Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20170426 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20170426

area. kron 4's charles clifford is live tonight in the newsroom with details. charles . . . (chuck)well, the santa rosa police department, the sonoma county sheriff's office and the coroner's office are calling this a disturbing trend and they want to warn the public. over the past ten days, 5 people in santa rosa have died from apparent drug overdoses. 3 men and 2 women, ages 27-66. the sonoma county sheriff's office says that 3 of the victims died in public places. sot toxicology tests on the victims showed they all had heroin in their systems but it's highly unusual for so many people to die from overdoses in such a short period of time in the same area. authorities suspect the victims may have gotten the heroin from the same source and that the drugs may have been tainted.sotthe concern now is that more people may use heroin from that tainted batch and authorities are hoping to warn the public before it's too late.sot says at this point we don't know if something has been mixed into the drug. or if it's some sort of strong batch that someone has created but we are concerned enough to let the public know that if you are heroin and you're local here you're running a high risk of death or great injury. if you're experiencing any type of overdose symptoms you need to get help as soon as you can.> so far, the victims in this case have not been identified. in the newsroom, charles clifford kron 4 news. (pam) one of two student groups behind ann coulter's u-c berkeley speech .... are now backing out.(steve) the young america's foundation says they are pulling out amid safety concerns. the group says the university has not ensured protection from violent protesters. coulter says she will still speak on campus this thursday. in the outdoor sproul plaza at u-c berkeley. the event is still being sponsored by the berkeley college republicans. (pam) a man was injured in a shooting near the eastridge shopping mall in east san jose. police say, the shooting happened just before 4- this afternoon on quimby road. when officers got there, they found a man with a gunshot wound. he was taken to a hospital and is expected to recover. officers say, no suspects have been identified. (steve ) (pam)president donald trump lost in court today. handed a defeat from a bay area judge.the historic ruling which came down impacts all 600 sanctuary cities in the nation.(steve)the city of san francisco and santa clara county lead the fight. pushing back in court against president donald's trump executive order to cut off federal dollars to sanctuary cities.(pam)those are places that limit their cooperative with the feds to help people who are in the country illegally avoid deportation. kron 4's justine waldman tells us the winning sides called this a satisfying and gratifying day. nat sot this is a joyful day clapping.a huge win for those defending sanctuary cities santa clara county along with the city of san francisco received a preliminary injunction in their case against president donald trump's executive order threatening to cut federal funding from sanctuary cities and counties.santa clara had 1.7 billion dollars at stake. san francisco about 2 billion dollars.dave cortese/ president santa clara county board supervisorssot this is a day we are going to celebrate today, but it does not mean the fight is overin his 49 page ruling, judge william orrick determined the president has no authority to attach new conditions on federal spending. writing "the constitution vests the spending powers in congress, not the president. "city attorney dennis herrera sot this is why we have courts to halt the over reach of a president and attorney general who either don't understand the constitution or chose to ignore itthe decision stretches far beyond the bay area and impacts every sanctuary city in the nation. sot this should dispense the cloud of coercive rhetoric that has been spewing from the white house all this bluster of using federal funding as a weapon against our local communitiesfor the immigrant community, this ruling helps some fears fade away.priya murthy/ siren sot knowing that local policies can stay intact is of great comfort to the immigrant communityjustine tag the injunction stays in place while the lawsuits work through the courts.the legal team here also said today they are ready for the response from the white houseand are confident they would win this case even if santa clara county justine waldman kron 4 news (pam) san francisco mayor ed lee says ... today's ruling will allow the city to now move forward . lee says the city was in the middle of creating its budget. but that the president's threat to pull funding --- was holding them back. mayor ed lee "we weren't able to do that with any certainty unless this threat which was hanging over us was clarified. so we went to court to clarifiy that and the judge ruled that yes you are indeed threatened by this and you are illegally threatened by it." (pam) mayor lee says san francisco is and will remain a sanctuary city. and added that sanctuary cities are safer, healthier and more productive places to live. (steve)in the north bay . . a boys and girls club director