Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20160211 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20160211

to do about shrinking airline seats coming up in a full hour of your choice for prime time news. >> pam:emotions running high tonight. >> reporter: the president will be off and on his way tomorrow afternoon and route to los angeles after two functions tomorrow. when he does go to las angeles there are more fund-raisers. also, an interview with alan the generous spirit the mayor of san jose was here to welcome the president and told me that his trip to the bay area are not all about money. >> i can tell you that he has been out in the bay area. this meeting here in san francisco with several other mayors talking about how we can broaden economic opportunity out here. this president is here working with the valley and how we can broaden opportunities. >> reporter: out here live to see the light look at their fourth one this evening. again, this is a plane that will take off early afternoon to loss' angeles. the president, will be in palm springs later this weekend. so he has a very busy itinerary creek he does not have any plans for any public speaking did here in the bay area. -- speaking events >> grant: the sex offender rehab or ionization, sharper future has stuck to--has decided to stop entering a building right there at the sharper future president, releasing a statement a few minutes ago, saying that our presence will be divisive for everyone concerned out of respect for the community and the critical work that we do. we have selected an alternative location creek no other information was given. no interviews for granted by the organization for it. >> grant: to preschools word and to hundred and 50 ft. of that building. there was that no lead opposition forced the organization moving into that building. >> pam: emotions running high tonight. >> pam: as the san francisco police commission hears from the public. about the police department possibly getting tasers. >> pam: kron 4's justine waldman is at the meeting tonight. she is live now at city hall. >> pam: the meeting is still going on? >>justine: correct. >>justine:police chief greg suhr has said in the past..that if the officers who fatally shot mario woods. had tasers. woods will still be alive. but the public was not buying that tonight. >>justine:giving the police commission an earfull as to why the department does not need any more weapons. >>justine:there were no protests at this meeting. very unlike we have seen recently. instead, people went to the podium and addressed the commission directly. >>justine:i only heard one person, out of the dozens that spoke. be in favor of the department getting tasers. >>overwhelmingly, i heard people say sf police officers need better training and compassion, not new weapons >>outside city hall, in chalk someone wrote messages against tasers. putting down the names, they say, were killed by tasers. >>justine:also, the police department put out draft of its "use ofas the police commission wanted to see a new version. >>justine:the police commission meeting is still going on. the commission will be making no decisions tonight on if the department should have tasers. it wanted to hear from the public tonight. >>justine:and many people told them to take the idea off the table. >>justine:live in sf jw k4n. >> pam: the zika virus reaches northern california. a new case is confirmed in yolo county today. >> pam: the mosquito - borne virus is linked to birth defects === including babies born with small heads. >> pam: the infected person had traveled to one of the countries. where the virus is active. >> pam: grant lodes joins us now with what health officials are saying about this new case. >> grant:the good news is there have been no reports of a locally transmitted case.since the infected eprson got it while traveling internationally. >> grant:this is the first confirmed zika case in california this year. joining several others from recent years. >> grant:here's what we know. the person in yolo county with not seriously ill. >> grant:there have been 6 travel-associated cases in california since 2013 - including 2 last year. until now - all of them in southern california. >> grant:zika is most often trasmitted through a mosquito bite.but can be spread through sex and blood transfers. it's rampant in brazil and many other south and central american countries.and has taken hold in mexico. >> this patient did have signs of the virus creek killing field, like like symptoms. she did take the needed precautions. wearing public-debt wearing protective clothing and continued to do the things which need to do to fight mosquitoes. and take the precautions. >> grant: she did have--she did not have the virus. there has been 13 u.s. states and the corporate-- and they are estimating at least 400 million people will be affected by this virus. >> pam: the bay area forecast is changing just a bit. a few more clouds over our area today. brittany what's ahead. >> brittany: temperatures will continue. but we are now breaking all of the records like we saw and the last few days to repair its a close allowed to wear or temperatures are at right now creek temperatures, are as 61 degrees in oakland, 62 in hayward and san mateo parent and 63 degrees in daly city. again, is a pretty mild evening with a mild conditions expected along the coast at 957 creek at 9:00 with 57 degrees. 