Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20170416 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News Weekend 20170416

dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty @ landing ) 9 minors are injured this morning after a shooting at a house party in vallejo. this happened just after midnight at 110 calhoun street. police say a large group of teenagers gathered for a party at that home. then someone in a car across the street opened fire at the crowd. police say four minors were shot at and five others were injured. all 9 were transported to a hospital with minor to serious injuries. police are looking for two gunmen in connection with the shooting. ( marty @ landing ) more breaking news from overnight. at least 2 people are injured in a two-alarm fire at a san jose motel. fire officials say the blaze started around 12:30 in the morning in the 16-hundred block of monterey road. they had the fire out at the "casa linda motel" in less than an hour. we will continue to follow this story throughout the morning. ( marty @ landing ) our top story this morning. violence breaks out again in berkeley during dual demonstrations. this is video from our helictoper partnership with abc 7 news. hundreds of supporters and protesters of president trump gathered at martin luther king - civic center park. kron four's spencer blake reports that dozens were hurt and several others arrested. . (boom)thirty or 40 of these smoke bombs went off during the course of dueling protests in berkeley saturdayand they weren't coming from police."i saw a couple of smoke bombs that way. somebody got pepper sprayed."one person even got hit with bear spray.a police officer was treated for gas inhalation, and should be fine. there was a medic area set up for people who came out of scuffles hurt."communists from the left! you are evil people!" we even saw people who showed up to the rally with mouthguards and facemasksas if they áexpected to get hit in the face."i was hit on the head with sticks and pepper sprayed. and punched and stuff."the heated exchange between these two guys could have gone differently. apparently the man with the beard had been sharing his opiniong verbally, while other people on his side of the rallywere throwing things at the opposing side.the man in the black beanie, who says he was here to support free spech, had wanted to thank the other man for not getting violent. "what i was gonna tell him was, 'hey, ya know what? even though you and i don't agree, i wish there was more people like you on your side, because you're actually willing to engage in ideas. i got about three words out and he called me a nazi and a fascist."an hour or so later, we ran into the same manthis time with blood running down "i had to run in. there was like three of them; there was just me."though police from berkeley and oakland were lined up in several areas, many people wondered why they didn't stop the boxing matches that were happening in the street.had tried to be proactive by banning sticks, rocks, shields, and other items that could be weaponized, the rules of didn't hold up long.police least 21, 11 arrests.kron four ( marty ) we first told you about the protest arrests through our mobile app. we sent a push alert at 11:43 saturday morning. make sure you download the kron four mobile app to always stay up to date on breaking news. we will continue our coverage of the protests in berkeley later on kron four news weekend. ( marty @ landing ) nine people are injured following an early morning nightclub shooting in ohio. police say the shoooting started shortly before 12:30 pacific time this morniong at north columbus club. two people are in critical condition and seven are stable. police are searching for multiple gunmen in the investigation. no word yet on what led up to the shooting. ( marty @ landing ) it remains unclear this morning what caused dozens of cars to catch fire in the east bay. this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news the fire at "insurance auto auction" on stevenson boulevard in fremont started around 4:00 in the afternoon saturday. the fremont fire department tells us the fire spread quickly from car to car. in all 35 cars burned in the car lot fire. investigators are still working to determine how the fire started. ( marty @ landing ) happening today. the golden state warriors play their first game of the 20-17 n-b-a playoffs. they host the portland trail blazers at oracle arena. that's where we find kron four's averi harper this morning. good morning averi. ( averi ) happening today. the golden state warriors play their first game of the 20-17 n-b-a playoffs. the dubs host the portland trail blazers in a battle between the number 1 seed and number 8 seed. the warriors won a league best 67 games during the regular season. forward matt barnes is out today with an ankle sprain. draymond ankle out today with matt barnes is forward season. forward matt barnes is out today with an ankle sprain. draymond green says the team focused on winning the nba championship. tip-off for today's game is 12:30. ( marty @ landing ) thanks, averi. ( marty @ landing ) thousands of worshippers gathered at the vatican to celebrate easter. they listened to pope francis's easter sunday message. the pope celebrated mass on the steps leading to saint peter's basilica this easter sunday. pope francis encouraged people to hold fast in their "fearful hearts" despite the suffering in the world. ( marty ) still ahead. demonstrators across the country on the march demanding the president release his tax returns. we'll show you the nationwide protests and the one here in the bay area. plus.. people in one bay area city are concerned with the upcoming rain. there's been another cliff collapse. the story, still ahead. and after the break. americans are digging deeper than ever into their wallets for easter this year. the number are stunning. we have them, next. áááábreakáááá for your money: . here are the stories from the week -- that could impact your bottom line. ( marty ) americans are expected to spend a record amount of money this year celebrating easter. a survey from the national retail federation says spending for easter is expected to reach 18-and a half billion-dollars.... that's up six-percent over last year's record and a new all-time high. two-and a half billion dollars will go toward buying easter themed candy. experts say consumers will also likely splurge on spring fashions and easter decorations. late egg hunters might be battling some wet ground. rain develops late this morning and spreads over the bay this afternoon. your forecast is next ! i'm val. the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. i represent the money you save for the future. who's he? he's the green money you can spend now. what's up? gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. those of us who stumble. celebrate the fearless who fumble. at clorox, we salute those who fight the good fight... ...just to stay upright. we take our hats off to the hoppers... the floppers... and the produce pile topplers. there's a little klutz in all of us. that's why we made clorox splash-less bleach... ...splashless. shine on, klutzes. shine on. ( marty ) here's a live look at the embarcadero this morning. toss to weather. (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty ) thousands of people across the country joined in planned protests against president trump. they want the president to release his tax returns, cole higgins has the story. d.c..(nats)new york..(nats)los angeles..(nats)demonstrators across the u.s. took to the streets saturday for an anti-trump tax day march.mos: "this is something we want to see him do is release his taxes." butt sot "it's just an integrity thing, you know? because we were in the military, we were required to show any and every bit of information about ourselves and it showed our integrity and our commitment."every president and presidential nominee has made their tax returns public for the past 40 years...but president trump has failed to do so ..despite saying he would following an audit during the 2016 elections. president trump: "so the answer is i'll release. hopefully before the election i'll release and i'd like to release."and again following the release of hillary clintion's email scandal.. president trump: "i will release my taxes return, against my lawyers wishes, once she releases her 30- thousand e-mails that have been deleted."trump has said americans "don't care at all" about his tax returns... but polls show nearly 75 percent of americans believe he should release them.rep. maxine waters / -d- ca: "we march today because while donald trump thinks he is distracting us we came to hold number 45 and his administration accountable. (cheers) i'm cole higgins reporting. ( marty ) meanwhile, thousands showed up in san francisco to march for the same reason. the protest at city hall was led by california democrats including congresswoman nancy pelosi. kron 4's hermela aregawi was there and has the latest. the message was clear..the people that attended the rally tell me they want to see the returns..because they believe the returns will show that president trump has conflicts of interests.. especially where russia is involved.rep. nancy pelosi/d/california: donald trump must release his tax returns!congresswoman nancy pelosi was the keynote speaker at the rally.joined by supervisor jane kimand san francisco native and author of the making of donald trump david k johnston.david cay johnson/author, the making of donald trumpdonald, russian bribes are not tax deductible thousands showed up with hand made signs.and one message. jessica redford/indivisible sf: we're here today to demand that trump show his tax returns. we want to know whether he has any conflict of interest or if there's anything else in his financial history that would basically disqualify him for roll of president.anca mosoiu/wants trump tax returns released: whether he's getting money from russia or has loans out in various countries where america has interest. what's happening now is there is a division between people that can get away with stuff and the rest of us. its just not right.allyson west/indvisible lake merritt: i feel that somebody who leads our country should be honest with