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Avenue and douglas drive. John muir elementary is a stones throw from this location. A swat team and officer say they were tracking this suspect in walnut creek because of the suspects connection to a homicide there earlier today. Suddenly. The suspcet took off and there was a chase that ended at the location we just showed you. Now the background of how this started. ,. Around 1 30 this adternoon in walnut creek. A woman was shot dead near the lindsay wildlife experience on first avenue. Now officer and swat members have chased that suspect to martinez. Kron4s lydia pantasas is on scene gathering info. Shell join us with a live report in about 15 minutes. steve staying in the east bay. A big story weve been tracking all day. On a day that conservative commentator ann coulter was so supposed to deliver a speech. Politically fueled protests on uc Berkeley Campus with both coulter supporters and opponents pam the protests started this morning and happened all day. steve tonight we begin our coverage tonight with kron 4s Charles Clifford. Who attended a pro coulter rallycharles was there any violence . Well, despite a handful of arrest this afternoon the rallys and protest here in berkeley today have so far been very peacefull. Natsthursday afternoon hundreds of supporters of President Donald Trump and conservative pundit ann coulter rallied in berkeleys civic center plaza. Nats coulter backed out of the event several days ago, but her supporters came anyway. Sot a tense standoff along allston way for several hours. Acting as peace keepers, the Berkeley Police department deloyed officers in full riot gear along allston between the two factions. At least three people, two men and one woman, were arrested Near Civic Center but for the most part the protest and rallies remained very peaceful. The standoff along allston came to an end around 530finally, Campus Police at cal also reported that they have made two arrests today. In berkeley, Charles Clifford kron 4 news. pam we mentioned. A group was also there to voice its opposition to ann coulter and her supporters. Grant is back now. With that part of the story. grant a noontime anticoulter rally at uc berkeley was more in the spirit of a traditional berkeley demonstration. No violence this time, just students with the International Socialist organization defending the rights of immigrants and the right to free speechafter the coulter speech was cancelled. Protester the greatest threat to free speech, the greatest threat comes from right wing forces, they will use violence against those who wish to speak and assemble freely. grant what was different than a typical berkeley protest, especially those over the last few weeks and months was police this time they were everywhere, from many different agencies and in fact, they outnumbered protestors and students who showed up to see what was going on. pam earlier this morning. Demonstrators started making their way to Martin Luther king Junior Civic Center park. In anticipation of a large protest. And, as kron fours Philippe Djegal reports. The demonstrators actually came prepared for violence. philippe before the large crowd showed up. A registered nurse with the Group Oath Keepers sets up a makeshift triage center. In anticpation of having to treat the injured. Aeron oath keepers so, that if anybody should, um, decide that they needed to take out their aggressions on another person, and cause them any bodily harm whatsoever, we can at least treat them until somebody more advanced can get here and take them off to a hospital. Many of these demonstrators coming from outside of berkeley. Oath keepers founder Stewart Rhodes traveled from montana. He was hopeful conservative political commentator and author anne coulter would show up and speak despite her planned speech at uc berkeley being cancelled. Stewart rhodes oath keepers it doesnt matter what your opinions are left or right. A university is a place for open discourse, exchange of ideas, even if, especially if you passionately disagree. Just before one oclock in the afternoon. The protrump group circled and shared speeches. Local High School Students stopped by on their lunch break to be apart of the action. Some anti Trump Supporters were upset over the gathering. No name i dont want to talk to them im just here for the people. While others who describe themselves as leaning left, still support the right to free speech. Ryoga vee anti trump if they want to call them White Nationalist or nazi, whatever uh, i dont have a problem with that. But the fact that there is a side that is vehemently trying to prevent free speech disturbs me. Dozens of Berkeley Police officers stayed close to demonstrators throughout the day. In berkeley, Philippe Djegal, kron four news. steve happening tonight bart is holding a special meeting to let the public air their complaints. Bart has faced problems this week. Over the weekend, a mob of teens swarmed a train at the coliseum station and attacked riders. Investigators are huntings for up to 60 suspects. There was another incident at the lake merritt station a few days ago that was thwarted after a group had jumped the fare gates. The board usually holds its meetings in the morning. But since most people cannot attend them. This is one of three nighttime meetings planned