Transcripts For KRON ET Entertainment Tonight 20170604 : com

Transcripts For KRON ET Entertainment Tonight 20170604

♪ shakira on new music, motherhood and her younger man. >> i would have ten kids with that man. >> but why she won't return to "the voice." and behind the scenes of "celebrity family feud." >> can we start over? >> "this is us" star chrissy metz versus bindi irwin as kelly clarkson faces off with amy schumer. >> celebrity is out of touch a lot of times. >> like it's bad. >> now, this is "entertainment tonight." thanks for joining us, everyone. nischelle turner is on assignment. this weekend is all about ariana grande returning to manchester for the first time since the tragedy for a very special concert. we're talking about justin bieber, katy perry, choeldplay, miley cyrus all banding together to help the we love manchester emergency fund. and we got a look at what it takes to pull off an event that the whole world will be watching. >> dressed this sweats, ariana was back in england friday, just 11 days after the attack at her concert left 22 dead. accompanying the singer, her boyfriend rapper mac miller in a pink hoodie and her mom jo who helped fans to safety last week at her daughter's show. ariana visited injured fans who are still recovering at royal manchester children's hospital. ♪ meanwhile, security at the venue was being ramped up for sunday's benefit featuring coldplay, miley, and so many more. concertgoers are asked not to bring bags with them, and one promoter told us security at the 65,000-seat venue is paramount. >> there's definitely going to be double the security presence that is normally anticipated at a concert of this size. >> abc and freeform are airing sunday's "one love manchester" show here in the u.s. live on freeform, highlights on abc after the nba finals. ♪ i'm stronger than i've ever thought ♪ >> it really was ariana's idea. even though she was traumatized by these events, she wanted to speak and sing for the victims, to raise money and to make a statement. >> i'm glad you're part of that benefit. >> benefit performer justin bieber was asked about the show this week in new york. grande and bieber's manager scooter braun booked all the artists including katy perry, pharrell, usher and the black eyed peas. >> it all happened very quickly. we're talking about within like 72 hours of the tragedy in manchester. this is a massive production. >> it's going to be emotional. >> on friday we spoke exclusively with the black eyed peas without fergie after rumors nicole scherzinger would replace her in the group. >> is fergie still part of black eyed peas? >> yeah. so no one's replacing fergie. fergie has a dream, and we support her dream. >> fergie working on a solo album tweeted her support. she's not part of sunday's benefit. but the peas had already worked out their set list. ♪ where is the love >> will you guys be performing that song on sunday? >> yeah. >> let's get to another big story this week. the fallout after tiger woods' arrest. the golfing legend was booked on a dui charge, but woods released a statement claiming that alcohol was not a factor. "what happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medication." here's the latest on the scan l scandal. >> that's tiger, disoriented and attempting to take his first of two breathalyzer tests early monday morning at the palm beach county jail. >> out. blow out. don't suck in, blow out. okay. take a breath in. >> in the 12-minute video tiger slurs his speech and seems to struggle to keep his eyes open while standing and sitting. >> come back here. and you're going to sit in the chair. >> cops charged tiger with a dui after they found him asleep at the wheel of his black mercedes about ten miles from his home in jupiter, florida. >> do you remember being asleep in the car? you don't? >> after failing several i sobriety tests -- >> you're not even looking at the light. >> -- the 41-year-old golfer was taken into custody. >> will you please state your full name? >> tiger was cooperative and at one point even cracked a joke. >> hair and eye color. >> brown. >> before doing a second breathalyzer test tiger became confused by the handcuffs. >> i can't unlock them. >> he blew a 0.0 but admitted he takes several prescriptions. >> have you taken any illegal drugs? >> no. >> okay. have you taken any medication? >> yes. >> the medications he confessed to taking were redacted from the video. the golfer had his fourth serious back surgery in three years in april. >> tiger's dui puts at risk over $40 million in endorsement income. >> michael ohanian of "forbes" is tracking the fallout from tiger's arrest. >> his biggest single payday comes from his business arrangement with nike, which pays him over $20 million annually. >> in addition to nike woods also endorsed tailor made golf clubs and rolex watches. so far tiger's corporate sponsors have mostly been silent. >> i want to point out tiger competed griefly this season but pulled out of a tournament in february with back spasms and will not play again this year. by the way, it's now been nine years since tiger won a major championship. looking forward to him making a return. moving on to the latest with brad and angelina. pitt was somber last week, arriving at the funeral of his good friend, rock great chris cornell. that very same day only about 30 miles away his ex angelina stepped out with the kids for a special occasion. angelina