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70s. Rain, john, thank you for that. Still pretty early on a friday. So traffic for the mostnpart is still pretty light heading into the city right now. Maze to that pretty much the exit about 7 minutes for you to make that drive. Lets check on the san mateo bridge year as youre traveling across towards the peninsula, a 80 to 101. 13 minutes for you making your way. Lets check on the richmond. Sandra fell bridge of just under 8 minutes tolls to 101 for you. There. And the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls about 90 minutes on this friday morning. Well, the time for use now 04 31am and Violent Crimes against Asian Americans in the bay area have been on the rise since the start of the pandemic and now a popular safety app is stepping in to support the community. Kron fours while nesbitt reports on that new initiative. The citizen app normally cost 20 a year for a premium account but will now be free for thousands of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders giving them a new sense of security. For can do one downloaded the time the citizen app was added to phones during this meeting in San Francisco you go, whether its right down the street to the park. Its a director of Government Affairs and Public Policy for the app. Trevor chandler offering premium accounts for free as hate crimes against the Asian American community. Increased 600 since the pandemic started. They ever feel unsafe. They can reach out to one of our safety agents. 24 7, and they can connect them to emergency services. They can utilize the power of our community to let folks know whats going on around them. The goal is to give away Free Membership to 20,000 aap i people, especially women, seniors and other vulnerable community. President of the oakland chinatown, chamber of commerce, karl chan is encouraging people to take advantage of what the citizen app offers. Im so appreciative that people are trying. You know, i think a ways to protect the people on thursday, representatives help guide new members to the app and explain situations where it will help to train the community on how to use the app because its not we dont feel its enough just to give it away. We want to make sure people know how to use it in the most effective way possible. Everyone in the room hoping to avoid becoming a victim of a hate crime videos of attacks against the ap. I community becoming all too familiar in the bay area. Someone in your pocket just to make sure that youre saying. But if anyone here does find themselves in an unsafe scenario, a citizen agent will be available to help. And a 3rd of the bay area is also asian. And thats why just made perfect sense for us to be a part of the solution here and launched this massive effort in the bay area. The commitment by the citizen app to fight asian hate with free premium accounts costs around 5 Million Dollars and is being paid for by the good water collective. Reporting in the newsroom. Im rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. Resident has been found guilty of threatening to kill San Francisco state. Senator scott wiener. The Death Threats coming after wiener introduced legislation that would allow teens to receive the Covid Vaccine without the permission of the parents. 51 yearold eritrean a was found guilty on 7 of the 8 count. He was charged with including criminal threat and illegal gun possession. Were now learning that a High School Football coach was shot earlier this week while trying to break up a fight. Investigators say that shooting happened tuesday afternoon at the high school. They say the fight of all students and a group of unknown men. Thats when defensive corps nato, joe pitts trauma stepped in before he got shot by suspects. You fire from a dark colored sedan as they drove away. The coach is recovering from his injuries. Police are still looking for the suspects. Well soon some lowincome families in Mountain View will be getting a helping hand. Theres a new program called elevate in v. Its going to dole out a couple 100 every month for 2 years to those who need it. Most 166 families are going to be randomly selected to receive 500 per month for the next 2 years. It must be a mountain, the resident and be considered extremely low income, which means they make below 30 of area Median Income participants also have to be a parent or a custodial care taker for at least one child below the age 18, a pregnant at the time of the application immigration status and housing are not factors. Cost of living in Mountain View is distressingly high. The average price of a singlefamily home is 2. 9 Million Dollars. 56 of county residents are renters. According to the 2020 American Community survey 6 and a half percent of our citys residents live in poverty. With inflation, exacerbating financial hardship. Our elevate him be guaranteed basic income pilot program. Well provide desperately needed relief for many extremely lowincome families in our community. Well, these are direct cash payments, no strings attached. Theyre going to have autonomy to spend the money as they please. And to manage their own finances based on their own needs. People can apply starting friday at 08 00am on the Mountain View dot gov website and they have until the 25th to submit what selected first payments are going to be out sometime in december. For your money this morning, while the cost of that new home you want to buy maybe down somewhat from earlier in the year. Thats being offset by a