faces child endangerment charges. . . after posting a 6-year-old girl's photo and information on an internet child pornography chat room. 22-year-old benjamin goerke was arrested monday in rohnert park.the u-s department of homeland security identified the post and notified the city's department of public safety.officials traced the information to goerke. . . who later admitted to taking pictures of the girl. . . .and accessing her information through the organization's network.goerke posted bail this morning.he will be arraigned on friday. (pam) tonight...there is mounting pressure on bart to figure out who swarmed its train over the weekend... punching and robbing people. (steve) but the transit agency is also focusing on how to utilize its officers...and get fully staffed. grant lodes is tracking this story...and now there's surveillance video of the crime? (grant) bart says it has high quality video from cameras aboard the dublin bound train that was targeted. those cameras...apparently captured about 50 teenagers... robbing and punching passengers saturday night as the train pulled into oakland's coliseum station and the doors opened. but...bart is not sharing that video with the media...saying because the criminals are juvelines...state law prevents them from releasing it. bart is showing it to other police departments and community groups... and in the meantime questions being raised about how safe passengers are on bart. joel keller/bartthe thing that's disappointment to me is we don't have enough officers to be on the trains , be in the stations and be in the parking lots.rebecca saltzman/bart board president they can be off in a corner of a parking lot and you never see them even though they are there the same time as you so i think we need to better communicate with riders that they are there.(grant) in the meantime, bart says there are currently 38 vacancies on the force, which is about 20-percent. bart board director joel keller says it's time to make filling those positions a priority. (steve) a scathing report by the state auditor accuses u-c system administrators of having a secret fund. the report says administrators hid 175-million dollars from the public. and did so--- while raising tuition and asking california for more money. the auditor alleged u=c president janet napolitano's office created the undisclosed budget over four years. so the hidden money could be spent with little or no oversight. napolitano is denying the claim. she argues there is only 38-million dollars in reserve. and says that's a modest amount to keep for unexpected expenses. ( pam ) tuesday night around the bay area.. the weather is pretty nice .. (steve) and about to get better... chief meterologist brittney shipp has details. seasonably cool temperatures will persist into wednesday as a weak system passes inland to the north. this will result in a slight chance of light precipitation, mainly from the santa cruz mountains northward into wednesday. a warming and drying trend will then get underway beginning thursday and likely continuing into the upcoming weekend as high pressure builds over the eastern pacific. breezy northerly winds are also possible from thursday into friday, especially in the hills. ahead at eight.. a raging fire erupts after a deadly crash on a california interstate. what investigators think might have triggered the pile up.. plus. an east bay high school tackling racial tension on campus. a live report..coming up. and next. it tracks your every move.. but we'll tell you how police used a fit-bit catch a murder suspect. putting news first. pam moore. steve aveson. brittney shipp. and gary radnich. the kron4 news at 10 every night. hydrogen. yes, the fuel is complimentary for up to three years. yes, it has an epa-estimated range of 312 miles. yes, you will probably have to answer lots of silly questions from strangers. yes, this is a mind-blowing marvel of technology. and, yes, you can buy it today- because the future doesn't start next week, next month or next year... the future starts now. in the hydrogen-fueled toyota mirai. (pam) a popular gadget many people use to keep track of their workouts .... has turned into a crucial piece of evidence in a murder case.(steve) fitbits ... you might be surprised at how much information they are storing even when you are not excerising.(pam) catherine heenan show us how police used one ... to identify a murder suspect. in december, 2015, police responded to a frantic 9-1-1 call from this home in ellington, connectictut. richard dabate said a stocky, masked intruder with a voice like vin diesel had murdered his wife.connie dabate was found shot to death in the couple's basement,her husband suffered only minor cuts on his legs, partially tied to a chairlast week, sixteen months after the killing, he was arrested and charged with her murder.the fifty=page arrest warrant describes dabate's secret life:a credit card account unknown to his wife ... used to pay for visits to a strip club he also used it for meetings at a motel six with another woman, who was seven months pregnant with his child at the time of the murder.they uncovered a text message to her from the night before the murder saying "see you tomorrow my little love nugget."burrowing down, police found