celebrated daughter shiloh's 11th birthday with a weekend at disneyland. the jolie-pitt clan plus some friends rode rides like thunder mountain railroad and earlier took in the sights of l.a.'s historic la brea tar pits. raising her six kids as a single mom seems to be weighing heavily on angelina. she tells a magazine she wishes her late mother were there to help, saying, "i would give anything for her to be with me at this time. i've needed her. i've talked to her ov in my mind and tried to think what she might say and how she might guide me. her mother marcheline bertrand died in 2007 of ovarian cancer. in 2011 angelina spoke to the late bob simon on "60 minutes" about the impact of her mother on her life. >> my mother was a full-time mother. she didn't have much of her own career, her own life, her own experiences, her own -- you know, everything was for her children. i will never be as good a mother as she was. i will try my best but i don't think i could ever be. she was just grace incarnate. she was the most generous, loving -- she's better than me. >> brad has talked about going into therapy after the split. jolie has primary custody of the kids and called them resilient. she says, "but they are children. and as much as they need help to understand the hard truth in life they also need what we all need, protection and love." >> amen to that. we all remember when angelina elected to have surgery to minimize the risk of breast cancer. olivia newton-john is a survivor of the disease, and this week olivia shared the sad news that she is in need of treatment again. the 68-year-old posted on facebook that she's reluctantly postponing her tour. what she thought was a sciatica flare-up was actually breast cancer that spread to her back. she was originally diagnosed in 1992 with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy. >> in the first few days when you get that diagnosis you are fearful and it is very frightening but you have to make a decision that you're going to get through it. >> there's a chance you can die. when you confront that, it doesn't become such a big deal anymore. i can deal with life a lot better. >> olivia beat cancer but just four years ago her older sister rona was stricken with brain cancer, passing just six weeks after her diagnosis. >> it was very, very fast. you never know when it's our time. >> as for olivia overcoming her own cancer battle she didn't want to be called a survivor. >> survivor always conjured up the image of someone hanging on to a lifeboat, and i feel i'm in life and i'm healthy and i don't fear this part of my life and i live every day to my fullest. >> are you ever afraid the cancer will come back? >> no. that's just the way i choose to think. i just to think in a positive way and don't live in the fear. >> olivia opened a cancer nter in melbourne in 2012. that center has now helped her with a treatment plan. "i skieded on a direction of therapy after consultation with my doctor." she will complete a short course of radiation and is confident she will be back later this year to continue her shows. >> singing for me is my way of healing, and it always has been. >> our thoughts and prayers are with olivia, of course, and we can't wait to see her back up on that stage performing. up next, nicole kidman on her 50th birthday plans. is she coming back to tv after the success of "big little lies"? >> will you do more tv after this? >> and why husband keith urban never texts her. >> plus -- >> i'm having a boy. >> kevin hart on his new baby and delivery room etiquette. >> i've been here before. i don't go i 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and... ...experience leaks. introducing always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. your body was made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a once-daily pill. ask about xeljanz xr. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? 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>> do you think you guys will start a family? is it -- >> you know, listen. >> i was trying to keep it as cool as possible. >> you gave a little look. >> i gave a -- then i was like, i can't. >> kevin and aniko made their big announcement on mother's day and now kevin has a plan to avoid diaper duty. >> are you ready to go back to diapers? >> no. not at all. i have two kids. i'm not doing that. hey, get up from playing that game and go wipe that boy's butt. i can't do it. >> this is her first. >> yeah. >> and you've done this before. >> i've been here before. >> does she want to hear that? >> no. not at all. you can't say that. this is the first time i've said that. you can't say it to her. whatever she says you have to make it sound like the first time. yeah. of course, honey. i'll read it with you. what's this say? >> until she's in the hospital. >> that's when -- >> all hell breaks loose. >> all hell breaks loose. i don't go in the back half. i stay up. >> do you? you don't go look? >> no. no! you looked? >> kev, i filmed it. i filmed it. >> ain't no way. >> just don't be surprised if kevin posts a delivery room shot like the ones he's posted on the set of "jumanji" with the rock. hollywood's $120 million man also finished shooting "untouchable." plus his book tour starts sunday. not to mention this. >> it will be fine. what could possibly go wrong? >> ha ha! >> thank you, vehicle person. >> did we just create a superhero? >> yes, kevin