Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20170416 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20170416

(anchor)(live)the latest word we got was that police arrested 21 people.eleven people got hurt, and that's what really stands out from today's counter rallies -- the violence and the blood.(pkg) (nats)though the pro-trump and anti-fascism groups started the day somewhat organized, the delineation between the two eventually melted away as the counter demonstrations poured into the streets. "they're sick people! the left are the sick! they're angry and they're sick."every so often, the masses would swarm from one side of martin luther king, junior civic center park to the other.(bomb going off) several times, groups within the crowd would scatter.that was usually either followed or preceded by the sound of a smoke bomb.(smoke bomb)"i kept my distance pretty much throughout the whole event, and whenever i see something i kinda just keep that distance." "there's a couple fights - people punchin' each other, ya know. i grab the back of their shirts, pull them away." tensions would ease for a few minutes, but soon people on opposing sides of the rallies would be at it again."they're crazy, but i was hoping that in some way we could stop them from doing what they do, but they did anyway."the longer the protests went on, the more bloodied faces, posters, and streets we saw.weapons included sticks, rocks, glass bottles, and fists."these guys are cowards. this is all they do - they hide with their masks, they sucker punch you, they hit you in the back of the head with sticks. this is what they do."protesters made it up to shattuck avenue before things finally started to die down.(live)some people questioned why police weren't preventing all the injuries from happening out here.there were plenty of officers, but a lot of the fights we saw seemed to be free-for-alls. live in berkeley, spencer blake, kron four news. (justine) our team coverage of the bloody demonstrations in berkeley continues with kron four's philippe djegal... he shows us another angle of the bitter sides pitted against each other. (philippe)nats- "you're a fááááág white male." the discourse wasn't civil...nats- "and, if you don't starting shutting it up, we're going to take your fááááág. a fascist is in charge. you're a fááááág retard." one could argue the often vulgar discussions were irrational.nats- "you're a fááááág white male. yeah, i'm a white male. white male." caucasians blasting one another for not being on the same political side...nats- "get it, get it, get it." an african american woman strips an asian american woman of her american flag... upset over the woman's allegiance to president donald trump.sot- "(philippe) does it bother you more because she's a minority? (woman) absolutely. it makes shameful that you are not listening to what he's doing to our people. you have brown skin. brown skin. (other woman) my skin doesn't mean anything. i'm an american. i'm an american. (woman) but girl, when your family starts to get affected by it then, what? (other woman) my family came from a communist country, and my parents are very strong trump supporters and they do not want our country to become a communist country and they see us going down that slippery slope."nats- boom in and around civic center park, protestors threw m-80's into the crowd. we were forced to take cover several times. nats- "fáák." we spoke with this trump supporter who wandered into the anti-trump crowd...sot- "those are the fascists. they call me a fascist -- i ain't no racist. i ain't no racist, i ain't no fascist. i think everyone here should have a speech, but i don't think any of us should be touching each other." just minutes later... a fight broke out... and, the same man who denounced violence walked away with a bloody face.sot- "yeah, a rock hit me in the face -- it was cool. this is what we came here for. get out of here now." and, he wasn't the only one brusied and battered. all part of an ugly morning and afternoon in berkeley. nats- "fááááág racists. that's all you guys are." philippe djegal, kron four news. (justine) we first told you about the protest arrests through our mobile app. we sent a push alert at 11:43 this morning. make sure you download the kron four mobile app to always stay up to date on breaking news. (jr stone) meanwhile april 15th has traditionally been tax day... but today was all about the 'tax march'. activists across the country are demanding that president donald trump release his tax returns. you're looking at rallies that took place in chicago, philidelphia, and los angeles. the bay area was not left out of this one... in san francisco, thousands turned out for the march. the protest at city hall was led by california democrats... including congresswoman nancy pelosi. kron 4's hermela aregawi was there.. she joins us live.. now from our newsroom... what did people tell you? (hermela aregawi)the message was clear..the people that attended the rally tell me they want to see the returns.. because they believe the returns will show that president trump has conflicts of interests.. especially where russia is involved.rep. nancy pelosi/d/california: donald trump must release his tax returns!congresswoman nancy pelosi was the keynote speaker at the rally.joined by supervisor jane kimand san francisco native and author of the making of donald trump david k johnston.david cay johnson/author, the making of donald trumpdonald, russian bribes are not tax deductible