Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20130815 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20130815

>> reporter: well pam obviously outside of that many experts say the work needs to be done this time in the game is minimum. >> reporter: a process that can be used while the long term fix is being worked on. outside of these two major operations to work on the bay bridge is minimum. this is what currently is being done. electrical work and light poles are being finished at their rails are being put into place and role decks are being installed per that's part of the bridge where a mix of pop up and you go over it. here's what needs to happen the entire bridge these to be close for four days to connect the bridge pier at stripping and paving work must be died at a construction crew must also grind a path to the toll plaza to the bridge. it more as spot like this should be laid down and set into place all within those four days. officials will meet tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. in oakland at that time they will decide on when the new eastern span will open to the public. reporting live at treasure island j.r. stone kron 4 news. >> pam: stocks today kron 4's charles clifford spoke with a state senator who believes. it is time to open the bridge we know everyday we leave people on the old bridge we are putting them at risk. >> reporter:state senator mark bay, he's also the chairman of the senate transportation hist and his staff have reviewed administrations recommendation to open the and he's urging caltrans to to take their advice. so as soon as we know the new bridge is ready to go and they can make the temporary fix, they should do it. >> reporter: that the new eastern span of the bay bridge should open spa thinks it's time to take a hard look at how caltrans operates. the performance on this project is not acceptable. my intention and the committes intention is to at of and get people on the new bay bridge, is to have extensive hearings is to look at what went wrong, what can we learn from this experience and who should be held accountable for the mistakes. spot >> reporter: clifford kron 4 news. >> pam: happening now in oakland. neighbors are gathering for a vigil for sandra coke. alecia? >> reporter: right behind me is her home and to see just a few people with candles. they're expecting a few more neighbors to come out. sandra kaul, left her house to fall on and lead of what happened to her missing dog. now police believe that they work together the night she became missing. he is in jail held be held without bail in regards to a parole violation that has nothing to do with this case. santa coke has been a ban on this block for at least a decade. she will be deeply missed that is for shore. she was a very nice and friendly person. she would go to work and come back and never heard anything wrong over there. she was a very and good neighbor her and her daughter. i am trying not to cry. i feel really bad for her daughter and i have a 14 year-old daughter myself so i know what so i could just imagine what she is, and i feel bad for the family. she had a very pretty smile. >> reporter: neighbors are still trying to wrap their heads from this tragedy. >> pam: new tonight at 8-- >> pam: a 10-year old boy who was antioch. underwent his second surgery at the u- c davis medical center today. hunter kilbourne's mother says, he has been battling a fever and infection. since he got to the hospital. officials say. he was mauled by his neighbors pitbulls on sunday. >> pam: he suffered multiple cuts to his face, head and arms. and his ear was nearly severed. doctors are trying to figure >> pam: out if the attack caused nerve damage which could leave part of his face paralyzed. the boy still has a number of surgeries ahead of him, and is expected to remain in the hospital for the next few weeks. >> pam: developing tonight-- >> pam: anderson is discussing her terrifying ordeal. less than a week after being rescued from her accused kidnapper in the idaho wilderness. the father of the 16- year- old asked for privacy this week. so hannah can heal in peace. >> pam: so some people are surprised that the teenager, who was kidnapped by a family friend, a man who police say, murdered her mother and brother -- is talking and answering questions --- on social media. >> pam: catherine heenan reports. >> catherine: experts are already debating whether this was a healthy outlet for hannah anderson. or just plain strange. goingshe posted several photos of herself. including photos with her cat. the manicure she just got. and the note she says she wrote to her mother and younger brother - killed by abductor james dimaggio. >> catherine: it says."in the clouds i'll meet you again." >> catherine: and in general.the 16-year-old does not seem upset. some question the wisdom of the online posts. >> "this is a 16-year-old who's totally traumatized, she's in a state of trauma and so she's not thinking. sometimes in a numb state you do things that you don't really consider the consequences." >> catherine: hannah