the people that he or she should be serving and i'd be willing to share my tax returns so i'm not sure why he would not be willing to share his tax returns.barbara west/wants trump tax returns released: this is actually the most improtant thing we can do in terms of getting him out is to try to get him to show his taxes, get the the fbi to subpoena his taxespolls show more than half of americans want to see the president's tax returns.and more than a million people have signed a white house petition asking for them.but some people are skeptical they'll ever see the light of daymike wardynski/ i don't think these marches are enough for him to do that. but i think if you know hopefully we get enough dirt on him where he'll be forced to do it. (hermela aregawi)democrats are hoping the fbi subpoenas the returns as part of the intelligence committes investigation into russia's involvement in the elections. but it's unclear how likely that is to happen.reporting live in san francisco, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. ( marty ) and the president responded on twitter this morning. : "i did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a republican- easily won the electoral college! now tax returns are brought up ( marty ) happening now. an update to a story we brought to yesterday on kron four news weekend. police have arrested a man in connection with a stolen autographed football signed by 49ers legend jerry rice. police say 45-year-old patrick van lam of san jose turned himself late last night. this after he allegedly stole a football that was sold at an auction for 35-hundred dollars. lam brought the football to the milpitas police department. he has been booked on suspcion of burglary and grand theft. the football was stolen at a fundraising event back on april 9. police are looking for more people in connection with the theft. ( marty ) still ahead. the giants hit the field on jackie robinson day but nothing goes their way. the highlights, after the break. ( marty ) bay area baseball. the giants at home at at&t park hosting division rivals, the colorado rockies. and it was jackie robinson day, so every player wears number 42 in his honor. it was a rough day on the field for the giants. matt moore gave up 10 hts and 5 earned runs. the rockies win the game 5 to 0. jeff samarddzija takes the mound vs the rockies today at 1:05. ( marty ) and more bad news for the orange and black. left fielder jarrett parker catches this line shot but slams into the wall. parker in obvious pain. parker suffered a broken right collarbone. manager bruce bochy doesnt have a timetable for parkers return, but he is expected to be out for some time. ( marty ) we head across the bay to oakland where the a's took on the houston astros. and the a's were cruising to start the game. sean manea had a no hitter through five innings. left fielder khris davis, hit another home run, adding his total to 6 on the season. the a's led 5- nothing at one point. but houston rallied back. the astro's win 10 to 6. they play again at the coliesum today at 1:05. ( marty ) on the ice.. the sharks are back in town and host the edmonton oilers in game 3 of the opening round of the n-h-l playoffs. team teal won game 1 of the series in overtime, but were shut out in game 2. the sharks have won 8 of their last 12 games at the s-a-p center and have held their opponents to 2 goals or less 8 times. pick drops at 7:00 tonight in san jose. ( marty ) and make sure you give yourself some extra time on bay area freeways today. four of our pro sports teams will be playing at home. the warriors have game 1 of the n-b-a playoffs at 12:30 in oakland. the a's play next door at 1:05. the giants host the rockies in san francisco at 1:05. and the sharks play in san jose tonight at 7:00. ( marty ) still ahead. our continuing coverage of the violent protests in berkeley between supporters and protestors of president trump. we'll show you what happened. here's a live look at the bay bridge. ( marty ) dave spahr has your forecast... (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. the region. builds over high pressure weekend as persist into week and late in the will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty ) with more rain on the way, people in pacifica are worried this morning after yet another cliff collapsed.... neighbors say they understand the erosion but they don't think the city is doing enough to slow the process. kron four's lydia pantazes reports neighbors dont think the city is doing enough to slow erosion. it's an eerie reminder of the eroding coastline in pacifica...."i noticed the caution tape and i immediately came over and took a look."a reminder that makes gwen urie who lives just across from the area... a little nervous."this has obviously been kind of a long slow process but to see the pathway go down was a little scary."neighbors say the cliff collapsed at around 1pm on saturday.... people we spoke with say there was at least four feet of coastline in front of this bench that is now gone. erin long-scott "there is a little cringe, you know, we've been, when we came home and saw how bad it is we were just talk my boyfriend and i how depressed it makes us."the cliff collapsed is in the same area where the city bought and removed 12-homes... this is the scene from 1998 when 30-feet of cliff fell away from the side of those a result the homes were removed and a trail was put in their place.two homes still remain... but those homes have also been bought by the city and are vacant."so you can see down here the big boulders are actually an engineered revetment wall but they have slid out of place as the top of the bluff has eroded."but neighbors say the revetments wall is not being maintained...."they said that they would maintain the tip rap to bring it back up and we've noticed all the rip rap, instead of it being against the wall of the cliff edge is now out and tumbled in, so there's no protection between the ocean and the cliff edge." for people like gwen urich... who is looking at selling... the collapse couldn't come at a worse time."to finally make the decision to sell and then to have this happen is pretty scary so for me it's a scary thing financially to think about how that might affect the value of my house." ( marty ) that was kron four's lydia pantazes reporting. we will continue to follow the latest out of pacifica throughout the week on the kron four morning news and on kron four dot com. ( marty ) we continue to take a look at saturdays violent demonstrations in berkeley between supporters and those opposed to president trump . kron four's philippe djegal shows us another angle of the bitter feelings between each side. nats- "you're a fááááág white male." the discourse wasn't civil...nats- "and, if you don't starting shutting it up, we're going to take your fááááág. a fascist is in charge. you're a fááááág retard." one could argue the often vulgar discussions were irrational.nats- "you're a fááááág white male. yeah, i'm a white male. white male." caucasians blasting one another for not being on the same political side...nats- "get it, get it, get it." an african american woman strips an asian american woman of her american flag... upset over the woman's allegiance to president donald trump.sot- "(philippe) does it bother you more because she's a minority? (woman) absolutely. it makes shameful that you are not listening to what he's doing to our people. you have brown skin. brown skin. (other woman) my skin doesn't mean anything. i'm an american. i'm an american. (woman) but girl, when your family starts to get affected by it then, what? (other woman) my family came from a communist country, and my parents are very strong trump supporters and they do not want our country to become a communist country and they see us going down that slippery slope."nats- boom in and around civic center park, protestors threw m-80's into the crowd. we were forced to take cover several times. nats- "fáák." we spoke with this trump supporter who wandered into the anti-trump crowd...sot- "those are the fascists. they call me a fascist -- i ain't no racist. i ain't no racist, i ain't no fascist. i think everyone here should have a speech, but i don't think any of us should be touching each other." just minutes later... a fight broke out... and, the same man who denounced violence walked away with a bloody face.sot- "yeah, a rock hit me in the face -- it was cool. this is what we came here for. get out of here now." and, he wasn't the only one brusied and battered. all part of an ugly morning and afternoon in berkeley. nats- "fááááág racists. that's all you guys are." philippe djegal, kron four news. ( marty ) held against her will and raped... that is what a santa rosa teenager is saying her boyfriend did to her... the man is in jail this morning. but neighbors tell kron four news another story. that the 28 year old suspect was instead abused by the teen girl. kron four's ella sogomonian reports. a call came through from worried parents to santa rosa police that their teen daughter was allegedly held against her will and raped inside this apartment. but she warned them he would kill her if police arrived. "lining the streets like they were looking for something but i had no idea what was really going on." "wait a minute there was two more right there. and it looked like they were waiting for someone to run."friday night they showed up to the building on billie jean street and knocked on the door.the girl ran out to police and they arrested her boyfriend 28- year-old norman tapia.he faces one felony count of domestic battery, false imprisonment, and unlawful sex with a minor. but neighbors were stunned by the allegations. "i've heard him say for her to leave. which she never wanted to leave. they'd take off in a car. i mean she drove a burgundy truck. she had many opportunities to leave. i mean she was never held against her will."they say in the last month they've only seen the reverse of the story. claiming the girl constantly abused him. "the times i'd seen it, it was always her beating him up. all the time. so she could have done that to her own self to protect herself if anything should happen."santa rosa police say tapia had an outstanding warrant for of scotts forcible rape victim. ( marty ) that was kron four's ella sogomonian reporting. tapia is behing held in sonoma county jail on a $375 thousand dollar bail. ( marty ) a los altos family is dealing with a major loss this morning. their home was destroyed by a fire. you are looking at video that was sent to us by a kron-4 viewer... the fire broke out around 4:00 yesterday afternoon at a two-story house on casita way. witnesses say neighbors alerted a mother and her two kids who were inside the home. they managed to get out before the fire spread. crews are investigating the cause of the fire this morning but they belive it started in the garage. i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? stand up to chronic migraine with botox® botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. for a limited time, you can qualify for two treatments at no cost. stand up to chronic migraine. talk to a headache specialist today. ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. mcdonalds is testing out new technology here in the bay area before it appears in the rest of the country. kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate got a demo of how they are using the power of the mobile app to serve up gabe slate says: i'm in salinas which is south of gilroy where mcdonald's has launched a new program using a mobile app to get people their fast food even faster you can order through the app and pick it up at the counter when you arrive or park at the curbside spot and have it walked out to you.. you don't even have to leave your vehicle.. no lines just food right away. mcdonald's owner raymond costa says: this one woman ordered at 5am and was putting on makeup getting ready for work we walked her food out she loved it raymond costa the owner of this mcdonalds says so far this pre ordering off the phone has big hit here.. it doesn't add any charge to the order just convienience and time saved. before you order you put your credit card into the app that's how the payment works he said they get a lot of parents curbside who don't want to deal with taking the kids in and out of a carseat corporate tests out a lot of things down here.. sound from mcdonalds owner ray costa says: we were the first to test out mini fries and apples in happy meals.. the mobile app thing is going really well this mobile ordering will be rolling out nation wide over the summer. i have a feeling this one will catch on. anything to skip a line generally takes off but as always watch out for the hamburgler he's a sneaky villian with your tech report gabe slate kro 4 news ( marty ) still ahead. united airlines is hoping this incident never happens again. the're working to prevent it. we'll show you how. live look outside... san mateo bridge. ♪ ♪ the day's looking new and bright, ♪ ♪ and you're gonna start it right, ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up is folgers ♪ ♪ in your cup. live look outside...sutro tower. dave spahr is here with your weather forecast. (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty ) the special needs teacher shot and killed at a san bernardino school was rembered in a vigil. rod smith sang a very emotional song that his mother, karen smith taught him. she was one of three people murdered at north park elementary school monday. karen smith was killed by her estranged husband 53-year-old cedric anderson. police say anderson walked into her classroom and opened fire. killing smith, and an eight-year-old student. a nine-year-old student is home revcovering from his injuries. smith was a mother of four adult children. ( marty ) united airlines is making a policy change after one of its passengers was dragged off a plane. last week, doctor david dao was forced out of his seat because a crew member needed it. the 69-year-old says he suffered a concussion, a broken nose, broke a couple of teeth, has damage to his sinuses and might need reconstructive surgery. he's planning to file a lawsuit against united. the airline says it will now require staff and crew to check in at least 60 minutes before a flight. the airlines wants to avoid future backlash when it asks passengers to give up their seat for a united worker. it is legal to bump a ticket- holding customer off a flight, but typically not once they've already boarded. united says this policy will ensure employees are seated before the plane fills up. ( marty ) they give out awards for all types of things, but there are no bad driver awards. so kron four's stanley roberts took matters into his own hands in this morning's people behaving badly. if i were to ever give out awards for the worst driving habits in a business district and we get a smile from the illegal u-turn with no license plates this delivery driver would win first placenot only did he decide to do a u-turn . it was a bad attempt . he held up traffic in the in the process . which may have taken the same amount of time to do it legally why not go to the end of the block and make a regular u-turn it's kinda far but it's in a car it's not like you're are walking i know right what was he delivering .. stick around i'll show you another contender for first place was this driver in the prius .who in almost the same exact spot flipped a you eee. so what was his business. let's find out dropping off pizzas huh so i asked him the same question and told him that it's an expensive ticket yea i know but nobody's here meaning there are not cops around and also i have to be quick (you have to be quick) yea then right after going inside he must have had an epiphany are you going to hide my plates (no) you didn't hide your plates when you made the u-turn so am i going to get this driver . she is looking for a place to stop .but that's an active lane of traffic .then she spots a driveway and cuts off the red thunderbird to flip a u-turn nats: ambiance so she could come and pick up a passenger who was waiting at the curb . i tried to talk to the driver but she wasn't having anything to do with me or my camera ambiance now the interesting part there isthis huge whitezone outside 888 brannon for pickup and drop offs but many will drop off in a lane of traffic or do the illegal u-turn according to people walking by ..between the hours 4 and 6 pm it's pure choas oh i almost forgot the the driver in the beginning .. he dropped off i got some soup i just hope its some good soup i never tried it before i hope it good soup too there was this driver who drove up the block and did it legally ..but why i don't want to get a citation (hahahaha) well that's a good reason i got one at sfo last week so maybe it's true citations change drivers habits ...people behaving badly, he's doing a great job in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news ( marty ) still ahead. california high school graduation rates reached a new high last year. the reason for the success, after the break. ( marty ) here's a live look at kirkwood this morning... they had 8 inches of snow in the last 24 hours. high of 43 degrees this sunday. (vo) gentlemen, beggin' skinny strips or beggin' black label? there's two?! now this is a delicious dilemma! introducing new beggin' strips premium edition. twwwoooooo?!?! with real meat as ingredient one. everything to your liking? mmm mmmmm... new beggin' strips premium. becaussssseeee beggin'! school graduation rates reached a new high last year. 83-percent of students in the 20-16 class graduated on time from public high schools. that's up about one- percent from 2015. the rate has now gone up 7 years in a row. . numbers show more african-american, latino, and english learners are graduating than ever before. smaller class sizes and expanded arts and science education programs are getting much of the credit for the success. ( marty ) oakland fire crews had a "pint-sized" rescue mission when six ducklings fell down a storm drain. these are pictures of the rescue from the oakland firefighters twitter page. it happened around noon yesterday near lake merritt. fire crews were able to remove the grate covering the storm drain and scoop the ducklings out. the birds were then reunited with their mother. ( marty ) a florida mom has discovered a very unique way to tell her kids that it's okay to be different. she dresses up in a t-rex costume whenever she has a chance to do it. she wants her two boys to be themselves regardless of what others may think of them. the mom has been getting a lot of attention after someone recorded her walking her son max to school last week and her kids say they are okay with mom wearing the costume. ( marty ) leslie's popularity is growing... her kids friends think their mom is pretty cool. late egg hunters might be battling some wet ground. rain develops late this morning and spreads over the bay this afternoon. your forecast is next ! ( averi ) the warriors have their first playoff game of the season today. i have a full report from oracle after the break. my wife got me to be a devoted vegetarian... except for every ladies' night. only glad has forceflex to prevent rips, leaks, and punctures. so whatever you throw in the bag... stays in the bag. be happy, it's glad. ♪ break me off a piece of that kit kat bar ♪ we're both chance the wrapper. no, i get it. have a break, have a kit kat. ♪ "turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack."♪ "each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one, welcome to kron 4 news weekend. you are taking a look at storm tracker four. rain is expected to hit the bay area on this easter sunday. ( marty ) and here is a live look at the embarcadero. ( marty ) i'm marty gonzalez. thanks for joining us. hello dave, what's in the forecast. (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty @ landing ) 9 minors are injured this morning after a shooting at a house party in vallejo. this happened just after midnight at 110 calhoun street. police say a large group of teenagers gathered for a party at that home. then someone in a car across the street opened fire at the crowd. police say four minors were shot at and five others were injured. all 9 were transported to a hospital with minor to serious injuries. police are looking for two gunmen in connection with the ( marty @ landing ) more breaking news from overnight. at least 2 people are injured in a two-alarm fire at a san jose motel. fire officials say the blaze started around 12:30 in the morning in the 16-hundred block of monterey road. they had the fire out at the "casa linda motel" in less than an hour. we will continue to follow this story throughout the morning. ( marty @ landing ) our top story this morning. violence breaks out again in berkeley during dual demonstrations. this is video from our helictoper partnership with abc 7 news. hundreds of supporters and protesters of president trump gathered at martin luther king - civic center park. kron four's spencer blake reports that dozens were hurt and several others arrested. . (boom)thirty or 40 of these smoke bombs went off during the course of dueling protests in berkeley saturdayand they weren't coming from police."i saw a couple of smoke bombs that way. somebody got pepper sprayed."one person even got hit with bear spray.a police officer was treated for gas inhalation, and should be fine. there was a medic area set up for people who came out of scuffles hurt."communists from the left! you are evil people!" we even saw people who showed up to the rally with mouthguards and facemasksas if they áexpected to get hit in the face."i was hit on the head with sticks and pepper sprayed. and punched and stuff."the heated exchange between these two guys could have gone differently. apparently the man with the beard had been sharing his opiniong verbally, while other people on his side of the rallywere throwing things at the opposing side.the man in the black beanie, who says he was here to support free spech, had wanted to thank the other man for not getting violent. "what i was gonna tell him was, 'hey, ya know what? even though you and i don't agree, i wish there was more people like you on your side, because you're actually willing to engage in ideas. i got about three words out and he called me a nazi and a fascist."an hour or so later, we ran into the same manthis time with blood running down his face."i had to run in. there was like three of them; there was just me."though police from berkeley and oakland were lined up in several areas, many people wondered why they didn't stop the boxing matches that were happening in the street.though police had tried to be proactive by banning sticks, rocks, shields, and other items that could be weaponized, the rules of the rally didn't hold up long. police arrested at least 21, 11 reported injuries arrests. in berkeley, spencer blake, kron four news. ( marty ) we first told you about the protest arrests through our mobile app. we sent a push alert at 11:43 saturday morning. make sure you download the kron four mobile app to always stay up to date on breaking news. we will continue our coverage of the protests in berkeley later on kron four news weekend. ( marty @ landing ) nine people are injured following an early morning nightclub shooting in ohio. police say the shoooting started shortly before 12:30 pacific time this morniong at north columbus club. two people are in critical condition and seven are stable. police are searching for multiple gunmen in the investigation. no word yet on what led up to the shooting. ( marty @ landing ) happening today. the golden state warriors play their first game of the 20-17 n-b-a playoffs. they host the portland trail blazers at oracle arena. that's where we find kron four's averi harper this morning. good morning averi. ( averi ) happening today. the golden state warriors play their first game of the 20-17 n-b-a playoffs. the dubs host the portland trail blazers in a battle between the number 1 seed and number 8 seed. the warriors won a league best 67 games during the regular season. forward matt barnes is out today with an ankle sprain. draymond green says the team focused on winning the nba championship. tip-off for today's game is 12:30. ( marty @ landing ) thanks, averi. ( marty ) still ahead. demonstrators across the country on the march demanding the president release his tax returns. we'll show you the nationwide protests and the one here in the bay area. plus.. people in one bay area city are concerned with the upcoming rain. there's been another cliff collapse. the story, still ahead. and after the break. americans are digging deeper than ever into their wallets for easter this year. the number are stunning. we have them, next. for your money: . here are the stories from the week -- that could impact your bottom line. ( marty ) americans are expected to spend a record amount of money this year celebrating easter. a survey from the national retail federation says spending for easter is expected to reach 18-and a half billion-dollars.... that's up six-percent over last year's record and a new all-time high. two-and a half billion dollars will go toward buying easter themed candy. experts say consumers will also likely splurge on spring fashions and easter decorations. late egg hunters might be battling some wet ground. rain develops late this morning and spreads over the bay this afternoon. your forecast is next ! ♪ "turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack."♪ "each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one, thousands of worshippers gathered at the vatican to celebrate easter. they listened to pope francis's easter sunday message. the pope celebrated mass on the steps leading to saint peter's basilica this easter sunday. pope francis encouraged people to hold fast in their "fearful hearts" despite the suffering in the world. ( marty ) here's a live look at the embarcadero this morning. toss to weather. (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty ) vice president mike pence is in south korea today. as new details are emerging this morning regarding north korea and a potential attack on the united states. one day after kim jong un showed off an array of the countries new missles and launchers at a large scale military parade.... the u-s reports an attempted missile launch by north korea yesterday failed. defense officials in south korea say the action took place in the eastern part of the country. that is the same location where a missle was tested earlier this month. that missile landed in the sea of japan. this is video from the parade that celebrated the 105 birthday of the countries founder. but again the u-s says a projectile missile was fired by north korea and it failed. ( marty ) it remains unclear this morning what caused dozens of cars to catch fire in the east bay. this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news the fire at "insurance auto auction" on stevenson boulevard in fremont started around 4:00 in the afternoon saturday. the fremont fire department tells us the fire spread quickly from car to car. in all 35 cars burned in the car lot fire. investigators are still working to determine how the fire started. ( marty ) thousands of people across the country joined in planned protests against president trump. they want the president to release his tax returns, many of them protested here in san francisco. the protest at city hall was led by california democrats including congresswoman nancy pelosi. kron 4's hermela aregawi was there and has the latest. the message was clear..the people that attended the rally tell me they want to see the returns..because they believe the returns will show that president trump has conflicts of interests.. especially where russia is involved.rep. nancy pelosi/d/california: donald trump must release his tax returns!congresswoman nancy pelosi was the keynote speaker at the rally.joined by supervisor jane kimand san francisco native and author of the making of donald trump david k johnston.david cay johnson/author, the making of donald trumpdonald, russian bribes are not tax deductible thousands showed up with hand made signs.and one message. jessica redford/indivisible sf: we're here today to demand that trump show his tax returns. we want to know whether he has any conflict of interest or if there's anything else in his financial history that would basically disqualify him for roll of president.anca mosoiu/wants trump tax returns released: whether he's getting money from russia or has loans out in various countries where america has interest. what's happening now is there is a division between people that can get away with stuff and the rest of us. its just not right.allyson west/indvisible lake merritt: i feel that somebody who leads our country should be honest with the people that he or she should be serving and i'd be willing to share my tax returns so i'm not sure why he would not be willing to share his tax returns.barbara west/wants trump tax returns released: this is actually the most improtant thing we can do in terms of getting him out is to try to get him to show his taxes, get the the fbi to subpoena his taxespolls show more than half of americans want to see the president's tax returns.and more than a million people have signed a white house petition asking for them.but some people are skeptical they'll ever see the light of daymike wardynski/ i don't think these marches are enough for him to do that. but i think if you know hopefully we get enough dirt on him where he'll be forced to do it. (hermela aregawi)democrats are hoping the fbi subpoenas the returns as part of the intelligence committes investigation into russia's involvement in the elections. but it's unclear how likely that is to happen.reporting live in san francisco, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. ( marty ) and the president responded on twitter this morning. : "i did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a republican- easily won the electoral college! now tax returns are brought up again?" ( marty ) still ahead. the giants hit the field on jackie robinson day but nothing goes their way. the highlights, after the break. live look outside... richmond oh no. oh no. i hate this belt. man oh man. mom, we have a situation. life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach. tthey are 100% made-to-order,hat which is 100% awesome. 