thousands showed up with hand made signs.and one message. jessica redford/indivisible sf: we're here today to demand that trump show his tax returns. we want to know whether he has any conflict of interest or if there's anything else in his financial history that would basically disqualify him for roll of president.anca mosoiu/wants trump tax returns released: whether he's getting money from russia or has loans out in various countries where america has interest. what's happening now is there is a division between people that can get away with stuff and the rest of us. its just not right.allyson west/indvisible lake merritt: i feel that somebody who leads our country should be honest with the people that he or she should be serving and i'd be willing to share my tax returns so i'm not sure why he would not be willing to share his tax returns.barbara west/wants trump tax returns released: this is actually the most improtant thing we can do in terms of getting him out is to try to get him to show his taxes, get the the fbi to subpoena his taxespolls show more than half of americans want to see the president's tax returns.and more than a million people have signed a white house petition asking for them.but some people are skeptical they'll ever see the light of daymike wardynski/ i don't think these marches are enough for him to do that. but i think if you know hopefully we get enough dirt on him where he'll be forced to do it. (hermela aregawidemocrats are hoping the fbi subpoenas the returns as part of the intelligence committes investigation into russia's involvement in the elections. but it's unclear how likely that is to happen.reporting live in san francisco, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. rep. nancy pelosi/d/california : donald trump must release his tax returns!congresswoman nancy pelosi was the keynote speaker at the rally.joined by supervisor and san francisco native and author of the making of donald trump david k johnston.johnson/author, the making of donald trumpbribes are not tax deductible thousands with hand made signs. message.jessica redford/indivisible sf: we're here today to demand that trump show his tax returns. we want to know whether he has any conflict of interest or if there's anything else in his financial history that would basically disqualify him for roll of president.anca mosoiu/wants trump tax returns released: whether he's getting money from russia or various countries where america has interest. what's happening now is there is a division between people that can get away with stuff and the rest of us. its just not right.allyson west/indvisible lake merritt: i feel that somebody who leads our country should be honest with the people that he or she should be serving and i'd be willing to share my tax returns so i'm not sure why he would not be willing to share his tax returns.barbara west/wants trump tax returns released: this is actually the most improtant thing we can do in terms of getting him out is to try to get him to show his taxes, get the the fbi to subpoena his taxespolls show more than half of americans want to see the president's tax returns.and more than a million people have signed a white house petition asking for them.but some people are skeptical they'll ever see the light of daymike wardynski/ i don't think these marches are enough for him to do that. but i think if you know hopefully we get enough dirt on him where he'll be forced to do it. (jr stone) (justine) tunring to weather now, meteorologist lawrence karnow has our forecast. lawrence karnow: it was a beautiful start to the weekend. temperatures were much warmer and we even had a few 70s. but you probably noticed the high clouds moving in as well. that's the first sign of the storm off of the coast. doppler radar still shows that we remain dry but you can see the storm headed our way. if you have outdoor plans on easter than you should prepare for a few raindrops and cool temperatures. we'll have a closer look at your holiday forecast coming up in a few minutes. with the coming rain... worry tonight along the coast. after another cliff collapsed in pacifica... today. it's an eerie reminder for neighbors of the eroding coastline.kron4's lydia pantazes is live in pacifica. lydia, just how bad is it out there? (lydia live)we know it happened sometime between this morning and early afternoon. you can see this area is all blocked off...the cliff collapsed right in front of that bench... the path where the cliff collapsed is the same area where the city bought and removed 12-homes...this is the scene from 1998 when 30-feet of cliff fell away from the side of the a result the homes were removed and a trail was put in their place.two homes still remain... but those homes have also been bought by the city and are vacant.neighbors are spoke with are upset, they understand about the erosion but say the city needs to maintain the revetment wall they installed to slow the erosion.we spoke with people who live near the area about the cliff collapse. (gwen urie/resident): "i noticed the caution tape and immediately came over and took a look, this has obviously been kind of a long slow process but to see the pathway go down was a little scary." (erin long-scott/resident): "there is a little cringe, you know, we've been, when we came home and saw how bad it is we were just talk my boyfriend and i how depressed it makes us." neighbors are spoke with are upset, they understand about the erosion but say the city needs to maintain the