Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20130816 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20130816

we'll see you at eight. ".small little community." now at 8-- a brazen smash and grab at a high end, east bay store. the tiffany's in downtown walnut creek. hit by burglars. tonight. we show you the damage and the getaway car. good evening, thanks for joining us. it happened in the pre-dawn hours. as several witnesses looked on in shock. kron 4's j.r. stone is following the story. he joins us live from walnut burglars get away with? tonight-- it is official. we now know for sure when the new span of the bay bridge will open. here's the latest-- officials will shut down the bridge the night of august 28th. to prepare to divert traffic from the old bridge span. to the new one. the new span is set to open the day after labor day. which is september 3rd. our team coverage tonight. he is live on treasure island with more details on today's big announcement. jeff? >> the bay bridge were shut down in less than two weeks. officials say they will shut the bridge down on wednesday august 28th and it will remain closed for the next five days and reid opened early morning on tuesday september the third. >> the bridge is almost completely done but there is a still a little work with painting lights and stripes. >> new revs will have to be installed on the new span of the bay bridge appeared >> new ramps will have to be installed. >> a lot of planning and co ordination is going into this project. >> every weekday, more than 270-thousand cars cross the bay bridge. and -- when caltrans shuts down the span -- many of those drivers will need to find other ways across the bay. kron-4's charles clifford continues our team coverage from treasure island with more on what commuters can expect. >> whenever the bay bridge closes down in creates a nightmare all across the east bay and san francisco area appeared >> caltran says there will be fewer cars traveling over the bridge on labor day weekend that is why it decided to close the bridge on the holiday weekend. >> options for drivers to get across san francisco bay will have to use other means. >> if all goes well caltrans will open the bridge tuesday morning september the third appeared >> this is a fool closure of the bay bridge on the holiday weekend of labor day september the third. >> traffic will be a mess while the bridge is closed down. >> bart will be ready to step up service when the bridge is closed and that includes an running trains are around the clock. >> bart offers a lifeline for people who need to get to work or to the airport. >> parking regulations will be in force around a bart stations and you will have to be able to park per those regulations and guidelines if you need to use bart during the bridge closed dates. allied >> all of the updated schedules will be available at bart and that glove appeared >> 16-year hannah anderson makes her first public kidnapped near san diego. by long - time family friend - james dimaggio. she was spotted walking into the boll weevil restaurant in lakeside today. that's where a fundraiser was being held for her family. while hannah was rushed inside the restaurant. her father spoke outside the fundraiser. >>".right now we're just looking for her future and getting her settled. that's about it right now." " there are new disturbing details in the hannah anderson case-- a san diego judge unsealed the police search warrants. which reveal a lot about the night of the alleged kidnapping and murder of the teenager's family. casey wian reports. grisly new details are surfacing in the alleged kidnapping and murder case of suspect james dimaggio. according to these newly released search "dimaggio tortured and killed his best friend's wife and eight year old son. shot and killed the family dog." police also say they found "a crow bar and what appeared to be blood on the ground" next to christina anderson's body. the 40-year-old dimaggio then allegedly set his house on fire and kidnapped the couple's 16-year-old daughter, hannah. who the documents say he spoke with "13 times" on the phone earlier that day. the fbi rescued anderson on saturday and killed dimaggio during the confrontation. an idaho coroner says he was shot at least five times. >>"as for my daughter, the healing process will be slow. she has been through a tremendous, horrific ordeal." now home, anderson has quickly taken to social media to help cope with her pain. most recently posting these pictures to her instagram profile-- . the first glimpse we're getting of her after the harrowing ordeal. she writes: "god gives his toughest tasks to the strongest soldiers #hannahstrong" she also posted this picture of her mother and brother, writing: "my two beautiful angels" she dedicated this post to them, the piece of paper reading: you again. " casey wian. cnn. los angeles. two men have been sentenced for their roles in the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl. outside