for this year. steve a second San Francisco cable car operator is being accused of pocketing fare money. pam the loss is estimated in the tens of thousands of dollars. According to the assistant district attorney. Police arrested david reyes wednesday. The assistant da says, he may have taken anywhere from 2hundred to 4hundred dollars per shift. He is now facing felony charges, including embezzlement. This is the second cable car operator arrested this month. Albert williams is facing the same charges as reyes. This, after police discovered at least 32 thousand dollars in a safe at williams home. steve new at 8in hercules, crime is on the rise. Police are looking for at least four suspects responsible for major burglaries in one neighborhood. Kron 4s Hermela Aregawi spoke to one of the victims who lost not just a lot of money, but irreplaceable heirlooms . This is the Toyota Avalon that police say the suspects were driving while commiting their crime. Two homes burglarized in two hours. Police say Tuesday Morning the suspects broke into a home on the 100 block of newbury street. While police were investigating that incident fermin reyes came home to find his stuff turned inside out. Fermin reyes burglarly victim when i opened the garage door, its kind of suspicious because the side door is open, the light in the door is open, the because the side suspicious its kind of the garage door, when i opened burglarly victim fermin reyes out. Turned inside find his stuff came home to find his stuff turned inside out. Fermin reyes burglarly victim when i opened the garage door, its kind of suspicious because the side door is open, the light in the garage is on and my little table for cooking the door is out. The first thing is its kind of scary. You should not go inside right away. You never know maybe those burglars are still upstairs. Fortunately the suspects were gone. But they left behind chaos. Fermin reyes burglarly victim the three bedrooms is all messed up. The drawer all scattered around. Credit card, my checkreyes lost tens of thousands of dollars in jewelry. Some herilooms from his deceased parents. And a firearm that was in this safe. Detective Connie Vanputten spokeswoman, Hercules Police deptwe believe at this time that the cases are related. The cars appear to be very similar in description. We are concerned about the loss of a firearm. The citizen did have it secure in his home. We are also concerned that they hit two houses in very quick succession. Crimes like these, auto thefts and breakins are growing concern in this historically peaceful neighbhorhood. Hermela Aregaw police say theyre speaking with several other people that live in the neighbhorhood with surveillance cameras. Theyre hoping theres more information in that footage that will help them catch the suspects. Reporting in hercules, Hermela Aregawi, kron 4 news. pam San Mateo Police arrested an Elementary School teacher after finding he had taken pictures of children in suggestive poses. Police say, Anthony Satriano taught at Saint Matthews Episcopal Day School for three years. He was arrested last friday. Thats when officers say, they discovered inappropriate pictures of the girls. However police say, right now, there is no evidence of inappropriate physical contact with any students or children. steve sugary drinks are now banned from being offered in kids meals at restaurants in Santa Clara County. pam the board of supervisors voted for the measure this week. It updated a previous city ordinance. The board also voted on a policy to end the sale of sugary drinks in hospital cafeterias. A health study done in Santa Clara County found. About one in four children are considered obese. And 45 percent of adults have diabetes or prediabetes. The city hopes to reduce these numbers with the sugary drink policy. steve some students in the north bay will get a little more sleep during the next school year. The Novato School district has approved later starting times at its schools. In the Upcoming School year high schools will start each day at 8 am. Middle schools will start at 820. And classes at Elementary Schools will begin at 840. The district superintendent praised the move. Saying it gives student extra time to sleep and prepare for school. Ahead at eight. An 86 year old woman on her daily walk. Brutally assaulted and killed. How her actions. May have saved her friend. Plus. Paying women less than men. A federal court says its legal. Under one circumstance. pam and next. We are tracking breaking news in the east bay. Where there is a Police Standoff with a murder suspect. steve we have a reporter at the scene and will bring you a live report in 90 seconds. Seconds. Its not a weekend hobby. Ance . You have to live and breathe it for 50 years. Its the sound. And the fury. Its letting it all hang out there, and its hanging on for dear life. That is what amg driving performance means. And this is where it lives. The 503horsepower mercedesamg c63 s coupe. pam we continue to track breaking news in the east bay. steve thats where police have surrounded a homicide suspect. pam hes a accused of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. Kron 4s Lydia Pantazes is live at the scene with the very latest. Lydia . steve an 86year old woman. Sexually assaulted and killed on a morning walk in sacramento earlier this week. pam a