Transcripts for KRZR 1400 AM [Power Talk 96.7] KRZR 1400 AM

KRZR 1400 AM [Power Talk 96.7] KRZR 1400 AM [Power Talk 96.7] November 20, 2019 030000

Today's trees are in d.c. For the roadside scandal preying on drivers still felt like my car was stolen and now is being held hostage and that just the beginning and emotionally the stress of all we investigate roadside predators Tonight a look on d.c. For are you or a loved one taking prescription opioids in combination with an anti-anxiety medication certain anti-anxiety medications carbons or die as opinions can put you at a higher risk of accidental opioid overdose when taken with an opioid In fact nearly one in 3 opioid related deaths involved this potentially lethal combination find out how to get the locks on an opioid emergency reversal agent directly from your pharmacy no prescription required learn more at opioid Safety Plan dot com Again that's opioid Safety Plan dot com What if Santa didn't need a ranger to guide him through the night. Might need a Kalamazoo Ok mocking the fastest route to Michigan or one of his sleigh could get real time weather can for Sadie's What's the temperature on the 25th 22 degrees tops maybe icing for City of Bones in the u.s. Technology has admitted to flying sleighs but it's available to you in the class the g o e or g l c And you can get them all for exceptional price during a Mercedes Benz whereabouts and the u.s. Can hand simulated Pizza Hut now to pick up a large pizza for just 99 because the best place to pick up a pizza pizza in the name no one. Asked this in charge of extra cheese crisp and if you topped a bill bill the prices and participation very big on a sunny day like today it's easy to get lost in a daydream imagining your child being the coolest in school with the newest sunglasses when the sounds of San Francisco snap you back to reality. You wonder is that even within my budget so you look and a and well and unmatched selection of the latest fashion at a price that all make you think you're dreaming down the e.p.a. App today. Making your do dreams a reality. For us are 96 of the 14 that we are planning for every carry Katie present. Tense moment. Fox News hours of testimony from 4 witnesses in day 3 of the impeachment inquiry hearing the morning session aide to Vice President pens Jennifer Williams spoke and former n.s.a. Director Tim Morrison answering questions in the afternoon at the start of another long hearing the top Republican on House Intelligence Devon Nunez of California blasted the majority party last week the Democrats told us his infraction was asking for a quid pro quo this week it's bribery who knows what ridiculous crime they'll be accusing him of next week Attorney Daniel Goldman is counsel for the Democrat majority on the Intelligence Committee who asked Morse in a Russian expert this question you would agree right that asking a foreign government to investigate a domestic political rival is inappropriate would you not. If that's not what is all we recommend to the President discuss on Capitol Hill Mike Emanuel Fox News former special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker was asked by New York Republican at least a fun I could be heard anything illegal on the July 25th phone call between the president and leader of Ukraine I presume you got a readout of the call is that correct very terse read. In this terse we read out of the call ambassador from the u.s. Participants was there any reference to withholding aid you know there was not any reference to bribery or was there any reference to quid pro quo there was not any reference to extortion No there was not in his closing remarks tonight committee chair Adam Schiff rip Republican I'm for Republican colleagues all they seem to be upset about with this is not that the president saw an investigation of his political rival Not that he would tell the White House meeting and $400000000.00 in aid we all passed on a bipartisan basis to pressure Ukraine to do those investigations their objection is you got caught hearings continue tomorrow morning America is listening to news. 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Technology has admitted to flying sleighs but it's available to you on the class the g o e or g l c And you can get them all for exceptional price during a Mercedes Benz we are events and events can and simulated if you or a loved one is taking the prescription pain medication it may contain opioids such as morphine hydrocodone oxy Cotto methadone or Cody Well these types of opioids may be important to your therapy they can also cause your breathing to slow or even stop in addition to other side effects if there are opioids in your home help protect your loved ones by having a Laaksonen hand a potentially life saving opioid emergency reversal agent find out. To get the locks on directly from your pharmacy no prescription required learn more at opioid Safety Plan dot com. On a sunny day like today it's easy to get lost in a daydream and imagining climbing a mountain with your family in their new hiking boots when the sounds of San Francisco snap you back to reality. You wonder is that even within my budget so you look at e-bay and low end on that selection of the best outdoor gear at a price that will make you think you're dreaming. Up today and start making your day dreams a reality. On a sunny day like today it's easy to get lost in a daydream magine in your child being the coolest in school with the newest tracksuit when the sounds of San Francisco snapping back to reality. You wonder is that even within my budget so you look on e Bay in. An unmatched selection of the latest fashion at a price on make you think you're dreaming download the app today and start making your daydreams a reality. Our talk. And . This is the job to talk to. A day. Each. Stations across the land Joe Pags dot com Facebook Twitter Instagram email it's all right there also. Newsmax t.v. You hear Judy Joe Pags show