got all of this money, i would love some. here is the real story, after taxes, she won a million. the blackwell family will get 400,000. how does that work? >> that's depressing uncle sam will take $600,000 of her million? >> maybe she is right. it's not worth it. >> man alive. she plan to pay off their home and put aside the rest of the money for their granddaughter's college. california mcdonald's celebrates an employeeho marked the big 3-0. he is honored for 30 years of service at the fast food restaurant. since 1986, the menu at this 34bg donalds has change -- mcdonald's has changed. >> they are serving salads now. that was unthinkable years ago. >> paul voss has been walking through these doors and clocking in here for the past 30 years. the 54-year-old has down syndrome. nothing gets in the way of work. he loves it a crowd of people waiting to surprise him and yesterday. >> everything is all clean. >> he does the best job than any of the employees here. >> great. >> 30 years on the job. that's impressive. >> dedication. yeah. >> he likes work. paul's boss says he doesn't call up sick. he only takes vacation once a year and most importantly he has a great attitude. that's really the requirements for being excellent employee. >> it's every quality that you i do only take one day off a year. >> that's rights in there are a couple of those sick days but we won't get into that. >> one woman regrets the fact that she didn't put money in the bank. the amount of gold and cash that thieves stole from her home. >> plus, holiday plans reveal that wal-mart, how the retailer is hoping to boost sales this year. and we check in on the cardinals. the cards are looking for another big game from this guy, season. and head coach bruce arians would like to keep it that way. what b.a. had to say about his young super stasm. that's coming up after the a very costly crime in turned out to be a costly crime in minnesota. thieves stealing more than $200,000 from a home and that includes 100 gold bars that were just stuffed under a bed. $60,000 in cash was also left in these people were preparing for the economic meltdown. the home owner kept all of the loot because she did not trust banks. >> i keep my gold bars in the freezer. >> that's good to know. please advertise that to the world right now. >> in the folgers can in the freezer. in tonight's business watch& twitter's third quarter earnings topped expectations, the company is still planning to lay off. % of its work force as it struggles to achieve profitability. twitter says the job focus on reorganization of sales partnerships and marketing operations. in addition, twitter has announced it is closin its video sharing service vine. vine allows people to share six second long video clips that play on a loop. apple delaying the release of its new air pods. the company first unveiled its new wireless ear buds alongside the iphone 7 with an estimated shipping date of later in that window. no word on what's behind that delay. that's what they look like. then on to wall street, stocks falling but not by much. the dow jones down 29 points. nasdaq slipping 34 point. and that's a look at the fox business watch. wal-mart unveiling new plan for the holiday shopping season. the company says it will make tens of thousands of additional items online. available for same day store pick up. that program is called buy it's been a key offering from many brick and mortar retailers to compete with amazon. when it comes to playing defense in the nfl, the seattle seahawks are ranked number one. their defense is tough. but that didn't stop david johnson from running for over 100 yards on them this past sunday. that's how good this kid is. been fantastic for the arizona cardinals so far this season. johnson has racked up 681 yards rushing. that second in the entire league only to ezekiel elliott of the dallas cowboys. here is the catch. he is much more than just a runner. he can catch the ball in the back field. patient as a runner. waiting for his blockers. and he can run for power as well. but coach arians wants to make sure he doesn't ware down dj as the season goes on. >> eac anticipate having 90 plays this week. it would be nice if we do and if we do i will let him play a little bit more. you guys remember chris hubert? the star in training camp and in the pre-season. speedy wide receiver seemed to make big play after big play. but after being cut by the cardinals, hubert had to get a regular job so ready for this? chris hubert was working at ups before being called by the cardinals this week of sorry, back seat to the nfl. because hubert is on the active roster for the arizona cardinals. with brown out, hubert will get a shot. now chris said he didn't quit the job at ups just in case it doesn't work out with the cardinals. >> let's hope he plays so well. there is an opening at ups sometime soon. what a cool story from ups to the nfl. sounds like a movie. much more in a matter of minutes. we hear from cam newton. that's coming up at 6:00. man, who knows. hubert might have a story like kurt warner. really cashing in on the world series. wind crafts creating all sorts of items including pennants and lanyards and the demand is high with the large fan bases in cleveland and chicago. >> well, it could be the end of line for mariah carey and her billionaire boyfriend what led vo: 13 year-old sabrina told a school counselor she was raped by her uncle. her counselor called sheriff joe arpaio's office. but arpaio failed to protect her. for three more years, sabrina's uncle continued to rape her - and arpaio did nothing. rapes, assaults, even child molestation, remain uninvestigated, while arpaio focuses on his personal agenda. arpaio talks tough, z25kkz zvpz paul babeu is abusive. physical and sexual abuse at a boarding school. woman: a school that used to be run by pinal county sheriff paul babeu. disturbing. man: babeu's school was unlicensed, abusive, and dangerous. woman: paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. man: congressional candidate not only ran a boarding school rife with abuse, he supported the abusive practices and even bragged about them. paul babeu is unfit to represent us. house majority pac is responsible i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. it looks like things looks like the love affair could be over for mariah carey and her billionaire boyfriend. there are rumors floating around. packers did something with one of her assistants >> what do you mean something? >> you want details? and mariah apparently had some sort of rendezvous with one of dancers in her show and packer was reportedly not happy over all of the money mariah carey was spending. extravagant spending. he is a billionaire and have to be spending a lot of money -- >> even to get his attention. you to spend a ton. >> so it looks like it's over. crosby stills, stills nash and young. apparently not a fan of kanye west. crosby says west can neither sing nor write nor play. and says somebody needs to drive him over to stevie wonder's house right now so he understands what a real music star is. and kanye's defense, the rapper has sold over 21 million albums and 66 million digital downloads worldwide. well with his clothing line. robin williams' bike collection raises more than $600,000 for charity. the late comedian's children donated the 87 bikes. most expensive bike sold for 40 grand. williams died two years ago. i'm marc martinez. coming up new at 6:00, we will have the latest on the incident involving vice-presidential candidate mike pence and his airplane. slid off the runway in new york. rattle snakes still lurking around in this weather. where one huge snake was recently found. and developing news in north dakota where pipeline protesters are removed from private land. the news continues in two first tonight at 6:00, a "fox 10 news" out of new york where a plane carrying republican vice-presidential nominee mike pence has slid off the runway. this happened at laguardia airport. pence and everyone else on board are safe. nobody was hurt. but they were all evacuated so the back of the aircraft. pence told reporters that mud splashed on the front windows of plane and the pilot made a rough landing and slammed on the brakes. everyone is okay. well, less t now before the election and donald trump, jr., speaks to an energized crowd at asu. he is trying to garner support for his dad. trump hoping to appeal to millennials as the gop faces a tough fight in arizona. a number of protesters gathering outside to make their voices heard. fox 10's steve krafft has the story. >> last week it was chelsea clinton here at asu. trying to get students to support her mom. jr., here at asu trying to get students to support his dad. donald trump. >> johnled j. trump, jr.,. >> it wasn't donald trump, it was donald trump, jr., but that was close enough for the crowd of several hound that filled slightly more than half of one of the gyms in the sun devil fitness center at asu. trumpjure's target, hillary clinton. >> both sides are sick of the same ol' same ol', sick ever the usual candidates. they gave you the most the elite of the elite, the most corrupt candidate in the history of u.s. politics. hillary clinton. she came into new york and she was going to be a senator there i'm going to bring 200,000 jobs to new york state. how many did she brought? negative 8,000 jobs by the time she left. >> after donald junior's brief speech, the action shifted to outside of the gym. >> what we got are two groups of dueling protesters. these people are against donald

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