Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20170417 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20170417

happened just after midnight at a home on calhoun streetnear benson avenue. at the scene, officers learned a group of teens were gathered outside the home. when a gunman inside a car across the street opened fire at the crowd. four people were shot. five others suffered other injuries. police say all nine people are juvenilesand were taken to the hospital with minor to serious injuries. the get- away car is described as a four-door vehicle. possibly carrying two suspects. (justine)tonight - a south bay man has been arrested and a football signed by nfl legend jerry rice for a charity auction is one step closer to its rightful owner.kron 4's hermela aregawi spoke to the victims and police. she joins us live in the newsroom. hermela. how did they catch this guy? (hermela aregawi)police say the football is now in their handsand the suspect has been booked into santa clara county jail.patrick van lam of san jose turned himself in on saturday.police say the 45 year old worked with at least one person to steal the ball from a charity auction for special needs orpahns in china. the event was held at koi palace restaurant in milpitas last saturday.where nfl legend jerry rice showed up and donated an autographed football that sold for 3500- hundred dollars.the chairty says that money can change the lives of the children they service.maisie chan/director, pop foundation: 3500 could almost be raising one kid for one year. because are kids are with special needs and they need surgery and they need officials tell us van lam claims that he asked to take the football and that one of the event organizers told him he could have it.maisie chan/director, pop foundation: when he asked our colleague whether he could have the ball and then he heard that just go ahead to take it. but this is definitely not true. he saw him and then he told him that is not your ball just put it down.milpitas police are still looking for a second suspect and three other persons of interest.but auction organizers say they're just happy the ball was returned. maisie chan/director, pop foundation: i just heard that the thief and the ball was found and it is a happy ending to us.(hermela aregawi)the director of pop foundation.. the charity behind the auction.. tells us they are not looking to press charges. in fact, jerry rice had even offered to sign another ball. so for them, getting the ball back is just a matter of in the newsroom, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. patrick van lam of san jose turned himself in saturday.police say the lawrence karnow: easter sunday was filled with rain and wind. many an easter egg hunt had to move indoors. tonight, showers continue but are becoming more widely scattered. you can see a few showers on our doppler radar. as much as a quarter of an inch of rain fell in the wettest parts of the bay area. you can see swirl of clouds as the storm moved onshore today. we had some brief moderate to heavy downpours and some gusty winds over 30 mph. this storm opened the door and we could see another round of rain coming our way. we'll tell you when coming up next. one down.. 3 more to go... the warriors beat the trail blazers today.. in the teams first game of the n-b-a playoffs. we start our team coverage tonight with kron 4's mark carpenter... he is live at oracle arena... mark..???? the warrriors are overwhelming favorites to cruise through this series, but so far, it doesn't feel like portland is an 8 seed as the trailblazers gave golden state everything they could handle. for three and a half quarters, it was all about the portland stars. damian lillard and cj mccollum...with a monster performance...c ombining for was a tie game going into the 4th, but down the stretch, the warriors pulled through and leaned on their superstars. kevin durant finished with 32, steph curry 29, and draymond green...seemingly all over the place assist shy of a triple double.let's ehar from steve kerr. "great game. to me it was the perfect way to win game 1. you get a real taste for what you are up against. you take a really good punch from your opponent. you see how good they are, but you are able to overcome everything and still get the win." "at some point, you have to make them miss. you can do all you want and say, oh i got a great contest and he hit a tough shot. but at some point or another you have to make them miss and we also know that if we continue to play tough defense like that on them and make them take tough shots for the entire 48 minutes, eventually they'll wear down a little bit and miss a couple." portland head coach terry stotts said there's a chance yusuf nurkic will play in this series. we'll see if the big man is on the court for game 2 on wednesday.mark carpenter, kron4 news things certainly get a bit more intense in the playoffs..... so fans are just a little bit more excited when they start. kron 4's spencer blake is also live at oracle arena tonight, he was talking to fans. spencer, i'm guessing they are pretty excited this evening. it was áloud tonight, and after the game, draymond green gave credit to the fans, saying they were the ones that kept the warriors in the game, especially when it was close. (crowd nats)the playoffsare back again."our warriors are gonna win!"even when the home team is a number one seed, nothing's for certain."it's loud! it's just what i expected. i was going home from church today to watch the game by myself, but decided to come out and be a part of the crowd."most of the 20 thousand fans at oracle put on the 'strength in numbers' shirts they found waiting for them in their seats.