spike in Mortgage Rates. The 30 year fix rate climbing above 6 this week. More than double where it was a year ago and the highest its been since 2008, anne mcclain with Coldwell Banker says this everincreasing hike in Mortgage Rates. Just one change. The Housing Market has seen over the last several months. The competitiveness is gone. Theres not these 10, 15 offers on a house were seeing maybe one or 2 at 3 are for the most last can competition, less craziness last way over bidding pages are pricing homes better at more, like transparent pricing. Well, experts say Mortgage Rates are rising because the u. S. Still doesnt have a handle on inflation. The fed has been raising Interest Rates in hopes its going to squeeze demand a lead to Lower Consumer prices. So far that hasnt happened. They say economic recovery will happen. The Mortgage Rates and thats our moving down until the first or 2nd quarter of next year. Until that time, they advise families not to overextend themselves of the house. They cannot afford. Another earthquake shaking the bay area. This time it was a 2. 9 magnitude rumbling. Berkeley thursday morning, people near clermont avenue felt the earthquake around 02 00am just south of the cal campus. No damage reported is the second earthquake reported this week following santa rose 4. 4 magnitude quake on tuesday night. Kron 4 is your local election headquarters. And with november just around the corner withoa new poll, those results are out showing california stand on several key state propositions. Capitol correspondent Eytan Wallace shares with us. Some of those findings. Poll asked californians yea or nay on propositions ranging from abortion to the environment to Online Sports betting that as voters are weighing in on the top issues that matter most to less than 2 months until election day. A new poll from the Public Policy institute of california or ppi see for short. Shows whats top of mind for many californians. Results from the survey of just over 1700 people, sort of all the issues facing the state jobs, the economy and inflation fell at the top of the list with homelessness and housing. Rounding up the top 3, we have seen economy really take friend this the Economy Today were defined around inflation and rising prices in the propositions. 69 1 of those polled indicated they support prop one to enshrine abortion rights into the constitution. Prochoice groups say its vital. This measure passes, naming these rights in the state constitution. That makes it much stronger. That ensures that regardless of the political winds are political shifts in california, the rights to abortion and contraception is truly protected for generations to come. This is a very radical move. Kate is not health care and that we should send a message back to these very radical proabortion legislators that this is not something that california wants. The poll also finding a majority of californians support prop 30 if passed, it would increase income taxes for people who earn more than 2 Million Dollars per year. Revenue from that would go toward subsidies and charging stations for 0 emission cars and resources to fight fires. But theres another prop not so popular. Prop 27, the proposal to allow Online Sports betting in california, even with supporters saying it will generate new funds for homelessness and gambling addiction programs. 54 1 of those surveyed are opposed. And in the race for governor, democrat gavin newsom leads his republican opponent, senator brian dolly by 27 points. But dolly points out the poll also shows likely voters say 49 to 48 the state is heading in the wrong direction when it cause a crisis. And its because of the policies im giving californians an opportunity to have change. And a better future. And going back to the propositions for a moment. Prop 27 is not to be confused with prop 26, which would allow inperson Sports Betting at tribal casinos and for horse racing tracks across the state, ppi c plus release a poll on prop. 26 next month reporting here at the California State Capitol wallace kron. 4 news. Well, its been one month since thousands of Mental Health care workers at kaiser started a strike. The workers say its not about money as that issue has been settled, but they continue to picket demanding kaiser hire more workers so they can have more time dealing with existing cases. And so that patients could have their needs. Met quicker. The strike is in the bay area and sacramento, kaiser locations. The 2 sides met at the bargaining table yesterday. Still no deal. We reached out to kaiser for response. They say, quote, we have the deepest appreciation and gratitude for our Mental Health professionals and the extraordinary care they provide to our members. We remain committed to reaching a fair and equitable agreement. That is good for our clinicians and our patients. Well, a tentative deal has been reached to avert a National Railroad strike. And truck has announced a number of cancellations along california are out in anticipation of that strike after that deal was reached. The agency says it is working to restore service. The white house broker the deal after 20 hours negotiations on wednesday night, israel workers at 24 pay raise in 5,000 in bonuses. Coming up next on the kron. 4 morning news. Were live look in borders in london seeking help with their grief after the loss of their solver. Well have more on this after the break. Well, it has been an emotional few days for mourners who have spent hours in line to pay their respects to the