Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20131219 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20131219

hog wild in bay area neighborhoods it's crazy. the level of damage is so high tonight: an outraged homeowner shares his home video whoosh >> reporter:man's best friend and more. he;s my best buddy and pal tonight the story of the unconscious blind man on the subway tracks and the extraordinary gesture by his guide dog that saved his life. >> pam: prayers for jahi mc- math -- the 13 year old girl remains on life support after she suffered complications following a routine tonsilectomy. >> pam: jahi is now the focus. as her family and the community hopes for a holiday miracle. >> pam: kron 4's scott rates spoke to her family right before they headed inside tonights prayer vigil at paradise baptist church in oakland. >> reporter: >> keep praying for jahi. do not give up on my baby. god has the final say so. >> reporter: dividual lasted about an hour. the family is calling on the hospital. for more compassion out of the hospital please. the next step for the is to recover jahi's medical records. >> pam: new at 8. >> pam: the secret service says. it is investigating a credit card data breach at target stores in the u-s and canada. kron 4's jeff bush is live in albany tonight with the latest trick jack. jeff? >> reporter: >> so what is sounds like is someone was able to get into the point of sale machine are installed and target stores. these are internet connected machines. like a piano for a debit card. a pin number. >> reporter: this could millions of target customers. please be sure to keep a close eye on your intimation. >> pam: firefighters are making progress battling an unusual , late fall wildfire near big sur. >> pam: the flames burned 843-the fire is about 74- percent contained. it has destroyed 22 buildings including more than a dozen homes. full containment is expected on friday. two firefighters were hurt battling the blaze. >> pam: we're now getting a better look at just how this fire has spread. and also where danger still exists. kron 4's charles clifford has an update. >> reporter:this is an overhead google earth view of monterey county. the pfeiffer fire is burning about 30 miles south of monterey.. here near big sur. the wildfire has so far been kept to the west of highway one. >> reporter:the red area you see here is what had burned as wednesday morning. the 22 structures that have been destroyed are mostly located along what's called pfeiffer ridge.. along here.... the concern right now is that the fire could spread in this directions towards the east. an evacuation watch has been issued for people who live west of highway one.. here... between the fernwood resort.. here... and the river inn to the north. >> reporter:if the fire does move into this area, that evacuation watch could become mandatory. >> reporter:otherwise, there are still evacuations in effect all around the burnzone and several roads through the area have been closed including pfeiffer ridge road, sycamore canyon road to the south and clear ridge road to the north. >> reporter:so far highway one remains open, although drivers are being warned to expect delays because there are fire crews working in the area. >> reporter:more than 800 firefighters are battling this blaze and the u.s. forest service hopes to have full containment by friday evening. in the newsroom, charles clifford kron 4 news. >> pam: a former firefighter has pleaded 'not guilty' to murder and arson charges. in connection with a deadly california wildfire. >> pam: prosecutors say, zane peterson started two fires. that turned into the massive clover fire in shasta county back in september. the 29-year-old entered the plea during his arraignment today. the wildfire killed one person. destroyed dozens of homes. and burned more than 12 square miles before it was contained. >> reporter: of the winners of the mega millions jackpot to come forward and claim their prize. the ticket was sold in san jose. last night's jackpot of 636-million dollars is the 2nd largest prize in u-s history. meanwhile -- lottery officials say the second winner -- a woman from georgia has one of the two winning tickets. this is a first look at ira curry. curry says she bought one ticket and chose the numbers herself. using family birthdays and her family's lucky number. 