coming your way the Tuesday. Crazy trade image on a Tuesday for the. Region having a long ride. A bit of fun last hour. We're talking about the lunacy. Of the South Dakota. Ad campaign trying to get people stop smoking crack or doing drugs doing drugs or shooting crack really do the crack crack meth we're talking about all that right and I get I don't buy the delivery system is probably smoking but I think there are other ways to do it as well and the way they think we're going to stop people from doing meth and fed to me. Is by saying crack not like using crack here and we're on it. Meth we're on it. Which of course sounds like they're on meth so I'm not really sure why they would do that we had some fun slogans that were called in I of course lean towards one that I came up with you can pick your friends don't pick your face that's not a bad 11 stop method around I think that was Ok as well it did you guys have a favorite I like the picking the face one of those pretty good or polos bad about the teeth What did you say Oh said meth bad I think or something like that I think Sampson down Sam said meth dot dot bad but you said something similar like don't do it why you said don't do it said meth don't do it but then it was wow said. Math you lose your teeth yeah so that night bad not bad I seem to get a favorite one out of all those Honestly I think any of those are a 1000000 times better than the one that they actually used like meth were on it is bad you think the moment so so there you go we've got that which was fine now the only reason I bring that up this our military calls in at this hour the reason I bring it up is because a carrot if you send me this with a o.c. And drugs no no they get a lot of in my living Sam No I took a friend sent me this one this is from Fox News. See today or let's see they posted this an hour ago some Usman today though yesterday Monday marijuana should be legalized and drug consumption should be decriminalized these are matters of public health so i.o.c. Sounds like she thinks it's Ok to be meth we're on it even though it's going to be successful I mean she's a 21 year old doofus who's an actress who entered a cattle call but if she thinks to be successful that Carrie I know a lot of young people a lot of young people watching was through the program we mingle with young people in our daily lives and I don't know any of them are like men if they could just legalize cocaine and be fine with that if they did I think it never not illegal to do that not recommending that you know I mean we've they've talked about you know Course other states have not talked about legalizing you know marijuana but right crowd you know cocaine. At some point you got to put your foot down and say yeah that's really bad for the public for the public health I mean not just for the person doing it but that's really bad if you're driving down the road shooting up or smoking something some harsh chemical it's really bad for society would somebody whacked out on heroin in and you know outside the Taco Bell I mean at some point you've got to say this is a public health issue so let's make sure that we have laws against you selling it dealing it distributing it and doing it because some people actually say you know I thought about trying some of those drugs but that's a pretty harsh penalty if I do I better not do it it can be a deterrent but just like with college just like with a green deal let's just make everything free and you can smoke any drug they want have all the abortions you want with this is this is the nutty this of today's of today's young person. In the general sense then again Sam is close to 0 He's age and she doesn't have these thoughts so thank God there are some people who are in that category of let me all that aren't this person. I mean I don't know what her thought process is other than can the left really simply just want more people on drugs more people to have abortions more people to not be allowed to work where they won't make as much money as they want more people have less opportunity more people on unemployment rolls around intolerant roles elsewhere do they really want I get the feeling they want that they keep on talking about it so and move on from it but I mean just I get the feeling that's what people want and I don't know why she thinks that that people of her same age group want that and by the way she make 100 $69000.00 a year in a job she is not qualified to do and is it has an expense account that's a lot more than that which is kind of nuts but then we have this just got a text during the break Congrats Jose this is a text to my personal phone. Congrats Jose your code in there some code printed on your last receipt is among 7 we randomly picked for a $1000.00 Wal-Mart gift card promotion. Jose Gainer done. A lot of people might click on the link that they included that would take you to some virus and probably take around Phone Of course I responded My name isn't Jose get get me off your list and we have a response but I saw a story earlier today that this year we've had a record robo calls and I believe that a record number are you getting them on a regular be asked every day all the time Oh you 2. Yeah and I thought they had made that legal or something I thought so too Sam robo calls a 1000000 yes it's nuts I get 5 or 6 a day and many of them are spam spoofing my local area it would be the same area code of as my phone to be the same exchange as my phone then would be a different 4 numbers at the end that's not really the call from the number from which they're calling that's the number they're able to spoof and pretend is their number when they call you there's like oh it's a local person from San Antonio or fill in the blank city where you are so therefore I must know them they have my number and it's a local number this might be an emergency could be a friend maybe has a new phone let me answer it I don't ever answer them but a lot of people do