queen. But there is support after they say their goodbyes as a matter of taking a live look at moores filing past her coffin right before we went on air. Notice was sent out that its a 14 hour. Wait and the people need to stop getting in line. Kate corridor has more in london. We love that thing. Just Great Service to the country. With honor and privilege to be just to pay tribute queen elizabeth. The second lying in state for a second full day. Hundreds of thousands of mourners spending hours in a line that stretches miles at times waiting to pay their respects to britains longest reigning monarch from children young enough to only remember for Platinum Jubilee this year. Here i special to shes i very shocked me to those who feel like theyre losing a family member. Fading light with your mom that shes throughout my life. Its always been that way. And you just think always so this case, ive got to come to us. Its been an emotional tribute for many who have only known this one monarch in their lifetimes will some very special. And youre getting emotional which is why a team of interfaith chaplain has been on standby, ready to comfort those who are overcome by the moment. I dont think many people aware of how they were going to feel once start just saying a coffin draped in a flag. So just some may just they need just be able to dress know how to give us to pull off to as they deal with their emotions in an effort, they say inspired by the queen herself he made sure that, you know, the people because what brooke together would get together peacefully. And with prospect together peacefully. Thats what everybody that is. New the biggest gift we know its given us. Well, that was katie corridor reporting for us now. Queen elizabeth funeral is scheduled for monday. Dignitaries from around the globe, including President Joe Biden are expected to be in attendance there. And were going to bring you updates from that on monday as well. Howell rain may be returning to our forecast, but this storm will be enough to in the ongoing drought. Sadly. California has really seen significant rainfalls and months and the latest map from the u. S. Drought monitor shows that almost all of california is still expecting severe to exceptional drought conditions. That includes the bay area. Californias rainy season doesnt officially start until october for still getting moisture in september is some good news. And john anticipating all the Different Things i can get done with the little rain that we are expected to get, maybe not water the good morning to it is so odd to get rain in september. Our average the bay area sees route 207 inch. Of rain on the whole month of september. So if we even see a quarter of an inch of rainfall from this system, which is looking very likely will exceed that by over 1000 . So that tells you something. Just how out of the normal it is to see such an earlyseason rainmaker like this. What weve got outside today is another dry one. So today and tomorrow, your days to take advantage of get outside, enjoy what will be a very pleasant start to the weekend. Youve got winds pushing in from the west and a wider range of winds than yesterday. But enough to keep temperatures moderated today will be a touch warmer than yesterday and back into the low 80s but fully enjoy sunshine. Those 70s and 80s much appreciated considering later this weekend. This system is heading down our direction right now. This Rainmaker Center up along the gulf of alaska where its actually producing some pretty high swell up there around the anchorage area. This is a powerful storm and one of the reasons its pushing or write down our direction and will leave us with such earlyseason rain looking likely that the north bay will be the big winners out of this with lighter amounts for most of the rest of us in the bay come sunday into monday. Do expect those showers really fizzling out after that rainfall projections at this point, definitely the most significant north of the golden gate and less further south sundays rainfall amounts anywhere from a 10th to quarter of an inch of rain. For most of us south of the golden gate you head north of there will iee anywhere from half an inch to an inch of it out on top of that mondays rainfall in areas like santa rosa could see upwards of 2 inches of rainfall from this definitely lighter amounts further south towards san jose. Maybe a 10th of an inch of it. So you see that wide range right there. Regardless. This is an earlyseason rainmaker. So appreciative for it, especially considering the drought that rain or just talked about 60s at the coast, 70s along the bay shore. And then weve got 80s for some of our inland areas today, Fremont Hayward up through oakland in the 70s. Well, livermore and pleasanton the low 80s danville through concord. Also back into the low 80s today with antioch, 83 vacaville. 84, 2 of our warmest spots, napa. 77, Beautiful Day in wine country. Enjoy today and tomorrow out there than sunday and maybe rain in those plans a little bit as we are going to be looking so wet monday, showers likely lingering could see a lingering sprinkle tuesday, but not very likely fall technically kicks off on thursday. So we are ending summer on a much more fall like reyna. Tom, thank you for that. Ok, let look at your traffic this morning. 