Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140314 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140314

nearly severed knows skull fracture and brain hemorrhage. told the in thing is in stable condition tonight. we will have reaction from police and what prompted the father to allegedly attacked his child that is coming up at a live report tonight at 830. >> : happening now in san francisco and under construction apartment building goes up in flames as a hit city mission it would massive fire alarm blaze in this video from helicopter partnership with abc seven. tonight the crew continues knocking down a part of the burned building. some of people evacuated from nearby buildings are allowed to return home. investigators are narrowing down what could have started the fire in the first place. >> : will the devolution continues to the night? >> : with half hour ago the diligent work has sought for the evening the fed target is still here. >> : but the day fourth in china basin even though the fire is out the san francisco fire department kept to fire engines and ladder trucks stand by and the area. looking stand by for a potential hot spots and that may be uncovered through the demolition process. also the standby construction crews. >> : fire department also says the state did that cause of the fire remains under investigation. they continue to investigate but not send any in the citizen to the building trade >> : one final note the street or on fourth street in china basin on building remain closed to traffic. >> : a lot of the residents who were evacuated to the apartment buildings across st. tuesday's blaze that the word that they could return home to their homes. >> : people were seemed willing in luggage. people were shaken by experience but there are no longer soft it is cut serving >> : they're letting us back in and i'm glad for it. >> : i'm excited to just get back in my own space. good back to normal. >> : dry clear across the fire are still not considered unlivable 50 units. >> : the property managers are working to try to move the similar bacon units nearby. >> : masonite mystery is building as the how and why to dog suddenly died in two separate incidents after their owners took them out on a section of concord. >> : nothing shocking about this to dogs in their order blocking the weather. two dogs have died in this area after scenarios like this. dogs that have been out here callisto ranch drive in concord. it is concerning. the mystery seems to be taking shape after neighbors again posting about it to an on-line social media site called next or not,. a sort of safe book for that number 11. their dogs had trouble with three legs paralysis than death. and will control says that this area is known for rattlesnakes. police are looking into something else as well. 4:00 a.m. in the distance rather on every residential neighborhood. they're looking into our port for someone that its own credit falls into a grassy area the idea did men trying to poison the rooster but poison dogs instead. neighbors said recent rains brought much as well but close what inside of them. >> : officers collected sample something they said could have been thrown. it could take up to six weeks to see if there was actually poison put inside of it. both these dogs died with the last week. attorney of the family of mcmath is criticizing a criminal investigation in oakland. you may remember she is the 30 year-old oakland girl went into a hassle for a tonsil surgery. in a long up brain-dead. on the hospital was in compliance with was policies and procedures. hospital says it is pleased with the results because it shows no deficiencies and quality of care. but the mcmath family attorney says that this report does not solve the hospital of wrongdoing. >> : is no way about relation of what happened in this particular case they did not talk to the family. attorney of the family of john hyde mcmath. tennessee if the hospital has systems in place and required guidelines. >> : no investigation for what happened in a particularly vigorous in a sample to see if this hospital to check it all the boxes as it relates to record-keeping and other things. >> : mcmath declared brain that brain-dead undisclosed facility her condition has improved. she moves with in the bed which is something that most or leaves the state all brain-dead people do not do. she turns her head from side to side. these are changes. i cannot say that she is not brain- dead but there are changes that are happening. her family now hired an attorney to determine exactly what happened to her. the family intends to file lawsuits and let the courts decide who should be held responsible for what happened. the sunday march this marks the to your anniversary for the kidnapping of lamar. >> : bench will be dedicated at washington high school where she attended school before moving to morgan hill street >> : the says that he is not given up hope. his daughter will be found. were searching for answers will keep doing it until we know something. >> : and hoping will be here again and the three-year period >> : thorez is charged with kidnapping and murdering the team. he pleaded not guilty last month. this trial begin later this year. >> : at 8 tonight beginning physical local college students protesting please demonstrators had a violent clash earlier today about 15 city college of sentences guston's also protest inside an administrative building of the ocean avenue campus. they're open to say there overnight. dozens storm the building. >> : two students were arrested in that confrontation there protesting policies the school has implemented the new rules requiring