Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20170325 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20170325

thank you for joining us i'm grant lodes in for steve aveson.(pam) and i'm pam moore. tonight kron four's spencer blake is live at mirmonte (meer-uh-mont-ee) high school in orinda.spencer, how widespread is the concern over this? absolutely.the contra costa county health department confirms one case of meningitis in the county. based on some emails parents have told us about, it's a student on the miramonte high swim team.they recently competed in a meet at dougherty valley high school on the such, health and school officials have been giving parents of athletes who were at that meet, a heads up. they were urged to take their kids to the doctor to get antibiotics for meningitis, just as a precaution.some students i talked to here feel like the situation is being handled the best it can be. "i think it is - they are alerting people and i feel like that's a good idea to alert people, but not to make mass hysteria."(vo)parents of athletes on a water polo team were also notified.that team was also at the meet.though meningitis can cause brain damage and sometime be fatal, the health department stresses that it can't pass through water, like in a swimming pool. it is can be passed airborne between people who are in close quarters for a long time. again, as of now, the health department says only one case has been orinda, spencer blake, kron four news. (pam) thank you spencer for that report. (pam) the symptoms of bacterial meningitis can appear quickly.... or over several days... according to the c-d-c... typically they develop within 3-to- 7 days after exposure. symptoms include.. nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light.. and alerted mental status, or confusion. anyone who thinks they may have meningitis.. should see a doctor as soon as possible. (grant) tonight, investigators are still working to figure out the circumstances that led to four people...including two children...found dead in a sacramento home. tonight we know salvador vasquez - oliva is in custody after he was arrested in san francisco's western addition. vicki liviakis is here now with a bizarre twist to this story. (vicki) yeah, grant. any homicide is gut-wrenching for sure. but there's another twist to this, that's enough to put chills down your spine. one of the victims it seems is interviewed on camera just hours before she's brutally murdered inside her home along with her children and family friend. this woman - angel vasquez - is the mom who 11 hours before she was killed, talked to a local reporter about a totally unrelated subject.(reporter and angel) do you think that's the right thing or do you think that's unfair? i would have to say that that's a fair decision. as you can imagine, for that journalist, it's horrifying to find out that the homicide you're covering involves someone who was very much alive in front of you. the man arrested for the deaths of four people - salvador vasquez- oliva... is the husband and father to three of the victims. co-workers say angel vasquez was in the process of splitting from her husband... but recently let him move back in. (neighbor) he should have done something else. i won't say what that is, but the answer is never to kill your family. neighbors are trying to wrap their brains around the tragedy. vasquez oliva is being held without bail at the sacramento couny jail... he is expected to make his first court appearance monday. vicki liviakis kron 4 news. (pam) on monday, n-f-l owners are likely to vote on whether or not the raiders will be allowed to move to las vegas.. 24 -of the leagues 32- owners must vote in favor.. for that to happen.. grant has more on the city's last minute attempt to keep the team in oakland.. grant?(grant) mayor libby schaaf is saying the city is laying it all out... oakland leaders sent a letter to the n-f-l and say that oakland's plan for the team is better than what's on the table for vegas.. dan kerman was in oakland today and has details on the proposed plan. (grant) (dan kerman)sot libby schaaf/oakland mayorthis is oakland we always get underestimated, we are playing to win do not give up on us until this is over.oakland's ever optimistic mayor is talking about the city's final play to keep the raiders in oakland. days before nfl owners are to vote to on a proposal to relocate the team to las vegas, oakland leaders have sent this letter to the nfl to answer questions and give more specifics about their plan which is headed up by raider great ronnie lott. sot this plan is a better plan for the raiders and the league than the plan in las vegas.the mayor says when looked at side by side, there's no question raider owner mark davis and nfl owners should choose to keep the team in oakland sot not only have we put together all of the financing to build the stadium without as much debt burden on the raiders themselves, but we have a more economic stadium because we do not need the roof and our wonderful partner fortress, they are putting up incredible guarantees. they are guaranteeing cost overruns, completion, and