7. curry will take a lump sum of about 120 million dollars after taxes. >> reporter:no word yet on who curry will split the winnings with. the ticket was purchased at jenny's gift and kids wear in san jose. and today the spotlight was shining on the store owner. thuy nguyen , says people are now calling his shop "lucky buddha." >> reporter:he will get 1- million dollars for selling the winning ticket. his shop mobbed by friends and customers offering their congratulations, nguyen stepped before the cameras shortly after opening his doors this morning. >> i just feel happy. i just feel happy! >> i will like to be successful in the u.s. bay. a >> reporter:28-point-5 million tickets were sold in california on tuesday alone. at one point they were selling at the rate of 31- thousand per minute. >> pam: officials have announced. that the pemanent fix to those broken bolts on the bay bridge has been installed, and the temporary fix has been removed. >> pam: it was back in march when workers discovered that 32 bolts used on the bridge?s seismic safety system had cracked. it was then determined that all 96 of those similar bolts would be replaced with a steel saddle? which would provide the same clamping force as the bolts. installation of the saddle was completed at 11 this morning and a temporary fix which had been installed to allow for the bridge?s labor day opening was removed. >> so basically this is what we still have the safety but at a temporary basis. >> reporter:while the steel saddle is now in place testing of a series of bolts will continue though the summer? then a report will be issued with recommendations. at this point though all other bolts are continuing to perform as expected. the bridge has a 150 year life span and has been designed to withstand from the ?largest possible earthquake? >> pam: the owner of a gas station is pistol whipped during a robbery that was captured on surveillance video. it happened this morning around 7:30am at a chevron gas station food mart on the west in vallejo. >> the suspect walked in wearing a mask in dark clothing. directed the victim to the cash register where he took a undisclosed amount of money from the register. he-struck deep but don't in on the head. then fled out the door. >> pam: vallejo police are checking to see if the suspect in the chevron incident is connected to another early morning armed robbery this week at a mcdonalds on lincoln road east >> pam: in that casethe masked gunman forced two restaurant employees to take off their clothes. before he locked the workers in a coolerand running of with the cash. >> reporter: blue and yellow everywhere life blanc warrior fans out to meet seph curry! >> reporter: the turned out has been an amazing! more than 350 people showed up. >> reporter: talking about basketball and posing for fans. >> to have the right coverage for your overall help and the march and ceased is just as important. >>overall health and emergencies >> assurance of people and people have had insurance under there and paris and haven't had to purchase their own >> reporter: and richmond kron 4 news >> pam: >> pam: thousands of needy bay area residents line up for the holiday spirit find out what they are gaining and find out what they are so thankful. >> jacqueline: we do have a threat of rain into tomorrow morning with gusty winds ahead. avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends january 2nd. visit today >> pam: well outside one of per basketball games it had spent 20 months right before she had a heart condition which forster's to stop playing the sport that she loved >> pam: kron 4's alecia reid tells us how the former basketball star is coping after graduation. >> reporter: their peak and a lot of support is what have played a part in getting her to pay a terrible part in her life. >> reporter: >> it is good to be back with the people that helped and supported you. >> reporter: basketball is what she knows. when her father was shot and killed outside one of her high school basketball games it was a reality that she was not able >> my father was my best friend and one of the only to me and i could actually give my all two.o >> reporter: >> i cried every night. not wanting to live anymore. contemplating rather i what commit suicide or not. >> reporter: there is a lot on horizon for the cal guy at grad. she still has her shot. reporting in san francisco kron4 names >> pam: >> pam: new at 8- it is an annual holiday tradition in san francisco.more than 30 years in the making. glide memorial church hosted it's annual grocery bag giveaway today in the city's tenderloin district. kron 4's john fenoglio shows us how the event helps curb hunger and gives hope to thousands of less-fortunate people. >>"we can win this battle of hunger!" >> reporter:reverend cecil williams has led the fight to feed hungry people in san francisco for decades. through the glide foundation and glide memorial church rev williams has amassed a small army of volunteers to help those in need. >>"we began to give people bags of groceries 30 years ago" >> reporter:today, that tradition continues. glide's grocery bag giveaway will provide 5000+ people with enough food to prepare a home-cooked meal for family and friends over the holidays. >> reporter:the line stretched for blocks as thousands waited in line some had been waiting since yesterday afternoon. >>"i'm grateful to get some food this time of year puts something in the pantry." behind the scenes, volunteers crowd a staging room they work