suspect has been arrested in the attack and now. Close friends and neighbors are opening up about the victim. Who they identify as Fusako Petrus peetriss . pam those closest to her say, petrus was a small woman, but fierce and strong in character. And she showed that in her final moments. Investigators say, petrus and a 61year old friend. Were walking at Highlands High School track early wednesday morning. When a man attacked them. They say, he began beating petruss friend. Which is when she bravely stepped in to help her. Butler close friend even though tiny in stature she was a big woman in her heart im proud that she remained tough to the end. Its huge loss and i wish she passed a different way, but well remember her, shes amazing pam investigators say, both women were sexually assaulted and beaten. Then their attacker ran off. Police have a person of interest in custody. But he has not yet been charged. steve a ruling today by the federal Appeals Court says employers have the legal right to pay woman less than man for the same work. Based on their previoius salaries. The ninth Us Circuit Court is overturning a lowercourt ruling that said pay differences based exclusively on prior salaries were discriminatory. This ruling came from a lawsuit filed by a fresno School District employee back in 2012. Today the court said employers could determine salary based of previous income as long as it is within reason. Adn the business has a policy that justifys the pay. pam lets take a live look outside on this thursday night. steve our chief meterologist Brittney Shipp has the Weather Forecast through the weekend. Continued breezy conditions at times on friday, particularly near the coast and in the hills, with a gradual warming trend. Winds will ease by saturday morning then clear and warm weather is forecast over the weekend and into early next week with no rain in the extended forecast. New ahead at 8. New ahead steve he is on a us marshalls most wanted list for allegedly shooting his pregnant ex girlfriend in the head as she showed up at her job in pacifica. steve now on the one Year Anniversary of that horrific crime. The victim breaks her silence. pam kron4s Maureen Kelly sat down with the young mother. Who has been living in hiding. Because her attacker remains on the loose. Its a story youll see only on four. Nats laugh Marissa Johnson and her baby boy shouldnt be alive right now. But today they are smiling. She still has a scar on the back of her head. Beneath that the fragment of the bullet she was shot with still remains. And so does the fear of that day one year ago. Heres what marissa looked like that day. Visably pregant. In her 8th month. When she showed up at her work at the Casa Pacifica apartments. It was then that her ex boyfriend. Who is not the father of her child, showed up and allegedly tried to kidnap her at gunpoint. I said im not leaving with you leaving with you and then he put the gun to the back of my head and shot me. I honestly didnt think you were doing and he would walk off but i was wrong 27 year old ricardo. Or ricky colindres as not been seen since. Hes on the us marshalls Northern California most wanted list. A 10 thousand dollar reward has been offered for information leading to his arrest. If captured he faces two counts of attempted murder and attempted kidnapping. Detectives have been sent to talk to his friends and family in brisbane, and up north in calavares county. Marissa has heard rumors colindres was smuggled into mexico. In the meantime she lives in hiding. Her biggest fear. The same thing happening to me or someone else you never know the gun was never found he could still go do this to someone elsethat bullet that hit marissa fractured her skull and caused some swelling of her brain. But she hasnt experiences any of the symtoms the doctors warned her off. I was very lucky. Her baby was delivered by c section. One of the bright spots of the story story is that a little luke here who turns one year old this weekend, is perfectly healthy and shows no signs of the trauma mother endured marissa is still haunted by the attempts on her and her babys lives. She is speaking out today for the First Time Since the shooting in the hopes that it will move colindres or whoever is hiding him to come forward. So she and her family can go back to living a normal life. Free of fear. Maureen kelly kron4 news. New ahead at 8. One mom says shes banning her kid from doing homework again. Why she says shes doing it. pam and next. United airlines pays up. To a passenger dragged off its flight. And also announces some big changes for its flights. gary sports tease gary radnich a little bit later in this broadcast the nfl draft. How the raiders do, how the 49ers do well go with the local selections. Exciting day. A little bit later in this broadcast. steve heres what were tracking tonight at ten. Brand new video just into our newsroom. Of a sideshow erupting in a quiet bay area neighborhood, right behind an Elementary School. Now the homeowner is saying the city isnt doing anything to stop it. That story tonight. On kron4 news at ten. steve United Airlines has reached a settlement with the passenger who was dragged from one of its flights you remember the viral video where doctor david dao was ordered off an overbooked united flight earlier this month. When he refused to leave. He