a richmond high school in 2009. marcelles peter and jose montano were both convicted of sexual charges. the judge sentenced the suspects to 27- and 29 - years. to life in jail. a statement from the victim's father. was read during the sentencing. allowed to happen two other men have already been convicted in the attack. and two more trials are pending. the attack happened outside richmond high school, during a homecoming dance. the teenager was beaten, robbed and sexually abused. while as many as 20 people watched. justice for the family of a man killed by a bicycle list. >> district attorney sentence a bicycle is after he struck and killed a pedestrian last year appeared >> the bicyclist was charged with vehicular homicide. >> the accidents occurred here at the corner of castro and market with the bicycle was headed downhill and collided with the pedestrian. >> the pedestrian died of head trauma of march 2012. july >> the bicycle was convicted of so many hoursoakland police held a news conference today. to discuss the latest arrests made in what they call "operation cease- fire" investigators say, eight people were arrested wednesday night. they had warrants for robbery, burglary, and other violent crimes oakland's police chief sean whent says, addressing the city's violent crime is his top priority. ". is ceasefire" he says this is just the beginning of the operation. and that more arrests could be on the way. "nats of protesting." the chaos continues in egypt. hundreds of people have been killed in a new explosion of violence. it began with a government protestors. more than 6-hundred people have been killed -- and 4- thousand wounded. a real question now -- is the u.s. on the verge of losing one of its biggest allies in the middle east? catherine heenan reports. the death toll is staggering. hundreds of bodies lined up in buildings.wrapped in sheets. wednesday's violence began when police tried to clear two protest camps in cairo. housing islamist protestors who want mohammed morsi reinstated as president. in the clashes that followed.government buildings, like this one, were torched. cameras caught the moment a van packed with security officers went off a bridge. most or all of them were killed. among those killed in recent fighting. a young journalist named and a british photographer - mick deane. after being briefed by his security advisers. president obama took a break in his martha's vineyard vacation. to comment. >> president obama states that the u.s. strongly condemns violence against civilians appeared >> in a move seen as a safe, middle-ground reaction - the president announced that the u.s. has cancelled a joint military exercise with egypt. what he hasn't addressed yet -- whether billions of dollars in aid will continue as scheduled. as for why the u.s. should care. egypt has been an ally in a hostile region. and it controls the suez canal -- used by oil tankers and other ships. any disruption could affect oil prices. nats of closing bell now for today's market update. the dow took its biggest loss in almost two months. u-s stocks were dragged down by disappointing earnings from wal-mart and cisco. here are the final numbers-- the dow fell 225 points. the nasdaq fell 63. and the s-and-p 500 fell 24 points. ahead at eight. what happens at the end of this high- speed chase that leaves veteran officers absolutely floored. could a party *traitor be pulling for hillary clinton to run for president in 20- 16? you won't believe who wants her to run. to look alive at the roof can over downtown san francisco. of say which of unspent from the morning francisco. of say which of unspe[ male announcer ]g what is performance? 0 to 60? or 60 to 0? [ tires screech ] how a car performs in a quarter-mile? [ engine revs ] or a quarter-century? is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving. to us, performance is not about doing one thing well. it is about doing everything well. because in the end... everything matters. the best or nothing. that is what drives us. the best or nothing. it happens so often that the castro valley office of the california highway patrol is cracking down on drivers not yielding to pedestrians nats: skids oh oh because it's just that bad * *this driver rolled through the crosswalk while four people were still in it which is an all to common issue so the driver will have a chat with the officer sir the reason i stopped you is that when the pedestrians are crossing you have to wait to continue until they have made it all the sidewalk or the center divide and your registration shows expired. there have been 5 fatal collisions involving people simply trying to get from one side of the street to the other on lake chabot road two were hit on didn't make it the driver claimed he never heard of the law that pedestrians in a marked or unmarked crosswalk have the right of way nats: ambiance this lady was caught speeding and blew through a crosswalk that i was right smack in the middle of i was inches