50 degrees starting off tomorrow morning along the coast and for the bay area. the purchase will be slightly cooler than what we have seen in the last couple of days. >> brittany: we saw the high surf advisories until saturday. and we are checking driving conditions into the weekend although, there is a storm and the system for next week. pam? >> pam: a violent police chase in the east bay. and now, investigators are searching for a missing gun. >> pam: grant shows us where it all happened. >> grant:the suspect was in a car, accordin to police.intentionally hitting other vehicles.including police cars. >> grant:it started in oakland this morning.east 23rd and coolidge.and progressed into north berkeley.and arrest, finally on hearst avenue near the bart station. >> grant:kron four's alecia reid reports. >> reporter: it was a rampage that started early in the morning. and that is dozens of cars and damaged creek intentionally driving into dictum cars. the 76 year old has been a respite for purposely wrecking several vehicles. >> i thought that he could not control his car. but then i saw him do it on purpose. >> reporter: john witty was one of the victims and she worked all year to purchase your own corporate and was scared when this happened. please >> reporter: say the suspect also hit a pregnant woman. locally her injuries were minor. it all started at 23rd street in oakland >> people say he and the green mercedes that he pointed a gun at them. he will >> reporter: on the freeway at second street where he left his car and started walking away when berkeley pd started to come from kemper it took off forced to get tam to cooperate. the handgun that witnesses saw was missing a police searched his car. >> we have several schools are run the area and we would not want a small child or anyone else to be able to locate or have possession of that handgun he >> reporter: to have tossed that weapon anywhere from where he was located when he was apprehended. alecia reid, kron4news >> pam: in pacifica, there are new concerns. that erosion could be destroying a popular coastal trail. >> pam: so far this winter, storms have forced dozens of people to leave their homes. and they have damaged the city's historic waterfront. >> pam: kron 4's charles clifford was in pacifica today. he has details on these new developments. >> reporter:along this trail, just north of rockaway beach in pacifica sits a large rock buried in the ground. winter storms have eroded the bluff below the rock and it is now dangerously close to falling and taking part of the trail with it. loyd pollock walks his dog here. he says neighbors have been watching this problem develop all winter >>the storms have been pretty big and during high tides we find a lot of erosion out here. >>the trail is now less safe than it was before and people are adapting to it by just going around it. >> reporter:the land is private property and the owners have warned hikers to avoid the trail. in a statement they also said we will place warning signs on the trail as soon as our emergency application can be approved by the coastal commission and the city" >> reporter:meanwhile, a mile and a half to the north, there may be a new problem along pacifica's waterfront. city officials have said a new crack has appeared in the seawall. this is in addition to the two sinkholes that have already forced the closure of parts of beach boulevard. the city estimates it will take millions to repair the damage to the seawall and at this point no one knows for sure where the money will come from. >> reporter:in pacifica, charles clifford kron 4 news. >> pam: bernie sanders is on april after new hampshire's! >> pam: dishes up skiing targeting dogs in the east bay and next, these hit a high end fashion store. we will be back! >> reporter: happening right here behind me in union square. police are on the scene just after 6:00 tuesday evening, investigators examining evidence after rubbery at this address restore. officer says kron 4 that nine thieves got away with more than $20,000 worth of stolen goods. everything from purses and to build spirit >> if you were in a plea there he would be hard to you to identify one of those suspects because of how they came in the store. >> reporter: they got away with purses and belts. >> are dealing with several of these cases throughout the city creek there may be something that triggers it that may make a connection from 1 to the other. >> reporter: that the bidders will be looking at surveillance video both inside and outside this corporate--investigators will be looking at surveillance video both inside and outside the store. >> pam:the owner of a petaluma slaughterhouse. convicted for selling beef from diseased cows. will serve one-year behind bars. owner of rancho feeding corporation, jesse amaral junior, was indicted back in august of 2014. >> pam:the slaughterhouse was under investigation for