(clappers)the clapper sticks were thumping. "it's a great game. i love the way stephen's playing. i love defense."i found a famly from germanywho's only been two a couple other n-b-a games. "i mean, it's brilliant. it's much better than, like, a pre-season game or a regular game of the bulls, to be honest."at halftime, the game was all tied up, giving the portland fans a confidence boost."i think they have a chance! i think portland has a chance!""man, it's kinda hard. everyone is going against you!" the lead kept going back and forth in the third, but the yellow-clad fans kept at it in the fourth."i'm getting' louder! i'm getting' louder. let's go warriorrrrrs!"fans agree the playoff atmosphere is more intense, but not enough to worry them about the warriors getting four wins against portland. game two is here in oakland on wednesday at oracle arena, spencer blake, kron four news. (justine) looking ahead... the next game of the series is on wednesday also at oracle. then the teams move to portland for game 3 on saturday followed by game 4 the following monday games 2, 3 and 4 are all 7:30pm tip offs if necessary game 5 would be in oakland, game 6 in portland and game 7 back in oakland. coming up at eight. it has been a wet day across much of the bay area. how the weather impacted easter events. plus a manhunt is underway in ohio after a man brutally murdered an innocent bystander during a facebook live broadcast. the suspect claims to have killed more than a dozen people. we'll hear from the mayor of cleveland as the search for this suspect continues. plus police in berkeley say more arrests could be made following yesterday's violent political protests. we'll have a look at some of the weapons that were confiscated during the chaos. people tried not to let the wet weather put a damper on their easter plans today. a lot of events were rained out.. resulting in smaller crowds. kron 4's lydia pantazes is live in san francisco... after attending several rainy easter celebrations. lydia, how's it look outside right now? it looks a little gloomy but no rain right now.but earlier today, it did rain on a few parades in san francisco. the band played on despite the dreary weather.the only difference here at the 50th annual northern california cherry blossom festival is people used their umbrellas as props.shannon banzuelo/festival goer: "rain or shine, i go here, it doesn't matter."for shannon banzuelo the festival has become a tradition."i go here yearly, i go here every year with my friends, i can't break the streak, it's a traditional thing for me."bruce penn/festival goer"it's alright as long as you're having a good time just bring an umbrella like these folks, just have a good time, take it as it goes! but you didn't bring an umbrella? i forgot it!" while the rain didn't dampen anyone's enthusiasm... "we see rain, we see shine, we seen everything but they ain't going to keep the human spirit down."people who worked at the event did tell us less people attended.that was also the case just down the road at the union street easter parade and spring celebration."there's usually lines for tickets, lines for all the kids rides and bounce houses and there was nobody here and they packed up early today." food vendors like delrecia booker of reecee's soulicious say despite the slow turnout, her booth was still pretty busy. she says the rain won't stop her from coming here or anywhere else."i'm starting out a new business so i'm trying to be everywhere possible, any means necessary is my goal." a lot of vendors i spoke with at the union street festival did start packing up about a half hour early.reporting live in san francisco, lydia pantazes kron4 news. (justine) turning to weather now, meteorologist lawrence karnow has our forecast. lawrence karnow: easter sunday was filled with rain and wind. many an easter egg hunt had to move indoors. tonight, showers continue but are becoming more widely scattered. you can see a few showers on our doppler radar. as much as a quarter of an inch of rain fell in the wettest parts of the bay area. you can see swirl of clouds as the storm moved onshore today. we had some brief moderate to heavy downpours and some gusty winds over 30 mph. the air is unstable behind the storm and that will keep the showers going overnight but they should become more scattered into tomorrow. highs today were much cooler too and in the 50s to low 60s. computer models are bringing in more clouds and at least a chance of a few more showers especially north of the golden gate bridge. a rather disorganized storm will move in monday night and into tuesday to keep a few more raindrops in the forecast. highs tomorrow will be a little warmer and in the low to upper 60s. the next 7 days will be quite different. unsettled weather with cool showers are possble through tuesday. there's even a slight chance of showers to the north on thursday but then we warm back up into the 70s as we head into next weekend. (áájustineáá) united airlines back in the headlines tonight... after a plane was forced to return to s-f-o. airport officials say the plane was on its way to kona international