revetment wall they installed to slow the erosion.we'll have more on that tonight on kron4 news at 10, reporting live in pacifica, lydia pantazes kron4 news. coming up- a sacramento woman shot to death in a rural area of the central valley. why police believe her roommate had something to do with her death. whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. a southern california woman who pled guilty to killing a u.s. navy service member in a road rage case appeared in court to learn her punishment this week. darla jackson bursts into tears as the judge handed down her sentence yesterday. time she will serve for the killing of u.s. navy chief petty officer zacharias buob. prosecutors argued jackson chased and ran over officer buob in a fit of road rage on a chula vista freeway in 2015. as the buob family asked for the maximum sentence, they shared the their pain and loss.... and said it all could have been avoided (sot) "she had every opportunity to change her mind and not chase my brother across 2 freeways. pretty hard to understand why someone would get that angry, we still canút get our head around it your honor." initially jackson faced 15 years for a second degree murder charge, but that time was reduced when she struck a plea deal. reducing the charge to voluntary manslaughter. she faced 11 years....the judge gave her six. a teenage girl in santa rosa claims her boyfriend held her against her will and raped her. he's now been arrested. but neighbors tell kron 4 news - the girlfriend was the abuser. kron 4's ella sogomonian has more from santa rosa. a call came through from worried parents to santa rosa police that their teen daughter was allegedly held against her will and raped inside this apartment. but she warned them he would kill her if police arrived. "there were a few cop cars i mean more than a few about 8 to 10." friday night they showed up to the building on billie jean street and knocked on the door. the girl ran out to police and they arrested her boyfriend 28- year-old norman tapia.he faces one felony count of domestic battery, false imprisonment, and unlawful sex with a minor. but neighbors were stunned by the allegations. "he always took off running everytime a fight would break out. but she would manage to pull him by the hair and bring him back in."they say in the last month they've only seen the reverse of the story. claiming the girl constantly abused him. " i've only seen her attacking him."santa rosa police say tapia had an outstanding warrant for an arrest out of scotts valley for forcible rape of the same victim. (áájustineáá) it is unclear tonight what caused dozens of cars to catch on fire in the east bay ... this is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news... the fire at "insurance auto auction" on stevenson boulevard in fremont ..started around 4 today. the fremont fire department tells us ... the fire spread quickly from car to car. in all 35 cars burned... in the car lot fire. the fire investigator is working to determine how the fire started. (justine) this afternoon a house in los altos caught on fire. the video you're seeing is from a kron-4 viewer... firefighters were able to put the fire out, but the two-story house on casita way is destroyed santa clara county fire is investigating the cause. (justine) turning to weather now, meteorologist lawrence karnow has our forecast. lawrence karnow: it was a beautiful start to the weekend. temperatures were much warmer and we even had a few 70s. but you probably noticed the high clouds moving in as well. that's the first sign of the storm off of the coast. doppler radar still shows that we remain dry but you can see the storm headed our way. if you're going out tonight it will remain dry and a little breezy near the coast. clouds will continue to move in and on easter sunday it looks like rain. on the satellite picture you can see high pressure that brought us the nice start to our weekend. but that swirl of clouds is the storm that will bring more rain our way. our latest computer model shows the storm clouds moving in tomorrow moring. we could showers as early as 8 am in the north bay and then picking up toward noon. it will mostly be light showers but if you're planning an easter egg hunt outdoors, you may want to bring an umbrella and a warm coat too. highs will be much cooler too and only in the 50s to low 60s. more rain is possible over the next 7 days. there's a chance of a few showers on monday and a better chance monday night and tuesday. dry and warmer weather is expected by the end of the week. new details coming in tonight in regards to north korea. one day after kim jong un showed off an array of the countries new missles and launchers at a large scale military parade...the u.s. and south korea now say an attempted missile launch today by north korea has failed. defense officials in south korea say the action took place in sinpo, a port city in eastern north korea. that is the same location where a missle was tested earlier this month. that missile landed in the sea of japan. this is video from the parade that celebrated the 105 birthday of the countries founder. but again the u.s. says a projectile missile was fired by north korea and it failed. next... united airlines is now changing its policies after the video of a man being dragged off a flight went viral. what united is doing now to make sure this does not happen again. coming upand the prize for the worst u-turn on a very busy san francisco street goes to why not go down to the