more digital evidence in connie dabate's fitbit bracelet it showed that she was alive and walking around her home for an entire hour after her husband said she had been shot by the intruder. dabate is charged with murder, tampering with evidence and lying to police. (pam) a fiery crash on interstate-5 in los angeles this morning ... leaves one man dead and ten others injured.. one 27-(pam) a fiery crash on interstate-5 in los angeles this morning ... leaves one man dead and ten others injured.. one 27-year-old woman is listed in critical condition in the hospital. a dog died in the crash. you can see the video of the six- vehicle pile up just after fire fighters put out the massive fire. c-h-p investigators are working to determine the cause of the crash... but believe a box truck lost control and crossed the center divider.... triggering a chain reaction of crashes involving another semi and four other cars. some lanes on that major highway in l-a are still closed tonight... leaving miles of traffic back up in the region. (steve) police in marin county are looking for five thieves who they say entered a corte madera apple store...and made off with over 24-thousand dollars in merchandise. in all...17 iphones... 2 laptop computers...and three ipads. this is the second time this store has been hit since november. the small mob described to be in their teens came in just before closing time last night. police say there are surveillance cameras in the mall but investigators are unsure if any of the suspects were caught on video. (pam) chicago police are claiming that the man recently dragged from a united flight ...had acted violently towards them before being removed. (steve) that video has been seen worldwide... today a police report was which officers say doctor david dao began swinginghis arms and was verbally abusive. that's not what the video showed...but they argue that some of the behavior wasn't capturedon video.. dao had said repeatedly 'i'm not going' - and refused to get off the flight to make room for a united employee. dao says he lost two teeth, broke his nose and suffered from a concussion.. united apologized after a wave of negative publicity....but the airline hasnot fired anyone.. (pam) a live look outside tonight at s-f-o.. .. the weather is only expected to get better and better as the week goes on..(steve) our chief meterologist brittney shipp has the sunny forecast ahead. seasonably cool temperatures will persist into wednesday as a weak system passes inland to the north. this will result in a slight chance of light precipitation, mainly from the santa cruz mountains northward into wednesday. a warming and drying trend will then get underway beginning thursday and likely continuing into the upcoming weekend as high pressure builds over the eastern pacific. breezy northerly winds are also possible from thursday into friday, especially in the hills. new ahead at 8 he once handed out roses on the bachelor. now he's in a jail jumpsuit. what the former reality star is accused of doing...(pam) and the push in sacramento to change how puppies are sold in california. ((gary sports tease))"coming up a little bit later in this broadcast... we'll do a little warriors business... they've got a long break.... nba playoffs are pretty sweet.... they're heating up in every corner... and we'll also show you jim harbaugh in rome... with student athletes... a college team... football team... in rome... later in this broadcast." ((steve))here's what we're tracking tonight at details on the search for a 5 year-old california boy..missing since last week. his father..arrested on suspicion of child now out of jail. now authorities are scouring the area looking for any sign of the young boy.where the search is expanding..tonight at ten. (pam) the bay area traffic nightmare has no signs of letting up anytime soon.. now, more people than ever... are using carpools to make the journey to and from work.. a little easier. if you are considering a carpool, or want to improve your current one, kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate shows us the best carpool apps . sound of honking gabe slate /tech reporter says: nextdoor is a private social network for your neighborhood. it wasn't designed as a carpool website or appbut a lot of people now in the bay area are using it to meet neighbors for that purpose. this is a good place to start you might living just a couple doors down from someone who has your same's very simple once you're registered with the network just put up a post asking if anyone works near you and wants to carpoolwith nextdoor you're doing the work looking for people and setting it all upa different app scoop will do all the work for will find you morning and evening carpool partners.. completely organize it for you you just show up where it tells you to be. they keep you informed with emails or texts throughout your day. using algorithms scoop puts you in the most efficient carpool based on factors like your route, predicted traffic, employer and past trips.if you're the one driving you can even make a little money the rider chips in for gas and miles. which is all handled behind the scenes through the app no cash exchanges hands but what the rider pays will be a lot less than public (pam) a new ordinance was passed by the city of sacramento.. it prohibits pet stores from selling dogs or cats from individual or commercial breeders.