airport on hawaii's big island when it turned around and made an emergency landing. the plane was safely on the ground around 10-30 this morning. an airlines spokeswoman says there was a mechanical problem. the passengers were transfered to another plane... to complete their trip. (jr stone) here's a pretty odd story. a man somehow got into the sewer system today in san francisco and got lost. he then had to be rescued. fortunately he was not hurt. it happened just before nine this morning on berry street in the cities mission bay neighborhood. after getting lost the man started yelling for help. a police officer heard him through a sewer grate and called for a crew to help get him out. the rescue was complete in under 30 minutes. the incident shut down berry street this morningbut the road has since been reopened. coming up... a 5-year-old boy dies at a popular rotating restaurant in atlanta. tonight we're learning more about the young victim.... coming upmy name jamie lee and i fidda to behave bad (hahaha) hey i'm behaving bad i aint gonna liewhat is jamie lee about to do . nats: ambiance it's what hundreds of bart riders do every day but things are about to change .i'll explain in the next edition of people behaving badly (áájustineáá) bart has had a problem with fare evaders for a long time.(áájr stoneáá) one kron 4 viewer claims the bay area has the worst problem in the country and it's costing us cash. but bart officials say soon it will no longer be business as usual for fare evaders. please permit me to show you a few things.first is this man in the hoodie, he was about to leave the balboa bart station just like the man in the grey sweater just did through the emergency gate nats ambiance he wanders back and forth between me and the station agent then he go's for it he heads straight out the emergency exit and out of the west side of the stationnats ambiance now here are two more, one goes out through the correct gate and the other goes back the other way then he works up his nerve and kinda sorts confronts me don't put me on no tv bruh and out he goes through the emergency exit nats: ambiance and then there was this man my name jamie lee and i fidna to behave bad (hahaha) hey i'm behaving bad i aint gonna lie jamie lee is about to do is what hundreds if not thousands of riders do at almost all bart stations, they avoid paying fare to ride the bart but according to bart that is all about to change . their exact words were "the free ride is over" lets look at all the people going through the emergency exit while i explain the new changes for the next fiscal year nats: ambiance800 thousand dollar from the bart budget will be hiring fare inspectors who will use scanners to randomly check for poof of payment and possibly issue tickets to fare evaders also 1 point 9 million dollars in fare evasion barriers, which basically means raising the height of the fences at the entrances sorta. like they way the train stations look in new york oh and the emergency gates . they will be installing a remote lock that only the station agents or police officers can open in case of an emergency nats: ambiance because right now if you walk through the emergency gate and head down to the train, you are by definition a fare evader and subject to a fineif you have a problem with your bart ticket, you should go to the station agent and have the agent figure out the problem . that way you are not behaving badly it's the people behaving badly's dude yo it this dude thie (censored) (censored) who tries to (censored) behave badly i know you or your son probably behave badly in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, e-mail us at 'people behaving badly' at kron- four-dot-com ... (jrstone) tuesday is the last day to file your taxes... and if you don't pay uncle may have to answer to private debt collectors. the i-r-s says it will be sending out letters to people with long-standing tax debts starting this month. only people with debts going back several years will be affected. if your case is sent to a private collection firm... the i-r-s will provide you with the agencies name and contact information. the firm should also indicate they are working as authorized i-r-s contractors. if you believe the firm has mistreated you... the i-r-s encourages taxpayers to file a complaint. still ahead... what we know about the suspect accused in a deadly shooting broadcasted on facebook live. why police believe there may be more victims.... plus- how president trump is responding to nationwide calls for the release of his tax returns. (jr stone) in ohio. cleveland police are on the hunt for a murder suspect who posted video of an apparent homicide on facebook. he's been identified as steve stephens. investigators say he claimed to have committed 12 other homicides as well. but police have not verified that-- or found any bodies. the facebook video reportedly shows him shooting a man in the head. and leaving his body at the scene before driving away. the f-b-i is assisting police in the search for him tonight. the mayor of cleveland...urg ed stephens to turn himself in tonight. (sot) the suspect steve stephens.suspect steve the the suspect steve stephens. is an employee of beech brook, a major behavioral health agency in northeast ohio. facebook has released a statement condemning the murder. the company called it a "horrific crime," and said that it works hard to "keep a safe environment on facebook." (áájustineá) president donald trump says china is working with the united states on what he calls "the north korea problem." and vice president mike pence visited a military base near the demilitarized zone separating the koreas.