end of the block and make a regular u-turn it's kind of far there were quite a few runner ups, i'll explain in the next edition of people behaving badly (jr stone ) they give out awards for all types of things, but there are no bad driver awards... only good ones. (justine) tonight.. stanley roberts wonders... what if there were....??? if i were to ever give out awards for the worst driving habits in a business district and we get a smile from the illegal u-turn with no license plates this delivery driver would win first placenot only did he decide to do a u-turn . it was a bad attempt . he held up traffic in the in the process . which may have taken the same amount of time to do it legally why not go to the end of the block and make a regular u-turn it's kinda far but it's in a car it's not like you're are walking i know right what was he delivering .. stick around i'll show you another contender for first place was this driver in the prius .who in almost the same exact spot flipped a you eee. so what was his business. let's find out dropping off pizzas huh so i asked him the same question and told him that it's an expensive ticket yea i know but nobody's here meaning there are not cops around and also i have to be quick (you have to be quick) yea then right after going inside he must have had an epiphany are you going to hide my plates (no) you didn't hide your plates when you made the u-turn so am i going to get this driver . she is looking for a place to stop .but that's an active lane of traffic .then she spots a driveway and cuts off the red thunderbird to flip a u-turn nats: ambiance so she could come and pick up a passenger who was waiting at the curb . i tried to talk to the driver but she wasn't having anything to do with me or my camera ambiance now the interesting part there isthis huge whitezone outside 888 brannon for pickup and drop offs but many will drop off in a lane of traffic or do the illegal u-turn according to people walking by ..between the hours 4 and 6 pm it's pure choas oh i almost forgot the the driver in the beginning .. he dropped off i got some soup i just hope its some good soup i never tried it before i hope it good soup too there was this driver who drove up the block and did it legally ..but why i don't want to get a citation (hahahaha) well that's a good reason i got one at sfo last week so maybe it's true citations change drivers habits ...people behaving badly, he's doing a great job in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, e-mail us at 'people behaving badly' at kron- four-dot-com ... still ahead... the 9-1-1 tapes from the murder-suicide at an elementary school in san bernardino... have been released. hear what first responders dealt with... and we'll have an update on the only surviving victim. plus chaos at penn station. what prompted people to run fearing for their lives at the train station in new york. (jr stone) for the first time police are releasing 9-1-1 calls from the deadly san bernardino school shooting on monday.(ájustineá) the attack left three dead. one of them an 8-year old boy. reporter rick chambers has the dispatch calls and the latest on the conditions of a survivor.(pkg) (justine) false reports of gunfire caused a chaotic scene at new york's penn station last night. police say they used a taser on an uncooperative passenger. witnesses say the taser charging up... sounded like gun shots. people fearing for their lives ran in all directions..... leaving behind bags, shoes and valuables. some slipped and fell. the stampede happened at rush hour... causing a domino effect, extending more than a block away. police say they were flooded with 9-1-1 calls. (sot) chief william morris / new york city police dept. "given our experience, dealing with similar situations, we were able to quickly review all the 911 calls and determine that there were no actual shots fired." in the chaos, at least 16 people were hurt with non-life threatening injuries. (jr stone) united airlines is making a policy change after one of its passengers was dragged off a plane. the company says it will now require staff and crew to check in at least 60 minutes before a flight. doctor david dao was taken off his flight because a crew member needed his seat it is legal to bump a ticket-holding customer off a flight, but typically it doesn't happen after they've boarded. united says this policy will ensure that employees are seated before the plane fills up. (áájustineáá) a bay area pharmaceutical company... is in the midst of fighting the state of arkansas in court ...over one its drugs that could be used to execute inmates. today, a major development .... first some background, the arkansas prison system bought the drug from san francisco based mckesson ...saying it would be used for medical purposes. mckesson has argued the drug was not supposed to be used for capital punishment in the first place. several inmates were scheduled for lethal injection at the end of this month, because the drug was set to expire. on friday, a federal judge sided with mckesson and put a halt to nine executions. today, the state's attorney general asked the state supreme court to lift the block on the executions. one of the inmates is scheduled to die on monday... (áájustineáá) jeff adachi is well known as san francisco's public defender. he handles tough cases... everyday.