from being run over by you and no she is not crying she is actually laughing are you putting me on tv, yea im putting you on tv you almost killed me when after you hit me after my carcuss was flying in the street 9 you know want i did not see you and that seems to be the theme of every driver stopped in including this driver but he gets his very own segment what's your name you are not got to tell me wee i'll tell you mine its stanley roberts and you almost killed me imn sorry i am a law abiding citizen with all these law abiding citizens there are sure a lot of people behaving badly in castro valley stanley roberts kron 4 news still to come tonight: a likely u-s olympian wins a silver medal in enemy territory. but it's who he's dedicating that medal to that has all of you talking. broadcast. new tonight at 8-- will be back after the break a kron4 news. it's great having at&t u-verse high speed internet. walter likes to download fix-it videos... and watch "boardwalk empire." it helps sam with math... [ beeping ] ...and online gaming. and suze loves her smartphone for "social" studies... like video-chatting with sara. hi, ms. kelly. hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call to get the fastest internet for the price -- $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. on our newly expanded advanced digital network, get more connectivity, reliability and speed options -- now up to 45 megs. we have our own private wi-fi hot spot -- right here. getting connected is no problem -- even all at the same time. it's fast. it's reliable. and it's affordable. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. with a wireless gateway, connect all your devices and save on tablet and smartphone data usage at home. now i can do the things i want to do, like email my mother-in-law. or check celebrity gossip. [ male announcer ] at&t brings it all together. ♪ the steve jobs biographic movie titled "jobs". starring ashton kutcher, officially opens in theaters tomorrow there have been a lot of mixed reviews. as well as real-life drama surrounding this movie including the kutcher during filming. kron 4's tech reporter gabe surrounding this movie. an actress from "that 70's show" has died. lisa robin kelly died while at a rehab facility, according to her manager. the cause of death has not been announced. le on the show wrapped up, kelly has been better known for her legal troubles. for example, she was arrested for drunk driving in june. kelly was 43. right now it remains a mild. >> more widespread fog tonight and into tomorrow. >> will have more on the weather will we come back from the break stay with us on kron 4 news. >> -- kron-4 dot com. still ahead on kron-- from out of the ring. to out of the closet. the surprising admission by caught on camera. plus: it's the latest in a string of shark attacks. off, while snorkeling in maui. and: a rodeo clown caught mocking president obama, at up a firestorm. tonight. two big stories involving gay rights in america and beyond. makes a statement about russia's policy towards professional wrestler comes out and says he is gay. grant lodes is following developments with both of these stories. and joins us with the details. grant. if you're not a wrestling probably don't know who darren young is. but he's a really big deal in that macho world.and tmz caught up with him at l-a- didn't hold back. darren young becomes the first openly gay pro wrestling star at the peak of his career. w-w-e has come out and supported him.saying it's "proud of darren young for being open about his sexuality." young said he does not expect the physicality with other wrestlers to be an issue now that he's out. u-s runner nick symmonds won a silver medal in russia at the world track and field championships.then dedicated the medal to his gay and lesbian friends in the u-s. he said in part, whether you're gay, straight, black, same rights. if there's anything i can do to champion the cause and further it, i will, shy of getting arrested. symmonds is believed to be the first athelete to speak out against russia's anti- gay laws while in that country. and that country will host the 2014 winter olympics in february. some are saying the u-s should boycott the sochi russia and the world. this is a really hot topic on our kron-4 facebook fan page. olympics in anti-gay russia meghan: i don't understand why we are okay with this behavior as long as we're entertained by the olympics. nancy: why punish the athletes, most of whom have been preparing for this their whole lives. let them decide if they want to boycott. a former first-daughter has a surprising pick on her presidential wish-list for 2016. george w. bush's daughter, barbara, told people magazine she wants hillary president. barbara bush has no political affiliation. the 31-year-old was being interviewed about her work as c-e-o of the nonprofit global health corps. "unbelievably accomplished." but her respect for clinton doesn't necessarily mean she would vote for the