in assembly line-fashion filling bags with bread, pasta, turkey, vegetables and other items most have been here since before dawn. >>"god bless you, glide! without you, we wouldn't have christmas or dinne!. thank you thank you! >> jacqueline: we did see a storm track earlier we are expecting possible a shower or two but mainly it will be went. gusty wind expected tomorrow may lead morning this will be in the higher terrain the east bay hills and the law whole range. wind gusts up to 60 mi. per hour. we are still going to see dust in 20 to 30 mi. an hour range. foraker thursday the breezy morning clearing into the afternoon temperatures will be cooler than what we saw today. as we look at we will see changes in the other direction with a mild and dry weather going back in. i will tell you what it will last all the weight through christmas coming up next >> reporter: plea the kleenex box we will show you right after the break. >> reporter: having yet another great memory for you of the closing of candlestick park. i will have that story for you and sports next get 3 years interest-free financing on brand name mattress sets. plus, get free delivery and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest-free for 3 event ends sunday! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> reporter:the commercial goes viral just days before apple is set to drop it's new "mac pro" on thursday. long live the desktop! >> reporter:the newest incarnation of apple's high- end desktop computer is a silver and black cylinder that stands less than 10 inches tall. apple's made-in-america mac pro is intended for high- >> reporter: well, let's just let the moment to play out. >> reporter: the story told i am vicki liviakis >> pam: the desk top lives on on! >> pam: featuring a range of intel x-eon processors. the new model is three times faster than its previous predecessor. but you're paying big bucks for all that power -- the cost of the new mac pro starts at around 3-thousand dollars. full disclosure i am obsessed with balks. this one right here saved his owner's life. how generous donations will keep these two together. good. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. the billall new at 8 tonight.san kron 4's j.r. stone is in san ramon with a story that you will only see on kron 4. >> pam: wow ... wild pigs wreaking havoc in san ramon. >> jacqueline: we will see strong third went for the rest of the bay area. i will tell you about that and the christmas forecast coming out [ female announcer ] here's to a whole world of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone 'round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. starbucks is just $6.99, that's a cup of good cheer. get sweet clementines for $4.99, enough for everyone here. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life. (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: of london at 8 tonight san ramon's pick problem does not appear to be getting any time soon early this morning picks district several lawns and a popular subdivision leaving home owners frustrated to say the least bit kron 4 j.r. stone in san ramon >> reporter: my >> front yard was ravaged. all ripped up by pick wild boars. pigs. >> >> reporter: this video was taken early thursday morning. causing such a ruckus in this neighborhood paid eight grant to take care of this problem but look around the grass is turned every which way it rose garden in ruins and trash everywhere >> they are resilient and came back. >> reporter: in that time no pigs were caught here within the last three months 3 months. >> reporter: that are likely up there in the oakland hills. >> need the city's help we cannot do this all on our own morning in our yard. the pigs are ruining our homes. >> reporter: we could see more of this in the coming knight said he believes that the papers are looking for food. >> pam: >> pam: a san for fiscal elementary school has been dealing with a lot of angry mail and calls for the past week. it is all over an on- line hope spirit becoming the target when the story went by wrote the school received many calls and had to record a message explaining that the story was fake. the school also had to bring in extra security because some of the messages were somewhat threatening creek the district says it is black people now know that the controversy was made up >> pam: and president obama and russian president black america tend to not exactly get along these days. they have only disagreed on a number of issues including the gate right spirit now the president seems to be sending a pointed message by naming a couple of special guests to winter olympics delegation. >> reporter: when asked if obama was making a statement with this delegation press secretary says this >> is not a message we would wait to send it through this panel. it is kind of beef since th of offensive, >> we are going to make this world a better place. >> just