selling uninspected beef and products that came from diseased animals. >> pam:amaral plead guilty to meat. >> pam:in additon. amaral was sentenced to two years' supervised release. >> pam: we are getting closer to ballantine day weekend. people are making plans. can they do outside things? or must they stayed inside? >> pam: we are getting closer to valentine's day. >> brittany: here is a live look outside, and what, conditions as we go into the rest of tonight pyrrhic expect another one day tomorrow. we are nesting record breaking nasa like we've started. --are not st record-breaking one temperatures like we had started. >> brittany: so our future test shows as as we go into the next couple of days we will see some passing clouds. tomorrow with a mix of sun and clouds. however, and we will stay dry. we were tracking some rainfall on friday but it shows that we will stay dry and a lot of sunshine going into the weekend. in santa rosa, you will see more sixties on the map. especially headed into friday but we are headed towards the average creek we are quinn to attract another warming trend, sunday and monday. and, which wrecked another chance of showers that is not until next wednesday. pam? >> pam: new hampshire bernie sanders is heading into the next primaries with new money and new momentum. >> pam: but he also has a potential weakness, grant is here to show us >> grant:nevada and south carolina have something that new hampshire and iowa did not; significant numbers of black voters. it is the one demographic where hillary clinton has a decisive lead. >> grant:the reverend al sharpton. arriving at a soul food restaurant in harlem today. his guest: bernie sanders. sharpton has yet to endorse the vermont senator, but he does have the backing of former naacp head ben jealous, who called sanders a fierce defender of civil rights. >>he has been consistent since he was a teenager, a young man going to jail in chicago with a congress of racial equality, fighting house segregation >> grant:according to one poll, clinton enjoys a 57 point lead among black voters in south carolina. sanders is hoing to change that. >> grant:one of the state's most influential black politicians hinted today he might not back the former secretary of state, >>the relationship between me and the clintons are like any other relationship. sometimes things get testy. but i've been married 54 years so i know what it is to have relationships that things get testy in sometimes. >> grant:on the republican side, the field got thinner. >>presidential candidate you know a couple just dropped out today. carly and christie. so we're getting down to pretty good numbers. low numbers. >> reporter:chris christie and carly fiorina abandoned their campaigns after poor showings in new hampshire. >> reporter:ben carson, who came in last, says he is "not' withdrawing. >>presidential candidate "we're doing just fine. people continue to support us. we will continue to move forward." >> reporter:ohio governor john kasich also campaigned in south carolina today. >> grant:he was a strong second in new hampshire. >> pam: the new bill that can change how much lake room you have on a careful like. -- that can change how much room you have on an air flight. >> gary: more highlights! chad also cinco has a strange the way and injuries. >> pam: the city's fillmore district has been struggling of late - especially after losing the popular music and food venue - yoshis. >> pam: tonight on dine and dish - vicki liviakis shows us a new eaterie on the block that's really "smokin." >> vicki:bbq is back in the city's fillmore. black bark is brand new and lighting things up. >> vicki:black bark - is more than just a bbq joint - it's authentic neighborhood bbq with a bonified pitmaster - lance nicholson. >> vicki:fresh out of the smoker - there's brisket and ribs and that's not all. >> >> vicki:the meat is dry rubbed and not swimming in sauce - that's up to you. black bark is chef david laurence's baby. >> vicki:directly across the street from his more elegant 1300. this is downhome bbq with all the fixings - san francisco style. >> that is where we get our name from the bark. >> we have it to meet combo with brisket. portobello mushrooms and clamor for it. -- cornbread >> vicki: the sweet potato fries. >> aren't they good? (laughter) >> vicki:in sf, vicki liviakis kron 4 >> pam: pool are running from a wild elephant tearing through a town in india. >> stanley:coming up: that's what they say but everybody brings dogs down here all the time >> stanley:a viewer phone call sends me county where signs like this mean absolutely nothing. i'll show you what i mean in the next edition of people behaving badly tonight at 8 >> pam: a wild elephant runs wild through a west indian town. smashing homes and sending frightened residents running. >> pam: the paniched elephant trampled parked cars. as crowds of people gathered to watch from balconies and roof tops. some people followed from a distance. as the elephant moved through the streets. >> pam: after several hours of chasing the animal. authorities shot it with a tranquilizer gun and used a crane to remove it from the town. >> pam: a nashville