also answered questions from strangers. including - did you want to go with dimaggio? no - not at all. why didn't you run? he would have killed me. >> catherine: why didn't you tell your parents he creeped you out? in part, he was my dad's best friend and i didn't want to ruin anything between them. >> catherine: she shed new light on the night she was kidnapped and the bodies of her mother and brother burned in james dimaggio's house. someone asked how did >> catherine: he separate you from your mom and brother? he tied them up in the garage. how did he keep the fire a secret? he had it set where it would catch fire at a certain time. >> catherine: and some questions were blunt. did he rape you? i'm not allowed to talk about it so don't ask questions, thank you. >> catherine: are you glad he's dead? absolutely." >> catherine: today, kron 4 also talked to missing child advocate marc klaas -- of the klass kids. >> pam: foundation-- to get his thoughts on kidnap victim hannah anderson. sharing her story online. >> it seems like terribly and risky behavior that she is online talking to a bunch of anonymous people. asking deeply personal questions about the ordeal that she just went through. look what she has gone through hundred she has gone through things that most people cannot even imagine. and you know what, she has been a victim of a horrible crime. and i'm sure she's validation now. probably more than she ever has before. before." >> catherine: >> pam: hannah also said, she wishes she could go back in time and risk her life -- to save her family. she adds. she will never forgive herself for not trying harder. this morning -- someone disabled the account -- and her postings were removed. >> pam: it has been five weeks since the disappearance of an oakland toddler. of a car, while her father ran into a store. >> pam: tonight -- friends and family are hoping to keep little daphne on the forefront of everyone's mind. those taking part in the walk made the trek from oakland police department to city hall then ended in a prayer. daphne's family feels that the investigation and the efforts of oakland police have come to a halt. to now have any leads or information it not to have any thing i just cannot understand/? but authorities say that's in court today. the >> pam: prosecution made its closing arguments in the tral of suspected serial killer joseph naso. >> pam: the two- month trial centers around four murder charges against naso. >> pam: prostitutes with matching first and last initals in their names. and dumping their bodies in rural areas. >> pam: the 79- year old, one time photographer, has pleaded not guilty and is representing himself. naso is expected to begin his closing argument on friday. if found guilty, the 79- year-old defendant could receive the death penalty >> pam: today family and friends of a 17-year-old who was shot seven years ago gathered at the spot he was killed aubrey abrakasa was shot and killed at the intersection of grove and baker street in san francisco in 2006 >> pam: his killer was never found, today his mother spoke about the pain she has felt for the past seven years. everyone knows who killed my son. the police knows, the dea knows, and the mayor knows. and i still haven't received any justice. >> pam: are asking anyone who has any information in the case to contact police. >> pam: an attempted murder suspect is behind bars tonight. police say a man wanted for two attempted homicides was today. authorities say kenneth thompson, in one incident, shot into a parked car last year in antioch. hitting 3 people. one was partially paralyzed. >> pam: police say he also took part in another murder attempt in antioch in 2010. thompson also has a prior conviction for assault with a deadly weapon. >> reporter:developing tonight--- tonight, the government says close to 300 people have died..including 43 police officers. >> reporter:and about two- thousand more hurt. as peaceful protests turn into war zones. it's the highest single day death toll since the uprising in 20-11. month-long state of emergency. here's melisa raney with the latest. >> reporter:chaos as egyptian security forces and supporters of ousted president mohamed morsy go head to head. egyptian state t-v says hundreds of people are dead. >> reporter:the country's bloodiest single day since the 2011 revolution. we hear heavy weapons and then the helicopters were dropping tear gas from above. >> reporter:the violence began early wednesday with egyptian security forces storming two massive makeshift camps filled with morsy supporters. bulldozing tents and escorting away hundreds of protesters. many refused to leave, even in the face of bulldozers and surrounded by the injured and dead. >> reporter:we selected a president. our president must come back. this is it. we are not coming home. we ar se ourselves or we will die. >> reporter:a month-long state of emergency has been declared. along with a curfew for several cities. the united states says it strongly opposes a return tourging the government and people to come to peace. violence is