Let's go so my 1st learning how you do it I'm doing well how are you just living the dream in entertaining the principal nation for one more hour. To talk. To. Particle min gotta be great song when I was a kid my 1st run in with the principal as I wrote something on the chalkboard That's right we had chalk board not white boards not smart boards we had talked boards and I wrote something very inappropriate on the board on Friday and walked out of those dismissal I'm not going to tell you what I wrote it be shameful embarrassing but I wrote something very very bad and left and looking back at it now I knew the teacher didn't realize it is very cold in Alaska actually it's warm right now it's 32 degrees Fahrenheit where you from John Candy. I get back to school Monday we had set up where we are going to blame one kid for it if the teacher ever asked and by golly that's what we did in the teacher asked on a piece of paper write down who they think did it so that tells you right there that the teacher didn't know. And everybody wrote down this from Russia let's go. Rob Russia absolutely love it. We'd have a lot of Russian fans here. Eric's back. Wow. So then we then that one kid that we all believe in or wrote my name down so on a magically. Automatically the teacher knew it was me since me to the principal's office Mr band that was his name Barry. And. Yet explain what I did as bad very bad and. I had to find my charger right on Eric I understand that got to be prepared got to be prepared let's see this one for my this is for my Russian fan I hear. From the greatest Russian American movie of all time rocky for. Me Maybe not. That is definitely not what I'm talking about the Internet down so yeah one time in high school no this was in middle school this one was bad oh my goodness this was bad and high school no middle school give me some beat Ok let me try to find it for you as I tell the story. Rocky for soundtrack soundtrack Here we go there we go here we go call it was. So called was due to billing problems once and had to be a witness to something the other time Yikes. Yet again the principal officer billing. This is. From. Let's go. Love Ohio. John any. Lead. Is. Only people. Let's go we're talking about time he got in trouble when he got into the principal's office. Go ahead call in at 907-786-6807 as I rule model this as a good principle does have you noticed I'm not keeping it I'm keeping it good enough where I can actually aired on radio so if you call in at 9 to 77866 it or 7 Keep it clean please we'd love to hear the stories about how you got in the principal's office as a kid color my beard is red my friend this is a red beard called known as a red fox here in Alaska. But when I was in middle school our high school was going to change its name and so students decided to walk out of the middle school to challenge the ruling of the Board of Education and no clue what it was about so me and a friend said hey. We're just going to go ahead and walk and hide out in a in a playground of an elementary school in the trees only little did I know that was called Loitering and a neighbor called the cops on me and my friend and I actually got handcuffed and put back in the back of a cop car that was the end of it but how how it was shameful is the principal of the elementary school made me wear a sign around my neck the said I was skipping school and I had to go through the hallway of the elementary school where I was caught at only I was a good one that was a real good when I got in school suspension for that should probably been worse when Dave in school school suspension it was the worst day of my life hey I might be going to a job fair Friday what is one thing a teacher can do to impress me. During your interview I love it when teachers can cite really examples about how they have classroom management that's right that's pulling back a little bit of the velvet tape here got sent to the office for wearing a Buckeye Jersey you should you should move she's Buckeye Jersey. Yeah yeah I had in school suspension the longest day of my life they served us lunch late we weren't allowed to turn around we weren't allowed to talk that was pretty bad day and in high school Oh no John Candy skipped school that's not good man yes day in school that's how you learn I tell you what when I was in high school I got mad at my lab partner he was a state wrestling champion love this god of the day. Hey hey Bhooter Bhoy you know who's teaching profession is not for everybody. Not for everybody you gotta have a lot of patience and if you don't have that but I tell you what if you're going to adjust your mooses cheese I think that's what you said if you're going to a interview won't you call in at 90778668 or 7 and I'll give you a sample I'll give you a sample interview How's that sound about that machine we might break the Internet here the 1st ever interview online and I'll give you tips 907-786-6807 loved interview that is intimidating or miss cheese What do you think it's going to be when you're sitting around with the principal a teacher a t.a.a. Yeah it's going to be intimidating so why not practice now men will be up I'll be out but I'm here for but when I was in high school in chemistry class I got mad at my friend it was a state champ world or state wrestling champion and I scored a hydrochloric acid in his eyes just out of honoring us. No You know you shouldn't do that nation he had to rinse his eyes out had to rinse his eyes out when he did when he pulled the I set off the fire alarm Yeah I got in trouble for that one yeah that was a bad one yeah that was real bad and thank God he was Ok then the same week I told the same guy we were making stirs a rod a glass rod so we had the Bunsen burner and we you know the hottest part of the flame is the blue part of the flame so we're putting glass in there and we spread apart you make your store I ask them to grab in a total was cold he straight grabbed it and it burned off as finger tip like his finger his finger print on his on his index finger got sent the office on that one too. But I was an honor kid. But I respected my teacher so they probably lit me got away with a lot more than I should. Yeah West Virginia kids absolutely right absolutely right . No that's not what cool kids do Ohio cool kids listen to the words of the teacher they follow you were destructive I don't know I think I tend to think I had a had fun with my teachers there are some other things I did that I never got caught for Obviously I was honoring him not a lot to you there's a lot of stories that yes we're honoring and I'm not to tell that