100% beef burgers with fries from denny's. 100% seriously. bay area baseball. the giants at home at at&t park hosting division rivals, the colorado rockies. and it was jackie robinson day, so every player wears number 42 in his honor. it was a rough day on the field for the giants. matt moore gave up 10 hts and 5 earned runs. the rockies win the game 5 to 0. jeff samarddzija takes the mound vs the rockies today at 1:05. ( marty ) and more bad news for the orange and black. left fielder jarrett parker catches this line shot but slams into the wall. parker in obvious pain. parker suffered a broken right collarbone. manager bruce bochy doesnt have a timetable for parkers return, but he is expected to be out for some time. ( marty ) we head across the bay to oakland where the a's took on the houston astros. and the a's were cruising to start the game. sean manea had a no hitter through five innings. left fielder khris davis, hit another home run, adding his total to 6 on the season. the a's led 5- nothing at one point. but houston rallied back. the astro's win 10 to 6. they play again at the coliesum today at 1:05. ( marty ) on the ice.. the sharks are back in town and host the edmonton oilers in game 3 of the opening round of the n-h-l playoffs. team teal won game 1 of the series in overtime, but were shut out in game 2. the sharks have won 8 of their last 12 games at the s-a-p center and have held their opponents to 2 goals or less 8 times. pick drops at 7:00 tonight in san jose. ( marty ) and make sure you give yourself some extra time on bay area freeways today. four of our pro sports teams will be playing at home. the warriors have game 1 of the n-b-a playoffs at 12:30 in oakland. the a's play next door at 1:05. the giants host the rockies in san francisco at 1:05. and the sharks play in san jose tonight at 7:00. ( marty ) still ahead. our continuing coverage of the violent protests in berkeley between supporters and protestors of president trump. we'll show you what happened. ( marty ) here's a live look at the bay bridge. ( marty ) dave spahr has your forecast... (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty ) with more rain on the way, people in pacifica are worried this morning after yet another cliff collapsed.... neighbors say they understand the erosion kron four's lydia pantazes reports neighbors dont think the city is doing enough to slow erosion. it's an eerie reminder of the eroding coastline in pacifica...."i noticed the caution tape and i immediately came over and took a look."a reminder that makes gwen urie who lives just across from the area... a little nervous."this has obviously been kind of a long slow process but to see the pathway go down was a little scary."neighbors say the cliff collapsed at around 1pm on saturday.... people we spoke with say there was at least four feet of coastline in front of this bench that is now gone. erin long-scott "there is a little cringe, you know, we've been, when we came home and saw how bad it is we were just talk my boyfriend and i how depressed it makes us."the cliff collapsed is in the same area where the city bought and removed 12-homes... this is the scene from 1998 when 30-feet of cliff fell away from the side of those a result the homes were removed and a trail was put in their place.two homes still remain... but those homes have also been bought by the city and are vacant."so you can see down here the big boulders are actually an engineered revetment wall but they have slid out of place as the top of the bluff has eroded."but neighbors say the revetments wall is not being maintained...."they said that they would maintain the tip rap to bring it back up and we've noticed all the rip rap, instead of it being against the wall of the cliff edge is now out and tumbled in, so there's no protection between the ocean and the cliff edge." for people like gwen urich... who is looking at selling... the collapse couldn't come at a worse time."to finally make the decision to sell and then to have this happen is pretty scary so for me it's a scary thing financially to think about how that might affect the value of my house." ( marty ) that was kron four's lydia pantazes reporting. we will continue to follow the latest out of pacifica throughout the week on the kron four morning news and on kron four dot com. ( marty ) we continue to take a look at saturdays violent demonstrations in berkeley between supporters and those opposed to president trump . kron four's philippe djegal shows us another angle of the bitter feelings between each side. nats- "you're a fááááág white male." the discourse wasn't civil...nats- "and, if you don't starting shutting it up, we're going to take your fááááág. a fascist is in charge. you're a fááááág retard." one could argue the often vulgar discussions were irrational.nats- "you're a fááááág white male. yeah, i'm a white male. white male." caucasians blasting one another for not being on the same political side...nats- "get it, get it, get it." an african american woman strips an asian american woman of her american flag... upset over the woman's allegiance to president donald trump.sot- "(philippe) does it bother you more because she's a minority? (woman) absolutely. it makes shameful that you are not listening to what he's doing to our people. you have brown skin. brown skin. (other woman) my skin doesn't mean anything. i'm an american. i'm an american. (woman) but girl, when your family starts to get affected by it then, what? (other woman) my family came from a communist country, and my parents are very strong trump supporters and they do not want our country to become a communist country and they see us going down that slippery slope."nats- boom in and around civic center park, protestors threw m-80's into the crowd. we were forced to take cover several times. nats- "fáák." we spoke with this trump supporter who wandered into the anti-trump crowd...sot- "those are the fascists. they call me a fascist -- i ain't no racist. i ain't no racist, i ain't no fascist. i think everyone here should have a speech, but i don't think any of us should be touching each other." just minutes later... a fight broke out... and, the same man who denounced violence walked away with a bloody face.sot- "yeah, a rock hit me in the face -- it was cool. this is what we came here for. get out of here now." and, he wasn't the only one brusied and battered. all part of an ugly morning and afternoon in berkeley. nats- "fááááág racists. that's all you guys are." philippe djegal, kron four news. ( marty ) held against her will and raped... that is what a santa rosa teenager is saying her boyfriend did to her... the man is in jail this morning. but neighbors tell kron four news another story. that the 28 year old suspect was instead abused by the teen girl. kron four's ella sogomonian reports. a call came through from worried parents to santa rosa police that their teen daughter was allegedly held against her will and raped inside this apartment. but she warned them he would kill her if police arrived. "lining the streets like they were looking for something but i had no idea what was really going on." "wait a minute there was two more right there. and it looked like they were waiting for someone to run."friday night they showed up to the building on billie jean street and knocked on the door.the girl ran out to police and they arrested her boyfriend 28- year-old norman tapia.he faces one felony count of domestic battery, false imprisonment, and unlawful sex with a minor. but neighbors were stunned by the allegations. "i've heard him say for her to leave. which she never wanted to leave. they'd take off in a car. i mean she drove a burgundy truck. she had many opportunities to leave. i mean she was never held against her will."they say in the last month they've only seen the reverse of the story. claiming the girl constantly abused him. "the times i'd seen it, it was always her beating him up. all the time. so she could have done that to her own self to protect herself if anything should happen."santa rosa police say tapia had an outstanding warrant for an arrest out of scotts valley for forcible rape of the same victim. ( marty ) that was kron four's ella sogomonian reporting. tapia is behing held in sonoma county jail on a $375 thousand dollar bail. how do you become america's #1? start by taking care of families for 70 years. earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. be there for america's toughest and help, when help is needed america's #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. tide, america's #1 detergent you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪ use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. mcdonalds is testing out new technology here in the bay area before it appears in the rest of the country. kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate got a demo of how they are using the power of the mobile app to serve up customers. gabe slate says: i'm in salinas which is south of gilroy where mcdonald's has launched a new program using a mobile app to get people their fast food even faster you can order through the app and pick it up at the counter when you arrive or park at the curbside spot and have it walked out to you.. you don't even have to leave your vehicle.. no lines just food right away. mcdonald's owner raymond costa says: this one woman ordered at 5am and was putting on makeup getting ready for work we walked her food out she loved it raymond costa the owner of this mcdonalds says so far this pre ordering off the phone has big hit here.. it doesn't add any charge to the order just convienience and time saved. before you order you put your credit card into the app that's how the payment works he said they get a lot of parents curbside who don't want to deal with taking the kids in and out of a carseat corporate tests out a lot of things down here.. sound from mcdonalds owner ray costa says: we were the first to test out mini fries and apples in happy meals.. the mobile app thing is going really well this mobile ordering will be rolling out nation wide over the summer. i have a feeling this one will catch on. anything to skip a line generally takes off but as always watch out for the hamburgler he's a sneaky villian with your tech report gabe slate kro 4 news ( marty ) still ahead. united airlines is hoping this incident never happens again. the're working to prevent it. we'll show you how. live look outside... san mateo bridge. live look outside...sutro tower. dave spahr is here with your weather forecast. (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty ) the special needs teacher shot and killed