at least 200 million dollars in psl sales. the nfl has recently raised questions about how a stadium can be built with the oakland a's still playing ball at the coliseum. but the city's letter to the nfl says 55 acres of land south of the existing coliseum is available for raider stadium construction right now. sotit lays it all out, it answers all the questions , the only question that remains is will the raiders choose oakland and stay home.standup dan kerman/oakland 134-44oakland has long said they have the best fans, they will be able to prove it at a saturday rally when business and city leaders present the stadium pan at the coliseum. in oakland, dan kerman kron 4 news.149/std (pam) new at 8.. p-g and-e has kicked off a court- mandated ad campaign... publicly apologizing for its role in the deadly san bruno gas pipeline explosion in 2010. (grant) a federal judge ordered the utility provider to run the ads earlier this year. kron 4's charles clifford was in san bruno today where city leaders have mixed feelings. it's been more than 6 and a half years since the deadly pipeline explosion here in san bruno. and pge is making a very public appology but it is an apology forced upon them by the courts. city leaders here have mixed emotions.natson september 9th 2010, pg&e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget.on thursday, this public service announcement from pg&e started running on television stations around the bay area. it will also appear here on kron 4 next week.natslast summer, pg&e was found guilty on 5 federal counts of failing to property maintain and inspect its gas pipelines before the san bruno explosion. earlier this year, a federal judge fined the power provider 3 million dollars and required them to run an ad campaign publicly acknowledging the convictions. this commercial was created to satisfy that requirement.natswe are deeply sorry. we failed our customers in san bruno.soti think pg&e could have gone further but it satisfies the requirements of the court.san bruno city manager connie jackson has seen the ad. she says it sets the right tone, but she wishes pg&e had done something like this sooner.sot we are still here six and half years later with this ad campaign putting pge in a public position of taking responsibility. it should have happened sooner.but even though pg&e has been convicted in federal court, fined more than a billion and a half dollars by the state, put under an ethics monitoring program and forced to run ads like this one. jackson says that what happened in san bruno will not be easily forgotten any time soon.sotto suggest that this will ever be done, forgotten or fully righted is probably more than we can hope for in the near term.pge also ran a print campaign with ads in the san francisco chronicle and wall street san bruno, charles clifford kron 4 news. (pam) a wet end to the work week for many people. you can see what it looked like today... and what we're tracking on the radar tonight.(grant) kron-4's chief meteorologist brittney shipp joins us now. brittney what's the weekend looking like? i'm brittney shipp. dry weather will return for saturday through most of sunday as a weak ridge of high pressure builds back to the coast. highs will mostly be in the upper 50s to mid 60s on saturday with a few degrees of cooling on sunday as the ridge flattens out. at the same time a minor system will drop down from the north and quickly move through our region. scattered showers can be expected with the majority of the rain over the north bay. in fact, many locations south of the bay area will likely see a tenth or less. light showers will mostly come to an end by monday morning. "yeah i don't know what to say except that omabacare is the law of the land. it's going to remain the law of the land until it's replaced."(vo) (grant) a stinging rebuke for a cornerstone promise of president trump's white house speaker paul ryan says he does not have the votes to repeal and replace obamacare(pam) the president spent much of the week trying to close the deal... only to fall short. (grant)as catherine heenans shows us, the decision to pull the bill came just minutes before a scheduled vote on the house floor. sfxthe republican affordable health care act ... dead even before arriving on the house floor. "we were very close. it was a very very tight margin."a planned vote this afternoon called off by speaker paul ryan. "i will not sugarcoat this. this is a disappointing day for us. doing big things is hard. all of us, all of us, myself included, we will need time to reflect on how we got to this moment, what we could've done to do it better." "we learned a lot about loyalty. we learned a lot about the vote-getting process."every democrat was prepared to vote no. "i oppose this bill with every breath and every bone in my body." "this bill is a huge tax giveaway, a $600 billion tax giveaway to the wealthy."members of the conservative freedom caucus say it didn't go far enough. "this is the worst bill i've ever seen." "just remember this is not our bill. this is their bill."the president seemed to be trying to distance himself from the