is a voice in "captain undeants," the first epic movie based on the kids' book that sold millions of copies worldwide. >> you want to know as we're sitting here right now, i just took a nap while we were talking. >> in between questions. >> i was like -- and i woke up that fast. >> and kevin hart is not slowing down anytime soon. we told you about his jumanji remake which is coming out as well as "untouchable" with bryan cranston and nicole kidman. and nicole is pretty busy these days. she just got back from cannes, where she was honored with the 70th anniversary jury prize. couldn't be there in person to accept but she did sit down for a new interview where she shares all about her family with keith urban and what she just can't leave home without. >> i have 20 books on the go at all time. i go to the bookstore and i buy them. >> nicole turns 50 this month and is planning to spend it with husband keith and their two girls. looking flawless on the cover of "in style." did she give the magazine a hint about a follow-up to "big little lies"? >> i just reread "truly madly guilty." >> "truly madly guilty" is the latest best-seller by author liane moriarty, who also wrote "big little lies." a whole new story with different characters. both nicole and reese witherspoon have said they'd love to work together again. >> will you do more tv because of this? >> i would love to, actually. i really -- i mean, the great thing about this is there was wr such fantastic roles for five women. but you know, people are watching it around the world also, which is really fun. people in australia calling me. i have people e-mailing me and texting me going what happens next? >> but she and keith never text each other. >> we're pretty inseparable. >> more face-time? >> yeah, we'll face-time or call. >> last week in cannes nicole seemed to cheer up when keith whispered in her ear. these two just might be hollywood's most affectionate couple. do you get to enjoy these events on a date level at least somewhat? >> yeah. >> oh, yeah. being together. >> can you believe keith almost never asked nicole out on a date? >> have you met anyone who you thought was completely out of your league? kevin, you haven't. but i'm saying imagine you met anybody like that. that's where i was at. >> i love seeing that family all together. nicole is due in london to talk to james corden. she's part of the star-studded line-up as the "late late show" broadcasts from corden's home country next week. james is, well, i'll say already in the spirit. there he is practically perfect as mary poppins. james is also going for a little joy ride with grammy winner ed sheeran. >> ready? sing! ♪ i'm on my way ♪ thinking we found love in a local radio ♪ >> he's got some quite tricky lyrics. so i really, really rehearsed in my car just on my own. peopleriving past just thought i was insane. just for ages just doing that. because -- side of the stage and a fire brigade ♪ ♪ and the fire brigade comes in a couple of days ♪ >> just trying to do that for as long as i could so i could -- >> i love you. >> it's being called the carpool karaoke that could break the internet. james and ed, who's the biggest male artist in the world, shocked us last february but it's been in the works way longer. >> i've been in touch with james corden about this for three years because he wanted me to be the first one and i just wasn't around. ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you ♪ >> karaoke with ed isn't the only thing we can't wait to see as corden takes the "late late show" in london last week. he just was caught filming a new "crosswalk the musical." james dressed as mary poppins sings "spoonful of sugar." and "let's go fly a kite" with sir ben kingsley. ♪ >> warning, my accent gets thicker when i'm back home. even i don't know what i'm saying. ♪ fly a kite >> all right. coming up here -- shakira on her mom guilt and her new music about her hot younger man. ♪ >> one mojito, two mojitos. are you literally taking us back to the night you met? >> miley cyrus's mother and older sister inside the cyrus family home renovation show. >> oh, my gosh. >> and a property brother is off the market. and we have the i do details from the diy wedding. >> we're going to be shakira is back with a new album. but would the two-time grammy winner like another shot at coaching on "the voice"? she never won last go-round. well, shakira talked about that and her sizzling love life when she sat down with our brooke anderson. ♪ remember to forget you >> i loved you on "the voice." two seasons you were there. would you gae back in. >> it was a great experience. of course i miss the guys. they were a lot of fun. but i wouldn't go back. ♪ >> so we won't see shakira joining adam and blake again. she's got three guys at home who love her. hot soccer pro gerard pique and their two adorable sons, 4-year-old mill sxn 2-year-old sasha. >> best part of motherhood. >> you know, i used to be the center of my universe, the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. and now i'm a satellite of my kids. i completely revolve around them. they're the center of my universe. >> this mama is worth an estimated $300 million. and she was the most liked person on facebook three years in a row. but the grammy winner confessed she struggles with mom guilt, especially when she went back to work on her new album "el dorado." >> i didn't want to abandon my role as a