when I have another co-host like the most on your stings that you've ever done but most of modernist I think has helped me be a better principal because I can understand what that kid's going through you know yes I was raised in West Virginia born in recent West Virginia the principal nation knows that moose cheese you know that moose cheese I tell you what we're still waiting for that call at 927786607 we'll do a 5 question sample and I'll give you feedback How's that sound man this will this much this will be a ratings grabber and then the nation can vote how will he did. Well Samus you got the job or you didn't everybody but that's peer pressure there on the principal nation on the periscope everybody's telling Moose to call 977866807 we'll give them a 5 question trial and I'll give them honest feedback that's what we do here so nation what would you get in trouble for would you gets into the principal's office for colon play along a periscope We'd love to we love to know but also when I was a kid what deterred a lot of things in West Virginia is you were principals were allowed to unfortunately. Use corporal punishment what's up how you doing people Charmin in here in Periscope. That deterred a lot of behavior and when that happened our principal would tell the teachers to leave the door open so we could hear what was going on so it's notable that students is pretty bad we're don't want to do that anymore which is probably good that safe. I'm thankful we had a great teachers growing up I think that impacted me but still you know you get a little honoring I remember one time I got a d. In history new I taught history I never got a d. In history loved history I got a d. And health and I knew they were going to mail my report card so I ran home before my dad got to home and I would have it would have been a consequence consequence consequence and I ran home and I took that report card and for some odd reason I said I'm going to burn this report card on the side of my house and as I was burning that report card my dad pulls up and I take off worst thing I could've ever done because he had no clue does doing so as a getting consequence for running off form why did I run off obviously I'm guilty and then he asked for my report card double whammy Yikes. But school was good for me I hope school is good for you who flee students were never ever in trouble you know go through school learn a lot don't get in trouble but sometimes it happens. Yeah it was a good time back when I was going to school though there wasn't cell phones in school so you could actually like get to know people and everything wasn't taped it was pretty cool back in the day to be honest with you so get call in at 907-7866 in 07 talk about we never got in trouble at school we'd love to hear from you still waiting for mercy's to call in for that sample interview hopefully he doesn't feel intimidated by the nation here as we are all great people we might even let the nation throughout questions to him that would be good too because there's always questions like that if he left he might be calling you on if he left he might be calling let me double checked up on that phone is working oh moose better call in probably get himself ready what if Moose is like putting on a certain time I get ready for the sample would be great hope to hear from him soon but school was a good thing yeah I think we knew all new on re kids when we went to school especially Ohio Moose is on the loose Eric you're probably right moose cheese again are you going to have a good sense of humor to name yourself that we appreciate that so we have people from Ohio Eric where you from again I totally forgot my bad man you could type it up later but we all knew those kids that got in trouble at school. You know it's funny that. When I again going back to high school can only speak to myself about myself here. North of Pittsburgh that's right Pittsburgh I lived about 3 naff hour south of Pittsburgh in West Virginia go right down I 79 actually just visited Pittsburgh a couple months ago and watched the Steelers even though I'm not a Steelers fan what's the Steelers beat up. On the Carolina Panthers great stadium by the way a very nice stadium very very nice but in high school we did have a lot to Henri kids we had a kid named Nicky and he would stick his feet up on the teacher's desk and not let the teacher out until the teacher said the password and the teacher would be like please Nicky put your feet down and Nicky would just see his head no and say that's not the password and we would get all the entire time and then she gets all right Nikki what's the password and it was a huge long like Abraham Lincoln's mom's dog sisters aunts uncles dog named it like there would be no way that this Mrs Hawthorne was her name in typewriting class we had typewriting the old school typewriters and there was white ribbon in there for backspace I used to take that ribbon out and stick it on people's heads like right across the face of They'd have white marks on their face you couldn't wash it off at school. There was this girl named Candace that sat in the front row and she was a great typist and it was electric keyboard so she would sell or margins goody goody you know I would go and unplug the whole row of typewriters and she'd be in the middle of a report she would have to start all over because you couldn't reset the margins. Mrs Carson was great See let me get away with that stuff hey we got to take a break we'll be right back Ok Are you a the principal's office. The u.s.d.a. Surplus sale is open to the public on Friday February 1st from 10 am to 2 pm they're offering electronics furniture and more departmental selection will be on Monday January 28th and one is a January 30th both from 9 am to 4 pm that's at the USA warehouse at 4111 English for more information and please visit us in a town Alaska Di edu d.s.s. Slash surplus this message is brought to via a Care USA 88 point one f.m. . Let's talk. About some lead guitar. To get. Hard. On and something else maybe just play. The sort of building the play. Every Thursday from one to 3 with me. One of his well as. A. Clue. Says Welcome back. To the principal's office with yours the principal Ok Are you a any point one f.m. Was a great song. Someone says they can't hear well I'm going home I take a bus and some passes the singing pretty high with the Mike lets go. Thanks for joining love back in will be on we got to 40 more minutes of roller coaster ride. What a topic what a topic lot of people got in trouble at school I think that's a process you know. Best and worst jobs we talked