students to pay for fees in full court payments before registering for classes. susan sent faculty members are asking for special trustee because the change to resign. campus and city police are at the administrative building waiting for an order from school the minister's trade >> : repairs just finished up as assigned to fix the pipes. between solder and bush street. >> : big mess for several hours out here crews worked to replace the water main. the break happening just after noon piquancy water bubbling up from the street. the stock until the close for about eight hours and traffic had to be rerouted. crews for us had finally. once they did that they dog about 4 in. hole in the ground. by pumping all the water out they were able to reach the boston 4 in. cast iron pipes. a pipe that the underground since 1914. officials with the public utilities had nothing to do with nearby construction is rather just the age of the pipe that cause the break. one of our older plants generally back in 1914 and said the leak at ages the reason why the pipe is leaking. a piper is broken. what had been turned off for nearby businesses as they worked. what has been restored and work wrapped up. >> : had scary moments for passengers pilot on the u.s. airways plane a board to put take off because the parent mechanical failure. details of where happened. later some say this tourist attraction is there enough during the day the show you the scoop the thrill you can now get in the dark. and next ec of the medical center in san francisco. ductors completed a survey about electronic cigarettes the finding is very disturbing. >> : another warm day in the bay area today we will hit 80 degrees. and antioch. 77 in san jose. 78 also in redwood city. warmer conditions this weekend until you see how hot it's going to get will have the coming up. safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to find big savings on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. your club card gets you deals you can't find anywhere else. right now, fresh driscoll's strawberries are just $1.99. make it an extra scoop. breyers ice cream is only $2.88. and arrowhead water is just $3.29 a case. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. new to not let eight e cigarettes could be gateway for traditional cigarettes for queens and teenagers. popularity of these things are growing rapidly in use. at age 11 to 18. alice the brain is so vulnerable to nicotine and nicotine addiction that were seeing kids are being exposed really on trade >> : it's possible that the cigarettes are get to eat but rather cigarettes. in cementing with real cigarettes to becoming established real cigarette smokers. >> : the takeaways were that teens used in cigarettes were more likely to be conventional tobacco cigarette smokers. the kids or using any cigarettes and conventional tobacco cigarettes are more likely to be planning to quit in the next year but less likely to have actually stop smoking. the new study shows that between 20112012 the cigarette users -- and no school and has cooled users pre >> : is believe that even more teams are using these now. so i also showed how young kids are starting to smoke these days. >> : it is little of >> : teenswebs are flooded with ads f a young east affairs. they draw and younger crowds like candy canes snores a gummy bears. even make skills flavored bit bigger. >> : not as harsh of of a hit. an avenue to a desire to cut off. these are not regulated. it's easy for kids to score the cigarettes. some web sites have a sign that says click here if you're 18 or older. that sort of thing obviously there's no enforcement. san francisco a department of health sons around a bunch of teams to vendors of the cigarettes. the majority of them and ask for any identification. >> : >> : marijuana laced are brian straight 60 year-old female student allegedly sold pot brownies to five of her classmates. to the students became fit seriously ill. >> : she fell straight to her face it ended up going into, such mutt every carol outside their own services being with of a portion of centocor's their bodies can worry about it we got see dang this girl as pass out. >> : call them as well as well as they were police officers arrested the six deals and for allegedly selling the brownies. the u.s. by a school district is looking for disciplinary action for the five students who ate them. >> : san francisco park is being shut down northern half of the park is being renovated and construction starts tomorrow. the changes that the be made including doubling the number of restaurants and approved off leash dog areas >> : this part has been in the words of hit general manager and carlos. this could be phenomenal. >> : the closure is expected to last seven months. then the southern half of the park will close for its turn for a facelift. the plight of the area park will remain open during the entire time. >> : broke ground on a waterfront community projects. $1.5 billion project is called brooklyn basin. is being built on the oakland estuary just south of the jekyll and square. once completed an industrial save will be transformed into a vibrant residential neighborhood including condominiums apartments and retail space and city parks. also estimated that the project will bring in thousands of new jobs. >> : with another nice there on the bay area today it warm temperatures right now temperatures are really dropping off. seabury's kicking back in. the cooler this afternoon at the of 52 degrees in daly city and half moon bay. the g-7 in san francisco 59 in oakland succeed on fremont 62 in san jose. to my room at most a clear sky the exception of but