infighting on capitol hill.... while putting a favorable spin on his failure to close the deal.pres. donald trump: "i was a team player and would have loved to have seen it passed -- i was clear- best thing that could happen is exactly what happens today." ahead at eight.. dozens of laptops meant to teach kids....stolen from an east bay home. now neighbors are rally to help. plus. after years of delays...a new bart station opens in the east bay. how it will benefit south bay riders. a shopkeeper in hot water over allegations she is selling itmes made from endangered animals. what an undercover sting revealed. putting news first. pam moore. steve aveson. brittney shipp. and gary radnich. the kron4 news at 10 every night. a woman who owns a vintage store in san francisco... is accused of selling furs and other items... made from endangered species. now she is facing a possible five year prison sentence... and tens of thousands of dollars in fines... cicely hansen took cameras inside the back room of her store...decades of fashion. that's where she keeps her more expensive and fragile pieces. and it's the same room where undercover investigators from the california's fish and wildlife agency say they found an endangered leopard skin coat and an ocelot coat last month... and then two weeks later the haight street store was raided...over 150 items...allegedly made from endangered species was seized tonight the owner says... what she has in her store has been dead for decades. cicely hansen:i've not sold one endangered species for in this store... just a list of things that were my own personal things that i've had for 40 or 50 years and the only things that i actually inherited. these things that were taken down these poor animals and made into these first back in the 40s, they were considered endanger i know that sounds a little and delicate but they were not. i think i have a consciousness to even think about that. and once again i'm gonna tell you i had no reason to jeopardize my business(grant) a spokesperson for the city's district attorney's office says the age of the endangered items does not matter if the intent is to sell the items. hansen is set to be arraigned next wednesday. (pam) 48 laptops ... stolen from right in front of an east bay home... and these were not just any laptops ... these laptops were used to teach underprivileged students at a non-profit. the devices were being kept in this storage pod, outside of dawn fergosa's house in san leandro. fergosa says, someone came and cut the lock in the middle of the night. when she opened the pod the next day, the devices were gone. the laptops were used for teaching students who have limited access to computers. the community has pitched in to replace what was stolen. the san leandro police department is investigating. (pam) a rainy friday .. but the wet weather is beginning to ease tonight.. this is a live look outside at s-f-o tonight..( grant ) people are looking forward to the weekend.. our chief meterologist brittney shipp has the forecast. i'm brittney shipp. dry weather will return for saturday through most of sunday as a weak ridge of high pressure builds back to the coast. highs will mostly be in the upper 50s to mid 60s on saturday with a few degrees of cooling on sunday as the ridge flattens out. at the same time a minor system will drop down from the north and quickly move through our region. scattered showers can be expected with the majority of the rain over the north bay. in fact, many locations south of the bay area will likely see a tenth or less. light showers will mostly come to an end by monday morning. it escalated in seconds. a homeowner's simple request sends another driver into a fit of rage. what he askedthe driver to do. ((gary sports tease))gary radnich: "coming up later in this broadcast, we got one remaining bay area team at the ncaa tournament".alicia radnich:"oh...okay".gary radnich: "calm down, it's tara vandaveer and the stanford cardinal we have the highlights coming and kevin the bodyguard our great producer he coaches a bay area team... eastside prep their division 5 champs we'll give you a hit of that as well. alicia radnich:"excellent". gary radnich:"got some emails that are hot kid?"alicia radnich:"we got plenty of emails to read this evening". gary radnich:"okay, are we too close on this new set?"alicia radnich:"just right, just right".gary radnich:"i like it. later in this broadcast". (pam) the new, red i-phone is now on the market. this shiny, new color is only for the i-phone- seven and seven- plus. aside from being red with aluminum backing, these new i-phones are exactly the same as the regular model. however, by buying the red phone.. you also support a good cause apple is donating a portion of the sales of these red phones to the global fund to fight aids. (pam) and the new i-pad also hit the market it is the same size and shape as the i-pad- pro, but with a much cheaper price tag kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate compares the different models. at first glance, you can't not tell the difference between the ipad pro and the new ipad. they are both 9.7 inches