mother and i was starting to feel guilty. ♪ >> four huge hits already. and the latest is "me enamore." did i say it correctly? which means i fell in love. so how did you and gerard fall in love? ♪ >> this song is actually like if i would have torn out of my own journal a page. so it's a very personal song. ♪ >> one mojito, two mojitos, i'll stay longer. his beard, his eyes, his mouth. are you literally taking us back to the night you met? >> yeah. and i was wearing a striped bra, just like i say in the song. ♪ whatever, whenever >> shakira's 40. her man is 30. they're not married and keeping it that way for now. but will she and gerard go for baby number three? >> if it wasn't so hard on my body, believe me, i would have ten kids with that man. >> now, shakira does not mess around. even before her album "el dorado" hits stores, she sold more than 60 million albums worldwide. that is how you do it. miley cyrus and her family have taken over the airwaves. she's out with new music. so is dad billy ray cyrus. and now miley's sister brandy and mom trish are going head to head on a new home renovation tv show. >> i came in like a wrecking ball. >> oh, my gosh. ♪ i came in like a wrecking ball ♪ >> in "cyrus versus cyrus" the mother-daughter duo face off to win interior design clients. the family member whose design wins gets to execute her plan. the loser is stuck working as her assistant on the project. >> you're both pretty bossy? >> we are bossy girls. >> it's fun when you see like who wins the challenge because that person immediately turns super bossy. >> i win. we don't even need to hear mom. >> why do these two want to do a home renovation show and not a reality show revolving around their high-profile family? >> it's so invasive and they definitely want the drama. and our family, that's just not something i would have consider doing. even though this was never about our family. somehow every family member ended up being involved a little bit on this show. so it was really, really fun. >> in one episode miley proves that while her personal style has changed her decorating taste is still pretty wild. >> this is the cutest place ever. >> you're obsessed with it. >> what do mom and sis think of her new look? >> to me it's almost like miley going back to her looks. the way she dresses is the way she dressed when she was younger. it's hilarious because the boots she wears every single day are mine from middle school that she found. >> it's true. >> it's insane. >> turns out the cyruses don't throw anything away. >> there's like an entire literal school on our property in nashville. it's a literal elementary school that my dad bought as storage. it's just filled with stuff. and then they have stuff in l.a. >> six storage units in l.a. it's not cute. >> tisch and brandy deg into the cyrus family storage unit to find furniture to decorate clients' houses. coming from a guy who just purged last weekend all his stuff, it's kind of crazy they've got that much stuff. now, to the home renovation experts drew and jonathan scott, better known to many as the property brothers, the twins are keeping very busy on hgtv, but drew also has to plan his upcoming wedding. our carly steele found out what's in store for his big day. >> she's chinese. i'm scottish. it might be a traditional scottish wedding with a kilt. traditional chinese wedding with a lovely sort of red gown that they wear. and fuse the two together and do something with that. >> haggis and fortune cookies. >> oh, my gosh. haggis and lots of head butting. that was a really bad scottish. i have to work on the scottish. >> it took drew six years to pop the question to the creative director of his production company. linda fawn said yes in december. no wedding date yet, but they've already decided it's going to be a diy kind of affair. >> the company that makes invites and that sort of thing. we're going to do all the cards for everybody. we might even have a hand in the cake. >> i'm sure you're going to be helping plan the bachelor party. what are we talking about? >> i am the best bachelor party planner. i know that drew loves extreme stuff. so we'll probably do something that's very active and crazy and wild. >> you play the bagpipes. you could also play the bagpipes as she walks down the aisle. >> that's true. >> jonathan and older brother j.d. will be the co-best man. but first the twins are duking it out in the new season of "brother versus brother," the galveston, texas edition. >> could somebody bring a bucket? >> this is going to be an epic waterfront battle. >> six weeks and a $600,000 budget are all they get to buy, renovate and sell a property of their choogz. the brother with the biggest profit wins. >> when is the last time you beat me at something? because there's the -- >> oh! >> there was last season four brother versus brother i won. season 3 of brother versus brother i won. >> before that i won everything else. basically i've kind of let jonathan -- >> i was born first. i won that one too. >> i pushed you out. >> those two are literally competitive right until the last moment. they compete in everything against each other. but they're always a blast. coming up, we're with tom cruise in london. his "mummy" set secrets. >> i'm very excited about it. >> then how gal gadot filmed "wonder woman" while five months pregnant. >> did that impede anything at all? >> her co-star chris pine on being objectified. >> i was thinking my god, this happens to women so much. >> and does the original wonder woman approve? >> you are the bearer of the sword. closed captioning provided by -- (bell rings) with my moderate to severe crohn's disease,... ...i kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i was doing okay... then it hit me... ...managing was all i was doing. when i told mytor,... ...i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease... ...even after trying other medications. in clinical studies,... the majority of people on humira... saw significant symptom relief... ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability... fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened;... have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where... ...certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb,... ...hepatitis b, are prone to infections,... ...or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. just managing your symptoms? 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>> no. that's just the way i choose to think. i choose to think in a positive way. >> olivia will complete a short course of radiation and is confident she will be back later this year to continue her shows. number 4, mary kay letourneau's shocking split. >> it was wrong, and i am sorry. >> you'll remember the former teacher pled guilty to having an affair with her 12-year-old student, vili filau and ultimately spent nearly seven years in prison. but soon after she was released they married. >> i take you, vili, to be my constant -- my constant best friend. >> now after 12 years of marriage and two children, vili filed for legal separation on may 9th. in a statement vili's attorney tells "e.t." he is asking for privacy for his family as they are separated. mary kay has not responded to our request for comment. number 3, kathy griffin fired after her trump posts. >> have you had a chance to talk to anderson? >> cnn parted ways with anderson cooper's frequent new year's eve co-host as a result of her gory photo controversy. kathy called a press conference friday saying she's being bullied by the trump family, and public outcry has caused her to fear for her life. >> the death threats that i'm getting are constant. >> number 2, sunday's ariana grande benefit for manchester. >> it really was ariana's idea. even though she was traumatized by these events, she wanted to speak and sing for the victims, to raise money and make a statement. >> grande and bieber's manager scooter braun booked all the artists including katy perry, miley cyrus, pharrell, usher, the black eyed peas and coldplay. ♪ and the number 1 story this week, tiger woods' dui arrest. >> you're not even looking at the light. >> tiger was subjected to several sobriety tests by jupiter, florida police who say they found him asleep behind the wheel just after 2:00 a.m. on monday. woods also took a breathalyzer test and blew a 0.0 but admitted he takes several prescriptions. the golfer had his fourth serious back surgery in three years in april. >> you don't have to walk anywhere. >> go to etonline for the latest. that is tom cruise getting it done in a new version of the horror classic "the mummy" in theaters next weekend. carly steel talked to him. >> magic mike. >> the audience weren't go ooh. they were going like ah. >> for that plane crash tom went zero gravity in a real plane. 64 drops to shoot the scene. >> you've got a pretty strong constitution. was there ever a moment where you were like this is a lot? >> luckily, i didn't get sick. luckily. >> i was like no way. >> i convinced everyone to do this. i can't be sitting in the corn ye corner. >> tom makes a big mistake by removing the mummy's casket. >> it's a very different role for you. >> he's a funny wag. thief. bit of a scallywag who finds his humanity. at the end we don't want to give away more of the ending. >> other things tom's not giving away, "top gun 2" secrets. >> will there be female fighter pilots in the cockpit in. >> i can't talk about the story at all at this point. i can't say anything. but i'm very excited about it. >> who would you like to see coming back from the original cast, and who might be coming back? >> i can't talk about it. when we're allowed to and we're -- >> give me a call? >> i'll give you a call. and we'll go through it. >> perfect. >> i have to say, in my series i think i'm pretty tough but at the age of 54 tom still doing all his own stunts like, that he's in shape. it's crazy. now, for the female tom cruise actress gal gadot, otherwise known as wonder woman. her movie's in theaters now. we've been talking to gal everywhere, at the premiere and in our new interview with nischelle turner, which by the way would have been a sit-down except gal was fighting her way through some major pain, so it ended up being a stand-up interview. really nothing can stop wonder woman. >> you've got to stand. are you okay? >> yeah. i'm okay. i just threw my back out. it happens. i'm in bed because i threw my back out. whoo-hoo. >> because of her bad back gal stood during my interview. she also has her hands full as a new mom. >> what's really bothered me is sitting. so i can stabbed and lay down. when i'm standing and with the baby and you just work around it. >> her second child, daughter maya, was born in march. now, you can't see a baby bump under that skin-tight wonder woman suit, but for some of the scenes it was filip. >> you