she will hold what will be expecting a a long nose and tail " over san francisco just a little bit clearer about 10:00 tomorrow morning. >> : will the longer a for friday afternoon so sunny and mild. is of biting off >> : passengers evacuated after a serious plan emergency in philadelphia dramatic new pictures from the scene. >> : a figgie like me there is occasionally clumsy but second truly one miss this we have had. coming up rig mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale $197 mattress sale is ending sunday. bulldog: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: that means sunday is your last chance to get a serta mattress any size, for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. bulldog: any size mattress - twin, full, queen, or king - for one low price! and they'll deliver it free. television announcer: the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: ...ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ you know this a few jobs and the on the ground they say hurry up and pick up turns out elite scientific truth behind what's often called 5 second rule. >> : you haven't heard it the old saying that if you drop your food on the floor and less than fat as five seconds still the lead now which researchers saying it's true study by the vest people >> : five seconds or less seems to be the safest time levitt the study also found carpet is the safest surface off which to eat this food since bacteria doesn't get so in the food as easily as centile or limited service. he certainly hoping west this is a corporate happening in restaurants. like that. only were kids we used if we drop something and we always decadent to try to keep the terms of the pre >> : pewter butter filled pretzels like this isn't for insurance not sterile. the second rule of feel fine. as the demonstration. >> : coming up later in this broadcast raiders payton got some guys pam lot of money to come. to old-timers on the less legs. coming up with the details. little shark action as well. >> : also ahead tonight more than six days since malaysia of these 70 disappeared without trace the latest on the new direction for the search. [♪] hey. hey. [doorbell rings] what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed. pot at the post office i had at 84 northern california residents to get illegal package they did not order. apparently this is part of a growing problem. and later are you afraid of the dark winchester mystery house is even spookier after hours and now it can find out for yourself. that story coming up at the end of our newscasts. allied next for this story coming out the other accused of biting off are the sons knows. >> : [doorbell rings] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed. now i date 30 young father been arrested and fairfield's use of nearly buddy of his one month old infant son knows. ledger attack this morning and 1000 block of let's get an avenue. the police say about this incident. mr. being gruesome that's one sergeant says that the apartment and to spend the details of this case. and now one month old boy is at children's hospital in oakland in stable condition though in various conditions injuries did as the reason why this man 18 year-old joshua cooper who police say that part of his sons knows off he tells police he became frustrated when the blight would not stop crying. so he but the nose. of a 1 month old boy. police say the centerpiece was recovered and brought with the baby to the hospital. please say cooper was along with the boy in the apartment when this happened. sgt try it says that this is a tough case for officers to cover. very unusual case it's disturbing it's a gruesome. i think there's a natural desire to protect children and thus are different for please up is that we want to protect the community what protect all involved including children it was the marriage of the cult seen a very difficult investigation for who are involved. >> : this also is are hemorrhaging how that happened still under investigation by the boys' 17 year-old mother is the one who called police. at this time is not believe she is not to believe to be involved in this incident the boy is now in custody and child welfare services. all father he's being held at the keitel on multiple felony charges with a bail set at $750,000. >> : developing to my investigators are trying to figure out exactly why it a bit jet malfunctions during takeoff. passengers evacuate as soon as the plan right here still on the grounds tonight new images of the scene of a plane was set to leave philadelphia international earlier tonight. and as their race say early indications say the far left tire blew causing knows your to collapse. shows a chaotic situation said yet lang's. orders for nine passengers were on board their having to for lauderdale bill injuries were reported. investigation is ongoing. >> : tonight's report set search for the malaysian flight has been extended once again. art shows deviating from its left less the one hour of leading the up wall street journal says the focus has gone farther west pre >> : into the indian ocean. government has registered the search. the report is not true is said. airline memorandum making millions of salary workers for overtime eligible pre >> : inspection overtime as opposed by many republicans to say the new rule was caused small businesses to cut worker hours straight and make fewer heart choirs pre >> : the new rule not take effect until next year likely. to make your currency should sert cheryl suggested >> : to thousand 14 a year of action f >> : minimum-wage will be raised to sit >> : 30,000 workers including employees lawsuit of