family is turning tragedy into a message tonight. beware of hoverboards. >> pam: now that family want to warn others. >> pam: next, at danger in at east bay park. thousands of sharp optics are left on the ground, apparently targeting pat. --pets >> brittany: will let you know how one we will get for valentine's weekend that is all coming out >> grant: a month ago people started noticing that there were tax scattered about the dog park and they have collected about 5003 after one dog been heard from swallowing one and stepping on one. --thumbtacks >> one to speak to the person that is doing this to say that this is not just the animals but there are children also back to be hurt corporate your child or grandchild could pick up a tent and follow it and suffered serious injuries and they need to think about this. --pick up a tack >> it could be animal cruelty if this person is apprehended. >> grant: have increased patrols and increased awareness or stop the person that is responsible or help catch them. --they have >> pam: this after their firefighters say a hoverboard is to blame for burning down the family's million dollar home. >> pam: sabrina hall >>it was a hover board the destroyed our house >> reporter:something meant to bring joy. now the source. of so much sadness >>megan fox: it's really hard every day is hard crying snow covers the charred remains of their nashville home.taken by fire.,. >> reporter:a fire that almost stole two lives. >>brian fox: i got there as i was kicking in the doors and i thought i'm gonna lose two of my four children today. >> reporter:the nashville fire source of this devastation. >>brian haas - nashville: it's called a fit turbo f1 hover board. >>brian fox: what was intended as a toy for christmas gift has caused just total destruction. >> reporter:this is a piece of the hoverboard pulled from the rubble. >> reporter:the blaze.started on the first floor. of this belle meade home. trapping meagan and brian fox's two teenagers upstairs. >> reporter:the teens - smashed through windows, >> reporter:the daughter jumped from the second story into her father's arms. >>i was yelling for haley and i was begging her please jump please jump baby please jump and she jumped out the window without hesitation and i can't tell you how brave that was >> reporter:with cuts and some broken bones. the family is walking away with each other. also a desire to keep this. from happening to anyone else. >>megan fox: the fact that a toy cause this kind of destruction to our lives it's just wrong >> reporter:the fire department believes the hoverboard's lithium batteries to be the culprit. >> reporter:for this family. >>megan fox: we just tried to buy her child a christmas gift. >> reporter:no question they'd take this christmas presdent back - if they could. >> reporter:in belle meade, sabrina hall fox 17 news. >> pam: and in florida.a hoverboard accident ends in tragedy. a 13-year-old boy died after he was accidentally shot in a relative's home over the weekend. >> pam: an 18-year-old told investigators he was playing with a gun while on a hoverboard when he fell and the gun went off. police say they will conduct a death investigation to see if any charges should be filed. >> pam: our stanley roberts received a lot of nasty mail from people who are angry about his stories. after his story tonight he is and expecting more, says stanley. >> stanley:i want to introduce you to winston, winston is a labradoodle and he is frolicking in the sand at stinson beach in marin county which is part of the golden gate national recreations area what winston doesn't know is for him to get here his owner had to first enter this gate and pass this sign the one that reads no pets on beach >> stanley:his owner also had to pass the beach which also reads no pets on beach pets allowed on county beach beyond the north parking lot >> stanley:but no worries, quite a few other dog owners missed the very same signs, or did they miss it i asked winston's owner did he know that dogs were not permitted sot: that's what they say but everybody brings dogs down here all the time >> stanley:i'm here because a viewer called and told me it's a ignoring the no dog rules at stinson and it's not like there is this is a dispenser of doggie bags located on the north end of the beach. dogs are permited >> stanley:but they must be on leash at that their dogs suffer from leash when they have to do what dogs do best >> stanley:but even with the doggie are just too lazy to use a garbage can and leave the doggie litter bags on the beach in the parking lot you must have your dog on leash, the opposite of what this dog owner is doing . in fact for a bit one of her dogs took off and was out of site for a bit >> stanley:oh there he is as the owner heads to the north end of the park, some people i spoke to believe that as long as you have your pet on a leash anywhere you are good to go that is incorrect the fine for having any pet on the beach at stinston beach or any beach in the golden gate national recreactions area is about 80 bucks per dog. >> stanley:in marin county stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> pam: it was cloudy today but it