(jr stone) this is happening a day after the north conducted a failed missile launch. reporter steve nannes (pron; nan-nes) has more on the reaction to the failed launch. celebrating the nation's founder, north korea paraded a new fleet of missiles on saturday.. in what was a huge military display on its most important holiday.but an attempt to test one of those missiles on sunday failed almost immediately. vice president mike pence.. who is currently on a 10-day trip to asia ... arrived in seoul, south korea just hours after the unsuccessful launch took place.vice president mike pence: "this morning's provocation from the north is the latest reminder of the risk each one of you face every day in the defense of the freedom of the people of south korea and the defense of america in this part of the world."defense secretary james mattis issued a statement saying the president was briefed on the missile test and had no comment.... but trump later tweeted that china was helping with - quote - the north korean problem.some u.s. lawmakers believe that china has the power to put diplomatic pressure on north korea.. by threatening their economic ties and their ability to finance a nuclear weapons program.sen. bernie sanders/-i- vermont: "the key i think to this situation - and i think president trump understand is - is dealing with china." butt sot sen. john mccain / -r- arizona: china can shut them down and we should be, whether they're currency manipulators or not, we should expect them to act to prevent what could be a cataclysmic event."if china doesn't rein in north korea, trump said last week, the united states will.i'm steve nannes reporting. (jr stone) at least 20 people were arrested in connection with violence at a protest in berkeley . these are some of the weapons officers confiscated on your screen. police say they even seized a stun gun and a concrete-filled can. a group of trump supporters and a group of anti-fascists clashed at civic center park yesterday. and the chaos spread to the city streets. 11 people were injured and seven of those people were taken to hospitals. luckily none of the businesses in the area reported being damaged. police say they expect to make more arrests once they review video and social media evidence. (jr stone) sunday president donald trump responded on twitter to those demanding that he release his tax returns. he tweeted, " i did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a republican-easily won the electoral college! now tax returns are brought up again?" someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. the election is over." president trump's comments come one day after about 150 tax day rallies were held across the country. the president's policies were questioned during these events and those who attended demanded that he release his full i-r-s returns. democratic lawmakers on a national, state, and local level organized these events and spoke at them on saturday. (justine) and the border wall president trump has imagined. could trap some americans on the "mexican side". leaders with the texas civil rights project say it would technically be on u.s. soil, but outside of a barrier built north of the river separating the two countries. landowners could lose property. those who lost land for an existing fence are already preparing for the new potential wall. the texas civil rights project has started signing up landowners and identying people who might be affected. (áájustineáá) it has been ten years since the mass shooting at virginia tech that killed 32 people. reporter brendan king was at the university where alumni gather to remember those lost on that tragic day. it was difficult for olja ivanic and arun bala to return to virginia tech 10 years after the tragic shooting that took the life of their friend."we wanted to be here because it was the right thing to do," ivanic said. caitlin hammaren was sitting in french class at norris hall when she was killed. the 19- year-old sophomore from new york had dreams of becoming a lawyer.ivanic was in economics class in a nearby building during the shooting."i just remember waiting for her all day and she never came back," she said.hammaren was a resident assistant who studied international politics."i just want everyone to remember caitlin just how she was. she was always the nicest, kindest human," ivanic said.sunday will mark the 10 year anniversary of the shooting at virginia tech. the hokie community from all over returns to campus to participate in numerous events to honor the 32 estimated 16,000 people ran the 3.2 mile run in remembrance saturday morning. hundreds gathered on the drillfield for the community picnic to reflect and remember. "we wanted to be here because it was the right thing to do," ivanic said. "we want to just to keep caitlin's soul alive. it's an honor to be able to pay memory and respect."even though returning to campus conjures up the memories of that tragic day, bala said it helps him continue to heal."i would like if nothing like this ever happens again," bala said. "i hope no one ever has to remember someone 10 years later. that they're able to see that person 10 years later