refusing to pay overtime and causing employers or off the clock. accusing mcdowell's refusing them to have meal breaks and then having to pay it for their own uniforms. >> : woman giving birth can't keep expecting father out of the delivery room and shoe onto during labor. according to new jersey law journal the judge made the ruling in a case involving an estranged on married couple. the law and right to privacy allows her to shut the father out. >> : company greatcoat children's product added more than four hours the thousand child seats for last month's recall in the 4 million seats. the recall is soon to be faulty heart as local three >> : want to add 2 million and unseats to the same booklet shoetree >> : they're not included as a user-friendly than the child seats. that we put said the recall are kron4-dot-com for more >> : video about over sharing on- line real problem. it's going bottle now. teachers as southern california high school read tweets about themselves out loud. the swedes are from their students. >> : as it became clear be careful what you put someone you never know who might read it. to us for the teachers a high-school me as a great message it's funny. is the garden view about half a million times. >> : in san jose if your history buff living ghosts or less like to spend a night at a small place since idioglossia let's start coming up. >> : also had said at a mail order or what paul 40 residents get illegal package they did not order. apparently as part of a growing problem. 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[phones rings] okay, i'll send it. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book, what is it, made of gold? just use citi popmoney. boom. ah, she's feeling lucky. hey sweetie...cancun, yeah no, you'll be spending spring break with your new chemistry book. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime. visit your local branch or to learn more. sacramento family could not believe their eyes when they received a package they did not order an found marijuana in sides plus service says that as a common problem. postal inspector says it's several cases we were real addresses are used as a return addresses on shipments of marijuana. problem is uncovered and the package is built get delivered due to insufficient postage pre >> : is want to go to present it for this for some the we do was find out so as one could be held accountable. >> : they cannot open packages without a search warrant was like on like fedex and ups pre >> : i stay up there today another nice one tomorrow in fact a little warmer. of the door tomorrow morning. >> : a little more clout coverage is too. so flawed. low '70's might recipe 70 newburyport white tree >> : hugger tomorrow somebody in and got 74 in sunnyvale 72 and fremont. close to the coastline. only in the '60s because of that fog. >> : we do have a warming trend in store for a weekend. reversal of our wins coming far in the knowledge it really hoping warm things up. on saturday to the cheers of the the upper '70's and low 80s. 77 fremont redwood city. 80 in morgan hill 89 in what she did lose any sleep and even with the sea breeze influences could be fairly warm. and it's a lot more cities los gatos '80s and said saturday and sunday 85 said it sunday. >> : eight and one country. >> : look at extended forecast other nice day tomorrow not really that warm compared to organize see this weekend. 80s as impossibly record- breaking temperatures. it's a big club to next week in such as of rain for wednesday. >> : now time for snow bombs ski report. known as of right now. >> : diane and dish. with >> : a view all the cooking in the house you not alone. all getting home from work pre with a short period of time to feed the family will have an hour and morgan make we can in an hour. oregon make healthy. >> : new tv show called the ads that caught. >> : i have a real passion for food. i think today-are playing a big large role in the kitchen. 10 run the country and find those debts. then maybe plumbers and electricians physicians in highlight the current but incredible for the appetite for a fairly straight i just talking wrote a piece of fellas. >> : grill lamb chops with grilled corn grow the roasted much as pre >> : lemon vinaigrette dressing. >> : like that. >> : kids favorite dish he loves my lamb meat meatballs. a buddy some today. >> : if your dad with culinary talents jason was to hear from you. >> : that's the cut go to our website and click on kron4- dot-com diane-prudent >> : hadson that end of these cats are you afraid of the dark thoughts bay winchester mystery house it's even spookier after hours. i will be allowed to set out to find out for yourself >> : jonathan martin speaks with more me as is joining the 40 matters at all to the highlight of the week comes from a high school game in big rapids michigan. >> : the great american novel. so you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can [man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams] good evening everyone raiders getting knocked around nationally. you know the people say where the raiders doing give them credit is still trying granted they have to get older guys and overpay. his one justin touch. after long career with the new york giants nine seasons on a couple superable champs. he signs with oakland to play defense and the end to year's $11 million. he's no greater justin talk. all are widely had a nice long run with pittsburgh steelers' defense to year's $12,000,000.70 years with steelers the help them win the super bowl. the got a win hopefully for raider fans the control little bit of that in the bay area >> : jonathan martin talked