help humanity >> pam: congress gives president obama and early christmas present an agreement on a government spending plan. plastic the proposal sort through the house by 332 to 94. the compromise set a path of government spending on to 20 to 15 at put aside the threat of shut down. it calls for erasing some forced spending cuts and reducing the deficit by at least $20 billion. the president has previously expressed support from this plant. >> pam: grant? >> reporter: new at eight. a heartwarming story about a hero guide dog who now has a for have ever home thanks to some generous donations. >> reporter: phil and to the tracks he still >> reporter: he fell unto the tracks and the driver of the train slowed down. >> reporter:allowing cecil to keep his 10 year old guide dog. remaining insep erable. >> orlando takes me wherever i need to go. >> reporter: people are loving this story on line peopl >> i loved this story brick >> reporter: loved it too. >> they are not just adam also parent to pay our family. >>they are not just familanimals but family too >> pam: friday expected to be the busiest travel day. numbers show more people are traveling this year than last year. that number is up with more than 121,000 people projected to travel. that number is up from 106,000 last year. >> pam: delta employees however transportation department's is considering on instituting a band of its own. >> pam: >> reporter: new at 8 histogram is definitely catching on. instagram releases the most popular locations. the top list where people take and post snap shots on instagram. >> reporter:1. siam paragon, bangkok 2. times square, new york 3. disneyland, anaheim, california 4. bellagio fountains, las vegas 5. disney world florida 6. staples center, los angeles 7. central park, new york 8. dodger stadium, los angeles 9. suvarnabhumi airport , bangkok 10. the high line, new york (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> reporter: coming up next >> reporgood.coming up next good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. wiavo: thesales event high speed inte"sis back. drive" which means it's never been easier to get a new 2014 jetta. it gets an impressive 34 highway mpg and comes with no charge scheduled maintenance. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature. sign. then drive. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends january 2nd. visit today (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> reporter:at first glace it appears that these security guards are delivering can foods to >> reporter:they left them on the side of our hotel >> reporter:you see the cans were left on the side of the building because they weren't wanted in fact a lot of food wasn't wanted >> reporter:so why would people get in line to get food for the needy if they are not really in need? >> reporter: >>sot: they're selling it i don't know but for a profit they are turning a program for the needy into a program for the greedy it's a shame >> reporter:so let me try to explain in the simplest way i can >> reporter:glide memorial church located on rev. cecil williams way also know as ellis street every year hand out bags of groceries to people in need and that's a good thing >> reporter:but after some people get the bag of free food they quickly sell the contents of the bags for about 5 dollars >> reporter:now i know what you're thinking, it's their bags they can do what ever they want and you are correct except >> reporter:let's looks at what is happening here, notice the lady folding up the bag that was giving by glide .soon she notices me recording and tries to hide the bag >> reporter:notice there are about 5 bags there not inclucing the folded one , what is happeing is people are getiing in line multiple times to get the free bags of food >> reporter:they carry back packs and suitcases so they can offload their ill gotten gaines and return in line then take out the unwanted items >> reporter:we have a lot of people here in san francisco that are really hungry and they could use that food but it get worse, some of the food will never make to anyones table .instead some will end up in a landfill see these ladies by the garbage can? well they are tossing what they don't need or can't sell here i'll show you multiple cans of food for the needy thrown away and if that not the purest example of people behaving badly i don't know what is >> reporter:in san francisco stanley roberts >> jacqueline: clear skies into tomorrow after the storm sweep through. went advisory for a number of locations. largely the higher terrain after midnight through tomorrow evening. went gust up to 60 mi. per hour. wind gusts >> jacqueline: sustained winds of up to 60 mi. per hour worked dust. the impact will be down trees and downed power lines. so keep that in mind as well. on the chilly side will see sunshine are around 10:00 in the morning. we will see temperatures in the the ultimate the from 