in screen size and they come in the same colors. but your wallet will notice the differencethe ipad pro is $600 the new ipad is $330. stand up - the ipad pro has more features but it worth $270 here are the main differences.. the ipad pro is slightly lighter. it has a better proccessor so it will be slightly faster. the rear camera in the pro is a littler more beefed up for better pictures and video. it can record 4k video.. the cheaper model caps out at 1080p hd. the pro is louder with it's 4 speakers compared to the ipads two. if you're outside with your tablet a lot this could be a deal breakerthe ipad pro has anti-reflective display coating. the ipad does not that means it will be harder to see when working under bright lights or outdoors on the cheaper ipad. and this is the biggest difference between these two the new cheaper ipad is not compatiable with the apple pencil stylus and their popular smart keyboard accessory.. so if you're using your ipad like as your laptop your work or school work device lot's of documents, long emails, projects. the pro will be the way to go. if you just want a good solid tablet for games, web surfing, social media, movies, entertainment the new cheaper model is perfect for that. with your tech report gabe slate kron 4 news. (pam) it all started with an argument over a man blocking someone's driveway ... then it turned violent in the snap of a finger ... and it was all caught on camera. it happened in one new jersey neighborhood.. a 62-year-old man was trying to get out of his driveway to get to work.... he saw a person park their car right in front of his home, and the back of the car was sticking about three- feet into his driveway. when the homeowner confronted the driver ... the man went charging towards him and attacked him. the victim was able to run inside, and the driver threw the victim's phone at the house and took off... so far no arrests have been made. (grant)it's a big weekend for bart. after delays, and other challenges, the brand new warm springs station in fremont is set to open. today, the public got a chance to check things out at a special celebration. the 5-point- four ámileá addition is the first extension to the fremont line...bringing riders closer to the south bay. though the opening was pushed back several times...officials are happy the projject was more than 100-million-dollars áunderá budget. the new station officially opens for operation tomorrow morning at 6:00. ahead at eight.. a police officer takes action... after getting a call from someone claiming they are with the i-r-s. what the person said, when he called back plus reports of a spike in cases of missing girls sparks public outcry. now washington d- c police are trying to calm people....and explain what's behind the viral story. and next. a man found shot to death in his car. tonight we talk to his family... ((brittney tease))i'm kron 4 meteorologist brittney shipp. coming up, i will take a look at your 7 day forecast.details are right after the break. ♪ hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza. the longest-lasting vehicle in its class. more than a car, it's a subaru. (pam) now at 8-30.. a man shot and killed while sitting in his car. this happened in fairfield. and tonight we are learning more about the victim.(grant) kron-4's hermela aregawi joins us live from the scene tonight. and hermela you spoke to the man's family? (hermela) police say a call came in just before 2 with a report of person shot in a great jones and illiniois.when police arrived they determined the person was dead.they did a thourough invesftigation working quickly to beat the rain.unclear when bracy was shot how long he was in the car.we spoke to his family members.. his aunt who also lost a son to gun violence four years ago ( grant) (pam) time for the weekend forecast from our chief meterologist brittney shipp... i'm brittney shipp. dry weather will return for saturday through most of sunday as a weak ridge of high pressure builds back to the coast. highs will mostly be in the upper 50s to mid 60s on saturday with a few degrees of cooling on sunday as the ridge flattens out. at the same time a minor system will drop down from the north and quickly move through our region. scattered showers can be expected with the majority of the rain over the north bay. in fact, many locations south of the bay area will likely see a tenth or less. light showers will mostly come to an end by monday morning. (grant) there's a perception in washington d-c that there's a spike in the number of missing persons (grant) (grant) there's a perception in washington d-c that there's a spike in the number of missing persons cases... which is frightening but not true.