(steve)those retailers would instead be required to work with local shelters or get their animals from pet adoption agencies. supporters say the ordinance would help lower animal shelter populations. it would also reduce costs for those shelters and give a better environment to the animals. the city council says backyard breeding happens too often in sacramento. "the more people we can get to use that shelter it's a win for the individuals taking these animals home and it's a win for the city. these animals are caged continuously and just living horrific lives and we would like to put a stop to that." opponants of the ordinance say it makes it much more difficult to buy a pure-bred dog. ahead at eight.. she was held captive for six weeks. now the father of the tennesse teen is opening up about her kidnapping. what he says he's most upset about. plus. she was told to shut up and called wild animal. body cam video shows a woman's confrontation with police. and next. first racist posts.... then nazi gestures. how an east bay high school says they are tackling racial tension on campus. ((brittney tease))i'm kron 4 meteorologist brittney shipp. coming up, i will take a look at your 7 day forecast.details are right after the break. (pam) after a series of racist, sexist, and anti- semitic events at albany high school, the albany unified school board held a special meeting tonight to talk about the next steps going forward.(steve) kron four's spencer blake is live at the high school, where the meeting is still going on.spencer, what are their plans? the main focus is improving communication.7 went over list of incidents - swastikas, heil hitler, instagram account7 actions taken looking for feedback from parents, students and staff.7 since the instagram incident, already implemented new protocol to get the incidents reported up the chain of command to the superintendent' s office7 took two weeks last time.7 district had meetings like this at middle school and elem. schoolo teach what slurs mean, what hate speech iso include cultural histories in social studies. "we really believe that by taking a look at our policies and procedures and practices for addressing intolerance in general, then these incidents would be less likely that these would occur."(vo)7 task force of 15 to gather ideas, suggestions, bring them to district staff7 put out a call for volunteers four days ago. 40 already interested7 some students raised their hands won't be an overnight process7 want to help students feel like they can come forward to report these types of things. live in albany, spencer blake, kron four news. (steve) thanks spencer (pam) in tennessee. . . a father... now reunited with his 15-year-old daughter who was kidnapped. . . is speaking out. anthony thomas is trying to move forward... since being reunited with his daughter elizabeth. elizabeth's former teacher... 50-year-old tad cummins... is now in jail after allegedly kidnapping her. he faces felony charges including kidnapping and sexual contact with a minor. in cummins' first court appearance... documents reveal he even intended taking the teen to mexico. but her father anthony thomas... talks about what he believes is the worse thing cummins did... "she told somebody from this office that was talking to her, if i had known that, if i had seen him on tv pleading for me, that would have affected me, she didn't it's one of the most egregious things he did is keeping her from knowing how much her family loved her. that's possibly the very worst thing he could of done." meanwhile. . . anthony thomas is doing everything he can to keep the child away from her mother. he has filed a restraining order and a petition for divorce. ( steve ) new at eight:a south florida mother says it's a case of police using "excessive force" against a bi-polar woman.(pam) now, police have released body camera video of the incident involving the woman's daughter. grant lodes is here with the video. . (grant) we're getting a look at what happened through the officers' eyes. body camera footage is shedding light on how this happened to 30-year old shawna yuen. weighting just 100 pounds...she's now ifacing felony charges after an officer showed up to deal with a fight between shawna and her nats of screaming those are...out: ...behind bars.(grant) now shawna's mother is pushing back, saying her daughter should be in a mental hospital, not jail...facing felony charges. police say they went to the house...and shawna ran away...then attacked...grabbing the officer by the crotch...the officer hitting her in the face several times. at that point...the body camera was activated and backup arrived. shwana's mom says she told police her daughter was scitzophrenic and sometimes doesn't take her medicine. the village of biscayne park where this happened is not commenting. (steve) a live look outside at the golden gate bridge.. (pam) metreologist brittney shipp has the weather details for the week.. including a few showers... seasonably cool temperatures will persist into wednesday as a weak system passes inland to the north. this will result in a slight chance of light precipitation, mainly