was dragged off. Bruised and bloodied in the process. Other passengers. Aghast. Daos attorneys did anota disclose financial terms of the agreement. But say the united ceo did the right thing. steve the airline is issuing new policies to prevent a repeat of the fiasco. Among the changes reducing but not eliminating overbooking. Increasing compensation for over booked flights. Up to tenthousand dollars. And while not a factor in this months incident. United says starting in june it will pay customers 15hundred dollars no questions asked. If the airline loses their bag. pam right now, commercial flight is very frusterating largely because they pack in passengers like sardines into the narrow seats. Kron 4s tech reporter gabe slate met with a tech company. Which is trying to change this forever by developing affordable customized cabins. So that the airlines can offer a more comfortable experience. Airbus is one of the largest maker of commercial airplanes. They have an outpost here in Silicon Valley called a cubed based that is developing technology to improve the in flight experience. This month as san jose mineta airport in terminal b near gate 19 they are giving the public a first time look at what they have been working on. Gabe slate tech reporter in san jose says their idea is called transpose, making customizable cabins for inside the airplanes. Which they call modules these modules could be quickly switched out before and after each flight when someone books a ticket they would choose what they want their area of the module to be a bicycle, a yoga set up, a bunk bed, a bar. Whateverand if there is turbulence there would be these little hopper seats near by to jump into. Jason chua project executive, airbus says jason with a cubed says this will not be just for the rich. They believe these modules will be sponsored by Companies Making it more appealing to the airlines to work with them. Jason chua project executive, airbus says and this is not a moon shot decades away they think this will roll out soon. Jason chua project executive, airbus says gabe slate tech reporter in san jose says maryana saenko was walking by the display here, and was drawn into it she just flew in from a long flight she liked the exercise idea but also thought laying down massage chairs would be nice maryana saenko Airport Traveler says spinning in the skies. Mmmm a nice thought hopefully one day. In san jose gabe slate kron 4 news. Ahead at eight. A new report reveals the leading cause for deadly crashes in 20 15. And it is not alcohol plus. Why former First Lady Michelle Obama says she will never run for public office. steve and were tracking breaking new out of the east bay. Where theres a Police Standoff with a murder suspect pam a live update from the scene is next. pam breaking news out of the east bay tonight. Its happening in martinez. Where police have surrounded a homicide suspect. steve he is a accused of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. Kron 4s Lydia Pantazes is live at the scene with the very latest. Lydia . lydia this area behind me is all blocked off. You can see members of the swat team behind me and im in told they have the suspect surrounded. I want show you, police have also blocked off the entrance from highway 4 to pine street. All streets leading to this area blocked off, only police and press are in this area. take vo this whole incident started near larkey park in walnut creek. The person surrounded right now is accused of shooting and killing a woman at about 1 30pm. The victim died at the scene. From there, a second crime scene just down the road from the shooting. Thats where Police Swat Team members surrounded the area. But no one was arrested but they did search a car in the area and that was towed away. That leads us to here. You can see police surrounding the area here in front of this gas station. We do know there are people inside the gas station and they have closed their blinds. Reporting live in martinez Lydia Pantazes kron4 news pam for the first time, driving under the influence of drugs. Was deadlier than driving drunk. steve a new report Shows Positive drug tests were more common among drivers killed in 2015. Thats according to the governors Highway Safety commission. They say 43percent of drivers died with legal or Illegal Drugs in their systems. The new report says marijuana accounted for about a third of positive tests. But some experts say the new numbers dont paint a whole picture. They say there are no drug field tests comparable to alcohol screening. And that not all drivers killed in accidents were tested for drugs. pam we are just days away from marking a milestone in Donald Trumps presidency. The first 100 days. steve but this presidency has been unlike others. Today we talked to former San Francisco chronicle columnist debra saunders. She now covers the white house for the Las Vegas Review journal. Saunders says, the president s first 100 days have been contentious. Especially with democrats. They are very bitter and uinhappy. President trump has really poked democrats in the eyes over and over again. And at some point in time he is going to need their votes. I mean its bad enough he couldnt get the American Health care act passed through a republican controlled house. But at some point and time he is going to need 60votes to pass. Eventually in