with media on the phone this afternoon. it's like slate for me i'm looking for to read about revitalizing my career pre a note harbaugh for a few years he got me out of high school he the stand-up guy. it means a lot. he and state offices and cut a gone differently. hindsight 2022 my focus is moving forward. >> : after the marlins in miami the pressure should be at least upset to agree on martin. the expected to be up back up offensive linemen. football course of the lawyers todd collins team right now has good essays but anybody in hockey patrick marlowe columbus blue jackets. sharkey to feed early in the third. under five minutes james wood news the ties the for columbus. at 3. then the shootout colombians growth of skeet the zeke great top shelf joke results key that's when tim matheson loses the po lid o the sharks have want for in a row. a couple wins and the pact called tournament. the team going and people say on the bubble. booker and colorado jumped out and police. and they justin lego. hit 21 points there is were only a point on the second half. but as the finish that they get three-pointer for overtime and cubs could not be a hero. the key 956 shellfishes 1913 almost surely know and see a maybe nit. once upon time ben braun. slow season as coach at cal. left the bears at five ncaa appearances. when got tired of having a move on. 63 and hundred 28 losses. >> : stanford playing in the past 12 tournament today pilot little later. men's basketball of the year. >> : society major paul has of the plight 0 gpa. and will graduate and june. >> : perfection and let's watch this grand rapids michigan high school regional title game. left in the second and throw up the back court and then bloom young man from out all pleasant sacred heart destined ire this throws it up. and then they win. their first regional crown since 2007. pam that is your lexus also meant i like. >> : of the game. i will about chat with pam. for a few minutes and brought see by tyler up. said its technology in society major and 3.2 grade average price via of mind is that you will be. your story at. nine of five big cap of our team matched those of intellects plan mostly guys. twitter of group of guys. but the is chosen because of the total class and graduate. >> : is moot news after the break that saved the south bay to his attraction is. after in the day will show this to the thrill you can now get in the dark. plus thank the spoil your dog find out just how much money americans are spending on their dogs. >> : spenfemale announcer:s. during sleep train's big gift event get a $200 best buy gift card with purchase of selected mattress sets. or, get 24-months interest-free financing. female announcer: what will you get during the big gift event at sleep train? ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ bulldog: oooh! bulldog: mattress discounters' $197 mattress sale! television announcer: get a serta mattress, any size, for just $197 each piece when you buy the complete set. the $197 mattress sale... bulldog: oh boy! television announcer: ...ends sunday. ♪ mattress discounters all the range rooms of stairs that lead to know where those it does all the odd features of the winchester mystery house in san jose. some people say the pledge is haunted now the house will soon offer something more than just look the daytime tours something perfect for those who love a good scare. winchester house is one of san jose was popular tourist attractions people and asking if the and spend the night here for years the problem is this property is not owned for launching. all that changed last week planning commission a change in the zoning laws will allow logging over the you see beautiful gardens and stranger architecture brought all on the world to take a look apple oddly out open up for tourism in 1920 they never get to spend the night. that's something that gets all is one of the deal appeared so we want to really explore the possibility and see if this is impossible if it now at halftime of the for some of the approval like to see current how organ of the up. >> : this will not be staying in the main mansion rather several other structures around the property that have been picked out for us housing. >> : >> : are you want to stay overnight >> : probably not and other appointments have to get to for the other caught >> : new study american pet parks association americans this year that number could climb to 60 billion that food makes the book a car with many americans before we end tonight pretty warm out there today. organ have similar conditions mar. especially near the coast line. this weekend temperatures in the upper '70's and low 80's and we could set new records out there it will be a lot more comfortable closer to the coastline tempters their middle seventies through the weekend. >> : hist still technically winter as it for us tonight. >> : one of the best things about covered california is that millions of people will qualify for financial assistance. for example, if you're a single person making less than $46,000 a year, or a family of four, earning up to $94,200, you may be eligible for premium assistance. the lower your annual income, the greater financial assistance you will receive. get answers, and get covered. find out if you're eligible and enroll now. at [ethereal music] ♪ [cries] how about the name brooke? (sarah) she just doesn't seem like a brooke anymore. brooklyn. she's a baby, not a city. what do you think, bud? got any suggestions? toadette. i'm hungry. i'll get you guys something to eat. [baby whimpers] you're okay. [baby fusses] okay. [coos] [whistling]

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