simply not a solution in egypt or anywhere else. violence will not create a road map for egypt's future. violence government. >> reporter:i'm melisa raney reporting. >> reporter:as you heard secretary of state john kerry say, the deadly assault against supporters of ousted president mohammed morsi has been criticized in the u-s. and condemned in muslim nations. >> pam: tonight we're learning that the two pilots killed in a a distress call. >> pam: the n-t-s-b says the plane -- a cargo flight operated by u-p-s -- broke into pieces, scattering the bulk of debris over about a 300-yard area. >> pam: local officials confirmed no one on the ground was injured and no buildings were hit. the n-t-s-b says investigators are waiting to collect some key pieces of it appears the aircraft went through trees and impacted toward the bottom of the heel, where a fireball where there's evidence of fire. then it went up the hill where it came to the top of the hill and came to its final resting point. >> pam: the airbus jet went down near birmingham- shuttlesworth international airport. just a half-mile north of the runway. >> pam: crash. >> pam: bradley manning's lawyers say the army ignored signs of his emotional distress. this photo during a sentencing hearing today. it shows the army private dressed as a woman - with a blonde wig and make-up. manning had sent the photo to his sergeant in an e- mail titled "my problem". a military psychologist testified manning struggled with gender identity problems. >> pam: his lawyers are trying to convince a judge to show some leniency. manning was convicted last month of espionage and other charges for leaking classified information to wiki-leaks. he apologized today, saying >> pam: his actions hurt people *and the united states." the billahead at eight. bayarea authorities bust one of the biggest and most toxic marijuana operations in the state. we'll show you where it was uncovered. it's a story you'll only here on kron 4. >> pam: plus: >> pam: also coming up new at 8-- >> jacqueline: low clouds have settled in and and how extensive with the fog be tomorrow morning will take a look at the fault trecker ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ new tonight at 8-- >> pam: >> pam: there's no shortage of questionable behavior on the first day of school at one south bay school. >> pam: kron 4's stanley roberts shows us. in this edition of people behaving badly. >> reporter:it's back to school for some, well in this case it thad but hey i could be wrong, nope i'm right back to driving school scary but true >> reporter:yes it's that time of the year again .the parents dream to drop that little one off to school for a few hours >> reporter:so i'm at grant elementary in san jose on the very first day of school and no you don't get pass just because it's the fist day >> reporter:remember to always read the signs, first off the speed limit is 25 when children are presents stay off your cell phone unless it's hands free it's not only illegal it's a huge distraction if you absolutly must double park, please for the love of god don't take your kids out on the traffic side that my friend is an accident just waiting to happen >> reporter:respect the bus zones, if it says no parking you might want to consider a different place, but blocking someones driveway. not a good option >> reporter:and speaking about respecting buses, if you happen upon a school bus with read flashing lights do not pass the ticket is well into the 700 dollar range no that was not a misquote i said well into the 700 dollar range >> reporter: keep this in mind your children emulate every thing you do so teach by example in san jose stanley roberts kron 4 news shot >> pam: we also have a 'back to kron-4 mobile app. it includes slideshows, stories, and links to test scores. you can also find back to school information on our facebook page. and on kron4 dot com. >> pam: the california supreme court has refused to stop gay marriages in the state. this latest legal challenge came from supporters of proposition 8-- the voter approved ban on same-sex marriages in california. the ban was struck down. and that decision later upheld by the u-s supreme court this past june. recently, prop 8 supporters had asked the *state supreme court to stop the weddings, arguing that the federal court action applied only to the two couples who filed the federal lawsuit.and the counties in which they live. >> pam: todays unanimous state supreme court allowed gay marriages to continue. >> reporter: state tam coming up and the attacker report i will introduce you to a new technology that could significantly help with back pain. >> gary: how far will they come back the a's are working tonight in what is the end most invaluable what working tonight in what is the end most invaluable what is the most valua living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles rethink possible. 