and not remember them by a headstone." (áájustineáá) we now know the name of the 5-year-old boy who died after getting trapped in the rotating wall of a popular atlanta restaurant. charlie holt got his head stuck between two tables friday at "the sun dial", which sits atop the westin peachtree plaza hotel. atlanta police say holt was visiting with his parents from charlotte, north carolina. the family was at a window seat when holt wandered away from the table. police say the rotating floor shut off automatically when holt was struck. the sun dial will be closed until further notice. coming up- when we are expected to learn about what killed pop icon "prince" more clouds and more showers headed to the bay area. we're tracking your latest storm next. ♪ hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru. (justine) turning to weather now, meteorologist lawrence karnow has our forecast. lawrence karnow: easter sunday was filled with rain and wind. many an easter egg hunt had to move indoors. tonight, showers continue but are becoming more widely scattered. you can see a few showers on our doppler radar. as much as a quarter of an inch of rain fell in the wettest parts of the bay area. you can see swirl of clouds as the storm moved onshore today. we had some brief moderate to heavy downpours and some gusty winds over 30 mph. the air is unstable behind the storm and that will keep the showers going overnight but they should become more scattered into tomorrow. highs today were much cooler too and in the 50s to low 60s. computer models are bringing in more clouds and at least a chance of a few more showers especially north of the golden gate bridge. a rather disorganized storm will move in monday night and into tuesday to keep a few more raindrops in the forecast. highs tomorrow will be a little warmer and in the low to upper 60s. the next 7 days will be quite different. unsettled weather with cool showers are possble through tuesday. there's even a slight chance of showers to the north on thursday but then we warm back up into the 70s as we head into next weekend. (jr stone) happening tomorrow. new details on legendary singer prince's death investiation are expected to become public. it's been nearly one year since the world lost the pop icon. back in 2016, a medical examiner said prince died of accidental overdose of opioid fentanyl. tomorrow, search warrants related to the singer's death investigation will be unsealed. prince died on april 21, of last year. next- how warriors fans are celebrating the team's first playoff win today. "mcdonald's is testing out some new technology to help bring your fast food to you even faster. it's being tested here before they roll it out across the nation. i'm tech reporter gabe slate. i'll tell you all about it coming up on kron4 news." (justine) the warriors are resting up now after.. a big win today against the trail blazers. fans... are probably doing the same before game two on wednesday.(jr stone) those fans certainly have a lot to celebrate tonight. and for some who couldn't make it to oracle arena, kron 4's alecia reid caught up with warriors fans who packed into the bar. there wasn't a single blazers fan in sight here at ricky's today, and warrior fans were loud and proud.pkg"yea baby, lets go! wooo, lets go""it's like a nailbiter"on the edge of their seats, warriors fans packed ricky's sports theatre and grill."the warriors are the best on the planet."even with a tie at halftime, and a close game all around, these dub nation fans had no doubt their team would take home a win."the trail blazers are peaking too early. the warriors are a 3rd quarter team so we're gonna do as we always do in the 3rd quarter, knock it out and open it up" "well portland only has 2 guys. cj and lillard. 2 men can't win no game""this year since we've had kd it's improved our offenseeverywhere inside the bar fans displayed their warriors insignia down to the socks. "they're one of the best teams ever, no doubt" this is just the beginning of the playoff season. they believe last year was a fluke which won't happen again this time around."we gon take it. it was conspiracy theory last season. lebron you know, poster child to nba, he cried. we gon take it. we gon take it for a couple more."dajon daniel / warriors fan "without a doubt it's happening. this year, next year, the year after that. it's just gonna keep happening." "it's all about stepping up the defensive game. as long as we have defense, we have too many scorers and too much offense. we don't have to worry about all that. it's all about playing defense"reporting in san leandro. we are less than 15 minutes away from sports night live. 30 minutes of bay area sports. we'll have more warriors in that show and.... we'll talk san francisco giants. they were in action today at at&t park. they were trying to get back on track after scoring no runs yesterday. they were in this ball game until the end but ended up losing 4 to 3. giants struggling right now. they are 5 and 9 on the season and will open up in kansas city on tuesday. they were three and four on this homestand totaling only 7 runs in the four loses. you'll get bip's take on the giants tonight on sports night live. we'll also go in depth on sports night live with kerri walsh jennings. a bay area native who will soon be enshrined into the bay area hall of fame. she is an american beach volleyball player who has won numerous medals