RINGBACK The music has a sort of chill to it doesn't it Carol but call it that when in Delia's says sleep the exact Geist ensemble is featured there and Gary McQueen appreciate you joining me here for music to rue the night this hour you're not going to explore musical dedications or work to composer Arthur bliss in honor of composer John bloweth ahead alongside an ode to tunes more on those in a bit for right now it's a musical letter written by. Since Once upon a time to composer Sina Gifford sun sea France think you'll enjoy this little musical Hello between friends take a listen. Feel A little musical male there composer kick and Shelley call that work a letter to composer Bidzina cover not that really beautiful musical dedication brought to you this evening by George and strings so I said a little time aside this evening to make a musical dedication of my own I know a guy named Bob a man who worked in radio for many years who's in hospice right now we actually only had one interaction and I'll never forget it he said Garrett I don't know what you talk about on your pocket as most times but I have to say you're really entertaining me and if you happen to know you know just how friendly and sweet he were over the air and in person this one goes out to him. 6 To the. 'd When. You're. Out. Or are. Porus bet is a ski at the key is there he can really play that thinking any he just heard his rendition of a solo piano Sona teen by Micio Maryse Rivendell that performance and dedication this even into my predecessor Bob Godspeed. You know rebels most famous musical dedication was to a guy named Francoise Cooper Shan the piece of music is called Tombo where the tomb of Cooper hand well in about a minute I'll share something similar with you a really old lute composition called Toma Stay tuned. The and. The rule. You. If the. Food. Some really old music there by composer of art he wrote that one around the year 15 a.d. Gabriel Poland and Franco pub on where the lutenist so featured in that recording. And Garrett McQueen wrapping up this hour of music through the night is a work dedicated to a composer not quite as old as Mr developed but don't most composer John Blow was an Englishman who lived from 1649 to 17 o 8 and about 60 years ago an Englishman named Arthur bliss wrote this in his honor . You. 6 2 2 2 6 6 know 2 2 2 2 Well. Sleep. With the speaker. He's. The to. Us. A 20th century symphony written in honor of a 17th century composer Arthur Bliss called that when meditations on the theme of John below I'm careful Queen appreciate you listening with me this is music through the night. You're listening to k.r.s. E. 88.7 f.m. Alamosa Tauzin 98.7 f.m. So watch streaming online a k r z u a dot a large sheet connecting cultures along the upper Rio prompted. This is your k r z a daily weather forecast for Friday the 8th of November in the same the East Valley in South Central Colorado today a morning fog and freezing fog then sunny skies and Alamosa 54 San Luis 52 so watch 53 and presto in 52 and I cleared lows and Alamosa 17 sand least 27 So watch 25 and crest on 28 in north central New Mexico today sunny highs in town 61 Red River 51 fire 55 in quest of 56 tonight clear lows in towels 23 Red River 23 Angelfire 18 and priced at 23 Thanks for listening cares to be a station for more weather updates. For. Color isn't just something you can see you know color can be felt they can be tasted in some cases and you can even be heard what color does this sound like to use. For a composer air key Mela teen this music sounded blue he wrote it for a ballet back in 1931 called the balloon Pearl. Coming up you know of take a listen to this blue ballet score alongside other pieces of music associated with color all of that and more right here on music through the next. The musical color that's going to kick off this hour of colorful music is white composer John Thomas titled this one David of the White Rock it's an arrangement of an old Welsh folk tune performed here on harp by Mr Sebastian Lipman.