at a san bernardino school was rembered in a vigil. rod smith sang a very emotional song that his mother, karen smith taught him. she was one of three people murdered at north park elementary school monday. karen smith was killed by her estranged husband 53-year-old cedric anderson. police say anderson walked into her classroom and opened fire. killing smith, and an eight-year-old student. a nine-year-old student is home revcovering from his injuries. smith was a mother of four adult children. including her daughter who's also a teacher. ( marty ) united airlines is making a policy change after one of its passengers was dragged off a plane. last week, doctor david dao was forced out of his seat because a crew member needed it. the 69-year-old says he suffered a concussion, a broken nose, broke a couple of teeth, has damage to his sinuses and might need reconstructive surgery. he's planning to file a lawsuit against united. the airline says it will now require staff and crew to check in at least 60 minutes before a flight. the airlines wants to avoid future backlash when it asks passengers to give up their seat for a united worker. it is legal to bump a ticket- holding customer off a flight, but typically not once they've already boarded. united says this policy will ensure employees are seated before the plane fills up. ( marty ) they give out awards for all types of things, but there are no bad driver awards. so kron four's stanley roberts took matters into his own hands in this morning's people behaving badly. if i were to ever give out awards for the worst driving habits in a business district and we get a smile from the illegal u-turn with no license plates this delivery driver would win first placenot only did he decide to do a u-turn . it was a bad attempt . he held up traffic in the in the process . which may have taken the same amount of time to do it legally why not go to the end of the block and make a regular u-turn it's kinda far but it's in a car it's not like you're are walking i know right what was he delivering .. stick around i'll show you another contender for first place was this driver in the prius .who in almost the same exact spot flipped a you eee. so what was his business. let's find out dropping off pizzas huh so i asked him the same question and told him that it's an expensive ticket yea i know but nobody's here meaning there are not cops around and also i have to be quick (you have to be quick) yea then right after going inside he must have had an epiphany are you going to hide my plates (no) you didn't hide your plates when you made the u-turn so am i going to get this driver . she is looking for a place to stop .but that's an active lane of traffic .then she spots a driveway and cuts off the red thunderbird to flip a u-turn nats: ambiance so she could come and pick up a passenger who was waiting at the curb . i tried to talk to the driver but she wasn't having anything to do with me or my camera ambiance now the interesting part there isthis huge whitezone outside 888 brannon for pickup and drop offs but many will drop off in a lane of traffic or do the illegal u-turn according to people walking by ..between the hours 4 and 6 pm it's pure choas oh i almost forgot the the driver in the beginning .. he dropped off i got some soup i just hope its some good soup i never tried it before i hope it good soup too there was this driver who drove up the block and did it legally ..but why i don't want to get a citation (hahahaha) well that's a good reason i got one at sfo last week so maybe it's true citations change drivers habits ...people behaving badly, he's doing a great job in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news ( marty ) one of your favorite burger toppings may cost you more in grocery stores. heavy winter rains have caused a lettuce shortage. at the beginning of the year lettuce prices were much lower. a case cost 20 bucks. now prices have nearly doubled. farmers can't harvest their crop because of the rain. so many can't wait until the rain subsides. while customers are being affected by a lettuce price hike... some believe farmers actually want this shortage to continue because it's benefiting them financially. ( marty ) still ahead. california high school graduation rates reached a new high last year. the reason for the success, after the break. ( marty ) here's a live look at kirkwood this morning... partly sunny skies expected with a high of 43 degrees this sunday. ♪ ♪ that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise... jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart- proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor about jardiance- the one and only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart. visit for a free consultation with a certified diabetes educator if you qualify. california high school graduation rates reached a new high last year. 83-percent of students in the 20-16 class graduated on time from public high schools. that's up about one-percent from 2015. the rate has now gone up 7 years in a row. . numbers show more african-american, latino, and english learners are graduating than ever before. smaller class sizes and expanded arts and science education programs are getting much of the credit for the success. late egg hunters might be battling some wet ground. rain develops late this morning and spreads over the bay this afternoon. your forecast is next ! ( averi ) the warriors have their first playoff game of the season today. i have a full report from oracle after the break. welcome to kron 4 news weekend. you are taking a look at storm tracker four. rain is expected to hit the bay area on this easter sunday. ( marty ) and here is a live look at the embarcadero. ( marty ) i'm marty gonzalez. thanks for joining us. hello dave, what's in the forecast. (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty @ landing ) 9 minors are injured this morning after a shooting at a house party in vallejo. this happened just after midnight at 110 calhoun street. police say a large group of teenagers gathered for a party at that home. then someone in a car across the street opened fire at the crowd. police say four minors were shot at and five others were injured. all 9 were transported to a hospital with minor to serious injuries. police are looking for two gunmen in connection with the shooting. ( marty @ landing ) more breaking news from overnight. at least 2 people are injured in a two-alarm fire at a san jose motel. fire officials say the blaze started around 12:30 in the morning in the 16-hundred block of monterey road. they had the fire out at the "casa linda motel" in less than an hour. we will continue to follow this story throughout the morning. ( marty @ landing ) our top story this morning. violence breaks out again in berkeley during dual demonstrations. this is video from our helictoper partnership with abc 7 news. hundreds of supporters and protesters of president trump gathered at martin luther king - civic center park. kron four's spencer blake reports that dozens were hurt and several others arrested. . (boom)thirty or 40 of these smoke bombs went off during the course of dueling protests in berkeley saturdayand they weren't coming from police."i saw a couple of smoke bombs that way. somebody got pepper sprayed."one person even got hit with bear spray.a police officer was treated for gas inhalation, and should be fine. there was a medic area set up for people who came out of scuffles hurt."communists from the left! you are evil people!" we even saw people who showed up to the rally with mouthguards and facemasksas if they áexpected to get hit in the face."i was hit on the head with sticks and pepper sprayed. and punched and stuff."the heated exchange between these two guys could have gone differently. apparently the man with the beard had been sharing his opiniong verbally, while other people on his side of the rallywere throwing things at the opposing side.the man in the black beanie, who says he was here to support free spech, had wanted to thank the other man for not getting violent. "what i was gonna tell him was, 'hey, ya know what? even though you and i don't agree, i wish there was more people like you on your side, because you're actually willing to engage in ideas. i got about three words out and he called me a nazi and a fascist."an hour or so later, we ran into the same manthis time with blood running down his face."i had to run in. there was like three of them; there was just me."though police from berkeley and oakland were lined up in several areas, many people wondered why they didn't stop the boxing matches that were happening in the street.though police had tried to be proactive by banning sticks, rocks, shields, and other items that could be weaponized, the rules of the rally didn't hold up long. police arrested at least 21, 11 reported injuries arrests. in berkeley, spencer blake, kron four news. ( marty ) we first told you about the protest arrests through our mobile app. we sent a push alert at 11:43 saturday morning. make sure you download the kron four mobile app to always stay up to date on breaking news. we will continue our coverage of the protests in berkeley later on kron four news weekend. ( marty @ landing ) nine people are injured following an early morning nightclub shooting in ohio. police say the shoooting started shortly before 12:30 pacific time this morniong at north columbus club. two people are in critical condition and seven are stable. police are searching for multiple gunmen in the investigation. no word yet on what led up to the shooting. ( marty @ landing ) happening today. the golden state warriors play their first game of the 20-17 n-b-a playoffs. they host the portland trail blazers at oracle arena. that's where we find kron four's averi harper this morning. good morning averi. ( averi ) happening today. the golden state warriors play their first game of the 20-17 n-b-a playoffs. the dubs host the portland trail blazers in a battle between the number 1 seed and number 8 seed. the warriors won a league best 67 games during the regular season. forward matt barnes is out today with an ankle sprain. draymond green says the team focused on winning the nba championship. tip-off for today's game is 12:30. everything.