the senate for the American Health care act. And he is going to need democrats. steve the hopes of seeing another obama in office are no more. Former First Lady Michelle Obama said today that she will never run for office. She says she quote wouldnt ask her children to do this again. And added that being in the white house was tough on her family. The comments came in her first speech since leaving the white house. At the America Institute of architecture convention in orlando. No cameras were permitted at the speech. Obama said she will help the country as a private citize avoiding the political spotlight. steve a live look outside. pam our chief pam pam our chief meterologist Brittney Shipp has the sunshine filled forecast. Continued breezy conditions at times on friday, particularly near the coast and in the hills, with a gradual warming trend. Winds will ease by saturday morning then clear and warm weather is forecast over the weekend and into early next week with no rain in the extended forecast. pam back in 2015, kron 4 first broke the story of a street scam. That led to a city wide crackdown. So the perpetrators spread out and went to cities around the world. steve but in twenty sixteen they returned again to San Francisco and more tickets were handed out. And now just in time for the tourist season they are back again. Who are these people begging fordonations . Faux monks, faux as in phony. Oh wow thank you they are for lifetime peace Buddist Temple for donation yea ummm i dont have a donation can i just keep a donation ah 8i dont have a donation can i just keep it silly keep it keep it i have to give it back huh . no donation i dont get to keep huh sorry where you from hong kongyou just heard the entire sale pitch from a faux monk. Faux as in fake. e just like clockwork they reappear in april and target unsuspecting tourist and anyone else who will give them money they walk down the street and try to hand you a medallion made of foil. If they get your attention they will slip wooden beads on your wrist. Then the aggressive sale begins nats ambiancethere were two walking along the embacadero but the first one i spotted she was on her iphone chatting it up. I guess she was taking a faux monk break then the two ladies linked up and got backto business. The one wearing the dark brown uniform after repeated attempt found someone notice the ledger that she pulled out that is to document how much cash you give for the beads. The man digs in his pocket and hands her an unknown amount of cash nats ambiance near pier 39 this couple made the mistake of stopping to talk to one they finally walked away but how did it go she was very kind and loving touching and you know but she would let you go till you gave here some money correct or gave her back the beads so we gave he back the beads and the cards the faux monks. Or in this case, nuns in the past have been ticketed for selling without a license by the San Francisco police the reason, if you offer something as a donation its just that a donation, the moment you demand cash or take the object back that changes things the difference from this new set of faus monks is this. Buddist temple for donation they are now saying they are from the Buddist Temple. I cant tell you what to do with your money, i can only instruct you who you are giving it to i just want you to be aware. Things are not always as they seemin San Francisco Stanley Roberts kron 4 news coming up at 8 disneyland at 8 coming up news roberts kron 4 Stanley Roberts kron 4 news coming up at 8 disneyland guests get a big surprise on the pirates of the caribbean ride. When one character seems a little more real than the others. And next. Why one mom is banning her child from doing homework. pam for years, the amount of homework given to students has been a controversial topic. steve some believe family time is more beneficial and that homework can cause unnecessary stress on students. Grant is here to tell us what one mom is doing about it. grant this mom says her daughter is done with homework. Bunmi laditan posted the email she sent to her Daughters School on facebook explaining why her 10year old will not be turning in any more homework. grant she says her daughter. Maya. Is starting to have physical stress symptoms like chest pain. And waking up at four in the morning worrying about her work. She added that maya loves reading. Loves her classes. But hours of homework is making her dread school. Mom says if the school decides to punish her daughter. Then she will pull her out. And home school her. In sports. In sports. The 49ers made the first trade in the 2017 nfl draft. Find out which player the 49ers new regime. Decided to take with the third overall pick plus. The raiders first round selection raises more questions than answers. Being that hes facing rape allegations gary has the story and all the sports coming up. mark weve seen gas prices really creep up here in the bay area, but it looks like maybe theyll come back down with oil prices soon, maybe . Hopefully . rob you are correct. What we have here basically is just too much supply in the market. So youre seeing gas lean prices, oil prices that should give us a little bit of a break at the pump for the summer months as its expected for gas lean prices to go higher in the summer months. But right now, theres just too much supply out there so its not going to happen. With that said, a little bit of a glut situation is a bad thing not a good thing, so youll see the stock market probably weaken in the months to come as well. mark huge layoffs for espn yesterday. rob huge layoffs. And its been happening for the past couple of years. And this is a Good Business lesson that everyone should try to grasp for just a moment. They signed a 8 year deal for 15. 