0 to 60? or 60 to 0? [ tires screech ] how a car performs in a quarter-mile? [ engine revs ] or a quarter-century? is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving. to us, performance is not about doing one thing well. it is about doing everything well. because in the end... everything matters. the best or nothing. that is what drives us. gabe slate tech report >> reporter: >> is the second most common peak reason why people go to the doctor, back pain. this helps to improve your posture and the reason my posture is important because is related to the strength confident appearance and breeding. but the hard part about posture to remember >> reporter: is is how it works you put the straps under your clothes is pretty light and comparable. when you stretch when stretched its vibrant spiriates. >> reporter: if you slouch when standing or sitting or in a good position and your avatar is a green with a happy face. this features and monitors and improve your posture and the way you sit or stand and sleep. it tracks the way you walk and how long do you have sat for. research is showing that is compared to smoking if you're sitting for long career of time you could be shaving years off of your life. one way to be healthier if to stand up more often take a stretch and sit back down. i can see how often i have been standing >> reporter: for more information go to bloom all back dot com. >> pam: coming up on kron 4 news at 8-- a kron4 exclusive. we show you one of the most toxic and polluted marijuana grow sites in the state. andplus: quarterback turned cover model? >> pam: our grant lodes has what magazine colin kaepernick is gracing the pages of. and what people and teammates are saying about it. >> pam: and: prince william making the first solo appearance since his son's royal birth. how the young prince george is doing >> jacqueline: and it was a little cooler out there today in certain spots with below average temperatures up and livermore we were above average in santa rosa well above average. i will show you temperatures in your neighborhood coming up in just a little bit (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: now at 8-30. nfl quarterback. turned cover model? 49ers star colin kaepernick is gracing the pages of this month's g-q magazine. grant lodes joins us now with.the buzz about the kapernick cover.grant. >> reporter: 0 plenty of the above. men, women and kids talking about the kapernick cover! some say was with leatherjacket and sweat pants combo parent opened the magazine and was the influence of other pictures and some covered up. how about that? rocking the yellow car again. card again. removing his clothes for the camera is nothing new parent let's not forget that bag in 1974 joe namath was afraid to show some scant on the cover of people magazine. a whole lot of people are talking about this kapernick cover monique: i'll buy the kapernick issue, 'for the articles.':- nando: he's on a rookie contract still, he's tryna get paid while his brand is hot. aaron: c'mon man. you a model or a quarterback? >> reporter: i think someone might be a little jealous. harbaugh comment: "no" >> reporter:hits newstands august 20th. gary radnich goes in depth.taking our coverage of kapernick and his big >> pam: it is being called one of the most toxic, most polluted marijuana grow sites in all of california. the sprawling garden in a thank remote part of santa clara county. was raided early this morning. we have pictures from the site now and a look at the environmental damage. in this report you will see only on kron 4 news. >> pam: here's kron4's rob fladeboe. >> reporter: two hours drive from san jose, at the end of a dusty dirt road and then down a steep ravine, deputies and game wardens found upwards of 8-thousand marijuana plants soaking up the late summer sunshine. the growers, thought to be armed and willing to protect a crop said to be worth men millions, had cleared out. there would be no shootout with the cops with time. >> reporter:the pot is one thing bit the growers, thought to be part left behind an environmental disaster. >> reporter:aisde from the piles trash, rat poison and human waste discovered here, water has been diverted from a stream that feeds coyote creek which is a source of drinking water for san jose. water now contaminated with deadly poison. >> this is just some of the pesticides, fertilizers, batteries and other materials hauled from the site. there is also evidence the growers had already harvested and processed mature plants and were hoping for a second crop, much of which is grown beneath low-growing trees, spread across several remote canyons where the only way to find it is by helicopter at wampum >> reporter: much of which is located beneath slow-growing tree spread across several prominent canyons where the owner would find it is by helicopter at the end of the role in the setup man of valley near mount hamilton rob fladeboe kron 4 news news. >>still ahead-- >> pam: two real housewives of new jersey stars are in trouble. >> jacqueline: at this hour would stay warm to mount? i will have that answer coming up. [ female announcer ] jump-start your day with mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. home of the irresistible sausage burrito. ♪ and