former secretary of state. bush told the magazine she would have to see who against. a rodeo clown that made fun of president obama at missouri's state fair has started a national debate that's getting louder and angrier. you can see a rodeo clown mask. now, as athena jones reports, many conservative voices are asking-- what's the big deal? the rush limbaugh show courtesy: jameson hsieh josh earnest white house press secretary "shut up & sing" courtesy the weinstein company wednesday fox news channel "this is infantile. this is childish. this is worse than political correctness." the firestorm over this clown act mocking the president. has created a firestorm of it's own. "he put on an obama mask. he's a rodeo clown!" conservative commentators like rush limbaugh and glenn beck are defending the act that caused an uproar with moments like this: "president obama -- hey, i know i'm a clown.he's just running around acting like one, doesn't know he is one." and this: "soon as this bull comes out, obama don't you move. he's gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha!" the missouri state fair has banned performer tuffy gessling for life. that's the man whose voice you hear in the clip. the man in the obama mask hasn't been publicly identified. cnn tried unsuccessfully to speak with gessling. his supporters are reaching out on his facebook page -- even starting a petition on the white house website asking the president to a white house spokesman had incident: "i haven't heard about the president's reaction or if he had one. i can tell you as a native missourian it's certainly not one of the finer moments for our state." steve stockman is coming to perform in his district. bashing presidents -- through parody or otherwise -- is nothing new. the dixie chicks drew fire from the right in 2003 for saying of then-president george w bush: "we're ashamed the president of the united states is from texas." some radio stations refused to play their songs. the missouri chapter of the naacp wants the secret service and the justice department to investigate of fox news' sean hannity. :really, this is how they- you want your government to taxpayer dollars investigating this?" california public schools this year are joining a nationwide effort to adopt uniform standards in the classroom. it's a concept known as 'common core.' san jose unified and hundreds more school districts across california this year have joined schools in 44 other states in adopting the so-called common core standards initiative. it's a kind of accountability movement designed to ensure all students have a 'common core' of knowledge they need to be successful in life. the new standards are designed to provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn. the standards will be the creating a de-facto national curriculum. download our new kron4 mobile app -- and check out the special 'back to school' section. it includes slideshows, stories, and links to test scores. people can use the submit story feature on the app to send in their own pictures. you can also find back to school information on our facebook page. and onkron4 dot com >> stay tune with back after the break on kron 4 news. >> look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? 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[ female announcer ] so call at&t now. to choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for 2 years. plus, switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] choose at&t and build your bundle. it's whatever works for you. ♪ female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ tens of thousands of people have sent in audition tapes to a dutch non-profit in hopes of being picked for a chance of a lifetime. the organization "mars one" is looking for people willing to give up their lives on earth. to become the red planet. you just have to be at least eighteen years old to apply. and there are at least 100- thousand people who say they would. "mars. from now on, we won't just be visiting planets, we'll be staying." / "when you arrive on mars, you will find a habitable settlement on the planet, but it's not finished yet. it's not your home yet. so the first half-year you will be doing a lot of construction." bas lansdorp is the ceo of mars one. he dreamt up this voyage in 1997 and is dedicating his mission. billion dollars. mars one is considering turning the video application process into a reality tv show in order to offset the costs. to send more than 100 martians to mars in the next 40 years. >> cool weather ahead ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ >> 93 today in antioch. >> senate degrees today in san francisco. >> 70 degrees today in san francisco. >> right now may be clear conditions over the bay area. >> more extensive fox coverage tomorrow morning because of the sea breeze that wins. >> more extensive than fault coverage tomorrow morning because of the sea breeze wins >> 82 to mark in cupertino. >> 86 lamar in concord and