54 and oakland. upper 60s and south bay and 66 in san jose and antioch. storm warnings are not really wide spread only a small area under advisory. could see some heavy snow overnight. chile in the afternoon with breezy wint filling colder than what it is. delete a little warmer into the afternoon carrying over into the weekend. by christmas we are looking dry and mild. >> jacqueline: right now alpine medals with 19 in. of snow. kirkwood at 23 at the base. >> pam: jason is up next with all of the sports. we will be back 5çwç5ç5ç5ç5ç5ç5ççyçy5ç5çwç5ç5ç5ç (male announcer): now, the orchard supply sports report with gary radnich. >>video >> reporter:lon simmons on the call on that great steve young touchdown run against the vikings back in 1988.young subbing for the injured joe montana. good evening everyone. >> reporter:we're leading up to monday night's regular season finale at candlestick by bringing you a classic moment every day this week. >> for the current squad.patrick willis shares what the stick means to him >> to play on the same field as guys in the hall of fame is quite an opportunity that you will never forget. >> reporter: pepsi is a guillotine and on the act. gold can't our special score one and you can receive behind the scenes stadium tours. >> reporter:enough selling products. >> reporter:. still two games left in the regular season with lots on the as for sometoday the niners placed fullback bruce miller on the season ending injured reserve with a broken shoulder blade. miller known as the swiss army knife because he can do a little bit of everything. that role now belongs to seldom used anthony dixon.once buried on the depth chart behind frank gore and kendall hunter.dixon will now be used in a more prominent role >> and a lot of moving around and emotion. i have been doing this for two years. >> reporter: this year super bowl will be played in new jersey and that can make for some nasty weather. so what if it looked like this? a blizzard. >> reporter: is a chance for the super bowl being rolled to a saturday or monday in case of a blizzard. it will be hard to know what the condition will have to be like in order to move the game. some snow would be fined or even romantic >> reporter: the nfl continues to crack down on illegal hits today steelers linebacker was fined $25,000 for this block on bengals punter kevin huber. >> reporter:the viscious block helped spring antonio brown for a 67 yard touchdownbut left huber with a broken jaw and cracked vertebrae >> reporter: he had 14 points but second half was all saint john. you are going to seek a better with final any 157 81-57 >> reporter: he got game 1 of spike lee great movies. you can now buy a rate alan jesus shirt from the he got game movie purist plan for the heat. you can put the nicknames on the back so the nba can make more money cre >> reporter: 2 of the best teams in the can be a pure it lebraun james the did play and he played well. ray allen knocks down the three printer to break the time and go on to win 97-94 >> reporter: >> pam: you can get one for both of us (laughter) >> reporter: >> pam: you can stay connected with us at kron4 dot com or all of our mobile at the and that everyone see you at 11 ♪ yeah her gift ♪ i picked it out in a snap ♪ what made it genius ♪ was the camouflage wrap ♪ that's my kind of holiday ♪ thank you grandma for the dolls. ♪ ♪ i love it! ♪ i'm ninja kicking through the halls. ♪ ♪ i love it! ♪ mom's posting pictures on your wall. ♪ ♪ that's my kind of holiday. in new york city's war on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad. these are their stories. what am i supposed to do with this? that's all i can spare right now. you want my kids living on happy m meals? (sighs) sandi, i shouldn't even be here. why are you being this way, danny? you know where you want to be. woman: uh, sammy's raving about this, uh, smoked salmon you found in nova scotia-- lockport. you went there this morning.

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New York , United States , Fernwood , California , Canada , Montana , Oakland , Shasta County , Turkey , Florida , Suvarnabhumi Airport , Samut Prakan , Thailand , Pfeiffer Ridge , Georgia , Russia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Oakland Hills , Memorial Church , New Jersey , Anaheim , Bangkok , Krung Thep Mahanakhon , Monterey , Monterey County , Chile , Orlando , Dodger Stadium , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Switzerland , America , Swiss , Russian , Patrick Willis , Anthony Dixon , Elon Simmons , Nova Scotia Lockport , Alecia Reid , Thuy Nguyen , Francisco Kron , Jeff Bush , Los Angeles , Ray Allen , Francisco Stanley Roberts Jacqueline , Richmond Kron , Alan Jesus , Charles Clifford Kron , Charles Clifford , Stanley Roberts , Frank Gore , Las Vegas , Antonio Brown , Cecil Williams , Kevin Huber , Zane Peterson , Bruce Miller ,

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