>i think that different team so it's a completely championship? won a this team that's got. 5 guys on ( marty ) still ahead. how about opera for infants. it's set to debut in the bay area. we'll have a preview coming up. plus.. people in one bay area city are concerned with the upcoming rain. there's been another cliff collapse. the story, still ahead. and after the break. americans are digging deeper than ever into their wallets for easter this year. the number are stunning. we have them, next. honey nut cheerios gets their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey and real oats. okay that's still honey. huh, there we go. we're back to honey again. who's directing this? that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. for your money: . here are the stories from the week -- that could impact your bottom line. ( marty ) americans are expected to spend a record amount of money this year celebrating easter. a survey from the national retail federation says spending for easter is expected to reach 18-and a half billion-dollars.... that's up six-percent over last year's record and a new all-time high. two-and a half billion dollars will go toward buying easter themed candy. experts say consumers will also likely splurge on spring fashions and easter late egg hunters might be battling some wet ground. rain develops late this morning and spreads over the bay this afternoon. your forecast is next ! at nature valley, we know that you have to put good in here to be great out there. real good energy. real delicious energy. nature valley granola bars. just good. you don't normally run through a meadow at sunrise. but once you indulge in rich, dark chocolate, lightly salted almonds and slow roasted peanuts... you might surprise yourself. nature valley sweet and salty bars. blissfully good. (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty ) most parents want to introduce their children to the arts. and in the bay area that's becomming easier. for the first time in the country, the opera "up in the mountains" is available for families. san francisco is the first city to debut the opera. and to give us more information, director of education for san francisco opera ruth nott joins us. up in the mountains is an interactive performance created for infants to 3-year-olds with accompanying parents or guardians. it combines words, song, gesture and visual media to tell a story inspired by fairy tales. here, adults and children are free to let their imaginations run wild in their interpretation of the story being told.up in the mountains was created by hanne dieserud, christina lindgren and maja ratkje. it premiered on may 7, 2011 in hamar, norway, and has since gained international praise on tours to sweden, the faroe islands, greece and england. up in the mountains is an interactive performance created for infants to 3-year- olds with accompanying parents or guardians. it combines words, song, gesture and visual media to tell a story inspired by fairy tales. here, adults and children are free to let their imaginations run wild in their interpretation of the story being told.up in the mountains was created by hanne dieserud, christina lindgren and maja ratkje. it premiered on may 7, 2011 in hamar, norway, and has since gained international praise on tours to sweden, the faroe islands, greece and england. up in the mountains is an interactive performance created for infants to 3-year- olds with accompanying parents or guardians. it combines words, song, gesture and visual media to tell a story inspired by fairy tales. here, adults and children are free to let their imaginations run wild in their interpretation of the story being told.up in the mountains was created by hanne dieserud, christina lindgren and maja ratkje. it premiered on may 7, 2011 in hamar, norway, and has since gained international praise on tours to sweden, the faroe islands, greece and england. bay area baseball. the giants at home at at&t park hosting division rivals, the colorado rockies. and it was jackie robinson day, so every player wears number 42 in his honor. it was a rough day on the field for the giants. matt moore gave up 10 hts and 5 earned runs. the rockies win the game 5 to 0. jeff samarddzija takes the mound vs the rockies today at 1:05. ( marty ) we head across the bay to oakland where the a's took on the houston astros. and the a's were cruising to start the game. sean manea had a no hitter through five innings. left fielder khris davis, hit another home run, adding his total to 6 on the season. the a's led 5- nothing at one point. but houston rallied back. the astro's win 10 to 6. they play again at the coliesum today at 1:05. ( marty ) make sure you give yourself some extra time on bay area freeways today. four of our pro sports teams will be playing at home. the warriors have game 1 of the n-b-a playoffs at 12:30 in oakland. the a's play next door at 1:05. the giants host the rockies in san francisco at 1:05. and the sharks play in san jose tonight at 7:00. ( marty ) still ahead. our continuing coverage of the violent protests in berkeley between supporters and protestors of president trump. we'll show you what happened. live look outside... golden gate bridge.. you are taking a look at storm tracker four. rain is expected to hit the bay area on this easter sunday. ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. worshippers gathered at the vatican to celebrate easter. they listened to pope francis's easter sunday message. the pope celebrated mass on the steps leading to saint peter's basilica this easter sunday. pope francis encouraged people to hold fast in their "fearful hearts" despite the suffering in the world. ( marty ) here's a live look at the bay bridge. ( marty ) dave spahr has your forecast... (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty ) with more rain on the way, people in pacifica are worried this morning after yet another cliff collapsed.... neighbors say they understand the erosion kron four's lydia pantazes reports neighbors dont think the city is doing enough to slow erosion. it's an eerie reminder of the eroding coastline in pacifica...."i noticed the caution tape and i immediately came over and took a look."a reminder that makes gwen urie who lives just across from the area... a little nervous."this has obviously been kind of a long slow process but to see the pathway go down was a little scary."neighbors say the cliff collapsed at around 1pm on saturday.... people we spoke with say there was at least four feet of coastline in front of this bench that is now gone. erin long-scott "there is a little cringe, you know, we've been, when we came home and saw how bad it is we were just talk my boyfriend and i how depressed it makes us."the cliff collapsed is in the same area where the city bought and removed 12-homes... this is the scene from 1998 when 30-feet of cliff fell away from the side of those a result the homes were removed and a trail was put in their place.two homes still remain... but those homes have also been bought by the city and are vacant."so you can see down here the big boulders are actually an engineered revetment wall but they have slid out of place as the top of the bluff has eroded."but neighbors say the revetments wall is not being maintained...."they said that they would maintain the tip rap to bring it back up and we've noticed all the rip rap, instead of it being against the wall of the cliff edge is now out and tumbled in, so there's no protection between the ocean and the cliff edge." for people like gwen urich... who is looking at selling... the collapse couldn't come at a worse time."to finally make the decision to sell and then to have this happen is pretty scary so for me it's a scary thing financially to think about how that might affect the value of my house." ( marty ) that was kron four's lydia pantazes reporting. we will continue to follow the latest out of pacifica throughout the week on the kron four morning news and on kron four dot com. ( marty ) we continue to take a look at saturdays violent demonstrations in berkeley between supporters and those opposed to president trump . kron four's philippe djegal shows us another angle of the bitter feelings between each side. nats- "you're a fááááág white male." the discourse wasn't civil...nats- "and, if you don't starting shutting it up, we're going to take your fááááág. a fascist is in charge. you're a fááááág retard." one could argue the often vulgar discussions were irrational.nats- "you're a fááááág white male. yeah, i'm a white male. white male." caucasians blasting one another for not being on the same political side...nats- "get it, get it, get it." an african american woman strips an asian american woman of her american flag... upset over the woman's allegiance to president donald trump.sot- "(philippe) does it bother you more because she's a minority? (woman) absolutely. it makes shameful that you are not listening to what he's doing to our people. you have brown skin. brown skin. (other woman) my skin doesn't mean anything. i'm an american. i'm an american. (woman) but girl, when your family starts to get affected by it then, what? (other woman) my family came from a communist country, and my parents are very strong trump supporters and they do not want our country to become a communist country and they see us going down that slippery slope."nats- boom in and around civic center park, protestors threw m-80's into the crowd. we were forced to take cover several times. nats- "fáák." we spoke with this trump supporter who wandered into the anti-trump crowd...sot- "those are the fascists. they call me a fascist -- i ain't no racist. i ain't no racist, i ain't no fascist. i think everyone here should have a speech, but i don't think any of us should be touching each other." just minutes later... a fight broke out... and, the same man who denounced violence walked away with a bloody face.sot- "yeah, a rock hit me in the face -- it was cool. this is what we came here for. get out of here now." and, he wasn't the only one brusied and battered. all part of an ugly morning and afternoon in berkeley. nats- "fááááág racists. that's all you guys are." philippe djegal, kron four news. ( marty ) it remains unclear this morning what caused dozens of cars to catch fire in the east bay. this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news the fire at "insurance auto auction" on stevenson boulevard in fremont started around 4:00 in the afternoon saturday. the fremont fire department tells us the fire spread quickly from car to car. in all 35 cars burned in the car lot fire. investigators are still working to determine how the fire started. ( marty ) happening now. an update to a story we brought to yesterday on kron four news weekend. police have arrested a man in connection with a stolen autographed football signed by 49ers legend jerry rice. police say 45-year-old patrick van lam of san jose turned himself late last night. this after he allegedly stole a football that was sold at an auction for 35-hundred dollars. lam brought the football to the milpitas police department. he has been booked on suspcion of burglary and grand theft. the football was stolen at a fundraising event back on april 9. police are looking for more people in connection with the theft. live look outside... san francisco international airport. you are taking a look at storm tracker four. rain is expected to hit the bay area on this easter sunday. áááábreakáááá ♪ "turn around... every now and then i get a little bit hungry and there's nothing really good around. turn around... every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air... turn around, barry. i finally found the right snack."