(áájr stoneáá) what might not be known about him: he puts that same conviction into filmmaking... kron 4 anchor pam moore talked with adachi about his night job .. as a documentary film maker. - san francisco's progressive public defender...'there is obviously a disconnect between what sfpd says its doing and what's happening out there on the streets" - jeff adachi... 'this is a person who is committed to expressing his bias " - track - ... has been described as tough.. passionate.. a fighter.. and a pain.. and as a champion for people who rarely have one ... but, he is also an award winning filmmaker.. and his latest film is about his work as a public defender... (jr stone) adachi's parents and grandparents were sent to japanese internment camps during world war two. he says learning about that as a child, taught him, that justice is something you have to fight for.. a message that has stayed with him all his life. up next...multiple shark attacks along the florida coast. one teen recounts the moment he realized he had been bit. september 9, 2010, pg&e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. this gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. the explosion and fire killed eight people. pg&e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u.s. pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. pg&e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. we are deeply sorry. we failed our customers in san bruno. while an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg&e safer. and that's why we've replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new leak detection technology that is one-thousand times more sensitive, and built a state-of-the-art gas operations center. we can never forget what happened in san bruno. that's why we're working every day to make pg&e the safest energy company in the nation. (jrstone) in florida... beach-goers are on edge after a second person was attacked by a shark in less than a week. 17-year-old keanan perry was bit on his foot yesterday while he was surfing. perry say he knew right away it was a shark... his first thought was to simply get away and pray that the shark would not come back. (keanan perry/shark bite victim): "i was paddling in and i got off my board to see if i could stand and walk in. and it was about chest height, deeper than i expected, and i dropped down. and my foot like touched the sand and right when it touched the sand it lached and then it was gone." (jrstone) a woman was attacked by a shark just south of jacksonville just a few days earlier. these are pictures of the bite wounds on her foot. she says it took 30 stitches to close the wounds. (justine) tunring to weather now, meteorologist lawrence karnow has our forecast. lawrence karnow: it was a beautiful start to the weekend. temperatures were much warmer and we even had a few 70s. but you probably noticed the high clouds moving in as well. that's the first sign of the storm off of the coast. doppler radar still shows that we remain dry but you can see the storm headed our way. if you're going out tonight it will remain dry and a little breezy near the coast. clouds will continue to move in and on easter sunday it looks like rain. on the satellite picture you can see high pressure that brought us the nice start to our weekend. but that swirl of clouds is the storm that will bring more rain our way. our latest computer model shows the storm clouds moving in tomorrow moring. we could showers as early as 8 am in the north bay and then picking up toward noon. it will mostly be light showers but if you're planning an easter egg hunt outdoors, you may want to bring an umbrella and a warm coat too. highs will be much cooler too and only in the 50s to low 60s. more rain is possible over the next 7 days. there's a chance of a few showers on monday and a better chance monday night and tuesday. dry and warmer weather is expected by the end of the week. the bay area is getting so expensive to live some tech companies are taking advatage of that offering de-location packages.. kron 4's gabe slate explains coming up one of your favorite burger toppings may cost you more in grocery stores. heavy winter rains have caused a lettuce shortage. that means prices have gone up. reporter amanda valdes has more. cornelio diaz/head cook, sylvestors burger: "lettuce is one of the main products we use here"as prices for lettuce soar highbusinesses like sylvesters burgers in oceano are feeling the impact. cornelio diaz/head cook, sylvestors burger: "in between three restaurants it's hard to keep the prices low for our customers"prices for lettuce at the beginning of the year were much lower. head chef cornelio diaz says they were paying 20 bucks a case.but, that cost has now ballooned to 60 dollars a case. cornelio diaz/head cook, sylvestors burger: "with us going through so much it's not price effective for us right now." those high costs aren't affecting customers here. diaz says despite their need to dish out more cash every time they need lettuce...prices remain the same cornelio diaz/head cook, sylvestors burger: "we do have to reuse some of it so the good lettuce we dont use for the set ups we go ahead and chop and mix with our romaine."the heavy rain earlier this year is to blame for these skyrocketing prices. it's caused gaps in planting---not allowing farmers like tom ikeda in oceano---to get out in the fields to farm tom ikeda/ikeda brothers farmer: "prices now i wouldn't say are historical but, close to historical levels"ikeda says with market prices so high he says it covers growing costs when the market is poor...tom ikeda/ikeda brothers farmer: "there's a shortage so if they want the product they are going to have to pay the money he says during times like these consumers try and cut down the amount of lettuce they use....and even by doing so---there's still a shortage tom ikeda/ikeda brothers farmer: "as a farmer no we are hoping this market stick around for a while.while the high prices are helping farmers....diaz says he hopes to soon see them go back down. cornelio diaz/head cook, sylvestors burger: "we are always hoping the prices go down so the prices don't have to go up. (( jr stone landing )) the bay area is getting so expensive to live... that some tech companies are taking advantage of that.... to recruit talent.. by offering what they call a "de-location" package.. kron 4's gabe slate explains..