from the santa cruz mountains northward into wednesday. a warming and drying trend will then get underway beginning thursday and likely continuing into the upcoming weekend as high pressure builds over the eastern pacific. breezy northerly winds are also possible from thursday into friday, especially in the hills. (( steve )) there are two important safety elements to driving in attention to the rules of the road and keep your car in shape to follow those rules. (( pam )) police can't track down every infraction but when they catch someone behaving badly behind the wheel ... they have the option to tow the car away. and sometimesthey do and sometimes they don't. stanley roberts takes a closer look .. you can keep it parked here you can have it towed somewhere but i would get that taken care of with the dmv as soon as possible. if a police department towed every driver caught riding dirty, there would be a staggering amount of cars and trucks in the impound yard so officers are given something called discretion. nats: ambiance police officers pull over lots of drivers on any given day but more so during a crackdown, this driver was chilling at a stop light but forgot one important detail of driving to put on his seatbelt he is pulled over and the officer, in this case it's officer guaydacan of the brisbane police department has a chat with the driver may i see your license registration and insurance please? the driver was having a craving (sot) just going to jack in the box (just going to jack in the box) hate when that happens many times a day do you have your license registration and insurance . basically the standard question is asked when pulled over .. if you are missing any of those thing you could have issues this driver was missing proof of insurance and his registration appeared to be long over do anything past 6 month expited registration is subject ot automatic tow did you know that ..(no i did not) i really don't want to tow this vehicle . the reason why he was stopped for a cell phone violation you have fix it tickets for your registration.. this driver was also seen with no seatbelts . she also was missing one important document do you know who the car is registed according to the driver she bought the car from craigslist but couldn't afford to register the vehicle so basically the car could be towed . i tried to talk to the driver but she gave me the cold shoulder you don't want to talk to me? nope i don't have toin both cases the vehicles could be towed . but once a officer decides to tow a car that officer is out of comission for a min of 1 hour each decision is on a case by case basis and your provious driver record could have a huge impact oh by the way: the driver of the truck reappeared with all the documents and the fix it ticket was signed off but i was still behaving badly my advice .. have all your documents in order. oh and don't be caught riding dirtyim not going to sit here and watch you leave but you're an adult co you can make your decision but if i catch you driving again i'm going to tow it ok in san mateo county stanley roberts kron 4 news ((pam)) new tonight at 10 two big interviews. former bart police chief gary gee gives his take on the mob that robbed bart passengers over the weekend.... and a former fbi special agent says, this type of problem is not going away anytime soon. it's a story you don't want to miss.. tonight on kron 4 news at ten. still ahead at 8. he was called for a noise complaint. but wait till you see what an officer did when he arrived. and next. bachelor behind bars. what the t-v star is accused of running from. and what we know about his past run-ins with the law. on september 9, 2010, pg&e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. this gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. the explosion and fire killed eight people. pg&e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u.s. pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. pg&e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. we are deeply sorry. we failed our customers in san bruno. while an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg&e safer. and that's why we've replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new leak detection technology that is one-thousand times more sensitive, and built a state-of-the-art gas operations center. we can never forget what happened in san bruno. that's why we're working every day to make pg&e the safest energy company in the nation. (pam) former "bachelor" star chris soules ... was arrested in connection with a deadly hit and run. police say, soules drove away, after his pick- up truck collided with a tractor last night. the collision pushed both vehicles into a ditch, killing the tractor's driver. soules was arraigned this afternoon, where a judge set his bond at ten- thousand dollars. soules starred on the 19th season of the bachelor in 20-15 this is not the first time the former reality star has been in trouble with the law. he was convicted of a d-u-i in 2006. (pam) in texas. . . a police officer gets dispatched for a noise complaint.