was still warm out. >> brittany: will still see some above average temperatures but not like it was monday creek with out a cloud and the sky. >> brittany: getting back closer to our average for this time of year occurred but we will still be at a little bit above average. however we are moving away from those record-breaking temperatures. >> brittany: 2 the bay at 59 degrees and we will drive down to low to mid 50's. as 7:00 a.m. it will be a lot of sunshine with temperatures at 52 degrees in the morning. so, that is not too bad. >> brittany: we just want to be careful by the ocean because of the current alert. to purchase the out the region, at 52 degrees in san mateo, 59 in sunnyvale and we are glad to cool down at 63. clouds moving in from off the coast. you will notice scattered showers may lead, to the north of our breaking us some clouds but we will see a mix of sun and cloud heading to marleau. -- tomorrow >> brittany: temperatures dropping again, heading into friday to the low seventies. high 60s in fremont and san jose creek we will seek a high of 60. still warm, for this time of year but again, not breaking any records. on sunday, a valentine's day we will see 71 degrees temperatures. monday we may break a few more records and then a warm-up with temperatures clean down tuesday into wednesday. -- with temperatures cooling down tuesday and into wednesday. >> pam: where do you get the most bang for your buck on february 14th? coming up next! (group chatter) dude, dude, dude. this is bad. i think we're stuck. we're going to have to talk to each other or something. nooo. i don't like this elevator. (group surprised and laughter) how did that feel? was it fun being stuck? i do not like getting stuck! so, the nissan leaf s only gets 84 miles on a charge. but the 2016 chevy volt gets an estimated 400 miles or more on a full charge and a full tank of gas. woah! how's that for not getting stuck? >> safe and that she don't need to be talking to older guys because she might get hurt really, really, really bad." --i told her it was not safe. >> pam: the best friend of a 13-year-old virginia girl who was kidnapped and murdered says she warned her about chatting with older guys online. >> pam: two virginia tech students are charged in nicole lovell's death. lovell's best friend sat down with reporter annie andersen. >> pam: coming up in 60 seconds a new proposal to mandate airlines. why don't lawmaker says is not as for passenger comfort. we got >> pam: to pebble beach for the celebrity challenge. -we go to pebble beach. >> pam: with sports! gary radnich to with >> pam: with sports! gary through presidents day at sleep train get up to four years interest-free financing on beautyrest and posturepedic, plus same-day delivery, and sleep train's love your mattress guarantee. hurry! this special financing offer ends presidents day at sleep train. >> pam: representative steve cohen is proposing creating size standards. for airline seats. cohen claims since the 1970- s seat width have shrunk by about two inches. >> pam: and the "pitch" --------- which is the distance seat to the same point on the seat in front -----has dropped by four inches. >> pam: but the congressman isn't pitching his bill on passenger comfort. he's selling it on safety. >> pam: cohen says the f-a-a is putting passengers at risk enough emergency evacuation testing of airline seats with less than 29 inches of room between them. >> pam: the lawmaker is asking the faa to study seat safety regarding size. >> pam: and then issue minimum or specific seat sizes as a mandated federal industry standard. >> pam: this year's oscars gift bag is setting a record on swag. the bags given to academy award nominees will contain about 200-thousand-dollars in gifts. >> pam: what's in the bag? on the high-end, items such as a 10-day, first-class trip to israel and unlimited silvercar. >> pam: less expensive items include a haze dual v3 vaporizer, which retails for about 250-bucks. >> pam: but the most interesting item might be the voucher for the "vampire breast lift"--a new hollywood must it is said to use "blood- derived growth factors to revive rounder cleavage without implants." >> pam: also on the long list of high-priced items. toilet soothing and absorbent available. >> pam: the 88th academy awards air live february 28th on abc. >> gary: thank-you for breast implants leak and accurate--lead in >> pam: (laughter) >> gary: here we go! warriors and sons 48-4 golden state break for the all-star game. they are going to be shut--they are going to be chicago's record. if they want to. >> gary: curry at 26. firing away. curry and thompson at 243 --24 >> gary: after the gang being interviewed with the zero water treatment creek 112-104. >> gary:--after the game. >> gary: i say if they want to maybe the next couple weeks if they want to push at the end of the game with the play offs on the horizon. >> gary: kobe bryant and the lakers. and cleveland will parker at once upon a time this was a great matchup. kobe at 17 tonight. lebraun at 29. with seven rebounds and 11 assists. >> gary: budget feel sorry for kobe bryant? making what 25 million this year? with a bad shooting