((pkg)) wade foster/ceo of zapier wade foster is ceo and founder of zapier, a tech company that builds tools that allow businesses, and individuals, to connect web apps they use every day to automate tasks and save time.the job openings they currently have can be worked remotely from anywhere in the world wade foster/ceo of zapier so far it's working. wade foster/ceo of zapier gabe slate kron 4 news and if you'd like to connect with gabe slate... you can add him on facebook, follow him on twitter. or email - slate-at-kron4-dot-com. (áájustineáá) millions of people watched the birth of a baby giraffe this morning... april the giraffe had her delivery streaming on the zoo's youtube page. the 15-year-old new mom lives at "the animal adventure park" a private zoo....about two hours from new york city. after weeks of anticipation.. the boy calf came this morning. mom and baby spent the day bonding. the zoo says it will have a contest to decide on a name for the new girafee... warriors playoff basketball is right around the corner. the team tips off tomorrow afternoon at oracle arena. head coach steve kerr and kevin derant talked about the first of many big games to come. what they had to say after the break. ((áálawrence teaseá)) you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪ use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. we are now less than 24 hours away from warriors playoff basketball. cheapest tickets on the warriors site a little over a hundred bucks. on stub hub they are going for just over 200. durant was asked about being the warriors being the heavy favorites. he is not underestimating this portland team.trt: :56oc: last yearthese guys are nba players and it is hard as hell to be an nba playerit's hard. it's hard to be a playoff team one through 8 it's hard. no matter how easy people think it is it is hard. it's just hard.we gotta respect them that's the name of the game.we are better than we were a year ago. our record may not show it. playoffs are a little different. we know what is coming. we know defenses are going to be tougher more physical. to have that threat and be able to go with him at key times that is something we didn't have last year. that was steve kerr refering to having kevin durant. a big day in bay area baseball. we start at at&t park jackie robinson day means everyone wears number 42. third inning not looking good. nolan arenado says see yaaaathat ball is gone.1 to zero rockies.matt moore did not look good for the giants. gave up 10 hits and 5 earned runs. walked three on the day. rockies would go on to win this thing 5 to zero. on the flipside tyler chatwood who pitched for the giants gave up just two hits on the day. the two teams are back at at&t tomorrow. some more bad news for the san francisco giants. left fielder jarrett parker catches this line shot but slams into the wall as he does it in the fourth inning. word tonight is that parker suffered a broken right collarbone. bruce bochy didn't put an exact timetable on the injury but he is out and he is out for sometime. giants left fielders have been struggling all season long at the plate. parker was hitting under 150 on the season. we jump across the bay. the oakland athletics started red hot in this one. went up 5 to zero. sean manaea had a no hitter going through half the game but in the sixth it all went down the drain. houston astros would come back. they'd come back and win this thing ten to six. important to note..a's leftfielder khris davis hit a homerun. he has six on the year. we talked a little warriors earlier.the cleveland cavs were in playoff action today. you see lebron james here. fired up for this one. a lot of questions about the cavs right nowwe go to the fourth quarter. no one is questioning this play. lebron james. you may like to root against this guy is good. appeared to hit his head on the fourth.paul george.long threehits! this one is not over. indiana would get one more shot but c.j. miles would miss cavs go on to to 108. to 108.take game 1 109 cavs go on to ♪ the truth behind the fate of the furious feud rumors. >> let me clear it up now for "e.t." >> what really happened between the rock and vin diesel? >> you want to play like that? >> plus -- >> this is where it's at, man. >> big stars. >> people are going to jump. >> big action. >> it gets crazier and crazier. >> "e.t." behind the scenes of the biggest summer blockbuster and the girl power heating up the box office. >> this only ends one way. a bullet. >> don't shoot. i've got your shoes. >> then -- ♪ >> at home with new kids joey mcintyre. >> we are literally in our kitchen. >> his new tv show with his real life family. plus -- ♪ staying alive >> backstage at the beeee

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