I guess. For me because I think about freedom and liberty and I don't want to be over regulations from government but for me there's got to be a way they can help and that's really the government you know I think should stop it care care how do you think you know me pretty well who do you think I think should stop this. And if not the government who the phone companies. And paying I've got a t.n.t. I'm paying a ton of money for my phone a ton of money for service for like 5 or 6 phones every month and a.t.t. Can't guarantee me they can stop spam spoof you know robo calls why not they're calling it from some line to my phone that is through your service they can't figure out because I've got some stupid robo call app on my phone that tells me that it's somebody who's spam spoofing Why can't he know that there's this app knows it and if 1000 he knows that don't let it get to my phone shut it down. I don't know why that has to continue it's a very very odd thing to me about impeachment and the bottom the hour is going to be Jihad Watch dot org The guy from there is Robert Spencer he's got a new book out going to talk about why there is no solution between Israel and Palestine a very interesting conversation where he speaks the truth and you can want to hear it but today of course was it was more the impeachment bacon sandwich for lack of a better term more hearings you had Lieutenant Colonel Vinda Minh who somebody called him Mr Vin min or you got to call me Lieutenant Colonel victim and he was all beside himself it was noon assembling Yeah because he's going to straight news right out them and has no knowledge and never met the president never talked to the present ever directly advise the president and was on the phone call and he had feelings and he thought things which of course got us nowhere and our hero of today was actually once again Elise Stefanovic from New York she again was a hero but I'm going to give you some some audio sound bites I appreciate Kerry forget news for me. From Vin men call him Mr Cohen whatever I want to this is that hearing was not a an army personal exchange but Ok Lieutenant Colonel Venkman who we have to hold up on high there was as a patriot vivid as a hero we're trending today these are the same idiots that denigrated 5 star General Michael Flynn who drew some applause today. Some applause Yes said and see the applause or just a bunch of it Democrats applauding him Well certainly it was the Democrats and his opening statement stupid here's how here's part of would have been had his say it's Lieutenant Colonel Vin min discussing his thoughts on what he heard President Trump mention investigating the Bidens. Frankly I couldn't believe what I was hearing it was probably an element of shock. Maybe in certain regards my worst fear of how are you Korean policy could play out was playing out how this is likely to have significant implications for u.s. National security now so the president wanted to investigate corruption in the 26000 election carries the next looks is I sometimes fall asleep and forget the Yours is the next election in 2016 and here's something latter isn't 2016 now so a sitting president the chief executive of the country wanting to know if there was corruption that Ukraine was involved in in the 2016 election cycle how does that affect our policy with Ukraine going forward and what does vind mean have to do with policy is he some sort of an ambassador to Ukraine is he somebody who's a secretary of state or in that office and no you. Know. Then we've got a special advisor to the president Jennifer Williams says there were discussions about the legality of potential withholding military aid from Ukraine there were discussions I believe and the July 31st meeting and possibly prior as well in terms of Defense and State Department officials were looking into how they would handle a situation in which earmarked funding from Congress that was Doesn't made it for Ukraine would be resolved if the funding continued to be held as we approach the end of the fiscal year not impeachable Actually there's nothing there for the simple reason that the funding into going and no investigation happened into the Bidens that's the answer. You can discuss anything you want you can discuss why Eric Swalwell let one go in the area St Kerry has a bigger story in the world yesterday yes but the did you hear now I thought if I thought of saying that story about. An engine allegedly allegedly innocent be she's giving him a pass Yeah sure to give it the giving of a pass it was a coffee cup No I when I saw that I listen to it again in a coffee cup. And by the way he clearly reacts as he's letting it go on the air there's a clear reaction and looks like he's also squelching a smile he just called something else instilling that happen now I tweeted last night it was picked up by a lot of people leave it to Eric Swalwell blasting one loudly on live t.v. To bring the left and right together if if only for a moment. I was nice. And it's almost like it's the it's the it's the blast heard around the world and we all get along for just a moment about it House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunez giving his opening statement he attacked the media accusing reporters of siding with House Democrats because that's exactly what they've been doing the media of course are free to act as Democrat puppets and they're free to lurch from the Russian hoax to the Ukraine hoax at the direction of their puppet masters but they cannot reasonably expect to do so without alienating half the country who voted for the president they're trying to expel it's just spot on and then of course Adam Schiff you know he gets all wound up and the transcript from July 25th phone call shows that fighting corruption was not the president's main concern. The the response that we're getting from vind Minh and Taylor in Canton Ivanovich whatever he w

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