percentage. >> pam: (laughter) >> gary: mark carpenter his first pebble beach interview. >>mark:the pebble beach pro- am doesn't get going until about the celebrities. actors and musicians took over the course this morning. >>"ladies and gentlemen, please welcome bill murray. bill's brilliance is like a well-restored painting by da vinci or djegal. the freshness of the colors, the dramatic contrasts that suddenly jumps right out at >>mark:the pebble beach celeb challenge.better known as 'caddyshack' come to life. >>mark:some of the entertainment industry's brightest stars teeing off against each other in a five-holewith all proceeds going to charity. >> "this is the best of all worlds. golf, little bit of comedy, and it's all charity and not only that, i'm fit bitting it. i'm scoring some fitbit steps." >>mark:but some take this a little more serious than others. larry the cable guy- comedian"early on it's always tough because you haven't warmed up. there's 5,000 people out here and they want you to be funny or they want you to sing a song. so the first tee shot is tough and then your first iron is tough, holes. you are in the swing of things and it all goes away. those first two holes, like this one." >>mark:the celeb challenge is the dress rehearsal to tomorrow's major pro-am. 156-celebrities will be in the field, but they all look up to mr. eastwood. >>"a destructive experience of scorching emotion and full blown driving exuberance, please welcome clint eastwood." >> gary: do you know that cam has filed a divorce and has contacted a divorce lawyer. tim kardashian and conde are through. --kanye and kim kardashian are thr ough. >> pam:what? >> grant: how do you know this? >> gary: i can't give away my sources. >> gary:the giants avoided arbitration with 1st baseman brandon belt. by signing him to a 1-year deal for $6.2 million $200,000 below the midpoint salary belt had filed at $7.5 million and the giants countered with $5.3 million >> gary:belt who made $3.6 million last season hit.280 with 18 home runs and was a gold glove finalist he is scheduled to become a free agent after the 2017 season >> gary:former nfl reciever chad ochocinco was on espn today explaining an unusual method for treating injuries ochocinco is not the only athlete to resport to "urine treatment" baseball players jorge posada and moises alou used to use urine to toughen there hands >> gary:ochocinco by the way was with his friend terrell owens who was not elected to the nfl hall of fame last saturday but did say tim brown "whined" his way into the hall >> gary:former 49ers receiver josh morgan accidently shoot himself while cleaning his gun according to tmz >> gary:the report says morgan was cleaning the gun when it went off luckily he sustained only "non- critical" injuries and did not have to go to the hospital the incident happened in virginia >> gary:morgan who is currently a free agent played for the 49ers from 2008-2011 >> gary: i and a big fan of your debts. he would take all these pictures every time he comes through. you can go back to your father. >> gary: just remember, kanye and kardashian... over >> gary: soft and that news of the country with a child. -- >> grant: valentine's day is quickly approaching so listen up man.. san francisco has been ranked as the best city to celebrate with your loved one. the city's court ruling will and the activities category brett you can go to the golden gate bridge for a lot of different three things to do. >> brittany: while--wow! >> grant: is easy to get stuff. so san francisco is the number one, san jose 28 >> pam: the good night everyonethat's it for the kron 4 news at 8. stay connected with kron 4 and get latest news developments at or download one of our mobile apps. >> pam:our next newscast is tonight at 11 o'clock. see you then. could be you've got the wrong bed. enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. only at a sleep number store. right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. [ bird screeches ] [ brakes hissing ] [ indistinct radio chatter ] [ siren wailing ] [ vehicle door closes ] [ gun cocks ]

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Fremont , California , United States , San Jose Creek , Nevada , Chad , Belle Meade , South Carolina , Pebble Beach , Illinois , Vermont , Brazil , San Francisco , Mexico , Monday Creek , Virginia , Berkeley , Daly City , India , Iowa , Pacifica , Hollywood , Chicago , Kobe , Hyogo , Japan , Petaluma , City Creek , New Hampshire , Oakland , Cleveland , Ohio , Florida , Yolo County , Marin County , Israel , East Bay Park , Rockaway Beach , American , Moises Alou , Alecia Reid , Ben Carson , Brian Fox , Al Sharpton , John Kasich , Clint Eastwood Gary , Megan Fox , Tim Brown , Lance Nicholson , Hall Gary , Annie Andersen , Charles Clifford , Chris Christie , Las Angeles , Jorge Posada , Josh Morgan , Bernie Sanders , David Laurence , Terrell Owens , Jesse Amaral , Los Angeles , Steve Cohen , Charles Clifford Kron , Brian Haas , Stanley Roberts , Carly Fiorina , Greg Suhr , Stanley Roberts Kron , Kim Kardashian , Tim Kardashian , Nicole Lovell , Hillary Clinton ,

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