freshly brewed premium roast coffee you love. plus other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. ♪ every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ when within >> reporter:he's on paternity leave from his job with the military, but took time to meet with young farmers in the equivalent of a county fair.william said about his three week old son george. . "he's pretty loud but of course very good-looking!" >> reporter:william's wife, katherine, gave birth to little george last month after 9 months of careful watch by royal followers around the world. >> reporter:the couple known for a reality show are now starring in a legal soap opera. teresa and joe guidice appeared in federal court this afternoon. the stars of the "real housewives of new jersey" are facing a 39-count indictment. among the charges they face.conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and making false statements on loan applications. >> reporter:the guidices.who are being tried together.both pleaded not guilty today. they're free on 500-thousand dollars bail and are no longer being held to travel restrictions. a trial date is set for october eighth. news. >> reporter: desi with his pet raccoon. deborah koons is now passed away we'll show you the whole bizarre things coming up. also ahead tonight is facebook trying to make itself more celebrity friendly. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles rethink possible. >> pam: cisco systems is cutting workforce. the company cites the difficult economic climate as the reason for the 4 thousand layoffs, which are set to begin in 2014. cisco designs, manufactures and sells networking equipment. >> pam: shares of cisco stock plunged ten percent in after-hours trading today at the news. >> pam: now for today's market update. u-s stocks closed lower today. investors are focused on news about when the federal reserve will start to slow its bond-buying program. >> pam: here are the final numbers. the dow fell 113 points. the nasdaq dropped 15. and the s-and-p 500 fell eight. >> reporter:facebook is trying to be more celebrity- friendly. the social network site is getting ready to unveil new v-i-p features for famous folks. these changes will allow stars to keep a close eye on chatter.and interact with their fans much more easily. testing on these features will soon start with a limited group of celebs. facebook hopes these adjustments will persuade people to spend less time on other websites, like twitter. over the past few months facebook has introduced hashtags, trending topics and embedded posts. and here's what some of you are saying about it on our kron4 facebook page. parag says "to be honest, i think facebook has taken a step in the right direction. this is something similar to what we have on twitter called 'verified account'. it also makes easier for the users to trust the vip profiles." judy says "most celebs don't have time to be online so their assistant will be talking with you!! i'd rather be able to talk directly to the white house!!" >> pam: you will see what the pair is no longer dancing together. >> jacqueline: live look at the cemetery bridge with a low cloud coverage making its way back [ male announcer ] with at&t, you're sure to get a better bundle. just choose the 2, 3, even 4 services you want to build the bundle that works for you. [ female announcer ] call at&t now! choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month, our new low price. get the same great price for 2 years. plus, switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] with u-verse high speed internet connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices to your wireless gateway and save on smartphone and tablet data usage at home. and now choose from internet speeds up to 45 megs, our fastest speed ever. with u-verse tv, you can record up to four shows at once with a total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ female announcer ] so call at&t now. to choose a u-verse triple play bundle for just $79 a month. get the same great price for 2 years. plus, switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] choose at&t and build your bundle. it's whatever works for you. ♪ video >> reporter: ok fail little explanation here rebecca is this guy's leg is wrecked homes. mark brown and self- proclaimed prescribed hill bowling the show passed away in earlier this year and mark: murphy brown adopted that smaller red cones spirit tennessee wildlife agency showed up last month took rebecca away and now mark and his girlfriend are reckless and list try to get the back-to-back he signed on for a pilot reality tv series. obviously that is that the jacqueline >> jacqueline: still at 90 degrees and concord pleasanton and livermore hitting 74 degrees. it as we look ahead tonight t returning.l be more widespread. you will see sunshine tomorrow afternoon with temperatures slightly cooling trend heading into the weekend. continuing tomorrow morning out the door we get up to more fault than what we saw today. fog. that's where will remain by a clearing to the north. by 10:00 the fall will link their along the east bay shore lines. not much change from what we saw today 66 in san for cisco for ease the shores '60s and '70s 73 and san leandro. 