were pregnant when you were filming parts of this still? did that impede anything? >> we shot the movie. and then i went straight into "justice league." got pregnant when i was shooting "justice league." and at the end of "justice league" i had to do some additional photography for this one. so five months pregnant. and i just had a funny costume. we cut a big triangle and paint it green, and i came to work, me and maya, we came to work together. >> in the film gal grows up as diana on a secret island of female warriors. >> when we were shooting the battle scenes back in italy, i felt the sisterhood. it was so much fun. all of us women working together. it was surreal, too because all the men came to be with wives or girlfriends and they were walking around with strollers. it was like a new era. it was so much fun for everyone. >> it was also a lot of work recreating the superhero originally made famous by lynda carter. >> you are the bearer of the torch. >> yes, i am the bearer of the torch, and now i'm passing it forward. >> picking up the torch and running with it required gal getting casts of her legs made to create those custom wonder woman boots and tleerng kick some superhero butt with weapons training, archery and sword fights. but for chris pine playing wonder woman's love interest makes it easier. >> it's fun to be objectified for a day. i was thinking like my god, this happens to women so much, it's about time. >> you're a man. >> don't i look like one? >> yeah, you do. and it shows when chris strips down in a rock pool. >> can we talk about the amazon pool? >> let's just get straight to it. >> i mean, it's only right. we always get objectified in bikinis. >> i've been in war. now i'm in a great place full of beautiful women in a hot tub and i'm thinking so this is that. >> he came very prepared. i know he's been training to be in the best shape. >> i love you. >> we'll be seeing gal in full wonder woman mode twice this year. she also has "justice league" hitting theaters on november 17th. now, straight ahead, you never want to go up against amy schumer, right? well, kelly clarkson did. >> yes p. >> why kelly has an advantage in herr family feud war. >> when i talk i get nervous. i feel like i'm beyonce in my head. >> then the shocking menendez murders become a tv movie. we're on the set for the crime that rocked e of wow savings. wow means you save 50% or more. there are three stages of wow. denial... is this price right? acceptance... and boooyah! wait for it! boooyah has three "o's". ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ it's buy one, get one free on snickers and twix miniatures. that was back in 1989, when the whole country was captivated by lyle and eric menendez, the two brothers who gunned down their wealthy parents in their beverly hills mansion. the sensational murder trial of course played out on live tv and now their story is getting the lifetime movie treatment. >> we have to act now. >> michael olivier is eric and nico tortorella plays older brother lyle. rocker courtney love appears as their mother kitty. >> eric, you can still save yourself. >> you don't think actor first and foremost when you think of courtney love, right? but she is bringing it to this role so hard. >> "how to get away with murder" star benito martinez plays their hollywood executive father. >> these two kids who had everything blew their parents away with shotguns and didn't just shoot them once. they shot them several times. >> after the murders the brothers went on a spending spree with their inheritance. later they confessed, claiming their father sexually abused them and that their mother enabled them. >> he said he would kill me if i told anyone. >> this film takes the point of view that what they said was true. does it excuse murder? i don't personally think so. i think that there's other options. but it doesn't -- it's not like it should be ignored. >> the jury never bought their defense and they were both found guilty. >> it was hard for people to see the human sides of these two kids. they were painted to be such monsters. granted, they did kill their parents, right? so yes, monsters. but i think that there's a lot more to the story than what meets the eye. >> back in 2009 we spoke to younger brother eric on the phone from prison, and he expressed his regret for what happened that fateful night. >> i miss my mom terribly. i would give virtually anything to be able to hug her. i just wish i could go back in time and change it. >> both brothers are serving life sentences in separate california prisons. still to come -- inside two "family feud" face-offs. amy schumer versus kelly clarkson. >> it's fun watching celebrities squirm. >> and bindi irwin versus a "this is us" star. >> you're xanltding. >> then is steve harvey giving "shark tank" a run for its money? a wild new competition show. >> on behalf of all the men in here, we don't know what the hell you talk about. >> that's ahead. but first, this weekend in the "entertainment tonight birthdays." which news anchor spent time working at the cia? is it anderson cooper? matt lauer? or megyn worrying about your big... about the client dinner. you gonna wear? hannah. did you get that email i sent you? i need you to respond... ...before you wake up. when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. intrzero alcohol™.ine® it delivers a whole mouth clean with a less intense taste. so it has the bad breath germ-killing power of this... with the lighter feel... of this. try listerine® zero alcohol™. 