2 billion dollars with the nfl. They signed a 9 year deal with the nba for 12 billion dollars. They signed a 7. 3 billion dollar deal for the College Football playoffs. This all equaled a disaster for espn. Hulu and netflix and amazon saw Video Services eating into the broadcast and people have been cutting the cable. Instead of paying 160 a month people are going with 40dollar 50dollar packages, cutting the cable so to speak. Whats interesting to note is you are starting to see names trent dilford and danny canal. This is a great business lesson of. The only way you can save money if you make a big deal is to cut talent. Cut labor. Weve seen it in tv in the last 15 years. The thinner staff the more Money Management makes. This is good news for espn and disney and bad news for people who like their Sports Center show. mark post your questions for rob on his Facebook Page and wess answer them on air here on kron 4. In john lynch and kyle shannhan first go around in the nfl draft. It was a very positve outcome for the 49ers new regime regimethe 49ers new outcome for a very positve draft. It was the nfl draft. It was a very positve outcome for the 49ers new regimeroger goodell with the third pick in the 2017 nfl draft the San Francisco 49ers select solomon thomas defensive end stanford. Solomon thomas wont have to go to far. The former cardinal will drive down the street to santa clara. The 49ers and bears swapped picks. Chicago selected Mitchell Trubisky at number two. In return San Francisco received an additional thrid and fourth round pick in this years draft. And will have an extra third round pick in 2018. The 49ers next pick will be in the second round with the 34th overall pick. The raiders hold the 24th pick in the first round i feel amazing right now. Im so blessed to be on such an Amazing Organization to be a 49er, i cant wait to go to the bay area. Im so happy. From here im ust gonna work my butt off in rookie mini camp. Im gonna get in the best shape i can. Make sure i come in flexible, just ready to play and in condition. And from there just work my butt off for this team and my teammates. And 49ers fans at the watch party at levis stadium getting fired upjed york when the pick went down applauding happy they got three more draft picks to go along with the player they covetedniners fans once they got the word look pleased with the pick as wellthe niners picked up 3rd and 4th round picks this year and a 3rd rounder next year from the Chicago Bears in the trade to move down a spot last season the raiders made the playoffs for the first time in 14 years. Being on the back end of the first round. With the 24th overall pick they selected cornerback gareon conley. Gareon cornerback gareon conley. The former buckeye is currently facing a rape allegation. Accroding to Cleveland Police he raped a woman in a hotel early this month he hasnt been arrested and no charges have been filed. Conley says he didnt do anything wrong and that the allegation is completely false he will speak with police and provide a dna sample this monday a little more local flavor along with thomas another stanford productchristian mccaffrey was picked 8th overall by the Carolina Panthers mccaffrey a heisman finalist two seasons ago could play running back, receiver and returner in the nfland his College Coach david shaw douing tevelision for the nfl network applauding the pickso stanford has players chosen 3rd and 8th overall the giants trying to take three out of four against the dodgers at at and tee park kevin durant was at the ballpark enjoying some afternoon baseball. Bottom 6th Christian Arroyo singles one down the middle. Brandon belt scores the tying run arroyo 2 hits top 7th matt moore had a solid game strikes out Cody Bellinger to finish his afternoon with 8 strikeouts and only allowing a run in seven innings. Top 10th the giants bullpen fell apart. Cody gerrin loads the bases than andrew toles brings in the game winning run. Dodgers win 51. They split the series tomorrow the padres will be in town to begin a weekend series during the giants game this weeks lexus experience amazing ultimate highlight goes to giants rookie Christian Arroyo. Christian arroyo. Last night against the dodgers he hit his First Major League home run. It helped the giants rally from behind and win 43. 43. Behind and win rally from the giants it helped run. League home his first major dodgers he hit against the last night arroyo. Christian arroyo. Last night against the dodgers he hit his First Major League home run. It helped the giants rally from behind and win 43. phone rings uh, excuse me, are you all right . Yes. Thanks. Yes, um. sniffs in fact, im great. Ive been fighting leukemia for the past eight years, and now i just got a text im cancerfree. Thats awesome. Congratulations, man. Its. Oh, my god. chuckles ive been on hold for almost half my life. No more

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