in the olympics. we sit down with her tonight at 9 o'clock. you'll hear what it's like to stand on the podium after winning a gold medal. all of that tonight at 9. (ájustineá) mcdonalds is testing out new technology here... before it rolls it out to the rest of the country. kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate shows us how the fast-food chain is using a new app to serve customers. gabe slate says: i'm in salinas which is south of gilroy where mcdonald's has launched a new program using a mobile app to get people their fast food even faster you can order through the app and pick it up at the counter when you arrive or park at the curbside spot and have it walked out to you.. you don't even have to leave your vehicle.. no lines just food right away. mcdonald's owner raymond costa says: this one woman ordered at 5am and was putting on makeup getting ready for work we walked her food out she loved it raymond costa the owner of this mcdonalds says so far this pre ordering off the phone has big hit here.. it doesn't add any charge to the order just convienience and time saved. before you order you put your credit card into the app that's how the payment works he said they get a lot of parents curbside who don't want to deal with taking the kids in and out of a carseat corporate tests out a lot of things down here.. sound from mcdonalds owner ray costa says: we were the first to test out mini fries and apples in happy meals.. the mobile app thing is going really well this mobile ordering will be rolling out nation wide over the summer. i have a feeling this one will catch on. anything to skip a line generally takes off but as always watch out for the hamburgler he's a sneaky villian with your tech report gabe slate kro 4 news and if you'd like to connect with gabe slate... you can add him on facebook, follow him on twitter. or email - slate-at-kron4-dot-com. giraffe watch! we have the details on the new calf at a new york zoo. how you can help name him. ((brian tease)) (justine ) parents ... you may want to double check what the easter bunny left behind today.. target has recalled more than 560- thousand water- absorbing easter egg and dinosaur toys. the recalled products include - hatch and grow easter eggs, easter grow toys... and hatch your own dino egg products. the u-s consumer product safety commission says, those items pose a "serious ingestion hazard." no injuries or incidents have been reported. people can return the products to any target store .. for a refund. (áájustineáá) the newborn giraffe in new york... is doing well and spent today bonding with his mom. after months of anticipation, april the giraffe gave birth to the male calf on saturday. animal adventure park reports he weighs 129 pounds and stands 5 feet 9 inches tall. the zoo team said april has recovered "perfectly" and is eating "everything in sight." giraffes are pregnant for 15 months on average. and the wait for april to give birth raised global interest, with a livestream and a fundraising drive. there is a contest to name the newborn... and you can find a link to submit names on our website... kron (justine) "the boss baby" took on the latest installment of the "fast and furious" franchise at the box office this weekend. (jrstone) here's reporter douglas hyde with the movies that took the tops spots this weekend. (nat) "jump in the basket." "who the hell do you think i am, et?""going in style" finished in fifth place. the heist comedy nabbed 6.4 million. "smurfs: the lost village" slipped a spot to four, with six and a half million in ticket sales. "beauty and the beast," which has earned over a billion dollars worldwide, continued to rake in money. the live action disney musical came in third, earning 13.6 million . (nat) "i think we hate each other.""hate is a strong word." "the boss baby" fell from the top spot, but still did well, finishing in second place with a solid fifteen and a half million.(nat) the "fate of the furious" drove over the competition! the eighth installment in the muscle car franchise debuted in first place with 100-point-two million. and it did massive business worldwide, with an estimated global take of over 532 million. breaking the record for biggest international weekend ever. and coming up new at ten. an update to a story we brought you earlier this week. the ashes that were stolen from a car in san francisco have been returned! we have new information on how the family got the ashes back... and information about the suspect police are looking for. this story is tonight on kron 4 news at 10. "this is inspiring... and the approach is contageous." draymond green scores he passes but mostly he defends as the warriors overcome a big game by oakland native damian lillard... dubs take game one in the first round of the nba playoffsthe a's were rained out but the giants were able to play on jeff samrdzija probably wishes he could have started a couple of innings late.""i said this... after london i said i'm just not done yet... i'm not done after rio."we profile kerri walsh as the 3-time olympic gold medalist and san jose native gets ready for her introduction into the bay area sports hall of fameand who let the sharks out? the greatest leadoff hitter ever that's who! as san jose ties to get a leg up in the 1st round of the stanley cup playoffstime to get your shimmy on sports night live

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