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[ cheers and applause ] >> pass or play? >> there's another great match-up in that season premiere episode. animal conservationist bindi irwin is taking on "this is us" star chrissy metz. buckle up for this one. >> from "this is us" it's chrissy metz and her family! >> it's chrissy with her mom and three sisters versus bindi, little brother robert, her mom, plus her cousin and his wife. >> how are you doing? >> i am tip top terrific and so happy to be here. >> while you see a "celebrity family feud" face-off, we see an opportunity to get dirt on boyfriends. bindi's been with chandler powell for two years now. and chrissy and charmman josh stansell have been dating for nearly nine months. >> you do approve of him? >> yes, do i approve. >> but is there a checklist? >> there are the four cs. >> what are the four cs? >> cash, career, crib, and car. >> cash, career, crib, and car. boom, boom, boom, boom. oh-m i god. are you okay? >> cushion cut. >> kidding. >> that was not -- >> wait a minute. >> i'm just saying that's the kind of cut -- >> that's the kind of cut. does he know that? >> eyre not even talking about it. >> i understand. should i call? >> that's up to you. i'm not putting any pressure on anybody. can we start over? >> behind the scenes. your boyfriend chandler is here. i thought maybe he would be on the panel somewhere too. by guess you've got to be blood related or married, something like that. >> yeah. we haven't gotten married. that wasn't quite going to work. >> do you approve of chandler? >> chandler is awesome. he is wonderful. very kind to bindi. very smart and talented young man. just utterly perfect. >> but it's not all about their love life. cameron managed to get something you don't know about bindi from her baby bro. >> bindi loves tea. she's addicted to tea. >> like chai tea that's cold. >> her version of partying is sitting down and drinkingups of tea. >> man. steve harvey is a busy man because he also moefts "little big shots" which just returned. come next sunday another competition show, this one's new and it's called funderdome. >> $50,000. tonight in the funder dome. >> lots of cash up for grabs. all you have to do is convince a studio audience that your business idea is best. >> you're in the roman coliseum. and the hordes can determine this or this. except you don't die. >> each episode six inventors compete for funding to their product. >> a lot of people have great ideas. but man, they just don't have enough seed money just to get it to the next level. >> take tanya's invention called the v smart bar. it's holistic soap formulated just for women. >> on behalf of all the men in here, we don't know what the hell you talking about. i'm not here to slam a product. i'm here to find the funny in a product and have fun with your product, and i let the audience decide. >> hauting starts now. >> close to 400 people sitting in this room who can say look, man, i can give you the money now. >> i'm just excited. >> i thought you were going to slap me just now. >> reality tv mogul mark burnett n exetive producer. >> we view the audience as the customers. the customers who would be buying those products. >> they're not just the customer. they're the funder. they can fund your idea. >> it's time to get down to business. here is -- >> at this point you probably think steve harvey has enough hosting jobs, right? no. you'd be wrong. because later this month on nbc comes "little big shots forever young." same concept except instead of kids vying for the grand prize travel consideration provided by -- lots of stars with birthdays this weekend. russell brand is celebrating turning 42. scott wolf 49. angelina jolie 42. now, take a final look at your choices. which news anchor spent time working at the cia? that is anderson cooper, who's 50 this weekend. monday we are with the stars at the manchester benefit concert. the emotional moment backstage. that's monday. >> we are almost out of time this weekend. butfor all the late-breaking hollywood news just go to our websi website. before we go check out this video with "american idol" alum lauren alaina it's for country singer kane brown's song "what if." the pair were classmates growing up and it held the number one slot on the country playlist for two weeks. enjoy it. ♪ i don't need you ♪ what if i was made for you and you were made for me ♪ ♪ what if this is it ♪ what if it's meant to be ♪ ♪ what if i could pull you close ♪ ♪ what if i lean in ♪ ♪ what if i loved all the heartaches away ♪ ♪ away ♪ -- captions by vitac -- [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] heard gunshots a huge crash and as we came out there were sirens, police sirens.">( jr stone ) terror in the heart of london on a busy saturday night. at least six people are dead and doze of others injured following átwoá attacks including van mowing down pedestrians on a bridge. ( jr stone ) good evening... i'm j-r stone.( justine ) and i'm justine waldman. this is a breaking story that we have been watching unfold for several hours now. we are now getting confirmation that three suspects in the attack are dead. kron 4's hermela aregawi has been tracking the developments... and the chaos that witnesses saw as it

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