(pam) so authorities are letting everyone know there is no problem -- just a change in reporting procedure. vicki liviakis is here to explain. (vicki) yeah grant and pam... there's been growing alarm that more people in dc are missing, particularly girls. today city officials called a news conference to say 'no.' the mayor and the chief today emphasizing no increase in either missing person numbers or sex trafficking. and they say of those reported missing this year 2017, 95% have been located. so why the alarm? social media. the new protocol for alerting the public and media about missing and or exploited children is now put out on facebook and twitter. seems increased exposure can also bring heightened anxiety. pam? (pam) a wisconsin police officer decided to take a scam phone call into his own hands. (grant)the police officer received an urgent phone call from the irs saying that he was going to be arrested unless he called back. so he did.the call was obiously a scam- the i-r-s doesn't make phone calls. the officer asked the scammer several questions that the suspect was not able to answer. the suspect gave the officer more than one name, and was unable to recite the officer's address where the warrant would be issued. the police department posted the video online to teach people how to identify a scam. (grant) we've all seen this, maybe we've done it... people driving along... but they need to run into a store or make a delivery... and they'll just stop right there...and throw on their hazard lights. (pam)in one south bay city.. it is an ongoing problem despite a recent crackdown if you own a car, everyone comes equipped with a park anywhere button, in this case, the button is activated after repeated attempts to park legally, after failing the button is pushed nats ambiance once the button is activated the driver who is three feet from the curd exits the vehicles and leaves it knowing that as long as these lights are activated they are seemly excused from all wrong doing nats: ambiance i'm on castro street in mountain view where the park anywhere button is used for various reasons this is called the stop drop and roll. the driver doesn't actually park they simply dump the passenger off and bails nats ambiance this one is called the flip ... the driver makes an illegal u-turn then activates the light to close the deal . this a rare example but it happens quite a bit nats ambiance now watch this uber driver in the blue nissan he actually stops in the marked crosswalk to drop off a passenger. lights activated unaware of the side effects of the park anywhere light nats ambiance yes that is a mountain view cruiser and the driver will not have to have a chat with the officer the officer gets his information i want to talk to him and find out what happened i'm and uber driver somebody asked at that restaurant right there (right in the crosswalk) right in that crosswalk right there (you had to stop right there the place was all blocked off by planters (why not park around the corner) apparently, the customers get very angry if they are not dropped off at an exact location but that same customer is not going to pay the ticket it's something uber doesn't protect us from we have to try to keep everybody as happy as possible (so you have to take the ticket then just to make them happy to keep my job yes didnt you see the cop right there no i didn't i did not had i seen him i would have told my customer they can't do that oh so cop there you woud have told them to go around the corner but no cop and you'll do it right there i have to its just the culture of what we do now listen to this oh i lose money everyday is worth it no uber isnt worth it i hope you show this to people so people know uber doesnot pay i don't like it but it's you know we were trying to ah trying to make money to survive i live in the central valley and there is no work there he was given a break on the ticket which is 280 dollars and a point on your recordwhat he did was calledcalled impeeding the flow of trafficgive you a city of mountain view administrative ticket straight up 50 dollar fine in mountain view stanley roberts kron 4 news pulled for being offensive to women. still ahead at 8...why one man is fighting to keep this personalized license plate. plus. what actor harrison ford says.... is behind his close call with a passenger jet carrying 116 people and next. he's a double amputee but that's not stopping him from his calling to protect and serve. rant) new at incredible story out of new york.. a marine veteran...and double amputee is making history tonight.. (pam) 6 -years after losing both of his legs in an explosion in afghanistan.... this inspiring young man is graduating from the police academy in new york (pam) 28-year old matias ferreira is the first double - amputee to serve as a police officer in the united states. he admits, the training at the academy was challenging... but his instructors did not cut him any breaks... and ferreira never asked for any. despite the challenges, he says... giving up was never an option (pam) ferreira says, if there is any lesson to be learned here, it's -- decide what you want to do with your life and don't let anything get in your way. (grant) it's a canadian man's last name... but the d-m-v found it to be too offensive to put it on a personalized licensed plate. lorne grabher bought the plate 25 years ago as a present for his father's 65th birthday.. but in december the man received a letter saying the plate was being cancelled because one person complained. the d-m-v says some people interpreted "grabher" as misogynistic and promoting violence against women-- so they decided to remove it. grabher even went through all the channels to try to get the ruling overturned... but it did not work. (pam) harrison ford is having more piloting problems. the actor says he accidentally landed his small plane on an airport taxiway because he was d concerned about turbulance from another aircraft. audio recordings from the febrary 13th incident were released today. the actor was supposed to land on the runway at john wayne airport in orange county...but caused a serious safety concern when he descended above a boeing 737 with 116-people onboard. f-a-a officials say the mistake is a violation of regulations. they continue to investigate the incident. (pam) in sports... gary joins us with his lovely wife alicia to read fan emails. plus... tara vandaveer and the cardinals were looking to beat the longhorns in order to advance to the elite eight in the women's n-c-a-a basketball tournament... gary has the highlight and all the sports coming up. we are springing ahead this weekend and with the new month and season - are new deals in stores. here's a look at where the experts say you can save. march is frozen foods month! pay closer attention to that isle next time you're grocery shopping. you may find a savings worth stocking up on. (and its frozen, so it doesn't go bad!)chocolate is on sale now that valentine's day is over, or if you're watching your waistline, spring is the time of year to start seeing those deals again on exercise equipment and gym memberships. they know sales will be down as people start taking their routines outside in the warmer is also when the skiing, snowboarding and cold weather equipment goes on sale. time to get what you know you'll want next year. and, while you're planning aheadconsider joining the mailing list of different gardening you don't miss out on spring planting sales! couple things to wait on a car! dealerships are less motivated to drop prices when they know you're getting those tax refunds in the mail.spring apparel is top dollar right now and you may not want to buy a this month - the samsung galazy s8 will reach store shelves april 18th and the iphone 8 is due out in september. look for discounts as we approach those dates. hutch outro: the first day of spring falls on march 20th and i'm freebies and deals at places to kick off the new season. stay spring money- savers are announced. stanford and texas facing off in the women's n-c-a-a basketball tournament sweet 16. tara vandaveer and the cardinals trying to move on the elite 8 to face notre dame. karlie samuelson hits a triple putting stanford up by three in the third quarter. the cardinals pulled away in fourth... briana robertson hits one from downtown. final: 77-66 stanford they'll face the irish on monday the warriors are currenly playing the kings at oracle arena. but suns' devin booker made history tonight. against the celtics... the phoenix guard dropped 70 points. he's the first player to score the most points in an n-b-a game since kobe bryant's 81-point game over toronto in 2006. boston did go on to win the game 130 to 120. our senior sports producer, kevin seiter is an assistant high school coach for the girls eastside college basketball team. they were up in the golden one center, home of the sacramento kings. you can see kevin in the background. head coach donovan blythe and the panthers were looking to become back to back division five state champions. they were facing rollings hills prep from san pedro. sophomore zion gabriel made history at state. she broke klay thompson's three point state record he set in 2008. she finished the game with a 8 three-pointes and had a game-high of 26 points. gabriel wears number her favorite player is thompson. the a state title back to east palo atlo with a 63-40 win over the huskies. the sharks (pam) american ninja warrior is nextthen we are back at 10:00 with the day's big stories, including people behaving badly, gary's sports and your four zone weather forecast with brittney. it's the kron 4 news at ten... right here on the bay area's news station. last weather and goodbye in our suvs, you feel every mountain we've ever conquered. in our sports cars, you feel every podium we've ever climbed. and now, they've come together to create something you've never felt before. introducing the glc coupe. part suv. part sports car. all mercedes-benz. - look at this! - do it! you're the man! (man) he's gonna go for the dismount upside down. oh, my god! (kevin bull) i love to see somebody flashing the bull sign at me. (narrator) heroes were born. (man) jon stewart at 52 years old. jon stewart gave me hope. it's inspiring to guys my age. (narrator) and legends were made. american ninja warrior. oh, yeah! (narrator) and yet the ultimate prize remained unclaimed. (man) no! (narrator) tonight... the pursuit begins again. yeah! (narrator) from every corner, they come. everyday people... - plumbing is my life. - i'm a stove cleaner. - i'm a dentist. - i teach freshman chemistry. (narrator) shaped by life...

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