89 in pleasanton for the south bay largely in the '80s. 82 in san jose and 90 and morgan hill. back into the '80s for the most part. and 84 and napa. cooler tomorrow and cooler still to friday and saturday. but not very dramatic to slightly cooler. by tuesday and wednesday less extensive follow-up coverage meaning slightly warmer conditions. was kron4 new mobile app is free weekend valid today. >> pam: and sports kapernick makes a great coverage coming up gary has all the sports (male announcer): now, the orchard supply sports report with gary radnich. >> gary: good evening everyone!giants fan wearing an orange feather boa. bottom 2nd, 1-0 giants tim lincecum pitching he gives up a solo home run to left to ian desmond. 1-1 tie bottom 4th, 1-1 tie anthony rendon hammers one to center 2 runs score rbi double for rendon nationals take the lead 3-1 >> gary: 2 batters later lincecum throws a wild pitch rendon comes into score 4-1 nationals nationals added two more runs in the inning 6-1 nationals lincecum: 6.0 innings, 6 runs, 7 hits top 8th, 6-1 nationals >> gary: brandon belt launches one into the 2nd deck in right field belt now tied for the team lead in home runs with 14 6-2 nationals 3 batters later pablo sandoval doubles to right field buster posey and hunter pence score cuts lead in half 6-4 nationals bottom 8th 6-4 nationals >> jacqueline: >> gary: the patriots suffered a scare today when quarterback tom brady suffered a knee injury during practice. here's a fan video of the injury patriots offensive lineman nate solder fell down onto brady's left knee during an 11 on 11 scrimage it's the same knee where brady tore his acl in 2008. however mri's were negative and the injury is described as a left knee sprain. he is considered day to day. >> gary: the lowest ticket price and marlin miami marlins for $1 $1! >> gary: colin kaepernick's busy offseason continued wednesday the star quarterback will be featured on the cover of gq see him here without a shirt still not showing as much as he did on espn the maganize's the body issue. kaepernick is now preparing to play his former mentor, as the 49ers take on alex smith and the kansas city chiefs this friday for their second preseason game. today kaep had nothing but love for smith. so, i would not be as far along as i am without him. but he's a great guy and his head has always helped me and put the team first. he's an all-around guy. great guy. >> gary: raiders left tackle jared veldheer is out indefinitely after tearing his triceps at training camp. the 26-year-old veldheer is considered one of the raiders best offensive players and protects matt flynn's blind side. however new reports say the muscle is believed to be only partially torn, and doctors believe veldheer should be available for much of the season. >> gary: i've never had so much attention because i was when it appeared tonight, i normally come home to the show and go home and play chess with my wife and then i come back. i am not the man i used to be a pyrrhic >> pam: (laughter) >> gary: before this by time the story was told i was on the trapezes i was swinging etc. etc. >> gary: everyone cared about my health and i want to say thank you and i say thank everyone again station that cares kron 4. i am all tired tonight >> pam: leader dickey alum (laughter) lead vicki along...leave vickie alone! >> gary: the most valauble in the nfl. >> jacqueline: nfl remains the most lucrative league in the world, here are the latest values according to forbes 1. dallas cowboys $2.3 billion 2. new england patriots $1.8 billion 3. washington redskins $1.7 billion 10. san francisco 49ers $1.2 billion 32. oakland raider $825 >> gary: jurgen klinsmann and team usa playing an international friendly against bosnia bosnia took a 2-0 lead in the 1st half 2-1 bosnia, 59th minute >> gary: jozy altidore buries one from 16 yards out to tie the game 2-2 tie 2-2 tie, 84th minute altidore again this time off the free kick he bends into the back of the net take another look at this incredible goal usa leads 3- 2 3-2 usa, 86th minute altidore completes the hat trick he scores from 8 yards out 4-2 u.s.a. final- 4-3 u.s.a team record 12th straight win for the u.s.a >> gary: ever seen this somewhat creepy commercial featuring brad pitt? well a's outfielder josh >> gary: reddick picked up on it's weirdness and decided to do his best pitt impersonation >> gary: reddick impersonates brad pitt >> gary: cnn tonight goodnight ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. right now, get a 2013 chevrolet volt for around $269 per month. i i hahaveve no idea whats's go. mamaybybe e you're the originalo wiwithth c curly fries and. whwhy y ththe cowboy hat? yoyou'u'rere the barbecue chi babacocon,n, cheese, and barb. yoyou u alalso come with cu9 bububbbbleles! i i hahaveve no idea what's goi. jujustst go with it. thisdidiren ♪

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