about. The worst feelings you can have. While. Next topic I'm really excited to talk about here things only let marriage. Let's go. Friends are all there elf Leggo this show has a lot of Chilean listeners absolutely love them great fans there in Chile I need to get down there and visit I should broadcast from Chile that would be amazing. We find classics here to get you fired up quickly this is been a great 2 hours for an hour and a half with you I know it's been fun for me. But I am so excited and you know the nation feedback is going to be Enter cool vital. To this discussion let free to call in at 907-786-6807 Mentally I'm going to get assigned back here so I don't have to keep repeating that and people going to see it and every now and then I can tell you about Colin and what's up Detroit who that's a tough town man I mean as in sports as tough town gotta respect the for Red Wings for everything that they've done in Detroit but you get the lions get the tigers you got the pistons out who grows a. Tough town there but. Let's talk about shows that should come back television shows that should come back a lot of great shows get cancelled I have no typically a lot of people this is what I hear from I get into a show then they cancel it how true is that you know I'm didn't think about a lot of shows that they should bring bring back that have been canceled for one reason or another there's a lot of great shows but I tell you what there are a lot of shows that were great that I wish they would bring back and I mean bring back like old school like I don't mean new twist on it so what are some shows that you think should be brought up brought back from on television for one. Friend should have come back even though it was canceled just love friends so much that is a very popular answer friends to be honest with you the principle has never ever seen one episode of Friends not one episode never watched a lot of people in the nation say Seinfeld should come back never watched an episode of Seinfeld I know it's crazy mano man just joined welcome it's his 1st day on periscope so Nation welcome on a man that's amazing that he found our show and it's his 1st day on periscope you can follow us at the principal office call in at 907-786-6080 extension 7 friends sign Phil Seinfeld a lot of people say should be brought back. Never watched an episode of that American Gladiators should come back if you have never watched American Gladiators it was shown on USA It was an amazing competition of brute strength there is actually a documentary put out about American Gladiators in the eighty's and all the stuff that went on but it would be like oh here we go hey are you 88 point one was your 1st name where you're from and write my name is jazzy I'm from Georgia jazzy. Georgia Holey Moley one second Jesse Jesse what is your favorite song. My favorite song and I now put you on the spot Yes Well name one name one jazz I. Don't want on dark. Kid Ok devil would down to Georgia that's a good one definitely got a that's a Charlie Daniels Band right jazzy. Jazzy once again but this is for you. Jazzy l m l Gates Lloyd to means let's go people in German. And you know so jazzy the 1st question how did you hear about this show like you oh I spent your Alaska in high school should I or you know I have a friend here all right so you are in Georgia right now though correct. I am and you went to us a for a little bit right. I live in high school and I did a lot of musical things with college that is so do you did you live in Anchorage for a little bit I would come home or oh you lived in Palmer but then you would then you went to school in USA and what was your major. I mean to international Wow where do you visit where do you go. That. Place is actually been Germany well. Wow look at you know jazzy as he what do you do for a living. Keeps or. Did you call in for an interview Oh absolutely not. And I think you know like please let's listen for the nation here jazzy one of the finest principal nation members there is called in to talk about shows hit. Well I think forged back anyway all with Drew Carey. Oh you just don't tell you you're absolutely right classic show do you remember when Drew Carey fell on stage when he was doing the hoedown. I think I might have classic or when they were doing when they were doing the one headed opera monster and they can only sing one word at a time. And very clearly messes up anything like. That it's always a big deal. Because. It's a great column which other than juror I mean Drew was it my favorite but which one was your favorite I decided. To quit when he was a put in front of the green screen. And I love draw and styles Ryan styles to me had this like this attitude about him you know where you're He also have. An attitude. Where Well what else do you think should come back I'm writing that down Whose Line is it anyways that's a great win. For you but I can't believe you haven't seen a single episode of never a good one never nope nope never what Seinfeld never watched friends do you remember the show Double Dare as a kid I. I don't think that rings a bell on Nickelodeon and the like don't know when you need to go through courses and stuff. Do you remember but these are the clown. I don't know. We're on. National did you know fun fact about mash it lasted longer than the North Korean conflict. Really that's one fact there you learn things in the principal's office jazzy I think I have learnt quite a bit actually know very well that kin use it in your field of work tomorrow. Can you use that knowledge in your field of work tomorrow can you drop that knowledge on someone in a random conversation. Make it come up work that I'm a jazz the whole I got a song right here for you jazzy Let's go. Jad a is going to do productive any positivity and performance. Is going to drop the mass bomb on someone the most. Unbelievable how did it how do you plan on doing it as he what's your plan of attack here. Think I work with a bunch of preschooler they have a couple that don't. Know oh well. Well I'll pick a few brain I tell you what Desi a lot of people are 11 here on the periscope you can relate you can watch us here on periscope at the principal office is a free download on your phone can't tell you what to do but I was like Go jazzy yet I want to hear it in the Hall of Fame I can't believe it. Jazzy is it. Has Is there anything else you want to share to the nation here oh man I just want to thank you they went you know I really enjoyed Let's go jazzy jazzy you know I'm on Mondays Saturdays is the main show from See your time on Eastern Standard would b