livermore. >> 70 today for half moon bay. >> the extended forecast it will be a little cooler on friday and saturday. >> scattered sundered thunderstorms on sunday and monday. >> scattered thunderstorms on sunday and monday appeared >> you can get weather anytime with kron4's new mobile app. anytime you need it. the a's get a dominating performance out of their youngest pitcher. ahead plus. down to their final strike the giants rally behind one big swing of the bat. gary has those highlights, and all the sports, next!!!! state-owned will be back with gary radnich with sports on kron4 news. >> giants nationals ryan vogelsong back on the bump bot 3rd, scoreless vogelsong - gives up a 2- run double to ian desmond as vogelsong continues to struggle a bit 2-0 was vogelsong: 3.2 ip, 6 hits, 3 runs top 6th, 3-0 was brandon belt - stays hot - starts the giants comeback with this solo home run to left center 3-1 was belt: 10 game hit streak top 9th, 2 outs, 2 on hector sanchez - pinch hittingfull count duaine kuiper still bringin' it despite the giants despite being 17 games back of dodgers sanchez: 1st homer of year and 1st career pinch hit home run giants win 4-3 a's/astros sonny gray making his home debut in oakland strikes out jose altuve to end the 1st inning with 2 k's bottom 1st/ scoreless jed lowrie doubles into the right-center gap and off the wall chris young scores 1-0 a's 3 batters later nate frieman goes the opposite way down the line lowrie and josh donaldson score 3-0 a's botom 3rd/ 3-0 a's freiman 2-run home home run off erik bedard 5-0 a's that was plenty for gray gray strikes out brett wallace in the 6th strikes out marc cross in the 7th and k's robbie grossman in the 8th 9 strike outs for gray he gives up no runs and 4 hits over 8 innings for his first major league win final: 5-0 a's a's 1 ½ games behind the idle texas rangers in the a-l west mlb replay major league baseball will expand instant replay which will likely mean gone is the day of the managers, like a's bob melvin last night, streaming out of the dugout to argue a call. instead managers will be allowed to challenge a call, just like in the nfl word is they could get three total challenges per gametwo over the first six innings and one over the last three owners will vote on this new replay system at the meetings in november with a 75% margin needed for approval a'rod dumped from children's movie alex rodriguez is being dumped from a animated children's movie called "henry & me" rodriguez was to have a few lines and his character was featuerd in 49 scenes, but due to his latest suspension the filmakers want no part of him, despite the considerable time and cost associated with cutting him out tom brady back at practice despite all of the hoopla yesterday, tom brady was back at practice today, less than 24 hours after going down with a left knee injury brady did wear a brace on that left knee today but had no limitations and says he plans to play friday night against tampa bay whew! brady is ok!!!! one-handed player tryout zach hodskins a 6-foot-2 guard from milton, ga despite not having a left arm has been offered a preferred walk on at florida by billy donovan although he would not receive a scholarsip he would not have to try out for the team giving him a guaranteed spot on the gators roster some mid-majors have shown interest in hodskins who was born without a left arm below his elbow but he can play shooting over 60- percent for milton high as a junior last season averaging double figures in scoring that's it for kron 4 news tonight. [ female announcer ] with box tops for education and safeway's ten percent back to school program, now there are two ways to earn cash for your kid's school. from august 14 through september 10, look for products marked with the 10% apple tag. and earn even more by signing up for ebox tops at almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one... ah, forgot jack's cereal! [ son ] what's for breakfast? um... try the...number one. yeah, it's pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. woman: honey, if you can pick him up after school, it would help a lot. man: car 14, can you please return to the station? car 14, return to the station. [ static ] man #2: reporting a 10-50, court and degraw. court and degraw? that's right around the corner. what's a 10-50? noise complaint. this scanner picks up anything within a couple blocks. probably those hipsters with the band. oh, hipsters. are you gonna arrest them? well, until they start skimming off album sales, they're out of my jurisdiction. [ radio chatter ] honey, you're working from home today. oh, this surveillance equipment is from the lebowski stakeout. i was gonna take it in, but the car's at the office. it's okay. satch and i can live without a coffee table for a few hours. yeah, and i guess the bureau can live without an imsi gsm scanner for a few hours. oh, sexy tech talk, inspector gadget. you like? yeah.

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