(steve)rather than breaking up the party. . . the officer does something unexpected in the san antonio neighborhood. trt:05you can see the officer decides to join in on the fun. . . it was a saturday night . . . while a child's dance club was holding a 'dance-off' behind a home.someone called complaining about the noise. party-goers say they were expecting the music to get shut-off. . . but as you can see the exact opposite mother mentioned. . . it was nice to see that side of an officer. (pam)in sports... the warriors win and wait... until at least sunday... for their next playoff opponent...(steve)... meanwhile james harden tries to close out russell westbrook in game five of the thunder versus the rockets... gary has the highlights... and all the sports... coming up the warriors with possibly their best quarter of basketball all season last nightwith kevin durant back after two games golden state just jumped all over the portland trail blazers getting off to a 14-0 start which balooned to 35-9 on their way to a 45-22 first quarter leadcurry led the way with 37 points only 10 for durant in 20 minutes thompson had 18 green 21 javale mcgee slamming it downwarriors sweep the blazers they will ope the second round against the winner of the clippers-jazz either monday or tuesday at oracle arenahere is steph curry on the sweep and the man replacing steve kerr on the bench mike brown(sot: curry and brown) (curry)"we've done a great job of putting ourselves in a great position coming into game 4 with an opportunity to move on to the next round and i think the way that we showed up in the first quarter said a lot about our mindset and our focus.""i've been in this situation before as a head coach and certain teams and certain guys, you worry about group." turning to cal basketball- - we now know where star point guard charlie moore is transferring. the freshman willl become a kansas jayhawk. moore...announced last week that he's leaving berkeley to be closer to his family in chicago. he leaves the program on a high note...with a solid debut season...averaging 12-points a game and 120 assists. and the 49ers will be honoring one of their franchise greats. the team announced today that tom rathman will be inducted into the eddie debartolo 49ers hall of fame.the fullback spent 23-years with the organization, as both a player and a coach wining two super bowlsin the coaching ranks... his list of pupils includes-- charlie garner, frank gore and garrison hearst. his induction ceremony is tomorrow... after that it's on to philadelphia where he'll announce the team's 2nd round draft pick. and it looks like derek jeter is back in baseball...this time as an owner. a group that includes the yankees great and former florida governor jeb bush...has reached an agreement to purchase the miami marlins. their winning bid is reportedly 1- point-3 billion dollars. it's not a done deal just the sale needs to be approved by 75-percent of major league owners. jeffrey loria...first bought the team in 2002...for 158- million dollars. the michigan football team is on a trip to italyand that of course means jim harbaugh walking the streets with his "selfie stick"trying a little soccer drinking out of a fountain on the spanish steps playing catch in a shopping mall and even trying a little paintball he obviously doesn't want to get his khakis dirtythe team will be in rome for 8 days have assembled. spider-man... black widow... captain america... and eddie? so, what's the plan? breaking out the guardians, pal. come celebrate the all-new guardians of the galaxy-mission: breakout! during the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. hero up! coming up tonight at 10 there is a not that old of a saying, if you build it they will come.i know this is legally not a taxi zone but we parked here for many many years it would seem the author of that phrase has never been to berekley. i'll explain in the next edtion of people behaving badly the x-files is next...then, we are back at 10:00 with the day's big stories, including people behaving badly, gary has sports and your four zone weather forecast with brittney shipp. it's the kron 4 news at ten ... right here on the bay area's news station. last weather and goodbye.. ( murmuring ) ( timer starts )

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Miami , Florida , United States , Sproul Plaza , California , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Santa Clara County , Brisbane , Queensland , Australia , San Antonio , Dublin , Ireland , Michigan , San Francisco , Mexico , Marin County , Tennessee , San Bruno , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Iowa , Sonoma County , Sacramento , Santa Cruz Mountains , San Mateo County , Spain , Chicago , Illinois , America , Spanish , Derek Jeter , Brittney Shipp , Jim Harbaugh , Spencer Blake , Rebecca Saltzman Bart , Justine Waldman Kron , Pam Catherine Heenan , Santa Clara , Dave Cortese , Charlie Moore , Spencer Crum , Ann Coulter , Charles Clifford , Steve Kron , Heil Hitler , Mike Brown , Spencer Pam , William Orrick , Gary Gee , Dennis Herrera , Shawna Yuen , Ann Coulter U C Berkeley , Pam Moore , Russell Westbrook , Priya Murthy , Los Angeles , Jeb Bush , Steve Pam , David Dao , Charles Clifford Kron , Stanley Roberts , Joel Keller , Anthony Thomas , Frank Gore , Justine Waldman , Stanley Roberts Kron , Steve Kerr , Jeffrey Loria ,

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