Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 11 20170416 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 11 20170416

affect your easter sunday plans... i'm jr stone.(( justine@bam)) and i'm justine waldman... meteorologist lawrence karnow is here to tell us what to expect. lawrence karnow: it was a beautiful start to the weekend. temperatures were much warmer and we even had a few 70s. but you probably noticed the high clouds moving in as well. that's the first sign of the storm off of the coast. doppler radar still shows that we remain dry but you can see the storm headed our way. if you're going out tonight it will remain dry and a little breezy near the coast. clouds will continue to move in and on easter sunday it looks like rain. on the satellite picture you can see high pressure that brought us the nice start to our weekend. but that swirl of clouds is the storm that will bring more rain our way. our latest computer model shows the storm clouds moving in tomorrow moring. we could showers as early as 8 am in the north bay and then picking up toward noon. be light you're easter egg outdoors, you may want to bring an umbrella and a warm coat too. highs will be much and only in the 50s to low 60s. more rain is possible over the next 7 chance of a on monday and a better chance monday night and and warmer expected by week. in berkeley. competing rallies turned violent in the rallies turned competing in berkeley. in berkeley. competing rallies turned violent in the streets. police say a group of trump supporters and a group of anti-fascists clashed near civic center park. officers made more than 20 arrests and at least 11 people got hurt. the blood came from rocks, bottles, sticks, smoke bombs, and of course fist. protesters made it up to shattuck avenue before things finally started to die down. (sot) now some people questioned why police weren't preventing all the injuries from happening out here. there were plenty of officers, but a lot of the fights we saw seemed to be free-for-alls. (justine) we have team coverage tonight of the bloody demonstrations in berkeley... kron four's philippe djegal shows us another angle of the protests. (philippe)nats- "you're a fááááág white male." the discourse wasn't civil...nats- "and, if you don't starting shutting it up, we're going to take your fááááág. a fascist is in charge. you're a fááááág retard." one could argue the often vulgar discussions were irrational.nats- "you're a fááááág white male. yeah, i'm a white male. white male." caucasians blasting one another for not being on the same political side...nats- "get it, get it, get it." an african american woman strips an asian american woman of her american flag... upset over the woman's allegiance to president donald trump.sot- "(philippe) does it bother you more because she's a minority? (woman) absolutely. it makes shameful that you are not listening to what he's doing to our people. you have brown skin. brown skin. (other woman) my skin doesn't mean anything. i'm an american. i'm an american. (woman) but girl, when your family starts to get affected by it then, what? (other woman) my family came from a communist country, and my parents are very strong trump supporters and they do not want our country to become a communist country and they see us going down that slippery slope."nats- boom in and around civic center park, protestors threw m-80's into the crowd. we were forced to take cover several times. nats- "fáák." we spoke with this trump supporter who wandered into the anti-trump crowd...sot- "those are the fascists. they call me a fascist -- i ain't no racist. i ain't no racist, i ain't no fascist. i think everyone here should have a speech, but i don't think any of us should be touching each other." just minutes later... a fight broke out... and, the same man who denounced violence walked away with a bloody face.sot- "yeah, a rock hit me in the face -- it was cool. this is what we came here for. get out of here now." and, he wasn't the only one brusied and battered. all part of an ugly morning and afternoon in berkeley. nats- "fááááág racists. that's all you guys are." philippe djegal, kron four news. (jr stone) april 15th has always been tax day.. but this saturday it was all about the 'tax march'... thousands of people across the country taking part in planned protests .. hoping to put the pressure on president donald trump to make good on a campaign promise and release his tax returns. you're looking at rallies that took place in los angeles, new york and chicago.... every president and presidential nominee has made their tax returns public for the past 40 years... but president trump has failed to do so ..despite saying he would following an audit during the 2016 elections and again following the release of hillary clintion's email scandal.. rep. maxine waters / -d- ca: "we march today because while donald trump thinks he is distracting us we came to hold number 45 and his administration accountable. (cheers) mos: "this is something we want to see him do is release his taxes." butt sot "it's just an integrity thing, you know? because we were in the military, we were required to show any and every bit of information about ourselves and it showed our integrity and our commitment." (jr stone) president trump has said americans "don't care at all" about his tax returns... but polls show nearly 75 percent of americans believe he should release them. (hermela aregawi)in san francisco, thousands turned out for the tax march.many came with signs calling for the release of president trump's tax returns. congresswoman nancy pelosi was keynote speakerjoined by supervisor jane kim and others. jessica redford/indivisible sf: we're here today to demand that trump show his tax returns. we want to know whether he has any conflict of interest or if there's anything else in his financial history that would basically disqualify him for roll of san francisco, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. in santa rosa a call came through from worried parents to santa rosa police that their teen daughter was allegedly held against her will and raped inside this apartmentthey arrested her boyfriend 28-year-old norman tapia.he faces one felony count of domestic battery, false imprisonment, and unlawful sex with a minor. but neighbors were stunned by the allegations. they say in the last month they've only seen the reverse of the story. santa rosa police say tapia had an outstanding warrant for an arrest out of scotts valley for forcible rape of the same victim. in santa rosa ella sogomonian kron 4 news. ((justine/live)) coming up... more rain is making it's way to the bay area... as we take this live look at city hall lit in warriors colors... for the teams frist playoff game tomorrow. (jrs/live)) meteorologist lawrence karnow is back with your complete forecast. lawrence karnow: it was a beautiful start to the weekend. temperatures were much warmer and we even had a few 70s. but you probably noticed the high clouds moving in as well. that's the first sign of the storm off of the coast. doppler radar still shows that we remain dry but you can see the storm headed our way. if you're going out tonight it will remain dry and a little breezy near the coast. clouds will continue to move in and on easter sunday it looks like rain. on the satellite picture you can see high pressure that brought us the nice start to our weekend. but that swirl of clouds is the storm that will bring more rain our way. our latest computer model shows the storm clouds moving in tomorrow moring. we could showers as early as 8 am in the north bay and then picking up toward noon. it will mostly be light showers but if you're planning an easter egg hunt outdoors, you may want to bring an umbrella and a warm coat too. highs will be much cooler too and only in the 50s to low 60s. more rain is possible over the next 7 days. there's a chance of a few showers on monday and a better chance monday night and tuesday. dry and warmer weather is expected by the end of the week. start here with us tomorrow on you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪ use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. - 9:35 and happening today, fleet week is kicking off in san francisco, and there are events all over the city. there's a disaster response training demonstration happening over at pier 50, and that's where kron4's terisa estacio is this morning. hi terisa. - good morning darya, and good morning everyone. what's important about this kind of drill as that you guys are able... so we're doing a story about a drill. i've never really understand drills. just because it's their job to do a drill. i'm never understanding why television stations want to do a story about how people are doing their jobs.

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Berkeley , California , Center Park , Scotts Valley , Chicago , Illinois , San Francisco , Americans , American , Lawrence Karnow , Norman Tapia , Jane Kim , Nancy Pelosi , Justine Waldman , Santa Rosa Ella , Los Angeles , Philippe Nats , Jessica Redford ,

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