♪ "each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. fiber one, testing out new technology here in the bay area before it appears in the rest of the country. kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate got a demo of how they are using the power of the mobile app to serve up customers. gabe slate says: i'm in salinas which is south of gilroy where mcdonald's has launched a new program using a mobile app to get people their fast food even faster you can order through the app and pick it up at the counter when you arrive or park at the curbside spot and have it walked out to you.. you don't even have to leave your vehicle.. no lines just food right away. mcdonald's owner raymond costa says: this one woman ordered at 5am and was putting on makeup getting ready for work we walked her food out she loved it raymond costa the owner of this mcdonalds says so far this pre ordering off the phone has big hit here.. it doesn't add any charge to the order just convienience and time saved. before you order you put your credit card into the app that's how the payment works he said they get a lot of parents curbside who don't want to deal with taking the kids in and out of a carseat corporate tests out a lot of things down here.. sound from mcdonalds owner ray costa says: we were the first to test out mini fries and apples in happy meals.. the mobile app thing is going really well this mobile ordering will be rolling out nation wide over the summer. i have a feeling this one will catch on. anything to skip a line generally takes off but as always watch out for the hamburgler he's a sneaky villian with your tech report gabe slate kro 4 news ( marty ) still ahead. united airlines is hoping this incident never happens again. the're working to prevent it. we'll show you how. you are taking a look at storm tracker four. rain is expected to hit the bay area on this easter sunday. you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪ use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. you are taking a look at storm tracker four. rain is expected to hit the bay area on this easter sunday. live look outside...richm ond bridge. dave spahr is here with your weather forecast. (dave)light rain will return to the region late this morning and become a bit more widespread by this afternoon. an unsettled weather pattern is then likely to continue through the first half of the upcoming workweek. dry weather along with warmer temperatures will return late in the week and persist into next weekend as high pressure builds over the region. ( marty ) the special needs teacher shot and killed at a san bernardino school was rembered in a vigil. rod smith sang a very emotional song that his mother, karen smith taught him. she was one of three people murdered at north park elementary school monday. karen smith was killed by her estranged husband 53-year-old cedric anderson. police say anderson walked into her classroom and opened fire. killing smith, and an eight-year-old student. a nine-year-old student is home revcovering from his injuries. smith was a mother of four adult children. including her daughter who's also a teacher. ( marty ) according to friends at the vigil, anderson shot his estranged wife after she moved out. the couple married in january and separated in the middle of march. ( marty ) united airlines is making a policy change after one of its passengers was dragged off a plane. last week, doctor david dao was forced out of his seat because a crew member needed it. the 69-year-old says he suffered a concussion, a broken nose, broke a couple of teeth, has damage to his sinuses and might need reconstructive surgery. he's planning to file a lawsuit against united. the airline says it will now require staff and crew to check in at least 60 minutes before a flight. the airlines wants to avoid future backlash when it asks passengers to give up their seat for a united worker. it is legal to bump a ticket- holding customer off a flight, but typically not once they've already boarded. united says this policy will ensure employees are seated before the plane fills up. ( marty ) they give out awards for all types of things, but there are no bad driver awards. so kron four's stanley roberts took matters into his own hands in this morning's people behaving badly. if i were to ever give out awards for the worst driving habits in a business district and we get a smile from the illegal u-turn with no license plates this delivery driver would win first placenot only did he decide to do a u-turn . it was a bad attempt . he held up traffic in the in the process . which may have taken the same amount of time to do it legally why not go to the end of the block and make a regular u-turn it's kinda far but it's in a car it's not like you're are walking i know right what was he delivering .. stick around i'll show you another contender for first place was this driver in the prius .who in almost the same exact spot flipped a you eee. so what was his business. let's find out dropping off pizzas huh so i asked him the same question and told him that it's an expensive ticket yea i know but nobody's here meaning there are not cops around and also i have to be quick (you have to be quick) yea then right after going inside he must have had an epiphany are you going to hide my plates (no) you didn't hide your plates when you made the u-turn so am i going to get this driver . she is looking for a place to stop .but that's an active lane of traffic .then she spots a driveway and cuts off the red thunderbird to flip a u-turn nats: ambiance so she could come and pick up a passenger who was waiting at the curb . i tried to talk to the driver but she wasn't having anything to do with me or my camera ambiance now the interesting part there isthis huge whitezone outside 888 brannon for pickup and drop offs but many will drop off in a lane of traffic or do the illegal u- turn according to people walking by ..between the hours 4 and 6 pm it's pure choas oh i almost forgot the the driver in the beginning .. he dropped off i got some soup i just hope its some good soup i never tried it before i hope it good soup too there was this driver who drove up the block and did it legally ..but why i don't want to get a citation (hahahaha) well that's a good reason i got one at sfo last week so maybe it's true citations change drivers habits ...people behaving badly, he's doing a great job in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news ( marty ) still ahead. california high school graduation rates reached a new high last year. the reason for the success, after the break. ( marty ) here's a live look at kirkwood this morning... they had 8 inches of snow in the last 24 hours. high of 43 degrees this sunday. you are taking a look at storm tracker four. rain is expected to hit the bay area on this easter sunday. ♪ ♪ busibusinessman 1: yea, yea, know what i'ml craving right now? businessman 1: (over speaker) --guacamole and bacon. audio tech: we got a craving! go go go!!! music: crashing cravings in the crave van. jack's gonna crash your crave! jack: hey guys, try my guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich with all white meat chicken, guacamole and pepperjack cheese. businessman 1: thanks jack.... wait. we're on the 18th floor. how did you get here? jack: hard work. jack vo: you crave it, we serve it. try my new guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich. music: crave van! california high school graduation rates reached a new high last year. 83-percent of students in the 20-16 class graduated on time from public high schools. that's up about one-percent from 2015. the rate has now gone up 7 years in a row. . numbers show more african-american, latino, and english learners are graduating than ever before. smaller class sizes and expanded arts and science education programs are getting much of the credit for the success. ( dave ) you are taking a look at storm tracker four. rain is expected to hit the bay area on this easter sunday. ad lib final 7 day forecast thats kron 4 news weekend for this saturday morning... i'm marty gonzalez. from all of us thanks for watching. join us for kron4 news weekend tomorrow morning starting at 8 o'clock ... and tonight [music] >> joel osteen: may god bless you. it's a joy to come into your homes, and if you're ever in our area, please stop by and be a part of one of our services. these are the finest people in houston, texas right here at lakewood, but glad to have you come out sometime. i like to start with something funny, and i heard about this pastor. he was new in town, and he was going door-to-door inviting people to come to his church. he knocked on this one door, and he could tell someone was there, but nobody would answer. so he took his church card out and wrote on the back the scripture reference revelation 3:20

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