72 ryan mays to that fremont street exit. San mateo bridge, a 80 to want to one about 12 minutes heading across towards the peninsula. Richmond, sandra fell bridge a 7 minute ride as you travel out of richmond. Lets check on the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls about 19 minutes on this friday morning. One of the most popular and controversial Tech Companies in the world. They still be open. A new office in san jose byte dance. Thats the Parent Company of tiktok. Theyve reportedly brokered a deal to sublease over 650,000 square feet of prime office space in north san jose. Thats across the street from the airport. According to the mercury news of the deal goes through, it would be one of the south bays Biggest Office rental deals of the year. Theres a lot of controversy surrounding tiktok lately, including user data allegedly being accessed by that Chinese Government in testimony on capitol hill this week over rampant information, misinformation on the app. Well, potential signs of ancient life on mars have been dug up by the perseverance rover. Thats all according to nasa. Scientists speaking at the jet Propulsion Laboratory in pasadena while investigating the site of an ancient river. Delta rover dug up a few samples of organic matter. Perseverance has been poking around near the jet 0 crater that scientists believe is likely lake some 3 and a half million years ago. While organic matter has been collected before on mars. This time it was collected in an area where life may have once existed. The 12 rock samples, the rover dug up are the most promising fine of the mission so far, which began 18 months ago. Not only held a lake at one point, but prior to that likely prior to it, it also had active volcanism and possibly even a lava lake filling that creator. So theres some complexity there that we havent actually expected. Scientists say they will be able to get a more accurate reading of the rock samples composition wants analyze back on earth sometime in that 2030s. Were going to be right back after the break. Wel on this friday feels so good to say that. Now i want to stress enjoy today and tomorrow outside as much as you can because come sunday, weve got a little bit of a weather switch up for us. Thats going to bring some earlyseason rainfall very likely to the bay area love to be talking. That just dont be surprised by your view outside this morning. Little on the gray side. Weve got the low gray hanging out over San Francisco as well as other spots. Skies will clear nicely this afternoon at the coast. Expect some 60s jacket where the outright along the shoreline, 70s for most of the rest of the bay, although some low 80s further inland, this is going make a slightly warmer than we were yesterday. Right now, temps mostly in the 50s to 60s. So definitely get those jackets as youre stepping out at this moment. Rain. Tom, thank you for that. Will starting settles a theyre going to kicking off hispanic heritage month. Celebrations with. Some live performances, art and food vendors from september 15th to october, 15th, the county celebrated cultures and stories of hispanir and latino communities. Thursday, mexico coaster rica el salvador, guatemala, honduras and nicaragua also celebrated their independence. Well, coming up the next hour, several people are injured after a car crashes into a trader joes in castle valley. Were going break down what we know of the case so far. And theres a new study. This is san jose has the worst housing in the u. S. Have a live report breaking that all down. And the 7 tail Sheriffs Office is allegedly listening in on inmates correspondents with their attorneys. Were going hear why the attorneys say that this infringes on their clients right. Well be right back. So stay with us. From the areas local news station, youre watching the kron. 4 morning far. Good morning, everybody. Thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. It is friday. Im james and im are you this morning excited about the weekend that has excited for a change in the weather on hoping that this rain might. Hopefully bring us closer to the end, not of the drought, but at least a fire season. Well see morning, john. I mean, what a solid start, especially because things have been feet seeming have a dismal lately with the expanding drought been talking about this. Triple dip lineen the 3 years in a row with the new conditions. All of it was just like, oh, no. Here we go again. But looking at some showers for september, thats really early in the year. And were all hoping that maybe it could be a sign of things to come if not helpful. Rain. In the meantime, helping us with some of the wildfires we have for the time being looking outside. We do have a little bit of low grade over your east bay hills. Not so bad. We saw all week long. The morning gray followed by the afternoon sunshine. Were just keeping up with that trend for the last day of this week this afternoon. Expect temperatures a little warmer than yesterdays thats just going make for really pleasant friday. If you want some sunshine, some warmth go bask in the sun. Today is the perfect day to do so. You see that system to the north and west of us. Thats the one thats going to drop down from the gulf of alaska and bring us our late weekend rainfall. So enjoy today and tomorrow and get all those patients inside by the time sunday gets here. 50s 60s for your current temperatures. A few 40s in the north bay like in petaluma at 48 degrees. So get the jackets on this morning. Ill talk more about what else to expect for this weekends forecast. Still to come, john, thank you for that. Ok, get a look at your traffic this morning. A 7 minute ride into

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